Differentiate Marketing Funnel and Sales Funnel. Marketing Funnel Sale Funnel
Differentiate Marketing Funnel and Sales Funnel. Marketing Funnel Sale Funnel
Differentiate Marketing Funnel and Sales Funnel. Marketing Funnel Sale Funnel
4. If you’re facing any objection from your leads and how you are going to
overcome them in order to convert them to a valuable customer of our
Always respect the position of consumer, but look at this objection as an
opportunity to get other decision-makers in the room. Identify any
underlying concern and address that specific issue. Rather than agreeing to
wait for a phone call, keep the process moving by setting up a joint
meeting with both parties or transitioning the sale to the final decision-
maker altogether.
If you can, bring up examples or case studies about their competitors who
have made some recent changes similar to the one you are suggesting. Fear
of change is a natural reaction, so you will need to calm the customer’s
concern by showing examples of positive change within the client’s
industry to provide a boost of confidence.
Regardless of whom I targeting, pricing is one of the most common objections to
a sale. For many sales professionals, the knee-jerk reaction is to immediately
offer a lower price. Instead of offering up a fast discount (which is risky and
raises questions about the value of your product), look for creative ways to show
the unique value of your product or service.
5. Explain the sale funnel with a real time example or a case study.
Targeting Organic Searchers
Now, let's look at another content-based sales funnel example, In the fashion game,
people have a lot of questions. Before you make a purchase, you might want to know
what styles are on-trend right now, or how an item fits, or what sort of pants to wear with
your new shoes. As an ecommerce brand, it pays to anticipate and respond to this type of
question. Doing this positions you as an expert, with the bonus of getting more eyes on
your site and products through organic search. You can track down those all-important
questions using a tool like Answer the Public. For instance, let's say you sell women's
footwear. One of your hottest product categories is "strappy heels." Answer the Public
tells us what people are searching for around those products.