Unity & The Abandonment of Parties by Fawzan

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Unity & the Abandonment of Parties
With Appendix

DemocrcK4: A Modern Dd4 Cduse of Disunit4

Shd4kh Sddlih FdWZddn ibn 'Abdullddh AI-FdWZddn

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First Edition: June 2011- Rajab 1432 AH

ISBN 10:0.9770581.0.7
ISBN 13:97 8.0.9770581.0.5

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BIOGRAPHY OF SHAYKH SAALIH AL-FAWZAAN ................................... 7
[NTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 10
Condition of the 'Arabs Prior to the Prophet's Mission &After it.......... 12
Concerninq the Statement. "What Brinqs People Toqether & Unites
Their Hedrts is Reliqion" ................................................................................ 15
An Historical Account of Events After the Death of the Prophet� & the
Succession [of The Caliphate] ....................................................................... 18
The Dissention Between Muslims Which Existed Prior to the 12th
Centur4 in the 'Arabian Peninsula & the Unified Countr4 After the
Reviver, Shd4kh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhaab 20 '*'............................
Concerninq the Statement. of lbn Mas'ood �: "Differinq is Evil" & the
Reasons for this Statement........................................................................... 26
lmaam Ahmad bin Hanbal's Position Reqardinq the Statement that the
Qur'aan is Created........................................................................................... 28
Q!:/EST!ON l .................................................................................................... 39
Q!:/ESTION 2 .................................................................................................... 42

Ol!ESTION 3.................................................................................................... 44
Q!JESTION 4 ......................... ..................... ........... ........... ............. ....... ............ 46
Additional lssues ............................................................................................. 47
FIRST ISSUE: Guidinq the L.Jouth .................................................................. 48
SECOND ISSUE: Arqument & Oebate........................................................ 51
THIRD ISSUE: Al Wdldd ' Wdl-Bdrdd'[Lo4alt4 & Enmit4] ..................... 54
FOURTH ISSUE: Our Situation Reqardinq the Differinq Amonq
Scholars............................................................................................................. 59
APPENDIX ONE REGARDING: Democrc'lC4: A Modern 004 Cause of
Publishers Note ............................................................................................... 64
The Harms & Evils of Democratic Elections .............................................. 67
Thanks & Appreciation .................................................................................. 68
lntroduction ....................................................................................................... 70
CHAPTER ONE: The Meaninq of "OemocraCL.( ....................................... 79
CHAPTER TWO: The Crucial Evils of the Electoral Process ................... 81
1. NOT JUDGING BY ALLAAH'S LAWS ........................................... 81
2. BLAMEWORTHY SPLITT ING & DIFFERING ............................ 82
ENMITY, & LIES IN THE SOC IETY .............................................. 86
MEANS OF FALSEHOOD ................................................................ 87
QVALIF IED CANDIDATES ............................ ............... .................. 88
OF A OISBELIEVER ............................................................ .............. 89
WOMEN ............................. .............................................. ................... 90
SECULAR PARTIES .......................... .. .................... .. .................... ...... 91

CONFRONTING THE DISBELIEVERS ......................................... 92
REJECTION ........................................................................................ 92
ENEMIES FROM THE JEWS & CHRISTIANS ............................. 94
THE GOALS THROUGH THE MEANS" ....................................... 95
THE Q1JRAAN & SUNNAH ........................................................... 95
BENEFIT IN RETURN ................................. ..................................... 97
19. BUYING VOTES & SELLING PRINCIPLES .................................. 98
20. PHOTOGRAPHING PEOPLE .......................................................... 98
INVENTED PRACTICES l N THE RELIGION) .......................... 100
WICKED FALSE PROCESS ............................................... ............ 100
THESE PARLIAMENTS ................................................................... 101

CAMPAIGN ADVERTISEMENTS .................................................. 101
RESULT JUSTIFIES THE MEANS" ............. ................. .................. 103
CHURCH & STATE" ....................................................................... 103
"MORAL FREEDOM" ...... ................................................................. 103
CHAPTER 3: Two Doubts & Refutations Aqainst Them
./ THE FIRST DOUBT: Elections are like the S4stem of Council in
lslaam................................................................................................ 105
,/ THE SECOND DOUBT: Some of the Salafee Scholars of
Ahlus-Sunnah have Passed Verdicts Citinq the Permissibilit4
for Parliamentar4 Elections .......................................................... 107
CHAPTER 4: The Salaf's Stance towards Muslim Leadership ............ 111
Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 125
APPENDIX Two REGARDING: DemOCrdCl.f A Modern Da4 Cause of
An Advice to the People Concerninq Demonstrations ...........................126
Glossar4 of lslaamic Terms Used .............................................................. 152

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. . . ,.

Biography of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

He is the noble Shaykh Dr. Saalih ibn Fawzaan ibn 'Abdullaah from
the family of Fawzaan from the people of ash-Shamaasiyyah.

He was born in 1354 A.H./1933 C.E. His father died when he was
young so he was brought up by his family. He learned the Noble
Qur' aan, the basics of reading and writing with the imaam of the
masjid of the town, who was a definitive reciter. He was the noble
Shaykh Harnood lbn Sulayrnaan atTalaal, who was later made a
judge in the town of Dariyyah (not Dar'iyyah in Riyaadh) in the
region of Qaseem.

He later studied at the state school when it opened in ash­

Shamaasiyyah in the year 1369 A.H./1948 C.E. He completed his
studies at the Faysaliyyah School in Buraydah in the year 1371
A.H./1950 C.E. and was then appointed an infant school teacher.
Then he joined the educational institute in Buraydah when it
opened in the year 1373 A.H./1952 C.E., and graduated from there
in the year 1377 A.H./1956 C.E. He then joined the Faculty of
Sharee'ah (at the University of lmaam Muhammad) in Riyaadh and
graduated in 1381 A.H./1960 C.E. Thereafter he gained his Masters
degree in Fiqh, and later a Doctorate from the same faculty, also
specializing in Fiqh.

After his graduation from the Faculty of Sharee'ah, he was appointed

a teacher within the educational institute in Riyaadh, then
transferred to teaching in the Faculty of Sharee'ah. Later, he
transferred to teaching at the Department for Higher Studies within
the Faculty of the Principles of the Religion (Usoolud-Deen). Then he
transferred to teaching at the Supreme Court of Justice, where he
was appointed the head. He then returned to teaching there after
his period of headship came to an end. Thereafter made a member


of the Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa,

where he continues to this day.

The noble Shaykh is a member of the Council of Senior Scholars,

and member of the Fiqh Committee in Makkah (part of ar-Raabitah),
and member of the Committee for Supervision of the Callers
(Du'aat) in Hajj, whilst also presiding over (his main role)
membership of the Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research
and Fataawa. He is also the Imaam, Khateeb and teacher at the
Prince Mut'ib Ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez masjid in aiMalzar.

He also takes part in responding to questions on the radio program

"Noorun 'alad-Darb", as he also takes part in contributing to a
number of Islaamic research publications at the Council for
(Islaamic) Research, Studies, Theses and Fataawa which are then
collated and published. The noble Shaykh also takes part in
supervising a number of theses at the Masters Degree and Doctorate

He has a number of students of knowledge who frequent his regular

gatherings and lessons.

He himself studied at the hands of a number prominent scholars

and jurists, the most notable of whom were:

• The noble Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz ~;

• The noble Shaykh 'Abdullaah ibn Humayd ~;
• The great Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee ~;
• The noble Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee ~;
• The noble Shaykh Saalih lbn 'Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sukaytee;
• The noble Shaykh Saalih Ibn Ibraaheem al-Bulayhee;
• The noble Shaykh Muhammad lbn Subayyal;
• The noble Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Saalih al-Khulayfee;


• The noble Shaykh lbraaheem lbn 'Ubayd al-'Abd al-Muhsin;

• The noble Shaykh Saalih al-'Alee an-Naasir;

He also studied at the hands of a number of scholars from al-Azhar

University (Egypt) who specialized in Hadeeth, Tafseer and the 'Arabic

He has played a major role in calling to Allaah, teaching, giving

Fataawa, Khutbahs and knowledgeable refutations.

His books number many; however the following are just a handful
which includes:

• Sharh arAqeedatul Waasitiyyah,

• AUrshaad ilas-SaheehiU'tiqaad,
• aiMulakhkhas aiFiqhee,
• Foods and the Rulings regarding Slaughtering and Hunting, which
is part of his Doctorate.
• They also include at-Tahqeeqaat al-Mardiyyah in Inheritance
which is part of his Masters degree.
• Further titles include Rulings relating to the Believing Women,
and a refutation of Yoosuf Qaradaawi's book aiHalaal wal-

Taken from www.fatwa-online.com

CL: Uni & the Abondonment of Porties

All praise is due to Allaah upon His favors and benevolence, and
may the peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his
family, his companions, and many salutations to them.

As for what follows: Indeed gathering the Muslims and discarding

separation between the Muslims is a lofty principle from the
principles which Allaah, {m the Most High, commanded with as well
as the Prophet ~ -

Allaah ~ Says,

"'i ~~~: ~/ ~ .&T 1,/L· i ~ :cT/ }._

" _JJ_;A-) J ~, . , ~ .J- ~ J 'Y
"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah
(i.e. this Qur'aan), and be not divided among yourselves ..."
[Soorah Aali 'lmraan (3): 103]

"And be not as those who divided and differed among

themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is
they for whom there is an awful torment."

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[Soorah Aali 'Imraan (3):105]

The Prophet ~ said:

~iJ 1·)· ~ I~?J ~J OJ¥ ~i :u~ ~:;,.J!. .illl ~!

/ ~ 0 J. ,,,. ,,. ~,,,, / J ..- '\ Oi

,; 0 J. _,.,,, .,.. \ 0

i:;.. 'H~ ~iJ ,I}~ ~J ~~~ .i»I

,, ,,
J ,, A. .,
~;i .i»I O~J
"Indeed Allaah is pleased with three things from you: He is pleased
that you worship Him and do not associate anything with Him,
and that you take hold of the rope of Allaah altogether, and that
you give good counsel to the one to whom Allaah gives command
over you. " 2

As the Salaf ~ said, What is known is that there is no religion

except with unifying speech and there is no leadership and guidance
except in hearing and obeying.

Collected in al-Muwatta of Imaam Maalik (2/990], Book of Speech, Chapter:
Waste of money and the possessor of two-faces. Narrated in Saheeh Muslim
[3/1340 No. 1715], Book of Judgments, Chapter: Forbidding Frequent Questions
with no need. Both of them are narrated by Aboo Hurayrah .:tli,.

TN, Complete Hadeeth: Maalik related to me from Suhayl ibn Abee Saalih from
his father from Aboo Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allaah, may Allaah bless
him and grant him peace, said, "Allaah is pleased with three things from you, and
He is angry with three things from you. He is pleased that you worship Him and
do not associate anything with Him, and th at you take hold of the rope of Allaah
altogether, and that you give good counsel to the one to wh om Allaah gives
command over you. He is angry with you for gossip, squandering property, and
asking too many questions."

[ Abondonment of Pdrties

Condition of the 'Arabs Prior to the
Prophet's Mission &After lt
Indeed, prior to the Prophet's :Ii mission, the 'Arabs were separated.
Murdering one another and long wars arose between them like
Daahas and Ghabaraa' War3 and Bu'aath4, and other great wars,
some of which lasted for a hundred years or more. Within these
wars there was strife and hatred, and raids would continually erupt
until Allaah ~ bestowed upon them the Prophet's :i mission and
he called them to worship Allaah ~ alone without any partners and
to be united brothers. Those who were blessed by Allaah responded
to his call and gathered under the banner of Tawheed and the
leadership of the Prophet :i. The enmity which had been among
them disappeared as they became loving brothers after they had
been infected with discord. Allaah ~ reminded them of this
blessing in His Speech:

TN: This was a war between the 'Abbaas & Zabyan tribes. They raced their
horses, named Daahas and Ghabaraa'. One tribe felt like the other tribe infringed
upon the rules to win the race and this b egan a feud which Lasted forty years.
This refers to a war between two tribes of the Ansaar, the Khazraj and the 'Aws,
tribe before l slaam.


"O you who believe! Fear Allaah (by doing all that He has
ordered and by abstaining from all that He has forbidden)
as He should be feared. [Obey Him, be thankful to Him,
and remember Him always], and die not except in a state
of lslaam [as Muslims (with complete submission to
Allaah)]. And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of
Allaah (i.e. this Qur'aan), and be not divided among
yourselves, and remember Allaah's Favor on you, for you
were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts
together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in
lslaamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire,
and He saved you from it. Thus Allaah makes His Ayaat
(proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,)

( Uni & the Abandonment of Parties 1 1

clear to you, that you may be guided. Let there arise out of
you a group of people inviting to all that is good (lslaam),
enjoining Al-Ma'roof(i.e. Islaamic Monotheism and all
that Islaam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar
(polytheism and disbelief and all that Islaam has
forbidden). And it is they who are the successful. And be
not as those who divided and differed among themselves
after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for
whom there is an awful torment. On the Day (i.e. the Day
of Resurrection) when some faces will become white and
some faces will become black; as for those whose faces will
become black (to them will be said): "Did you reject Faith
after accepting it? Then taste the torment (in Hell) for
rejecting Faith." And for those whose faces will become
white, they will be in Allaah's Mercy (Paradise), therein
they shall dwell forever."
[Soorah Aali 'Imraan (3): 102-107]

lbn 'Abbaas ~ said:

~~';'1:, t.1::~ ~\
"This is when the faces of followers of the Sunnah and the
]amaa'ah will radiate with whiteness, and the faces of
followers of Bid'ah (innovation) and division will be
darkened." 5

Refer to Tafseer aiQur'aan ai'Adheem from lbn Katheer (2/ 92]

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Concerninq the Statement, "What Brinqs
People Toqether & Unites Their Hearts is

Allaah ~ Says:
>...-:: i,,,; ,,,. J .,,,..,,... J.JJ.,, , t, . .,, '""'
-.,-: J~ l> ~ ":JI 5 j u~· ,a..- ":. ~ ~ I ~1IJ_fa=, ~ lj ~

;; /jJjj ~~ f~h ~_,@ ~8T ~ 0i

"And remember when you were few and were reckoned

weak in the land, and were afraid that men might kidnap
you, but He provided a safe place for you, strengthened
you with His Help, and provided you with good things so
that you might be grateful."
[Sooratul-Anfaal (8):26)

Allaah ~ Says:

J.} ., .,,,. ,,. ., -::, - ~ ,,., .,, 't. .,,., ... ,,. ., ,, ,;. ,,, (;.. J..J.
" _Iii
>fjr ~
c.,.l)\ l o ~
-, · "":JI ~· l o ~ l "l "r-r;r
'-!°_; _Iii
~~~ y~ J~l ~~~i:&T~_,
"And if they intend to deceive you, then verily, Allaah is
All-Sufficient for you. It is He Who has supported you

with His Help and with the believers. And He has united
their (i.e. believers') hearts. If you had spent all that is in
the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but
Allaah has united them. Certainly He is All-Mighty, All-
[Sooratul-Anfaal (8):62-63]

Nothing unites the people except this religion, as Imaam Maalik ibn
Anas ;:Jr; said:

"The affairs of the latter generation of this nation can never be

corrected except by that which corrected the affairs of the earlier
generations of this nation."

So, nothing can bring people's hearts together and unite them
except the correct belief that came with Prophet Muhammad ~.

Nothing can gather the hearts and bring peace among people except
the belief in Allaah and His Messenger. That is the reason why
people gathered around Prophet Muhammad ;i and became one
nation revered by the other nations of the world. The religion of
Allaah (Islaam) spread in the East and the West because of
gathering and aligning upon Tawheed.

Allaah ~ Says:

:&nJ.~~r., iJ~~u ¼.;~ "~' ,11i;:1; ~~r ~~ ~

"lj ~~;,5_, :&Ti;.J,i., ~ 0~ ~ ~:i =

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"O you who believe! When you meet (an enemy) force,
take a firm stand against them and remember the Name of
Allaah much (both with tongue and mind), so that you
may be successful. And obey Allaah and His Messenger ~ '
and do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage
and your strength departs, and be patient. Surely, Allaah is
with those who are As.Saahiroon (the patient)."
[Sooratul-Anfaal (8):45-46]

( )

A Historical Account of Events After the
Oedth of the Prophet ii & the Succession
(The Caliphate)
When the Messenger of Allaah ~ died, differing occurred between
the Sahaabah ~ as to who was to assume leadership after the
Prophet ~. Their differing soon ended and disappeared and they
agreed on choosing Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq ~ and they paid homage
to him upon hearing and obeying, and he was the best leader after
the Messenger of Allaah ~ . That was the state of the Rightly Guided
Caliphate during the rule of Aboo Bakr, 'Umar, and 'Uthmaan $,.
Then during the end of 'Uthmaan's rule, the Jews plotted against
the Muslims. They wanted the Muslims to fall into differing
amongst themselves. They concealed among them a Jew called
'Abdullaah ibn Saba', who started to incite people against
'Uthmaan, Commander of the Believers.

Foolish people from different lands gathered around him

('Abdullaah bin Saba') and laid siege to 'Uthmaan in his house.
They allowed themselves to spill his blood and assassinate him ~ .
The Muslims fell into severe differing in spite of the fact they
pledged allegiance to the fourth Rightly Guided Khaleefah, 'Alee ibn
Abee Taalib ~. But the Jews continued their plot to spread
wickedness among the Muslims. People disagreed with 'Alee until
he was murdered also. The rule turned to his son Al-Hasan who
abdicated in favor of Mu'aawiyah. With his resignation, people
gathered around Mu'aawiyah. That year was called the year of the
]amaa'ah. The Commander of the Believers, Mu'aawiyah, ruled
people with justice and wisdom and brought all Muslims together
during his rule. What the Messenger of Allaah ~ had said became
true. He ;i said to Al-Hasan ibn 'Alee,

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"Verily, this son of mine is a Sayyid (chief or master), and may

Allaah make peace between two great groups of Muslims through
him." 6

That came true by his resignation in favor of Mu'aawiyah ibn Abee

Sufyaan 7• Unity was achieved, and praise is to Allaah who
vanquished the idea which the Jews propagated. However, they did
not give up and are still planning against Muslims, as Allaah £ Says:

,,. ., J J J. ,,,., ,.,:; ,,I c.. , , ,. ,,. ,,. i

J u~j t
,,,1 "',.ti ,,, ,,. .,,,

~ (t,,1 ,,.aoll~~ .uJlj l~W~5~1

"...And they (ever) strive to make mischief on the earth.
And Allaah does not like the Mufsidoon (mischief-
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):64]

They always scheme against Muslims in order to separate them. But

Allaah the Most High always assigns someone to unite the Muslims
and bring them together. Even if the ideal unity is not achieved just
like the one that was during the time of the Rightly Guided
predecessors and the period of Mu'aawiyah ~; yet unity is achieved
in some Muslim countries and communities in every region and in
every land. It has become different countries after it was only one
united country, but every ruler in his country brings Muslims
together, praise be to Allaah.

Saheeh al-Bukhaaree [4/ 2222 #7109] Kitaabul-Fitan Chapter Speech of the
Prophet ~ to Hasan ibn 'Alee
EN: Al-Hasan brought peace between the people of Ash-Shaam and 'Iraaq, after
they fought great wars and terrifying battles.

& the Abondonment of Porties )


The Dissention Between Muslims Which

Existed Prior to the 12th Centur4 in the
'Arabian Peninsula & the Unified Countr4
After the Reviver, Sha4kh Muhammad ibn
'Abdul-Wahhddb ~
There is still much benefit to be found in Islaam and among the
Muslims. This country, the 'Arabian Peninsula, used to suffer from
differing prior to the 12th Century until the reviver, lmaam
Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhaab '*'appeared.He called people to
the Oneness of Allaah and worshipping Him alone, without any
partners or rivals. Allaah decreed that the rulers from the Sa' ood
family stand with him. Their allegiance to hearing, obeying and
]ihaad and the oath of allegiance was complete between Imaam
Muhammad ibn Sa'ood and Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-
Wahhaab8. Muslims united at first in the small land where they

EN: King 'Abdul-'Azeez giving clarification on the term"Wahhaabism": 'They
have labeled us with the term 'Wahhabiyoon', and they have named our Madhhab
as 'Wahhaabi' considering it as a specific Madhhab, and this is a wicked mistake,
appearing from the false propaganda which has been spread by the people of
gossip. We are not the people of a new Madhhab or new 'Aqeedah, our 'Aqeedah is
the 'Aqeedah of the rightly guided predecessors, we respect the four Imams and we
make no distinction between Maalik, Ash-Shaafi'ee, Ahmad, and Aboo Haneefah,
all of them are deeply respected in our view.
This 'Aqeedah is the one that was re-established by the Shaykh of Islaam
Muhammad bin 'Abdul-Wahhaab and the one he called towards. This is our
'Aqeedah and it is the structured 'Aqeedah upon the Tawheed of Allaah ~. free
from defect, far removed from any innovation."

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started the call. Then the Shaykh continued the call to Allaah in the
rest of the country. lmaam ibn Sa' ood continued the ]ihaad.

It was not long before the country was united and became safe.
Many of the affairs of ]aahiliyyah disappeared and the rule became
subject to Allaah's Book and the Sunnah of His Messenger ~ . The
command of good, forbiddance of evil and ]ihaad were established
along with the call to Allaah in this country. Muslims gathered and
enjoyed peace and stability. Allaah blessed them with plenty of
blessings. This country is still under this blessed rule and in peace
and stability. All of that was a result of unity and abandonment of
differing. As you can see today we live is great conditions, all praise
be to Allaah. It is a great blessing to live in peace and stability, to
apply the Sharee'ah, command with good and forbid the evil, a great
blessing that must be thanked.

'' ... and remember Allaah's Favor on you, for you were
enemies one to another but He joined your hearts
together, so that by His Grace, you became brethren (in
Islaamic Faith) ... "
[Soorah Aali-'Imraan (3): 1031

We remember this blessing and we are thankful for it as Allaah £


"And proclaim the Grace of your Lord (i.e. the

Prophethood and all other graces)"

[Soorah adh-Dhuhaa (93): 11)

We do not consider it as a matter of praise, but as a matter of

thanks to Allaah, the Most High who blessed us with it. The reason
behind this blessing is apparent; it is our gathering around Allaah' s
Book and His Messenger's Sunnah ~ . Both listening to and
obeying the ruler of the Muslims is a blessing that we are envied for,
but never forget that our enemies are plotting against us in order to
separate us and destroy this blessing. The disbelievers dislike seeing
Islaam remaining upright, they are not pleased with that:

"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you
(0 Muhammad ~ ) till you follow their religion.•. "
[Sooratul-Baqarah (2): 120)

"And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you
back from your religion (lslaamic Monotheism) if they can.
And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and
dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life
and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the
Fire. They will abide therein forever."
(Sooratul-Baqarah (2):217 J


We should be cautious of these schemes and thoughts that are

spread among us in order to separate us and spread hatred among
Muslims so that they become enemies to one another. This would
be an opportune moment for the enemy to intervene and occupy a
position among us. However, we pray that Allaah £ ruins their
plots and protects the Muslims from their evil. However, we should
be mindful of this blessing and warn of its disappearance if we are
not thankful for it, as it can be replaced with His £ Wrath:

"That is because Allaah will never change a grace which He

has bestowed on a people until they change what is in their
ownselves. And verily Allaah is All-Hearer, All-Knower."
[Sooratul-Anfaal (8):53)

"And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: "If you

give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but
Allaah), I will give you more (of My Blessings); but if you
are thankless (i.e. disbelievers), verily My punishment is
indeed severe."
[Soorah Ibraaheem (14): 7]

Therefore it is an obligation for us to be attentive to this and when

we fall into differing, we must take the initiative to settle it and to
reach an understanding among ourselves. The wrongdoer should
convert to the proper action, and not argue stubbornly.

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"O you who believe! Obey Allaah and obey the Messenger
(Muhammad ~ ) and those of you (Muslims) who are in
authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst
yourselves, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger ~ , if you
believe in Allaah and the Last Day. That is better and more
suitable for final determination."
[Sooratun-Nisaa (4):59)

Referring to Allaah ~ means to refer to the Qur' aan and referring

to the Messenger ~ means referring to him during his life, and after
his death by returning to his Sunnah as he :i said:

"Indeed he who amongst you lives long will see much differing
regarding my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided
Caliphs so ding to them stubbornly. And beware of newly invented
matters. Indeed every newly invented matter is an innovation, and
every innovation is misguidance." 9

Ad-Daarimee in his Sunan [5/ 43 #2676] Kitaabui'Ilm, Chapter: What comes in
the introduction of the Sunnah and avoiding newly invented matters. Also


He ~ also said:

~, / i
"Verily, I will leave for you something that if you adhere to it, you
will never be lost after me, the Book of AUaah and my Sunnah." 10

So this is an obligation upon the Muslims to return to the Book of

Allaah and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ~ in whatever
differing has occurred between them to end the dispute. They also
should be careful of segregation, disagreement, and continuing on
the wrong side, because reverting to the truth is of benefit.

collected by Ibn Maajah in his Sunan 1/15 #42 in the introduction of Chapter:
Follow the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. All of them are from a
Hadeeth of 'lrbaad ibn Saariyah and other than him.
Aboo Daawood in his Sunan [2/ 182 #1905] in the Book of Rites; Chapter:
Characteristics of the Prophet's Argumentation. lbn Maajah in his Sunan
[2/1022 #3074] in the Book of Ceremonies; Chapter: Argumentation of the
Messenger of Allaah ~ from the Hadeeth of Jaabir.

Unity &the Abondonment of Parties

Concerinq the Statement, of lbn Mas'ood
~: "Differinq is Evil" & the Reasons for
this Statement
The Sahaabah differed in some aspects of Fiqh, 11 yet they returned to
the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger ~ ; and the one
that they found to be right, they would agree with him (his
opinion), thus ending the debate.

'Uthmaan •• as an example, recommended the prayer completion

in Minaa12, and he used to lead the people in prayer, and conclude
it (in Minaa). 'Abdullaah ibn Mas' ood • recommended shortening
the prayer in Minaa and he used to pray with 'Uthmaan and
conclude his prayer with him (pray its full length) although he
('Abdullaah) believed in shortening the prayer; thus, they told him
about the issue. So he said,

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"Sure ly d'iJJermg
11 . is. evi'l" .

So he was praying with the Commander of the Believers, 'Uthmaan

and he agreed with his view regarding the prayer, thus avoiding
differing and separation. This is an obligation upon the Muslims to
avoid disagreements and separation and not insist on personal
views. Rather, they should seek to gather upon Tawheed and avoid

Islaamic Jurisprudence
A valley near the city of Mecca
Aboo Daawood in his Sunan (2/ 205,206 #1906] in the Book of Rites; Chapter:
Salaah in Minnaa from the Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin Yazeed.


separation and differing. So when it is a matter of jurisprudential

diligence, people should gather upon Tawheed and differing is not
supposed to cause disunity among them. The example that I have
given you in the story of 'Uthmaan and Ibn Mas'ood ~ is a good
witness to that. Ibn Mas'ood followed 'Uthmaan's opinion, prayed
with him and completed the prayer in order to avoid separation and

"... differing is evil."

Unit & the Abondonment of Porties

lmaam Ahmad bin Hanbal's Position
Reqardinq the Statement that the Our'aan
is Created
In the time of lmaam Ahmad '*3, the Mu'tazilah were inclined
towards the Khaleefah, AiMa'moon, AiMu'tasim and AiWaathiq and
their call was that the Qur'aan was created. These Caliphs followed
that opinion. The Mu'tazilah asked them to torture and persecute
those who did not agree with them. lmaam Ahmad ~ was beaten
and put in jail in order to force him to say the Qur'aan was created
and to agree with the Jahmiyyah. He ~ refused and said, "Give me
an evidence from Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger
~". He kept repeating this statement until Ibn Abee Du'aad al-
Mu'tazilee, out of extreme hostility towards lmaam Ahmad, said: "O
Commander of the Believers, kill him and I will be responsible for
his blood." However, lmaam Ahmad continued to ask them to
bring him evidence from the Book of Allaah or the Sunnah His
Messenger ~.

When it became too hard for the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah, and too
difficult to endure, they said to lmaam Ahmad, "O Aboo
'Abdullaah, things have become too hard as you can see," and tried
to convince him to revolt against the Caliph. He said, "Fear Allaah
and save the blood of Muslims." He warned them against that and
he was patient with the ordeal and did not revolt against the ruler
but rather endured torture and punishment. 14

AiSunnah by Aboo Bakr Al-Khalaal, [Pg. 133], and aiAdhaabush-Sharee'ah

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website

If the lmaam had revolted against the ruler, that would have led to
destruction. Muslims would have suffered bloodshed, separation
and loss of security. lmaam Ahmad applied what the Prophet :I;:

~» Y~J ~..lh~ i,..f °):, ~f:, ~I

"Listen and obey even if your back is beaten and your wealth is
taken away." 15

He endured in order to gather Muslims together and avoid

separation. We are obliged to follow the way of our Pious
Predecessors, forget about our differing and not separate in issues
that have a possibility of ljtihaad. As long as the ruler has not
reached disbelief, we should be patient and obey him.

'Ubaadah bin As-Saamit G said,

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'"The Prophet ;i called us and we gave him the Pledge of

allegiance for Islaam and among the conditions on which he took
the Pledge from us was that we were to listen and obey (the orders)
both at the time when we were active and at the time when we
were tired, and at our difficult time and at our time of ease and to
be obedient to the ruler and give him his right even if he did not give

Saheeh Muslim [3/1476 #1847) and after. The Book on Government (Kitaab Ai
lmaara), Chapter: Instruction to Stick to the Main Body of the Muslims in the Time of
Trials, the hadeeth narrated by Hudhayfah bin Al-Yamaan.

CC: Unit & the Abondonrnent of Porties

us our right, and not to fight against him unless we noticed him
having open Kufr (disbelief) for which we would have a proof with
us from Allaah." 16

This is for the sake of unity and to avoid the loss of security and
bloodshed. What happens out of disunity and separation is much
harder than enduring some transgressions that are not considered
Kufr (disbelief) or Shirk. This is one of the fundamentals of Ahlus-
Sunnah waL-Jamaa'ah that they listen and obey the rulers even if they
misbehave, as long as that misbehavior does not lead to clear Kufr
(disbelief) or apparent Shirk that no one doubts. This is the Manhaj
of Muslims to avoid disunity and separation, and it is the Manhaj
of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-]amaa'ah. It is recorded in the books of 'Aqeedah
(belief), as well as it being from the great foundations of Islaam.

If a man has wisdom and knowledge he should communicate with

his brothers from the Students of Knowledge, 18 try to reach an
understanding with them and compare between benefits and
detriments. It is known that, "Committing the less damaging
action to avoid the more damaging" is a lofty principle of this
religion. AB you can see today, our enemies are plotting against us in
order to separate us and make us fight each other. They succeeded
to do that in other countries and caused bloodshed, loss of money,
loss of honor, and chaos. They want us to follow those countries
that they destroyed. So we should beware of those plots and
maneuverings and gather around the religion of Allaah, Islaam, and
at-Tawheed (Oneness of Allaah). We should listen and obey our

Saheeh aiBukhaaree [4/2210 #7055,7056) Book of Afflictions, Ch: The
Statement of the Prophet ;i: "After me you will see things which you will
disapprove of."
EN1 Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azee:z; bin Baa:z; i*5 said, "So the student of knowledge has
a great significance, and the people of knowledge, they are of the epitome of this
existence." [AL-'I!m wa Akhlaaqu Ahlihi: pg. 20]

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website

rulers, advise one another and avoid differing which leads to

separation. If there is an opinion, a view or an ljtihaad on one issue
that is against another's view, we should refer to the Book of Allaah
and His Messenger's Sunnah, choose the evidence and end the

That is what happened with the Prophet's companions after the

Prophet's death ~ - They met in a hall or house called Saqeefah
Banee Saa'idah while the Messenger ~ was still unburied. They
were not concerned about preparing for his burial but rather about
ending the dispute. They met in the Saqeefah and did not end the
meeting until they chose Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq ~ as a Khaleefah.
After they ended their dispute they started preparing for the burial
and that indicates they did not let the dispute get worse and spread
among the Muslims; rather they took the initiative to end it, unite
the Muslims, enrage the enemies and block the ways that they use to
infiltrate us.

We should beware of that issue and keep this blessing of unity

according to the Book of Allaah and His Messenger's Sunnah :i.
We should also give advice to those who commit wrong doings and
guide them with wisdom and fair admonition, as the Prophet ~

Uni &the Abondo

"Verily the religion is advice, verily the religion is advice, verily the
religion is advice .. .' He was asked, 'To whom is that advice?'
He said, To Allaah, His Book and His Messenger and to the
leaders from amongst the Muslims and to their general folk." 19

Linguistically, the word Naseehah (advice) is derived from the word

Nasaha which means pure or clear. 20 Advice is given sincerely
without betrayal or deception. It makes our hearts pure and free of
betrayal or deception among us; or between us and our rulers.
Differing, separation and dispute are fueled by hypocrites and
disbelievers, Jews and Christians, who in turn fuel separation and
dispute among Muslims.

It must be known that crucial issues in Muslims' lives are not to be

approached by everyone. They should be referred to scholars and
advisors. Allaah ~ Says:

Saheeh Muslim [1/74) #95. The Book of Eemaan (BelieOI, Chapter: Religion is
Advice, Hadeeth ofTameem Al-Daaree 4h.
Al-Muhkam wal-Muheet al-A'tham /Vol 3, pg 157)


"When there comes to them some matter touching

(public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the
people); if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to
those charged with authority among them, the proper
investigators would have understood it from them
(directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of
Allaah upon you, you would have followed Shaytaan
(Satan), save a few of you."
[Sooratun-Nisaa (4):83)

Crucial issues have their own people who are supposed to take on
the responsibility of those public issues. Not everyone can handle
these issues; rather they should be referred to the scholars and to
the people charged with authority. Allaah ~ Says:

" ••• if only they had referred it to the Messenger..."

[Sooratun-Nisaa (4):83)

During the Prophet's :i life things were referred to him. After his
death they are to be referred to his Sunnah, which is known by the
scholars. So, crucial issues should be referred to the scholars21 who
know the Prophet's Sunnah ~ .

EN: Allaah ~ Says,

~ ~ ~_,~1:~ ~ ~ 0J f=,~1 J:,.f i:,.i;· ~ ~

"... so ask the people of the Reminder (i.e. knowledge) if you do not
[Sooratul-Anbiyaa (2 1), 7 I

Unity & the Abondonrnent of Porties

Muslims are like one body, and hence they should all support one
another. Everything has a reference, so that life does not turn into
chaos. Public and crucial issues should be referred to reliable
references, to people of power and decision and the rest of the
people should follow them.

Everyone has his own responsibilities that are specific for them and
they are not to intervene in another's responsibility. That
intervention is not improvement but rather chaos. That is not even
considered an advice to Muslim leaders or to the Muslim public. It
is rather damaging to the Muslims, separates them and causes
disorganization and confusion among them. Muslims are one group
that has its leaders.

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cs;,.A home cannot bebui{without cofumns, andcofumns cannot be

lmaam As-Sa'adee -*' said in his Ta/seer concerning this Aayab: "The general
meaning of this Aayah consists of praise for the people of knowledge, of which the
highest forms of it are: Knowledge of Allaah's revealed Book. This is because
Allaah orders those who do not know to turn to them (i.e. the scholars) in all
matters. Also included in this Aayah is an approval and recommendation for the
scholars, such that Allaah has ordered the people to ask them questions. So due
to this an ignorant person does not fall under the intended meaning of this
Aayah." [Tafseeras-Sa'dee: vol. 4, pg. 206]

0 Www.IslamicBooks.Website

~ n there are 1oefs, cokmns, andresicknts, things 1oill{;



1J~c ~1------1~-~

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-§rme/'anfgoodfeahs willnever exist iohen ignoran9e7k


Life is not chaos, as Allaah does not accept chaos nor His Messenger
or the Muslims. Muslims have their leaders, scholars and the people
charged with authority who take on public matters which are crucial
to the Muslim society. We should pay attention to that issue and
exchange advice about it especially with our brothers who
precipitate things. We say to them: that is not for you -may Allaah
guide you- it is for the people who are responsible for it, you should
pay attention to your own affairs because Muslims' public matters
have their own people.

Unity & the Abondonment of Parties ::JJ

".•• if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those

charged with authority among them, the proper
investigators would have understood it from them
(directly) ..."
[Sooratun-Nisaa' (4):83]

This is more important in times of trials that strike the society.

These issues should not be discussed in our private meetings by
everyone, the old, the young, the learned and the ignorant. That is
chaos. Muslims are like one body and each appendage has its own
job. Not one of them can do the other's job, and hence young and
unlearned people cannot handle big issues that concern the
Ummah's future and interests. Those issues have their own people
who are responsible for them and you, as a person, have your own
private affairs at home, with your family and your children. You are
a guardian to your family and responsible for that. The Prophet ~ :

,J_µ JAJ ~IJ ~Lo~\! ,J_µ ~J ~IJ µ

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"Each of you is a guardian, and each of you is responsible for those
under his authority. So the ruler is a guardian and is responsible
(for his subjects); the man is a guardian of his family and
responsible (for them); the woman is a guardian of her husband's
house and she is responsible (for it); a slave is a guardian of his
owner's wealth and he is responsible (for that). Certainly! Each of
you are guardians and each of you are responsible". 22

It is not a prerogative of the Imaam (ruler) to intervene in people's

homes, as homes are the responsibility of their owners, nor is it a
prerogative of the homeowner to intervene in the lmaam's affairs.
Everyone has his own responsibility and his own charges. If
everyone intervened in the other's affairs then there would be chaos.
So we hope that our brothers and sons understand that issue
especially in these hard times, keep separation away from them and
do not intervene in what is not beneficial for them, as that is not for
the good of Muslims but rather harmful for them. Moreover, Laa
Hawla wa laa quwatta illaa billaah (There is no Power nor Might
except with Allaah), the Most High, the Supreme. Allaah's Peace
and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his Family and his

Saheeh AWukhaaree [3/1667, 1668#5188) Kitaab An-Nikaah (Book of Marriage),
Chapter: 'Protect yourself and your family', from the Hadeeth of 'Abdullaah Ibn
'Umar i,3..

Unit & the Abondonment of Porties J

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Q!: Your Eminence: A group of Muslims call for unification, but
how is this to be accomplished with the different sources in which
this group (Islaamic Awakening) takes from, and this has led them
to live in both intellectual and methodological disorder,
consequently we hope to have your assistance in solving this grave

Al: Yes, this is an important issue, since people should learn and
seek knowledge. But where should they learn? They should learn at
the hands of the scholars, and receive knowledge from authentic
sources, as our Salafus-Saalah ·,:ii,; did. They used to receive
knowledge from the scholars and travel to them even if they were
too far. They would bear hunger, hardships and alienation, and
travelled to seek knowledge from its scholars.

As one of the Sala£ said ·a1t;: "This knowledge is religion, so you

should seek the right person because he will be teaching you
religion. Do not receive knowledge from anyone except the true
scholars. Do not take knowledge from misleading people, people
with deviant creed or religion, or from an innovator. Take
knowledge from the known scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wai]amaa'ah
who are known for their knowledge, even if you will have to travel
to them and reside in their countries."

Today things are very simple and easy. It is easy to receive

knowledge from scholars in Masaajid, schools, institutes, and
universities. Do not take knowledge merely from books as you may
misinterpret something and stick to it later. You also should not
take knowledge from young people who are beginners and are not

( Uni & the Abdndonment of Porties

well-established. Worse than that is to take knowledge from

misguided innovators. Only take knowledge from the trusted and
reliable sources, which are currently available. If you are confused
about something you can use the phone to call and ask about what
you want to know.

As Allaah ~ Says:

" ...so ask the people of the remembrance (i.e. Knowledge)

if you do not know."
[Sooratul- 'Anbiyaa' (21): 7]

Things are easy, but some people do not have the desire to learn or
to meet scholars and be subject to that. Other people have no
patience to learn while knowledge needs much patience and time.

As they say: "If you give all of yourself to knowledge, it gives you
some of it."

Allaah ~ Says:

" ...but over all those endowed with knowledge is the All-
Knowing (Allaah)."
[Soorah Yoosuf(12):76]

Do not think that if you read, then you have become a scholar;
because, as scholars say, a person who says I am a scholar is
ignorant. Man is always in need to knowledge. Allaah ~ said to his
Prophet who is the most knowledgeable of men:

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"...And say, 'My Lord, increase me in knowledge."'

[Soorah Taa Haa (20):114]

If the Prophet ~ was in need of more knowledge, you are even

more in need of it. You should know that you are ignorant and in
need of knowledge, and you cannot do without knowledge and the

Unit & the Abondonment of Porties )

Q2: With regard to unity between Muslims and rejection of
separation, we hope that your Eminence addresses the youth who
are in essence on the Manhaj of the Salafus-Saaleh, as it is very
important for them to follow the manners of the Salafus-Saaleh and
seek an excuse for other Muslims who have different opinions, as
long as they are from Ahlus-Sunnah; especially in matters in which
people may have different understanding. They should also avoid
doubting others' intentions especially those who may have some
justification for what they believe in.

A2: That is what we said, man should not depend on his own
knowledge so that he does not misunderstand; especially if he does
not have the logical basis or the principles of knowledge, or has not
studied texts and understood them. He may have learned only by
reading, and this is not enough for him to gain knowledge. He
should seek knowledge in the sittings at the hands of scholars.
lmaam ash-Shaafi' ee says:

"Whoever does not taste the subordination and humbleness

of learning for one hour, suffers ignorance for the rest of his

You should communicate with scholars and not say they do not
understand reality and they live in ivory towers as some people say.
You should not degrade scholars and charge them with isolation
and coyness and that they are engaged only in the details23 • Some

EN: Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez bin 'Abdillaah bin Baaz ;*5 said while talking about
accusing the scholars of being ignorant about current affairs: "The obligation


people say so in order to keep people away from scholars and to

separate the youth from the scholars. If the M uslims reach that
extent, there will be no hope, Wa laa Hawla wa laa Quwatta illaa
Billaah (There is no Power nor Might except with Allaah). 24

upon the Muslim is to guard his tongue from those things that do not concern
him, and to not speak except based on clear knowledge. So saying that such and
such a person does n ot understand the current affairs, this statement requ ires
knowledge; and thus no one should say it except for someone with knowledge, so
that he may be able to apply the ruling that so and so truly does not understand
the current affairs. As for someone making such a statement haphazardly and
ruling by his own opinions without any proof, then th is is a great evil and it is not
permissible. Therefore, in order for one to know t hat a person qualified for
giving Fataawa (religious verdicts) is ignorant about current affairs, this requires
proof. And no one has the right to do this except for the scholars." [Refer to the
magazine Raabitat-ul-'Aalam al-Islaamee: Issue #213]
There is no Power nor Might except with Allaah

[ t of Porties

QJ: This country has always followed the Manhaj of the Salafus-
Saaleh, and its people were living in harmony from the east to the
west and from the north to the south. What is the reason behind
this separation and conflict that we see today, and are these groups
and parties we see, are they all on the right path? Also, should they
be united, even if they have different opinions?

A3: We ask Allaah ~ to keep the people of this country on the

correct path, and keep them away from separation. Allaah ~ Says:

"And verily, this is My straight path, so follow not (other)

paths, for they will separate you away from His path. This
He has ordained for you that you may become Al-
Muttaqoon (the pious).''
(Soorarul-An'aam] (6): 153

We advise our brothers who have differing opinions or separate

viewpoints on some issues to refer to the Qur' aan and the Sunnah
and to the Manhaj of the Salafus-Saaleh and hold firm to that. The
one who is wrong will admit his mistake and return to the correct
path, and the one who is right will thank Allaah for that and ask
Him to keep him upon that way, because that is what we all seek.


How can there be unity while there is a discrepancy of opinion?

Unity cannot be achieved with the difference of opinion, but rather
with the unity of opinion.

0 Unit & the Abandonment of Porties


~ : Do you consider the so-called lslaamic groups and

methodologies an acceptable form of diversity or an unacceptable

A4: There are not several methodologies in lslaam, but only one
methodology; it is the methodology of the Qur' aan and Sunnah
which is the methodology of the Pious Predecessors. Everything
otherwise is unacceptable. Allaah ~ Says:

"And verily, this is My straight path, so follow not (other)

paths, for they will separate you away from His path. This
He has ordained for you that you may become Af.
Muttaqoon (the pious)."
[Sooratul-An'aam (6):153]

We recommend our brothers who have some differing opinions in

issues to get back to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and to the
methodology of the Salafus-Saaleh and stick to that. The one who is
wrong will admit his mistake and return to the correct path, and the
one who is right will thank Allaah for that and ask Him to keep him
on that way, because that is what we all seek.

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Additional lssues
All praise is due to Allaah, and may the peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon our Messenger Muhammad ;i, his family, his
Companions, and those who follow them.
To proceed:

We are going to discuss some of the dominant issues in the Muslim

Ummah which people approach in different ways. These issues are
approached by almost everyone, the young and the old, the learned
and the ignorant, and by those who give advice, which creates
confusion among people. These issues are:
./ First Issue: Guiding the Youth
./ Second Issue: Argument & Debate
./ Third Issue: Al-Walaa' wal-Baraa' (Loyalty and
./ Fourth Issue: Our situation regarding the differing
among scholars

& the Abondonment of Porties :Jl
Guidinq the Youth

The youth are no doubt the foundation of this Ummah after Allaah.
Our enemies are turning their attention on the youth to misguide
them and keep them away from the right path in order for us to lose
them. They do this by many means, sometimes by spreading
destructive thoughts, by drugs, tempting them with lust, or by
inciting them against lslaam and trying to destroy our religion
through them. Sometimes they do that by dividing Muslims into
groups and parties until they become as Allaah £ Said:

"... each sect rejoicing in that which is with it!"

[Sooratur-Room (30):32)

There is no doubt that the Muslim nation should protect its youth
against these deviant trends. Being the only people responsible for
raising the child during his early years, the parents should be the
first to be addressed with that. The Prophet ~ said:

H SAA ~ L=
I H= A

"Every child is born upon the Fitrah (with a natural disposition

towards the worship of Allaah alone). However, the child's parents
make him a Jew, Christian, or Magian." 25

Allaah £ Says of that child when he grows up:

"And lower unto them the wing of submission and

humility through mercy, and say: My Lord! Bestow on
them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was
[Sooratul-lsraa (17):24]

Teachers also have a big share of the responsibility by guiding the

youth in classes. The teacher has a great influence on his students.
His behaviors are acquired by them as they look at him as their
mentor and guide. The teacher has to instill in his student the true
faith, the right method, good manners, and following the
methodology of the pious predecessors.

Imaam Maalik ~ said: "The affairs of the latter part of this natio n
can never be corrected except by that which corrected the affairs of
the earlier generations from this nation."

Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree [3/1667, 1668 #5188] Kitaabun-Nikah (Book of Marriage),
Chapter: 'Protect yourself and your family', from the Hadeeth of 'Abdullaah lbn

( Unit & the Abondonment of Porties

Next, the society in general, and the scholars in particular, should

pay close attention to guiding the youth and resisting foreign
thoughts and destructive trends and expose deception and
misguidance. The rulers, may Allaah bless them, should, out of
authority and responsibility, work on protecting the youth against
foreign thoughts, suspected trends, and those misleading people
who call for that. If all efforts come together, we will see good results
lnshaa Allaah.

Allaah ~ Says:

"As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will

surely guide them to Our Paths (i.e. Allaah' s Religion -
lslaamic Monotheism). And verily, Allaah is with the
Muhsinoon (good doers)."
[Sooratul-Ankaboot (29):69]

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==S=M= Ll=H=A
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Arqument & Debate

There is no doubt that constructive argument and serious debate, if
they are meant to show the right and call for it, are things which are
called for by Allaah. Allaah ~ Says:

"...And argue with them in a way that is better ..."

[Sooratun-Nahl (16): 125]

He ~ also Says:

"... Say: 'Produce your proof if you are truthful.'

[Sooratul-Baqara (2): 111]

So we should argue with people with opposite views in order to help

them get back to the right way, as Allaah ~ Says:

( · &: the Aoondonment of Pc.,rties )

"Say: 0 People of the Scripture! Come to a word that is

just between us and you, that we worship none but Allaah
(alone), and that we associate no partners with Him, and
that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allaah.
Then, if they turn away, say: 'Bear witness that we are
[Soorah Aali-'Imraan (3):64]

If one of those people refuses to get back to the right way after he
has seen the evidence, we should prove it for him; but we are not
supposed to compromise in order to appease anyone, Allaah ~

"So (0 Muhammad :i) obey you not the deniers [(of

lslaamic Monotheism- those who belie the Verses of
Allaah), the Oneness of Allaah, and the Messengership of
Muhammad ~ ]. They wish that you should compromise
(in religion out of courtesy) with them; so they (too) would
compromise with you."
(Sooratul-Qalam (68):8-9)

He ~ also Says:

"ls it such a talk (this Qur'aan) that you (disbelievers)

[Sooratul-Waaqi'ah (56):81)

He 8$ also Says:

., , , ~ ~ ~ ::: ,, r ,,, .,.,, ,. ,,, ,,, ,,,.

~ -·n.~ ,~~1~1 ~ ~1~".~·~J~;c,~
.I. ~ I~ : t -: "1 c J.Li l1. .q ~ ! ~di .. ·" · . o~ .. :.._ i1
'~ ~ " ... r--' .. ~J --~
"Verily, they were about to tempt you away from that
which We have revealed (the Qur'aan) unto you (0
Muhammad ~ ), to fabricate something other than it
against Us, and then they would certainly have taken you
as a Khaleel(an intimate friend)! And had We not made
you stand firm, you would nearly have inclined to them a
little. In that case, We would have made you taste a double
portion (of punishment) in this life and a double portion
(of punishment) after death. And then you would have
found none to help you against Us."
[Sooratul-Israa (17): 73-75]

& the Abondonment of Porties )


A/-Wa/aa' wa/-Baraa'(Lo4alt4 & Enmit4)

AiWalaa' waiBaraa' means loyalty to the believers and supporting
them and enmity towards the disbelievers, Allaah ~ Says:

"Verily, your Walee (Protector or Helper) is none other

than Allaah, His Messenger, and the believers - those who
perform A!tSalaat (/qaamat-as-Salaat) and give Zakaat, and
they are Raaki'oon (those who bow down or submit
themselves with obedience to Allaah in prayer). And
whosoever takes Allaah, His Messenger, and those who
have believed, as Protectors, and then the party of Allaah
will be the victorious.''
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):55-56)

He also ~ Says:


"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians
as Awliyaa' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but
Awliyaa' of each other. And if any amongst you takes them
(as Awliyaa'), then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allaah
guides not those people who are the Thaalimoon
(polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust)."
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):51]

And £Says:

"O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your

enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists, etc.) as friends,
showing affection towards them, while they have
disbelieved in what has come to you of the truth (i.e.
Islaamic Monotheism, this Qur'aan, and Muhammad ~ )"
[Sooratul-Mumtahinah (60): 1]

And £Says:

[ Uni & the Abondonment of Porties )

"You (0 Muhammad~) will not find any people who

believe in Allaah and the Last Day, making friendship with
those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger (Muhammad
~ ), even though they were their fathers, or their sons, or
their brothers, or their kindred (people) ..."
[Sooratul-Mujaadilah (58):22]

And many other Aayaat (verses).

Hostility to the disbelievers does not mean that we should be unfair

to them or violate their rights, Allaah ~ Says:

"And let not the enmity and hatred of others make you
avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety..."
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):8)

We should rather keep our promises with them and make a truce
with them if this is to the Muslim's advantage. We should also
respect the blood of those with whom the Muslims have a covenant
(Mu'aahad), with those who are under Muslim's protection

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(Musta'man), and with the Dhimmi (free non-Muslims). We are not

permitted to kill their women, children, and elders when the battle
takes place between us and them.

We are not allowed to kill their children, women, or old people

even if we are at war with them. There is nothing wrong also in
dealing with them by exchanging goods and trade, or benefiting
from their experiences and inventions. We can also reward those do
good to us. Allaah ~ Says:

"Allaah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with
those who fought not against you on account of religion
nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allaah loves
those who deal with equity."
[Sooratul-Mumtahinah (60):8]

The food of the People of the Book is lawful for us. Their chaste
women are lawful for us in marriage. These are mere secular
dealings that do not require any love. We deal with them but our
hatred for them is still in our hearts.

Islaam is not a religion of love only as some ignorant people say, as

this is Christianity; nor is it a religion of hatred only as some
extremists say. It is a religion of love for the believers and hatred for
the disbelievers.

Unity & the Abondonrnent of Pc:,rties

People are divided into three groups: some of them are given pure
love, and those are the true believers. Others are purely hated, and
those are the disbelievers. The third group are loved for some things
and hated for other things, and those are the wrongdoing believers,
whom we love for their belief and hate for the sins they commit.

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Our Situation Reqardinq the Differinq
Amonq Scholars
There are several types of differing:

First type: Differing in 'Aqeedah (belief), which is unacceptable

because 'Aqeedah is not subject to lijtihaad (interpreting lslaam by
personal effort) or to differing, rather it is based on revelation and
there is no place for ljtihaad in it. When the Prophet ~ mentioned
that the Muslim nation will divide into seventy three groups he said:

"Each of them will be in the Fire except one."

The companions asked: "Who are they, 0 Messenger of Allaah?" He

~ said:

"They are those who are on the like of what I and my companions
are on. "26

Second type: Differing in Fiqh (Islaamic Jurisprudence), which is a

result of ljtihaad, a personal effort by a qualified scholar to extract

Collected by A~Tirmidhi in his Su nan [5/26) # 2641. The Book of Eemaan
(belief), Chapter: The Division of this Ummah (nation). This Hadeeth is collected
by others with other wordings

( Unit & the Abdndonment of Parties )

jurisprudential rules from detailed evidence. But if one of those

scholars brought clear evidence we should in this case follow the
opinion that has the evidence and leave the one that has no
evidence. lmaam ash-Shaafi'ee *3 said: "There is ljmaa' (scholarly
consensus) once the Prophet's Sunnah is made clear for us, we must
not leave it in favor of a personal judgment." That is because Allaah
~ Says:

"(And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer

it to Allaah and His Messenger ~ ' if you believe in Allaah
and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for
final determination."
[Sooratun-Nisaa (4):59)

lmaam Ibnul-Qayyim *3 said regarding this Aayah in poetic form:

.,., J l J. ,,, ,,,. ,,,,. J ,.. ,,,. A, / ,,, 0 0/

1 1 °' ~~1 Ju~..Y'.J

',, Ju~, Ju~r--:.-

_11Y) ~ .

:J(;owfef fs what~llaahsair{,vhat!J{js~ssenger sait{

andwhat the~nyanions sai4'9, kno1v best

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/ ,.

,X,owfef is not the~ngyou makektween theauthentic

texts an§ie~k's Sl!:)lings

Another one said:

:)!fat ev~ Tng sfouUkconsikel:onftf(;if,-ing that is

Another one said:

,X,owkf is 10hat~(!;a£ar/;uhat3J{!s~sengersair{

andwhat the~ryanions sai/there is no rng in it

l =&
~ th=e=A=b=
= o=
s =~)

%,owfefge is not the~ingyou makektween the authentic

texts andajurists vieiu 27

Third type: the ljtihaad (personal effort by scholars) in which none

of the two parties has an evidence for his opinion. In this case, none
of the two opinions should be forbidden or denied by the other
party. Accordingly, the phrase "there is no Inkar (denial) on issues of
ljtihaad" was agreed upon. This differing is not supposed to cause
hostility between the two parties who adopt two different views
because each one of them can be true.

And with Allaah lies true success, and may the peace and blessings
be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions.

Explanation of Ibnul-Qayyim's Poem (2/152). by Dr. Mahmood Khaleel Haraas

The Horms & Evils of Democrotic Elections )

Appendix One Regarding:

Democranf a Modern Da4 Cause of Disunit4

Author(s): Various

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Publisher's Note
All Praise be to Allaah, Lord of all that Exists. I bear witness that
there is nothing worthy except Allaah, alone without any partners.
And I bear witness that Muhammad ~ is His slave and Messenger,
may the peace and blessings be upon his family, his companions,
and those who follow them in righteousness.

While many Muslims are isolated from their religion, they have
been exposed to many foreign ideas. This is a dangerous issue, but
what is even more dangerous is when disbelievers bring their filth of
western societies to Muslims in order to deceive them and insert
ideas that are normally unacceptable in Muslim societies.

More dangerous than that is the fact that those ideas are adopted
and supported by streams of groups belonging to lslaam, such as the
Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen, Hizbut-Takhreer, and others. They attempt to
beautify these ideas with an lslaamic flavor in order to make them
more palatable to the unknowing observer. Hence, standing against
those ideas is considered a great kind of ]ihaad for the sake of

As Allaah ~ Says,

J .~:--,1, -: Ht, ~::q J; I -: ~ :c tf ". <('.: . k::i, 1.

, 'J.r-4 ,· uJ..r ~J .r ' ur - r-:: ,:.r-J ,.,

"Let there arise out of you a group of people invititng to all

that is good (lslaam), enjoining AJMa'roof(i.e. lslaamic

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The Horms & Evils of Democrotic Elections )

Monotheism and all that lslaam orders one to do) and

forbidding AJMunkar (polytheism and disbelief and all
that lslaam has forbidden) ..."
[Soorah Aali 'lmraan (3):104)

We complied this research from a study we prepared on Democracy1

based on the Rulings oflmaam Muqbil lbn Haadee al-Waadi'ee ~
and his prominent students proving that democracy is unrelated to
Islaam reagardless of what the carriers of this deviant ideaology may
bring to deceive the uninformed. Also we have preceded this
research with the book "Unity & Abandonment of Parties" by the
noble scholar Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan ibn 'Abdullaah al-Fawzaan to
explain the unity of the Muslims.

With the pemission of Allaah we are going to show that Democracy

is not limited only to politics, but rather includes all aspects of life,
social, economic, military, even moral and dogmatic aspects.

The Greeks were the first who practiced Democracy in Athens and
Sparta. In both cities there was a form of government called 'City
Government,' a government that was established in one single city.
All the men in each city would take part in the rule of the city. They
would meet in a 'General Assembly' and consult about all
governmental affairs, elect the ruler, issue laws, observe their
implementation, and decide sanctions against those who break the

lmaam Muqbil ,J5 said, "Democracy is disbelief (Kufr) because it means that the
populace rules itself by itself. It means that there is no Book, no Sunnah, no
Islaam and the permissibility of fornication and homosexuality... " [Tuhfatu~Mujeeb
page 303]

A endix One )

law. The 'rule of the people' was directly applied in both cities and
the meaning of Democracy was applied completely.

To conclude, Democracy is not an 'Arabic term and has no origins

in 'Arabic dictionaries. It is a Greek word that implies
marginalization of the Sharee'ah (Islaamic Laws) and the rule of the
people by themselves and by their choice. The term Democracy
necessitates that the people decide what is good and what is not
good for them, what is Halaal (permissible) and what is Haraam
(impermissible), they define their relationship with others, and they
choose the way they want it, at the time they want it. This concept
goes strictly against the Sharee'ah.

Oh Allaah please accept this humble effort, add it to our scale of

good deeds, and benefit the Muslims by it. Aameen

-Tarbiyyah Publishing-

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The Hdrms & Evils of Democrdtic

Aboo Abdus-Salciam Hasan ibn Qaasim al-Hasanee ar- Ra4mee as-


Thanks &Appreciation

In the practice of what has been verified by lmaam Ahmad from the
Hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah • who said that the Messenger of
Allaah said,

"Whoever has not thanked the people has not thanked

Allaah." 2

Therefore I begin by thanking the noble Shaykh Yahya ibn 'Alee al-
Hajooree. His assistance during my research benefited me, as well as
his many positive criticisms. May Allaah increase him in goodness
for what he has stated concerning my research:

"May Allaah shower his blessing upon this work and make it from
our good deeds, and may Allaah grant us and all the Muslims
success in what He is pleased with. May Allaah protect us from the
evil of ourselves and the evil of our actions, and may Allaah take us
while He is pleased with us, Allaahumma Aameen."

All praise is for Allaah the Lord of all that Exists,

Aboo Abdus-Salaam Hasan ibn Qaasim al-Hasanee ar-Raymee as-


Aboo Daawood [#4177; at-Tirmidhee #1877); and declared Saheeh by lmaam al-
Albaanee 4*; in his Saheehah #417

r--=== - - - - - · - - -- -~
[L~~T~h~e~H~~~m~s~&~~so_f_~m~oEcr~&~k~E~~~c~~~~ - ~

May Allaah forgive him, his parents, his teachers and all the

9 Muharram 1424 A.H

dix==O e ==!.))

All Praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all that Exists, May the peace and
blessings our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his all his companions, To

Allaah ~ Says,

''You [true believers in lslaamic Monotheism, and real

followers of Prophet Muhammad ~ and his Sunnah] are
the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin
AlMa'roof(i.e. Islaamic Monotheism and all that Islaam
has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief
and all that lslaam has forbidden), and you believe in
[Soorah Aali 'Imraan (3): 110]

And He ~ Says,

"Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all

that is good (Islaam), enjoining Al-Ma'roof(i.e. Islaamic
Monotheism and all that Islaam orders one to do) and

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forbidding AI-Munkar(polytheism and disbelief and all

that lslaam has forbidden) ..."
[Soorah Aali 'lmraan (3): 104]
And He ~ Says,


~ ~__,.;;:~ i;b; i~ ½ ~·1 ~:; 0' ~ j

t.: ~ ..:) \,ij µ ,,

c:},:: )~~ '1 i;lb

''Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were

cursed by the tongue of Dawood ~ (David) and 'Eesaa ~
Oesus), son of Maryam (Mary). That is because they
disobeyed (Allaah and the Messengers) and were ever
transgressing beyond the bounds. They used not to forbid
one another from the A/,Munkar(wrong, evil-doing, sins,
polytheism, and disbelief) which they committed. Vile
indeed was what they used to do!'
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):78-79]

Also established in the Hadeeth of Aboo Sa' eed al-Khudree • who

heard the Prophet :i say:

A endix One

Whoever amongst you sees an evil then let him change it with his
hand. If he is not able, then let him change it with his tongue. If he
is not able, then let him hate it in his heart and that is the weakest
of Eemaan (faith). 3

Nu'maan bin Basheer ~ related the Prophet ~ said:

"The example of the person abiding by Allaah's order and

restrictions in comparison to those who violate them is like the
example of those persons who drew lots for their seats in a boat.
Some of them got seats in the upper part, and the others in the
lower. When the latter (lower deck) needed water, they had to go up
to bring water (and that troubled the others), so they said, 'Let us

Saheeh Muslim

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[ The Horms & Evils of Democratic Elections )

make a hole in our share of the ship (and get water) saving those
who are above us from troubling them.' So, if the people in the
upper part left the others do what they had suggested, aU the people
of the ship would be destroyed, but if they prevented them, both
parties would be safe". 4

On the authority of the Mother of the Believers Zaynab bint Jahsh

1$> said the Prophet ~ once came to her in a state of fear and said,

"None has the right to be worshipped but AHaah. Woe unto the
'Arabs from a danger that has come near. An opening has been
made in the wall of Ya'jooj and Ma'joo/ like this," making a
circle with his thumb and index finger. Zaynab bint Jahsh
said, "O Allaah's Apostle! Shall we be destroyed even though
there are pious persons among us?" He said, "Yes, when the
evil people increase." 6

Hudhayfah bin Yamaan • narrated the Prophet ~ said,

Saheeh Bukhaaree
Gog and Magog
Agreed upon (i.e. Saheeh Bukhaaree and Saheeh Mu.slim

A endix One

"By Him in Whose hands is my soul, you should enjoin the good
and forbid the evil or else Allaah will send a torment to you and
then you will call Him and your call will not be answered." 7

From these texts and other than them it is obligatory upon Ahlul-'ILm
(Scholars), the Caller (to the religion of lslaam), the Student of
Knowledge to command the good and forbid the evil, each
according to his ability and capacity. Among these evils that have
been spread all over the world and have been adopted by many
lslaamic countries is what is called the electoral system which is in
fact part of the filth of the western democratic system. Hence, I
decided to participate in forbidding this great evil that is being
called to by some of whom Allaah blinded their hearts, from the
party of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen who pretend to be

}aami' As-Saheeh [2/ 1189]
8 EN, lmaam Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee -J1; said concerning this devaiant

group: The Muslim Brotherhood (i.e Ikhwaanul Muslimeen) are the followers of
Hasan al-Banna and there are many observations concerning their group. The
most important issues with their manhaj as the following will show:

1. Neglecting Tawheed of 'Ibaadah (Allaah's Unity of Worship), which is the

most important aspect of Islaam and that, which without it; the servant's
Islaam is not correct.

2. Their remaining silent and approving of people committing major shirk

whether it be calling upon other than Allaah, making Tawwaaf around

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graves, making vows to the occupants of them (the graves), sacrificing in
their names, and similar to that.

3. Indeed, the foundation of this Manhaj is Soofee. They have a relationship

to Soofism in that they made a pledge with 'Abdul-Wahhaab al-Hasaafee
for allegiance to his Soofee path which is aiHasaafiyyah ash-Shaathaliyyah.

4. The presence of bid'ahs with them and their worshipping with them.
Rather, they are the foundation of their manhaj. They believe that the
Prophet ~ attends their sittings of Dhikr and forgives their previous sins
as is in their verse of poetry: "The God has sent prayers upon he who has
appeared upon light, for all the worlds so he surpassed even the sun and
moon, This beloved among beloved ones has arrived, And he has
forgiven everything that has preceded and occurred."

5. Their Da'wah for the leadership. This in itself is a Bid'ah, for indeed, the
messengers and their followers were responsible for calling to Tawheed.
Allaah ~ said:

"And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger (saying),

'Worship Allaah and avoid false gods."'
[Sooratun•Nahl, 36]

6. The lack of any Walaa' and Baraa' (Loyalty and enmity) with them or at
least it is very weak with them. This is clarified by their da'wah for
cooperation and closeness between the Sunnah and the Shee'ah like the
statement of their founder: "We cooperate in what we agree on, and we
pardon one another for what we disagree on."

7. Their hatred for the people of Tawheed and the people of the way of the
Sala[ and their abhorrence of chem. This is clear from their talk against
the country of Saudi 'Arabia which was founded upon Tawheed. Tawheed
is studie_d in its schools, its institutes, and its universities. It is also clear
from their killing of Jameel ar-Rahmaan al-Afghaanee because he was
calling to Tawheed and for his schools in which Tawheed was studied.

reformers while they are, by Allaah, far from reformation. That is
also on the occasion of the parliamentary elections that are going to
be held in few days.

I would also like to draw the reader's attention to that I -ai

hamduWlaah- have written a book on this matter entitled Legal Proofs
to Uncover the Delusions of Parties in Islaamic Societies, in which I dealt
with the matter of elections from all its aspects and responded to
one of the leaders of misguidance in this age and one of the callers
to elections 9 - may Allaah deal with him in the way he deserves.

8. Their constant following up of the mistakes of the leaders and searching

for their faults, regardless of whether they were true or not, and then
spreading them among the youth to make them detest the leaders and to
fill their hearts with hatred against them.

9. Disgusting Hizbiyyah (partisanship) that they ascribe to. So they show

loyalty for the sake of their party and they show enmity for it.

10. Taking a pledge of allegiance for acting in accordance with the Ikhwaanee
Manhaj based upon ten specific conditions mentioned by the fou nder.
There are other issues of criticism with them that perhaps we can take
later. [Al-Fataawaa al-Jalliyyah 'an al-Manaahij ad.Da'wiyyah]

lmaam al-Albaanee was asked: What is the ruling on some of the American
Muslims participating in the elections that take place in America? They use as
proof for that the principle of taking the lesser of two evils; they think that one of
those candidates that are running for office will be less oppressive and less
problematic upon l slaam and the Muslims. He said,

"Kufr is one religion and our Lord sJi; reminds those Muslims who think they are
applying the Qaa'idah (principle) of taking the lesser of two evils as Allaah ~

The Horms

Due to the length of the above mentioned book, I thought that it

would be better if I concluded from it what a novice reader might
need to know as well as what an experienced reader cannot do
without at the same time. I concluded that in the form of a
summarized treatise which is small in size but big in value Inshaa'

'And never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you until
you follow their religion.'
[Sooratul-Baqarah (2): 120]

So I am amazed with all amazement at these youth who rely upon the likes of this
delusion as occurs in your question, Baarakallaahu Feek. And Allaah £ Says:

'And don't incline towards those who do wrong such that the fire
should touch you. And the fire of the dunyaa (worldly life) comes
before the fire of the Aakhirah (hereafter).'
[Soorah Hood (11): 113]

Due to that we say that it is not permissible to participate in the likes of these
elections, because that participation means taking the disbelievers as friends
through your actions and that is Haraam according to the texts of the Qur'aan
where Rabbul-An'am said:

'And if any amongst you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):51].{Taken from tape recording]

A endix One

Allaah (God Willing) entitled Informing People of Understanding of the

Evils and Troubles of Elections. I hope that will be an encouragement
to the followers (of the right path), an instruction to the ignorant,
an awakening to the heedless ones, and a slap on the faces of the
deceptive ones.

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The Meaninq of "Democrac4"

Our Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Ibn 'Alee Al-Jamee 4*' said,

"Democracy is a foreign word, that means ruling of the people,
meaning in turn. Allaah' s Divine Legislation does not have to be
considered when they enact laws which suit them in such a manner
that an individual is the lawmaker. The people become the
authority for legislation and this order is placed into effect by the
members of parliament who represent the people." 10

'Abdul Ghaanee Ar-Rahaal said, "Democracy means rule of the

people by the people. The word democracy is a compound word; the
first part is "demos" meaning the people and the second part of the
word is "kratos" and means rule or authority. In other words the
authority belongs to the people." 11

Aboo 'Abdus-Salaam said, "Elections are incomplete and

ineffectual except through the structure of democracy which is a
structure of disbelief. We seek refuge in Allaah. Whatever is built
upon falsehood is null and void.

Allaah ~ Says,

Haqeeqatush-Shooraa fiilslaam [Pg. 17]
Islaamiyyoon wa Saraabul,. Daymokratiyyah [Vol l/38]

[ A endix One

"Is it then he, who laid the foundation of his building on

piety to Allaah and His Good Pleasure better, or he who
laid the foundation of his building on the brink of an
undetermined precipice ready to crumble down, so that it
crumbled to pieces with him into the Fire of Hell ... "
[Sooratut-Tawbah (9): 109]

I will not prolong the discussion here for the noble reader. I only
wanted to briefly mention the corruptions of the electoral process
and with Allaah is aid and success.

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Evils of Oemocrotic Elections )


The Crucial Evils of the Electoral Process

Through the electoral process the people have the authority to pass
laws without the consideration of Allaah. This in itself is disbelief -
we seek refuge in Allaah.

He ~ Says,

"...The command (or the judgment) is for none but

[Soorah Yoosuf(12):40]

" ...And whosoever does not judge by what Allaah has

revealed, such are the Kaafiroon (i.e. disbelievers · of a
lesser degree as they do not act on Allaah's Laws)"
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):44]

A endix One::;1

"Do they then seek the judgement of (the Days of)

Ignorance? And who is better in judgement than Allaah
for a people who have firm Faith."
[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):50]


Based on the verse in AiHujjarat splitting and differing is evil.

Allaah ~ Says,

"The believers are nothing else than brothers (in lslaamic

. . )..."
[Sooratul-Hujaarat (49): 10]

Furthermore this splitting and differing collides with the verse;

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"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah
(i.e. this Qur'aan), and be not divided among yourselves ..."
[Soorah Aali-'lmraan (3): 103]

And goes against the verse;

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"...And be not of al-Mushrikoon (the disbelievers in the

Oneness of Allaah, polytheists, idolaters, etc.). Of those
who split up their religion (i.e. who left the true lslaamic
Monotheism), and became sects, [i.e. they invented new
things in the religion (Bid'ah), and followed their vain
desires], each sect rejoicing in that which is with it."
[Sooratur-Room (30):31-32]

This disunity opposes the Hadeeth that has been collected by lmaam
Muslim on the authority of Aboo Moosaa 4,, that the Prophet ~

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"The Believers are like a structure whose sections support one

another." 12

The division that results from campaigning has an impact on

brotherhood, which has been mentioned in the Hadeeth of Aboo
Moosaa ~ said, the Prophet ~ was asked about the best part of
faith, He said;

Saheeh Muslim


"The one who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and



To seek out the posmon or the rank of authority has been

prohibited by the Messenger of Allaah ~ - He prohibited seeking it
out due to the consequences that follow it and Allaah's aid is

It has been authentically related on the authority of Abee Moosaa ~

said, "I entered upon the Prophet ~ along with two of my paternal
cousins. One of the two men said: 'O Messenger of Allaah, appoint
me over some of that with which Allaah has entrusted you,' and the
other one said something similar; He ~ said



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"Surley we will not appoint such positions to anyone who is eager

t 1't"
JOT • 14

Saheeh Bukhaaree and Muslim (This is the wording of the Hadeeth collected by
Saheeh Bukhaaree and Muslim

The Horms & Evils of Democrotic Elections

It has also been related on the authority of 'Abdur-Rahmaan lbn

Samrah • that the Prophet ~ said,

" 0 'Abdur Rahman, Do not seek to be a ruler, because if you are

given authority by asking for it, then it will burden you, but if you
are given it without asking for it, you will be helped in it (by
Allaah)." 15

Al-Haafidh lbn Hajr -JJ; said, "Anybody with intellect would not
undertake the quest (for leadership) in the least." 16

Saheeh aLBukhaaree
FathuiBaaree (13/ 133]


All of these actions are Haraam 17 in Islaam. It has been reported on

the authority of Aboo Hurayrah ~ that the Prophet ;lj said,

"Beware of suspicion. Suspicion is the most untrue speech. Do not

spy and do not eavesdrop. Do not compete with each other, do not
envy each other, do not hate each other and do not shun each other.
Be slaves of Allaah, brothers." 18

Also it has been reported by Muslim that the Prophet :I said,

Jo ,,, .,,. o .,. .,,. o
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" "

Saheeh aiBukhaaree and Saheeh Muslim

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"Beware of lying. Lying leads to corruption and without a doubt

corruption leads to the Fire. A person will continue to lie until
Allaah records him as being a liar." 19



Allaah ~ Says,

"Have you not seen those Oews and Christians) who claim
sanctity for themselves. Nay· but Allaah sanctifies whom
He pleases ..."
[Sooratun-Nisaa' (4):49]

" ...So ascribe not purity to yourselves. He knows best him

who fears Allah and keep his duty to Him..."
[Sooratun-Najm (53):32)

A Hadeeth that dispraises this action has been related on the

authority of Aboo Moosaa ~ said, The Prophet ;i heard a man
praising another man, to which he said,

Saheeh Muslim


f.~' » ~ Jf ~ f 20
"You are destroying the man or breaking his back"

In addition to this, there is a narration on the authority of

Mu'aawiyah ~ who said, I heard the Messenger of Allaah :'i say:

"Beware of praising one another, for it is slaughtering (one

anothe)r. " 21



lmaam Muslim mentions in the Hadeeth of 'Arafjah ~ narrated that

the Prophet ~ said,

"Whoever comes to you, while all of the people are in a state of

unity as one man, and he seeks to break your support (of one
another) or tries to split your group, then kill22 him." 23

za Saheeh aiBukhaaree
Collected by Ibn Maajah in his Sunan in the book of Adhaab [#3733)

tit Elections

"If two leaders are given the pledge of allegiance, then kilt the last
of them (to request the pledge from people)." 24

Shaykh Safiur Rahmaan said, "There is no doubt that this discord is

realized during democratic elections, as a party tries will all it can
and with its power to seize authority and take the government from
the hands of those who possess it, if they be opposition parties. On
the other hand, the ruling party tries to maintain the reins of
government as it is." 25



This is possible since wicked people outnumber the pious people in

the society. Allaah ~ Says,

"And if you obey most of those on the earth, they will

mislead you far away from Allaah' s path..."
[Sooratul-An'aam (6):116]

TN: This is a legal punishment and is only to be determined and carried out
legally by the rulers and governments and those in authority, not individuals, and
Allaah knows best.
Recorded by Muslim [#1852].
Recorded by Muslim [#1853].
AlrAhzaabus-Siyaasah fil Islaam [Pg. 60]

( A endix One )

In addition to this verse Allaah ~ Says,

"And most of the mankind will not believe even if you

desire it eagerly."
[Soorah Yoosuf (12):103]


This means that through the electoral process a woman can

participate, and has the right to be a candidate. And sometimes a
woman acquires the majority of the votes - we seek refuge in Allaah.
There is a Hadeeth on the authority of Aboo Bakr~ that the Prophet
~ said,

"The nation that appoints a woman as a leader wilt never


Al-Khattaabee 6*' said, "This Hadeeth shows that a woman cannot be

selected as a leader or judge."

Saheeh aiBukhaaree [#4425]
Taken from Fathul-Baaree [7/ 735]

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The Ho &:.£Vis Of Dem tic Election~



In the month of Muharram, 1414 it was published in As-Sunnah

magazine that the Yemeni group of assembly for reform [deform]
has allied with the socialist renaissance party on the platform to aid
Democracy, increase groups, promote freedom of speech, and other
views. Along with all this they want these ideas honored, and the
government to be rotated safely.



This thought disagrees with Allaah's statement,

~ !~jj ,.i~ :! µ.~-:'th~~~~ i~ r:,;jT ~

"...This day, I have perfected your religion for you,
completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you
lslaam as your religion ... "
[Sooratul-Maai'dah (5):3]

A endix One



The Messenger of Allaah ~ invited the people to Tawheed and

warned from Shirk. This is how he established the Islaamic State,
not by holding elections with the disbelievers. Allaah ~ Says,

"Say (0 Muhammad ~ to mankind): If you (really) love

Allaah, then follow me (i.e. accept lslaamic Monotheism,
follow the Qur' aan and the Sunnah), Allaah will love you
and forgive you your sins. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful."
[Soorah Aali-'lmraan (3):31)



This is what takes place at the chamber of duties. Allaah has

prohibited us from sitting at these types of gatherings. He ~ Says,

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"And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this

Qur' aan) that when you hear the Verses of Allaah being
denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they
engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with
them) certainly in that case you would be like them••• "
[Sooratun-Nisaa' (4): 140]

1 1

Allaah ~ Says,

"And incline not toward those who do wrong, lest the Fire
should touch you, and you have no protectors other than
Allaah, nor would you then be helped."
[Soorah Hood (11):113]

Abee Dhaar • related the Messenger of Allaah ~ said:

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" ... Faith is to show friendship or enmity because of A llaah. And to
love and hate for the sake of Allaah" 28


"0 you who believe! If you obey a group of those who were
given the Scripture Oews and Christians), they would
(indeed) render you disbelievers after you have believed!"
[Soorah Aali-'lmraan (3): 100)

The electoral process is imported from the enemies o f Allaah.

C ollected by At-Tabaraanee- Refer to the Silsilatus-Saheehah [4/306,307)

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The Horms & Evils of Democratic Elections J

The goal in this practice is to establish Allaah' s Law-they claim;

however the means acknowledged is the people's judgment-not
Allaah's Judgment. All this occurs on account of Democracy.
Democracy is when the people have the authority to make rulings.
The elected person is the sole lawmaker.



"And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead

you far away from Allaah's Path..."
[Soorarul-An'aam (6): I 16]

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Allaah ~ Says,

"...And get two witnesses out of your own men. And if

there are not two men (available), then a man and two
women, such as you agree for witnesses ..."
[Sooratul-Baqarah (2):282)

" ...Say: Are those who know equal to those who know
not? ..."
[Sooratuz-Zumar (39):9)

"ls then he who is a believer like him who is Faasiq

(disbeliever and disobedient to Allaah)? Not equal are
[Sooratus..Sajdah (32): 18)

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" ..•Or shall We treat the Muttaqoon (pious), as the Fujjaar

(criminals, disbelievers, wicked, etc)?"
[Soorah Saad (38):28]

"Shall We then treat the Muslims (believers of lslaamic

monotheism, doers of righteous deeds) like the Mujrimoon
(criminals, polytheists and disbelievers, etc.)?"
[Sooratul-Qalam (68):35]



lbn 'Abbaas .to, narrated the Prophet ;i said,

"There are two blessings which many people waste: health and [Tee
time." 29

Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree

A endix One


Aboo Hurayrah ~ said the Prophet ~ said,

'Hasten to do good deeds before tribulations come like patches of a

dark night. A man will wake up a believer, then go to sleep a
disbeliever and go to sleep a believer and wake up a disbeliever
selling his religion for some worldly gain." 30


lbn Mas' ood • narrated that the Prophet ~ said,

"The person with the severest punishment on the day of Judgment is

picture maker."31

It was also authenticated that Ibn 'Abbaas ~ said that he heard the
Messenger of Allaah ~ say,

Narrated by Muslim, [no. 294 7); lbn Maajah, [no. 4056], and others).
Saheeh Bukhaaree and Muslim

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"Whoever makes an image in this world will be commanded on the
day of Resurrection to breathe life into it, and he will not be able to
do so" 32

Aboo Talhah al-Ansaaree * said the Messenger of Allaah ~ said,

"The Angels do not enter the house that has a dog or images inside
it." 33



Allaah ~ Says,

"And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves

like that of the times of ignorance ..."
[Sooratul-Ahzaab (33):33]

Sunan an-Nasaa'i [#5265]
Saheeh Bukhaaree and Musli m


Mugheerah lbn Shu'bah • narrated the Messenger of Allaah ~

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~WI ~w,!J ~l}:JI oJS'J Ju:, Jl ~ of".J 9\AJ

"Surley, Allaah has forbidden you to be undutiful to your mother,
to withhold (what you should give), demand (what you do not
deserve), and to bury your daughters alive. And A llaah has made
gossiping about people, asking too many questions (in religion), or
wasting your wealth, Haraam (prohibited) for you to do." 34


It is collected in the Sunan of Abee Daawood that lbn 'Umar ~

narrated that the Messeneger of Allaah ~ said,

"Whoever imitates a people is just like them."

Collected in Saheeh Bukhaaree and Saheeh Muslim
Aboo Daawood in his Sunan (4033 Hasan], The Hadeeth is related by Abee al-
Muneeb al-Jurashee, see his Biography in at-Tahdeeb and al-Haafidh said: "He is
trustworthy" as if he reaches this level as he resembles a Majhool according to what
is at-Tahdheeb. The Hadeeth has been graded by Shaykhul Islaam in Iqtidaa' as

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From among these concessions are;

A. The acceptance of freedom of speech and other liberties.

B. The reliance and recourse to the majorities view for a


C. The forming of treaties with some of the secular groups.

D. Women are elected in some of these assemblies. The person

who joins these chambers condones to others things as well.



The reason for building a Masjid is to establish the remembrance of

Allaah, prayer, reading of the Qur'aan, and study circles, etc. Allaah

Siraatul Mustaqeem and by ath-Thahabee in as-Seer (vol.10 Page 509 and by al-
Haafidh in aiFath [Vol.6 Page 116] and by al-Albaanee in al-Irwaa' (#1269]. I
wrote this benefit as the Hadeeth in Hasan as has also been stated by those
lmaams. [Yahya Hajooree)

"In houses (mosques), which Allaah has ordered to be
raised (to be cleaned, and to be honored), in them His
Name is remembered [Adhaan, lqaamah, Salaat(prayers)
invocations and recitation of the Qur' aan] therein, glorify
Him (Allaah) in the mornings and in the afternoons or the
[Sooratun-Noor (24):36]

The Masaajid are not built for campaigning and shameless acts to be
done there. These deeds are insulting to Allaah's Houses. It is not
permissible [Halaal] to mention a lost item, sell, or buy inside the
masjid. These acts are permissible originally [outside the masjid]
however; they are made Haraam inside the masjid in order to
preserve its virtue. Furthermore in general, raising the voice without
a need to do so is also Haraam inside the masjid. This has been
mentioned in a Hadeeth where the Prophet ~ said,

"... Beware of the clamor of the markets." 36

So what about that which is impermissible by way of its origin like


Saheeh Muslim

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&Evils of



This means: the person uses any means and resources at his
disposal, claiming to be producing well-being for the people and
society. Consequently he utilizes Haraam resources "Elections" to
carry out this goal.



This is crystal clear. Casting ballots carries in its core, in fact in its
principles from the authority whether its passing legislation, legal
executions, or judgments are decisions by man. The Qur' aan or the
Sunnah is not included in these enactments. Hence whether they
realize it or not, Democracy establishes that the Qur' aan and the
Sunnah both together cannot tackle the problems for judgments,
legal executions, and legislation.



This is manifest in Democracy. "It is lawful for a person to see his

wish fulfilled with any woman he desires, anywhere that is easy. This
wish can be granted at general places or specific houses, as long as it
is not rape. Yet in the instance of rape, then the authority has to
rule. This is because the person raped is a victim, and rape is against

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the law. Ironically rape is the crime, but not Zinaa [adultery or
fornication]. In Democratic laws Zinaa is not a crime, but rape is!" 37

In conclusion these are some of the evils of voting. I briefly

mentioned them, and whoever wants more detail then read the
book that these points were taken from titled Ad-Dilaaltushariyyah li
Kashfit-TaleesaatuiHizbiyyah 'alaa Mujama'aatil Islaamiyyah (Evidences
from the Divine Legislation in Exposing the Partisan Deceptions on
Islaamic Societies) and with Allaah is the guidance and success.

Taken from Shaykh Muhammad Amaan 'Alee al-Jaamee's ·.j6 book Li }azeeratii
'Aarabiyyah Khasoosiyyah, [Pg. 20-21)

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~ E!'vi==ls=o=f=D=


Two Doubts & Refutations Aqainst Them

First Doubt:that the electoral system and the Shooraa'
(consultation) system are the same.

I say: Through showing the difference between the electoral system

and the Shooraa' system, it will be very clear to whoever has
understanding that this is a false doubt and that it has no weight in
the scale of the Sharee'ah. Here are the differences:

The Electoral System The Shooraa 'System In lslaam

Derived from the democratic Its source is the Qur' aan, the
system and this democracy (which is Sunnah and the actions of the
disbelief) cannot be achieved unless righteous predecessors (may
through the innovated voting Allaah be pleased with them).
system. For further reading on this
matter look: Tafseer lbn
Katheer: Allaah's ~ Saying
"and take counsel with them
in the affair" 38

Based on the majority of the mobs Based on consulting people

38 TN: The author is referring to the Aayah:

f - J ,,,
~ ,? \I I j ('""'5.f.:.J ~
... and take counsel with them in the affair ...
[Soorah Aali-'lmraan (3), 1591

A endixOne::1)

which includes people of weak who are thought to be qualified

understanding and people who are for that, people who have the
not qualified for consultation. ability to explain their views in
a way that is more likely to lead
to what is right.

Includes great evils, some of which Includes many advantages such

have been mentioned above. as: Shooraa' (consultation) is
among the acts of worship
which bring us closer to Allaah.
Shooraa' mostly leads to the
correct opinion.

It is an obligation that has been It is not an obligation in all

imposed on the Islaamic societies cases or in all affairs.
by the enemies of Allaah, except
those upon whom Allaah has had

The choice of the majority is The choice of the majority is

binding even if it contradicts the not binding.

There are many differences other than these, but these are enough
with Allaah's Help.

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Second Doubt: that some of the Salafee scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah

like Shaykh lbn Baaz and Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen i1b issued a
Fatwaa that participating in parliamentary elections is permissible.

I say: responding to that will be in many ways:

First: What we have (in our hearts) towards our great scholars is
love, appreciation and respect. We believe to disparage them is in
fact disparaging the Manhaj and the 'Aqeedah that they hold, which
is a sign of the people of innovation and deviation. However, we do
not believe in the infallibility of individuals; rather we say: some of
them may have mistakes, and in this case they will be rewarded
lnshaa Allaah due to the Hadeeth of 'Amr lbn al-'Aas ~ that the
Prophet ~ said:

,~r, , f."i ~,fti ill y~i ~


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1~1 ~

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"If a judge makes a ruling he gets two rewards and if he errs he get
one". 39

Ahlus-Sunnah followed this way when dealing with the scholars,

Shaykh al-lslaam and the scholar of the ages Aboo al-'Abbaas lbn
Taymiyyah ,$5 said:

Collected in both Saheeh al,.Bukhaaree and Saheeh Muslim. The wording is that
found in Saheeh Muslim [#7352)


"The trend of Ahlus-Sunnah wai]amaa'ah is that the one who gives a

verdict according to the best of his knowledge is not guilty even if
his verdict is wrong." 40

Second: many of the people of the desires and innovation ask

scholars questions in a certain way so that the answer will be as he
(the asker) wishes. That is the case in this matter. Through their
lectures, tapes and books, we know that our honorable scholars
forbid the innovated parties and forbid severely everything that
leads to differing and separation. They fight against Tabarruj, 41
unveiling, photographing, murder, fighting (among Muslims), and,
above all, they forbid judging by other than Allaah's Sharee'ah. All of
these evils and more exist in what is called the electoral system. So if
the sinful asker (who asked them that question) had explained to
them one single evil, not to mention the rest of the evils, we would
have seen a warning from them against this wrongful system,
Allaahu aiMusta'aan.

Third: Ahlus-Sunnah wailamaa'ah does not imitate a particular

person in an absolute way except the Messenger of Allaah ~. That
is what our ancient and modern lmaams recommended; including
these two scholars (Ibn Baaz and lbn 'Uthaymeen) ~ .

Our Shaykh and scholar Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee was

correct when he said: "who imitates me is an unreliable person." 43 That

Majmoo' al-Fataawa (19/123)
Display of Beauty
Allaah's Help is sought
- Look in the Study: Rational Saying in Refuting the Doubt of Imitation that has been
brought be Aboo aiHassan aiAneed included in the book: Respond to Judge Alee Aboo
al-Hassan As-Sulaymanee.

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mocrotic ElectionQ ]

is because the proofs are in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and what
our Salaf (predecessors) agreed upon. But if a scholar's view
contradicted what is proved by the texts then it is not to be

Fourth: We say to the callers to elections: why do you not adopt the
Fataawa of these two scholars regarding the prohibition of the
dispraised partisanship which you follow?

Why do you not publish their virtues, their books and their tapes
among your followers like what you do with the virtues and the
books of your theorizers and the heads of your misguidance like
Sayyid Qutb44, Hassan al-Banna, Fathee Yakan, al-Ghazaalee, az-
Zindaanee, and the like, why?

EN: lmaam Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee ~ said concerning this devaiant

group: They are the people who read the writings of Sayyid Qutb and take what is
within them of truth and falsehood. You find them defending Sayyid if anyone
criticizes him even if the truth was with the person pointing out his faults. It is
well-known that Sayyid Qutb was not from the men of knowledge. Rather, he was
simply a religious person and, originally, a person of literary eloquence. Then he
began taking from the Ash'aree Madhhab - the Madhhab of distorted interpretation
- like others did from the scholars of Egypt. He has terrible and very serious
mistakes. Men from the people of knowledge have already opposed these
mistakes and exposed them, thereby clarifying them. And when they clarified
these mistakes, this enraged the Qutbiyoon to the point that they attacked them
(these scholars) with criticism, talking against them, and slandering them. So
Allaah is sufficient for us and an excellent protector He is. The basis is that men
are known by the truth and the truth is not known by men. So we must accept
the truth and worship, with it, Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. We must leave
anyone who follows an innovated manhaj and we must make our example and
pattern to follow Allaah's Messenger ~. his (four) Khaleefahs, his Companions,

0 A:mendix One

These people, my dear reader, take what supports their method and
leave what is against it, as it is always the way of the people of
innovations in ancient and modern times. The revered scholar
Shaykh Muqbil lbn Haadee al-Waadi'ee ~ responded to this
doubt: " ... those who call to elections are in fact enemies of these
scholars. They want to burn the scholars (i.e. to lead them to that
which is incorrect). Those partisans go to their Shaykhs like al-
Qaradawi and others, but they do not go to the scholars (of Ahlus-
Sunnah) except to burn them. I would like to ask those misleaders:
if these scholars withdrew their fatwa, would you retract your
opinion or not? We say: we believe that imitation is prohibited.
Ahlus-Sunnah do not imitate. The scholars (Ibn Baaz and lbn
'Uthaymeen) should retract this fatwa ..." 45

I say: whoever would like to read further on the refutation of this

doubt in detail can review the source book "aiAdillah ash-Sharee'ah"
(Legal Proofs).

and those who followed them from the lmaams of right guidance. And Allaah is
the Granter of success.
Tuhfat aiMujeeb 'ala as'ilat aihadar waiGhareeb, [Pg.314]

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The Horms & Ev· s of


The Sdldf's Stance towdrds Muslim


Verily, the call of Ahlus-Sunnah waUamaa'ah is a mercy to all people,

to the ruler and the ruled, the old and the young, the male and the
female, to the free and the slave, and to all people.

Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn T aymiyyah '*'

described Ahlus-Sunnah as: "The
people who follow the Sunnah are the elite and best people as an
example." 46

Hence, they (Ahlus-Sunnah) deal with all people according to the

Qur'aan and the Sunnah on the method of the Ummah's Salaf
(Pious Predecessors). Among these people are the rulers whom
Ahlus-Sunnah obey and do not revolt against even if they are unjust.
They do not pray against them but rather pray for them that Allaah
reforms and saves them. They advise them according to the method
of the Pious Predecessors ,$,. What calls them to do so is Allaah' s
Book, His Messenger's ~ Sunnah and the biographies of the Pious
Predecessors, like the honorable companions and those who follow
them in good to this day. Dear reader, here is the explanation of
that in short: Allaah ~ Says:

Minhaj As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah (5/ 158)


"0 you who believe! Obey Allaah and obey the Messenger
~ and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority... "

Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer ~ said,

"...and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority..."


"It is apparent, and Allaah knows best, that this Ayah includes all
those in authority from scholars and commanders." 47

Aboo Hurayrah ~ related the Prophet ~ said:

Tafseer Ibn Katheer [l/530]

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"Whoever obeys me has obeyed Allaah, and whoever disobeys me

disobeys Allaah. Whoever obeys the leader obeys me, and whoever
disobeys the leader has disobeyed me.,, 48

'Awf lbn Maalik * said that he heard the Messenger of Allaah ~ say:

"But whoever is under the authority of a Ruler and sees him do

something that he dislikes of disobedience towards Allaah, let him
hate his disobedience, but he should not withdraw his hand from
obedience to him (i.e., he should not rebel against him)". 49

Hudhayfah ~ who related the Messenger of Allaah ~ said:

"You will listen to the Ameer and carry out his orders; even if he
beats your back and takes your wealth" 50

It has been narrated on the authority of Umm Salama • that the

Messenger ~ said:

Recorded in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree [#? 13 7) and Saheeh Muslim (#1835).
Recorded in Saheeh Muslim
Saheeh Muslim


"There will be appointed over you rulers (whose good deeds) you
approve of and (whose bad deeds) you object to. Whoever dislikes
(their bad deeds) will be free of blame and whoever objects (to them)
will be safe, but whoever approves and follows (is blame worthy)
'They said; Should we not fight them?' He said No, as long as he
OJJers prayers. "51

It has been reported in the Saheehayn on the authority of 'Ubaadhah

lbn As-Saamit ~ who said:

~ A. a, ' .,.,
' , ~\.i
.... ;;I) .,.,

~l.kll le :.._r_../ i.li:. ..111

~ , is- l',.. ..111
/ Jc-- rr---J /
/M ~ /
M •

c;,... ,,,.,,,. ,,,, ,,,. ,,,. ,,,.

1.WJ ,.t
r:.~r • .. '1r
J~J r- ~, ~ J ir J r ~
• !.11 · ~1 le' . 1:1( . 11 •

"The Messenger of Allaah ~ took an oath of allegiance from us on

our listening to and obeying the orders of our commander in
adversity and prosperity, in pleasure and displeasure even when
Saheeh Muslim

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
( The Horms & Evils of Democrotic Elections

somebody is given preference over us, and without disputing the

delegation of powers to a man duly invested with them (Obedience
shall be accorded to him in all circumstances) except when you have
clear signs of his unbelief".

Anas ~ said: The eminent Companions of the Muhammad ~

forbade us by saying:

"Do not insult your rulers. Do not deceive them. Do not disobey
them. Fear Allaah and be patient. Verily the time is near." 53

It has been narrated on the authority of Aboo Bakr ~ that the

Prophet ti said:

"The Sultan is the shade of Allaah on earth. Whoever honors him,

Allaah will honor him, and whoever shows enmity against him,
Allaah will show enmity against him" 54

Saheehayn (Saheeh aiBukhaaree and Saheeh Muslim)
As-Sunnah by lbn Abee 'Aasim, and has been authenticated by al-Albaanee ;;is

A endix One

On the authority of Aboo Hurayrah • who said: the Messenger of

Allaah ~ said:

Jj~I ~ IJiJf JU~ (~li W Lill, )5.;J ~~ ~jJ


"...There will be Khulafaa'. His Companions said: What do you

command us to do?' He said: 'Fulfill the rights of the first one, but
not the second, The one to whom allegiance is sworn first has a
supremacy over the others. Concede to them their due rights (i. e.
obey them). Allaah (Himself) wiH question them about the subjects
whom He had entrusted to them" 55

'Arfajah bin Ash-Shaja'ee • who reported: the Prophet :ii said:

"Whoever comes to you, while all of the people are in a state of

unity as one man, and he seeks to break your support (of one
another) or tries to split your group, then kill him." 56

As-Sunnah by lbn Abee 'Aasim, and al-Albaanee .;.,, graded it Hasan (good)
Recorded in both Saheeh aiBukhaaree and Saheeh Muslim
Recorded by Muslim [no. 1852).

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
( )

Aboo 'Abdus-Salaam ~ said: From these Ahaadeeth and other than

them, it is clear that obeying the Muslim rulers is obligatory, and ai
hamdulillaah our country (Yemen) is an Islaamic country and we live
under a Muslim leadership. So we are not in need of elections.
What is needed is advising according to the method of the
Righteous Predecessors without elections, demonstrations57 ,

Shaykh Ibn Baaz .Jt; said: "As for what some people do these days such as
marches, demonstrations and assassinations in fact harm the Da'wah (the lslaamic
call). There is n o good in them. They harm and do not benefit. If you visited that
minster, chief, or president and advised him for the sake of Allaah or wrote to
him in a modest and wise way, that would be very beneficial and would save a lot
of troubles. This way the Islaamic call will spread all over the country; by advice,
kindness, wisdom, and participating in good. On the other hand, violence,
assassinations, insulting and abusing add fuel to the fire and increase the plague.
That will make the rulers tighten their stranglehold on the call and will trace the
callers. Marches and demonstrations h arm the call a lot. Scholars and knowledge
seekers should rather advise the rulers in writing or through visiting. Allaah ~

"By al-'Asr (the time). Verily man is in loss, except those who believe
(in Islaamic monotheism) and d o righteous good deeds, and
recommend one another to truth and recommend one another to
[Sooratul-'Asr (103): 1-3]

He said: "recommend one an other" and did not say: fight or assassinate, He said:
"recommend one another to truth and recommend one another to patience."
From the tape "Repudiating - before Allaah- from what is in the tape 'Flee to Allaah',

assassinations, bombings or all that leads to insecurity and chaos
under the pretext of the existence of sins and the spread of
corruption. We do not claim perfection, as deficiency exists and sins
are widespread but, on the other hand, good also exists. The
government-may Allaah bless it-does not prevent anyone from
performing the prayer or establishing the religious rites. The
Centers of Ahlus-Sunnah are -a~hamdulillaah- widespread all over
Yemen. Those responsible for them teach Allaah' s Book and His
Messenger's Sunnah ~ to all levels very safely, like the center of our
father Shaykh Muqbil lbn Haadee al-Waadi'ee ,*3 at which many
lessons are being taught on 'Aqeedah and Tafseer, Hadeeth, Fiqh and
it fundamentals, Nahw (grammar) and Sarf (morphology), the rulings
of inheritance, as well as teaching the Qur'aan and its Tajweed
(Rules of Recitation) and other Islaamic sciences. That is why
knowledge seekers from around the world come to learn at this
great center and receive the Salafee method in all branches of
religion including the position towards the Muslim ruler. Unrivaled
knowledge seekers have graduated from this center as well as

by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, in his response to Safar al-


I said: Some people - may Allaah guide them- believe that supporting our
persecuted Muslim brothers whether in 'Iraaq, Palestine, or in other Muslim
countries, can be through demonstrations. Such people do not realize that this is
one of the techniques of the Christians in order to distract Muslims from Jihaad,
and Allaahul-Musta'aan.

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
righteous scholars like Shaykh Muhammad lbn Abdul-Wahhaab al-
Wasaabi who is responsible for the Da'wah (call) and teaching in
Masjid As-Sunnah in al-Hudaydah. Also Shaykh Muhaddith Yahyaa
lbn 'Alee al-Hajooree whom our father Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee
al-Waadi'ee called 'the Faithful Advisor' and he is responsible for
the center after Shaykh Muqbil '*3. Also among those who
graduated from blessed center is the honorable Shaykh Muhammad
Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Imaam - may Allaah bless him- who is responsible
for As-Sunnah Center in Ma'bar. Among them also is Shaykh Aboo
Dhaar 'Abdul-'Azeez al-Buraa'i whom Shaykh Muqbil called 'the
Discerning Critic' and who is responsible for As-Sunnah Center on
Mafraq Hebeesh. Too many knowledge seekers also have graduated
from the blessed center of Dammaaj. These great things and other
than them exist in this country and cannot be denied except by
those whom Allaah blinded their eyes and their hearts like those
people of deviant thoughts such as the Takfeer wal Hijrah sect
(Excommunication and Exodus), the so called ]ihaad group that
Shaykh Muqbil calls "corruption group", the Muslim Brotherhood
group and its counterpart (which is derived from it) 'as-Surooriyyah'
and other than them from the people of innovation and
misguidance. As for the deficiency that exists (in the government), it
can be handled in the wise ways of the method of the Righteous
Predecessors $,.

Here is the explanation of that (method) in short, dear reader:

T ameem Ad-Daaree ~ who said: the Prophet :i said:


"Verily the religion is advice, verily the religion is advice, verily the
religion is advice .. .' He was asked, 'To whom is that advice?'
He said, To Allaah, His Book and His Messenger and to the
leaders from amongst the Muslims and to their general folk. 58

Regarding his (the Prophet's) saying "And to the leaders from amongst
the Muslims", the Prophet ~ explained how to advise the leaders, as
it has been reported by Aboo 'Aasim on the authority of 'lyaad Ibn
Ghanam ~ who said: the Messenger of Allaah ~ said:

"Whoever wants to advise the ruler (Sultan) he should not do so in

public, but rather he should take him by his hand and go with him
in private (to advise him). If he accepts it from him then that is
what is wanted, and if not, then indeed he has done what is
obligatory upon him". 59

This was the method which the righteous predecessors $ followed.

Saheeh Muslim [1/74 #95). The Book of Eemaan (Belief), Chapter: Religion is
Advice, Hadeeth of Tameem Al-Daaree • ·
Authenticated by al-Albaanee -.*5

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website

Al-Khattaabi ~ said: "Advice to the leaders of the believers means

to obey them in what is right and not to revolt against them with
sword when they are unfair". 60

lbn Rajah~ said: "As for the advice to the leaders of the Muslims,
it means to wish (to see) their righteousness, wisdom and justice and
to wish that the Ummah holds to them and to hate the Ummah's
differing on them. Also to obey them in the matters such as
obedience to Allaah, to hate those who see that it is permissible to
revolt against them and to support them in obeying Allaah, The
Glorified and the Exalted". 61

Ash-Shawkaani ~ said: "If it appeared to someone that the leader is

wrong in some matters, he should advise him and not expose him in
public. He rather should do as in the hadeeth; to take him by his
hand and go with him in private (to advise him), and not to
humiliate him". 62

Shaykh lbn Baaz ~ said: "Allegiance (to the leader) requires giving
advice to him, includes praying that Allaah blesses and guides him,
purifies his intention and his actions, and gives him righteous
retinue... It is an obligation on the subjects and their nobles to
cooperate with the leader and help him in reformation, in
eliminating the evil and in establishing the good with good speech
and in a kind way, as well as sound instructions which lead to the
good and not the evil". 63

Ma'alim As-Sunan (7/ 247]
Jami' aiUloom waiHikaam (1/222)
As-Say! al-Jaraar (4/ 556)
Reviews on the Fiqh (understanding) of Political and Intellectual Reality [pg.31}

Www.IslamicBooks.Website G
( A Qendix One

I say: This is the meaning of the advice to the Leader of the Muslims.
We conclude from that it is obligatory to obey him in what is good
and it is forbidden to revolt against him even if he is unfair or

At-Tahaawee 4*i said: "We do not see that it is permissible to revolt

against our leaders even if they are unfair. We do not pray against
them or withdraw ourselves from their obedience. We believe that
to obey them is to obey Allaah, the Glorified and the Exalted, and it
(obedience to them) is an obligation unless they command a sin. We
pray that Allaah purifies and saves them". 64

Aboo Bakr al-Maroothi '*'

said: "I heard Aboo 'Abdullaah Ahmad
lbn Hanbal urging (people) to save the blood and severely
forbidding revolting (against the ruler)". 65

Al-Barbahaaree '*'
said: "Whoever revolts against a leader of the
Muslims is a Kharijee (from the Khawaarij), has deviated from the
way of the Muslims, has contradicted the Aathaar (narrations) and if
he dies he dies the death of ]aahiliyyah... and it is not permissible to
fight against the Sultaan (ruler) or revolt against him even if he is
unfair". 66

Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee (the scholar, Muhaddith)

was asked about revolting against the rulers. The asker said: Is
revolting against the ruler permissible? He '*'
said: "revolting
against the rulers is one of the plagues that Muslims have been

Explanation of ai'Aqeedah at-Tahawiyyah [Pg.379)
As-Sunnah by aiKhalaal [1/131)
Sharh As-Sunnah [Pg. 78)

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
plagued by from ancient times. Ahlus-Sunnah -alhamdulillah- do
not see (that it is permissible) to revolt against the Muslim ruler ... " 67

Aboo Abdus-Salaam :dt3; said: All of the above is but a drop in the
ocean. The sayings of Ahlus-Sunnah in this matter are countless. If
anyone wants to read about that in detail he should read the books
of the lmaams of the predecessors such as As-Sunnah by al-Khalaal,
As-Sunnah by lmaam Ahmad and his son, Explanation of the
Fundamentals of the belief of Ahlus-Sunnah Wai]ama'ah by al-Lalakaa'i,
Explanation of the Sunnah by al-Barbahaaree, Ash-Sharee'ah by al-
'Aajuree, al-Ibanatayn by Ibn Battah, al,.Hujjah fi Bayaan al-Mahajjah
by al-Asbahani, the books of Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah like al-
'Aqeedah aiWasitiyyah and what is scattered in the Majmoo' al,.
Fataawa (Compilation of Fataawa), the books of the lmaams of the
Najd, as well as the books of the our modern time such as the books
of Shaykh lbn Baaz, al-Albaanee, lbn 'Uthaymeen, Shaykh Muqbil,
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaami', and the likes of these great
lmaams. Dear reader, read: "Legal Proofs to Uncover the Delusions of
Parties in Islaamic Societies" P.191-199 and P.220-223 and also a
treatise entitled "The Obligation of Obeying the Sultaan (ruler) in other
than the Disobedience of Ar-Rahmaan" by al-Areeni. These two books
conclude what is scattered in the books of the righteous
predecessors regarding this important issue.

Accordingly, I say -with Allaah's Help-: We accept the president, the

ministers, and the officials without elections68 • We believe that they

Tuhfat al-Mujeeb [Pg.227)
- Look at what is related to the prohibition of elections in: "Tuhfat aiMujeeb 'An
Asi'lat aiHadir waiGhareeb" by Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee, "Tanweer
az-Zulumaac, Uncovering the Evils Doubts of Elections" by Shaykh Muhammad lbn

( A endix One

are humans who are exposed to weakness, deficiency, and sins. It is

obligatory on the subjects and their masters to do their duty towards
them (the rulers) by advising, instructing and writing to them in a
kind way as well as praying to Allaah to give them guidance,
straightness and righteousness.

Al-Fudayl Ibn lyaad ,J2; says: "If I had one supplication that was
going to be answered I would make it for the ruler (Sultaan), we were
ordered to pray for them and not against them even if they are
unfair, for their injustice and unfairness is (bad) for themselves and
for the Muslims, and their righteousness is good for themselves and
for the Muslims"

Al-Barbahaaree ,,'92i said: "If you saw a man praying against the
Sultaan (ruler) then you should know that he is a man of desire, and
if you saw a man praying for the Sultaan then you should know that
he is a man of Sunnah lnshaaAllaah (Allaah Willing). 69

'Abd ullah al-Imaam, and "Legal Proofs to Uncover the Delusions of Parties in Islaamic
Sharhus-Sunnah [Pg.16]

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
To proceed: this is the method of Ahlus-Sunnah wa~]amaa'ah (the
Salafiyeen). They say that out of holding to the religion and the
'Aqeedah and not out of flattery or compliment, and Allaah is
Sufficient for them. And with Allaah lies true success.

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Appendix Two Regarding:

DemocracLf a Modern Da4 Cause of

Author(s) : Various

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
[ An Advice to the Peo le Concernin Demonstrotions

An Advice to the People Concerninq


Aboo 'Abdur-Rahmaan LJah4a lbn Alee AI-Hajoooree

Www.IslamicBooks.Website G

A brother asks: what is the Manhaj of the Ikhwaanu~Muslimoon?

In fact, they do not care about 'Aqeedah. They are only concerned
with Tawheed Al-Haakimiyyah (Oneness of Allaah's Judgment). They
are concerned with power and authority just like the rulers do. This
life is a trial. When someone in this life acquires a position, people
fight with him over that position. Life and positions last for a
month, two months, a year, but life is a trial and safety from it is a
prize. Ash-Shaafi' ee ~ said:

~"!:}'one has ever taste~ then!]have eaten it andtrieditsgoodandits


!]consirkr it but an illusion as its mirage~earedin the desert

Demonstrotions J

~ou avoidityou 111i/[fviea~fto it:.Je!!/k,anc!.f1o~htover it, its

dogs 111~htyou

The current situation in Yemen, although there are a lot of trials, is

better than what is expected to be when things turn to chaos. How
many parties are in Yemen? Each one of them wants to rule,
especially the Raafidhah1. Even their young people dream of ruling.
These parties will fight each other in order to satisfy America.
Everyone is trying to please America more in order to rule.
Hypocrites will work hard among them. From each party there will
be a minister who is trying to enable his party to rule. So, they will
fight each other in order to reach that goal.

We are speaking out or a practical view as we look carefully at the

consequences. Those people speak out of passions and from a

EN: Raafidhah- The extremists from the Shee'ah who exaggerate the status of the
household of the Prophet ~ to the extent that they harbor enmity and animosity
towards the companions of the Prophet ~ and even declare some of them to be
disbelievers. They are called the Raafidhah (the refusers or rejecters) because of
their rejection of Zayd ibn 'Alee ibn al-Husayn. They (the Raafidhah) approached
him in order to inquire as to his posit ion concerning Aboo Bakr and 'Umar but
once they heard him praise these two illustrious companions they rejected him.

A endixTwo

revolutionary point of view. They keep accusing each other of

treason and do not introduce any advice. Where are your advices
that please Allaah ~ and with which Allaah protects the country
from the trials? Where are your advices that benefit the ruler and
the one who is ruled and urge all people to obey Allaah?

Brothers, I would like to tell you that in the current situation it

would make no difference if we even wrote a book, that is equal in
size to Majmoo' Fataawa by Shaykhul-Islaam lbn Taymiyyah, on the
prohibition of demonstrations 2 and rebellions. Such a book would

TN: Shaykh lbn al-'Uthaymeen was asked this question: Are demonstrations &
protests considered to be a means from the legitimate means of Da'wah?

So he '*5 said: "All praise and thanks are to Allaah, the Lord of the creations, and
may H e send prayers and peace upon Muhammad, upo n his family, and his
Companions, and upon those who follow them in righteousness until the Last

As to what follows:

Indeed, the concept of demonstrations is a new, modern issue. It was not known
in the time of the Prophet ~ . nor in the time of the rightly-guided Khalifahs, nor
in the time of any of the Companions ~ .

Furthermore, the chaos and disorder that is included in it make it an

impermissible matter, so much so that the breaking of glass, doors, etc... Results
from it, also included within it are the mixing between men and women, the
youth and the elderly, and similar to that from corruptions and detestable things.

As for the issue of putting pressure upon the government; if it is a Muslim

government, then sufficient for it is an admonishment from the Book of Allaah
and the Sunnah of His Messenger ~. This is the best of what could possibly be
brought before any Muslim. If it (the government) is a disbelieving one, then it
would not even care about these 'demonstrators' and perhaps it would behave

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
not be accepted unless by very few people with good reason. Other
people are lost and they abandon the proofs if they are against their

However, those who call to Allaah should not hesitate in such

situations. They must show the truth and warn against the wrong.
Whoever accepts your advice will benefit himself, and whoever does
not will not hurt you. Allaah ~ Says:

"So remind them (0 Muhammad ~), you are only a one who
reminds, You are not a dictator over them."
[Sooratul-Ghaashiyah (88):21-22]

politely with them outwardly, while inwardly remaining upon what it was on of
evil. For this reason, we hold that demonstrations are detestable actions.

AB for their statements that these demonstrations are peaceful ones, then perhaps
they may be peaceful in the beginning or the first time, yet then they become
destructive. So I advise the youth to follow the path of those who have proceeded
them, for indeed Allaah ~ has praised the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar and has
praised those who followed them in righteousness." [Source: al-Jawaab al-Abhar Ii
Fu'aad Siraaj (pg. 75))

Www.IslamicBooks.Website G
( A endixTwo )

" ...So destroy not yourself (0 Muhammad ~ ) in sorrow

for them. Truly, Allaah is the All-Knower of what they
[Sooratul-Faatir (35):8]

Allaah created us to worship him and inviting to Him is worship. He


"And who is better in speech than he who says: ["My Lord

is Allaah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands firm
(acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allaah's
(Islaamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and
says: "I am one of the Muslims?"
[Sooratul-Fussilat (41):3 3]

Calling to Allaah is obligatory on everyone who is able to do so.

Allaah ~ Says:

"Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all

that is good (Islaam), enjoining Af,Ma'roof(i.e. Islaamic
Monotheism and all that lslaam orders one to do) and
forbidding Af,Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
vice to the Peo le Concernin Demonstrations==-_,]

that lslaam has forbidden). And it is they who are the

[Soorah Aali-'Imraan (3): 104]

By enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong Allaah

saves people from evils. It has been reported by an-Nu'maan bin
Basheer ~ that the Prophet ~ said:

~):; Js, 'J~ ~WI~ 1:,i;·,.11~~ ~J J ~~\

0 ,,, .,,,. ,,,. ,,, ~ O ,,.,,,. .,, J ,,.,,,.

(.)~ 1.:i)! ~ ?)$ (.JJ u:,;. ,-::~}a; J \.;j? !Ji Jl ly~

"There are people who do not transgress the limits (laws) of Allaah
ta'aalaa, and there are others who do so. They are like two groups
who boarded a ship; one of them settled on the upper deck, and the
other on the lower deck of the ship. When the people of the lower
deck needed water, they said, "Why should we cause trouble to the
people of the upper deck when we can have plenty of water by
making a hole in our deck". Now, if the people of the upper deck do
not prevent this group from such foolishness, all of them will perish;
but if they stop them, both groups will be saved". 3

There are many Ahaadeeth like the above one. Calling to Allaah does
not mean that everything you say will be accepted. If people accept,

Saheeh Bukhaaree

then it is good. If not, Allaah ~ does not waste the effort of the
one who does the good. If Allaah knew that a person is truthful, He
would write his action or speech in the scale of good deeds.

Look at the places where the Sunnah is applied. You will find peace,
tranquility and people busy with learning and getting knowledge.
Ahlus-Sunnah are brought up on the Sunnah and the way of the Salaf,
except those who deviate from this way and follow the misguided
sects. Generally, Ahlus-Sunnah are brought up on the Book of
Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger ~. both of which include
the guidance and the light. They are brought up on knowledge and
good morals, on applying the proofs (of the Qur'aan and the
Sunnah), on putting things in their places, on depending on Allaah
and trusting Him, and on many good things.

However, that does not mean that a person who makes a mistake is
not to be criticized and corrected. We only mean that the truth is
the principle of the methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah and of people who
follow and apply this method.

Voting is Haraam. In our country, both the rulers and the ruled
vote, and we forbid all of that. We advise only for the sake of Allaah
and are not working for any party.

Democracy is Haraam. Muslim Brotherhood4 are fully involved in

it. We forbid it because it is not from the religion of Allaah. It is the

EN: Shaykh lbn Baaz ~ Criticizes the lkhwaanees: The movement, "Al-

Ikhwaanul-Muslimoon", has been criticized by specialists of the people of

knowledge because they are not active in the call to the Tawheed of Allaah,
rejecting Shirk and rejecting the innovations. They have special methods which are
made deficient by their lack of activity in calling to Allaah, and their lack of
directing to the correct 'Aqeedah (creed of beliefs) which Ahlus-Sunnah wal-]amaa'ah
is upon. Thus, it is necessary for the lkhwaanuiMuslimoon to give some attention
to the Salafee Da'wah, and the call to Tawheed. And they must give attention to

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( )

rule of the people by itself, and includes deviation from the Qur' aan
and the Sunnah.

Demonstrations are Haraam. All people, men and women, go out

to shout in the protests and we forbid that and call for peace and
tranquility. We call for knowledge and the abandonment of trials.
We consider such people sinners because they imitate the Kufaar
(disbelievers) in addition to the other evils that demonstrations

Revolution and protesting against the rulers is Haraam in the

Qur'aan and the Sunnah. We forbid that and say: these are the
proofs of the Qur' aan and the Sunnah that are to be applied to the
Muslim ruler as well as to the non-Muslim ruler if changing him will
cause a lot of damage to Muslims. When that ruler is changed, we
do not know if his successor will be the same or worse. The Munkar

the matter of rejecting the worship of graves, being attached to the dead, and
seeking aid from the people in the graves, such as Al-Husayn, or Al-Hasan, or Al-
Badawee, or whatever is similar to that. They must have some concern for this
extremely fundamental principle. They must give concern to the meaning of Laa
ilaaha illallaah (None has the right to be worshiped but Allaah), which is the
foundation of the religion. And the first thing that the Prophet :/Iii called to in
Makkah was At-Tawheed. He called to the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah, so many
of the people of knowledge have criticized the lkhwaanuiMuslimoon for this
matter. That is their lack of activeness in calling to the Tawheed of Allaah and
making religious acts solely for Him alone, and their lack of rejecting what has
been introduced by the ignorant people of being attached to the dead and seeking
their aid, and making vows to them and slaughtering animals for them, which is
major Shirk (association of partners with Allaah). Likewise they criticize them for
their lack of concern for the Sunnah; the Sunnah is to be followed. They also have
a lack of concern for the Noble Hadeeth (i.e. study and application of Hadeeth),
and what the Salaf of the Ummah were upon in reference to religious laws. And
there are many (other) things. I hear a lot from the brothers that they criticize
them for. And we ask Allaah to help them, aid them and correct their affairs.
[Source: http://www.binbaz.org]

AQgendix Two J

(the wrong) should not be changed by another Munkar or a Munkar

that is worse than the first. The Sharee'ah in built on avoiding evils,
at least reducing them and not multiplying them.

Riha-Based Banks are Haraam. Both the rulers and the ruled (who
does not follow the Qur' aan and Sunnah from them) deal with
these banks, and we forbid that.

Photographing animate beings is Haraam. When you speak about

this matter some people consider it fantasy. They say: how are you
talking about that while life if filled with such things? We forbid
that and say that it is Haraam to force Muslims to be photographed.
Photographing can be replaced by something that states used to use
in the previous times. However, if it is necessary, that might have a
different Hukm (verdict).

Imitating the Kuffaar (disbelievers) is Haraam. A lot of people

imitate them and not only the IkhwaanuiMuslimoon do so. They
imitate them in their dealings and we forbid that and say it is
Haraam. Allaah ~ Says:

"And be not as those who divided and differed among

themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is
they for whom there is an awful torment."
[Soorah Aal-Imraan (3): 105]

The Prophet ~ said:

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"Whoever imitates a people is one of them"

Detestable Hizhiyyah is Haraam and we forbade it from its early days.

We have always said that there is only one party, the party of Allaah
and other than it is misguidance. Allaah ~ said:

"Truly! This, your Ummah [Sharee'ah or religion (lslaamic

Monotheism)] is one religion, and I am your Lord,
therefore worship Me (Alone)."
[Sooratul-Anbyaa' (21):92)

"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah

(i.e. this Qur'aan), and be not divided among yourselves,
and remember Allaah's Favor on you, for you were
enemies one to another but He joined your hearts
together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in
lslaamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire,
and He saved you from it. Thus Allaah makes His Ayaat


(proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,)

clear to you, that you may be guided."
[Soorah Aal-'lmraan (3):103]

Studying at the Masaajid is suspended in many parts of the country.

People work hard in order to get certificates and pursue the ambitions
of life. We are patient and following Allaah's Book and His
Messenger's Sunnah ~ . We stay at the Masaajid for that purpose at a
time where such good is very rare. We care about the knowledge that
is in Allaah's Book and in His Messenger's Sunnah. We care about
Tawheed ('Aqeedah/Oneness of God) as well as the 'Arabic language,
Fiqh5 , and about everything that benefits Muslims in their religion and
their life. In our societies nobody cares about this knowledge as Ahlus-
Sunnah does.

Materialistic and secular ambitions also made people lost and spread
trials among them. We urge ourselves and others to have
contentedness and piety in this life and to seek to please Allaah.
Allaah ~ said:

Islaamic jurisprudence

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An Advice to the Peo le Concerning Demonstrotions ]

"And wish not for the things in which Allaah has made
some of you to excel others. For men there is reward for
what they have earned, (and likewise) for women there is
reward for what they have earned, and ask Allaah of His
Bounty. Surely, Allaah is Ever All-Knower of everything."
[Sooratun-Nisaa' (4):32)

Mixing between men and women is Haraam and we forbid it

whether in demonstration or in other things. We think that this is a
trial and it affects the heart and exposes men and women to
immorality and to Allaah's discontent. The Children of lsraa'eel were
destroyed because of that. People now mix between men and women
in their schools and universities. A man from the Muslim
Brotherhood can deliver a lecture in front of women directly or teach
them in schools or universities directly. We heard things of that sort
from 'Amr Khalid and the like. We forbid that for the sake of Allaah
Compromising on the wrong is Haraam. W e say the truth out loud
and endure the consequences. W e forbid the wrong even if it is done
by our relatives or by a scholar. If he finds any deviation, the Sunni
gives advice immediately. The lkhwaanul-Muslimoon only stick to the

principle of Hassan al-Banna "Let us excuse each other in that which we
disagree and cooperate in that which we agree".

Among them you can find Christians, Soofis, Rawaafidh. The mixed
political parties are a perfect example of that.

I am going to mention one example to prove their lying. They say we

are being used by other parties for certain purposes. That is not true.
We work for the sake of Allaah ~ . We ask that Allaah uses us in His
obedience. He created us to worship Him and we give advice on big
and small matters for His sake. We ask Allaah that the Shaytaan does
not have a share in our actions. I wrote a book "The Inevitable Advice to
The Corrupt Judges and The Scholars of The Government". I wrote that
book when I found out that there are bribes among judges. I
introduced my advice through this message. One of the government's
radio stations used to broadcast a show called "People of Knowledge"
with Fataawa that are against the Qur' aan and the Sunnah. I gave
advice through a book and met for an hour with the people giving
Fataawa at that station.

The fact is that we work for the sake of Allaah and give advice for His
sake and not for any person. We do not work to get payments from
anyone. That was the situation of the Children of Israa'eel that Allaah
dispraised in His ~ Saying:

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An Advice to the Peo le Concerni Dernonstrotions

''Then woe to those who write the Book with their own
hands and then say, "This is from Allaah," to purchase with
it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have
written and woe to them for that they earn thereby."
[Sooratul-Baqarah (2):79)

Nobody cares about AiWalaa' waiBaraa' (Loyalty and Enmity) like

Ahlus-Sunnah does. Other people can deal with the Christians, the
Jews and with the Buddhists out of personal interest. They do not care
about those people's 'Aqeedah or religion. In Egypt, after it was
reported that Mubaarak stepped down, people (in the demonstration)
started to hug one another regardless of religions and whether the
other person was a Muslim or a Christian. This is the method of
Hassan al-Banna. He used to go to the places where people did Shirk
and speak to them about love for the sake of Allaah. Such people
needed to learn about the greatness of Tawheed and the seriousness of
Shirk and he used to lecture them on Love for the sake of Allaah. The
principle6 of the IkhwaanuiMuslimoon is one that includes all evils. We

Translator's Note: the principle is: "Let us excuse each other in that which we
disagree and cooperate in that which we agree".

AQQendix Two D
should say the truth out loud and give advice for Allaah's religio.n.
Allaah ~ Said:

"... then if they had been true to Allaah, it would have been
better for them."
[Soorah Muhammad (4 7):21]

And ~ Said:

"...Verily, Allaah will help those who help His (Cause).

Truly, Allaah is All-Strong, All-Mighty."
[Sooratul-Hajj (22):40]

The Prophet ~ said:

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"If you are Sincere to Allaah, Allaah will fulfill your wish" 7

Collected in an-Nasaa'i [# 1955] in the book of Funerals

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That is an example to prove that what we say and what we believe in
is for that sake of Allaah and is supported by the proofs of the
Qur' aan and the Sunnah. We work only for the sake of Allaah,
Allaah ~ Says:

''They regard as favor to you (0 Muhammad ;I) that they

have embraced lslaam. Say: "Count not your lslaam as a
favor to me. Nay, but Allaah has conferred a favor upon
you, that He has guided you to the Faith, if you indeed are
[Sooratul-Hujuraat (49): 17]

And Allaah ~ Said:

"And whatever of blessings and good things you have it is

from Allaah •.•"
[Sooratun-Nahl (16):53)

And Allaah ~ Said:

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"See you not (0 men) that Allaah has subjected for you
whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth
and has completed and perfected His Graces upon you
(both) apparent (Islaamic monotheism and the lawful
pleasures of this world and including health and good
looks) and hidden [one's faith in Allaah (of lslaamic
monotheism) knowledge, wisdom, guidance for doing
good righteous deeds and also the pleasures and delights of
the Hereafter in Paradise]? ..."
[Soorah Luqmaan (31):20)

Brothers, the people of falsehood, although they claim to accept

plurality and democracy, if you disagree with them they attack you
severely and accuse you of being an agent for the Moosaad8 and for
the rulers. Shaykh lbn Baaz ~ was right when he said:" if they could
accuse the caller to Allaah of committing incest with his mother they would
do it". Their goal is to distort the image of the callers to Allaah. On~
day I travelled to 'Aden after the trial of Aboo Al-Hassan and there
was a speech after Al-Fajr prayer. One of the people watched me
smiling during the speech, he said to his mate: "Al-Hajooree is
laughing". I seek refuge in Allaah! I am not Maalik, the guard of the

TN: Israel Intelligence Agency also known as the Institute for Intelligence and
S p ecial Ope ratio n s

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Hell, I am a human. I only said this example to show how some

people distort the image of Ahlus-Sunnah by lying and by falsehood.
Good morals come from the Qur' aan and the Sunnah. Ahlus-Sunnah
deserve (more than others) to adopt these morals. The correct
'Aqeedah comes from the Qur' aan and the Sunnah, and Ahlus-Sunnah
deserve (more than others) to be the followers of the Qur' aan and
the Sunnah. The Sunnee should have the biggest share of every good.

Those who say that Ahlus-Sunnah are agents working for external and
internal parties, some of these people have more then three or four
jobs. Some of them are hypocrites working for more than one party;
once for the Shee'ah, once for Al-Baath9 , once for the socialists, and
other times for the government. Ahlus-Sunnah are busy with the
obedience of Allaah ~. We ask Him to keep us on the way of
Tawheed and the Sunnah till death. We hate all kinds of trials
regardless of their sources. We ask Allaah to help us to obey Him.

Few days ago, the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

visited the country and they sat with her. I seek refuge in Allaah!
They sat with a foreign Kaafirah10 woman and spoke with her and
Allaah ~ Says:

"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking

at forbidden things) ..."

TN: A secularist nationalist party wh ich calls for a complete reversal in 'Arab
thinking and values in order to meld them and redirect them into a more socialist
TN: Female disbeliever

( A endixTwo

[Sooratun-Noor (24):30]

When the American ambassador visited the country, our Shaykh 4*i
said: "tell her to sit with women". Now she sits with the officials and
this is not a problem for them. How can they sit with a woman and
discuss with her who will be the next president! I testify that our
Shaykh ~ was right when he said about them "they do not care
about religion, they do not care about religion". If the Muslim
Brotherhood came into power they would spread more corruption
in the country. Now there are about seventy sects in Yemen. Each
one is isolated from the other.

AiBaatiniyyah in Hiraaz and Yareem aspire to rule. Socialists and

Raafidhah are preparing themselves to rule as soon as they get the
chance. These are facts that no one can deny. The Ikhwaanulr
Muslimeen add to their revolution some words and slogans that are
disbelief, for example:

~~\ :.~::·.; 0f ~ ill .. ~Q.-1 ;1) ~Y- ~:\11 l~l

~ ~

"If, one day, the people desire to live (freely), then fate (Qadar) must
accept their call"

I seek refuge in Allaah from such words! As if the fate of Allaah

submits to the desire of the people and not the opposite. Allaah ~
Says in His Book:

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An Advice to the Peo le Concernin Dernonstrotions Jl

"They made not a just estimate of Allaah such as is due to

Him. And on the Day of Resurrection the whole of the
earth with be grasped by His hand and the heavens will be
rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified is He, and High is
He above all that they associate as partners with Him!"
[Sooratuz..Zumar (39):67]

Allaah ~ Says:

"Say: Whose is the earth, and whosoever is therein, if you

know? They will say: It is Allaah's. Say: Will you not then
[Sooratul-Mu'minoon (23):84-85]

And ~ Says:

"Allaah is not such that any thing in the heavens or in the
earth escapes Him; verily He is All-Knowing, All•
[Soorah Faatir (35),44)

Another poet said:

~ 4, that its kams are not created{;the~n3'he morn, but rather we

createdit {; our han£

This is falsehood and a lie and that person cannot create an onion!
Allaah says in His Mighty Book:

"And Allaah has created you and what you make."

[Sooratus-Saaffat (3 7),96)

And ~ Says:

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"He has created everything, and has measured it exactly
according to its due measurement."
[Sooratul-Furqaan (25):2)

And ~ Says:

"And whatever of blessings and good things you have it is

from Allaah... "
[Sooratun-Nahl (16):53)

And ~ Says:

"Say (0 Muhammad :i): "O Allaah! Possessor of the

kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You will, and
You take the kingdom from whom You will, and You
endue with honor whom You will, and You humiliate

whom You will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You are
Able to do all things."
[Soorah Aal-'lmraan (3):26]

That indicates that such people do not care about the correct
'Aqeedah, as the above sayings are against the Qur'aan and the Sunnah
and it is a form of false belief. You can find many examples of such

We say to them: our people, be quiet, learn the Sunnah and apply it.
Teach people what is beneficial for them. Forbid the wrongs whether
they are from the people being ruled or from the rulers if you care
about the religion of Allaah. Do not expose the country to trials. Our
country is a country of wisdom and there is still good in it. Allaah ~

"So remember the graces (bestowed upon you) from

Allaah, and do not go about making mischief on the
[Sooratul-Araaf (7): 74]

And ~ Says:

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An Advice to the Peo te Concernin Demonstrotions n

"So remember the graces (bestowed upon you) from

Allaah, so that you may be successful."
[Sooratul-'Araaf (7):69]

Transcription of this recorded material and editing

On Tuesday 19 Rabee Awwal


And Praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds

- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -



(• ): Pronounced, ''Radhiyallaahu 'anhu.,, An 'Arabic phrase usually

mentioned after naming a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad,
meaning "May Allaah be pleased with him".

("3J,): Pronounced, ''Radhiyallaahu 'anhum. 11 An 'Arabic phrase usually

mentioned after naming three or more Companions of the Prophet
Muhammad, meaning "May Allaah be pleased with them".

(~ ): Pronounced, 'Subhaanahu wa Ta'aalaa'~ An 'Arabic phrase often

mentioned after the name of Allaah, meaning, "Glorified and high is He
above all imperfections".

(11): Pronounced, ''Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Sallam.,, An 'Arabic phrase often

mentioned after referring to the Prophet Muhammad, meaning, "May
Allaah send peace and prayers upon him." It is also said that it refers to
Allaah praising Prophet Muhammad among the angels.

(~): Pronounced, "Azza wa ]all. "An 'Arabic phrase mentioned after the
name of Allaah, meaning "Honorable and glorified."

(~ ): Pronounced, '~Alayhi as.Salaam.,, An 'Arabic phrase usually

mentioned after naming one of Allaah's Prophets or Messengers, meaning,
"Upon him be peace and safety".

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( )

Aarneen: 0 Allaah please accept (my supplication).

'Aashoora': The tenth day of Muharram according to the Islaamic lunar


Aayah al-Kursee: The two hundred and fifty-fifth verse of Soorah al-

Ablee wa Akhliqee: This is a phrase used by the 'Arab to supplicate for an

extended life.

Adha: The festival of sacrifice is one of the two annual days of celebration
for the Muslims. On the day of Adha, sheep are offered in sacrifice to the
Lord of creation.

Adhaan: Linguistically it is an announcement; but in terms of Islaamic

law, the Adhaan is an announcement that the time for prayer has come.
This announcement is performed in a particular manner along with a
specific wording, which has been authentically conveyed to us from the

Ahlul-Kalaam: The people of theological rhetoric who resort to

philosophy, logical explanation, and their own individual reasoning in
interpreting the texts of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.

Ahlus-Sunnah wal·Jamaa'ah: The People of the Sunnah and the collective

body (of believers) are those who adhere to what the Messenger of Allaah
and his companions were upon in matters of belief.

Ahnaa: The most affectionate or compassionate.


Al-Amaanah: Al-Amaanah literally means trustworthiness or honesty but

it is not one of the names and attributes of Allaah authentically
established in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah such that a person might
swear by it.

Al!Azeez: Al-'Azeez, which means the All-Mighty is one of the magnificent

names of Allaah which has been authentically established in the Qur'aan.

Al-hamdulillaah: A supplication of praise for Allaah the Exalted that

literally means all praise is due to Allaah.

Al-Hayy: Al-Hayy, which means the Ever-Living is one of the magnificent

names of Allaah, which has been authentically established in the Qur'aan.

Al-'lsraa' wa al-Mi'raaj: Linguistically Al-'lsraa' means to physically travel

during the night and Al-Mi'raaj linguistically means to ascend. However,
here Al-'lsraa' and Al-Mi'raaj are understood in light of the texts of the
Qur'aan and the Sunnah, which refer to the night of travel when the
Prophet physically traveled from Makkah to Jerusalem accompanied by
Jibreel before later ascending to the heavens.

Al-Jabbaar: Al-Jabbaar, which means the Compeller, is one of the

magnificent names of Allaah that has been authentically established in the

Al·Jamaa'ah: The collective body or group (of believers). This word is

commonly used as a reference to Ahlus-Sunnah wal-]amaa'ah.

Allaahu Akbar: The statement or pronouncement that Allaah is the


Al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh: The preserved tablet is a tablet with a reality

known only to Allaah. It is sometimes referred to as Ummul-Kitaab
(Mother of the Book) and is often described as being an account of what

G Www.IslamicBooks.Website
has occurred and what will occur in accordance with the All-
Encompassing knowledge of Allaah and His Decree.

Al-Mu'min: Al-Mu'min, which means the Granter of Security is one of

the magnificent names of Allaah, which has been authentically established
in the Qur' aan.

Af..Mutakabbir: Al-Mutakabbir, which means the Proud One is one of the

magnificent names of Allaah, which has been authentically established in
the Qur' aan.

Al-Qayyoom: Al-Qayyoom, which means the Eternal Sustainer is one of

the magnificent names of Allaah, which has been authentically established
in the Qur'aan.

Af..Walaa' wal-Baraa': Al-Walaa' wal-Baraa' or allegiance and

disassociation is the sense of love, support, affinity and benevolence that
the Muslim holds towards the believers, which is coupled with a sense of
disdain, scorn and hatred for the disbelievers because of what they are
upon of disbelief.

Ansaar: The original inhabitants of Yathrib (Madeenah) consisting of the

tribes of Aws and Khazraj and other than them who embraced the call of
the Prophet, supported him and aided him while opening their homes to
the believers who migrated to them from Makkaah.

'Aqeedah: The word 'Aqeedah is derived from the word 'Aqd which
means to tie something tightly. It is also said that 'Aqeedah is the
conviction of the heart which becomes manifest in a person's religion.
'Aqeedah is an affair of the heart which entails faith in something and
belief in it.

Araa'ik: The thrones that contain curtains or canopies.

'Arafah: 'Arafah is a mountain located very close to Makkah and is a site
which pilgrims visit while performing Hajj. Yawmu 'Arafah is the ninth
day of Dhoo al-Hijjah in accordance with the lslaamic lunar calendar.

Ar-Rahmaan: Ar-Rahmaan, which means the Most-Merciful, is one of the

magnificent names of Allaah that has been authentically established in the

Ash'ariyyah: The Ashaa'irah or Ash'ariyyah are those who ascribe

themselves to Aboo al-Hasan al-Ash'aree. They are considered to be from
the closest of the deviant groups to the methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-
Jamaa' ah. Their beliefs are established upon a mixture of revelation and
philosophy. They are characterized by their opposition to Ahlus-Sunnah
regarding the magnificent names and attributes of Allaah. They restrict
themselves to affirming only seven attributes to Allaah. They reject the
use of prophetic narrations containing only a single chain of narration in
matters of 'Aqeedah. They give precedence to intellect and logic over the
revealed texts and falsely interpret the Qur' aanic verses regarding the
attributes of Allaah.

As-Salaam: As-Salaam, which means the Source of Peace, is one of the

magnificent names of Allaah that has been authentically established in the

As-Salaamu 'Alaykum1 The greeting of the believers, which can be literally

translated as, "May peace be upon you."

Athar: The statements and actions that have been narrated from the
companions and their followers (Taabi'een).

'Awrah: Private areas which should be concealed.

'Azl: Coitus interruptus; or the act of withdrawal prior ejaculation during

sexual intercourse.

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ndonment o Porties

Ba'athists: A secularist nationalist party which calls for a complete reversal
in 'Arab thinking and values in order to meld them and redirect them
into a more socialist direction.

Badl: An 'Arabic grammatical term that refers to a word that can be used
as a substitute for another.

Basharah: The outer part of the skin, which is apparent.

Bid'ah: Whatever is innovated and introduced into the religion that is in

opposition to what the Messenger of Allaah and his companions were

Bismillaah: The statement or pronouncement, which can be literally

translated as "In the name of Allaah" or ''With the name of Allaah ."

Bis-Sa'aadah: A common greeting amongst the 'Arabs, which means "with


Bu'aath: A day of historical significance to the people of Madeenah

Buhtaan: Falsehood.

Burd: A garment for which there exist many names.

Burooj as-Samaa': Stronghold of the heavens.

Burooj Mushavvadah: Raised fortress.


Daa'im: Ad-Daa'im, which means the Everlasting, is one of the names that
has been ascribed to Allaah but has not been authentically established in
the Qur' aan or the Sunnah.

Dajjaal: The antichrist or false messiah is one of the major signs of the day
of judgement.

Dhaat: A term used to refer to the self.

Dhaat ad-Deen: The woman of religion, or religious woman.

Dha'eef: Narrations, which do not fulfill the conditions of either Saheeh

(Authen tic), or Hasan (sound) narrations are considered Dha'eef (weak).

Dhaahir al-Jild: The outer part of the skin, which is apparent.

Dharrah: The co-wife in a polygamous marriage.

Duff: A particular type of instrument (drum), which is beaten.

'Eed: The 'Eed is a name given to a particular time of year when the
people gather in order to celebrate. During this celebration, which occurs
annually, the people commonly visit one another and exchange gifts.

Unit & the Abondonment of Porties )

Eemaan: True faith, which is exemplified by the statements of the tongue

and belief in the heart and the actions of the limbs. It increases with
obedience and decreases with transgression.

'Eesha': The last of the five daily prayers, which is offered at night.

Fardh 'Ayn: The individual obligation is the duty that is incumbent upon
every single person to fulfill individually.

Fardh Kifaayah: The communal obligation is the duty that is incumbent

upon the community to fulfill, such that if only a small segment of the
community satisfies this obligation, then the remainder of the community
becomes excused from the responsibility of establishing it.

Fath (i.e., Fath Makkah): The conquering of Makkah.

Fiqh: The knowledge and application of Islaamic legal rulings that are
extracted from explicit and detailed evidences.

Firaqaan: Groups.

Fir' awn: Pharaoh

Fitr: The festival of fastbreaking is one of the two annual days of

celebration for the Muslims. On this day, the Muslims celebrate the
completion of the month of Ramadhaan by breaking their fasts.



Ghusl: The major individual purification, which consists of pouring water

over the entire body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet
while washing the body parts in the manner prescribed by the Prophet.

Gheerah: Jealousy.

Haaliqah: Destructive.

Haashim: A reference to the great grandfather of the Prophet


Hadd: Prescribed punishments, which are ordained to inhibit


Hajj: Proceeding towards the House of Allaah in order to draw closer to

Him by offering specific actions, during a specific time, and in a specific

Hasan: Whatever has been conveyed by a trustworthy narrator whose

memory has weakened while also not containing any abnormalities
(Shudhoodh) or problems ('Ilal).

Henna': A reddish-brown dye that is obtained from a specific plant and is

often used for beautification.

Hijaab: The head covering which Muslim women use to conceal their

Hijrah: A migration from the land of disbelief to the lands of lslaam.

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( ent of Porties

Hunafaa: A description of the people who worship Allaah sincerely while

avoiding all forms of polytheism, it was the religion of lbraaheem and
those who followed him from his people.

ldraak: Idraak is to encompass something and an ability to detect more
than what is apparent to the eye.

ldhtiraab: Idhtiraab occurs when a prophetic narration is conveyed with

multiple chains of narration. These problematic narrations contradict one
another, so if it is possible to give precedence to one of the narrations over
the others because of the strength of its narrators' memories, or their close
association to the Prophet, then in this situation this prophetic narration
is no longer considered problematic (Mudhtarib).

Ihdaad: A woman's' abstaining from beautification by way of perfume and

clothing or whatever might lead towards marriage from clothing or
jewelry, or other than that during a prescribed period of mourning
following the death of her husband.

lhsaan: "It is to worship Allaah as if you can see Him; and although you
do not see Him, He most certainly sees you."

lkh: A word said to the camel by a person who desires for it to it to

remain motionless.


lmaam: A term that is generally used to refer to the one who leads the
prayer. The word is also used to refer to leaders in certain circumstances
as well as prestigious scholars.

lqaamah: An announcement for those who are present in the Mosque

that the prayer is about to be established. This announcement is
performed in a specific manner along with specific phrases.

Irsaal: lrsaal is the statement of a Taabi'ee who says that the Prophet ~
said such and such or did such and such.

Islaam: "lslaam is to profess that none has the right to be worshipped

except Allaah alone, and that Muhammad (may peace be upon him) is the
Messenger of Allaah; that you observe the prayer, pay Zakaah, fast the
month of Ramadhaan and perform the Hajj (pilgrimage) to the House,
provided you have ability to do so."

Jahmee: A Jahmee is a follower of the extreme innovator Jahm ibn
Safwaan who is known primarily for his deviation in matters of creed and
rejection of the magnificent names and attributes of Allaah.

Jahmiyyah: The Jahmiyyah is an ascription used to describe the people

who maintain the beliefs of Jahm ibn Safwaan.

Janb: Side.

Jarh wa Ta'deel: Criticism and appraisal is a science that focuses upon

assessing the narrators who transmit prophetic narrations.

Jihaad: Jihaad is exerting effort while fighting the disbelievers. It is also

used to describe struggling with one's self in learning the affairs of the

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Uni & the Abcmdonment of Porties JJ
religion, then working in accordance with that, and then teaching others.
Similarly, it is used to describe a persons' struggle with Satan by resisting
what he suggests of doubts and what he makes appear pleasing of the
desires. It is also used to describe struggling against the transgressors with
the hand, then with the tongue, and then with the heart. As for the
struggling with the disbelievers with one's hand, wealth, tongue, and
heart, then this occurs by calling to the religion of truth and fighting for
the right to establish it when they refuse to accept its establishment and
refuse to accept the status of Dhimmah. For indeed, Jihaad was legislated
as means to prohibit the people from committing polytheism (Shirk).

Jilbaab: The women's over-garments, which are worn over her clothing.

Jinn: "The Jinn is from the creation of Allaah similar to mankind and the
angels. They are described as being possessors of intellect and
understanding just as they possess the ability to choose between right and
wrong as Allaah the Exalted says: 'And among us are some that righteous,
and there are others that are not; we are groups each having a different
way.' [Qur'aan 72:11]. They were named Jinns because of their hidden
nature and concealment from the eyes. Allaah the Exalted says, 'Indeed,
he sees you; him and his tribe see you from where you cannot see
them." [Qur'aan 7:27] They are created from fire; Allaah the Exalted
says: "And the jinn, We created before from scorching fire.' [Qur'aan
15,27] Allaah created the jinn before mankind; Allaah the Exalted says,
'And the Jinn, We created before.' [Qur'aan 15:27] The Jinn can be
divided into three categories according to the statement of the messenger
of Allaah, 'The Jinn are of three types: one type that flies in the air, a
second type that are snakes and dogs, and the third type that moves about
freely.' (Narrated by at-Tabaraanee) Allaah created the Jinn for the
purpose of worship as He the Exalted says, 'And I have not created the
Jinn or Mankind except that they should worship me.' [Qur'aan 51:56]
and Allaah sent to them messengers. So the messengers that were sent by
Allaah to mankind were sent to the Jinn. Allaah the Exalted says, 'O


assembly of Jinns and mankind! Has there not come to you Messengers
from amongst you, relaying to you my signs?' [Qur'aan 6:130]. Some of
the people of knowledge like Ibn al-Jawzee and Adh-Dhuhaak take an
opposing opinion and say that the messengers for the Jinn are from the
Jinn, but this opinion is rejected. The Jinn marry amongst themselves and
some people of knowledge have said that the Jinn can marry from
humankind. And for the Jinn are abilities that Allaah did not grant the
children of Aadam like their incredibly fast travel and movements, their
ability to manipulate and change their forms, as well as their ability to
ascend into the sky. No one disputes the existence of the Jinn from the
people whom have been granted revelation (i.e. the Jews and the
Christians). But the polytheists and the philosophers reject their existence
as well as some modern thinkers. The philosophers make the angels the
strength of a good person, and they make the devils the strength of an evil
person. Doctor Muhammad al-Bahee (falsely asserts) in his explanation of
the Qur'aanic chapter entitled Al-Jinn that the intended meaning of the
Jinn are the angels."

Jizyah: A sum of money that the disbelievers are to pay to the Muslim
State in return for the promise of protection and security while living in
the Muslim lands.

Kaafir: The individual who rejects lslaam or disbelieves in Allaah the
Mighty and Majestic.

Ka'bah: The original house of worship established by lbraaheem. The

great mosque in Makkah is commonly referred to as the Ka'bah because of
its cubical shape and is the focal point and direction to which all Muslims
direct their faces in prayer.

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Khabr: Khabr is commonly used as a synonym for the term Hadeeth. It is
also said that the Hadeeth is what has been narrated from the Prophet
while the Khabr is what has been narrated from other than him.

Khashabiyyah: A group from the sects of the Raafidhah who claim that
'Alee is the best individual from amongst the people. They also despise
Aboo Bakr, 'Umar, and 'Uthmaan and give preference to 'Alee over all of

Khawaarij: The Khawaarij are a deviant group that rebelled against 'Alee
ibn Abee T aalib and eventually killed him. Their ideology consists of
rebelling against the Muslim leaders and declaring those who commit
major sins to be disbelievers.

Khayr: The word Khayr (good) is a comprehensive word that includes all
of the acts of obedience and permissible actions related to both the
worldly life and the hereafter while excluding the prohibited things.

Khilaafah: The position of Khaleefah, which is a derivative of the word

Khilaafah is the general worldly and religious authority, granted to those
who succeed the Prophet in leading the Muslim nation.

Kuhl: A black coloring that is commonly applied to the eye for the
purpose of beautification or for the treatment of ailments.

Kurraamiyyah: The Kurraamiyyah is an ascription that refers to the

followers of Muhammad ibn Kurraam. The Kurraamiyyah is a deviant
sect that consists of many different factions whose speech concerning the
magnificent names and attributes of Allaah leads them to creating
likenesses for Allaah and elaborating in their description of Allaah until
they liken Him to His creation with terms that Allaah has not affirmed for
Himself, like al-Jawhar or essence.


Laghw: Idle speech.

Lughah: 'Arabic language.

Maghaafeer: Maghaafeer is the plural of Mughfoor, which is a sweet
tasting gum with a foul odor.
Maghrib: One of the five daily prayers, which is performed at the time
when the sun sets.

Mahr: Linguistically the Mahr is the bridal money of a woman. The Mahr
is whatever is given as a payment by the husband to his wife at the time of
his marriage contract.

Mahram: Linguistically the Mahram is the possessor of Al-Hurmah, which

is sanctity, reverence, or veneration. The word Mahram is singular, and its
plural is Mahaarim. It is also described as being whatever is prohibited by
Allaah the Exalted. Legally the Mahram for both the man and the woman
is whomever one is prohibited from marrying indefinitely because of
lineage or close family ties. The Mahram is also mentioned in the noble
prophetic narration, "The woman should not travel except with someone
who is a Mahram for her." The Mahram for the woman is the Muslim
male who is mature, sane, and prohibited from marrying her indefinitely.
The Mahram for the man according to the jurist is the woman who is
prohibited from marrying the man indefinitely because of lineage,
nursing, or marriage.

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Ma'iyyah: The Ma' iyyah (or accompaniment) according to the belief of
Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah is a real Ma'iyyah (accompaniment) and th at
Allaah is above the heavens while at the same time He is with His creation
by way of His knowledge and this is not something impossible for Him
but rather it is impossible for His creation.

Majhool: An individual who is Majhool is a narrator who is unknown

amongst the scholars for his seeking knowledge or his zealousness
concerning seeking knowledge or traveling in search of it.

Majjatan Majjahaa: The sending of water from the mouth.

Makr: The reality of Makr (plotting) is making apparent one thing while
hiding the opposite of this in order to arrive at one's aims.

Malahhidah: The Mulhid, which is the singular form of Malahhidah, is

the individual who renounces the religion in favor of disbelief.

Masaa' al-Khayr: Literally, "Good evening."

Masjid: The place of prayer and worship for the Muslims.

Mathal: An 'Arabic proverb.

Mu' adhin: The individual who announces that the time for prayer has

Mu' alaq or Mu'allaqan: A prophetic n arration containing a d isconnected

chain of narration.

Mu'awidhaat: Soorah al-Falaq and Soorah an-Naas.

Mudd: The Mudd is a very old measurement. It is approximately a Ratl

and a third according to the people of the Hijaaz (which is equivalent to
one fourth of a Saa'or about ¾ of a kilo). lt is approximately two Rad
according to the people of lraaq .

Muhaajir: Those who migrate from the lands of the disbelievers to the
lands of the Muslims for the sake of Allaah.

Mujaahid: The Muslim who performs Jihaad for the pleasure of Allaah.

Musdar: Original noun (noun of action, infinitive).

Mushrik: A Mushrik is a polytheist, or whoever directs worship to other

than Allaah, or an individual who worships others along with Allaah.
Muslimoon: The plural of Muslim. A Muslim is an individual who
believes in Allaah and in the message of His Prophet Muhammad.

Musnad: A prophetic narration with a chain of narration that reaches the

Prophet ~ .

Mutakalimoon: An ascription that refers to the people who speak in

matters of the religion and attempt to establish fundamentals and
principles without concerning themselves with the branches of Islaamic
jurisprudence (Fiqh). These new principles are then considered to be the
criterion for which issues should be examined.

Mutanatti'oon: The Mutanatti'oon are those who elaborate and

exaggerate beyond the limits in their speech and actions.

Mu'tazilah: The Mu'tazilah is a deviant sect founded by Waasil ibn 'Ataa'

that appeared towards the end of the Umayyid era and flourished
throughout the time of the Abbasids. This deviant group relies solely
upon the intellect to understand the Islaamic beliefs primarily because of
the influence of the philosophers upon them. The doctrine which best
defines them is their position concerning the individual who commits a
major sin. They claim that the person who commits a major sin is no
longer a believer and similarly this person should not be considered a
disbeliever but rather he occupies a status between those two stations.

Naasibee: Those who used to harbor enmity towards the family of the
Prophet :i.

Nafs: The self (Nafs) is from the attributes of Allaah which have been
established by way of the Qur'aan and the authentic Sunnah of His

Nammaam: A person who carries tales.

Qadariyyah: An ascription given to those who reject the divine pre-decree
(Qadr) and claim that the servants possess a free will that is independent
of Allaah and that the servants create their own actions.

Qadeem: Qadeem, which literally means old, is a word that is commonly

thought to be one of the glorious names of Allaah. This is a mistaken
notion since Qadeem is a name that has not been authentically established
in the Book or the Sunnah.

Qadr: Allaah's pre-ordainment or pre-decree wherein the creator has

recorded everything that He has ordained for His creation.

Qameesah: A shirt or garment that covers the upper torso.

Qattaat: The slanderer (Qattaat) that listens to something that he does not
know about, and then he hastily conveys what he has heard.

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Qawaa'id: The elderly women of post-menstrual age.

Qisaas: Islaamic legal retribution entails the establishment of equity

between a crime and its punishment in accordance with Islaamic law.

Qur' aan: The speech of Allaah the Mighty and Majestic, which descended
upon His Messenger - may the peace and blessings of Allaah forever be
upon him.

Quraysh: One of the most prestigious and affluent tribes of pre-lslaamic

'Arabia, it was the tribe to which the Messenger of Allaah belonged.

Raafidhah: The extremists from the Shee'ah who exaggerate the status of
the household of the Prophet to the extent that they harbor enmity and
animosity towards the companions of the Prophet and even declare some
of them to be disbelievers. They are called the Raafidhah (the refusers or
rejecters) because of their rejection of Zayd ibn 'Alee ibn al-Husayn. They
(the Raafidhah) approached him in order to inquire as to his position
concerning Aboo Bakr and 'Umar but once they heard him praise these
two illustrious companions they rejected him.

Raafidhee: The 'Arabic word used to describe an individual from the

ranks of the Raafidhah.

Ramadhaan: The ninth month in the Islaamic lunar calendar wherein the
Muslims observe fasting from before the sun rises until it sets in the

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Ribaa: A term used to describe a type of financial transaction that is
prohibited in Islaam. Ribaa includes but is not restricted to usury,
interest, and/or interest based transactions.

Riyaa': Riyaa is a word that expresses making apparent something while in

reality hiding that, which contradicts whatever was made apparent to the
people. It is also referred to as the lesser hypocrisy and is exemplified in a
persons "showing off."

Ruqyaa: The recitation of specific verses of the Qur'aan as well as

particular authentic supplications upon the sick in an effort to heal them.

Saatir: Saatir, which literally means concealing, is a word that is commonly
thought to be one of the glorious names of Allaah. This is a mistaken
notion since Saatir is a name that has not been authentically established in
the Book or the Sunnah.

Sabaah al-Khayr: An 'Arabic greeting which could be literally translated

as, "Good morning."

Sadaqah: Charity, or whatever is offered from one's wealth in an effort to

draw closer to Allaah the Mighty and Majestic.

Sadooq: The term Sadooq or truthful is a term used by the scholars to

assess the status of those who transmit prophetic narrations.

Saheehayn: A term used to refer to Saheeh al-Bukhaaree and Muslim,

which are the most authentic books after the Qur'aan.

Salaam: Literally peace; which in some contexts is used as a reference to

the greetings of peace or the saying of, "As-Salaamu 'Alaykum."

Shaahid: A Shaahid is a prophetic narration that shares the same or a
similar wording with the original narration transmitted by a different
companion. This secondary narration is used as supporting evidence,
which affirms the authenticity of the original narration.

Shaam: An older geographical reference, which included greater Syria,

Jordan, and Palestine.

Shay': An 'Arabic word, which literally means, "something."

Shaykh: The term Shaykh generally refers to an older man who has
reached his fifties. The term also is used to refer to scholars in Islaam who
have spent their lives acquiring knowledge of Allaah's religion. The term
Shaykh is also used by the scholars to assess the status of those who
transmit prophetic narrations and is considered from the terms of

Shee'ah: A term used to refer to those who exaggerate in their allegiance

to the household of the Prophet while giving specific preference to 'Alee
ibn Abee Taalib.

Shirk: To associate partners to Allaah or to worship others beside Him.

Shirk can also be committed by compromising any aspects of Islaamic

Shirk Akbar: The major Shirk that expels a person from the fold of lslaam.

Soorah: A chapter from the Noble Qur'aan.

SubhaanAllaah: An expression used to glorify the creator of the heavens

and the earth.

Sunan: A term used by the scholars to describe the books of prophetic

narrations that are arranged in accordance with the chapters of Islaamic

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Sunnah: Linguistically the Sunnah is a way or a path, whether that way or
path is good or bad. The plural of the word Sunnah is Sunan and the
primary use of the word Sunnah is in reference to a way, which is upright
and praiseworthy. The Sunnah is also a term that is used to refer to the
statements, actions, and tacit approvals of the Prophet - may the peace
and blessings of Allaah forever be upon him - as well as the description of
physical attributes and character.

Surrah: The stomach or belly.

Tabarruj: To expose one's beauty and adornments to others.

Tadlees: Tadlees is the mention a prophetic narration along with its chain
in a manner, which implies that it is stronger than it really is.

Tafilaat: Women who have not applied perfume.

Tahreef: Distortion.

Takbeerah al•lhraam: The initial pronouncement of "Allaahu Akbar"

which enters a person into a state of prayer.

Tama'at: To lose one's hair.

Tamtheel: Those who attempt to explain how Allaah's attributes are by

citing examples.

Taqwa: A praiseworthy characteristic that assists an individual in

implementing Allaah's orders and abstaining Allaah's prohibitions.

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Tashahhud: One of the positions of the prayer where the praying person
supplicates for the Prophet and his family while in a seated position.

Tashayyu': Those who show favoritism and partisanship towards the

household of the Prophet.

Tashbeeh: A synonym for Tamtheel and Tajseem, which is the idea

Allaah's attributes, are similar to the attributes of His creation. An
example of this can be fo und in the assertion that Allaah's hand is like
human hands.

Ta'teel: The rejection of Allaah's attributes.

Thareed: A type of food known by the 'Arabs that resembles porridge.

Thiqah: The term Thiqah or trustworthy is a term used by the scholars to

assess the status of those who transmit prophetic narrations.

Thiyaab: The word Thiyaab is the plural of the word Thawb, which is a
lo ng flowing, garment traditionally worn by the 'Arab.

Turjmaan: An interpreter.

'Umrah: The 'Umrah is a lesser pilgrimage (Hajj) which involves
proceeding towards the House of Allaah in order to draw closer to Him by
offering specific rituals and acts of worship.


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Wahabees: The term Wahhaabee is an ascription to Shaykh Muhammad
ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab '*'·People who oppose the call of the Shaykh in
order to imply that the call of the Shaykh is a methodology foreign to
lslaam or an ideology that opposes Islaam most commonly use this term.
The truth concerning the Shaykh and his call is that he was a revivalist
who called for a return to the methodology and guidance of the pious
predecessors. He called for a return to the pure lslaamic monotheism,
which is free of the innovations of those who deviated away from the
guidance of the pious predecessors, and the Pure lslaamic monotheism
that the Messenger of Allaah was sent with.

Wa laa Adh-Dhaaleen: " ...Nor those who were led astray." [Soorah al-
Faatihah 1:7)

Walee: The guardian or male relative entrusted with the responsibility of

safeguarding a woman's interests when contracting a marriage.

Waleemah: A wedding feast or banquet.

Wudhoo': Ablution or the washing or wiping of specific body parts in

order to prepare for particular acts of worship.

Yaa 'Afaareet: Literally, "O malicious devils."

Yaa Junaah: Literally, "O criminals."

Yaa Umma as-Sibyaan: Literally, "O mother of the children."

Yarhamukullah: The supplication made for the one who sneezes which is
to be said after the one who snee2ed praises Alhah.

Zakaah: The offering of a specific portion of one's wealth in charity after
having reached a certain quantity while remaining at or above this quota
for the duration of a year. Therefore, if a persons' wealth does not meet
this quota, then there is no charity obligatory upon him until his wealth
meets these conditions.

Zarnab: A type of good smelling plant.

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Unit4 ©the Abandonment of Parties
With Appendix
Democracy: AModern Day Cause of Disunity
A ll Praise be to A llaah, Lord of all that Exist. I bear wimess that no god has the right to be
worshipped except A llaah, the G uardian of the righteous. And I bear wim ess chat
Muhammad is His slave and messenger ;i, his family, his companions, and many salutations
to them.

While many Muslims are isolated from their religion, they have been exposed co rnaw,-
foreign ideas. This is a dangerous issue, but what is even more dangerous is when disbelievers
bring their filth of western societies to Muslims in order co deceive them and insert ideas
that are normally unacceptable in Muslim societies.

More dangerous than that is the fact that those ideas are adopted and supported by streams
of groups belonging to lslaam, such as the lkhwaanul-Muslimeen, Hizbut-Takhreer, and
others. They attempt to beautify these ideas with an lslaarnic flavor in order to make them
more palatable to the unknowing observer. Hence, standing against those ideas is considered
a great kind ofJihaad for the sake of Allaah ...

. .. We complied this research from a study we prepared on Democracy based on the Rulrngs
of lmaam Muqbil lbn Haadee al-Waadi'ee ~ and h is prominent students pro, ing c.hac
democracy is unrelated to Islaam reagardless of what the carriers of this deviant ideaology
may bring to deceive the uninformed. Also we have preceded this research with the book
"Unity & Abandonment of Parties" by the noble scholar Shaykh Saalih Faw::aan ibn
'Abdullaah al-Fawzaan to explain the unity of the Muslims .. .

l'UBLl~1 , -

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