Intelligence Cycle
Intelligence Cycle
Intelligence Cycle
Intelligence Cycle
processing, analysis, and broadcast of information readily available to everyone. When it comes
to classic intelligence cycles, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) refers to the process of
transforming raw data into comprehensive intelligence that policymakers can use in decision-
making and action. The purpose of the cycle is to provide policymakers with important
information that will give them an advantage when making their assessments.
those in the political arena. For intelligence to be effective, it must be applied at the appropriate
time and location. Once the intelligence requirements have been established in the initial phase,
the next step is to define which information needs to be collected. The information collection
process comprises determining which states to pursue, which types of information to acquire,
and what methods to use to obtain that information. Processing makes use of the raw information
and data that has already been obtained because information alone does not constitute
intelligence. During the pre-evaluation step, the material is filtered and made suitable for the next
phase of the analytical process. The analysis makes use of ways to minimize the quantity of data
available, such as decryption and connecting the dots between fragmented information from
previously gathered intelligence sources. Intelligence is not only about spies and satellites; it is
also about thousands and thousands of regular, everyday observations and activities carried out
by thousands and thousands of people worldwide. Finally, distribution happens when the
their decisions.
criminal investigations. As a result, it is feasible to make major contributions to the steering and
prioritizing of resources in reducing, preventing, and detecting all types of crime by employing
criminal intelligence to identify and evaluate patterns and offenders at the international and
national levels. Through the classification and study of criminals, this may be done at the
government level. By recognizing behavior patterns, these analytics help law enforcement
identify culprits who are more likely to commit the same crime or a series of crimes again.