Zsa Zsa Nurfajriah Mallu - D0421073 - MUN Training
Zsa Zsa Nurfajriah Mallu - D0421073 - MUN Training
Zsa Zsa Nurfajriah Mallu - D0421073 - MUN Training
(MUN Training)
(Minggu, 19 September 2021)
(Zsa Zsa Nurfajriah Mallu - D0421073)
A. Nama Pembicara :
1. Kak Rafli Zahran
2. Kak Salma Candra Dewi
B. Materi :
(Salma Candra Dewi dan Rafli Zahran)
(MUN 101)
MUN Councils :
- dll
Komponen MUN :
- Chair (head of conference)
- Reporter (operator & note taker)
- Delegates (participants)
- Runner (committee that will help during the conference)
- Observer (watcher)
1. Regist
2. A month before D-Day
- Study guide
- RoP (rules of procedure)
- Country allocation
- Delegates guidebook
- Position paper > inti persiapan (dokumen yang berisi tentang perspektif
negara dalam memandang isu tersebut)
Tips on Research :
- Know country’s history and motivations
- Learn about the topic
- Know mandates
- Past actions and future policy recommendations
- Find allies and foes
- Current statistic data
Motion list :
- Write down every motions
- Follow the pattern : generic-detailed-solutions
- Motion list is dynamic
During MUN :
- Roll call (presensi)
- Present & Voting
- Present
- General speaker list (topik secara general)
- Motions (menunggu chair membuka)
- Points (diajukan kapanpun)
- Voting (procedural for motions and substantive)
- Working paper (dokumen selama MUN berlangsung atau proposal)
Golden rules :
1. Always use third person pronouns
2. Listen to other delegates
3. Know your alliance
4. Be formal
5. Have fun
Benefits MUN :
- Networking
- Up to date with IR News
- Incentives and Refund from UNS
- Continuing HI UNS Legacy