Communists Take Power in China
Communists Take Power in China
Communists Take Power in China
Nationalists and Communists fought for control of China in the 1930´s. During World War II, they
joined forces to fight against the Japanese. The Communists, led by Mao Zedong, organized an
army of peasants in north- western China. From there, they fought the Japanese in the north-east.
The Nationalists, led by Chiang Kai-shek, controlled south-western China. The Nationalists were
protected from the Japanese by the mountains. The U. S. sent the Nationalists large amounts of
money and supplies, but corrupt officers took much of it. The Nationalists built a large army, but
they only fought a few battles against the Japanese. After the Japanese surrendered, the
Communists and Nationalists resumed their Civil War. The war lasted from 1946 to 1949. The
Communists won because their troops were well-trained in guerrilla war; they also enjoyed the
backing of the peasants to whom they had promise land. In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek and other
Nationalist leaders flight to the island of Taiwan.
The U. S. Helped the Nationalists set up a new government. The Nationalists called their land the
Republic of China; meanwhile, the Soviets, helped Mao-Zedong and his government, the People´s
Republic of China. The Chinese and the Soviets promised to help defend each other if either
country were attacked. The U. S. responded by trying to hold Soviet expansion in Asia.
Communist China also tried to expand its power; the Chinese invaded Mongolia, Tibet and India.
Mao set out to rebuild China. He seized land and gave it to the peasants, but he also forced the
peasants, in groups of two hundred to three hundred households to join collective farms or
communes. On these farms, the land belonged to the group. Mao also took control of China´s
industries. Under Mao´s plan, production of industrial products went up. With this success, Mao
launched the Great Leap Forward. He wanted to make the communes larger and more productive.
The plan failed; people did not like strong government control; the government did not plan
effectively. Between 1958 and 1961, famine killed millions. In 1966, Mao tried to revive the
Revolution; he encouraged young people to revive the Revolution. Students formed groups called
Red Guards; this was the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. The Red Guards struck at
teachers, scientists and artists. They shut down schools and sent intellectuals to the country to
work on farms. They killed thousands of people who resisted. China was in chaos; factories shut
down, and farm production dropped. Eventually, Mao put an end to the Cultural Revolution.
Question one: What two groups fought the Civil War, and who led them?
Question two: How did the superpowers take sight with the two Chinas?