Case Report Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, A Rare Manifestation As A Sequel of Drug-Induced Gingival Overgrowth: A Case Report
Case Report Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, A Rare Manifestation As A Sequel of Drug-Induced Gingival Overgrowth: A Case Report
Case Report Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, A Rare Manifestation As A Sequel of Drug-Induced Gingival Overgrowth: A Case Report
Case Report
Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, a Rare Manifestation as a
Sequel of Drug-Induced Gingival Overgrowth: A Case Report
Received 26 June 2021; Revised 7 August 2021; Accepted 2 September 2021; Published 22 September 2021
Copyright © 2021 Marah Damdoum et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Purpose. The purpose of this case report is to present a rare case of amlodipine-induced gingival overgrowth with a secondary
formation of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis involving the upper and lower arches of a 68-year-old female patient with a chief
complaint of “swollen gums and pain on mastication which has been recurring for the past 5 years.” Materials and Methods.
The treatment plan of this case was divided according to quadrants of the mouth. Each week, one quadrant was surgically
excised, and the remaining quadrants were observed for any changes. The gingival overgrowths were excised using a 15 blade,
and debris/plaque was removed with Gracey curettes. Results. Although full-mouth exodontia was performed, the patient
unfortunately suffered with recurrences in GO. These results are suggestive of idiopathic causes of GO. Conclusion. Careful
examination, physician referrals, and biopsy to rule out any specific anomalies and to assist in proper diagnosis are followed by
sequential management of the case results in productive outcomes.
and responses of gingival fibroblasts coupled with connec- Bokenkamp’s 1994 classification for gingival overgrowth
tive tissue matrix proliferation exemplify the fibroblastic [6] (Table 1). Additionally, a yellowish-white pseudomem-
characterization with relation to the various drugs responsi- branous slough was found covering the interdental papilla
ble for this change [16]. Another theory postulated that in the mandibular left area (Figure 2). Radiographically,
bacterial plaque was responsible for gingival inflammation. bone loss can be observed around the teeth and implants;
The drugs responsible for gingival overgrowth causes an however, clinically, the implants are not mobile as sub-
increased production of glycosaminoglycans. The drugs merged (Figure 3). Abrasion of the teeth can be observed
further reduce folate uptake in the cellular matrix. Reduced indicating parafunctional habits, as the patient had given a
folate uptake results in decreased synthesis of matrix metal- history of clenching which was consciously done and also
loproteinases which is responsible for conversion of collage- from her family member, that patient was a bruxer and
nase precursor into mature collagenase, resulting in a matrix exhibited grinding at night. This also confirmed our diagno-
and connective tissue build up. The bacterial plaque when sis as stage 4, grade C periodontitis, currently unstable.
present causes the inflammatory component, thus complet-
ing the cycle [17]. 3.1. Sequence of Treatment. The treatment plan of this case
was divided according to quadrants of the mouth. Each
3. Case Report week, one quadrant was surgically treated with the over-
grown gingival tissue being excised, and the mobile teeth
This case presents a 68-year-old female patient with a chief were extracted. The decision to extract her teeth was from
complaint of swollen gums and pain on mastication which a multidisciplinary point of view involving a periodontist
has been recurring for the past 5 years. According to the and prosthodontist, as salvaging the remaining teeth was
patient, she started taking amlodipine 5 mg/day 7 years ago challenging and time consuming with hopeless prognosis.
and started experiencing enlargements of the gingiva 5 years Since the overgrowths affected mastication, speech, and
ago. She stopped taking amlodipine for 6 months and claims esthetics, a surgical approach (i.e., gingivectomy) was uti-
the enlargements improved. However, her physician recom- lized with local anesthesia being administered. The gingival
mended that she continue taking amlodipine 10 mg/day due overgrowths were excised using a 15 blade; plaque and cal-
to her uncontrolled hypertension. Medical history was culus were removed with Gracey curettes (Dentsply, USA).
taken in which the patient reported having diabetes mellitus After every gingivectomy, azithromycin-xithrone (Amoun
type II and hypercholesterolemia for the past 8 years. She Egypt) 500 mg, diclofenac-rofenac (Bin Sina, UAE) 50 g
takes a series of drugs for her medical conditions sachet, along with chlorhexidine mouthwash (Curasept,
(Table 2). She has been hypertensive for the past 7 years UK), were prescribed. Surgical excision began in quadrant
and has been taking amlodipine since then. She stopped 4, which was the least affected quadrant. An external bevel
amlodipine 2 years ago for 6 months due to gingival over- incision gingivectomy was performed along with scaling
growths; however, amlodipine had to be continued due to and root surface debridement. The gingiva was sutured with
her uncontrolled hypertension. silk (Black Braided, size 4-0, 19 cm, Teleflex, USA). At one-
On taking dental history, it was found that she under- week surgical postop, the following was noted: the gingiva
went multiple gingivectomies in the past with recurrence in the mandibular right quadrant was healing within normal
every few months. During previous episodes, the patient limits. The gingiva in the mandibular left quadrant was
had described the condition as similar to the one presented edematous, fibrous, hemorrhagic, and painful swellings
currently with excruciating pain and pus discharge. Further- which had purulent exudate (Figure 2). An external bevel
more, the patient described the treatment advised as “gum incision gingivectomy was done along with extraction of
shaping by the doctor”. From patient’s explanations, it was #33, #34, #35, and 45 due to extensive grade III mobility
assumed that the clinical picture matched the current situa- (Figures 4 and 5). The mobile teeth were diagnosed as stage
tion, and a history of NUG could have been prevalent at that 4 grade C periodontitis, currently unstable (AAP Classifica-
time period. tion, 2017). Apical curettage was performed, and copious
The patient presented with a dental history that includes irrigation with saline was done. Simple interrupted sutures
thick deposits of calculus and plaque on all remaining teeth were placed with silk. Placement of a periodontal pack along
with fibrous, nodular, hard gingival overgrowths extending with oral hygiene reinforcement instructions was given.
to most of the clinical crown in the anterior and posterior During the follow-up visit the following week, healing was
parts of the maxillary and mandibular arches (Figure 1). uneventful for the most part with slight regression of gingi-
The overgrowths can be classified as grade III according to val overgrowth. Poor oral hygiene can be observed along the
Case Reports in Dentistry 3
6. Conclusion
DIGO related to calcium channel blockers, immunosuppres-
sants, and anticonvulsants in the past reported clinical pre-
Figure 12: Histopathological slide of gingival biopsy revealed sentations concluded by clinicians as rare entities. The case
squamous epithelium hyperplasia with underlying chronic presented in our study shows the possible effects of
inflammation. amlodipine-induced GO and the challenges dentists can face
in the management of this condition. Careful examination,
physician referrals, and biopsy to rule out any specific anom-
alies and to assist in proper diagnosis are followed by sequen-
tial management of the case results in productive outcomes.
DIGO: Drug-induced gingival overgrowth
AIGO: Amlodipine-induced gingival overgrowth
GO: Gingival overgrowth
NUG: Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
PMN: Polymorphonuclear cells.
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