Sla Eim 12 Week 5 Non Metallic Sheated Cable Nmnmcnms
Sla Eim 12 Week 5 Non Metallic Sheated Cable Nmnmcnms
Sla Eim 12 Week 5 Non Metallic Sheated Cable Nmnmcnms
A. Non-metallic cable for dry locations (NM) - is used in Aluminum and Copper Clad Conductors
normal residential circuits. 15 amps for #12 AWG
25 amps for #10 AWG
Type NM cable shall be permitted as follows:
1. For both exposed and concealed work in normally dry Installing Non-metallic Sheathed Cable
locations A non-metallic (NM) cable is easy to work with and
2. To be installed in air voids in masonry block or tile walls inexpensive, so it is not surprising that it is the most
common type of cable used in household wiring.
For concealed work, nonmetallic-sheathed cable should
be installed for it is protected from physical damage Take care not to damage wire insulation when working
often caused by nails or screws. For practical reasons, with NM cable. Slit the sheathing down the middle using
care should be taken to avoid areas where trim, door and a sharp utility knife. To avoid slicing the wire insulation,
window casings, baseboards, moldings, and so on, are do not cut too deep. Or use a sheathing stripper.
likely to be nailed.
Pull back the plastic sheathing, B. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the steps in installing
as well as the paper that non-metallic sheathed cable.
wraps the wires, exposing
8-12 inches of wire. Snip
the sheathing and paper
with side cutters. If you use a
utility knife, cut away from the wires to avoid cutting or ----end-----
nicking the insulation.
Prepared By: BLV
Insert the wires into the box.
With this type of plastic box,
push the wires through a hole,
which has a tab that grabs the
cable. Check that about 1/2 inch
of sheathing is visible inside the
utiliity/junction box. Other types of boxes use other
clamping methods.
1. It is the support used to hold the non-metallic
sheathed cable in place.
2. It is a type of non-metallic sheathed cable that can
only be used in dry and indoor applications.
3. It is a type of non-metallic sheathed cable that can be
used in dry, moist, and corrosive environments.