1.03 MLD Sbr-Equipment

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SN Item Specifications Nos Total Rate Cost Remarks

Capacity Unit Duty Stadndby
1 Coarse Screen,20 mm 107 m3/hr 0 0 0
2 Fine Bar Screen , 6 mm 107 m3/hr 1 0 1 Use this If before Balancing Tank
Fine Bar Screen, 6 mm 42.9 m3/hr 1 0 1 0 Use this if after Balancing Tank
3 Manual By Pass 107 m3/hr 1 0 1 Use this If before Balancing Tank
43 m3/hr 1 0 1 Use this if after Balancing Tank
4 Grit Removal 107 m3/hr 1 0 1 NOT APPLICABLE
43 m3/hr 1 0 1 Use this if after Balancing Tank
Note : The oil grease IS NOT STATED In Balancing Tank ,if reqd provde Skimmer mechanism OR AT LEAST COST FOR IT
5 Balancing Tank 0
Submersible SBR feed Pumps 42.92 m3/hr 1 1 2
Blower for Mixing 194 m3/hr 1 1 2
Diffusers, Coarse Bubble 10 m3/hr 20 20
0 0 0
SBR Aeration Blowers 724 m3/hr 2 1 3 0
Fine Bubble Diffusers 5 m3/hr 290 0 290 0
Decant Mechanism/Valve 128.75 m3/hr 2 0 2 0
WAS pumps 8 m3/hr 2 1 3 0
2 2 0
7 Chlorination System 2 2 0
Dosing Pumps 6.09 l/hr 1 1 2 0
Dosing Tank 187.27 litres 1 0 1 0
Mixers ? On tank 1 Hp 1 0 1 0
8 Pressure Sand Filter System dia 0
Pressure Sand Filter 2.20 m 1.00 0 1 0
Filter Feed Pumps, 20 mwc 47.71 m3/hr 1 1 2 0
Backwash Pumps, 20 mwc 113.98 m3/hr 1 1 2 0
Air blowers 190 m3/hr 1 1 2 0 Balancing Tank blower tobe used

9 Sludge Holding Tank

Air blower required 95 m3/hr 1 1 2 0 If combined with Balancing Tank
Coarse Bubble Diffusers 12 m3/hr 8 or SBR blowers, needs tapping
from main aeration line
Add 5 % for miscellaneous
Add 10 % for erection

2SBR REACTOR -1.03MLD 5 Equipments

SN From - to Flow,m3/h V, m/s Size SIZE MOC L (mtrs) Mat. Rate Mat cost Lbr rate Lbr Cost Total cost Remarks
1 Gravity flow from C/S to Balance tank(BT) 107 0.75 224.9 250

2 SBR feed Pump A-Duty 42.92 1.80 92 100

SBR feed Pump B-Standby 42.92 1.80 92 100

3 Raw Sewage Inlet to SBR 1 42.92 2 92 100

Raw Sewage Inlet to SBR 2 42.92 2 92 100

4 Treated Sewage Outlet of SBR-1 129 0.65 265 300

Treated Sewage Outlet of SBR-2 129 0.65 265 300

5 Common Treated Sewage Outlet to CCT 129 0.65 265 300

6 Suction of Filter Feed Pumps 48 1.50 106 150

Dischrage of Filter Feed Pumps 48 2.00 92 100

7 Suction Backwash Pumps 114 1.80 150 150

Discharge of Backwash Pumps 114 2.00 142 150

8 WAS Pumps A- Suction 8 1.00 53 80 Not apllicbale if submersible

WAS Pumps B-scution 8 1.00 53 80
WAS Pumps A-Discharge 8 1.20 49 80
WAS Pumps B-Discharge 8 1.20 49 80

9 Sludge Pumps - Suction 16 1.00 75 80

Sludge Pumps -Discharge 16 1.20 68 80

8 Balancing Tank Blower Discharge 194 18.00 62 80
Drop pipes in Balancing tank 3 65 18.00 21 25

9 Air Inlet to SBR-1 724 18.00 119 150

Air Inlet to SBR-2 724 18.00 119 150

10 Drop pipes in SBR-1 , EACH 5 724 18.00 53 80

Drop pipes in SBR-2, EACH 5 724 18.00 53 80

11 Sludge Holding Tank air piping 95 18.00 43 50

Drop pipes in Sludge digestor 2 95 18.00 31 50

Add Fittings cost 20 % of the material cost

2SBR REACTOR -1.03MLD 6 piping


SN Location SIZE MOC Type Operation Nos Rate Cost Remarks

LIQUID- RAW SEWAGE, TSE , BFV:Butterfly valve
Gravity flow from C/S to Balance tank(BT) 250 0 GV -Gate Valve,BV-Ball Valve
KGV-Knife Edge Gate Valve
2 Common Suction of SBR pumps 100 SS-Disc KGV 1 Not applicable if submersible
Isolation valves in individual suctions 100 SS-Disc KGV 2 Not applicable if submersible
SBR feed Pump -suction 100 SS-Disc GV 2 Not applicable if submersible
SBR feed Pump - Delivery 100 SS-Disc GV 2
NRV for Above 100 SS -Disc FLAP 2

3 Raw Sewage Inlet to SBR 1 and 2 100 SS-Disc GV Motorized 2

4 Treated Sewage Outlet of SBR-1 and 2 300 SS-Disc BFV Motorized 2 for Decanters

6 Common Suction of Filter Feed Pumps 150 SS -Disc BFV 1 Not applicable if submersible
Isolation valves in individual suctions 150 SS -Disc BFV 2 Not applicable if submersible
Dischrage of Filter Feed Pumps 100 SS - Disc BFV 2
NRV for Above 100 SS - Disc FLAP 2

7 Backwash Pumps-Common Suction 150 CI BFV 1 Not applicable if submersible

Backwash Pump -Isolation valves 150 CI BFV 2 Not applicable if submersible
Backwash Pumps-Discharge of 150 CI BFV 2
NRV for Above 0 150 CI FLAP 2

8 WAS Pumps isolation valves 80 CI KGV 3

WAS Pumps - Suction 80 CI BFV 3 Not applicable if submersible
WAS Discharge 80 CI BFV 3
NRV for above 80 FLAP 3
PRV valves for above 50 3 if Progressive cavity pump used

9 Service Inlet - Pressure Sand Filter 100 SS -Disc BFV Motorized 1

Service Outlet- Pressure Sand Filter 100 SS -Disc BFV Motorized 1
Backwash Inlet - Pressure Sand Filter 150 SS -Disc BFV Motorized 1
Backwash outlet - Pressure Sand Filter 150 SS -Disc BFV Motorized 1

10 Common isloation VALVE 80 SS - Disc 8 1 if Digestor is used

Sludge Pumps - Suction 80 SS - Disc KGV 2 if Digestor is used
Sludge Pumps -Discharge 80 SS-Disc KGV 2 if Digestor is used
NRV for above 80 FLAP 2
PRV valves for above 50 2 if Progressive cavity pump used

SBR Blower Discharge , 1 2,3 150 BV 3
SBR Blower Discharge , 1 2,3 150 NRV 3


Sludge Blower Discharge ,1,2 50 BFV 2
Sludge Blower Discharge ,1,2 50 NRV 2
sludge holding tank Drop pipes 50 BV 2
Balancing Tank Blower Discharge 80 CI BFV 2 2 nos. I duty + standby blower

2SBR REACTOR -1.03MLD 7 valves

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