University of Bradford School of Management Services Marketing
University of Bradford School of Management Services Marketing
University of Bradford School of Management Services Marketing
Individual Assignment
28th MARCH, 2011
UB Number 10035663 2
Fierce competition pushes company to more differentiation
regarding both product and delivering channels with the aim to build
strong and sustainable relationships with a strategic targeted
segment of customers. Services are characterized by five main
elements by the marketing literature: intangibility, inseparability,
heterogeneity and perishability (Regan 1963, Rathmell 1966,
Shostack 1977 and Zeithaml et al 1985). Each of these
characteristics has to be carefully taken into account when services
are created, evaluated and performed by the company.
This essay will discuss how company can improve and deliver
satisfactory services using as a framework four elements of the
marketing mix (Process, People, Physical evidence and quality) and
will illustrate a way to ensure a state of the art service delivery
through the analysis of the successful story of Apple’s store
As Bitner, Booms and Mohr (1994) have noted, “From the customer’s
point of view, the most immediate evidence of service occurs in the
service encounter or the “moment of truth” when the customer
interacts with the firm”. Therefore, companies have to define what is
the best process to use during this moment of truth to ensure
customers’ expectations are met. Knowledge and control that
customers can have upon services have been showed as factors
increasing customer’s satisfaction. The term perceived control is
used to depict situation in which customers are able to foreseen and
control events within the service (Bateson 1985). Therefore
predictability was showed as a factor increasing the satisfaction of
customer related to peace of mind and patience. This concept of
perceived control has to be carefully taken into account regarding
how employees inform their customers during the delivery process
(Scheinder and Bowen 1985). The process engaged in the service
delivery has to be clear and transparent from the customer point of
view by keeping them cautiously informed.
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process used to satisfy customer and facilitate their learning of the
After designing the process that can manage anxiety and stress
generated by the interaction between the customers and the
company, efforts now have to be focus on the people who will be
actually perform the service. The main aspect regarding people is
the interaction or rapport that occurs between employees and
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customers to perceive the company but also how customers
perceive them-selves. Along with this idea Ashforth and Kreiner
(1999, p. 417) wrote “Through social interaction and the
internalization of collective values, meanings, and standards,
individuals come to see themselves somewhat through the eyes of
others and construct more or less stable self-definitions and sense of
self-esteem”. Psychological similarities between customers and
employees can be use to bridge the gap existing between two
people who really know each other and somehow create the
sensation of bounding with somebody which in the case of a service
can be the goal to reach. Therefore by having the best-trained
employees, not too much narrowed in a single task to avoid high
level of complexity for the customer (too many different person
involved in the service delivery), company will provide the best
satisfactory experience for the customer.
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Framework for Understand Environment-User Relationships in
Service Organizations
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Intensifying competition has led many companies to target a high
quality service to differentiate their offer from competitors. Thus
tools are developed to ensure an assessment of quality related to
services. Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988) describe the
framework of SERVQUAL based on a twenty-two item instruments for
assessing customer perception related to the service quality.
Holbrook and Corfman (1985) observed the difference between
perceived quality and objective quality. Whereas conceptual
meaning of objective quality can be synthesising in term of zero-
default product, perceive quality “involves the subjective response
of people to objects and is therefore a highly relativistic
phenomenon that differs between judges” (Holbrook and Corfman
1985, p.33). In the light of these observations, ten potential
overlapping dimensions were picked to evaluate the customer’s
assessment service qualities that are: tangible, reliable,
responsiveness, communication, credibility, security, competence,
courtesy, understanding/knowing (the customer) and access. Most of
these dimensions are already take into account into the appraisal of
the physical evidence, people and process during the marketing mix
and it shows how all the aspect of services are deeply linked.
A critical issue related to service quality is its perception from the
company. As Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman proved it, “the link
between service quality and profits is neither straightforward nor
simple” (1996, p.31). Therefore to achieve a high-level quality
service, company has to carefully integrate this quality dimension
from the very beginning of their strategy in order to fully control
whether costs will worth any investment. Also related with the
company strategy, Zahorik and Rust (1992) distinguish to aspect
impact by quality: offensive effect (basically capturing new
customers) and the defensive effect base on retaining customers.
Therefore depending of the life cycle of a product, company has to
balance between these two aspects to allocate efficiently and wisely
their resources.
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is carried out only on products.
Finally, Apple does not forget the human element. All employees
have business cards and not name tag, have an IPod attached to
their belt looking as living the Apple experience themselves.
Employees are brand emissaries well training able to inform
customers with the particular
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Ashforth and Glee E. Kreiner (1999), “How Can You Do It? Dirty Work and
the Challenge of Constructing a Positive Identity”, Academy of
Management Review, 24 (July), 413-34.
Berry, Leonard L. and Terry Clark (1986), “Four Ways to Make Services
More Tangible, “Business (October-December), 53-4.
Garrett Jesse James, R. (2004). “Six Design Lessons From the Apple Store”
Available at: Accessed 05
March 2011.
Holbrook, Morris B. and Kim P. Corfman (1985), “Quality and Value in the
Consumption Experience: Phaldrus Rides Again,” in Perceived Quality, J.
Jacob and J. Olson (eds.), Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 31-
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Provider-Client Relationships in Context”, Journal of Marketing, 63
(October), 38-56.
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