Emergency Words: in Persian

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Emergency Words in Persian

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In case of emergency, This is 115. Please state the nature

of your emergency.
dial 115. oorzhaans befarmaaid!
!‫ بفرمایید‬.‫اورژانس‬ cheh et-tefaaghi oftaadeh?
For police dial 110. ‫چه اتفاقی افتاده؟‬

Can you send an ambulance, There’s been an accident! There is a fire!

please? yeh tasaadof et-tefaagh oftaadeh. yeh aatash soozi et-
misheh yeh aamboolans befrestin? .‫یه تصادف اتفاق افتاده‬ tefaagh oftaadeh.
‫ﻣﯿﺸﻪ ﯾﻪ آﻣﺒﻮﻻﻧﺲ ﺑﻔﺮﺳﺘﯿﻦ؟‬ .‫ﯾﻪ آﺗﺶ ﺳﻮزی اﺗﻔﺎق اﻓﺘﺎده‬
I’m [name]. My location is ... My phone number is ...
man ...hastam. aadresam ...eh. shomaareh telefonam ,,,.
.‫هستم‬... ‫من‬ .‫ ه‬... ‫آدرسم‬ .... ‫شامره تلفنم‬


What is wrong?
moshkeletoon chiyeh? My ~ hurts.
‫ﺷﮑﻠﺘﻮن ﭼﯿﻪ؟‬ ... am dard mik
...(‫م درد میکنه (می کند‬.
head stomach tooth knee
sar shekam dandoon zaanoo
‫رس‬ ‫شکم‬ ‫دندون‬ ‫زانو‬

chest back ankle ear

ghafaseh sineh kamar ghoozak-e paa goosh
‫قفسه سینه‬ ‫کمر‬ ‫قوزک پا‬ ‫گوش‬

I have ... asthma diabetes an allergy heart disease

.. daaram. aasm diyaabet has-saasi-yat bimaari-ye ghalbi
.‫ دارم‬... ‫آﺳﻢ‬ ‫دیابت‬ ‫حساسیت‬ ‫بیامری قلبی‬


medicine vaccine antibiotics prescription virus bacteria

daaroo vaaksan aanti bi-yootik noskheh viroos baakteri
‫دارو‬ ‫واکسن‬ ‫آنتی بیوتیک‬ ‫نسخه‬ ‫ویروس‬ ‫باکرتی‬

Excuse me, how can I get to ...? There was an accident! I was robbed!
bebakhshid chetori mitoonam yeh tasadof et-tefaagh oftaadeh. azam dozdi shodeh.
beram....? .‫یه تصادف اتفاق افتاده‬ .‫ازم دزدی شده‬
‫؟‬....‫ببخشید چطوری میتونم برم‬
I’d like to report a crime. I’ve lost my passport. I am lost.
mikhaastam yeh takhal-lof-o paasportam-o gom kardam. gom shodam.
gozaaresh konam.
.‫پاسپورمتو گم کردم‬ .‫گم شدم‬
.‫میخواستم یه تخلفو گزارش کنم‬
I found this ... Someone’s gone missing. There’s a suspicious
in ...-o peidaa kardam. yeh nafar gom shodeh. person near my house.
yeh aadam-e mashkook
.‫و پیدا کردم‬... ‫این‬ ‫هدش مگ رفن هی‬. nazdik-e khoonam hast.
.‫یه آدم مشکوک نزدیک خونه ام هست‬

I lost my [item]! Someone stole my [item]!

Lost & Found
... am-o gom kardam. ... yeh ... am-o dozdid.
Sentence Patterns
.‫ ﻣﻮ ﮔﻢ ﮐﺮدم‬... .‫ ﻣﻮ دزدﯾﺪ‬... ‫ﯾﻪ ﻧﻔﺮ‬

passport wallet phone camera suitcase money

paasport/gozar naameh kif-e pool telefon doorbin chamedoon pool
‫ﮔﺬرﻧﺎﻣﻪ‬/‫ﭘﺎﺳﭙﻮرت‬ ‫کیف پول‬ ‫تلفن‬ ‫دوربین‬ ‫ﭼﻤﺪون‬ ‫پول‬

Master Colors Like a Pro › CLICK Words for Describing Things › CLICK

red white blue square-shaped heavy soft

ghermez sefid aabi morab-ba’ shekl sangin narm
‫قرمز‬ ‫سفید‬ ‫آبی‬ ‫مربع شکل‬ ‫سنگین‬ narm


fire earthquake tsunami flood storm hurricane

aatash soozi zelzeleh soonaami seil toofaan toofaan
‫آﺗﺶ ﺳﻮزی‬ ‫زﻟﺰﻟﻪ‬ ‫سونامی‬ ‫سیل‬ ‫ﺗﻮﻓﺎن‬/‫ﻃﻮﻓﺎن‬ ‫ﺗﻮﻓﺎن‬/‫ﻃﻮﻓﺎن‬


Where is the restroom? I need toilet paper. I need Wi-Fi.

dashtshooi/servis-e dastmaal too’aalet laazem vaay faay laazem
behdaashti kojaas? daaram. daaram.
‫رسویس بهداشتی کجاس؟‬/‫دستشویی‬ .‫دستامل توالت الزم دارم‬ .‫وای ﻓﺎی ﻻزم دارم‬

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