Criteria 2.1.1 Curriculum Gap Analysis

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Criteria 2.1.

a) Process used to identify extent of compliance of the University curriculum for attaining the
Program Outcomes (POs) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs), and the identified curricular gaps:
The Anna University curriculum and Syllabus for the Program Electronics and Communication
Engineering is categorized into various courses as Humanities and Social Sciences (HS), Basic Sciences
(BS), Engineering Sciences (ES), Professional Core (PC), Professional Electives (PE), Open Electives (OE)
and Employability Enhancement Courses (EEC). The syllabus for each course has been designed to
comply the curriculum for attaining the POs and PSOs defined for the program. The Course
categorization to assess the coverage of POs/PSOs is revealed as Table 2.1.1.a

Sl. Course Category Credits as Per Semester Credits Percentage

1 Humanities and Social 4 4 3 3 14 7.53 %
Sciences (HS)
2 Basic Sciences (BS) 12 7 4 4 27 14.52 %
3 Engineering Sciences (ES) 9 5 5 19 10.22 %
4 Professional Core (PC) 9 15 17 19 16 16 92 49.46 %
5 Professional Electives (PE) 3 3 3 6 15 8.06 %
6 Open Electives (OE) 3 3 6 3.23 %
7 Employability 1 2 10 13 6.99 %
Enhancement Courses
Total 25 25 25 24 25 24 22 16 186 100 %
Table 2.1.1.a Credit Split-up for various components offered for Regulation 2017

The process in identifying the curriculum gap through various feedback analysis and mapping of individual
course with program outcome from which will provide the additional requirements for improvements in
the curriculum shown in Figure 2.1.1.a

Process for identifying curricular gaps

1. The prescribed curriculum of affiliated Anna University consists of courses and content relevant to
the program. The course outcome of the individual courses are obtained by the course in-charge and
course coordinator.
Course Exit Survey: At the end of semester, feedback of the students is recorded with regard to
effectiveness of course contents delivery along with teaching of the course.
Courses are analyzed to check the potential and necessary skills to complete the enrolled course.
2. The redefined outcomes of the individual courses are mapped with the defined program outcomes
and program specific outcomes by the course in-charge.
3. The level of contribution of courses to various POs and PSOs is calculated in percentage. The POs
which do not reach the set value are identified as contributing to curricular gaps and also external
inputs from Alumni, Industry, Academic Experts, Department Faculty members, In-program students
and Outgoing students are considered to identify the curriculum gaps.
4. The identified gaps and methods to fill the gaps are finalized by the Program Assessment Committee
and forwarded to the Department Advisory Committee.
5. Department Advisory Committee meeting will be conducted and based on the recommendations
given by the DAC, the curricular gaps are filled through the following mode of deliveries:
 Special Lectures/Workshops/Seminars/Spoken Tutorials
 Industrial Visits/Value Added Courses/Mini Projects/Aptitude Tests
 Soft Skill Trainings/Mock Interviews/Club Activities
 Topics/Experiments beyond syllabus
 Symposiums/Conferences/In Plant Training
6. The content beyond the topics are suggested to the Board of Studies by the concern faculty through
Head of Institution for the updation or revision of the courses.

The identified curricular gaps are listed in Table 2.1.1.b.

Sl. No. Curricular Gaps Source of Curricular Gaps

1 Inadequate coverage of applications using modern tools COs-POs/PSOs mapping,
Alumni Survey, Employers
2 Limited coverage of health, safety, legal and cultural COs-POs/PSOs mapping,
Issues in engineering design and practice Alumni Survey
3 Insufficient coverage of societal and environmental issues in COs-POs/PSOs mapping,
engineering design and practice Faculty Feedback
4 Inadequate coverage of activities related to ethical principles COs-POs/PSOs mapping,
and team building capability in engineering practice Employers Survey
5 Limited coverage of courses related to communication systems COs-POs/PSOs mapping,
With focus on developing applications and life long learning Students’ Exit Survey
6 Absence of coverage of financial aspects and project COs-POs/PSOs mapping,
management Alumni Survey
7 Advanced coverage of activities related to report writing, Employers
presentation and documentation Survey
Table 2.1.1.b. List of Identified Curricular gaps
Figure 2.1.1.a Phase 1: Identification

Anna University Curriculum and Syllabus POs PSOs


Redefine of CO for all Courses CO Mapping with POs and PSOs Industry

Curriculum Gap Identification Experts



Approval by No
Advisory Committee
Meeting Adhere
Yes Curriculum

Phase 2: Planning

Addressing/Bridging Curriculum Gaps

Mode of Deliveries Suggestion/Intimation

 Special Lectures/Workshops/Seminars/Spoken to Board of Studies,
Tutorials Anna University
 Industrial Visits/Value Added Courses/Mini Projects
 Soft Skill Trainings/Mock Interviews/Club Activities
 Topics/Experiments beyond syllabus
 Symposiums/Conferences/In Plant Training

Phase 3: Implementation

An action plan is prepared and included in

Department Academic Calendar

Deliveries of Activities as per action plan

Assessment of COs/POs Attainment

Is target attained?


Reset Goals to higher level

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