First Periodical Test Table of Specifications in Tle 6-Agriculture S.Y. 2019-2020 Diffi Cult 10%

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S.Y. 2019-2020

60% 30%

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Objectives/ Codes

Explains benefits derived from 2 3 1 2, 3
planting trees and fruit-bearing trees
to families and communities

Elements to be observed in planting 3 4 5, 7 4, 6

trees and fruit bearing trees.
TLE6AG-0b- 2

Types of orchard farms 3 2 8, 9

TLE6AG-0c- 3

Proper way of planting/propagating 3 3 10 12 11

trees and fruit-bearing trees (budding,
marcotting, grafting)
TLE6AG-0c- 3

How to care for seedlings 3 3 13 15 14

TLE6AG-0c- 3

Prepares layout design of an orchard 3 3 16, 17 18

garden using the information gathered

Identifies the appropriate tools and 3 3 19 20, 21

equipment in plant propagation and
their uses

Performs systematic and scientific 3 3 24 22 23

ways of caring orchard trees /

Observes healthy and safety measures 4 2 25 26

in propagating fruit bearing trees
Uses different ways of preparing 3 2 27 28
organic fertilizer and pesticides through

Explains the benefits of using organic 3 3 29 30, 38

fertilizer and locally made pesticides
toward sustainable development

Explains the benefits of using organic 3 6 31, 33, 36, 37 32

fertilizer and locally made pesticides 34
toward sustainable development

Identify the benefits of livestock raising 2 4 39, 40 41 42


Kinds of four-legged animals/fish being 3 1 43

raised as means of livelihood

Possible hazards that animal raising 3 8 35 44 45 46-50

can cause to the people and

TOTAL 44 50 15 15 8 7 5

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1
Focus on The entire Most of the Some of the Some of the No attempt has been
Assigned Topic explanation is related explanation is related explanation is related explanation is off made to relate the
to the assigned topic to the assigned topic. to the assigned topic, tangent but explanation to the
and allows the reader The story wanders but a reader does not attempted to write for assigned topic.
to understand much off at one point, but learn much about the completion.
more about the topic. the reader can still topic.
learn something
about the topic.
Organization The explanation is The explanation is The explanation is a Ideas and scenes
very well organized. pretty well organized. little hard to follow. seem to be randomly
One idea or scene One idea or scene The transitions are arranged.
follows another in a may seem out of sometimes not clear.
logical sequence with place. Clear
clear transitions. transitions are used.

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked by:

Head Teacher III


Direction: Choose the letter of your best answer from the choices in each number. Shade the
corresponding letter in your ZipGrade answer sheet.
1. Which of the following is a benefit that people get from planting trees and fruit bearing trees?
a. It causes good health c. It can be a source of income
b. It can be an additional source of food. d. All of the above

2. Which of the following statements expresses the advantage from planting trees and fruit
bearing fruits?
a. Knowledge and expertise in planting trees and fruit bearing trees help the family find
additional earnings and saves the environment too.
b. Sewing is a way of spending leisure time productively and can be good to health too.
c. People get additional income from raising and selling animals.
d. Selling rice cakes supports the provision of the basic needs of the family.

3. Planting trees helps beautify the environment . Which of the following statements below
matches the thought of the underlined word?
a. Mila earns from selling coconut.
b. Bea’s classmates admire her for being so diligent in caring for the trees.
c. The trees that surround Recardo’s house help their place to look very attractive.
d. Trees planted in the community contribute to having fresher air.

4. Irah sees to it that roots, branches, and leaves can grow and thrive well. What element in
planting fruit bearing trees is being manifested in the situation?
a. Enough space c. Enough sunlight
b. Appropriate temperature d. Enough water

5. Which of the following elements in planting trees focuses on the biological function of the
a. Appropriate temperature c. Enough space
b. Enough sunlight d. Minerals from the ground

6. Xiamelle sees to it that she provides her plants sufficient amount of water. What element in
planting trees and fruit bearing trees is being shown?
a. Carbon dioxide c. Enough space
b. Enough sunlight d. Enough water

7. Among the elements, which one is the most important in the organic process?
a. Enough space c. Enough sunlight
b. Enough water d. AppropriateTemperature

8. Rodel puts up an orchard farm that produces rambutan and citrus. What orchard farm is being
used by him?
a. Fruit orchard farm c. Nut orchard farm
b. Seed orchard farm d. Flower farm
9. Which of the following is not grown in a nut orchard?
a. Almonds c. Coconut
b. Cashew d. Guyabano

10. What method of plant propagation is being shown in the

a. Budding c. marcotting or air
b. Grafting d. cutting

11. Why do grafting and budding are considered the most

important means of plant propagation?
a. Grafting and budding can be done in less than a minute.
b. Grafting and budding can be done without water.
c. Grafting and budding are the easiest ways to use.
d. Grafting and budding can propagate plants that can’t be propagated by air layering.

12. Which of the following shows a proper way of caring for seedlings?
a. There should be enough space between the seedlings.
b. Remove weeds near the seedlings
c. Suppress insects by using organic insecticides
d. All of the above

13. Which of the following is not included in the proper ways of caring for seedlings?
a. Putting up fence all over the plot. c. cutting new leaves
b. Using organic fertilizer d. watering the seedlings

14. The following statements explain why seedlings need enough space EXCEPT one.
a. Seedlings need enough space in order to grow well.
b. Seedlings need enough space in order to exhale air.
c. Seedlings need enough space so they would not scramble.
d. Seedlings need enough space in order for their roots to develop so well.

15. Irene seldom cultivates the ground where she planted the seedlings. Is she doing the proper
way of caring the seedlings?
a. Yes b. no c. certainly d. partly yes
16. Which of the following is a part of the things to remember in preparing layout for orchard?
a. Enough water supply must be available
b. Look for the minerals found in the soil.
c. Identify the type of soil where seedlings are going to be planted.
d. Find out what plants are going to be planted in the orchard garden.

17. Recardo is planning to have an orchard, which of the following he needs to do first?
a. He needs to know whether area is enough for an orchard.
b. He needs to know if the soil contains magnesium
c. He needs to know whether the soil is sold at a low price.
d. He needs to know where to build his farmhouse.

18. Which of the following best explains why is layout needed in having orchard?
a. Layout is needed in order to prepare the area where the orchard will be situated
b. Layout is needed so that plants will be displayed.
c. Layout is needed in order for the farmers to know where to rest.
d. Layout is needed in order to compete with your neighbours.

19. Which of the following is a tool used in plant propagation?

a. Rake c. Sprinkler
b. Spade d. all of the above

20. Luchie wants to help keep her hands clean to lessen her chance of getting germs that can
make her sick while planting. What tool will she use?
a. Gloves b. Sprinkle c. Hoe d. Trowel

21. Stephanie’s plants have hard branches and shrubs. She wants them out. What tool does she
need to use?
a. Hoe b. pruning Shears c. Sprinkler d. Trowel

22. Which of the following is a systematic and scientific way of caring orchard trees or seedlings?
a. Cultivate the soil around the seedlings c. Remove the bug that destroys plants
b. Take away weeds around the trees d. All of the above

23. Jena noticed that some plants in the orchard started to wither. Which of the following must she
a. Burry the plants. c. Check what might be the cause of withering
b. Pray for the fast recovery of the plants d. Ignore the situation.

24. It’s a hot summer. What do plants need the most in this particular season?
a. Soil b. Sunlight c. Water d. Fertilizer

25. Which of the following is NOT observing a healthy and safety measure in propagating fruit
bearing trees?
a. Meljohn wears dust mask. c. Hannah Jane uses sharp tools carefully.
b. Monica wears rubber gloves. d. Rheian keeps using his phone while

26. Which of the following statements demonstrates healthy and safety measures in propagating
fruit bearing trees?
a. Diane wears protective clothing
b. Regine uses tools that are not in good condition.
c. Irene doesn’t use gloves when working in the orchard.
d. Hans works in the orchard shoeless.

27. Which of the following best describes organic fertilizer?

a. Organic fertilizers act as soil conditioners.
b. Organic fertilizers are derived from animal matter, compost, and crop residues.
c. Organic fertilizers can also be derived from vegetable matters.
d. All of the above

28. John Rex uses overripe banana, watermelon, and pineapple. What do you think will he do
with it?
a. He’ll sell them to his classmates
b. He’ll eat those mentioned fruits.
c. He’ll make fermented fruit juice organic fertilizer
d. He’ll make fermented plant juice organic fertilizer
29. The pesticide coming from the things we have at home or the home made pesticide is
called ...?
a. organic fertilizer b. Organic pesticide c. Compost d. Organic

30. Which of the following is a benefit of using organic fertilizer?

a. Organic fertilizer can increase the ability to keep the moist in sandy soil.
b. Organic fertilizer allows roots to get nutrients the faster way.
c. Organic fertilizer increases organisms that helps enrich the soil.
d. All of the above

31. People produce crops without the use of the synthetic fertilizer and pesticide. What kind of
farming is being applied?
a. organic farming b. Organic pesticide c. Organic fertilizer d.

32. The following are some of the benefits we get from using organic pesticide EXCEPT ONE
a. Helps soil to retain the nutrients c. Expensive
b. Can withstand heavy rainstorms d. It is not harmful to plants

33. Which of the following is one of the advantages in using organic pesticide and fertilizer?
a. costly b. Hazardous c. Deadly d. Low-cost

34. Which of the following is not an element of compost?

a. animal manure b. Leaves c. Peeling of fruits and vegetables d.

35. The following are healthy and safety measures in formulating fertilizer and organic pesticides
a. Use long-sleeved shirt and long trousers. c. Use dust mask
b. Use rubber gloves d. Use paint thinner in washing your hands

36. In wearing gloves, why do shirtsleeves be worn over gloves and not tucked inside?
a. To keep the gloves clean
b. To keep the sleeves spotless
c. To avoid spills from running down inside the gloves
d. To avoid plants touching the gloves.

37. Why do tank tops, shorts, and sandals are not suitable to wear in formulating pesticides and
a. They are expensive c. They are comfortable to wear.
b. They do not provide protection d. They might injure the plants.

38. Which of the following DOES NOT apply safety measures in formulating pesticides?
a. Nino wears mask while mixing the contents of the pesticides.
b. Sonny washes his hands with water after making pesticides.
c. Kyran scratches his face while producing pesticides.
d. Weyen wears gloves while preparing the elements of the pesticide.

39. Which of the following is not a benefit of animal raising?

a. It generates income.
b. Gives nutritious meat for food.
c. It gives too much work for the family members.
d. It is used to produce clothes, shoes, bags and dairy products.

40. Anie is planning to build a piggery. What place/site is best for hog raising?
a. Near from residential area.
b. Beside the river where water flows.
c. In a dry, shady, cool place far from residential areas.
d. In a wet, warm place far from residential areas.

41. Which of the following is not a benefit of cattle raising?

a. High profits when sold.
b. Provides good quality of beef that contains proteins and vitamins.
c. Produces eggs intended for household supplies and as ingredient for factory products.
d. The nutritious cow’s milk can be used as an ingredient in other products such as cheese
and pastillas.

42. Dina’s mother brought chicks for her daughter to have something to do for the month-long
vacation. What benefit of livestock raising is shown?
a. Provides nutritious food. c. serves as a worthwhile leisure or
b. Generates income for the family d. Produces other income- generating
products like milk, leather, and fertilizer

43. Which of the following is not a factor to consider in hog raising?

a. Site b. water c. Availability of feeds d. grass for food

44. A dirty workplace may cause slipping or sliding that may physically cause injuries to people in
the farm.
a. True b. false c. maybe d. impossible to happen

45. Mr. Santos makes sure that he keeps his farm animals safe from any diseases. Which of the
following should he prevent from doing so that all his animals are safe?
a. Ensure fresh, cool and clean water at all times.
b. Make sure the feeders are clean and dry.
c. Proper disposal or segregation of infected animals.
d. Vaccines should be taken only if the animals are infected.

46-50. Using the back of your ZipGrade answer sheet, explain the concept of sustainable farming
shown below.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Checked by:

Head Teacher III

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