Section C3: Civil 3D Design Procedures: 1 Surveying 650 Engineering Field Handbook Florida Supplement
Section C3: Civil 3D Design Procedures: 1 Surveying 650 Engineering Field Handbook Florida Supplement
Section C3: Civil 3D Design Procedures: 1 Surveying 650 Engineering Field Handbook Florida Supplement
I. CREATING A SURFACE USING POINT E. Point Groups are now populated. Creating a
GROUPS surface requires the addition of point groups.
A point group is a filtering process
A. Select the “Prospector” tab in the AutoCAD uses to filter survey codes such as
Toolspace. NG, and or BM. The NRCS template is set-
B. If the “Toolspace” on the interface is not up to filter the Survey Codes ONLY.
show, open by typing “SHOWTS”
F. Open the named surface by clicking the J. Once a point group is added, the surface will
corresponding expansion icon. begin to take shape as contours and triangles
are added.
G. Open the “Definition” by clicking the
corresponding expansion icon.
N. In the surface properties dialog box, under B. Right click “Figures” and select “Create
“Definition” expand the “Build” field with Figure Interactively…”
the corresponding expansion icon.
III. MANUALLY ADDING A FIGURE TO D. Select the point objects in which the figure
belongs to.
A. Open up a Survey Database by right clicking E. Once the figure point objects have been
and selecting open for edit selected, hit right-click and “Enter”.
G. If the line is either a Breakline or Lot Line L. The figure will now be inserted into the
click “yes” drawing.
D. The “Create Breaklines” dialog box will H. AutoCAD will create breaklines from the
open. specified figures in that surface.
A. Invoke the polyline command (PL) and then
invoke the point object command (‘po).
B. Click on points using the codes as the guide
“EMB1 to EMB1” for example
C. Once all of the lines that represent a surface
feature, such as an embankment line or a
centerline of a ditch, have been drawn break
lines can be created.
Note: The point object command must be invoked
within another command. When invoked, select
points in the drawing for the command to work.
When two points are chosen a polyline will be drawn
between the points.
E. Select the Surface from which to create the
D. Go to the “Prospector” tab.
F. Toggle on or off the lines you wish to create
breaklines from. Click “OK” 1. Go to “Surfaces”.
G. The “Add Breaklines” dialog box will 2. Open the desired surface’s tree by
appear. selecting the expansion icon next to the
surface name.
A polyline will just mark out the stationing and 2. Select the Profile
elevations on a profile to be later designed.
3. The alignment will be selected
C. From the “Profiles” menu select- “Add
automatically if it is just a single
Profile View Labels” and then “Station
C. The Baseline and Region Parameters D. Click on the “Create new Surface” icon in
window for the chosen alignment will the upper left hand corner
1. Click Apply and then OK
J. The codes should be inserted under the B. Next, select an alignment using the selection
Surface name. Click Apply and OK box, this alignment should be the alignment
to cut cross sections from.
This will produce a station location next to M. Select “Sample Line Creation Method”
the sample line. tool icon to pick the type of sample lines to
produce, such as one sample line versus
H. Verify the alignment name in “Alignment”.
multiple sample lines along the alignment.
I. Click “OK”.
1. “From alignment Start” select “True” W. If zoomed in on the ends of the sample line the
station label will be displayed.
2. “To alignment End” select “True”
R. In the headers “Left Swath Width” and
“Right Swath Width”. Keep the “Snap to
Alignment” to “False” to have more
options to select a width. Each width is set to
30’ from the alignment. But can be set to a
desired width per side of the alignment.
S. In the header “Sampling Increments”
select “True” in “Use Sampling
Increments”. Set “Increments Along
Tangents, Curves, and Spirals” to desired
increments. This will place a sample line
along the alignment. Since the alignment has
no curves or spirals, this will have no effect.
T. In the header “Additional Sample
A. With sample lines created, cross sections can
be produced (if there was no editing during
1. “At Range Start” select “True” the placement of the sample lines). Go to the
“Sections” menu, select “Create Multiple
2. “At Range End” select “True”
Sections Views”.
3. “At Horizontal Geometry Points”
select “False”. This will omit placing a
cross section at every turn in the
4. “At Super elevation Critical Stations”
select “False”
U. Click “OK”.
V. The sample lines will be produced along the
alignment selected.
C. Enter a name in the “Section View Name” M. The next dialog box allows specify the
field (ex. Section 1). elevation range. AutoCAD defaults to the
maximum and minimum elevation that the
D. Enter a small description if desired.
surface allows. Click “Next”.
E. Select a “Section View Style” – Within the
template there are several styles to choose
from (ex. “A 20Hx10V (VP Scale 20)”).
F. Select “Alignment” (if there are multiple
alignments). It will default to the current
alignment if only one is present.
G. Select the “Sample line group name”
(There may be more than one sample line
group within the alignment.)
H. Click Next N. The next dialog box shows the sections that
I. Select a template for which the section view will be drawn in the profile views. The
will be placed on sheets (20 Scale, 40 Scale surface should be seen. Click “Next”.
for example). The templates can be found
on the hard drive under the NRCS Section
Sheets 2014 drawing file in the AutoCAD
Templates folder.
J. Select a “Group Plot Style” this orients the
placement of the cross sections. (10 Per Row
= 10 cross sections per row).
K. Select Next
O. Toggle off “Add Data Bands” on the next
dialog box. (Data bands may have their own
dialog box following those explained below
in newer versions of AutoCAD)
D. Click “OK”
E. The Compute Materials pop-up window will
C. Select the polyline and press enter XIX. FEATURE LINE FROM LAYOUT TOOLS
D. The Create Feature Lines dialog box will A. To create a feature line click on “Feature
appear Line” from the Home ribbon and then select
“Create Feature Line”
E. The “Create Surface” dialog box will open button that reveals the drop-down. Select the
and check that the conditions of the surface “Create grading” button.
are satisfactory and click “OK”.
N. To “create an infill”, select the arrow A. The first step is to click on the grading
directly adjacent to the “Create Grading” surface that was created. This will populate
button to reveal the drop down box. Select a Tin surface ribbon for the grading group
“Create Infill”. B. Select Volumes Dashboard on this ribbon.
This will open the “Panorama” palette.
F. Click “OK”
D. Click Open
E. The Import LandXML dialog box will