Expressions: Ab Ab Ah Ah Abh

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This problem gives you the chance to:

• work with algebraic expressions for areas and perimeters of parallelograms and

1. Here is a parallelogram. a

The area of a parallelogram is

h b the product of its base times the
perpendicular height.

a. Which of these are correct expressions for the area of this parallelogram?
Draw a circle around any that are correct.

1 1
ab ab ah ah 2a + 2b 2(a + b) abh
2 2

b. Which of these are correct expressions for the perimeter of the parallelogram?
! ! ! ! !
Draw!a circle around any!that are correct.
1 1
ab ab ah ah 2a + 2b 2(a + b) abh
2 2
2. Here is a trapezoid. It is made up of two triangles, each with height h.
! ! ! a ! !
! !

Find the area of each of the two triangles and use your results to show that the area of the
trapezoid is ( a + b) h .


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Expressions Rubric
The core elements of performance required by this task are:
• work with algebraic expressions for areas and perimeters of parallelograms and
Based on these, credit for specific aspects of performance should be assigned as follows points points

1.a Gives correct answer: ah circled and no others circled 1

b. Gives correct answers: 2a + 2b and 2(a + b) 2x1
Deduct 1 point for 1 extra and 2 points for more than 1 extra.

2. Provides a convincing development of the required expression such as:

1 1
Shows the areas of the two triangles are ah and bh 2x1
2 2
Adds these two expressions to get
(a + b)h 1
! ! 3
Total Points 6

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Work the task and look at the rubric. What are the algebra tools a student needs to know
to do this task? What would you like to see if for complete explanation or proof in part 3?


Look at student work for part 1a, finding the area of a parallelogram. Remember the
formula is given in words. Now look at student work. How many of your students put:
ah Omitted ab abh 1/2ab 1/2ah 2a +2b 2(a+b)

What surprises you about these results? How often do students get to work with algebra
in the context of geometry? How might this context help students to see algebra as a
sense-making tool?

Now look at student work for part 1b, finding the perimeter of a parallelogram. How
many of your students put:
Both Omit Omit ab 1/2ab ah 1/2ah abh
formulas 2a+2b 2(a+b)

Aside from the geometry, how many students didn’t see the equivalency between 2a+2b
and 2(a+b)? Why do you think this was difficult for students? Why do you think students
had difficulty expressing perimeter in a geometric setting?

Now look at work for part 2. How many students could complete the entire argument? In
their work, how might you encourage them to improve their answers, make them clearer
and highlight the mathematics and logic of each step?
Now look at types of errors. How many students:
• Made no attempt on this part of the task____________________
• Put either 1/2 a or 1/2 b as the area of a small triangle__________
• Tried to use numbers instead of variables to solve the problem__________
• Found the area of the small triangles but didn’t combine them to try and complete
the argument or proof________________
• Other errors ___________________

How often do students in your class get the opportunity to make and test conjectures
about geometric or other contexts using algebra? What are some of your favorite

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Looking at Student Work on Expressions
Student A is able to identify the expressions for finding area and perimeter of a
parallelogram. The student is able to see that 2a+2b is equivalent to 2(a+b). In part 2,
Student A labels the two triangles in order to define which areas are being found by each
area expression. Then the student uses words and symbols to discuss combining the two
separate areas into a single expression.
Student A

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Student B uses diagrams to think about the expressions for area of each triangle. Then the
student talks about combining the two expressions. Student B factors out first the height
and then the 1/2 to make the combined expression equivalent to the original formula.
Understanding how to close an argument and show the steps back to the original
statement is an important piece of logical reasoning.
Student B

Student C has all the information needed to make the conclusion, but either doesn’t
understand how to factor out the expression or recognize a need to make the final
statement the same as the original.
Student C

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Student D finds the area of each separate triangle, but does not combine the terms or
make any attempt to show how that relates to the original formula.
Student D

Student E finds the area of the separate triangles and then seems to try to work backward
from the original formula to get the two expressions. The student appears to be
attempting distributive property on the right, but does not carry it through correctly.
Student E

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Student F might be debating between two different area formulas, using one strategy for
triangle a and a different strategy for triangle b. The students seems to settle on ah + bh.
The student then factors this expression but does not know how to get the 1/2 into the
problem. If you could interview this student, what question might you want to ask? If you
could pose some other problems, what might help you understand where the thinking or
skills break down? Notice that student F puts multiple choices for area in part 1a and
doesn’t recognize equivalent expressions for perimeter in part 1b.
Student F

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Many students struggled with using the distributive property on the original formula.
Student G distributes the 1/2 on variables inside and outside the parentheses. Student H
distributes the 1/2 over both variables and then separately distributes the h.
Student G

Student H

Student I struggles with the concept of like and unlike terms. The student also tries to
replace the variables with numbers to check the solution.
Student I

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Student J tries to use distributive property inappropriately and also teases apart the
expression in an attempt to set up an equation. On the right, the student also seems to use
parentheses more in a linguistic sense to separate things rather than as a mathematical
Student J

Student K can’t think with variables. To identify the expressions in 1a and b, the student
needs to put in numbers to think through the process and then substitute back in the
variables. In part 2 the student checks out one case of using numbers to check that the
formula is true, but doesn’t have the sense of the importance of variables to build a
generalizable proof for all cases. How do we help students learn to think with variables?
How do we help develop in students the idea of algebra as a tool for generalization
instead of set of manipulations?
Student K

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Algebra Task 1 Expressions

Student Task Work with algebraic expressions for areas and perimeters of
parallelograms and trapezoids.
Core Idea 3 Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures
Algebraic using algebraic symbols.
Properties and • Use symbolic algebra to represent and explain mathematical
Representations relationships.

Mathematics of this task:

• Using variables to find area and perimeter of a parallelogram
• Recognizing equivalent expressions by factoring or using distributive property
• Using algebra to make and prove a generalization
• Explaining the steps of factoring or using distributive property to make two
expressions equivalent

Based on teacher observations, this is what algebra students know and are able to do:
• Students were able to recognize expressions for finding perimeter of a
• Many students could recognize equivalent expressions for perimeter

Areas of difficulty for algebra students:

• Finding the area of a parallelogram/ translating from words to variables (the
formula for area was given in a verbal form)
• Thinking with variables instead of numbers
• Decomposing the trapezoid into two triangles
• Using factoring and/or distributive.0 property to make equivalent expressions
• Using algebra to make a generalization

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The maximum score available for this task is 6 points.
The minimum score for a level 3 response, meeting standards, is 4 points.

Many students, 80%, could find one expression for the perimeter of a parallelogram.
More than half the students could either find one expression for area and perimeter of a
parallelogram or find two expressions for a parallelogram. Some students, about 31%,
could find two expressions for perimeter of a parallelogram, and find the area of the two
small triangles. 13% of the students could meet all the demands of the task including
finding an expression for the area of a parallelogram and using algebra to show how to
combine and factor the expressions for the area of two triangles into the formula for the
area of a trapezoid.

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Points Understandings Misunderstandings
0 82% of the students with this Students chose too many expressions for
score attempted the task. perimeter and didn’t see equivalent expressions.
26% of the students omitted 2a+2b for
perimeter. 31% omitted 2(a+b) for perimeter.
About 5% of the students chose each of the
following options:ah, 1/ah, ahb, ab, and 1/2 ab.
2 Students with this score Students had difficulty identifying the formula
could either find both for area, even though the verbal rule was given.
expressions for perimeter for While many students picked ah, they often
a parallelogram or find one picked other choices as well. 35% of the
expression for area and one students did not pick ah as one of the choices.
expression for perimeter. Almost 14% of the students picked ab for area,
confusing side length with height. 14% picked
1/2ah and 12% picked 1/2ab for the area
formula, confusing area of a triangle with area
for a parallelogram. About 5% picked each of
the perimeter formulas for area.
3 Students could identify Students had difficulty trying to make an
expressions for area and algebraic generalization about area of a
perimeter. trapezoid. Some students did not decompose the
shape into two triangles. 10% of the students
substituted numbers for variables. 8% left the
height out of the formula for the small triangles
(1/2 a or 1/2 b). 10% found the area of the small
triangles, but did no further work to show how
to combine the areas and create an equivalent
expression to the given formula.
4 Students with this score Students applied algebra inappropriately:
could find the expressions combining unlike terms, not being able to factor
for perimeter and the area of expressions, using distributive property
the small triangles in part 2 incorrectly.
or find one perimeter
expression and explain all of
part 2.
5 Students couldn’t or didn’t combine the areas of
the small triangles to make a complete argument
in part 2.
6 Students could use a
geometric context to write
expressions with variables
for area and perimeter of a
parallelogram and a

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Implications for Instruction
Students at this grade level have been working with area and perimeter of parallelograms
since 4th grade and area of triangles since 5th grade. At this grade level students need to be
able to move from the specific solution to generalizing about why the formula works and
where it comes from.
Students in algebra have learned a variety of tools, such as using a variable to stand for a
side of any length, combining like terms, or factoring polynomials. The purpose of these
procedures or tools is to be able to prove numerical relationships or why something
works or discover under what circumstances it won’t work.
Students need to be exposed to a variety of contexts for applying their skills to make and
test conjectures, to prove mathematical relationships. Procedures that can’t be transferred
to new situations are not useful and will probably have a short retention rate.
Some of the most interesting data from algebra shows that students on cumulative tests
do best on the most recently taught topic, rather than building from foundational
knowledge at the beginning of a course. Students need more opportunities to connect
their thinking to its use in context.
Ideas for Action Research – Building Logical Arguments
Students, even at very young ages, are capable of learning the reasoning chains to make
logical proofs. They just need to be pushed with good questioning strategies. In the book,
Thinking Mathematically, Integrating Arithmetic and Algebra in Elementary School, the
authors explore classroom experiences with children in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades using
variables and learning the logic of proof. In the chapter on justification and proof,
second-grader Susie is able to use number properties to justify why –5 – (-5) + 5= 5. She
is first able to write that a + b – b = a. She justifies it by saying that any number minus
itself equals 0, so b-b = 0. Then any number + 0 equals itself. Finally she is able to say
that if both of these statements are true the original will also be true. “It is productive to
ask children whether their conjectures are always true and how they know that they are
always true for all numbers…..We consistently have been surprised at what children are
capable of when given the opportunity.” This book comes with a video of students
making and testing conjectures. Some of the videos might be useful in the classroom to
give students models of how to use and discuss mathematics.

Fostering Algebraic Thinking offers some grade level appropriate activities to help
students build their capacity for generalization and making proofs. Consider the problem
of finding combinations of consecutive numbers to make the different answers of 1 to 35.
After students have explored this problem they might be asked to describe patterns that
they found with the consecutive numbers. Students might provide a range of solutions
from all the numbers made of 3 consecutive numbers can be divided by three to a number
N is a consecutive sum of m numbers if m divides evenly into N and m is an odd number.
This resource offers students many intriguing problems to work on their abilities to make
logical arguments and develop proofs using variables. It also offers suggestions on types
of questions that help students build habits of mind that lead them to make better

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A related MARS task is the Sum of Two Squares, Course 2- 2005, available on the
Noyce website. It starts with the premise from Lewis Carroll, that 2(x2 + y2) is always the
sum of two squares where x and y are a pair of non-zero integers. Students are given
opportunities to investigate the conjecture with numbers, then describe the relationship in
words and finally challenged to prove why this is always true using algebra. The
discussion on this task would be a good place for practicing the types of questioning
strategies suggested in the two references above.

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Performance Assessment Task 
Grade 9 
The task challenges a student to demonstrate understanding of the concepts of algebraic properties 
and representations.  A student must be able to represent and analyze mathematical situations and 
structures using algebraic symbols.  In this case, a student must make sense of areas and perimeters 
of parallelograms and trapezoids using algebraic expressions. A student must understand how to use 
symbolic algebra to represent and explain mathematical relationships.  A student must determine 
how to explain the steps to make two expressions equivalent.   
Common Core State Standards Math ‐ Content Standards 
High School – Algebra – Creating Equations 
Create equations that describe numbers or relationships. 
A‐CED.4 Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in 
solving equations. For example, rearrange Ohm’s law V = IR to highlight resistance R. 
Common Core State Standards Math – Standards of Mathematical Practice 
MP.4 Model with mathematics. 
Mathematically proficient students can apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising 
in everyday life, society, and the workplace. In early grades, this might be as simple as writing an 
addition equation to describe a situation. In middle grades, a student might apply proportional 
reasoning to plan a school event or analyze a problem in the community. By high school, a student 
might use geometry to solve a design problem or use a function to describe how one quantity of 
interest depends on another. Mathematically proficient students who can apply what they know are 
comfortable making assumptions and approximations to simplify a complicated situation, realizing 
that these may need revision later. They are able to identify important quantities in a practical 
situation and map their relationships using such tools as diagrams, two‐way tables, graphs, 
flowcharts and formulas. They can analyze those relationships mathematically to draw conclusions. 
They routinely interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on 
whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose. 
MP.6  Attend to precision. 
Mathematically proficient students try to communicate precisely to others. They try to use clear 
definitions in discussion with others and in their own reasoning. They state the meaning of the 
symbols they choose, including using the equal sign consistently and appropriately. They are careful 
about specifying units of measure, and labeling axes to clarify the correspondence with quantities in 
a problem. They calculate accurately and efficiently, express numerical answers with a degree of 
precision appropriate for the problem context. In the elementary grades, students give carefully 
formulated explanations to each other. By the time they reach high school they have learned to 
examine claims and make explicit use of definitions. 
Assessment Results 
This task was developed by the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service and administered as part 
of a national, normed math assessment.  For comparison purposes, teachers may be interested in the 
results of the national assessment, including the total points possible for the task, the number of core 
points, and the percent of students that scored at standard on the task.  Related materials, including 
the scoring rubric, student work, and discussions of student understandings and misconceptions on 
the task, are included in the task packet.  
Grade Level  Year  Total Points  Core Points  % At Standard 
9  2008  6  4  31 % 

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