Vision - Mission - Value: Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada
Vision - Mission - Value: Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada
Vision - Mission - Value: Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada
Mata kuliah: Leadership Communication 77D
Dosen Pengajar: Rusdi Akbar, Ph.D, CA, Ak.
Hari, tanggal: Kamis, 10 Juni 2021
Waktu: (24 Jam)
Sifat Ujian: take home
Instruksi: Kirimkan jawaban via email MK (cc simaster dan google form akademik).
(Batas akhir pengumpulan jawaban adalah Jum’at, 11 Juni jam 10.30)
Vision - To be the leading faculty of economics and business in Indonesia by rising to international challenges.
Mission - Enriched by our vibrant international network but rooted in local wisdom, we develop leaders with
the integrity and knowledge needed to serve society. Our contribution to the advancement of knowledge is
through quality research and teaching.
Upholding the principles of honesty, consistency of words and deeds, commitment to promises, moral courage in
defending truth, the interests of the organization over the interests of groups and individuals, and being
trustworthy and responsible.
Playing its role by referring to the quality and performance standards, conformity with the expertise, expertise
and competence, the spirit of self-development in a sustainable, client-oriented and accountable manner.
Objectivity and Fairness
Giving respect to all citizens, regardless of function, status and position, and by not discriminating based on
religion, race, ethnicity and gender, and appreciating and evaluating performance objectively and fairly.
Academic Freedom
Recognizing the concept and practice of academic freedom as a central behavior that is to be upheld in learning,
teaching, research, and scholarship.
Social Concern
Have a commitment and seriousness to participate and actively involved in handling and solving various
economic, business and social problems faced by the community.
Theme Song
FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada bertekad bulat menjadi yang terdepan. Memberi yang terbaik sepenuh hati demi
senyuman manis Ibu Pertiwi. Satu fakultas, satu keluarga, satu visi meraih prestasi. Maju bersama dalam
harmoni untuk kejayaan Indonesia.
Bakti kami mahasiswa Gadjah Mada semua. Kuberjanji memenuhi panggilan Bangsaku. Di dalam Pancasilamu
jiwa seluruh Nusaku. Kujunjung kebudayaanmu Kejayaan Indonesia. Bakti kami almamater kuberjanji setia.
Kupenuhi dharma bhakti tuk Ibu Pertiwi. Di dalam persatuanmu jiwa seluruh Bangsaku. Kujunjung
kebudayaanmu Kejayaan Nusantara.
Dengan merujuk pada semua informasi di atas, siapkan naskah pidato perdana Dekan terpilih yang akan
disampaikan di dihadapan segenap sivitas akademika. Naskah harus memenuhi syarat sebuah bentuk
komunikasi yang efektif dan juga menarik sesuai dengan filosofi, prinsip, konsep dan teknik yang telah
dipelajari di matakuliah ini.
(Maksimal 2 halaman, margin normal, spasi tunggal, times new roman 11)