Applications of Computer Graphics
Applications of Computer Graphics
Applications of Computer Graphics
Computer graphics is concerned with all aspects of producing images using a computer.
The field began humbly 50 years ago, with the display of few lines on a cathode ray tube
(CRT); now, we can create images by computer that are indistinguishable from
photographs of real objects.
In this chapter we discuss about the application of computer graphics, overview of the
graphic system, graphics architectures. In this project we discuss about OpenGL- open
graphics library API- which is used to develop the application program which is the matter
in question.
The applications of computer graphics are many and varied. However we can divide them
into four major areas:
Display of Information
User interfaces
Display of Information
Professions such as engineering and architecture are concerned with design which is an
iterative process. The power of the paradigm of humans interacting with the computer
displays was recognized by Ivan Sutherland.
Graphics system, now are capable of generating sophisticated images in real time. Hence
engineers and researchers use them as simulators. The most important use has been in the
training of pilots.
User interfaces
User interaction with computers has become dominated by a visual paradigm that includes
windows, icons, menus and pointing devices. Applications such as office suites, web
browsers are accustomed to this style.
In this project we are going to design a Helicopter game using OpenGL. This project
displays a helicopter in flight with its fan and rotor stabilizer moving.
The basic idea of the game is to dodge the rectangles and the game ends when the helicopter
touches one of the rectangles.
The score is calculated based on the distance covered by the helicopter before the crash.
It can be used for gaming and entertainment purpose.It can also be extended to the
development of android application.
People use the term “computer graphics” to mean different things in different
context. Computer graphics are pictures that are generated by a computer. Everywhere you
look today, you can find examples, especially in magazines and on television. Some images
look so natural you can’t distinguish them from photographs of a real scene. Others have
an artificial look, intended to achieve some visual effects.
There are several ways in which the graphics generated by the program can be
• Frame- by- frame: A single frame can be drawn while the user waits.
• Frame-by-frame under control of the user: A sequence of frames can be drawn, as
in a corporate power point presentation; the user presses to move on to the next
slide, but otherwise has no way of interacting with the slides
• Animation: A sequence of frames proceeds at a particular rate while the user
watches with delight.
• Interactive program: An interactive graphics presentation is watched, where the user
controls the flow from one frame to another using an input device such as a mouse
or keyboard, in a manner that was unpredictable at the time the program was written.
This can delight the eye.
A computer graphics system is a computer system which has five major elements:
1. Input devices
2. Processor
3. Memory
4. Frame buffer
5. Output devices
This model is general enough to include workstations and personal computers, interactive
game systems, and sophisticated image-generating systems. Although all the
Helicopter Game Literature Survey
components, with the exception of the frame buffer, are present in standard computer, it is
the way each element is specialized for computer graphics that characteristics this diagram
as a portrait of graphics system.
On one side of the API is the application program. On the other side is some combination
of hardware and software that implements the functionality of the API. There are
various approaches to developing architectures to support graphics API as discussed
Display Processors
Pipeline Architecture
Pipeline architecture is the process of giving output of one process as the input to other.
This architecture is prominently used in modern days with the advancement of VLSI. In
graphics system; we start with a set of objects. Each object comprises a set of graphical
primitives. Each primitive comprises a set of vertices. We can think of the collection of
primitive types and vertices as defining the geometry of the scene. Thus the graphics
pipeline has four major steps for processing the image:
1. Vertex processing
3. Rasterization
4. Fragment processing
Vertex Processing
Vertex processing is the first step to be performed in the pipeline architecture. Vertex
Processing mainly involves the transformation of objects, transformation of the coordinate
system and projection transforming. It also involves color computation for each vertex.
Clipping and Primitive Assembly is the second step in the pipeline architecture. The output
of the vertex processor is given as the input to this stage. This step is mainly involved in
the clipping of the primitive; Clipping is necessary since the camera film has a limited size
and hence cannot image the whole world at once. This stage computes the clipping volume
and considers only those vertices that falls within this volume for image formation. Those
vertices that are outside this volume do not appear in the image and are said to be clipped.
Rasterization is the third step of pipeline architecture. This step is necessary because the
primitives that emerge out of clipper are still represented in terms of vertices. Rasterizer
would further process there vertices to generate pixels in the frame buffer. The Rasterizer
determines which pixels in the frame buffer are inside the polygon and which pixels fall
Fragment Processing
Fragment Processing is the final step of the pipeline architecture. In the output generated
by the rasterizer, some portions may not be actually visible since it may be present behind
another primitive (object).
OpenGL was developed by ‘Silicon Graphics Inc‘(SGI) on 1992 and is popular in the
gaming industry where it competes with the Direct3D in the Microsoft Windows
platform. OpenGL is broadly used in CAD (Computer Aided Design), virtual reality,
scientific visualization, information visualization, flight simulation and video games
OpenGL is a standard specification that defines an API that is multi-language and multi-
platform and that enables the codification of applications that output computerized
graphics in 2D and 3D.
The interface consists in more than 250 different functions, which can be used to draw
complex tridimensional scenes with simple primitives. It consists of many functions that
help to create a real world object and a particular existence for an object can be given.
• OpenGL is a better documented API.
• OpenGL is also a cleaner API and much easier to learn and program.
• OpenGL has the best demonstrated 3D performance for any API.
• Microsoft's Direct3D group is already planning a major API change called
Direct Primitive that will leave any existing investment in learning Direct3D
immediate mode largely obsolete.
OpenGL stands for Open Source Graphics Library. Graphics Library is a collection of
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
Graphics Library functions are divided in three libraries. They are as follows-
Functions in main GL library name function names that begin with the letter ‘gl’.
• GLU library uses only GL functions but contains code for creating objects and
simplify viewing.
• To interface with the window system and to get input from external devices GLUT
library is used, which is a combination of three libraries GLX for X
windows, ‘wgl’ for Windows and ‘agl’ for Macintosh.
• These libraries are included in the application program using preprocessor
directives. E.g.: #include<GL/glut.h>
• The following figure shows the library organization in OpenGL.
• Graphics system and functions can be considered as a black box, a term used to
denote a system whose properties are only described by its inputs and output
without knowing the internal working.
• Inputs to graphics system are functions calls from application program,
measurements from input devices such as mouse and keyboard.
• Outputs are primarily the graphics sent to output devices.
API’s are described through functions in its library. These functions are divided into seven
major groups.
1) Primitive Functions: Primitive functions define the low level objects or atomic
entities that a system can display, the primitives include line segments, polygons,
pixels, points, text and various types of curves and surfaces.
2) Attribute Functions: Attribute Functions allow us to perform operations ranging
from choosing the color to display a line segment, to packing a pattern to fill inside
any solid figure.
3) Viewing Functions: Viewing functions allow us to specify various views.
4) Transformation Functions: Transformation functions allow us to carry out
transformation of objects such as rotation, translation and scaling.
5) Input Functions: Input functions allow us to deal with the diverse forms of input
that characterize modern graphics system. It deals with devices such as keyboard,
mouse and data tablets.
6) Control Functions: Control Functions enable us to communicate with the window
system, to initialize the programs, and to deal with any errors that occur during the
execution of the program.
7) Query Functions: Query Functions provides information about the API.
• Windows – XP/7/8
• Microsoft Visual Studio C/C++ 7.0 and above versions
• OpenGL Files
• DirectX 8.0 and above versions
Header Files
• glut.h
Object File Libraries
• glut32.lib
DLL files
• glut32.dll
STDIO.H : Input and Output operations can also be performed in C++.Using the C
standard input and output Library.
STDLIB.H : The stdlib.h header includes many memory management functions
such as malloc, calloc, free which are used to allocate or de-allocate bytes of
GLUT.H : The glut.h is a readily available library called the OpenGL
Utility Toolkit which provides a simple interface between the System.
Geometric primitives are specified in the problem domain and include points, line
segments, polygons, curves and surfaces. The geometric primitives exist in two- and three-
dimensional space and hence they can be manipulated by operations such as rotation and
translation. Raster primitives are used to convert geometric primitives into pixels. Raster
primitives, such as array of pixels, lack geometric properties and cannot be manipulated
in the same way as geometric primitives.The basic OpenGL primitives are specified by
sets of vertices. Thus the programmer can define the objects in the following form:
glBegin(GLenum mode);
glVertex*(. . .);
Helicopter game Design and Implementation
The value mode defines how OpenGL assembles the vertices to define geometric objects.
Other code and OpenGL function calls occur between glBegin and glEnd.
Mode Specifies the primitive or primitives that will be created from vertices presented
between glBegin and the subsequent glEnd. Ten symbolic constants are accepted:
C Specification
void glEnd( )
glBegin and glEnd delimit the vertices that define a primitive or a group of like primitives.
GL_POINTS Treats each vertex as a single point. Vertex n defines point n. N points are
GL_LINE_LOOP Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the
last, then back to the first. Vertices n and n+1 define line n. The last line, however, is
defined by vertices N and 1. N lines are drawn.
z ) Parameters
x, y, z Specify x, y, z coordinates of a vertex. Not all parameters are present in all forms
glVertex commands are used within glBegin/glEnd pairs to specify point, line, and
polygon vertices. The current color, normal, and texture coordinates are associated with
the vertex when glVertex is called.
Red, green, blue Specify new red, green, and blue values for the current color. Description
glColor3 variants specify new red, green, and blue values explicitly, and set the current
alpha value to 1.0 implicitly.Current color values are stored in floating-point format, with
unspecified mantissa and exponent sizes. Unsigned integer color components, when
specified, are linearly mapped to floating-point values such that the largest representable
value maps to 1.0 (full intensity), and zero maps to 0.0 (zero intensity). Signed integer
color components, when specified, are linearly mapped to floating-point values such that
t h e m o s t positive represent able value maps to 1.0, and the most negative represent
able value maps to -1.0.Floating-point values are mapped directly.
Neither floating-point nor signed integer values are clamped to the range [0,1] before
updating the current color. However, color components are clamped to this range before
they are interpolated or written into a color buffer.
glClearColor - specify clear values for the color buffers. C Specification void
red, green, blue, alpha Specify the red, green, blue, and alpha values used when the
color buffers are cleared. The default values are all zero. Description
glClearColor specifies the red, green, blue, and alpha values used by glClear to clear the
color buffers. Values specified by glClearColor are clamped to the range [0,1]. glClear
C Specification void
glClear(GLbitfield mask)
Mask Bitwise OR of masks that indicate the buffers to be cleared. The masks
glClear sets the bitplane area of the window to values previously selected by glClearColor,
glClearIndex, glClearDepth. Multiple color buffers can be cleared simultaneously by
selecting more than one buffer at a time using glDrawBuffer. The pixel ownership test, the
scissor test, dithering, and the buffer write masks affect the operation of glClear. The
scissor box bounds the cleared region. Alpha function, blend function, logical operation,
stenciling, texture mapping, and z-buffering are ignored by glClear. glClear takes a single
argument that is the bitwise OR of several values indicating which buffer is to be cleared.
glOrtho - multiply the current matrix by an orthographic matrix. gluOrtho2D- special case
void glOrtho( GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top,
GLdouble near, GLdouble far )
left, right Specify the coordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes. bottom,
top Specify the coordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes.
near, far Specify the distances to the nearer and farther depth clipping planes.
These distances are negative if the plane is to be behind the viewer.
parallel projection.
(left, bottom, -near) and (right, top, -near) specify the points on the near clipping plane
that are mapped to the lower left and upper right corners of the window, respectively,
assuming that the eye is located at (0, 0, 0).
-far specifies the location of the far clipping plane. Both near and far can be either positive
or negative.
Mode Specifies which matrix stack is the target for subsequent matrix operations. Three
glLoadIdentity replaces the current matrix with the identity matrix. It is semantically
equivalent to calling glLoadMatrix with the identity matrix but in some cases it is more
glTranslate moves the coordinate system origin to the point specified by (x,y,z). The
translation vector is used to compute a 4x4 translation matrix:
|1 0 0 x |
| |
|0 1 0 y |
| |
|0 0 1 z |
| |
|0 0 0 1 |
The current matrix (see glMatrixMode) is multiplied by this translation matrix, with the
product replacing the current matrix. That is, if M is the current matrix and T is the
translation matrix, then M is replaced with M *T.
GLfloat z ) Parameters
glRotate computes a matrix that performs a counter clockwise rotation of angle degrees about
the vector from the origin through the point (x, y, z).
glPopMatrix( void )
There is a stack of matrices for each of the matrix modes. In GL_MODELVIEW mode,
the stack depth is at least 32. In the other two modes, GL_PROJECTION and
GL_TEXTURE, the depth is at least 2.The current matrix in any mode is the matrix on the
top of the stack for that mode. glPushMatrix pushes the current matrix stack down by one,
duplicating the current matrix. That is, after a glPushMatrix call, the matrix on the top of
the stack is identical to the one below it. glPopMatrix pops the current matrix stack,
replacing the current matrix with the one below it on the stack. Initially, each of the stacks
contains one matrix, an identity matrix. It is an error to push a full matrix stack, or to pop
a matrix stack that contains only a single matrix. In either case, the error flag is set.
glRasterPos2f(GLdouble x,GLdouble y)
z) Parameters
x,y,z Specify the x, y, z, and w object coordinates (if present) for the raster position.
The GL maintains a 3D position in window coordinates. This position, called the raster
position, is used to position pixel and bitmap write operations. It is maintained with subpixel
accuracyThe current raster position consists of three window coordinates (x, y, z), a clip
coordinate value (w), an eye coordinate distance, a valid bit, and associated color data and
texture coordinates. The w coordinate is a clip coordinate, because w is not projected to
window coordinates. glRasterPos4 specifies object coordinates x, y, z, and w explicitly.
glRasterPos3 specifies object coordinate x, y, and zexplicitly, while w is implicitly set to 1.
glRasterPos2 uses the argument values for x and y while implicitly setting z and w to 0 and
1. The current raster position also includes some associated color data and texture
coordinates. If lighting is enabled, then GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR
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Helicopter Game Design and Implementation
We are using the GLUT toolkit in this program and hence the main function consist of
calls to GLUT functions to set up our window and display properties. The main has a
display callback function and for interaction it has mouse and keyboard callback functions.
The init() is used to set up user options through OpenGL functions on GL and GLU
libraries.The main function for this program is as follows:
Main Function:
glutInit() should be called before any other GLUT routine, because it initializes the GLUT
library. glutInit() will also process command line options, but the specific options are
window system dependent. For the X Window System, -iconic, -geometry, and -display are
examples of command line options, processed by glutInit(). (The parameters to the glutInit()
should be the same as those to main().) void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode);
window have an associated depth, stencil, and/or accumulation buffer. The mask argument
is a bitwise ORed combination of GLUT_RGBA or GLUT_INDEX, GLUT_SINGLE or
GLUT_DOUBLE, and any of the buffer-enabling flags: GLUT_DEPTH,
GLUT_STENCIL, or GLUT_ACCUM. For example, for a double-buffered, RGBA-mode
window with a depth and stencil buffer, use GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA |
GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL. The default value is GLUT_RGBA |
GLUT_SINGLE (an RGBA, single-buffered window).
Requests windows created by glutCreateWindow() to have an initial size and position. The
arguments (x, y) indicate the location of a corner of the window, relative to the entire display.
The width and height indicate the window's size (in pixels). The initial window size and
position are hints and may be overridden by other glutCreateWindow(char
Opens a window with previously set characteristics (display mode, width, height, and so on).
The string name may appear in the title bar if your window system does that sort of thing.
The window is not initially displayed until glutMainLoop() is entered, so do not render into
the window until then. The value returned is a unique integer identifier for the window. This
identifier can be used for controlling and rendering to multiple windows (each with an
OpenGL rendering context) from the same application.
Display Function:
void display()
This function is used to call various functions that draw different objects to be displayed at
the location depending upon where the function call to the particular function is made and
messages to be displayed. It also has functions to set the color and also has function that
forces the content of the frame buffer onto the display (glFlush( )).
Msg Function:
string is the variable which collects the string that is to be displayed which is sent as a
parameter in the function call.It uses the GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 font to
display the message.
Rectangle Function:
void rectangle(int b)
void rectangle1(int d)
void rectangle2(int d)
These functions are responsible for drawing rectangles at various positions. The values b and
d are responsible for deciding the exact position of the rectangles.
Limit function:
void limit()
Helicopter Function:
Init Function:
void init(void)
And finally for interaction- to play the game according to a player input- we have mouse and
keyboard events.
Used to display the Up and down green color bars present on the screen.
Mouse function:
glutMouseFunc sets the mouse callback for the current window. When a user presses and
releases mouse buttons in the window, each press and each release generates a mouse
The button parameter is one of GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON, or
GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON. For systems with only two mouse buttons, it may not be
possible to generate GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON callback. For systems with a single
mouse button, it may be possible to generate only a GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON callback. The
state parameter is either GLUT_UP or GLUT_DOWN indicating whether the callback was
due to a release or press respectively. The x and y callback parameters indicate the window
relative coordinates when the mouse button state changed. If a GLUT_DOWN callback for
a specific button is triggered, the program can assume a GLUT_UPcallback for the same
button will be generated (assuming the window still has a mouse callback registered) when
the mouse button is released even if the mouse has moved outside the window.
If the left mouse button is pressed the helicopter moves upwards and if the right mouse button
is pressed the helicopter moves downwards.
Keyboard function:
glutKeyboardFunc sets the keyboard callback for the current window. When a user types
into the window, each key press generating an ASCII character will generate a keyboard
callback. The key callback parameter is the generated ASCII character. The state of
modifier keys such as Shift cannot be determined directly; their only effect will be on the
returned ASCII data. The x and y callback parameters indicate the mouse location in
window relative coordinates when the key was pressed.
When a new window is created, no keyboard callback is initially registered, and ASCII key
strokes in the window are ignored. Passing NULL to glutKeyboardFunc disables the
generation of keyboard callbacks.
In this the input interaction happens through keyboard. Pressing Enter starts the game and
pressing the key 8 causes the helicopter to move upwards and pressing the key 2 causes the
helicopter to move downwards. Once the game is over we can restart the game by pressing
the key c or exit the game by pressing the Esc key.
void reset() {
void display()
if (!start)
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); helicopter(x, y);
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); glColor3f(.3, .5, .8);
glRasterPos2f(200, 400);
else if (end)
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); glColor3f(.3, .5, .8);
glRasterPos2f(400, 500); msg("GAME OVER");
glRasterPos2f(700, 250);
msg("press esc to quit");
glRasterPos2f(700, 200); msg("press c
to restart"); glRasterPos2f(100, 250);
msg("Project By");
glRasterPos2f(150, 200);
msg("DEEPAK R and DIVYA K");
glRasterPos2f(80, 150);
void limit()
char tmp_str[40];
if (t<10)
if (d<1000)
d +=
1; else
d = 0;
if (t>30)
t = 0;
t += 0.01;
if (xcor == 340 && y>465)
yy = y;
y = 1000;
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if (xdor == 340 && y>450)
yy = y;
y = 1000;
if (xbor == 340 && y>125 && y<600)
yy = y;
y = 1000;
if (theta<100)
theta += 50.0;
else theta = 0;
if (theta1<100) theta1 += 50.0;
else theta1 = 0;
if (theta2<100) theta2 += 50.0;
else theta2 = 0;
if (theta3<100) theta3 +=
50.0; else theta3 = 0;
if (y == 1000)
crashed_helicopter(x, yy);
GLfloat i, cosine, sine;
GLint r = 35, k = 55, m = 20;
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
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for (i = 0; i<360; i++)
cosine = (x + 100) + (r*cos(i));
sine = y + (r*sin(i));
glVertex2f(cosine, sine);
//wing big
glColor3f(.3, .5, .8);
glTranslatef(x + 90, y + 30, 0); glRotatef(-
60, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glRotatef(theta, 0.0, 0.0,
1.0); glTranslatef(-(x + 90), -(y + 30), 0);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 30);
glVertex2i(x + 80, y + 100);
glVertex2i(x + 100, y + 100);
glEnd(); glPopMatrix();
glTranslatef(x + 90, y + 30, 0);
glRotatef(-60, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glRotatef(theta1, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0); glTranslatef(-(x + 90), -(y + 30), 0);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 30);
glVertex2i(x + 80, y - 20);
glVertex2i(x + 100, y - 20);
glTranslatef(x + 90, y + 30, 0);
glRotatef(-60, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glRotatef(theta2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glTranslatef(-(x + 90), -(y + 30), 0);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 30);
glVertex2i(x + 30, y - 10);
glVertex2i(x + 30, y + 10);
glEnd(); glPopMatrix();
glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(x
+ 90, y + 30, 0); glRotatef(-60,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glRotatef(theta3,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glTranslatef(-(x + 90), -(y + 30), 0);
glVertex2i(x + 160, y + 50); glVertex2i(x
+ 90, y + 30);
glVertex2i(x + 160, y + 70);
//wing small
glTranslatef(x, y + 10, 0); glRotatef(-
60, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glRotatef(theta, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0); glTranslatef(-(x), -(y + 10),
glVertex2i(x, y + 10);
glVertex2i(x, y + 30);
glVertex2i(x - 10, y + 30);
glTranslatef(x, y + 10, 0); glRotatef(-
60, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glRotatef(theta1,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glTranslatef(-(x), -(y +
10), 0);
glVertex2i(x, y + 10);
glVertex2i(x, y - 10);
glVertex2i(x - 10, y - 10);
glTranslatef(x, y + 10, 0); glRotatef(-
60, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glRotatef(theta2,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glTranslatef(-(x), -(y +
10), 0);
glVertex2i(x, y + 10);
glVertex2i(x + 20, y + 10);
glVertex2i(x + 20, y);
glBegin(GL_POINTS); for
(i = 0; i<360; i++)
cosine = (x)+(m*cos(i)); sine = (y
+ 10) + (m*sin(i));
glVertex2f(cosine, sine);
} glEnd();
//foot line
glVertex2i(x + 100, y - 35);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y - 40);
glVertex2i(x + 100, y - 35);
glVertex2i(x + 110, y - 40);
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//centre line
glVertex2i(x, y - 10);
glVertex2i(x - 3, y + 10);
for (i = 0; i<360; i++)
cosine = (x + 100) + (r*cos(i));
sine = y + (r*sin(i));
glVertex2f(cosine, sine);
//wing big
for (i = 0; i<360; i++)
cosine = (x + 90) + (k*cos(i));
sine = (y + 20) + (k*sin(i));
glVertex2f(cosine, sine);
//wing small
glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (i
= 0; i<360; i++)
cosine = (x - 5) + (m*cos(i));
sine = (y + 30) + (m*sin(i));
glVertex2f(cosine, sine);
glVertex2i(x + 80, y - 45);
glVertex2i(x + 80, y - 40);
glVertex2i(x + 120, y - 40);
glVertex2i(x + 125, y - 45);
//foot line
glVertex2i(x + 100, y - 35);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y - 40);
glVertex2i(x + 100, y - 35);
glVertex2i(x + 110, y - 40);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 20);
glVertex2i(x + 48, y + 48);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 20);
glVertex2i(x + 75, y - 25);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 20);
glVertex2i(x + 85, y - 28);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 20);
glVertex2i(x + 135, y + 45);
glVertex2i(x + 90, y + 20);
glVertex2i(x + 125, y + 53);
//small wing rotatin wings
glVertex2i(x - 5, y + 30); glVertex2i(x - 10,
y + 38);
glVertex2i(x - 5, y + 30);
glVertex2i(x - 10, y + 20);
glVertex2i(x - 5, y + 30);
glVertex2i(x + 5, y + 30);
void rectangle(int b)
glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex2i(950 - b, 800);
glVertex2i(950 - b, 550);
glVertex2i(1000 - b, 550);
glVertex2i(1000 - b, 800);
xcor = 950 - b;
void rectangle1(int d)
glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex2i(950 - d, 800);
glVertex2i(950 - d, 500);
glVertex2i(1000 - d, 500);
glVertex2i(1000 - d, 800);
xdor = 950 - d;
void rectangle2(int d)
glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex2i(950 - d, 200);
glVertex2i(950 - d, 550);
glVertex2i(1000 - d, 550);
glVertex2i(1000 - d, 200);
xbor = 950 - d;
void down_bar()
glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
glVertex2i(0, 0); glVertex2i(0,
100); glVertex2i(1000, 100);
glVertex2i(1000, 0);
void up_bar()
glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
glVertex2i(0, 900); glVertex2i(0,
1000); glVertex2i(1000,
1000); glVertex2i(1000,
900); glEnd();
case 27:
case 'c':end = 0;
if (key == '8')
a = 1; count = 0;
if (key == '2')
a = 0;
count = 0;
void init(void)
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
gluOrtho2D(0.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 1000.0);
int main()
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
glutInitWindowSize(1300, 800);
glutCreateWindow("THE HELICOPTER");
glutDisplayFunc(display); glutIdleFunc(limit);
glutMainLoop(); return
[1]. Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top- down Approach Using OpenGL, Fifth
Edition by Edward Angel, Pearson education, 2009.
[2]. Computer Graphics with OpenGL, Third Edition, by Hearn & Baker, Pearson
6.1 Conclusion of the Project
We have successfully implemented a simple game in this project using OpenGL. OpenGl
supports enormous flexibility in the design and the use of OpenGl graphics programs. The
presence of many built in classes methods take care of much functionality and reduce the job
of coding as well as makes the implementation simpler.
This game shows the use of computer graphics throughout an application especially when it
comes to interaction of computers with humans. In this program, we saw how alphabetical
characters and stored data like scores are rendered on screen. We also saw how the game or
animated characters- like the helicopter in this game- are created, and how objects can be
moved from one co-ordinate position to another representing the movement of the object.
Every game has one property in common, that is they can be never ending. The games can
blossom like trees spanning new levels and new avatars. Similarly the enhancements that can
be made for this game are:
• We can create a new background that makes the game look more colourful.
• We can change the obstacles from rectangular blocks to more realistic objects like
buildings or other flying objects.
• We can include more levels and increase the difficulty level as the player advances.
• We can include the feature of Multi-player to this game.