Ten Candles 2

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Ten Candles – Quick Summary Mechanics

Though you know your characters will die, you must have hope Darkening Candles: Whenever a candle is darkened for any reason, the
that they will survive. current scene ends and a new scene begins. Once darkened, candles may
never be relit.
Cooperative Storytelling: The game focuses around shared narrative
control. Everyone will share the mantle of storyteller and has an equal hand A candle must be darkened if a player fails a conflict roll. A player may also
in telling this dark story. choose to darken a candle after a successful conflict roll in which they would
lose narration rights in order to seize narrative control from the GM. When
Setup & Character Creation only one candle remains lit, the game enters The Last Stand, but this is the
GM’s domain…
10 x unlit tea candles & 10 x identical 6-sided dice
5 x index cards & 1 x marker & 1 unique 6-sided die per player Changing Scenes: Any time a candle darkens and a new scene begins, two
events occur.
Step One: Write Traits (Light Three Candles) 1. Everyone collectively speaks new truths through the Establishing
 Virtue/Vice: One solves more problems, one causes more problems. Truths phase.
 A single word, a descriptive adjective. Keep it vague. 2. The communal pool of player dice refills up to the number of
 Burn to reroll all dice that landed on 1. currently lit candles. (The GM’s pool also fills)
 Virtues go left, vices go right. (GM is not included).
Resolving Conflicts: Roll dice equal to the number of lit candles. If any
Step Two: Introduce Module
dice land on 6 the conflict is successful. Any dice that come up 1 are removed.
Step Three: Create Concepts
1. Name: What’s their name or what are they called?
Narration Rights: If you rolled more 6’s than the GM, you describe what
2. Look: What do they look like at a quick glance?
happens as a result of the conflict. Keep the narration simple, reasonable,
3. Concept: In a few words, who are they? What are they?
and interesting. Remember: you aren’t playing to win, but to tell a good story.
Step Four: Plan Moments (Light Three Candles)
 “I will find hope…”
Seizing Narration: If you succeed but the GM wins narration rights, you
 An event that would be reasonable to achieve, and kept succinct and may darken a candle to seize narration rights. The scene ends afterwards.
clear to provide strong direction. However, all Moments should also
have the potential for failure. Use Traits to reroll all dice that land on 1. Bring your Trait into the conflict
Step Five: Discover Brinks (Light Three Candles) narration in some significant way. Burn the Trait regardless of the outcome.
 “I have seen you / Them…” (GM is included).
 A single word and/or short descriptive phrase. Don’t worry about Living your Moment allows you to make a conflict roll. On a success, gain a
making them too specific. Write a short explanation outlining when Hope die. Failure means the scene ends as usual. Hope dice succeed on a 5 or
or where you saw your neighbor’s Brink. 6 and are not lost when they come up 1 (but are lost on a failed Brink reroll).
 Brinks go left. Burn the Moment regardless of the outcome.
Step Six: Arrange Stacks
 Ideally no more than 1 moment on top at start of game. Embrace your Brink to reroll all dice. Bring your Brink into the conflict
 All Brinks are on the bottom. narration in some significant way. You keep the Brink if you succeed. If you
Step Seven: Inventory Supplies (Light the Final Candle) fail, immediately darken a candle, burn the Brink, and lose your hope die.
 You have whatever you’ve got in your pockets. It begins.
Establishing Truths:
The Final Recording: Once the scene has been set and before fully diving - These things are true. The world is dark.
into the narrative, the survivors have one last task before them: To record a - Establish # of truths = lit candles, starting with active player.
parting message for the world they will inevitably leave behind. For this - A truth is one irrefutable fact pertaining to just one change in story.
recording, pass the digital voice recorder around the table allowing each - The last truth always is “And we are alive.”
player to leave one final message as their character.

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