California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
ENDORSEMENTS........................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION TO THE FIFTH EDITION ................................................................ 7
PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE ............................................................................................. 9
Fundamental Principles ......................................................................................... 10
INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 12
Short Duration Work Operations ......................................................................... 12
End of Work Period ................................................................................................. 13
Night Operations ...................................................................................................... 14
TTC Sign Recommendations ................................................................................ 14
OPEN TRENCH Sign (C27(CA)) ......................................................................... 14
FIGURE A – Use of C27 Open Trench Sign...................................................... 15
Table A - Suggested Minimum Advance Warning Sign Spacing ................. 16
Table B - Taper Length Criteria for Temporary Traffic Control Zones .............. 16
Table C - Formulas for Determining Taper Lengths ............................................ 16
Table D – Buffer Space Table ................................................................................. 17
Table E - Taper Length Criteria for Temporary Traffic Control zones............... 17
Channelizing Devices ............................................................................................. 18
Table F – Maximum Spacing of Channelizing Devices ....................................... 18
Barricades.................................................................................................................. 19
Arrow Panels ............................................................................................................. 19
Table G – Arrow Panel Table .................................................................................. 20
Flagger Reference Information............................................................................. 20
FLAGGING TRAFFIC ............................................................................................... 21
REFERENCE SIGN CHART.................................................................................... 24
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
The California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual is a joint effort among members of
the California Inter-Utility Coordinating Committee. The member logos below are
proudly displayed as a sign of their support in developing safe working conditions for
their employees as well as for the traveling public. We are a dedicated group who
wants safety first. As you read through this manual, please keep in mind that safety is
everyone’s business and it is up to each one of us to do our part in ensuring a safe
work zone.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
Caltrans is not responsible for the content of this manual and it is up to the local
jurisdiction to ensure the plans and traffic control being used are appropriate for the field
conditions and work being performed. When working on State Highways in California
refer to the California MUTCD 2010 and use the existing encroachment permit
This manual provides a more in-depth details than the Work Area Traffic Control
Handbook (WATCH) or the previous version of this manual for simple and routine utility
work. Its requirements including taper calc, signs, spacing, etc, are identical and in
compliance with the MUTCD. It also provides several cases/scenarios that would
definitely cut down the review time of the traffic control plans. We fully endorse its use
for the intended purpose as a quick reference and guide and that it is subject to field
changes when construction/traffic conditions warrant.
Thank you
Mojahed Salama
Riv. Co. Trans. Dpt.
Eng. Division Manager
I have been using the California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual for more than 8 years
because it has proven to be a sound resource for routine permit work within the public
right of way. The modifications included in this edition ensure that safe work zones are
properly set up to perform standard utility repairs and maintenance within the public right
of way. This manual may help expedite the permitting process by notifying the
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
jurisdictional agency exactly what traffic control will be used to successfully complete the
permitted work.
The City of Corona is not responsible for the content of this manual and it is up to the
local jurisdiction to ensure the plans and traffic control being used are appropriate for the
field conditions and work being performed.
The City of Dana Point allows encroachment permit applicants (applicants), generally
Contractors and Utility Companies, to use the California Joint Utility Traffic Control
Manual, among other publications via City Ordinance 14.01.220 Safety and Warning
Devices Required. The guidelines and manuals noted in this ordinance are invaluable
tools to applicants that need to accomplish work in City Streets. In a number of cases,
these standard documents have helped these applicants in the City of Dana Point avoid
expense in generating traffic control plans, as these plans specifically accommodate
their needs, and provide for a safe working environment. The City will continue to allow
these manuals/guidelines to be utilized to accomplish work in our rights-of-way. Of
course, any Contractor or Utility Company doing work in any City street assumes all
responsibility and liability.
After reviewing the manual and its accompanying drawings I can completely endorse the
use of the manual for routine utility work within Covina’s rights-of-way.
Steve Henley
City of Covina
Public Works Director
Craig Bradshaw
City of Claremont
Senior City Engineer
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
This text is not intended to establish or create a legal standard. The criteria for the
position, location, manner of installation, and the use of such signs, lights and devices
are furnished solely for the purpose of information and guidance. This manual will be
updated as required to conform to Federal and State guidelines. When working on State
Highways in California refer to the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
for Streets and Highways 2010 Edition and use the existing encroachment permit
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
I have reviewed the Manual prepared by the California Joint Utility Traffic Control
Committee and am pleased to endorse it.
KRISTIN MALDONADO, Outside Plant Network Engineering Section Manager, Tri-Valley District
Phone: 951-925-5319 Email:
Verizon. 150 S. Juanita St.
Hemet, CA 92543
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
AT&T and Verizon as telephone utilities have been granted by the State the right to use
public streets. This grant, known as the state franchise is found in Section 7901 of the
California Public Utilities Code. Section 7901 provides that:
Many cities and counties have granted Southern California Edison, as an electric utility,
San Diego Gas & Electric, as a gas and electric utility, Southern California Gas
Company, as a gas utility, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company as an electric and gas
utility the right to use public streets. These grants, known as the city or county
franchises, are granted in accordance with: (1), the Broughton Act, set forth in Section
6001, et seq. of the Public Utilities Code, or (2) the Franchise Act of 1937, set forth in
Section 6201, et seq. of the Public Utilities Code.
Illustrative of the franchise rights granted by counties and cities to public utilities, Section
6265 of the Public Utilities Code provides that:
“Every gas franchise granted pursuant to this chapter confers upon the grantee
the right to use, or to lay and use, gas pipes and appurtenances for the purpose of
transmitting and distributing oil or products thereof; every industrial gas
franchise so granted confers upon the grantee the right to use, or lay and use
industrial gas pipelines and appurtenances for the purpose of transmitting and
distributing industrial gas;… and every electric franchise so granted confers upon
the grantee thereof the right to use, or to construct and use, poles, wires or
conduits and appurtenances for the purpose of transmitting and distributing
electricity for all purposes, under, along, across, or upon the public streets, ways,
alleys, and places as they now or hereafter exist within the municipality.”
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
The needs and control of all road users (motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians within the
highway including persons with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Title II, Paragraph 35.130) through a temporary traffic
control (TTC) zone shall be an essential part of highway construction, utility work,
maintenance operations and the management of traffic incidents.
Those using the roadway (motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians), worker safety at the job
site and accessibility in TTC zones should be an integral part of every project initiated in
the planning phase and continuing through design and construction. In a like fashion,
maintenance and utility work should be planned and conducted with the safety and
accessibility of all motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians (including those with disabilities) as
well as the safety of those workers performing the work.
NOTE: Work around a railroad or highway rail grade crossing will require early
coordination with the railroad company prior to work planning.
1. Safety principles governing the design of permanent roadways and roadsides should
also govern the design of temporary traffic control zones. The goal should be to
route road users through such zones using roadway geometrics, roadway features
and temporary traffic controls as nearly as possible comparable to those for normal
highway/traffic situations.
Road user movement should be inhibited as little as practical, based on the following
1. TTC at work and incident sites should be designed on the assumption that
drivers will only reduce their speeds if they clearly perceive a need to do so.
2. Frequent and abrupt changes in geometrics such as lane narrowing, dropped
lanes or main roadway transitions that require rapid maneuvers should be
3. Provisions shall be made for the reasonably safe operation of work, particularly
on high-speed, high-volume roadways.
4. Road users should be encouraged to use alternative routes that do not include
TTC zones.
5. Bicyclists and pedestrians, including those with disabilities, should be provided
with access and reasonably safe passage through the TTC zone.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
NOTE: The context of through does not mean a bicyclist or pedestrian may enter
a TTC zone but that passage is provided in the bike lane or crosswalk for a
bicyclist and on the sidewalk or crosswalk for a pedestrian to navigate past or
around (i.e. through) the TTC zone.
The following three items should be considered when planning for pedestrians in TTC
Pedestrians should not be led into conflicts with work site vehicles, equipment or
Pedestrians should not be led into conflicts with vehicles moving through or around the
Pedestrians should be provided with a reasonably safe, convenient and accessible path
that replicates as nearly as possible the most desirable characteristics of the existing
sidewalks (s) or footpath (s). Where pedestrians who have visual disabilities encounter
work sites that require them to cross the roadway to find an accessible route,
instructions should be provided using an audible information device.
Motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians should be guided in a clear and positive manner
while approaching and traversing TTC zones and incident sites. The following principles
should apply:
D. Inspect the TTC zone to make sure warning flags are not wrapped around
supports. Inspect warning signs for proper visibility, barricade lights or flashers
for visibility and function. A good test of a TCC zone is to drive through the zone
yourself, in addition to observing traffic, to determine if there is an orderly
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
transition. For nighttime work, lighting the work zone and approaches will allow
the motorist better comprehension of imposed requirements. Since traffic
patterns change, observation should be conducted periodically and adjustments
made accordingly to assure traffic flow.
Each person whose actions affect the TTC zone safety, from upper-management
through the field worker, should receive training appropriate to the job decisions each
individual is required to make. Only those individuals who are trained in proper TTC
practices and have a basic understanding of the principles (established by applicable
standards and guidelines) should supervise the selection, placement and maintenance
of TTC devices for TTC zones and for incident management.
NOTE: Before any new detour or temporary route is opened to traffic, all
necessary signs shall be in place. All TTC devices shall be removed as soon as
practical when they are no longer needed. When work is suspended for short
periods of time, TTC devices that are no longer appropriate shall be removed or
1. The needs of the road user should be assessed such that appropriate advance road
notice is given and clearly defined alternative paths are provided.
2. The cooperation of the various news media should be sought in publicizing the
existence and reason for the TTC zones as news releases can assist by keeping the
road user well informed.
3. The needs of abutting property owners, residents, and businesses should be
assessed and appropriate accommodations made.
4. The needs of emergency service providers (law enforcement, fire, and medical)
should be assessed and appropriate coordination and accommodations made.
5. The needs of railroads and transit should be assessed and appropriate coordination
and accommodations made.
6. The needs of operators of commercial vehicles such as busses and large trucks
should be assessed and appropriate coordination and accommodations made.
The CA MUTCD addresses work duration under section 6G.02 Work Duration and
Work duration is a major factor in determining the number and types of devices
used in TTC zones. The duration of a TTC zone is defined relative to the length
of time a work operation occupies a spot location.
The five categories of work duration and their time at a location shall be:
A. Long-term stationary is work that occupies a location more than 3 days.
B. Intermediate-term stationary is work that occupies a location more than one
daylight period up to 3 days, or nighttime work lasting more than 1 hour.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
C. Short-term stationary is daytime work that occupies a location for more than 1
hour within a single daylight period.
D. Short duration is work that occupies a location up to 1 hour.
E. Mobile is work that moves intermittently or continuously.
Since intermediate-term operations extend into nighttime, retroreflective and/or
illuminated devices shall be used in intermediate-term stationary TTC zones.
Most maintenance and utility operations are short-term stationary work.
As compared to stationary operations, mobile and short-duration operations are
activities that might involve different treatments. Devices having greater mobility
might be necessary such as signs mounted on trucks. Devices that are larger,
more imposing, or more visible can be used effectively and economically. The
mobility of the TTC zone is important.
Maintaining reasonably safe work and road user conditions is a paramount goal
in carrying out mobile operations.
Safety in short-duration or mobile operations should not be compromised by
using fewer devices simply because the operation will frequently change its
Appropriately colored or marked vehicles with high-intensity rotating, flashing,
oscillating, or strobe lights may be used in place of signs and channelizing
devices for short-duration or mobile operations. These vehicles may be
augmented with signs or arrow panels.
During short-duration work, it often takes longer to set up and remove the TTC
zone than to perform the work. Workers face hazards in setting up and taking
down the TTC zone. Also, since the work time is short, delays affecting road
users are significantly increased when additional devices are installed and
Considering these factors, simplified control procedures may be warranted for
short-duration work. A reduction in the number of devices may be offset by the
use of other more dominant devices such as high-intensity rotating, flashing,
oscillating, or strobe lights on work vehicles.
Before leaving a work area, it is necessary that approved warning devices be placed to
protect motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians.
1. Ensure the area is properly barricaded and that flashing lights, where required, are
functioning satisfactorily.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
2. Make sure that equipment is secured and that the work area is left orderly. Cover or
barricade exposed openings (trenches, excavations, bell holes, etc.) to assure
protection of the public.
Night Operations
In order to provide enhanced warning and safety during twilight and night operations, the
following steps are recommended:
1. When the work area is to be illuminated by use of flood lights, the light placement
shall be such that the light beams are not hazardous to oncoming traffic.
2. All warning signs and channelizers shall have reflective properties.
3. Flashing or rotating amber lights on vehicles may be used when the vehicles are
blocking established traffic lanes or for additional work area protection.
NOTE: Flares and red emergency lights and reflectors are strictly for emergency
situations and must not be used as substitutes for standard work area warning
devices. Flares shall not be used in high hazard fire areas.
All temporary traffic control signs shall be sized to be in accordance with CA MUTCD
Table 6F-1, Sizes of Temporary Control Signs.
Approved warning signs shall be installed and properly maintained whenever hazards
exist due to moving or stationary vehicles, open excavations, construction or
maintenance operations or similar work. Warning signs shall be placed so as to provide
adequate notice to motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians that they are approaching an
excavation, obstruction or hazard. Warning signs shall be removed as soon as the
excavation, obstruction or hazard is removed or cleared.
Trenches in excess of 0.25 ft (3-inches) in depth that are less than 8 ft from the
edge of traveled way shall be identified by C27(CA) and NO SHOULDER
(C31A(CA)) portable signs on Type II or Type III barricades alternately set in the
trench at intervals not to exceed 2,000 ft.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
Use of C27(CA) and C31(CA) signs shall be incorporated into all temporary traffic
control drawings contained in this manual where trenches are within 8-ft of the traveled
way. See Figure A for reference.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
* - Posted Speed, off peak 85th percentile speed prior to work starting, or the
anticipated operating speed.
** - For other offsets use the following merging taper length formula for L:
For speeds of (40 mph) or less (L=WS2/60)
For speeds of (45 mph) or more (L=WS)
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
Channelizing Devices
Channelizing devices (cones, tubular markers, drums or vertical panels) are elements in
a total system of temporary traffic control for use during construction and maintenance
operations. These elements shall be preceded by a subsystem of warning devices,
adequate in size, number and placement for the type of roadway on which the work will
take place.
* Maximum channelizer spacing for all speeds on one-lane/two-way tapers is (20 ft).
Maximum channelizer spacing for all speeds on downstream tapers is (20 ft). All other
tapers are as shown.
** Use on intermediate and short term projects for taper and tangent sections where
there are no pavement markings or where there is a conflict between existing
pavement markings and channelizers.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
The function of barricades is to separate the motorist from objects or unusual situations
created by construction or maintenance operations in or near the traveled way.
Barricades should not be used to guide motorist through the transition or work zones.
The barricade would not be used where a collision with the barricade would be more
severe than a collision with the object being separated. At such locations, channelizers
or similar less rigid devices should be used.
Barricade design:
Barricades for vehicular traffic shall be of three types conforming to the CA MUTCD:
Type I, Type II and Type III. Markings for barricades shall be alternate orange and white
stripes sloping downward at a 45 degree angle. The entire area of orange and white
shall be effectively reflectorized. Other barricade components shall be predominately
the color white.
Arrow Panels
Standard: When arrow panels are used to close multiple lanes, a separate arrow
panel shall be used for each closed lane.
Guidance: When arrow panels are used to close multiple lanes, if the first arrow
panel is placed on the shoulder, the second arrow panel should be placed in the
first closed lane at the beginning of the second merging taper. When the first
arrow panel is placed in the first closed lane, the second arrow panel should be
placed in the second closed lane at the downstream end of the second merging
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
(a) Flaggers shall be utilized at locations on a construction site where barricades and
warning signs cannot control the moving traffic.
(b) When flaggers are required, they shall be placed in relation to the equipment or
operation so as to give effective warning.
(c) Placement of warning signs shall be according to the California Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, September 26, 2006, published by the
State Department of Transportation, which is herein incorporated by reference and
referred to as the "Manual."
(d) Flaggers shall wear warning garments such as vests, jackets, or shirts manufactured
in accordance with the requirements of the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI)/International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) 107-2004, High Visibility
Safety Apparel and Headwear.
(e) During the hours of darkness, flaggers' stations shall be illuminated such that the
flagger will be clearly visible to approaching traffic and flaggers shall be outfitted with
reflectorized garments manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ International Safety Equipment
Association (ISEA) 107-2004, High Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear. The
retroreflective material shall be visible at a minimum distance of 1,000 feet. White outer
garments with retroreflective material that meets the above requirements may be worn
during hours of darkness but not during snow or fog conditions, in lieu of colored vests,
jackets and/or shirts.
(f) The employer shall select the proper type (class) of high visibility safety apparel for a
given occupational activity by consulting the Manual, apparel manufacturer, ANSI/ISEA
107-2004, Appendix B or the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA).
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
(g) Flaggers shall be trained in the proper fundamentals of flagging moving traffic before
being assigned as flaggers. Signaling directions used by flaggers shall conform to the
"Manual" (CA MUTCD). The training and instructions shall be based on the "Manual"
(CA MUTCD ) and work site conditions and also include the following:
(h) flaggers shall be trained by persons with the qualifications and experience necessary
to effectively instruct the employee in the proper fundamentals of flagging moving traffic.
Note: Authority cited: 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
The use of paddles and flags by flaggers is illustrated in Figure 6E-1 (see page
The following methods of signaling with paddles shall be used:
A. To stop road users, the flagger shall face road users and aim the
STOP paddle face toward road users in a stationary position with
the arm extended horizontally away from the body. The free arm
shall be held with the palm of the hand above shoulder level toward
approaching traffic.
B. To direct stopped road users to proceed, the flagger shall face road
users with the SLOW paddle face aimed toward road users in a
stationary position with the arm extended horizontally away from the
body. The flagger shall motion with the free hand for road users to
C. To alert or slow traffic, the flagger shall face road users with the
SLOW paddle face aimed toward road users in a stationary position
with the arm extended horizontally away from the body.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
To further alert or slow traffic, the flagger holding the SLOW paddle face toward
road users may motion up and down with the free hand, palm down.
The following methods of signaling with a flag shall be used:
A. To stop road users, the flagger shall face road users and extend the
flag staff horizontally across the road users’ lane in a stationary
position so that the full area of the flag is visibly hanging below the
staff. The free arm shall be held with the palm of the hand above the
shoulder level toward approaching traffic.
B. To direct stopped road users to proceed, the flagger shall stand
parallel to the road user movement and with flag and arm lowered
from the view of the road users, and shall motion with the free hand
for road users to proceed. Flags shall not be used to signal road
users to proceed.
C. To alert or slow traffic, the flagger shall face road users and slowly
wave the flag in a sweeping motion of the extended arm from
shoulder level to straight down without raising the arm above a
horizontal position. The flagger shall keep the free hand down.
Flagger stations should be located such that an errant vehicle has additional
space to stop without entering the work space.
Except in emergency situations, flagger stations shall be preceded by an
advance warning sign or signs. Except in emergency situations, flagger
stations shall be illuminated at night.
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual
California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual