Communication Between The Intouch 7.0 and PLC 8imatic 87-200
Communication Between The Intouch 7.0 and PLC 8imatic 87-200
Communication Between The Intouch 7.0 and PLC 8imatic 87-200
Radek Cervinka
Jifi Tichy
Ing. Jifi Koziorek
Abstract: Main topic of the poster is the communication between PLC Simatic S7
200 and SCADA system Intouch 7.0 via serial link RS 485. On side of the PLC is
used freeport communication mode with our own protocol. The interface between
PLC and Intouch is made by conversion program that use Dynamic Data Exchange
( DDE ). This makes possible with keeping protocol to communicate with other
types of PLC's too. In this manner is also possible to build a communication
between several nodes. Copyright ~2000 IFAC
1. INTRODUCTION And, that's why, the thought has arisen to try, for the
teaching reasons, to write a program which would do
Already for long time period the PLC have been used the interface between Simatic S7-200 and the
in the sphere of production control and automation. InTouch program. Later this thought was detailized
Among known producers there belongs the firm on communication between several devices keeping
Siemens which produces several series of these certain rules.
controllers. Among others also PLC Simatic S7-200.
At first the main disadvantage of PLC was the Because of the fact Intouch can use DDE in
communication with the user. As the communication Windows (Dynamic Data Exchange) we decided to
means various bad-arranged panels and displays were apply it ( Wonderware Corp., 1998; Zolotova, I. and
used. With the occurrence of cheap and reliable PC Ocelikova, 1997). As the physical connection the
the situation is changing and already nothing RS 485 was selected because Simatic has this
prevents from their using as the weIl-arranged, easily interface led out. For PC connection we use the firm
operable means of communication between the user programming cable with the RS485IRS232
and PLC. The visualization programs take care of the converter.
work with data and their using. There exist many industrial standards of bus, but all
Their task is to display the state of control process of them were very complex ones (and, by that
and to make possible their modification. One of the complicated ones) for application in PLC. 57 has the
best known representatives is InTouch of the firm firm protocol implemented for communication but its
Wonderware for Windows. using is conditioned by its perfect knowledge and
necessity to modify possible further devices on the
line (what, with the respect of their different structure
2. IMPLEMENTATION and function, can be complicated). For these reasons
we selected the own protocol, and namely the
Unfortunately the InTouch program, in its standard simplest as possible (simplicity = easy realization
installation, has no possibility to communicate with with simple means).
PLC Simatic S7-200 but it is opened sufficiently if
we wanted to extend its possibilities in this direction.
applications taking part in a dialog works as a client
2.1 Communication scheme and the another one as a server. The server provides
information, the client works as an application which
requires data, and, by that, it controls the exchange
Device process. The application, which is compatible with
(PLC) DDE, can function as a server for more clients or as a
client for more servers and, at the same time, as a
client and server as well.
the packet is directed. On the side of PLC not only The recommended setting (the majority of equipment
S7-200 must be but also any other equipment, which units are capable for it): 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no
will meet the communication conditions (other type parity, 8 bits per character.
of PLC, PLC and the second computer...). The
program is fully modifiable as to the transmission It is suitable to place the frrstser into directory where
parameters are concerned. can be found by lnTouch (in this case the InTouch
The program enables the setting in testing mode automatically starts up the program at its start up).
when the data coming from PLC can be changed (it
si suitable for applications debugging in InTouch Note:
without direct interconnection with PLC). This research was supported by the Czech Grant
Agency GACR under grant number 102/97/0542
Development of software tools for portable and
2.7 The Firstser Program safety application in industrial process control.