Joselito Mojica English Comp Research Essay
Joselito Mojica English Comp Research Essay
Joselito Mojica English Comp Research Essay
Joselito Mojica
Professor Flores
5 December 2021
of both. But which among those treatments is the best? Is there one
treatment that works for everybody? The best treatment for a military
1, Frey states that, “On average, 30% of soldiers who have been in a
location away from the shooting. The worst fear happens when
room in the barracks, is deafening. The little rocks, from where the
rocket hits the ground, sound like heavy rain when they ricochet on
the wooden wall and tin roof. A military veteran with PTSD can relive
Memory problems and insomnia are other factors that can affect a
War Veterans
Fig 1. This chart shows the percentage of war veterans who developed
and did not develop PTSD.
self and learn new coping strategies and ways to deal with intense
therapy is for patients whose family life has been affected by the
Shooting may trigger PTSD for local vets” that military veterans with
she stated, “When shots were fired in the Oregon District on Aug.4,
Cody Wolfe … felt like he was in the Marines again. The events of
hearing gun shots. Former US Marine Wolfe may not be the only
other military veterans with PTSD were in Oregon District when the
attacks. Rohul Amin and Mary Ann Thomas are US Army Medical
research and study are being done by the US Army to monitor and
condition the body to react peacefully and calmly when they re-
veterans with PTSD to learn coping strategies and ways to deal with
and perform stand-up comedy and talk about their agony and suffering
to manage them.
How Veteran Peer Support groups Help Participants Deal with Sequelae
Alto VA Health Care System has piloted a program known as the Peer
control the effects of PTSD. They express their thoughts and emotions
which can ease their pain and give them a feeling of relief.
PTSD can lose interest in hobbies and other activities that they used
to love to do before they had PTSD. Family members can help bring
back the focus and motivation to enjoy life again. Family therapy is
up the treatment of PTSD, prolong use may worsen side effects and
overdose may occur. Paul J. Rosch’s “Drugs for Ptsd and Other Stress
escalated over the past two decades. They also reveal that in many
patients, treatment with drugs not only provides little relief, but
may have serious side effects that should have been anticipated”
case, side effects have already caused other health problems. The
and dance therapy which help with the physical and emotional tensions
and ylang-ylang for aromatherapy can relieve the stress and anxiety
their injuries and live, but the memory of the traumatic events they
have seen and gone through are sometimes difficult to forget. PTSD is
suffered from combat exposure because it helps with the mental and
Works Cited
Amin, Rohul, and Mary Ann Thomas. “Effects of Brief Depression and
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