Independent University Bangladesh Course ID: HRM 360 Name ID

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Independent University Bangladesh

Course ID: HRM 360


Submitted to:
DR. ANM Shibly Noman Khan
School of Business, IUB
1. Company Introduction....................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Vision, mission, objective etc......................................................................................................3
Organize background and structure..................................................................................................4
Organization structure...........................................................................................................................4
2. Organization background and its structure........................................................................................5
Details of the product Process Overview...........................................................................................6
Design or Sketch:..............................................................................................................................6
Pattern Design:..................................................................................................................................6
Sample Making:................................................................................................................................6
Production Pattern:............................................................................................................................6
Marker Making:.................................................................................................................................6
3. HR policy and its implications.....................................................................................................8
Leadership style.................................................................................................................................8
Work environment.............................................................................................................................8
Work Context....................................................................................................................................8
Remuneration packages.....................................................................................................................9
Training and Development................................................................................................................9
4. Reflections of the objectives and strategy into HR Policy...............................................................10

1. Company Introduction

Bangladesh is one of the leading manufacturers of ready-made garments (RMG) in the world.
Panwin is one of them. Panwin is an organization of five different business entities; Which
one (Panwin tree wash) ordered in the year of protest and thus spread and stand out and face.
The first trading company was Panwin Garments Limited, which was a textile manufacturer.
There are various sections for polyethylene, cardboard, sewing and accessories, as well as
printing and sewing. The team also plans to expand its new facility to 31 more industrial
areas in 2016-2017, which will further contribute to the national economy.

Panwin Garments Ltd currently has 6,000 employees. As an employee, the organization
strives to pay on average 20% less than the government demands and helps workers lead
better lives. In addition, it intends to share with employees the benefits of an annual job or
organization that is successful with employees and creates the impression of business owners.
Depending on the company, all employees of the same lunch are offered free of charge. As a
result, employees who support employee relationships promote a good work ethic. This year,
the annual turnover exceeded 85 million dollars, an increase of 25% compared to their
earnings last year. The group has also received numerous awards and glorifications. One of
the most recent donations received from Germany (C @ A Sourcing Bangladesh) - February
10, 2014 for the best sales in the world due to the timely delivery of quality clothes, products
and services.

Vision, mission, objective etc

Company mission is to earn customer loyalty by investing in people and system there by
providing them with completely budget priced Eco-friendly garments products and dyeing
chemicals both in domestic and foreign market.

Company vision is to be the market leader in the eco-friendly dyes and chemical market and
launching retail selling system in foreign countries by increasing customer base and by
offering valuable service through prompt quality product.

Company goal is to achieve zero tolerance in production by upgrading total quality
management and proper production management.
Create a favourable image of world as a high-quality garments manufacturer and
Train and develop a motivated and skilled workforce considering the “Quality of
Life” for the employees.
To meet the appropriate expectation of clients.
Provide Maximum Satisfaction to our valued customers.
Latest design and talents at our work force.

Organize background and structure

An organizational construction contains of activities such as task allocation, coordination and

supervision, which are directed towards the attainment of organizational aims. These are the
set of fundamentals that can be used to organize the company.

Panwin Garments Limited follow the human resource management theory of job
specialization. These specializations are mostly adept in the production sector were labors are
allocated to particular jobs. These jobs are broken down into minor parts to ease the
circumstances under which the workers work. Panwin Garments Limited also follows job
rotation, but within the particular factory. Though, from the evidence we collected, it looks
that these job rotation does not include a main shift in job responsibilities. All responsibilities
remain well specialized in all sectors and hence job rotation does not need a lot of new skills
to be learned.

The organization does not follow a fixed departmentalization structure for all its products.
They are organized and managed independently. However, some central authority is executed
to combine, coordinate and monitor the activities of the product created departments.

Organization structure
Panwin Garments Limited follows an organization structure which can be characterized as
hybrid of the Functional (U- Form) and the Conglomerate (H- Form) Designs. The hierarchy
chart involved later determines this spectacle in details. The existence of departments such as
Pharmaceuticals, Agribusiness and Consumer Brands resembles the H- Form. Where, the use
of functional departments like Finance, Audit and Corporate Affairs resembles the H- Form.

The supervises at the HR department has informed that Panwin Garments Limited faces the
communication challenge to retain its focus on each product, market strategy and
competitiveness as it continues to expand with time. The top-level managers have remarkably
organized the organization design in such a way so that the focus remains unimpeded. As an
newborn, the firm enjoyed the situation of having a hardly focused business. But now, the
situation has changed and the firm has both experienced related and unrelated diversification.
With the change in the range of products, the organization alters its building and its span of

2. Organization background and its structure

CEO Business Head Manager

Head of Sales R & D head H & R manager

Sales Supervisor Senior Sales Junior Sales

Head (Quality Product development

Executive Customer
Assurance) Service

Senior (QA Junior (QA)

Details of the product Process Overview
This is the Basic Production Flowchart of a Garment. In advance some of the process can be
added or removed. Here is a brief discussion of major process steps of Garments & Apparel
Manufacturing Technology:

Design or Sketch:
Before making an apparel of garments we must have to design or sketch the appearance
completely. It helps us at the further process to monitor the manufacturing faults and process

Pattern Design:
Every piece of Apparel or Garment is built upon a pattern. The pattern is made by the
standard sizes of Men and Women. We must have to make pattern to follow while
manufacturing a garment product. It saves time and increase the rate of accuracy of making

Sample Making:
Before going for a bulk production; it’s a smart step to make a complete sample of the
desired apparel. After making the sample if the production manager thinks that this okay;
then the further bulk apparel or garment production is to be carried out by following the exact
size and quality of that sample.

Production Pattern:
After making the cloth sample that i have mentioned in the previous process step; it’s wise to
make a production sample that will be hanged out in front of every labor that are recruited to
make this clothing eventually.

Grading is done in order to grade various sizes of garment in separate place so that it would
be easier to inspection and maintain the export works at last.

Marker Making:
Market making is the process to sketch on fabric before cutting it. Market is to be in standard
size required by the buyers.

After making a market; we have to spread the whole fabric over the spreading table in order
to put Marker and pattern over it.

After successfully spread the fabric and putting all the marks and sketch by the marker; this is
the time to cut the fabrics according to design.

3. HR policy and its implications

Leadership style

The leadership style that exists within the organization is vital. It will mediate the culture and
the process of the whole company. There are several kinds of leadership for example
democratic, autocratic, strategic, transformational and transactional leadership. To be a good
HR leader one must possess a mixture of qualities. There is no proven formula for success as
individuals vary from one to another in different departments and even in different regions.
So HR should have all the data and knowledge and then utilize them accordingly. HR should
also practice empathy and must have the power of understanding and context in different

Work environment
The work environment should be relaxing and as much friendly it can get to the workforce.
Since it’s the time of pandemic extra cautions and care should be given in terms of hygiene
and safety. When employee know workforce operate in a safe environment, the productivity
and motivation eventually increases drastically.
Companies especially in RMG sector, organizations have started to take precautions even
more regarding their workforce health and safety by providing hand sanitizers, masks and
always keeping the machineries and tools clean. Chemicals and wastes are disposed much
more safely and with precaution.

Work Context
HR can also strategize regarding it hiring and employment activities. As we know there are
lockdowns and problem regarding transportation systems which can be tackled by allowing
work from home facilities and flexible working hours. Employees can also voluntarily
propose for job rotation or even doing overtime backed up by sufficient remuneration. New
hires can be taken from geographically located nearby places so that these issues can be
handled properly. Online activities should be encouraged more since now we have that
technology and resources to back it up.

Remuneration packages
If the company is monetarily facing problems it should communicate that to their workforce
and make strategies and plans that will eventually return more to the employees when better
days come. The workers in RMG and other blue collar employees working in private
companies do not desire lucrative remuneration packages now during this period. They only
require and need their proper basic salaries to be assured so they can survive. Even though
the profit of the organization may have decreased, if everyone compromises a little from their
own position maybe the overall outcome and solution can be beneficial to all collectively.

Training and Development

Training can be provided that can be both in house, conducted by seniors or can take placing
outside conducted by specialists. Not only it will boost the confidence of the workforce but
will also ensure the employees that they are valued and prioritized. Most of the time we
assume that training is the shortcut to solve any lacking but that is not exactly the case. It
requires a lot of planning and decision making that who’s going to receive training and who’s
going to conduct it. The budgets and the logistical supports are also very crucial.
Organizations are giving the training related to COVID and how to keep away and keep
oneself and everyone around safe from this deadly virus. Many seminars are conducted
online and even many courses that are free are offered by many institutions so that people in
general are aware and take effective measures during this time.

At the end of the day the culture of a company eventually determines where the company is
heading and where it wants to see itself in the market and in the eyes of the employees and
customers. There are many companies that pay a good range of salaries but has no career plan
or there is little place to strive forward. On the other hand many companies, though they may
pay less initially, but actually provides a lot of incentives and most importantly a career path
on the long run. So as an employee one must analyze and make strategic decisions about
himself that where he wants to see himself and what kind of a path he’s going to undertake.
While as for HR they must be honest, communicative and transparent regarding their plans
involving the workforce. There is no point of training or good reward systems if at the end of
the day your organization is facing high rate of turnovers and they are not motivated. A good
culture doesn’t happen overnight but takes years and years of good practices from everyone

4. Reflections of the objectives and strategy into HR Policy

Now a days most of the organization have built up different programs for the training and
development of their employees. Many companies offered tuition reimbursement package to
their employees so that they can improve their knowledge and education.

Company arranges monthly tanning session for their lower level and new employee where
senior management conduct training session. In this session senior management not only
describe their responsibility but also practically teach them how to do. This is cost effective
for organization. Senior management also explain them about company culture. Also,
company sent employee other place for learning new skills.

After the training session ends the main job is to find out how effective the training session
was. In this case top management give out surveys and let the participating employees fill out
certain questions regarding the training itself, the logistical support and other related
questions to better understand their feedback. If the supervisor is rated above 4.5 out of 5
company keep close contact and flexible agreements with him for further training sessions if
required in the near future.

Company can use timekeeping software. Through this timekeeping software the HR team can
check the logs to ensure accuracy. If there is an imbalance, organization can always check the
security camera to ensure the employee clocked in or out when they stated.

Organization should preparer a standard payment system procedure for each employee. If
someone pay raise explain the stuffs what it takes to qualify for a pay raise.

Company should value every employee equally and top-management always try to practice
an equality-based culture. Organization can celebrate employees’ birthdays of and arrange
office tours where they play various kinds of engaging games and tell stories and spend time
together to know each other better off the work. An organization with a healthy culture and
employee relations not only increases the attachment towards the organization but also
increases the productivity of the workforce.

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