Astro and Particle Physics at Tübingen Study Program

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Astro and Particle Physics @

Study Program Tübingen

Basic Research in Astro and Particle Physics (Semester 1+2) The University of Tübingen
Astronomy & Astrophysics 9 CP Innovative. Interdisciplinary. International. Since 1477. These
Particle Physics 9 CP have been the University of Tübingen’s guiding principles in
Laboratory Work 6 CP research and teaching ever since it was founded. With this long
Modern Topics 6 CP tradition, the University of Tübingen is one of the most respec-
Specialisation Modules (Semester 1+2)* ∑ 24 CP ted universities in Germany. Recently, its institutional strategy
Theoretical Astrophysics 6 CP was successfully selected for funding in the Excellence Initiati-
Computational Methods 6 CP ve sponsored by the German federal and state governments,
Stellar Physics 6 CP making Tübingen one of Germany’s eleven universities distin-
General Relativity 6 CP guished with that title of excellence. Tübingen has also proven
Relativistic Astrophysics 6 CP its status as a leading research university in many national
and international competitions – in key rankings Tübingen is
Neutrino Physics 6 CP
listed among the best universities for the Humanities and Social
High Energy Astrophysics 6 CP
Sciences as well as for Science and Medicine.
Cosmology 6 CP
Extragalactic Astrophysics 6 CP With its broad spectrum of subjects, the University of Tübin-
gen provides a wealth of opportunities for interdisciplinary
Space Physics and Astrophysics 6 CP
collaboration. And such close cooperation on research extends
Quantum Field Theory 6 CP
beyond the University and around the world. The University
Neighboring Field (Semester 2)**
of Tübingen has joint research projects at all levels with other
Module of neighboring field 6 CP
institutions of higher education, with research institutes and
Scientific Work (Semester 3+4)

Astro and
with industry.
Methods and project planning 15 CP
The University’s excellence in research offers optimal study
Scientific specialisation in Thesis topic 15 CP
conditions to students who come to Tübingen, combined with
Master Thesis 30 CP
the opportunity to emphasize individual interests along the
CP: Credit Points way. The attractive study environment is reinforced by many
additional services, such as the Language Centre, interdiscip- particle Physics
* Participants select four of the eleven specialisation modules. linary lectures in the Studium Generale and the state-of-the-
** The module APP301 should be taken from neighboring sci- art University Library. The University motto speaks for itself:
attempto – I dare!
entic fields. This includes advanced modules from the 4-year
Bachelor study of Physics or other advanced modules from
Master of Science
The City of Tübingen
Mathematics. Choices from other fields are also possible but
Tübingen does not have a university, it is a university: young,
require a decision of the Exam Committee on an individual
creative, open,innovative. The picturesque historical town
center and its attractive position on the Neckar River offer a
high quality of life whether you are studying, working, or taking
a break.
Faculty of Science
Master Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kley
Department of Physics
University of Tübingen · Faculty of Science
Department of Phyiscs
Auf der Morgenstelle 10 · 72076 Tübingen · Germany
Updated: October 2017 Phone +49 7071 29-74007
Photo credits: University of Tuebingen
Profile Career options Requirements

The focus of the master programme Astro The study program requires enthusiasm, curiosity, and a solid
and Particle Physics is put on a distinct quan- basic knowledge in physics. Applicants must have completed a
Bachelor of Science degree in physics or a similar degree with a
titative approach as usual in physics, along grade of 2.5 or better. We expect broad interest in natural sci-
with the acquisition of essential practical ence as well as willingness to familiarize and work with complex
skills (primarily in the lab) with respect to scientific details, and to be able to scientifically communicate
problem sets in the field of Astro and Particle in English in written and oral form. English is the language of
instruction and examination in the Astro and Particle Physics
Physics. Master degree program. An adequate knowledge of English is
required (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Refe-
The Master Astro and Particle Physics is an international rence for Languages).
research-oriented two year programme established by the
Kepler-Center. This programme connects science from the fields
of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology and combines
different disciplines in experimental and theoretical physics, Application Procedure
astronomy and astrophysics. The education will be in English
a) Professional Qualifications Students may join the M. Sc. Astro and Particle Physics program
throughout which prepares the students for the increasing
This master program is designed to prepare students for a in either the winter or the summer term each year. Deadline
internationalization in industry and modern society.
research career in academia or industry by introducing advan- for applications from abroad (Non-EU) is July 15 for the winter
ced ideas and techniques that are applicable to a wide range term and January 15 for the summer term. For applicants from
of research areas and sectors including academia, industry, EU countries, the deadline is September 30 for the winter term
Learning Outcomes and March 31 for the term.
and education. Graduates receive a comprehensive education
• Graduates have a sound standing in basic and advanced as- in experimental as well as theoretical physics with a practical For further information, please visit:
tro and particle physics covering various research fields, e.g. section and they are well prepared for the duties in industry
theoretical quantum field theory, general relativity, compu- and in other research oriented institutions. Information on admission to studies (requirements, restrictions,
tational astrophysics, experimental neutrino physics. necessary documents, application deadlines, etc.) is available
• The students are capable to critically scrutinize the suitabi-
b) Further Opportunities via the Student Administration ( or the
lity of specific scientific methods for studying various astro study coordinator of Astro and Particle Physics.
and particle physics related questions. Under certain conditions, there is a possibility to undertake
doctoral research in the Department of Physics. The Kepler- The application is to be submitted online only via
• They are able to combine different techniques in a meaning-
ful way to make rather complex physical problems accessib- Center manages a coordinated PhD-programme with the topic:
Particles, Fields and Messengers of the Universe with about 30 tal/studyportal.php
• The students are able to plan and undertake independently PhD students.
appropriate theoretical and laboratory investigations.
• Graduates can present scientific findings of their research Further Information
orally and in writing. In discussions they are skilled to
answer scientic questions in a proficient manner. They can
communicate in English with experts in the field and con-
tribute to discussions on current astro and particle physics
related topics.

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