Abc Analysis

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1. Course: Diploma Class: III Year

Name of Faculty: Mr. Sunil Kumar Patidar

Name of Subject: PG (Power

Generation)Code: ME305

S.No. BLOWN UP TOPICS (Up to 10 times Syllabus)

Introduction :
2. 1.1 Different types of conventional sources of energy B
1.2 Base load and peak load plants
1.3 Scope of conventional energy sources in India
3. A
1.4 Status of conventional power plants in India
Thermal Power Plants :
2.1 General layout and working
4. B
2.2 Factors of site selection
2.3 Methods of coal handling
2.4 Unloading devices
5. 2.5 Ash handling system A
2.6 Concept of super thermal power plants
2.7 Combustion equipment
2.7.1 Basic requirements
6. B
2.7.2 Methods of coal burning : Hand firing, Stroker fired systems, Pulverised fuel fired
2.7.3 Coal Burners : Stream line, Turbulent types
7. 2.7.4 Combustion control, fluidised bed combustion A

Hydro-Electric Power Plant :

8. 3.1 Advantages and application of hydroelectric power plants B
3.2 Elements of hydroelectric power plant
3.3 Plant layout of low head and high head intake
9. 3.4 Combination of Hydel – Thermal power plants A
3.5 Hydro electric power plants in India.

Nuclear Power Plant :

10. 4.1 Introduction to nuclear reactions and nuclear fuels B
4.2 Site selection of nuclear power plants
4.3 Nuclear reactors : various elements of nuclear reactors.
11. 4.4 Comparison of nuclear power plant with thermal and hydel power plants B

4.5 Common types of nuclear reactors

4.5.1 Pressurised water reactor
4.5.2 Boiling water reactor
12. A
4.5.3 Gas cooled reactors
4.5.4 Liquid metal cooled reactor
4.6.5 Fast breeder reactor
4.6 Nuclear power plants in India
13. 4.7 Hazards in nuclear power plants and safety measures B
4.8 Nuclear waste disposal
Diesel Power Plants :
14. 5.1 Elements of a diesel power plant B
5.2 Building and general layout
5.3 Use of diesel engine with steam power plants
15. 5.4 Applications of diesel power plants A
5.5 Limitation of diesel power plants
Gas Turbine Plants :

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