1986 Dowel Action Math Models
1986 Dowel Action Math Models
1986 Dowel Action Math Models
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2 authors, including:
Elizabeth Vintzileou
National Technical University of Athens
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On the basis of physical modelsdescribing the behav- fcc concrete compressive strength
iour of dowels embedded in concrete, formulae forthe pc, concrete strength under triaxial compression
prediction of dowel strength under monotonic actions f,, concrete tensile strength
are derived. In addition, formulaefor calculating f,, yield stress ofsteel
transverse displacements corresponding to the dowel J, inertia moment of bar
strength are given. Theoretical values of dowel strength k, coefficientof subgrade reaction
calculated according to equations given in this paperare L dowel length
compared with experimental dowel strengths reported n number of cycles
in the literature. It is found that the proposed formulae x distance from the concrete face
givegoodpredictions for both failure mechanisms
(concrete crushing andyield of the bar or concrete Introduction
splitting). Additionally, a formalistic model for full Dowel action is one of the main mechanisms of
displacementreversals, based on the results of an load transfer along reinforced concrete interfaces.
experimental programme,is proposed. Such interfaces are very often formed in reinforced
concrete elements, e.g. flexural-shear cracks in beams,
Notation construction joints in pavements, interfaces between
foundation modulus= (k,db/4EsJs)1/4 old and new concrete in columns repaired or
width of concrete section strengthened by means of reinforced concrete jackets,
net width of concrete section interfaces within precast elements connections and so
bottom concretecover on.
bar diameter The behaviour of reinforced concrete structures
dowel force may be strongly influenced by the behaviour of
dowel force causingsplitting of concrete interfaces at some critical regions; this is especially the
dowel strength under monotonicactions case when structures are subjected to earthquakes.
dowel response for the first displacement reversal Therefore, appropriate predictions of force-displace-
dowel response for the nth displacement reversal ment characteristics, describing the load transfer by
transverse displacement at the end of the elastic means of dowel action,are needed. The failure
stage mechanisms of a dowel embedded in concrete and
transverse displacement at cracking subjected to monotonic actions are described below
plastic transverse displacement and formulae for the prediction of the dowel strength
transverse displacement at failure (when failure is due either to concrete crushing and
eccentricity of dowel force yield of the bar or to concrete splitting) are proposed.
Young's modulus of elasticity of concrete Furthermore, formulae for calculating transverse
Young's modulus of elasticity of steel deformations corresponding to the dowel strength are
given. As far as the dowel mechanism under cyclic
*Laboratory of Reinforced ConcreteStructures, 42 Patission
actions is concerned, a formalistic model for full dis-
Street, Athens, Greece placement reversals is proposed. This model is based
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Magazine of Concrete Research : Vol. 38, No. 134 :March 1986
on the resultsof an extensive experimental investi- at a distance, e, from the concrete face, the following
gation carried out at the Laboratory of Reinforced equation (Rasrn~ssen'~)) is to be used:
Concrete Structures, National Technical University of
Athens. D,, = k[Jlt-cEk>'
D,=k d b 2 a . . . . . . . . . . . , . (1)
where p = percentage of reinforcement;
where k is a constant to be determined by testing. For c =concrete cover;
Rasmussen's tests, k is equal to 1.30. d=distance from extreme compressed fibre in
This formula can satisfactorily predict
dowel beam to the centroid of the dowel;
strength, when the dowel force isapplied at the face of x1=distance of diagonal crack from beam
concrete (zero eccentricity). For dowel forces applied support.
TABLE 1 : Accuracy of prediction of dowel strength, D,,, by splitting: ratio T=D,, pred/Dcr
exp and corresponding
standard deviations S.
I Predictive formula of
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Mathematical modelsfor dowel action under monotonic and cyclic conditions
1 DC,
-= 190+ 0 . 2 3 ~(%
Cl fcc2/3
sin 0.91-
where cl = cover perpendicularto the loading Figure 2: ( a ) Bearing capaciryof a cohesive soilunder a local surface
direction; load (Prandtl(12').
( b ) Failure lines in a concrete surface loaded about its centre
cIl =cover parallel to theloading direction. by a concentrated loaddue to do we1 action.
M,,, = D,(e 0.54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 5 )
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Magazine of Concrete Research: Vol. 38, No. 134 :March 1986
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Mathematical models for dowel action under monotonic and cyclic conditions
Concrete splitting (Failure mode
When the cover, c, is large enough in comparison
with the width, b (see Figure 5), the compressive
stresses, g,,, on the concrete under a,bar loaded by a
shear force, D , are equilibrated by tensile stresses g,,,
in a horizontal section 1-1. The distribution of tensile
stresses, g,,, within the cross-section, as well as.along
the bar, is unknown. Therefore, in what follows, the
mean value of tensile stresses, a,,, will be used. When,
for increasing shear force, D , the tensile stress, a,,,
becomes equal to the concrete tensile strength, a.
longitudinal splitting crack opens at the levelof
reinforcement and the mechanism starts failing.
Letus again consider the barasa beam on an
elastic foundation, loaded by a shear force at its end
(Figure 5). The compressive stresses (Hettnyi'"))
along the bar are (Figure 6):
- 2pD
dba,,(x) = - = PL
[sin cosh px
sinh2pL- sin2pL
cos p ( L - x) - sinh pL cos Px cosh p ( L - x)] Figure 6: Diagram of concrete stresses
under a dowel,due to abending
moment De acting a distance from
e the concreteface.
= - 2pDKD . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (15)
When the cover, c, is small enough in comparison
with the net width, b,, (see Figure S ) , concrete com-
pressive stresses acting underneath a dowel are also
equilibrated by tensilestresses along ahorizontal
0 +- I
section 1-1. But, in this case, we should consider the
(a1 b) stresses acting on the vertical long-section CD (Figure
Figure 5: Stresses in the concrete around a dowel( a ) in transverse 8 ) . Owing to the fact that there cannot be horizontal
section, ( b ) along the bar. displacements along the axis (11-II), the part
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Magazine of Concrete Research:Vol. 38, No. 134 :March 1986
-+ bi2 (b)
fore, a force equal to 0.54Dis imposed the cantilever Figure 10: Stresses and strains at
the critical section ofthe cantilever
ABCDEA. For small bottom cover, the bending ABCDE (Figure 8 ) .
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Mathematical models.for dowel action
under monotonic and cyclic conditions
M,, =0.25<Ocr( 0 . 6 6 ~ db) . . . . . . . . (20)
c db 0 . 6 6 ~ db + DISPLACEMENT AT FAILURE
or It is assumed again that up to the opening of split-
ting cracks, the theory of beams on elastic foundation
is valid. Therefore, the transverse displacement which
corresponds to the cracking dowel force, D,,, is given
by the following equation:
According to Gustafsson et al.(22),for a normal
concrete, ich=200 to 400 mm. Ifwe assume that
lch_N 300 mm and for c = 20 to 40 mm, cy = 1.80. For
zero eccentricity ofthe dowel force, L= 1.22 and
(=2.50 (see equation 22). Therefore the splitting The validityof this equation has beencheckedby
force is means of comparison with experimental values of A,,
reported by F e n w i ~ k ' ~ ~Krefeld
', and T h u r ~ t o n ' ~ ) ~
D,, 5.0 f , , c d b . . . . . . . (23) Baumannand Riisch'".Reasonable agreement is
0 . 6 6 ~ db+ observed.
'L 80
f 70 0 Houde and Mirza"'
0 Krefeld and Thurston'"
a" 60
xTaylor@' (onepoint for 34 specimens)
50 + Kemp and Wilhelm1241
A Jimenez White and Gergely"'
A Fenwickb3' (one point for 36 specimens1
30 0 Baumann and Rusch"'
Q Paschen and Schonhoff''o'
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140
Dcrexper -kN
values of dowel strength.calculated according to equations 19 and223 and experimental values Of D,,
Figure 12: Comparison between theoretical
(splitting failure),
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Magazine of Concrete Research: Vol. 38, No. 134 :March 1986
D U = k d 2 , m . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
compressive strength duringthe nth cycle, normalized
Cycling of imposed transverse displacements would to the concrete compressive strength under monotonic
be expected to cause a decrease of the dowel response, action and (Afy/Ly)n is the decrease of the response of
due to response degradation of both concrete and steel after n loading cycles, normalized to the first-
steel. The decrease of dowel response may be cycle-yield stress. The concrete under a bar subjected
predicted by the differential of the equation (I): to cyclic actions is submitted to repeated loading
(compression)*. For this type of loading, the concrete
1 L, A f c c + f c c
AD,=k& -
a,,. . . . . . (25) response during the nth cycle, normalized to the first-
2 JLCL, cycle response, is given in Figure 14 for several values
of &,/E, (&,=maximum deformation during the first
or loading cycle, held constant during subsequent cycles,
and E, =deformation corresponding to the monotonic
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Mathematical models,for
models,fordowel action under monotonic and cyclic conditions
7- .. _-+-_m_onotonic envelope
i 1.00
curves: on/uo = 1 - kl G
- '\
4 \
0.86 -
I 0.82 . I I I I
0 1 2 3 4
(a) (bl
Figure 14: Response degradation of concrete under repeated compressive strains(based on Karsan et
concrete strength). From this Figure, one can observe case, the dowel strength may be predictedby consider-
that ing the dowel as a horizontally loaded pile embedded
incohesivesoil and assuming that yielding of the
bar and crushing of concrete occur simultaneously
(equation 6).
(2) The transverse displacement at failure maybe
where (da/ao)is the concrete response degradation for considered equal either to the shortening of the
the nth cycle, normalized to the response for the first concrete underneath the bar at the moment the com-
cycle, and k, depends upon the ratio &,/E,. pressive stress on concrete reaches its strength under
As far as steel is concerned, tests have shown (see triaxial compression, or to thedisplacementwhich
Kat0 et that there is no
substantial response corresponds to the maximum plastic rotation of the
degradation due to cycling. Therefore, the response plastic hinge formed in the dowel (equations 10 and
degradation of the dowel will be mainly due to the 14).
response degradation of concrete under cyclic actions. (3) When the concrete cover to a dowel is small
On the basis of equation 27, the dowel response (<6d,,), failure is due to horizontal or vertical
degradation due to cycling may be roughly estimated longitudinal splitting cracks. The vertical tensile
by means of equation 26, as follows: stresses on a horizontal section (which equilibrate the
verticalcompressivestresses acting on the concrete
($), = nl&Z . . . . . . . . . . (28) under the bar) are supposed to cause splitting of the
side cover by direct tension and of the bottom cover
by local bending (equations 19 and 22).
Denoting by D,,,
= D, and D,=D,,we obtain: (4) The transverse displacementwhich corresponds
to the splitting dowel load may be predicted by con-
-= 1 - .. . . . .. . . . sidering the bar as a beam on an elastic foundation
Dl (equation 24).
(5) A theoretical physical modeldescribing the
In fact, tests have shown(VintzEleou('6))that: behaviour of the dowel action under cyclic actions is
stillmissing. In this paper, a formalistic model for
fully reversed shear displacements is proposed for the
case of failure due to yield of steeland crushing of the
concrete (Failure mode I, Figure 13).
This approximation is incorporated in the formalistic
model shown in Figure 13. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Conclusions Partial support of thisresearchwas provided by the
Greek Associationof Cement Manufacturing.
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