Ge90-115b High Bypass
Ge90-115b High Bypass
Ge90-115b High Bypass
The energetic and exergetic performance assessment of a GE90-115 model high bypass turbofan engine used
on Boing 777 commercial aircraft are investigated for nine different fuels such as Jet-A, JP-4, JP-5, JP-8, JP-
10, AVGAS, No.2 Diesel, Camelina Bio and H2. The energy efficiency of turbofan engine is calculated to be
between 50.796% (JP-10 fuel) and 50.890% (H 2 fuel) while the exergy efficiency of the engine is estimated to
be between 45.102% (H2 fuel) and 48.051% (JP-10 fuel). The engine has the maximum sustainability index
value by 1.925 for JP-10 fuel usage when it has the minimum value by 1.822 for H 2 fuel usage. Although H2
fuel usage in aviation gas turbine is best option in order to reduce environmental pollutant and global warming
effects of fuel, the exergetic results indicate that the H 2 fuel usage affects badly exergetic efficiency of the
engine hence the H2 fuel has higher fuel exergy value than other fuels.
Keywords: Turbofan engine, different aviation fuels, hydrogen fuel, exergy efficiency, sustainability index.
Aviation is responsible for approximately 2% of total global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. This
contribution is a result of 2-3% of total fossil fuel consumption worldwide. If the current growth rate of air
travel continues, this trend is forecast to grow toaround 3% by 2050 (Parker, 2009).
Two ways are available to reduce environmental impacts of aircrafts. One of the ways is to minimize the
exhaust emissions with alternative, clean, and renewable energy consumption ( Kousoulidou and Lonza,
2016). Recently, emerging biofuels and transportation fuels have been considered alternatives to traditional
hydrocarbon fuels. Among them, hydrogen and ammonia have zero or very little emissions when produced
from water by renewable energy sources. Possibly, hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and ethanol can eliminate
aviation industry's reliance on the limited fossil fuel sources with fluctuating prices and drastic GHG
emissions (Bicer and Dincer, 2017).
The other way is to maximize the energy and exergy efficiency of aircraft propulsion systems hence
increased efficiency reduces fuel energy consumption in aircraft propolsion system for constat thrust or
power production. The most important criterion in enhancing the performance of an energy conversion
system is the thermodynamic efficiency. Thermodynamic defects of processes are identified and measured
by exergy analyses. Exergy analyses indicate the location, size and resource use of thermodynamic
inefficiencies in a system (Balku, 2017). Exergy analysis is beneficial for identifying the locations and
calculating the magnitudes of the irreversibilities within a thermodynamic system. Using the result of this
analysis, the potential for the improvement in the performance of the system can be identified (Coban et al.,
Companies and owners have been developing technologies that reduce environmental impacts, increase
efficiencies, and reduce fuel consumptions and emission (Akbulut et al., 2016).Climate change policies; such
as carbon taxes or emissions permits; have been impacting the air transport industry in the recent years. In
this regard, this study aims to evaluate the energetic and exergetic performances of a GE90-115B high
bypass turbofan engine used on Boing 777 commercial aircraft for different fuels in order to determine which
fuel is effective for this engine.
At standard operating conditions, the engine produces 513 kN of thrust power (GE, 2018). The engine
technical data are given in Table 1 while the cutaway of the GE90-115B engine is illustrated in Fig 1.
The energy and exergy balance of the engine can be written as (Balli, 2017):
E F E Pr E WE (1)
E x E x E x
F Pr WEx (2)
E F m
F LHV (3)
Ex F m
F F m
F LHV (4)
E Pr E x Pr m eg m bp
m eg m bp (6)
The is fuel exergy grade function. For the chemical formula given as C aHb, it is calculated by (Balli,
b 0.042
2017): 1.04224 0.011925 (7)
a a
Energy and exergy efficiency are calculated by (Balli 2017):
E Pr E
en 1 WE (8)
E x Pr E xWEx
ex 1 (9)
E x F E x F
Fuel exergy waste ratio is obtained from (Balli 2017):
FExWR 1 ex (10)
Sustainability index is accounted by (Balli 2017):
SI (11)
1 ex
7th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-2018)
June 24-28, 2018
Izmir, Turkey
Table 2. Technical and thermodynamic properties of fuels (SAE, 2004; Azami and Savill,2017; Song and
Jiaxuan, 1985; Wu et al., 2011)
Ca H b
Fuel types a b LHV F
Jet-A 11.6 22 43080 1.06124 45718.03
JP-4 8.5 16.9 43606 1.06101 46266.34
JP-5 7.16 13.87 42566 1.05947 45097.60
JP-8 10.9 20.9 43371 1.06125 46027.57
JP-10 10 16 42187 1.05712 44596.72
AVGAS 7.68 16.8 43496 1.06286 46230.04
No:2 Diesel 7.24 12.9 42608 1.05769 45065.91
Camelina Bio 12 25.4 44000 1.06398 46815.18
H2 - - 119450 1.12832 134778.00
The product energy and exergy rate of GE90-115 engine is calculated to be 89812,40 kW when it produces
513 kN of thrust. While it consumes 4.104 kg/s-Jet-A fuel flow, the energy and exergy rate of Jet-A fuel
consumption is estimated to be 176800.32 kW and 187626.81 kW. In this regard, the energy and exergy
efficiency values of engine is obtained to be 50.799% and 47.868%. Hence fuel heat energy rate into
combustor is same for all fuel types, the fuel energy rates of other fuels equal to 176800.32 kW. According
to this assumption, the fuel mass rates and fuel exergy rates of other fuels are determined. Hence fuel mass
rates of other fuel is different from Jet-A fuel, exhaust gases mass rate and product energy and exergy rate
of engine differ from the engine fueled by Jet-A. The fuel flow, outlet air and exhaust flow, fuel energy rate,
fuel exergy rate, engine product energy/exergy rate, energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, fuel exergy waste
ratio and sustainability index of the engine are calculated for all fuel types and listed in Table 3.
The energy efficiency of turbofan engine is calculated to be between 50.796% (JP-10 fuel) and 50.890% (H 2
fuel) while the exergy efficiency of the engine is estimated to be between 45.102% (H 2 fuel) and 48.051% (JP-
10 fuel). However, the fuel exergy waste ratio of turbofan engine is accounted to be between 51.949% (JP-10
7th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-2018)
June 24-28, 2018
Izmir, Turkey
fuel) and 540.898% (H2 fuel).On the other hand, the engine has the maximum sustainability index value by
1.925 for JP-10 fuel usage when it has the minimum value by 1.822 for H2 fuel usage.
The energetic and exergetic performance assessment of a GE90-115 model high bypass turbofan engine used
on Boing 777 commercial aircraft are analyzed for nine different fuels such as Jet-A, JP-4, JP-5, JP-8, JP-10,
AVGAS, No.2 Diesel, Camelina Bio and H 2. The main remarkable results of this study can be summarized as
The turbofan engine fueled by H2 fuel has the maximum energy efficiency with 50.890%.
The turbofan engine fueled by JP-10 fuel has the maximum exergy efficiency with 48.051%.
The engine has the maximum sustainability index value by 1.925 for JP-10 fuel usage when it has the
minimum value by 1.822 for H2 fuel usage
Although H2 fuel usage in aviation gas turbine is best option in order to reduce environmental pollutant and
global warming effects of fuel, the exergetic analyzing results indicate that the H2 fuel usage affects badly
exergetic efficiency of the engine hence the H2 fuel has higher fuel exergy value than other fuels.
E energy rate, kW Subscripts
bp bypass
ET engine thrust, kN
E exergy rate, kW
eg exhaust gases
FExWR fuel exergy waste ratio, % en energy
LHV lower heating value, kJ/kg ex exergy
mass flow, kg/s F fuel
SI sustainability index, %, Pr product
V velocity, m/s WE waste energy
Greek Letters WEx waste exergy
fuel exergy, kJ/kg
efficiency, %
exergy grade function
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