English Job Solution by Recent Publication
English Job Solution by Recent Publication
English Job Solution by Recent Publication
Govt. Private & Islami Bank
Recent Publication 1
Recent Publication 2
Janata Bank Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Executive Officer (Engineer) Electrical – 06.01.2017
01. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have________ to be factors in heart attacks.
a) long known been b) known been long
c) been long known d) long been known ans. D
S: Have long been known n‡jv Ggb GKwU Expression hvi A_© n‡jv Kw_Z Av‡Q/ cwiwPZ Av‡Q| hw` †Kvb
Z‡_¨i Ready reference bv _v‡K Z‡e mvaviYZ Have long been known GB Expression wU e¨envi Kiv nq|
†`Lyb GB cÖ‡kœi k~b¨¯’v‡bi Av‡M Have Av‡Q| ZvB Avgiv Have long been known GB Expression wUi evwK
Ask Long been known Dˇi LyuR‡ev| Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ïaygvÎ d) †ZB Long been known _vKvq DËi n‡e
Ackb d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t AcwiwgZ e¨vqvg I D”P Pwe©hy³ Lvevi `xN©w`b hver ü`‡iv‡Mi KviY/Dcv`vb (Factors) wn‡m‡e
cwiwPZ n‡q Avm‡Q|
02. The price of the commodities ________ during the fuel crisis but the producers incurred
________ in profits.
a) increased/a downfall b) stabilized/a boon
c) shot up/an expansion d) none of these ans. A
S: Increase – e„w× Kiv Downfall – cZb
Stabilize – w¯’i Kiv; w¯’wZkxj Kiv Boon – Avkxe©v`; myL; myweav
Shot up – e„w× cvIqv Expansion – we¯—vi
Commodity – cY¨`ªe¨; cÖ‡qvRbxq mvgMÖx Crisis – m¼UKvj; P~ovš— ch©vq; mwܶY
Incur – wb‡R‡K †Kvb wKQz‡Z Rov‡bv Fuel – R¡vjvbx; BÜb
cÖ_g As‡k ejv n‡q‡Q †h, Fuel crisis Gi mg‡q Commodity price ___ nq| GLb hyw³i mvnv‡h¨ wPš—v Ki‡j
mn‡R eyS‡Z cvi‡eb †h, Fuel crisis Gi mg‡q Commodity price e„w× cvq| G Kvi‡Y Ackb b) Gi
Stabilized ev` hv‡e| wØZxq As‡ki But kãwU †Lqvj Ki“b| But _vKvq cÖ_g As‡k hv ejv n‡q‡Q, c‡ii As‡k
Zvi D‡ëv wKQz n‡e| wØZxq As‡k ejv n‡q‡Q, Producer †`i Profits ___ nq| ¯^vfvweKfv‡e Price hLb e„w×
cv‡e, ZLb Producer iv †ewk Profit Ki‡e| wKš‘ But Av‡Q e‡j Zv‡`i Profit G‡¶‡Î †ewk bv n‡q Kg n‡e|
GKvi‡b Ackb c) Gi Expansion bv n‡q Ackb a) Gi Downfall n‡e|
mwVK evK¨t The price of the commodities increased during the fuel crisis but the producers incurred a
downfall in profits.
ev‡K¨i A_©t R¡vjvbx msK‡Ui mgq cY¨`ª‡e¨i `vg †e‡o hvq, wKš‘ Drcv`bKvix‡`i gybvdv Kg‡Z _v‡K|
Recent Publication 3
03. Climate is a ________ of the environment.
a) situation b) state
c) rank d) size ans. B
S: Situation – (MÖvg, kni, feb BZ¨vw`i) Ae¯’vb State – (ïaygvÎ GKePb) Ae¯’v, nvj
Rank – e¨w³ ev e¯‘i mvwi ev web¨vm Size – AvqZb; AvKvi
Climate – Rjevqy Environment – cwi‡ek
cÖkœwU‡Z Climate Gi mv‡_ Environment Gi m¤úK© †ei Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q| Avcwb Common sense †_‡K
wbðqB Rv‡bb Climate n‡”Q Environment Gi GKwU State ev Ae¯’v|
mwVK evK¨t Climate is a state of the environment.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Rjevqy n‡”Q cwi‡e‡ki GKwU Ae¯’v|
Questions (04-07): There are blank spaces in the following passage which have been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each some words are suggested. Find out the
word that best fit the blank spaces.
Global strategies to control infective disease have historically included the erection of barriers
to international travel and ________ (04) ________. Keeping people with such deadly disease
outside national borders has________ (05) ________ as an important public health policy in
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic. Between 29 and 50 countries ________
(06) ________ to have introduced border restrictions on HIV-positive foreigners, usually those
planning an________ (07) ________ stay in the country, such as students, workers or seamen.
Questions (08-10): Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the
original pair.
Questions (01-03): Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.
Recent Publication 6
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Senior Officer – 20.01.2017
01. The word ‘indigent’ is synonymous with the word
a) native b) destitute
c) annoyed d) miffed ans. B
S: Indigent – `wi`ª; wba©b Destitute – wbt¯^; `yt¯’; `yM©Z
Miffed – AvPi‡Y wei³ Annoy – R¡vjvZb Kiv; wei³ Kiv
02. Which of the following is a feminine gender?
a) swan b) baby
c) niece d) dancer ans. C
S: Niece – åvZylcyÎx; fvM‡bqx (a daughter of one’s brother or sister, or of one’s brother-in-law or sister-
in-law)| Avi Niece kãwU n‡jv Feminine gender. Niece kãwUi Masculine gender n‡jv nephew.
Grammar (Voice):
04. The passive form of the sentence “I had already shown her photo to the policeman” should be:
a) The policeman was already shown her photo.
b) Her photo was already been shown to policeman.
c) The policeman had already been shown her photo.
d) The policeman have already been shown her photo. ans. C
S: cÖ`Ë Active voice Gi evK¨wU‡Z †`Lyb Had Av‡Q| Avi Zvic‡i Av‡Q Shown, hv Verb Gi Past Participle.
ZvB GB evK¨wU‡K Passive Ki‡Z n‡j Had been Avm‡e| †`Lyb Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ïay c) †ZB Had been Av‡Q,
ZvB GwU DËi| ZvB Passive n‡jv The policeman had already been shown her photo. hvi A_©©t cywjk‡K
BwZg‡a¨ Zvi Qwe †`Lv‡bv n‡qwQ‡jv|
Recent Publication 7
Rearrangement of Sentence:
05. Rearrange the jumbled parts of the following sentence to produce correct sentence.
The doctor’s offer
(P) not only saved Julie (Q) but enabled her to blossom into a happy women
(R) from the jaws of Death (S) of marriage
c) PSQR d) SPQR ans. B
S: mwVKfv‡e mvRv‡j evK¨wU `uvovqt SPRQ The doctor’s offer of marriage not only saved Julie from the
jaws of Death but enabled her to blossom into a happy women. hvi A_©t Wv³v‡ii we‡qi cÖ¯—vewU Rywj‡K
ïay g„Zz¨i _vev †_‡K i¶vB K‡iwb, eis GKRb myLx bvix‡Z cwiYZ n‡Z m¶gZv `vb K‡iwQj|
Grammar (Narration):
06. The indirect form of the sentence “She said, It must be pretty late. I really must go'.” should be:
a) She told it must have been really late and she really must go.
b) She said it must be pretty late and she really must go.
c) She said she was very late and she had to go.
d) She said it was pretty late and she should really go. ans. C
S: g‡b ivL‡eb, Narration Gi †¶‡Î Direct Speech G hw` Modals wn‡m‡e would, should, could, might,
ought, need, had better, have to Ges must _v‡K, Z‡e Indirect Speech G G¸‡jv mvaviYZ Unchanged
_vK‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi Indirect form n‡et She said that she was very late and she had to go.
†h‡nZz, DËi Ack‡b that †bB, ZvB that QvovB DËi n‡e She said she was very late and she had to go.
Av‡iv wKQz D`vniY †`Lybt
Direct : He said, “It would be nice if I could see you again.”
Indirect : He said that it would be nice if he could see me again.
Direct : She said, “It must be pretty late. I really must go.”
Indirect : She said that it must be pretty late and she really must go.
07. The idiomatic phrase ‘cash cow’ means:
a) a cow bought on cash payment b) a cow that can be readily encashed
c) a source of steady profit d) a source of intermittent gain ans. C
S: Cash cow kãwUi A_© n‡jv GKwU e¨emv, wewb‡qvM ev cY¨ †hwU avivevwnK Avq ev jvf †`q (A business,
investment, or product that provides a steady income or profit). Avcwb hw` gv‡K©wUs Gi cwifvlvq kãwU‡K
e¨vL¨v K‡ib Z‡e Cash cow Gi e¨vL¨v n‡jvt Cash cows are products or services that have achieved
market leader status, provide positive cash flows and a return on assets (ROA) that exceeds the
market growth rate.
Recent Publication 8
Sentence Correction:
08. a) Soldiers were dispatched to put out the rebellion.
b) Soldiers were dispatched to put aside the rebellion.
c) Soldiers were dispatched to put down the rebellion.
d) Soldiers were dispatched to put off the rebellion. ans. C
S: Put aside – fwel¨‡Zi Rb¨ mÂq Kiv Put in – `vwLj Kiv; †fZ‡i ivLv
Put back – Av‡Mi RvqMvq ivLv Put on – cwiavb Kiv
Put down – wj‡L ivLv; Rgv Kiv; we‡`ªvn `gb Kiv Put on – cwiavb Kiv
Put down – †Kvb wKQz †Rvic~e©K `gb Kiv Put up – ¯’vcb Kiv
Put off – ¯’wMZ Kiv Put up with – mn¨ Kiv
mwVK evK¨wU n‡et Soldiers were dispatched to put down the rebellion hvi A_© we‡`ªvnx‡`i `gv‡Z ˆmb¨
cvVv‡bv n‡qwQj| Avi g‡b ivL‡eb GLv‡b Put something down Gi A_© n‡jv Suppress a rebellion, riot, or
other disturbance by force. A_©vr kw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g †Kvb we‡`ªvn `gb Kiv|
11. a) The controversy is unlikely to die out. b) The controversy is unlikely to die away.
c) The controversy is unlikely to die off. d) The controversy is unlikely to die down. ans.D
S: Die away – wejyß nIqv; wgwj‡q hvIqv Die down – †eM cÖkwgZ nIqv
Die off – Mv`v Mv`v giv; G‡K G‡K g‡i hvIqv Die for – †`‡ki Rb¨ giv
Die of – †iv‡M giv Die by – `yN©Ubvq giv
Die from – AwZ †fvR‡b giv Die out – wejyß nIqv
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_©t The controversy is unlikely to die down – Z©KwUi ZxeªZv K‡g hvIqv Am¤¢e|
Recent Publication 9
Grammar (Parts of Speech):
12. In the sentence “I already told him about the party”, ‘already’ is
a) an adjective b) an adverb
c) a preposition d) an interjection. ans. B
S: GLv‡b Already kãwU n‡jv Adverb. G ai‡bi Av‡iv wKQz Adverb n‡jvt Ago, again, almost, always,
already, ever, here, there, now, then, once, soon, sometimes, yesterday, tomorrow, twice, never,
only, quite, seldom, today, thus, etc.
Grammar (Number):
13. Which one is a singular number?
a) Phenomena b) Criterion
c) Oases d) Ultimate ans. B
S: Phenomenal – Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨; we¯§qKi Criterion – wePv‡ii gvcKvwV; gvb`Ê; ˆewkó¨
Oases – giƒ`¨vb Ultimate – †kl; P~ovš—; cig
16. The Ambassador walked slowly ______ the room ______ the queen.
a) in, to b) down, before
c) up, towards d) along, behind ans. C
S: †h‡nZz ivóª`~Z ivbxi w`‡K GwM‡q †M‡jb, ZvB wØZxq k~b¨¯’v‡b towards n‡e, hv Ackb c) †Z Av‡Q|
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_©t The Ambassador walked slowly up the room towards the queen – ivóª`~Z ax‡i
ax‡i i“‡gi Dc‡i ivbxi w`‡K GwM‡q †M‡jb|
G ai‡bi Av‡iKwU evK¨ †`Lybt The Royal procession moves slowly down towards the House of Lords.
Recent Publication 10
17. Is it more profitable to put my money in the bank or play the______?
a) ponies b) fool
c) market d) truant ans. C
S: Play the market Gi A_© n‡jv To actively buy and sell stocks in the hope of making a profit; to risk
money on the stock market as a way of trying to earn more money. wb‡Pi D`vniY `ywU j¶¨ Ki“bt
1. Would you rather put your money in the bank or play the market?
2. I’ve learned my lesson playing the market. I lost a fortune.
mwVK evK¨t Is it more profitable to put my money in the bank or play the market.
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨vs‡K UvKv ivLv †ewk jvfRbK bvwK †kqvi gv‡K©‡U wewb‡qvM Kiv †ewk jvfRbK?
18. I’ve got _______ go ______ a job interview _______ Saturday next.
a) to, to, on b) to, on, in
c) to, for, on d) to, from, on ans. C
S: g‡b ivL‡eb w`‡bi Av‡M on e‡m| ZvB Ackb b) ev`| Avi Go for something A_© †Kvb wKQzi D‡Ï‡k¨ †Kv_vI
hvIqv| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb c) Gi to, for, on.
mwVK evK¨t I’ve got to go for a job interview on Saturday next.
A_©t Avgv‡K AvMvgx kwbevi PvKzwii mv¶vrKv‡ii Rb¨ †h‡Z n‡e|
20. The word ‘acrimonious’ is the antonym of
a) amicable b) hostile
c) high d) heavy ans. A
S: Acrimonious – (hyw³ZK©, evKweZÊv, kã BZ¨vw` m¤^‡Ü) wZ³; KUz Amicable – eÜzZ¡c~Y©
Hostile – kΓc¶xq; ˆeix; kΓevwnbx Heavy – fvix; ¸i“fvi; Mixqvb
Recent Publication 11
United Commercial Bank Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Management Trainee Officer – 17.02.2017
Questions 1 to 6: For each question, select the word(s)/phrase(s) that appropriately fill(s) in the
01. If there is nothing to absorb the energy of sound waves, they travel on _______, but their
intensity _______ as they travel further from their source.
a) erratically - mitigates b) eternally - alleviates c) forever - increases
d) steadily - stabilizes e) indefinitely - diminishes ans. E
S: Erratically – AwbwðZ MwZm¤úbœ Mitigate – ZxeªZv/cÖPÊZv n«vm Kiv
Eternally – wPiw`b; (K_¨) AZ¨š— Nb Nb Alleviate – (hš¿bv, Kó BZ¨vw`) jvNe Kiv
Forever – me©`v; wPiw`b; Abš— Kvj a‡i Increases – e„w× Kiv; DcPq
Steadily – wbqwgZfv‡e Stabilizer – †h e¨w³ ev e¯‘ myw¯’Z Ae¯’v m„wó K‡i
Indefinitely – Awbw`©ófv‡e Diminish – n«vm Kiv
evK¨wUi ïi“‡ZB ejv n‡q‡Q, hw` Sound waves †Kv‡bv Energy absorb bv K‡i; GiciB ejv n‡q‡Q They
travel on ___. ZvB hyw³i mvnv‡h¨ wPš—v Ki‡j wbðqB Avcwb eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb †h, Sound waves †Kv‡bv Energy
absorb bv Ki‡j GUv A‡bK `~i ev Awbw`©ó ch©š— †h‡Z cvi‡e| GKvi‡Y Ackb a) Gi Erratically Ges Ackb d)
Gi Steadily ev` hv‡e| evK¨wUi wØZxq As‡ki But kãwU Øviv †evSv hv‡”Q †h, cÖ_g As‡k hv ejv n‡”Q G As‡k
Zvi wecixZ wKQz n‡e| ZvB Their intensity Aek¨B Kg‡e| GKvi‡Y Ackb b) Gi Alleviates ev Ackb c) Gi
Increases bv n‡q DËi n‡e Ackb e) Gi Diminishes.
Shortcut: evK¨wUi gvSLv‡b But _vKvq evK¨wU c‡o †evSv hvq †h, `ywU k~b¨¯’v‡b G‡K A‡b¨i wecixZ fve cÖKvk
cv‡e| Avi GwU ïaygvÎ Ackb e) †ZB Av‡Q|
mwVK evK¨t If there is nothing to absorb the energy of sound waves, they travel on indefinitely, but
their intensity diminishes as they travel further from their source.
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw` kã Zi‡½i kw³‡K †kvlY Kivi g‡Zv †Kv‡bv wKQz bv _v‡K, Z‡e Zviv Awbw`©ó c_ ch©š— Pj‡Z
_vK‡e, wKš‘ kã Zi‡½i DrcwËi ¯’j †_‡K Zviv A‡bK `~‡i m‡i hv‡”Q e‡j Zv‡`i ZxeªZv µgk n«vm †c‡Z _vK‡e|
02. With a natural _______ languages, Ahad _______ German much more rapidly than did his
less linguistically gifted brother.
a) apathy towards - spoke
b) inclination towards - assimilated
c) dislike of - learned
d) aversion to - gave up on
e) None of these ans. B
Recent Publication 12
S: Linguistical – fvlv ev fvlv weÁvb m¤^Üxq Apathy towards – †Kvb wKQzi cÖwZ Abxnv
Inclination towards – †Kvb wKQzi cÖwZ we‡kl †SuvK Assimilate – A½xf~Z Kiv ev nIqv; AvqË Kiv
Aversion to – Abxnv Give up – †Kv‡bv wKQz Z¨vM Kiv
e¨vL¨vt wØZxq Ask Much more rapidly than †_‡K eySv hvq †h, Rakib Zvi fvB (whwb fvlvMZfv‡e Kg
cÖwZfvai) Gi †P‡q `ª“Z fvlv AvËxK…Z K‡i‡Q| ZvB Ackb a) Gi Spoke Ges Ackb d) Gi Gave up on ev`
hv‡e| Rakib †h‡nZz Zvi fvB †_‡K `ª“Z fvlv AvËxK…Z K‡i‡Q, ZvB GUv ¯^vfvweK †h †m fvlvwU‡K fv‡jvev‡m| G
Kvi‡Y Ackb c) Gi Dislike of ev` hv‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e b) Gi Inclination towards Ges Assimilated.
ev‡K¨i A_©t fvlvi cÖwZ mnRvZ †SuvK _vKvi Kvi‡Y Rakib Zvi fvB, whwb fvlvMZfv‡e Kg cÖwZfvai, Zvi †P‡q
`ª“Z Rvg©vb fvlv AvËxK…Z K‡i‡Q|
03. In spite of the _______ nature of the terrain, the roads were surprisingly _______.
a) uncharted - flooded b) rocky - duress c) landlocked - slippery
d) mountainous - plane e) None of these ans. D
S: Uncharted – (gvbwPÎ ev Q‡K) AwPwýZ Terrain – f‚LÊ
Rocky – wkjvgq; wkjvc~Y© Duress – fq †`wL‡q KvD‡K †Kv‡bv wKQz Ki‡Z eva¨KiY
Landlocked – f‚-†ewóZ Slippery – (†Kv‡bv wKQzi DcwifvM m¤^‡Ü) wcw”Qj
Mountainous – cve©Z¨; ce©Zgq Plane – mgZj
evK¨wU‡Z g~j Signal word n‡jv In spite of. hv Øviv †evSv hvq †h, evK¨wUi Kgv (,) Gi Av‡Mi Ask c‡ii
As‡ki wecixZ fve cÖKvk Ki‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e GB ev‡K¨i †¶‡Î `ywU k~b¨¯’vb G‡K A‡b¨i wecixZ fve cÖKvk
Ki‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e DËi n‡e Ackb d) Gi Mountainous Ges Plane.
mwVK evK¨t In spite of the mountainous nature of the terrain, the roads were surprisingly plane.
ev‡K¨i A_©t f‚L‡Êi cÖK…wZ ce©Zgq nIqv m‡Ë¡I Avðh©RbKfv‡e iv¯—v¸‡jv mgZj|
Different Question:
In spite of the _______ nature of Scotland's terrain, its main roads are surprisingly free from
a) rocky.. weather b) mountainous.. grades c) uncharted.. flooding
d) unpredictable.. damage e) landlocked.. slipperiness ans. B
04. Rhetoric often seems to _______ over reason in a heated debate, with both sides _______ in
a) cloud - subsiding b) prevail - yielding c) triumph - engaging
d) trample - tangling e) reverberate - clamoring ans. C
S: Cloud – †gN Subside – (eb¨vi cvwb m¤^‡Ü) n«vm cvIqv
Prevail – Rqjvf Kiv Yielding – mn‡RB AebZ nq ev eµ nq Ggb
Triumph – weRq; mvdj¨ Engaging – †Kv‡bv wel‡qi mv‡_ hy³; AvKl©Yxq
Trample – cv‡q †gvov‡bv Tangle – RU; RU cvKv‡bv
Reverberate – (aŸwbi †¶‡Î) cÖwZaŸwbgq Clamor – D”P Kjie
Rhetoric – Aj¼vi (kv¯¿) Hyperbole – AwZk‡qvw³; AwZiÄb
Recent Publication 13
cÖ_g As‡k ejv n‡q‡Q, Rhetoric cÖvqB Heated debate G Reason Gi Dci ___ Ki‡Z Pvq| GLv‡b Over
reason Øviv †evSv hvq †h, Rhetoric cÖvqB Reason Gi Dci Rqjvf K‡i| G Kvi‡Y Ackb a) Gi Cloud,
Ackb d) Gi Trample Ges Ackb e) Gi Reverberate ev` hv‡e| wØZxq As‡ki With both sides Ges
Hyperbole Øviv †evSv hvq †h, `yB c¶B GB Hyperbole G AskMÖnY K‡i| G Kvi‡Y Ackb b) Gi yielding bv
n‡q DËi n‡e Ackb c) Gi engaging.
mwVK evK¨t Rhetoric often seems to triumph over reason in a heated debate, with both sides engaging
in hyperbole.
ev‡K¨i A_©t ZK©we`iv AwZiÄb evKhy‡× G‡K Ac‡ii Dci Rqjvf Ki‡Z Pvq|
06. The public did not care about the trial and was _______ about the verdict.
a) enraged b) apathetic c) boisterous
d) blasphemous e) saddened ans. B
S: Enrage – ivMv‡bv; µz× Kiv Apathetic – mg‡e`bv; AvMÖnnxb
Boisterous – ˆn‰P c~Y©; Djvmgq Blasphemous – Ck¦i ev ag©g‡Zi cÖwZ Zxeª KUv¶c~Y©
Sadden – welYœ Kiv ev nIqv Verdict – gvgjvq Z_¨MZ †Kv‡bv Rywii wm×vš—
mwVK evK¨t The public did not care about the trial and was apathetic about the verdict.
ev‡K¨i A_©t mvaviY †jvK‡`i wePviwUi e¨vcv‡i †Kv‡bv AvMÖn wQj bv Ges ivqwUi e¨vcv‡i Zviv D`vmxb wQj|
Rearrangement of Sentence:
Questions 7 to 10: In each of the questions below, there is a sentence of which some parts have been
jumbled up. Rearrange these parts which are labeled P, Q. R and S to produce the correct
07. All such students
P: get success Q: who are honest and hardworking
R: and recognition S: in every walk of life
d) PSRQ e) None of these ans. C
Recent Publication 14
S: †h‡nZz Q †Z Who Av‡Q ZvB Student Gi cv‡k Who em‡e| GLb Who Øviv Students Kviv, Zviv †Kgb, Zvi
cwiPq Q Ges R Øviv Rvbv hvq| Gici g~j Verb Avb‡Z n‡e, hv P †Z Get w`‡q ïi“ n‡q‡Q| Gici S ewm‡q
†`Lyb evK¨wU A_©c~Y© n‡q‡Q|
QPRS All such students who are honest and hardworking get success and recognition in every
walk of life.
11. Although the two families have always been involved in some form of bickering
a b
since the time they moved into the same neighborhood, there was no major quarrel
c d
for the past two years. No error. ans. C
Recent Publication 15
S: evK¨wU †ek eo| ZvB Avcbv‡K GKwU GKwU K‡i Ackb ev` w`‡q mvg‡bi w`‡K †h‡Z n‡e| Ackb a) †Z
Families †h‡nZz Plural, ZvB Have always been mwVK| Ackb b) Gi †¶‡Î Some Gi c‡i Countable ev
Uncountable noun Gi †h‡Kv‡bvwU n‡Z cv‡i| ZvB in some form mwVK| Ackb c) Gi †¶‡Î Since Øviv
GLv‡b GKwU wbw`©ó mgq †evSv‡bv n‡”Q e‡j the time GLv‡b AwZwi³| ZvB Ackb c) Gi the time ev` hv‡e|
mwVK evK¨t Although the two families have always been involved in some form of bickering since
they moved into the same neighborhood, there was no major quarrel for the past two years.
ev‡K¨i A_©t GKB MÖv‡g Avmvi ci †_‡K `yB cwiev‡ii g‡a¨ LyuwUbvwU SMov †j‡M _vK‡jI, weMZ `yB eQ‡i Zv‡`i
g‡a¨ eo ai‡bi †Kv‡bv SMov wQj bv|
12. No animal has yet been discovered that can “see” infrared light with its eyes. No error.
a b c d e ans. E
S: cÖkœwU g~jZt †Kv‡bv Technical Journal †_‡K †bqv n‡q‡Q KviY “see” kãwU GKwU (“ ”) Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q| †mB
wn‡m‡e Ackb c) Gi Infrared light wVK Av‡Q| Avi Animal †h‡nZz Singular, ZvB Ackb a) Gi Has yet
been Ges Ackb d) Gi its mwVK| ZvB GB cÖ‡kœi DËi n‡e Ackb e) Gi No error.
mwVK evK¨t No animal has yet been discovered that can “see” infrared light with its eyes.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Ae‡jvwnZ Av‡jv wb‡Ri †PvL w`‡q †`‡L Ggb †Kv‡bv cÖvYx GLbI Avwe®‹…Z nqwb|
13. I do not wish to sound too intrusive, but I would have been better pleased if you gave the
a b c
award to the person who best deserved it. No error. ans. C
d e
S: cÖkœwUi ïi“‡ZB Wish Av‡Q| Avi Grammar Gi wbqg Abyhvqx Wish Gi c‡i Infinite wn‡m‡e to e‡m| †mB
wn‡m‡e Ackb a) Gi Wish to sound too intrusive wVK Av‡Q| Ackb b) Gi †¶‡Î Would have Av‡Q e‡j
G‡K mwVK ai‡j Grammar Gi Conditional sentence Gi wbqg Abyhvqx if Gi c‡i had + verb Gi Past
participle n‡e| †mB Rb¨ Ackb c) Gi if you gave Gi cwie‡Z© if you had given n‡e|
mwVK evK¨t I do not wish to sound too intrusive, but I would have been better pleased if you had
given the award to the person who best deserved it.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg AbwaKvi PP©v Ki‡Z B”QzK bB, Z‡e †h †hvM¨ Zv‡K cyi®‹…Z Ki‡j Avwg Lywk n‡ev|
14. Though many scientists had initially regarded his theory as absurd, and incompatible to
a b c
common sense, they later appreciated his work. No error. ans. C
d e
S: evK¨wU‡Z Ackb c) Gi Incompatible to Gi cwie‡Z© Incompatible with n‡e|
mwVK evK¨t Though many scientists had initially regarded his theory as absurd, and incompatible with
common sense, they later appreciated his work.
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw`I cÖv_wgKfv‡e A‡bK weÁvbx Zvi ZË¡¸‡jv‡K A‡hŠw³K Ges Common sense Gi mv‡_
Am½wZc~Y© e‡j g‡b K‡iwQj, cieZ©x‡Z Zviv †mB ZË¡¸‡jvi cÖmskv K‡iwQj|
Recent Publication 16
15. The principal stepped aside just as the scam issue came up, and in the process asserting his
a b c d
moral superiority. No error. ans. D
S: Step aside A_© †Kv‡bv GK w`‡K m‡i hvIqv ev KvD‡K Avmb MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ Zv‡K c_ K‡i †`qv| GB ev‡K¨ Just as
Gi Av‡M Ges c‡i ev‡K¨i Parallel Structure wVK ivLvi Rb¨ Simple Past Tense ev Past Indefinite Tense
Gi Structure e‡m‡Q| G Kvi‡Y, cÖ_g As‡ki Ackb a), b) Ges c) wZbwU mwVK| GLb ev‡K¨i cÖ_g As‡ki
Parallel Structure wVK ivLvi Rb¨ cieZ©x and Gi c‡ii As‡ki In the process Gi c‡i Asserting bv n‡q eis
Simple Past Tense Gi Structure Abyhvqx Asserted n‡e| ZvB DËi Ackb d).
16. Lately, many of the committee's suggestions has been rejected. No error. ans. D
a b c d e
S: GLv‡b Subject n‡jv Many hv Plural. ZvB Verb wn‡m‡e Ackb d) Gi has bv n‡q have n‡e|
mwVK evK¨t Lately, many of the committee's suggestions have been rejected.
ev‡K¨i A_©t cieZ©x‡Z KwgwUi AwaKvsk civgk©B cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv n‡qwQj|
Questions 17 to 22: For each word written in Uppercase, select a word having the OPPOSITE
a) Jauntiness b) Angry c) Drabness
d) Obey e) None of these ans. C
S: Panache – eovB fve, distinctive and stylish elegance Jauntiness – jNywPËZv
Angry – µz×; i“ó Drab – GK‡N‡q; bxim; ˆewPΨnxb
Obey – †g‡b Pjv; eva¨ nIqv Jaunty – AvZ¥wek¦vm I AvZ¥Z…wß-m~PK
a) Salacious b) Iconoclastic c) Fictitious
d) Illustrating e) None of these ans. B
S: Doctrinaire – †Kvb Z‡Ë¡ AÜwek¦vmx; ZvwË¡K Salacious – (K_vevZ©v, eB BZ¨vw` mg‡Ü) Akxj
Iconoclastic – cÖ_v-we‡ivax Fictitious – ev¯—e bq; KwíZ ev Avwe®‹…Z
Illustrate – wPÎ; `„óvš— BZ¨vw` mn‡hv‡M e¨vL¨v Kiv Dogmatic – †Muvov
Recent Publication 17
a) Unstudied b) Derided c) Quotidian
d) Suave e) None of these ans. A
S: Mannered – A™¢yZ AvPiYwewkó Unstudied – ¯^vfvweK; mnR; ¯^”Q›` AvPiY
Deride – Dcnvm; VvÆv; Zvgvmv Quotidian – ˆ`bw›`b; cÖvZ¨wnK
Suave – AvPi‡Y gayi I webqx Suavity – wmœ»Zv; AvcvZgayiZv
Mannered kãwU Øviv †mB ai‡bi AvPiY‡K eySvq hv Ab¨‡K Impress Kivi Rb¨ Kiv nq| G ai‡bi AvPiY
Artificial Ges Amr| Ab¨w`‡K Unstudied Øviv †mB ai‡bi AvPiY‡K eySvq hv ¯^vfvweK, mnR Ges ¯^”Q›`| G
ai‡bi AvPiY Natural Ges Sincere ZvB kã `ywU ci¯úi wecixZ|
a) Affectionate b) Incisive c) Fatuous
d) Sedentary e) None of these ans. C
S: Sagacious – my¯’ wePvieyw×m¤úbœ Affectionate – †mœngq; ggZvgq
Incisive – Zx²; KvUv-KvUv Fatuous – †evKv; Roeyw×; cÖ`k©bKvix
Sedentary – (KvR m¤^‡Ü) e‡m e‡m Ki‡Z nq Ggb Saga – my`xN© Kvwnbxci¤úiv
a) Unimportant b) Insoluble c) Everlasting
d) Tractable e) None of these ans. D
S: Recalcitrant – Aeva¨; k„•Ljvf½Kvix Unimportant – AcÖ‡qvRbxq; ¸i“Z¡nxb
Insoluble – (c`v_© m¤^‡×) A`ªve¨; A`ªeYxq Everlasting – wPi¯’vqx
Tractable – mn‡R wbqš¿Y‡hvM¨ Obdurate – GK¸u‡q; Abgbxq
a) Descending b) Satisfaction c) Minute
d) Moribund e) None of these ans. D
S: Nascent – Rb¥ wb‡q‡Q Ggb; Rvqgvb Moribund – gyg~l©y; giYvcbœ; g„ZcÖvq
Satisfaction – m‡š—vl; mš‘wó; cwiZ…wß Descend – AeZiY Kiv; bvgv
23. ‘In’
a) sense b) septic c) attentive
d) pure e) None of these ans. C
S: Sense – Bw›`ªq Septic – cPbkxj
Attentive – g‡bv‡hvMx Inattentive – Ag‡bv‡hvMx
24. ‘Im’
a) animate b) patient c) sympathy
d) comfort e) None of these ans. B
Recent Publication 18
S: Patient gv‡b ˆah©¨| Avi Gi mv‡_ Prefix wn‡m‡e Im †hvM Ki‡j wecixZ kã ˆZix nq Impatient, hvi A_©
Animate – mRxe/m‡PZb Patient – †ivMx/ˆah©¨
Sympathy – mnvbyf~wZ Comfort – ¯^w¯—/Avivg
25. ‘Un’
a) appear b) fortune c) toxin
d) controlled e) None of these ans. D
S: Appear – Dcw¯’Z Fortune – fvM¨
Controlled – wbqwš¿Z Uncontrolled – Awbqwš¿Z
26. ‘Ir’
a) rational b) resolute c) responsible
d) All of a, b & c e) None of these ans. D
S: Rational – g~j`/hyw³m½Z Irrational – Ag~j`/A‡hŠw³K
Resolute – AUj Irresolute – AUj bq Ggb
Responsible – `vwqZ¡evb; `vqx Irresponsible – `vwqZ¡nxb
27. The speaker's address about a career is a little nebulous at this point.
a) sententious b) jumbled c) vague
d) tenuous e) None of these ans. A
S: Nebulous – Svcmv; A¯úó Sententious – msw¶ß A_P mim fw½‡Z ej‡Z ev wjL‡Z Af¨¯—
Jumble – Zvj‡Mvj cvKv‡bv Vague – A¯úó; AveQv; AwbwðZ
Tenuous – ¶xY; mi“ Address – wVKvbv; e³e¨; fvlY
ev‡K¨i A_©t Career m¤úwK©Z e³vi fvl‡Yi GB ch©v‡q GKUz A¯úó wQ‡jv|
30. If people live in squalor for too long, the ruling elite can count on an insurgency.
a) sordidness b) filthiness c) griminess
d) dinginess e) None of these ans. E
S: Squalor – RNb¨ AveR©bveûj Ae¯’vb Sordidness – (Ae¯’v m¤ú‡K©) †kvPbxq
Filthiness – †bvsiv e¯‘; gqjv Griminess – K‡Vvi; fqvbK
Dingy – †bvsiv; gwjb; wbivb›` Insurgent – we‡`ªvnx; Afy¨ÌvbKvix
ev‡K¨i A_©t RbMY †bvsiv RvqMvq hw` `xN©w`b a‡i emevm K‡i, Zvn‡j ¶gZvevb †Mvôx GwU‡K GKwU we‡`ªv‡ni
Avfvm wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Read the following passage & answer the questions (01-04) below:
Former Indian President and eminent missile technologist Mr. APJ Abul Kalam said that sustainable
economic growth and prosperity can help a country reduce the risk of terrorism-one of the most
pressing problems now troubling different corners of the world. “People get involved in terrorism
out of frustration and failure to meet their economic needs,” he said while on tour in Dhaka. Only a
sustainable economic development of a country can at a time when the world is conducting a
ruthless “war on terrorism.” Addressing an interactive programme with leading businessmen,
professionals and entrepreneurs, Mr. Kamal suggested finding out the root cause of terrorism and
looking for proper remedial measures. “The higher the economic growth, the lower will be incidents
of terrorism,” he told his audience.
Passage wU‡Z fvi‡Zi cÖqvZ mv‡eK ivóªcwZi GKwU fvlY Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡k G‡m wZwb Ômš¿vm
†gvKvwejvÕ msµvš— GKwU Abyôv‡b GK_v¸‡jv e‡jwQ‡jb| Zuvi g‡Z, A_©bxwZi mg„w× I Dbœqb mš¿vm †gvKvwejv
Ki‡Z cv‡i| wZwb Passage wUi †k‡li w`‡K G‡m e‡j‡Qb, eZ©gvb wek¦ †hfv‡e Terrorism †K _vgv‡bvi Rb¨ hy×
†NvlYv K‡i‡Q, Zv bv K‡i GB mgm¨vi g~‡j †M‡j †`L‡Z cvIqv hv‡e A_©‰bwZK `y`©kvB GB cÖKvi Terrorist nIqvi
†cQ‡bi g~j KviY|
GLb cÖ‡kœi mgvav‡b hvIqv hvK|
Recent Publication 20
01. The most appropriate title of the passage is:
a) Terrorism in the subcontinent b) An interactive programme on terrorism
c) Economic prosperity can drive out terrorism d) Religious values and terrorism ans. C
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, Passage wUi h_v_© wk‡ivbvg wK n‡Z cv‡i?
Passage wUi cÖ_g 3 jvBb co‡jB Gi wk‡ivbvg m¤ú‡K© aviYv cvIqv hv‡e| GUv c‡o eySv hvq †h, A_©‰bwZK
Dbœqb Terrorism †K †VKv‡Z cv‡i| ZvB Appropriate title n‡Z cv‡i c).
02. According to the passage, people are involved in terrorism because of:
a) Political ideology b) Conflict between neighboring countries
c) Frustration stemming from economic failure d) Regional disparities ans. C
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, wK Kvi‡Y gvbyl mš¿vmx Kvh©µg Rwo‡q co‡Q?
cÖ_g w`‡K ejv n‡q‡Q, “People get involved in terrorism out of frustration and failure to meet their
economic needs” AZGe eySv hv‡”Q †h, A_©‰bwZK `y`©kvB Terrorism m„wói KviY wn‡m‡e Passage wU
†`wL‡q‡Q| Kv‡RB mwVK DËi c).
Recent Publication 21
Fill in the Blank (Grammar Based):
06. I’ve got ________ go ________ a job interview ________ Saturday next.
a) to, to, on b) to, on, in
c) to, for, on d) to, from, on ans. C
S: g‡b ivL‡eb w`‡bi Av‡M on e‡m| ZvB Ackb b) ev`| Avi Go for something A_© †Kvb wKQzi D‡Ï‡k¨ †Kv_vI
hvIqv| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb c) Gi to, for, on.
mwVK evK¨t I’ve got to go for a job interview on Saturday next.
A_©t Avgv‡K AvMvgx kwbevi PvKzwii mv¶vrKv‡ii Rb¨ †h‡Z n‡e|
07. Is it more profitable to put my money in the bank or play the ________?
a) ponies b) fool
c) market d) truant ans. C
S: Play the market Gi A_© n‡jv To actively buy and sell stocks in the hope of making a profit; to risk
money on the stock market as a way of trying to earn more money. wb‡Pi D`vniY `ywU j¶¨ Ki“bt
1. Would you rather put your money in the bank or play the market?
2. I’ve learned my lesson playing the market. I lost a fortune.
mwVK evK¨t Is it more profitable to put my money in the bank or play the market.
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨vs‡K UvKv ivLv †ewk jvfRbK bvwK †kqvi gv‡K©‡U wewb‡qvM Kiv †ewk jvfRbK?
08. Having been acquitted on all charges, he can now hold his head ________?
a) straight b) upright
c) high d) up ans. C
S: Hold your head high – Lye AvZ¥wek¦vmx I Mwe©Z nIqv|
evK¨wUi `ywU Ask| Ask `ywU‡K Kgv (,) w`‡q c„_K Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB Kgv (,) Gi Av‡Mi As‡ki fv‡ei mv‡_ wgj
†i‡L c‡ii As‡ki k~b¨¯’v‡b kã emv‡Z n‡e| cÖ_g As‡k ejv Av‡Q, †m All charges †_‡K Acquit ev gy³ n‡q‡Q|
GLb hyw³i mvnv‡h¨ wPš—v Ki‡j eySv hvq †h, GLb †m _____ fv‡e Pj‡Z cvi‡e| GLb, k~b¨¯’v‡b Ggb kã n‡e hv
Øviv Mwe©Z nIqv, AvZ¥wek¦vmx ev G ai‡bi Positive fve cÖKvk cvq| G Kvi‡Y Ackb c) Gi High kãwU em‡e|
A_©t Having been acquitted on all charges, he can now hold his head high – mKj Awf‡hvM †_‡K gy³
n‡q †m GLb AvZ¥wek¦vm I Me© wb‡q Pj‡Z cvi‡e|
Recent Publication 22
09. The Ambassador walked slowly ________ the room ________ the queen.
a) in, to b) down, before
c) up, towards d) along, behind ans. C
S: †h‡nZz ivbx w`‡K GwM‡q †M‡jb ZvB wØZxq k~b¨¯’v‡b towards n‡e hv Ackb c) †Z Av‡Q|
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_©t The Ambassador walked slowly up the room towards the queen – ivóª`~Z ax‡i
ax‡i i“‡gi Dc‡i ivbxi w`‡K GwM‡q †M‡jb|
G ai‡bi Av‡iKwU evK¨ †`Lybt The Royal procession moves slowly down towards the House of Lords.
Recent Publication 23
S: Obsession – Av”QbœZv; AvweóZv Enthusiasm – cÖej Drmvn
Insomnia – Awb`ªv Extroversion – ewng©yLx Ae¯’v
15. In the sentence ‘I already told him about the party”, ‘already’ is
a) an adjective b) an adverb
c) a preposition d) an interjection ans. B
S: GLv‡b Already kãwU n‡jv Adverb. G ai‡bi Av‡iv wKQz Adverb n‡jvt Ago, again, almost, always,
already, ever, here, there, now, then, once, soon, sometimes, yesterday, tomorrow, twice, never,
only, quite, seldom, today, thus, etc.
Grammar (Gender):
Grammar (Voice):
17. The passive form of the sentence ‘I had already shown her photo to the policeman” should be:
a) The policeman was already shown her photo.
b) Her photo was already been shown to policeman.
c) The policeman had already been shown her photo.
d) The policeman have already been shown her photo. ans. C
S: cÖ`Ë Active voice Gi evK¨wU‡Z †`Lyb Had Av‡Q Avi Zvic‡i Av‡Q Shown hv Verb Gi Past Participle. ZvB
GB evK¨wU‡K Passive Ki‡Z n‡j Had been Avm‡e| †`Lyb Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ïay c) †ZB Had been Av‡Q, ZvB
GwU DËi| ZvB Passive n‡jv The policeman had already been shown her photo. hvi A_©©t cywjk‡K
BwZg‡a¨ Zvi Qwe †`Lv‡bv n‡qwQ‡jv|
Recent Publication 24
Grammar (Narration):
18. ‘The indirect form of the sentence “She said, ‘It must be pretty late. I really must go’.” should be:
a) She told it must have been really late and she really must go.
b) She said it must be pretty late and she really must go.
c) She said she was very late and she had to go.
d) She said it was pretty late and she should really go. ans. C
S: g‡b ivL‡eb, Narration Gi †¶‡Î Direct Speech G hw` Modals wn‡m‡e would, should, could, might,
ought, need, had better, have to Ges must _v‡K, Z‡e Indirect Speech G G¸‡jv mvaviYZ Unchanged
_vK‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi Indirect form n‡et She said that she was very late and she had to go.
†h‡nZz, DËi Ack‡b that †bB, ZvB that QvovB DËi n‡e She said that she was very late and she had to
go. Av‡iv wKQz D`vniY †`Lybt
Direct : He said, “It would be nice if I could see you again.”
Indirect : He said that it would be nice if he could see me again.
Direct : She said, “It must be pretty late. I really must go.”
Indirect : She said that it must be pretty late and she really must go.
Sentence Correction:
21. a) The controversy is unlikely to die out. b) The controversy is unlikely to die away.
c)The controversy is unlikely to die off. d) The controversy is unlikely to die down. ans. D
S: Die away – wejyß nIqv; wgwj‡q hvIqv Die down – †eM cÖkwgZ nIqv
Die off – Mv`v Mv`v giv; G‡K G‡K g‡i hvIqv Die for – †`‡ki Rb¨ giv
Die of – †iv‡M giv Die by – `yN©Ubvq giv
Die from – AwZ †fvR‡b giv Die out – wejyß nIqv
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_©t The controversy is unlikely to die down – weZ©KwUi ZxeªZv K‡g hvIqv Am¤¢e|
Recent Publication 25
22. a) Soldiers were dispatched to put out the rebellion.
b) Soldiers were dispatched to put aside the rebellion.
c) Soldiers were dispatched to put down the rebellion.
d) Soldiers were dispatched to put off the rebellion. ans. C
S: Put aside – fwel¨‡Zi R‡b¨ mÂq Kiv Put in – `vwLj Kiv; †fZ‡i ivLv
Put back – Av‡Mi RvqMvq ivLv Put on – cwiavb Kiv
Put down – wj‡L ivLv; Rgv Kiv; we‡`ªvn `gb Kiv Put on – R¡vjv‡bv
Put down – †Kvb wKQz †Rvic~e©K `gb Kiv Put up – ¯’vcb Kiv
Put off – ¯’wMZ Kiv Put up with – mn¨ Kiv
mwVK evK¨wU n‡et Soldiers were dispatched to put down the rebellion hvi A_© we‡`ªvnx‡`i `gv‡Z ˆmb¨
cvVv‡bv n‡qwQj| Avi g‡b ivL‡eb GLv‡b Put something down Gi A_© n‡jv Suppress a rebellion, riot, or
other disturbance by force. A_©vr kw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g †Kvb we‡`ªvn `gb Kiv|
Grammar (Number):
Rearrangement of Sentence:
24. Rearrange the jumbled parts of the following sentence to produce correct sentence.
P) not only saved Julie
Q) but enabled her to blossom into a happy women
R) from the jaws of Death
S) of marriage
c) PSQR d) SPQR ans. B
S: mwVKfv‡e mvRv‡j evK¨wU `uvovqt SPRQ The doctor’s offer of marriage not only saved Julie from the
jaws of Death but enabled her to blossom into a happy women. hvi A_©t Wv³v‡ii we‡qi cÖ¯—vewU ïay
g„Zz¨i _vev †_‡K i¶vB K‡iwb GKRb myLx bvix‡Z cwiYZ n‡Z m¶g I K‡iwQj|
25. Identify the correctly transformed sentence “The mangoes are too cheap to be good”
a) The mangoes are very cheap, so they are not good
b) The mangoes being cheap cannot be good.
c) The mangoes are so cheap that they cannot be good.
d) As the mangoes are cheap they are not good. ans. C
S: cÖkœwU‡Z too........ to Gi Simple sentence Gi Structure Av‡Q| G‡K Complex sentence G cwiYZ Ki‡Z
n‡j so + adjective + that Gi Structure Ki‡Z n‡e| Avi †m‡¶‡Î Correct transformed sentence wU n‡et
The mangoes are so cheap that they cannot be good hvi A_© n‡jvt Avg¸‡jv G‡Zv m¯—v †h †m¸‡jv fv‡jv
n‡Z cv‡i bv|
Recent Publication 26
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Assistant Officer – 18.03.2017
Questions 1 to 5: For each question, select the word(s)/phrase(s) that appropriately fill(s) in the gap(s).
01. The scholar was known for his _________ comments; however, everyone who knew him
recalled that he was never _________ in his personal dealings.
a) unfavorable - sentimental b) slanderous - benevolent c) vituperative - caustic
d) punitive - munificent e) None of these ans. C
S: Unfavorable – AcQ›`bxq; AwcÖq Sentimental – Av‡eMm¤ú„³
Slanderous – wg_¨v Kj¼ Av‡ivcKvix Benevolent – `qvjy; m`vkq
Vituperative – MvwjMvjvRc~Y©; KU‚w³c~Y© Caustic – wZ³; Zxeª; we`ªƒcvZ¥K
Punitive – kvw¯—g~jK Munificent – `vbexi; gnvcÖvY
evK¨wUi `ywU Ask| Ask `ywU‡K †mwg‡Kvjb (;) w`‡q c„_K Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g Ask co‡j wKQzB eySv hvq bv| KviY
Comment fv‡jv ev Lvivc - †h‡KvbwU n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e DËi Ackb¸‡jv co‡j †`Lv hvq me¸‡jvB Negative
kã| ZvB Ackb¸‡jv co‡j eySv hvq gš—e¨wU Negative wQj| Gici Av‡Q However ; ZvB c‡ii AskwU cÖ_g
As‡ki Dëv fve cÖKvk Ki‡e| wØZxq k~b¨¯’v‡bi Av‡Mi Never kãwU j¶¨ Ki“b| Never †h‡nZz Negative, ZvB
Gi mv‡_ Av‡iKwU Negative kã em‡e, hv‡Z wØZxq As‡k GKwU Positive fve cÖKvk cvq| GKvi‡Y Ackb b)
benevolent Ges d) munificent - †Z Positive kã _vKvq ev` hv‡e| Ackb a) ev` hv‡e, KviY Unfavorable
Ges Sentimental G `ywU kã Ack‡b emv‡j m¤ú~Y© A_© cÖKvk cv‡”Q bv| ZvB Ackb c) Gi Vituperative Ges
Caustic kãØq emv‡j evK¨wU `uvovq : Scholar Zvi Vituperative gš—‡e¨i Rb¨ cwiwPZ| Gic‡i ejv n‡q‡Q,
However cÖ‡Z¨‡KB GUv AeMZ †h wZwb KL‡bvB Zvi e¨w³MZ Dealings G Caustic bq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cwÊZ e¨w³wU Zvi AwcÖq e³‡e¨i Rb¨ cwiwPZ| hvB‡nvK, hviv Zv‡K wP‡bb Zviv Rv‡bb †h †m Zvi
e¨w³MZ wel‡q Av‡eMcÖeY bq|
02. The clown was taken aback by Rehan's _________, as she had never before seen a child
disrespect his elders so_________.
a) impudence - blatantly b) audacious - deliberately c) gregariousness - obviously
d) insolence - furtively e) None of these ans. A
S: Clown – †KŠZzK AwfbqKvix e¨w³ Disrespect – Akª×v; Am¤§vb
Impudence – a„ó; wbj©¾ Blatantly – ¯’j
~ I D”PK‡É; Akvjxbfv‡e
Audacious – `ytmvnmx; Amgmvnmx Deliberately – D‡Ïk¨cÖ‡Yvw`Zfv‡e
Gregariousness – m½wcÖq Obviously – ¯úóZ cÖZxqgvb; cwi¯‹vi; †mvRv
Insolence – J×Z¨; a„óZv Furtively – Aj‡¶¨; Pzwcmv‡i
Recent Publication 27
evK¨wUi `ywU Ask| Ask `ywU‡K Kgv (,) w`‡q c„_K Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g Ask co‡j eySv hvq †h, mvK©v‡mi e¨w³wU
Rehan Gi ___†`‡L aback n‡jb| Gi KviY wn‡m‡e c‡ii As‡k as w`‡q ejv n‡q‡Q eo‡`i Am¤§vb K‡i GiKg
†Kvb wkï c~‡e© †m †`‡Lwb| GLb hyw³ Øviv wPš—v Ki‡j eySv hvq, DËi n‡e Ackb a) Gi impudence Ges blatantly.
ev‡K¨i A_©t mvK©v‡mi e¨w³wU Rehan Gi a„óZvc~Y© AvPi‡Y nZevK n‡jb, †h‡nZz eo‡`i cÖKv‡k¨ Am¤§vb K‡i
GiKg †Kvb wkï c~‡e© †m †`‡Lwb|
03. The couple was upset by the construction of the new skyscraper across the street, as the
building would _________their once _________view.
a) obviate - scenic b) ameliorate - charming c) enhance - ghastly
d) obstruct - picturesque e) None of these ans. D
S: Obviate – fvigy³ nIqv; cwiÎvY cvIqv Scenic – ˆbmwM©K †kvfvgwÛZ
Ameliorate – A‡c¶vK…Z DbœZ ev fv‡jv nIqv Charming – g‡bvgy»Ki; Avb›``vqK
Enhance – evov‡bv; e„w× Kiv Ghastly – fq¼i; AZ¨š— AcÖxwZKi
Obstruct – evav †`Iqv; c_‡iva Kiv Picturesque – wPÎer; Qwei g‡Zv
evK¨wUi `ywU Ask| Ask `ywU‡K Kgv (,) w`‡q c„_K Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g Ask co‡j eySv hvq †h, be`¤úwZ bZzb
Skyscraper Gi Construction †`‡L Upset n‡jb| Gi KviY wn‡m‡e c‡ii As‡k as w`‡q ejv n‡q‡Q GB
Construction Zv‡`i ____ View †K ____ Ki‡Q| GLb, wØZxq As‡k Zvi View Aek¨B my›`i wKQz GKUv n‡e|
GKvi‡Y Ackb c) Gi ghastly ev` hv‡e| GLb hyw³ Øviv wPš—v Ki‡j eySv hvq, GB bZzb wewìs Zv‡`i my›`i View
†`L‡Z evavi KviY n‡q‡Q| G Kvi‡Y Ackb b) Gi ameliorate ev` hv‡e| Ackb a) ev` hv‡e KviY Obviate
gv‡b n‡jv †Kvb wKQzi Need †K Eleminate Kiv ev †Kvb wKQzi Happening †K Prevent Kiv| GLv‡b G ai‡bi
fve cÖKvk Kiv hv‡”Q bv e‡j Ackb a) Gi obviate ev`| Ackb d) Gi Obstruct n‡e, KviY Obstruct gv‡b
shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight A_©vr †Kvb wKQzi mvg‡b Ggb euvav hv _vK‡j
mvg‡bi wRwbmwU †`Lv hvq bv| G Kvi‡Y DËi n‡e Ackb d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t iv¯—vRy‡o AvKvk‡Quvqv wewìs †`‡L `¤úwZwU LyeB welbœ n‡jv, †h‡nZz wewìs¸‡jv iv¯—vwUi GK mgqKvi
Qwei g‡Zv `„k¨‡K e¨vnZ K‡i‡Q|
04. For the poor the inflow of foreign money means not _________but rising prices, unplanned
urbanization, pollution, corrupt politicians, an influx of foreigners and a sense of_________.
a) carousing - dissention b) prosperity - alienation c) affluence - well-being
d) dilapidation - elation e) None of these ans. B
S: Carousing – cv‡bvrme gyLi Dissention – gZ we‡iva
Prosperity – DbœwZ Alienation – wew”QbœZv
Affluence – cÖvPzh© Well-being – Kj¨vY; ¯^v¯’¨; myL I mg„w×
Dilapidation – RivRxY© Elation – AZ¨waK myL ev Avb‡›`i Abyf~wZ
†`Lyb But Gi c‡i A‡bK Negative welq †hgb Rising prices, unplanned urbanization, pollution, corrupt
politicians, an influx of foreigners Av‡Q| ZvB But Gi Av‡M Not _vKvq cÖ_g k~b¨¯’v‡b Positive GKUv wKQy
em‡e| G Kvi‡Y a) Gi Carousing Ges d) Gi Dilapidation DfqB Negative e‡j ev`| Avevi But Gi c‡i
wZb-PviwU Negative kã Av‡Q e‡j 2q k~b¨¯’v‡bi me©‡kl kãwUI Negative n‡e| ZvB c) Gi Well-being ev`
hv‡e KviY GwU Positive. G Kvi‡YB DËi b) n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Mixe‡`i wbKU †`‡ki wfZi ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªvi cÖ‡ek ïay mg„w× eySvq bv eis eySvq `ªe¨g~‡j¨i EaŸ©MwZ,
AcwiKwíZ bMivqY, `~lY, `yb©xwZevR ivRbxwZK, cÖPzi msL¨vq we‡`kx‡`i AvMgb Ges wew”QbœZvi Dcjwä|
Recent Publication 28
05. His colleagues _________him for the embezzlement of the company's funds by _________on
his unscrupulous reputation.
a) framed - capitalizing b) denounced - cautioning c) ensnared - manipulating
d) evoked - building e) None of these ans. B
S: Embezzlement – AvZ¥mvr Unscrupulous – Amr
Denounced – Awfhy³ Kiv Caution – mZK© K‡i †`qv
Ensnared – duv‡` †djv Manipulating – wb‡Ri Rb¨ Kv‡R jvMv‡bv
Evoked – †W‡K Avbv Reputation – mybvg; L¨vwZ
cÖ_g As‡k ejv Av‡Q, †Kv¤úvwbi dvÛ AvZ¥mvr Kivi Rb¨ Zvi mnKg©xiv Zv‡K K‡ib| Common Sense †_‡K
eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb †h, ÒAwfhy³KiYÓ RvZxq kã n‡e| b) Gi Denounced gv‡b Awfhy³ Kij| b) Gi `ywU kã
emv‡j evK¨wU n‡e: †Kv¤úvwbi dvÛ AvZ¥mv‡Zi Rb¨ Zvi mnKg©xiv Zv‡K Awfhy³ (Denounced) K‡iwQj, Zvi
cÖZviYvg~jK KzL¨vwZi Dci mZK© (Cautioning) Kivi Øviv|
Questions 6-10: Look at the underlined part of each sentence. Four possible substitutions for the
underlined part are given below each sentence. If, (A), (B) (C) or (D) is better than the underlined
part, indicate your response on the Answer Sheet against the corresponding letter (A), (B) (C) or (D).
If none of the substitutions improve the sentence, indicate (E) as your response on the Answer Sheet.
08. Working in the slums brought her in against the realities of poverty.
a) brought her forward b) brought her up c) brought her on
d) brought her to e) No improvement ans. B
S: GwU g~jZ Group verb Gi cÖkœ| ZvB Avmyb cÖ_‡gB Bring Gi mKj Group verb Gi A_© †R‡b †bB|
Bring about – NUv‡bv Bring back – †dir †`Iqv
Bring down – f‚-cvwZZ Kiv Bring forward – Dc¯’vcb Kiv; nvwRi nIqv
Bring in – Dc¯’vcb Kiv; Avbvqb Kiv Bring on – AcÖxwZKi †Kv‡bv wKQz NUv‡bv
Bring out – ¯úó K‡i †Zvjv Bring round – m‡PZb Kiv
Bring up – jvjb-cvjb Kiv Bring to – g~Q©v fvOv‡bv; ˆPZb¨ wdwi‡q Avbv
Recent Publication 29
09. It was she not me, who put forth the attractive proposition.
a) she, not I, b) her, not me, c) her, not I,
d) she, but me, e) No improvement ans. A
S: She Gi mv‡_ Possessive case wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ Me bv n‡q I n‡e| A_©vr She Gi mv‡_ I Gi Zzjbv n‡e| ZvB
DËi n‡e a).
Sentence Correction:
11. “Because of an accident on the flyover, traffic were delayed for nearly an hour.” Which
correction should be made to this sentence?
a) replace because with due b) insert the before traffic c) remove nearly
d) change on to in e) change were to was ans. E
S: Traffic kãwU Third Person Singular Number nIqvi Kvi‡Y mvnv‡h¨Kvix Verb were bv e‡m Was em‡e| ZvB
DËi n‡e e).
ev‡K¨i A_©t `yN©UbvRwbZ Kvi‡Y Flyover G cÖvq GKNÈvi Rb¨ hvZvqvZ eÜ wQ‡jv|
12. “He managed to persuade her to go.” If you rewrote the sentence beginning with He
succeeded, what should the next words in the sentence be?
a) to persuade her to go b) in persuasion of her to go c) in persuading her to go
d) to convince her to go e) to manage her to go ans. C
S: Succeeded Gici Appropriate preposition wn‡m‡e In e‡m| Avi Succeeded in Gi ci Verb _vK‡j Zvi
mv‡_ Ing hy³ nq| ZvB DËi n‡e c).
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m Zv‡K hvevi Rb¨ cÖ‡ivwPZ Ki‡Z m¶g n‡jv|
13. “In some months of the year, insects are real nuisance, especially mosquitoes.” Which
correction should be made to this sentence?
a) replace in with at b) insert the before mosquitoes c) remove comma after year
d) insert a before real e) change are to is ans. D
S: Real nuisance Gi c~‡e© ‘a’ emv‡Z n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t eQ‡ii wKQz gv‡m cZ½¸‡jv n‡”Q Avmj Drcv‡Zi KviY we‡kl K‡i gkv¸‡jv|
Recent Publication 30
14. “The prize competition was touted as a showcase for new technology, but instead the
competition was marred by disqualifications and disputes.” The underlined word can be best
substituted with which of the following words?
a) conceived b) heralded c) disappointing
d) promising e) concocted ans. B
S: Conceive – aviY Kiv; Kíbv Kiv Herald – ivR`~Z; evZ©vevnK
Disappointing – nZvkvRbK Promising – cÖwZkÖ“wZgq; m¤¢vebvgq
Concoct – evwb‡q ejv; wg_¨v wKQz D™¢veb Kiv Tout – `vjvwj Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖwZ‡hvwMZvwU bZzb cÖhyw³i Rb¨ GKwU cÖ`k©b †gjv wQ‡jv hv A‡hvM¨Zv Ges ؇›Øi Kvi‡Y †f‡¯— †M‡jv|
15. The new institute provides intensive postgraduate teaching to a wide range of students, in the
hope that these students will use their knowledge to boost the country's languishing economy.
a) Flagrant b) Emerging c) Buoyant
d) Flagging e) None of these ans. D
S. Languish – `ye©jZv, wb‡¯—R Flagrant – AwZ Amr Emerging – m¤¢vebvgq
Buoyant – cÖvYeš— Flagging – wb‡¯—R Intense – cÖMvp, Zxeª, cÖPÊ
ev‡K¨wUi fvev_© n‡jvt bZzb cÖwZôvbwU †cv÷MÖvRy‡qU ch©v‡qi Qv·`i cÖMvp fv‡e wk¶v †`q| Zv‡`i cÖZ¨vkv n‡jv
GB wk¶vi gva¨‡g QvÎiv †`‡ki wb‡¯—R A_©bxwZ‡Z cÖvYeš— Ki‡e|
16. The teacher was so abstracted that she gave a perfunctory evaluation of what was really an
interesting solution to the problem she had set.
a) Philosophical b) Cursory c) Tangential
d) Considered e) None of these ans. B
S. Perfunctory – fvmv-fvmv Cursory –fvmvfvmv, `ª“Z Tangential – cÖvš—xq, ¯úk©K
Considered – we‡ewPZ Abstracted – Avbgbv Evaluation – g~j¨vqb
ev‡K¨wUi fvev_© n‡jvt wk¶KwU GZB Avbgbv (abstracted) n‡q †M‡jv †h †KŠZ~n‡jvÏxcK GKwU mgvavb‡K Dwb
fvmv-fvmv/AMfxi g~j¨vqb Ki‡jb|
17. The human mind can often reject the most germane data in favor of something that, though
valueless, at least sounds familiar.
a) Anomalous b) Inconsequential c) Peripheral
d) Pertinent e) None of these ans. D
S. Germane – cÖvmw½K, m½Z Anomalous – e¨wZµgx, wek„•Lj Inconsequential – Zz”Q, wbõj
Peripheral – cÖvš—xq, mxgvš—eZ©x Pertinent – h_vh_, m½Z Valueless – g~j¨nxb
ev‡K¨wUi fvev_© n‡jvt gvbegw¯—®‹ cÖvqk cÖvmw½K Z_¨‡K ev` w`‡q Ggb Z_¨ †e‡Q †bq hv Zvi cwiwPZ, hw`I H
Z_¨ g~j¨nxb|
18. Those with a reputation for fickle behavior seldom inspire respect: unwavering adherence to a
Recent Publication 31
viewpoint is more admired than flexibility.
a) Capricious b) Bombastic c) Dogmatic
d) Stalwart e) None of these ans. A
S. Fickle – Aw¯’i, PÂj Capricious – Lvg‡Lqvjx Bombastic – PvcvevwR
Dogmatic – GK¸u‡q Stalwart, Unwavering – ewjô, w¯’i Adhere – †j‡M _vKv
ev‡K¨wUi fvev_© n‡jvt Lvg‡Lqvjx wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ †jv‡Kiv Lye KgB m¤§vb m„wó Ki‡Z cv‡i| †Kvb `„wófw½i cÖwZ
ewjô, w¯’i, `„p _vKv cÖvqB bgbxqZv †_‡K †ewk cÖksmbxq|
Direction: Select from the alternatives, the word that convevs the SAME meaning as she word given in
capital letters.
a) hard b) visible
c) concealed d) display ans. C
S: Latent – jyKvwqZ; ¸ß; myß Visible – `„wóMÖvn¨; `„wó‡MvPi; `„k¨gvb
Concealed – †Mvcb; jyKvwqZ Display – cÖ`k©b
a) prosperity b) style
c) allure d) quickness ans. D
S: Agility – w¶cÖZv Prosperity – DbœwZ
Allure – cÖjyä Kiv; gy» Kiv Quickness – `ª“ZMwZm¤úbœ
a) protruding b) wealthy
c) showy d) decorative ans. C
S: Ostentation – †jvK †`Lv‡bv; RuvKv‡jv; cÖ`k©b Protruding – evB‡i cÖmvwiZ Ggb
Wealthy – m¤ú`kvjx Decorative – †kvfvKi; †kvfvea©b
a) irritable b) depressed
c) uncivilized d) pessimistic ans. B
S: Morose – †Mvgov; wLUwL‡U; KUz¯-^ fve Irritable – mn‡R †i‡M hvq Ggb; D‡ËwRZ
Depressed –welYœ; nZvk Uncivilized – Amf¨; Ams¯‹…Z
Pessimistic – nZvkvcÖeY; `ytLev`x
Recent Publication 32
a) complex b) express
c) various d) unmatched ans. C
S: Sundry – wewea; bvbvwea Complex – RwUj; `y‡e©va¨
Express – cÖKvk Kiv Unmatched – AcÖwZØ›Øx; AcÖwZc¶
Sentence Correction:
Direction: Choose the one which best replaces the highlighted phrase.
11. How religious intolerance can blight social peace and harmony can be gauged from events take
place around the globe.
a) taken place over b) took place around
c) taking place around d) taken place in ans. C
S: Present Participle wn‡m‡e Taking kãwU em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t mvgvwRK kvwš— I GKZv‡K ag©xq AmwnòzZv wKfv‡e weeY© K‡i‡Q Zv c„w_ex Ry‡o †hme NUbv NU‡Q Zv
†_‡KB Abygvb Kiv hvq|
12. How can one mobilize support from colleagues without being cordially to them?
a) being cordially for b) been cordially to
c) cordially being to d) being cordial to ans. D
Recent Publication 33
S: mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ ‘being’ Gici Adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ Cordial kãwU em‡e| Adverb
wn‡m‡e Cordially kãwU em‡e bv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t mnKg©x‡`i cÖwZ m`q bv n‡qI wKfv‡e GKRb e¨w³ Zvi cÖwZ mnKg©x‡`i mg_©b Avkv Ki‡Z cv‡i?
13. The two brothers were so much similar in appearance that nobody believed that they were
a) very much similar in b) so much similar at
c) so different from d) so different in ans. D
S: So much similar in Øviv †hUv eySv‡bv n‡”Q Zv ev‡K¨i cieZ©x As‡ki mv‡_ m½wZc~Y© bq| ev‡K¨i c‡ii As‡k
ejv n‡”Q †h, †KD wek¦vm Ki‡e bv †h Zviv RgR fvB| A_©vr Zv‡`i †Pnvivq Similarity bv †_‡K eis
Dissimilarity/ Difference _vK‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t `yB fvB‡qi †Pnvivq GZB Awgj †h †KD wek¦vm Ki‡e bv †h Zviv `yB fvB RgR|
14. He failed in his attempt to disperse the mob before the miscreants sets the fire on the bus.
a) setting fire on the bus b) set the bus on fire
c) set fire on the bus d) set the fire on to the bus ans. B
S: Set something on fire A_© Av¸b aiv‡bv| ZvB Set the bus on fire n‡jv mwVK|
ev‡K¨i A_©t `y®‹…wZKvixiv ev‡m Av¸b †`qvi c~‡e© Zv‡`i nwU‡q †`qvi cÖ‡Póvq †m e¨_© n‡jv|
15. For every citizen it is mandatory to help the civic administration for keep up the city clean.
a) for upkeep clean the city b) for clean and keep the city
c) to keep the city clean d) for keeping of the city cleanliness ans. C
S: G‡¶‡Î mwVK wbqgwU n‡jv To + keep + something + adjective.
ev‡K¨i A_©t kniwU‡K cwi¯‹vi ivLvi Rb¨ †cŠi cÖkvmb‡K mvnvh¨ Kiv cÖ‡Z¨K bvMwi‡Ki Rb¨ eva¨Zvg~jK|
Direction: Find out which pairs of words can fill the blank in the sentence in the same sequence to
complete it.
18. Your _______ will _______ all the benefits you derived from your hard work.
a) patience, delete b) possessiveness, enhance
c) apathy, increase d) carelessness, nullify ans. D
S: Derive – cvIqv; AvniY Kiv Patience – ˆah©; mwnòzZv
Possessiveness – AwaKvi m~PK; AvwacvZ¨cÖeY Enhance – e„w× Kiv; evov‡bv
Apathy – D`vmxbZv; Abxnv Increase – e„w× Kiv
Nullify – e` Kiv; evwZj Kiv; AKvh©Ki Kiv Carelessness – AmZ©KZv; AhZœ
GB cÖkœwUI POE Gi gva¨‡g mgvavb Ki‡Z n‡e| Avcwb Ackb a), b) I c) Gi kãØq k~b¨¯’v‡b ewm‡q evK¨wU co–
b| †`L‡eb †KvbwU w`‡qB evK¨wU mwVK A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Q bv| ZvB GB wZbwU Ackb ev`| Ackb d) emv‡j evK¨wU
nqt Hard work Gi gva¨‡g †h Benefit wU AR©b Kiv n‡qwQj Carelessness Øviv †mwU Nullify n‡q hv‡e| ZvB
mwVK DËi d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Zvgvi AmZ©KZvi Kvi‡Y KwVb cwikª‡gi gva¨‡g cvIqv mg¯— dj e¨_©Zvi ch©ewmZ n‡e |
19. If the banks desire to _______ profit, they should get rid of _______ measures.
a) increase, populist b) loss, concentrate
c) earn, healthy d) maximize, modern ans. A
S: Desire – AvKv•¶v Kiv Get rid of – gyw³ cvIqv; †Q‡o hvIqv ev †`qv
Populist – †jvKiÄbev`x Concentrate – GKB †K›`ªxf‚Z Kiv‡bv ev nIqv
Earn – DcR©b Kiv; Avq Healthy – ¯^v¯’¨evb
cÖ_g As‡k e¨vs‡Ki Desire Gi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| hyw³i mvnv‡h¨ wPš—v Ki“b| e¨vs‡Ki Desire wK? DËi n‡jv
Profit evov‡bv| G Kvi‡Y Ackb b) Gi loss ev` †`qv hvq| GLb GB Profit Gi Rb¨ e¨vsK¸‡jv‡K †Kvb ai‡bi
Measure ev cwigvY †_‡K m‡i Avm‡Z n‡e? DËi wn‡m‡e †`Lyb Ackb c) Gi healthy Ges Ackb d) Gi
modern kã `ywU emv‡j Clear A_© cvIqv hvq bv| wKš‘ Ackb a) Gi Populist kãwU emv‡j mwVK A_© cvIqv
hvq| Populist kãwU Avm‡j GKwU Negative kã wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| ZvB GwU DËi n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨vsK¸‡jv hw` jvf Increase Ki‡Z Pvq Z‡e Zv‡`i wewfbœ Populist c`‡¶c n‡Z m‡i Avm‡Z n‡e|
Recent Publication 35
20. There are _______ instances to prove that the leader _______ courteously with everyone.
a) no, major b) treats, works
c) several, behaves d) various, demands ans. C
S: Instances – wb`k©b; D`vniY Courteously – f`ªZvi mv‡_; web‡qi mv‡_
Treat – e¨envi Kiv; AvPiY Kiv Behave – AvPiY; e¨envi
GLv‡b That Gi Av‡Mi As‡ki g~j kã Instances. †h‡nZz GwU Plural ZvB Ackb c) Gi Several Ges d) Gi
Various Gi †h‡Kvb GKwU n‡Z cv‡i| G Kvi‡Y Ackb a) Ges b) ev`| That Gi c‡ii As‡ki g~j kã
Courteously hvi mv‡_ Demand kãwU m½wZc~Y© bq| ZvB Ackb d) ev`| ZvB k~b¨¯’v‡bi DËi n‡e Ackb c)
Gi Behaves.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †bZv mevi mv‡_ †h webqx e¨envi K‡i Zvi A‡bK `„óvš— i‡q‡Q|
Direction: Find the two words that are SIMILAR or OPPOSITE in meaning and indicate the letter of the
correct number combination provided in the options.
Direction: Select the word or phrase that is most closely OPPOSITE in meaning to the capitalized word.
a) repulsive b) unhappy
c) blamed d) laudable ans. D
S: Execrable – Lye Lvivc; RNb¨ Repulsive – weiw³Ki; N„Y¨; exfrm
Blame – †`vl †`Iqv; wb›`v Kiv Laudable – cÖksmvi †hvM¨
a) thrift b) generosity
c) degradation d) providence ans. B
S: Frugality – wgZe¨wqZv Generosity – D`viZv; gnË¡; mü`qZv
Degradation – gh©v`vnvwb; c`åóZv Providence – wgZe¨wqZv; wgZe¨q
a) request b) criticize
c) pray d) flatter ans. B
S: Applaud – KiZvwj w`‡q Awfb›`b Rvbv‡bv Request – Aby‡iva; AbyMÖn cÖv_©bv
Pray – cÖv_©bv Kiv Flatter – PvU~w³ Kiv; †Zvlv‡gv` Kiv
a) excitement b) failure
c) gain d) joy ans. B
S: Triumph – weRq; mvdj¨ Excitement – D‡ËRbv
Failure – e¨_©Zv; AmdjZv; wedjZv Joy – Avb›`; Mfxi nl©
Recent Publication 37
a) typical behavior b) correct manners
c) straight aim d) full truthfulness ans. A
S: Aberration – bxwZåsk; wec_Mgb; wePz¨wZ Typical behavior – wewkó AvPiY ev e¨envi
Correct manners –mwVK bxwZ ev ï× e¨envi Straight aim – mnR ev mij j¶¨
Full truthfulness – c~Y© mZ¨evw`Zv
Direction: Select from the options, the pair having a similar relationship to the first pair.
Direction: Choose the one that can he substituted for the given words/sentences in the following questions.
Direction: Choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase in italics.
16. An honest person never plays fast and loose with his friends.
a) ignores b) deceives
c) to be inconsistent d) delay tactics ans. C
S: Ignore – D‡c¶v Kiv Deceive – hv bq ZvB e‡j wek¦vm Rb¥v‡bv
Inconsistent – m½wZnxb; AmvgÄm¨ Tactic – Dcvq; †KŠkj; PvZzix
‘Plays Fast and loose’ A_© n‡jv evievi AvPiY cwieZ©b Kiv; wbQK gRv Kiv = to be inconsistent
ev‡K¨i A_©t GKRb mr e¨w³ KL‡bv Zvi eÜzi mv‡_ PZziZvi Avkªq MÖnY Ki‡e bv|
17. After the death of his father, Rahim is playing ducks and drakes with his inherited property
and is sure to ruin himself.
a) gambling b) to spend lavishly
c) horse trading d) bad tactics to fool others ans. B
S: Gambling – Ryqv‡Ljv Lavish – Ace¨qx; AwgZe¨qx
Horse trading – Ak¦ e¨emv Tactic – Dcvq; †KŠkj
‘Play ducks and drakes’ A_© n‡jv `yB nvZ DRvo K‡i e¨q Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wcZvi g„Zz¨i ci iwng `yB nvZ DRvo K‡i mKj m¤úwË LiP Ki‡Z jvMj Ges Zvi aŸsm Awbevh©|
18. It has been proved upto the hilt that Rahman’s intentions are bad.
a) completely b) up to final decision
c) final outcome d) None of these ans. A
S: Complete – cyivcywi; m¤ú~Y© Final outcome – P‚ovš— djvdj
Upto the hilt – cy‡ivcywi; m¤ú~Y©fv‡e = Completely Up to final decision – P‚ovš— wm×vš— ch©š—
ev‡K¨i A_©t GUv cy‡ivcywi wbwðZ †h iwn‡gi AwfcÖvq Lvivc wQj|
Recent Publication 40
19. She took into her head to leave her job in no time and go to her parents.
a) half-heartedly decided b) a sudden idea
c) after careful thought d) None of these ans. B
S: Take into one’s head – †Kv‡bv wel‡qi e¨vcv‡i bZzb aviYv; nVvr cvIqv aviYv
Half-heartedly decided – `„p cÖZ¨qnxb wm×vš— After careful thought – h_vh_fv‡e wPš—vi ci
ev‡K¨i A_©t AwP‡iB †m Zvi PvKixwU †Q‡o †`qvi wm×vš— wbj Ges Zvi wcZv-gvZvi wbKU hvIqvi wm×vš— wbj|
20. Alter the retirement, Mr. Karim is thinking of resting on his oars.
a) to depend on his savings b) rest after hard work
c) do a mild business to keep busy d) None of these ans. B
S: Resting on his oars – KwVb cwikª‡gi ci mvgwqK kªvwš— ev wekªvg
To depend on his savings – wb‡Ri m‡qi Dci Do a mild business to keep busy – e¨¯— _vKvi Rb¨
fi K‡i †QvU †Kvb KvR Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t Aemi †bqvi ci Rbve Kwig wekªv‡gi wm×vš— wb‡”Qb|
Recent Publication 41
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Probationary Officer – 31.03.2017
Questions: For each question, identify the appropriate word(s)/phrase to fill in the gap(s).
01. The board of directors were not fooled by the manager’s _______ arguments; his plan was
obviously untenable.
a) cogent b) hackneyed c) specious
d) banal e) None ans. C
S. Cogent – †Rvov‡jv Ges `„p hyw³ Hackneyed – †m‡K‡j, RivRxY©
Banal – gvgywj, Zz”Q Untenable – Amg_©b‡hvM¨
Specious – AvcvZ `„wó‡Z h_v_© ev mZ¨ e‡j g‡b n‡jI cÖZviYvg~jK
cÖ_‡gB ejv n‡q‡Q, cwiPvjbv cwil‡`i m`m¨iv g¨v‡bRv‡ii ÑÑÑ hyw³‡Z †evKv e‡b hvq wb| †evKv e‡b hvIqv
†h‡nZz Negative tone Gi kã, ZvB g¨v‡bRv‡ii hyw³i gv‡S Aek¨B GKwU Negative tone Gi NªvY _vK‡e| †`Lyb
c) Gi Specious Gi g‡a¨B Negative tone Av‡Q hvi A_© AvcvZ`„wó‡Z mZ¨ g‡b n‡jI Avm‡j mZ¨ bq| Avi Gi
mv‡_ Untenable A_©vr ev¯—evqb‡hvM¨ bq Ggb emv‡j evK¨wU A_©c~Y© nq| b) n‡e bv KviY Hackneyed A_©
bxim, †m‡K‡j - hv Øviv evK¨ A_©‡evaK nq bv| a) Gi cogent †h‡nZz Positive tone Gi Ges d) Gi banal
†h‡nZz Neutral tone Gi, ZvB G `ywUI ev`|
ev‡K¨i A_© : cwiPvjbv cl©` g¨v‡bRv‡ii hyw³‡Z cÖZvwiZ nbwb; cwiKíbvwU Avm‡jB mg_©b A‡hvM¨|
02. The progress of the disease _______; is it spreads without any symptoms in the early stages.
a) dramatic b) acute c) blatant
d) insidious e) None ans. D
S. Dramatic – nVvr ev bvUKxqfv‡e †Kvb wKQy nIqv Acute – nVvr msKURbK n‡q I‡V Ggb, Zxeª
Blatant – Lvivc †Kvb wKQz hv cÖKvk¨ ev B”QvK…Z Insidious – ax‡i ax‡i †Mvc‡b ¶wZ K‡i Ggb wKQz
GUv mgvavb Kivi Rb¨ Clue Av‡Q †kl As‡k| GLv‡b ejv n‡q‡Q, ïi“i w`‡K †ivMwUi †Kvb j¶Y †`Lv hvq bv|
Zvi gv‡b †ivMwU †Mvcb, `„wói A‡MvP‡i e„w× cvq|
Gevi k~b¨¯’v‡b †`Lyb ejv Av‡Q, †ivMwUi Progress ev Ae¯’vi Dbœqb n‡jv ------| †h‡nZz, 2q As‡k ejv n‡q‡Q
cÖv_wgK ch©v‡q †ivMwU †Mvc‡b ev‡o, ZvB cÖ_g k~b¨¯’v‡b Ggb kã n‡e hv Øviv GKwU fqsKi wKQz eySv hv‡e hv `„wói
Aj‡¶¨ ch©vqµ‡g e„w× cvq| Avi d) Gi Insidious Øviv GB fveB cÖKvk cvq| b) Gi Acute Øviv gvivZ¥K Ae¯’v
eySvq; wKš‘ GUv Øviv cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ Dc‡ii Ae¯’v cÖKvk cvq bv e‡j ev`|
03. The scheme is a good one but do not get _______ by it; it has not been approved yet.
a) carried ahead b) carried away c) blown off
d) blown into e) None ans. A
Recent Publication 42
S: Carry ahead – †Kv‡bv Kv‡R RwoZ n‡q Zv mvg‡bi w`‡K GwM‡q wb‡q hvIqv
Blown off – evZv‡mi gva¨‡g †Kv‡bv wKQz D‡o hvIqv; †Kv‡bv wKQz Gwo‡q hvIqv
Carry away – D‡o hvIqv; †f‡O nvwi‡q hvIqv Blown into – †Kv_vI nVvr Dcw¯’Z nIqv
cÖkœwUi ïi“‡ZB ejv n‡q‡Q, ¯‹xgwU fv‡jv| Avi hw` †Kvb ¯‹xg fv‡jv nq Z‡e †mUvi Øviv †KD Get carry away ev
wbqš¿Y nvwi‡q †dj‡e bv| ZvB Ackb b) Gi Carried away n‡e bv| cÖkœwUi †k‡l ejv n‡q‡Q, ¯‹xgwU GLbI
Aby‡gv`b cvqwb - hv Øviv eySv hvq †h, ¯‹xgwUi mv‡_ RwoZ n‡q Zv‡K mvg‡bi w`‡K GwM‡q wb‡q hvIqv hv‡e bv|
ZvB DËi n‡e Carry ahead.
ev‡K¨i A_©t ¯‹xgwU fv‡jv Z‡e Gi mv‡_ RwoI bv; KviY Zv GLbI Aby‡gv`b cvqwb|
05. The patient is still seriously ill but I am sure he will _______ all right.
a) pull into b) pull through c) came around
d) pull up e) None ans. B
S: cÖ_g As‡k Av‡Q †ivMxwU gvivZ¥K Amy¯’| wKš‘ Gici But I am sure Øviv eySv‡bv n‡”Q †ivMxwU Zvi Amy¯’Zv KvwU‡q
DV‡e| ZvB Pull through n‡e|
Pull through †Kvb wec`/ Amy¯’Zv n‡Z mdjfv‡e gyw³ cvIqv
Pull up mvg‡b GwM‡q hvIqv| †_‡g hvIqv (To bring or come to a halt)
Pull in †Kvb wbw`©ó ¯’v‡b †cuŠQv‡bv
Pull out †Q‡o hvIqv (To leave / depart)
Pull round fv‡jv ¯^v¯’¨ wd‡i cvIqv
Pull into †Kvb wbw`©ó ¯’v‡b †cuŠ‡Q bvgv| (I pulled into the empty parking space).
Come around / round To recover, revive, to change one’s opinion
GLv‡b Will Gic‡i Came around Av‡Q| wKš‘ Came n‡jv Past Tense; ZvB GwU n‡e bv|
07. Despite the heat and rain, the patrol advanced _______ towards the hill where the enemy were
believed to be waiting.
a) hurriedly b) sluggishly c) doggedly
d) indolently e) None ans. C
S: Hurriedly – `ª“Z Sluggishly – Av‡¯—; gš’iMwZ‡Z
Indolent – Ajm; Kz&‡o; cwikªgwegyL Patrol – Unj`vi
Doggedly – †Kvb KvR Kiv KwVb nIqv m‡Ë¡I Zv `„pmsKífv‡e Kiv
cÖ_‡gB Despite Av‡Q| Kv‡RB cÖ_g As‡k hv ejv n‡e c‡ii As‡k Zvi Dëv e³e¨ n‡e| cÖ_‡g ejv n‡q‡Q cÖPÊ
Zvc Ges e„wó n‡q‡Q| d‡j Common Sense Abyhvqx, Patrol A_©vr Unj`viiv Sluggishly/indolently PjvPj
Kivi K_v| wKš‘ †h‡nZz ïi“‡Z Despite Av‡Q, ZvB ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB c‡ii As‡k Gi Dëv Doggedly n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvc Ges e„wó m‡Ë¡I Unj`viiv `„pmsíe×fv‡e cvnv‡oi w`‡K GwM‡qwQj, †hLv‡b kΓiv A‡c¶v
KiwQj e‡j g‡b Kiv n‡qwQj|
Special Vocabulary:
Dog, Cow BZ¨vw`i cÖavb A_© Avgiv Rvwb, wKš‘ GB k㸇jvi Secondary A_© Av‡Q :
Cow – fq †`Lv‡bv Cower – fq †c‡q e‡m cov Coward – fxZz
Dog – †j‡M _vKv, `„p msKí Dogged determination – `„p msKí
Questions 8 to 11: Find the odd word from each of the following questions.
Recent Publication 44
Vocabulary (Suffix or Prefix):
Questions 12 to 16: In each of the following questions, choose the option where the suffix or prefix has
been INCORRECTLY used.
Questions: For each question, select the word that best matches the definition provided.
Missing Word:
Questions: In each of the following sentences, there is one word missing. Identify the missing word from
the given choices.
21. Do not quarrel over the money; share it the five of you.
a) among b) between c) equally
d) by e) None ans. A
S: e¨vL¨vt Preposition wn‡m‡e `yBR‡bi †¶‡Î ‘Between’ Avi A‡b‡Ki †¶‡Î ‘Among’ e‡m|
Correct evK¨: Do not quarrel over the money; share it among the five of you.
22. The police suspect the men having set fire to the factory deliberately.
a) of b) for c) being
d) intentionally e) None ans. A
S. Suspect Gi c‡i Preposition wn‡m‡e of kãwU Missing Av‡Q| Suspect of gv‡b m‡›`n Kiv|
Correct evK¨: The police suspect of the men having set fire to the factory deliberately.
23. Rima is very sincere in her belief that women are suitable for some types of work than men.
a) is b) thoroughly c) more
d) despite e) None ans. C
Recent Publication 46
S: Than _vKvi Kvi‡b evK¨wU Comparative form G n‡e| A_©vr More kãwU Suitable Gi Av‡M em‡e|
Correct evK¨: Rima is very sincere in her belief that women are more suitable for some types of
work than men.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Rima `„pfv‡e wek¦vm K‡i †h wKQz wKQz Kv‡Ri Rb¨ bvixiv cyi“l‡`i †P‡q †ewk Dchy³|
24. Take a deep breath and try to blow all the candles at the same time.
a) by b) off c) it
d) when e) None ans.
S: cÖkœwU‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q †h, cÖ_‡g eo K‡i k¦vm wb‡Z n‡e Ges Gi ci GKB mv‡_ me¸‡jv †gvgevwZ‡K wbfv‡bvi †Póv
Ki‡Z n‡e| †Kvb wKQz wbfv‡bv‡K ejv nq Blow out. hv Ackb¸‡jv‡Z †bB e‡j GB cÖ‡kœi Avm‡j †Kv‡bv mwVK
DËi cvIqv hv‡”Q bv| Avcbv‡K evK¨wU‡Z †Kvb kãwU Missing Av‡Q Zv †ei Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q| Avcwb hw` Ackb
e) Gi None †K DËi †`b Z‡e eySv hv‡e †h †Kv‡bv kãB Avm‡j Missing †bB| A_©vr evK¨wU mwVK| wKš‘ GB
evK¨wU Avm‡j mwVK bq| evK¨wU mwVK n‡Z n‡j Blow Gi c‡i Out kãwU emv‡Z n‡e|
Correct evK¨: Take a deep breath and try to blow out all the candles at the same time.
ev‡K¨i A_©t eo K‡i GKwU k¦vm bvI Ges GKB mv‡_ mKj †gvgevwZ †bfv‡bvi †Póv Ki|
Q: Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c & d) of the following sentences has an error. 15=5
01. In 1609 Galileo constructed the first telescope, whom the used to discover
a b c
the four largest satellites of Jupiter. ans. B
S: ev‡K¨i Telescope GKwU e¯‘evPK Noun hv‡K Whom bv n‡q Which Øviv m~wPZ Ki‡Z nq| Avm‡j Which was
used n‡e| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t 1609 mv‡j M¨vwjwjI cÖ_g †Uwj‡¯‹vc ˆZix K‡ib hv RywcUvi MÖ‡ni PviwU e„nr K…wÎg DcMÖn Avwe®‹v‡ii
Rb¨ e¨eüZ n‡qwQj|
02. Many employers are unable to express any opinion about which local school prepare
they students best or about what changes they would make in educational programs. ans. B
b c d
S: They students bv n‡q Their students n‡e| mwVK DËi b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t ¯’vbxq we`¨vj‡q QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i fv‡jv Kivi e¨vcv‡i ev wk¶v †¶‡Î cwieZ©b Kivi e¨vcv‡i A‡bK
Kg©Pvixiv Zv‡`i gZvgZ cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
Recent Publication 47
03. If one lives in a disorganized, pollution, crime-ridden world, one’s
a b c
energies will be directed at simple survival. ans. B
S: Disorganized world, crime-ridden world Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L Polluted world n‡e| A_©vr
World Polluted
G¸‡jv‡K ejv nq Parallelism of sentence ZvB mwVK DËi b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kvb e¨w³ hw` wek„•Lj, `~wlZ I Aciva cÖeY GjvKvq evm K‡i, Z‡e Zvi kw³ ïay wU‡K _vKvi w`‡K
AMÖmi n‡e|
04. Silver, one of the first metal used by humans, is an excellent conductor of heat and
a b c
d ans. A
S: One of the first Gi c‡i Singular kã ‘Metal’ bv n‡q Plural kã ‘Metals’ n‡e|
05. When an object is heated, the molecules move faster, and the faster
a b
they move, the hot the object. ans. D
c d
S: Av‡M Avmyb cÖ_g AskwU †`wL| cÖ_g As‡ki When Gi c‡i An object is heated AskwU Present Indefinite
Gi; ZvB Kgv (,) Gi c‡iI The molecules move faster AskwU Present Indefinite n‡e| G Kvi‡Y Ackb a)
Ges b) †Z †Kvb fyj †bB| GLb cieZ©x AskwU eySvi Rb¨ †QvU †ejvq cov wb‡Pi Example ¸wj j¶¨ Ki“b t
The sooner, the better..............
The more you study, the more you learn.
j¶¨ Ki“b evK¨vskwU The + Comparative w`‡q ïi“ n‡q‡Q Avi †klI n‡q‡Q The + Comparative w`‡q|
Gevi Avmyb cÖ‡kœi wØZxq AskwU †`wL| †mLv‡b cÖ_‡g Av‡Q The faster they move A_©vr GwU ïi“ n‡q‡Q The +
Comparative w`‡q| ZvB Ackb c) †Z †Kvb fyj †bB| GLb ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB evK¨vskwU †klI n‡e The +
Comparative w`‡q| †`Lyb d) AskwU‡Z The hot the object -†Z Hot Av‡Q| wKš‘ wbqg Abyhvqx Hot Gi
Comparative wn‡m‡e Hotter n‡e| A_©vr Ackb d) †Z fyj Av‡Q|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kv‡bv e¯‘‡K hLb DËß Kiv nq ZLb H e¯‘i AYy¸‡jv Av‡›`vwjZ nq Ges AYy¸‡jv hZ `ª“Z
Av‡›`vwjZ nq, e¯‘wU ZZ †ewk DËß nq|
Recent Publication 48
Q: Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by four words. Select
the lettered word that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters.
a) demanding b) florid
c) refined d) fair ans. C
S: Crass – †evKv; wb‡e©va; nuv`v; ¯’~j Florid – AZ¨waK Aj¼„Z; RgKv‡jv; eY©vX¨
Refine – f`ª; wkw¶Z ev fv‡jv g‡›`i cv_©K¨ wbiƒcY Fair – Pjb mB; †ek fv‡jv; wbg©j
Ki‡Z cv‡i Ggb e¨w³
a) hasten b) defile
c) confuse d) decline ans. C
S: Orient – (mvwnZ¨) cÖvP¨ A_©vr Gwkqv Hasten – `ª“Z Pjv ev Kiv
Defile – †bvsiv/`~wlZ Kiv Decline – cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv
Orient kãwU Verb wn‡m‡eI em‡Z cv‡i| ZLb Gi A_© n‡et ¯úó †evaMg¨ m¤ú‡K©i cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z ¯’vcb Kiv| Avi
Orientate oneself A_© n‡jvt cwiw¯’wZi m‡½ wb‡R‡K cwiwPZ Kiv‡bv; cvwicvwk¦©K Ae¯’v BZ¨vw`i cwi‡cÖw¶Z
wb‡Ri Ae¯’vb wbY©q Kiv| Gevi Avcwb DËi Ackb¸‡jvi w`‡K j¶¨ Ki‡j †`L‡eb †h, me¸‡jv Ack‡bi
k㸇jvB Verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| †h‡nZz, Verb wn‡m‡e Orient kãwUi A_© ¯úó †evaMg¨ m¤ú‡K©i
cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z ¯’vcb Kiv, ZvB Gi wecixZ n‡e Confuse.
g‡b ivL‡ebt g~j k‡ãi GKvwaK Parts of speech n‡j Ack‡bi k㸇jvi Parts of speech †`L‡eb| Ack‡bi
k㸇jv †h Parts of speech, g~j kã‡K †mB Parts of speech wn‡m‡e a‡i DËi Ki‡eb|
a) sermon b) discourse
c) eulogy d) lecture ans. C
S: Diatribe – Zxeª Ges Zx¶è fvlvq fr©mbv Sermon – Kv‡iv †`vlΓwUi Rb¨ wZi¯‹vic~Y© Abykvmb
Discourse – e³…Zv; fvlY Eulogy – D”PcÖksmv
a) aggressiveness b) attractiveness
c) manliness d) boorishness ans. C
S: Effeminacy – †g‡qwj¯^fve; †g‡qwjcbv Aggressiveness – AvMÖvmb
Manliness – cyi“‡lvwPZ; cyi“lvwj Boorishness – Pvlv‡o; ee©i; †Mu‡qv
a) condense b) undermine
c) disprove d) cancel ans. C
S: Bolster – mg_©b I Drmvn †`qv Condense – Nb Kiv
Undermine – wfwË `ye©j Kiv; Kzu‡o Kzu‡o LvIqv Disprove – fzj ev wg_¨v cÖgvY Kiv
Recent Publication 49
Q: Select the pair that expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
Q: Choose the appropriate words or phrase that best completes the sentence. 15=5
16. Bandarban, always a popular tourist destination, is well known for its abundance of _____.
a) beautiful sceneries b) beautifuls scenery
c) sceneries of beautiful d) beautiful scenery ans. D
S: Scenery Gi Plural form nq bv| G Kvi‡b Ackb a) Ges c) ev`| Avi Beautifuls e‡j †Kvb kã †bB ZvB
Ackb b) I ev`| ZvB DËi n‡e d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t ev›`ieb †hUv GKwU weL¨vZ ch©UK AvKl©Y †K›`ª, †hLv‡b A‡bK my›`i my›`i cÖvK…wZK †kvfv i‡q‡Q|
17. Nimbus clouds generally have ______ and are amorphous in appearance.
a) an uniform dark color b) a uniformly dark color
c) uniformly the dark color d) uniform dark color ans. B
S: Uniform Gi c~‡e© an bv e‡m a e‡m, ZvB a) bv n‡q DËi n‡e b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t Rjfiv †gN¸‡jv mgfv‡e Kv‡jv is‡qi Ges `„k¨Z AvKvinxb|
19. In a retail store, consumers ______ the merchandise and compare brands.
a) could inspected b) can be inspected
c) can inspecting d) can inspect ans. D
S: Modal auxiliary Gic‡i Verb Gi Present form e‡m e‡j a), b) Ges c) DËi n‡e bv| ZvB DËi d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t LyPiv †`vKvb¸‡jv Lwi``v‡iiv cY¨¸‡jv fv‡jv K‡i LyuwU‡q LyuwU‡q †`L‡Z cv‡i Ges wewfbœ c‡Y¨i mv‡_
Zv Zzjbv Ki‡Z cv‡i|
20. Mule deer ______ a wide variety of twigs, grass, berries, and fruit.
a) eating b) has eaten
c) used to eating d) are used to eating ans. D
S: ev‡K¨i Subject n‡”Q Mule deer hv Plural. ZvB Verb I Plural n‡Z n‡e| ZvQvov eZ©gvb Kv‡ji Af¨¯—Zv
eySv‡Z Be/get used to + verb + ing e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t ev”Pv †NvovwU wewfbœ ai‡bi Mv‡Qi Wvj, ¶z`ª ¶z`ª imv‡jv dj †L‡q‡Q|
Recent Publication 51
Modhumoti Bank Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Probationary Officer – 21.04.2017
01. The cougar is one of the New World’s largest cats, second not only to the Jaguar. ans. C
a b c d
S: Not only kãwU AwZwi³ Av‡Q| ZvB GwU ev` hv‡e|
mwVK evK¨t The cougar is one of the New World’s largest cats, second to the Jaguar.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Cougar (eb weovj we‡kl) bZzb we‡k¦i e„nËg weovj¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU hv Jaguar Gi PvB‡Z AvKv‡i
05. Although pocket gophers damage crops, their tunneling aerates the soil,
a b
which helps conserve ground water and preventing erosion. ans. D
c d
Recent Publication 52
S: wb‡R bv K‡i KvD‡K w`‡q †Kvb KvR Kwi‡q †bqvi Rb¨ have, get, let, help BZ¨vw` Causative verbs e¨eüZ
n‡j †m‡¶‡Î Structure wU n‡et
i. have/ make/ help + object + verb Gi Present iƒc|
ii. have/ get + object + verb Gi Past participle iƒc|
GB ev‡K¨ Bu`y‡ii Tunneling f‚-c„‡ôi Reserve Ki‡e Ges gvwUi ¶q‡K cÖwZ‡iva Ki‡e| A_©vr Help Gi ci
Verb ¸‡jvi Base form e‡m e‡j Ackb d) Gi Preventing bv n‡q Prevent n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw`I Bu`yi¸‡jv (Gophers) k‡m¨i ¶wZ K‡i, ZeyI G‡`i Kiv gvwUi M‡Z© Aw·‡Rb cÖ‡ek K‡i hv f‚-
Mf©¯’ cvwb msi¶Y I gvwUi ¶q‡K cÖwZ‡iva K‡i|
Q. Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by four words. Select the
lettered word that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters.
a) unity b) rarity
c) persistency d) moderation ans. B
S: Frequency – cybtcyb msNUb; Nb-Nb Unity – HK¨; GKZv
Rarity – weij; weijZv Persistence – Abo Ae¯’vb
Moderation – mshg; wgZvPvi; cwiwgwZ †eva
a) study b) circulate
c) reduce d) separate ans. D
S: Study – Aa¨qb; we`¨vfvm; cvV Circulate – e„ËKv‡i µgvMZ †Nviv
Reduce – Kgv‡bv; n«vm Kiv Separate – wef³; c„_K; wewQbœ; Avjv`v
Amalgamate – (†kªYx, mgvR, RvwZ, e¨emvwqK cÖwZôvb m¤^‡Ü) †gkv‡bv; hy³ Kiv; wgwjZ Kiv
a) timely b) subordinate
c) terminal d) exhibiting regularity ans. D
S: Arrhythmic – AwbqwgZ Timely – mg‡qvwPZ; h_vKvjxb
Subordinate – AcÖavb; †MŠY; Aa¯—b; Aaxb Terminal – cÖvwš—K
a) grave b) dim
c) sturdy d) laconic ans. A
S: Blithe – nvwmLywk; cÖdj
z ; Avbw›`Z Grave – ¸i“Zi; mgvwa; †Lv`vB Kiv
Dim – Aby¾¡j; A¯úó; g„`y Sturdy – k³mej; ewjô; gReyZ
Laconic – Aífvlx e¨w³
Recent Publication 53
a) imitative b) lavish
c) conciliatory d) attractive ans. C
S: Polemical – weev`wcÖq; weZK©g~jK Imitative – AbyKiYg~jK; AbyKiYcÖeY
Lavish – AwgZe¨qx; Ace¨qx Conciliatory – we‡iva `~i K‡i Ggb
Attractive – AvKl©Yxq; g‡bvni; cÖxwZKi; wPËnvix
Q. Select the pair that expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in the original pair. 1 5 = 5
Recent Publication 54
a) salesclerk : courteous b) expert : proficient
c) enigma : unexpected d) leader : nondescript ans. B
S: Pest – weiw³Ki e¨w³ Irksome – weiw³Ki
Salesclerk – †`vKv‡bi Kg©Pvix Courteous – f`ª; bgª; m¾bmyjf
Expert – we‡klÁ ev `¶ e¨w³ Proficient – ey¨rcbœ; `¶; wbcyY
Enigma – weåvwš—Ki cÖkœ, e¨w³, cwiw¯’wZ BZ¨vw` Unexpected – Ab‡cw¶Z; AvKw¯§K; AcÖZ¨vwkZ
Leader – bvqK; †bZv; `jcwZ; m`©vi Nondescript – wK¤¢~ZwKgvKvi e¨w³ ev e¯‘; m„wó Qvov
hviv Irksome AvPiY K‡i Zv‡`i ejv nq Pest. Avi hviv †Kvb wKQz‡Z Proficient Zv‡`i ejv nq Expert.
Q. Choose the appropriate words or phrase that best completes the sentence. 15=5
17. If everybody liked the same kind of tea, _______ only one kind of tea.
a) that b) it would
c) there would be d) would be ans. C
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw` mK‡jB GKB iK‡gi Pv cQ›` K‡i, Z‡e †mLv‡b GK cÖKv‡ii Pv-B _vK‡e|
19. In a retail store, consumers _______ the merchandise and compare brands.
a) could inspected b) can be inspected
c) can inspecting d) can inspect ans. A
S: See the solution: One Bank Ltd. (SCO) 01.04.2017 & Question No: 19.
20. A female tiger signals _______ ready to mate by leaving her scratch marks & scent on trees.
a) her b) that she is
c) is she d) she ans. B
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t GKwU evwNbx ev”Pv Drcv`‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ †hŠbwµqvq wgwjZ nIqvi (Mate) Rb¨ Mv‡Q AuvPo †`qv I
Mv‡qi MÜ Qov‡bvi gva¨‡g GB ms‡KZ cÖ`vb K‡i|
Recent Publication 55
Bank Asia Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Management Trainee – 28.04.2017
Q. Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and d) of the following sentences has an error. 15=5
01. The training manager must estimate the expensed for the program,
a b
including cost for its develop, delivery, and evaluation. ans. D
c d
S: It’s Gic‡i Delivery Ges Evaluation Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L Develop wU bv n‡q Gi Noun form wn‡m‡e
Development n‡e| A_©vr
Development (Develop n‡e bv)
Cost for its Delivery
ev‡K¨i A_©t †cÖvMÖv‡gi Dbœqb, wej-weZiY Ges g~j¨vq‡bi Rb¨ Training g¨v‡bRvi Aek¨B AvbygvwbK wn‡me K‡i
03. Counselors will be available to give students advices before they register for classes. ans. B
a b c d
S: Ackb b) Gi Advices bv n‡q Advice n‡e| Avm‡j Advice Gi Singular Ges Plural GKB|
ev‡K¨i A_©t QvÎQvÎx‡`i K¬v‡mi Rb¨ †iwR÷ªv‡ii c~‡e©B Zv‡`i Dc‡`k †`qvi Rb¨ Dc‡`óv Available _vK‡e|
Q. Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by four words. Select the
lettered word that s most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 15=5
a) Detach b) Cleanse
c) Engulf d) Contain ans. A
S: Adhere – †j‡M _vKv/msjMœ Detach – †Kvb wKQz Ly‡j †djv; c„_K Kiv
Cleanse – cwi®‹vi Engulf – MÖvm Kiv
a) charity b) deference
c) simplicity d) deceitfulness ans. C
S: Effrontery – wbj©¾ mvnm; J×Z¨ Charity – D`viZv; m`qZv; ciRbcÖxwZ
Deference – A‡b¨i B”Qvi Kv‡Q bwZ ¯^xKvi Simplicity – mnRZv; mijZv
Deceitfulness – cÖZviYvcivqYZv; KcUZv; KzwUjZv
a) complaisant b) similar
c) commensurate d) transitory ans. A
S: Obdurate – GK¸u‡q; Abgbxq Complaisant – †mŠRb¨c~Y©
Similar – g‡Zv; m`„k; Abyiƒc Commensurate – h_vcwigvY; h‡_vchy³
Transitory – ¯^íKvj¯’vqx
09. AVER
a) Resign indignantly b) Refuse
c) Recent d) Deny ans. D
S: Aver – `„p K‡Ú ¯^xKvi Kiv / wbðqZv mnKv‡i ejv Deny – A¯^xKvi Kiv
Resign indignantly – cÖPwjZ AvB‡bi cÖwZ wei³ n‡q Resign Recent – mv¤cÖwZK
Recent Publication 57
a) Vigilant b) Flustered
c) Distorted d) Brittle ans. A
S: Supine – wb®‹g©v; AKg©v; Ajm; ï‡q _vKv Vigilant – mZK©
Distorted – †eu‡K hvIqv Brittle – f½yi
Fluster – nZf¤^ Kiv; wKsKZ©e¨weg~p
Q. Select the pair that expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair given in
uppercase. 15=5
03. In the sentence ‘Shameem looked around but could not spot the man’, the word ‘around’ is:
a) an adjective b) a preposition
c) a noun d) an adverb ans. D
S: ev‡K¨i Verb †K ÔKLbÕ, Ô†Kv_vqÕ Ges ÔwKfv‡eÕ GB wZbwU w`‡q cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi wn‡m‡e Adverb Av‡m| GUv‡K
e‡j Adverb of Place. hw` cÖkœ Kiv nq Shameem †Kv_vq ZvwK‡qwQj? DËi Avm‡e PZzw`©‡K; GLv‡b-†mLv‡b|
ZvB GB ev‡K¨ ‘Around’ n‡jv Adverb.
Word Meaning:
07. The Managing Director practically took the wind _______ _______ his Manager’s sail when
the latter was told of his spurious report.
a) in, to, b) off, from,
c) out, of, d) out, from, ans. C
Recent Publication 60
S: Take the wind out of some body’s sail A_© Av‡M fv‡M †Kvb wKQz K‡i ev e‡j KvD‡K Zv Kiv ev ejv †_‡K
weiZ Kiv; AvKw¯§Kfv‡e Kv‡iv myweav †K‡o †bqv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t bZzb g¨v‡bRvi Av‡Mi g¨v‡bRv‡ii wg_¨v wi‡cvU© wb‡q K_v ej‡j Managing Director g¨v‡bRvi
(wg_¨v wi‡cvU© cÖ`vbKvix) †_‡K mKj my‡hvM myweav †K‡o wbj|
08. The banker has to make sure the client does not go _______ _______ his word.
a) away, with b) along, with
c) back, on d) off, without ans. C
S: Go back on / Go back upon A_© cÖwZkÖ“wZ cvj‡b e¨_© nIqv; cÖwZkÖ“wZ f½ Kiv; K_v bv ivLv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨vs‡Ki Lwi``v‡iiv †hb Zv‡`i cÖwZkÖ“wZ iv‡L †m e¨vcv‡i e¨vsKvi‡`i wbðqZv w`‡Z n‡e|
09. The Company’s customers are drawn _______ a cross section of backgrounds.
a) off b) to
c) from d) out of ans. C
S: Draw from A_© †U‡b †ei Kiv; AvKl©Y Kiv|
Cross section of backgrounds A_© GKwU wbw`©ó Avengʇji GKwU Ask n‡Z|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kv¤úvwbi LwiÏvi‡`i‡K GKwU cwi‡e‡ki †fZi †_‡K cÖ‡jvf‡bi gva¨‡g †ei K‡i Avbv n‡jv|
Grammar (Gender):
Recent Publication 61
Grammar (Narration):
13. The indirect form of the sentence: “The teacher said to his students, “Do you suppose you
know better than your teacher?” is:
a) The teacher asked the students whether they supposed that they had known better than their teacher.
b) The teacher asked the students whether they supposed that they know better than their teacher.
c) The teacher asked the students whether they supposed that they knew better than their teacher.
d) The teacher asked the students whether they had supposed that they knew better than their
teacher. ans. D
S: Wh question wenxb Interrogative evK¨‡K Indirect narration Gi iƒcvš—i Ki‡Z n‡j If ev Whether e¨envi
Ki‡Z nq| Said to Gi cwie‡Z© Asked I Interrogative evK¨‡K Assertive evK¨‡Z cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e Tense
Abyhvqx| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e d).
14. The underlined word in the sentence ‘Whoever violates the rule shall be punished’ is,
a) a demonstrative pronoun b) a distributive pronoun
c) a personal pronoun d) a compound relative pronoun ans. D
S: Demonstrative pronoun Gi D`vniY n‡jv This, that, these, those etc.
Distributive pronoun Gi D`vniY n‡jv Each, either ........ or, neither ......... nor.
Personal pronoun Gi D`vniY n‡jv You, they, we etc.
Grammar (Voice):
15. The passive form of the sentence “Every order will be carried out promptly” is:
a) Orders should be carried out immediately. b) We will carry out every order promptly.
c) Orders must be carried out promptly. d) Orders will be carried out promptly. ans.
S: Every order will be carried out promptly evK¨wU Passive voice Gi| ZvB G‡K bZzb K‡i Passive Kiv
m¤¢e bv| ZvB GB cÖ‡kœi mwVK DËi †bB| Z‡e cÖ‡kœ hw` The active form of the sentence “Every order will
be carried out promptly” is ejv n‡Zv, Z‡e DËi n‡Zv We will carry out every order promptly.
Sentence Correction:
English (Literature):
04. For the waterwheel is basically the same machine as the windmill,
a b
but it is driven by air instead of water. ans. A
S: The windmill (evqy PvwjZ †gwkb) Gi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv n‡”Q The waterwheel (Rj‡mªvZ Øviv PvwjZ hš¿) Gi|
wKš‘ Gi mv‡_ AwZwi³ For †hvM Kivq Zv wVK nqwb|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Windmill †gwkbwU Waterwheel Gi g‡ZvB, Z‡e GwU cvwb Øviv PvwjZ bv n‡q evqy Øviv PvwjZ nq|
05. Although pocket gophers damage crops, their tunneling aerates the soil,
a b
which helps conserve ground water and preventing erosion. ans. D
c d
S: See the solution: Modhumoti Bank Ltd. (PO) 21.04.2017 & Question no: 05.
Q. Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by four words. Select the
lettered word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
a) conceal b) influence
c) reserve d) earn ans. D
S: Cadge – wf¶v Kiv Conceal – †Mvcb Kiv; jywK‡q ivLv
Influence – cÖfve; cÖZvc; ¶gZv Reserve – mÂq Kiv
a) commingle b) arbitrate
c) espouse d) pardon ans. C
Recent Publication 64
S: Abjure – formally reject a formerly held belief Commingle – mnwgwkªZ Kiv
Arbitrate – mvwjk Øviv wb®úwË Kiv; ga¨¯’Zv Kiv Espouse – mg_©b `vb Kiv
a) unfeigned b) significant
c) valid d) agreeable ans. C
S: Specious – AvcvZ `„wó‡Z h_v_© ev mZ¨ e‡j g‡b n‡jI cÖZviYvg~jK
Unfeigned – AK…wÎg; AKcU Significant – we‡kl A_©c~Y©; we‡kl Bw½Zc~Y©
Valid – ˆea; mZ¨ Agreeable – g‡bvÁ; cÖxwZKi; g‡bvig
a) extraordinary b) certain
c) wishful d) secret ans. A
S: Quotidian – ˆ`bw›`b; cÖvZ¨wnK Extraordinary – AmvaviY; mvaviY bq Ggb wewkó
Certain – wbwðZ; m‡›`nvZxZ Wishful – B”Qvaxb; gwR©gvwdK
a) narrow b) strengthen
c) bend d) push ans. A
S: Dilate – cÖmvwiZ nIqv ev e‡ov Kiv Narrow – m¼xY©; AcÖk¯—; mi“
Strengthen – kw³kvjx nIqv ev K‡i †Zvjv Bend – euvKv‡bv; euvKv Kiv
Q. Select the pair that expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
Q. Choose the appropriate words or phrase that best completes the sentence. 15=5
17. More military technological innovations happened during World War I _______ war in
a) as another b) by any other
c) than in any other d) than others ans. C
S: ‘More’ _vKvq ‘Degree of comparison’ Gi wbqg Abymv‡i Than emv‡Z n‡e| ZvB Ackb a) Ges b) ev`|
Ackb d) ev` KviY Others Gi cwi‡eZ© In any other †ewk Idiomatic. ZvB DËi n‡e Than in any other.
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖ_g wek¦ hy‡×i mgq BwZnv‡mi †h‡Kvb hy‡×i †P‡q †ewk cÖhyw³MZ D™¢veb N‡UwQj|
18. Birds not only bring song, color, and activity to a garden _____ are vitally needed by plants.
a) but also b) as well as
c) and d) and they ans. A
S: Not only †h‡nZz Object Gi Av‡M e‡m‡Q ZvB Aci Object Gi c~‡e©I But also em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cvwLiv evMv‡b ïay Mvb, is I PÂjZvB wb‡q Av‡m bv, Giv Dw™¢‡`i Rb¨I AZ¨š— `iKvix|
19. In a retail store, consumers _______ the merchandise and compare brands.
a) could inspected b) can be inspected
c) can inspecting d) can inspect ans. D
S: and Gi c‡i Compare Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L Consumers Gi c‡i verb wn‡m‡e Can inspect n‡e|
20. As people get older, they usually become _______ by ambition and more concerned with the
value of their efforts.
a) driving less b) less driving
c) less driven d) to drive less ans. C
S: And Gi c‡ii Structure n‡jv more + Adj A_©vr More concerned; ZvB k~b¨¯’v‡b Gi mv‡_ Parallel †i‡L
less + Adj A_©vr Less driven n‡e|
Sentence Correction:
05. Fill in the blank: The _________ you worry, the better.
a) Much b) More
c) Little d) Less ans. D
S: The + comparative ......, + the + comparative Gi Structure Abyhvqx cÖ_g As‡k The Gi c‡i Less n‡e|
Word Meaning:
Direction: Select the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the word given in Capital letters.
a) twisting b) compound
c) straight d) manifold ans. C
S: Tortuous – AuvKveuvKv, †cuPv‡bv Compound – `yB/Z‡ZvwaK mshy³ Ask wb‡q MwVZ
Recent Publication 71
Straight – †mvRv Manifold – eûgyLx; wewea
a) shriveled b) dried
c) dehydrated d) fresh ans. D
S: Desiccate – ﮋ Kiv Shrivel – †KuvPKv‡bv
Dried – ﮋ Dehydrate – Rjk~b¨/ Av`ª©Zvgy³ Kiv
a) illogical b) doubtful
c) incoherent d) important ans. D
S: Inconsequent – Zz”Q; bMY¨ Doubtful – mw›`»; wØavMÖ¯’; AwbwðZ
Incoherent – AmsjMœ Important – ¸i“Z¡c~Y©
a) elementary b) smooth
c) easy d) effortless ans. C
S: Exacting – K‡Vvi; Kov; AwaK Pvwn`vm¤úbœ Elementary – cÖv_wgK
Easy – mnR; eÜzfvevcbœ; wbÅvU Effortless – D`¨gnxb; webv-cÖ‡Póvq
a) empty b) barbaric
c) desert d) cultivated ans. D
S: Fallow – cwZZ (Rwg) Barbaric – ee©‡ivwPZ; AgvwR©Z; Amf¨
Desert – cwiZ¨vM Kiv; gi“f‚wg Cultivated – (e¨w³i †¶‡Î) ms¯‹…Z; wkw¶Z
Direction: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/ phrase:
22. The teacher ________ his students ________ being late to school.
a) shouted, at b) reprimanded, for
c) reminded, with d) narrated, of ans. B
S: Shout – wPrKvi; †PuPv‡gwP; aŸwb Reprimand – K‡Vvi wZi¯‹vi Kiv
Remind – ¯§iY/ g‡b Kwi‡q †`Iqv Narrate – Kvwnbx ejv; eY©bv Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t ¯‹z‡j †`wi K‡i Avmvi Rb¨ wk¶K Qv·`i‡K wZi¯‹vi Kij|
23. The dimensions of the ________ are known and the solution is ________ on.
a) problem, agreed b) theory, dealt
c) measures, decided d) risks, tempered ans. A
S: Dimension – gvÎv Agree – †Kvb wel‡q GKg‡Z †cuŠQv
Measure – gvcv; cwigvY Decide – (cÖkœ ev m‡›`‡ni) gxgvsmv Kiv
Deal – eÈb Kiv; euvUv Tempered – †Kvgj ev kvš—
ev‡K¨i A_©t mgm¨vwUi aiY cwiwPZ Ges Gi mgvav‡b mevB GKg‡Z †cuŠwQ‡q‡Q|
24. With the realization, the people suddenly found themselves left with ________ moral values
and little ethical ________.
a) obsolete, perspective b) established, grasp
c) pretentous, insinuation d) extreme, judgement ans. B
S: Realization – ev¯—evqb; Dcjwä Ethical – bxwZ ev ˆbwZK cÖkœ m¤úwK©Z
Obsolete – AcÖPwjZ; †m‡K‡j Perspective – Ae¯’vbMZ mwVK `„wó
Pretentious – `¤¢Kvix; AvZ¥Awfgvbx Grasp – nvZ w`‡q k³ K‡i aiv; AuvK‡o aiv
Insinuation – KUv¶cvZ Extreme – †h †Kvb wKQzi †kl mxgv
ev‡K¨i A_©t GUv eySvi ci †jvKRb nVvr K‡i mg„× ˆbwZK g~j¨‡eva I mvgvb¨ ˆbwZK Áv‡bi AwaKvix wn‡m‡e
wb‡R‡`i‡K †`L‡Z †cj|
25. The fact that a business has ________ does not create an ________ on it to give away its
Recent Publication 74
a) proposed, imperative b) halted, insensitivity
c) incorporated, indecision d) accumulated, aspect ans. A
S: Propose – cÖ¯—ve †`Iqv/ Kiv Imperative – Ri“wi; Acwinvh©¨
Halt – BZ¯— Kiv; †`vgbv nIqv Insensitivity – Ams‡ew`Zv; ms‡e`bnxbZv
Incorporate – GKÎxf‚Z; mg~nxf‚Z Indecision – wm×vš—nxbZv; mskq
Accumulate – msL¨v ev cwigv‡Y e„w× cvIqv Aspect – iƒc; †Pnviv; gyLveqe
ev‡K¨i A_©t mZ¨ GB †h, cÖ¯—vweZ e¨emvwU hw` †Kvb Acwinvh© †Kvb wKQz ˆZix Ki‡Z bv cv‡i Z‡e GwU mg„× n‡e bv|
02. a) One of the boys is meeting me today. b) One of the boy is meeting me today.
c) One of the boys are meeting me today. d) One of the boy’s is meeting me today. ans. A
S: One of the _vKvq cieZ©x Noun Gi Plural form em‡e| GB Kvi‡Y b) ev`| One of the boys A_© n‡jv
evjK¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKRb| Avevi, One of the boys Gici mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wn‡m‡e are bv e‡m is em‡e; GB
Kvi‡Y c) ev`| Boy’s bv n‡q Boys n‡e A_©vr †Kv‡bv Apostrophe em‡e bv| GB Kvi‡Y d) ev`| mwVK DËi a).
Recent Publication 75
04. a) The intruder stood quietly for few moments.
b) The intruder stood quietly in a few moments.
c) The intruder stood quietly over few moments.
d) The intruder stood quietly for a few moments. ans. D
S: For a few moments A_© ¶wb‡Ki Rb¨, Aí wKQz¶‡Yi Rb¨| ZvB G‡¶‡Î mwVK DËi n‡e d). Avi g‡b ivL‡eb
ev‡K¨ Noun wn‡m‡e e¨envi Qvov ïay Few e¨envi nq bv| Gi mv‡_ A few, some few, a good few, quite a
few, not a few BZ¨vw` iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq|
Ab¨w`‡K For few, in a few, over few G¸‡jv mwVK †Kv‡bv A_© enb K‡i bv| ZvB G‡¶‡Î mwVK DËi n‡e d).
08. _________ we reached the exam hall than the door closed.
a) No sooner had b) As sooner as
c) As soon as d) No sooner ans. A
S: No sooner Gi c‡i Verb Gi Past Perfect Tense nq Ges Than Gi c‡ii As‡k Past Indefinite Tense nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cix¶vi n‡j †cuŠQv‡Z bv †cuŠQv‡ZB `iRv eÜ n‡q †M‡jv|
Recent Publication 76
Grammar (Number):
12. Which one of the following pairs is similar in relationship to ‘Curiosity : Know’?
a) Temptation : Conquer b) Wanderlust : Travel
c) Starvation : Eat d) Humor : Laugh ans. B
S: Curiosity – †KŠZ~nj Know – Rvbv; AeMZ nIqv
Temptation – cÖ‡jvfb Conquer – Rq Kiv; kw³ e‡j `Lj Kiv
Wanderlust – ågY¶zav Starvation – Lv‡`¨i NvUwZi Rb¨ g„Zz¨
Humor – nvm¨im; im; iwmKZv Laugh – kã K‡i nvmv
e¨vL¨vt AwZwi³ Know Gi AvMÖn n‡jv Curiosity. Avi AwZwi³ Travel Gi AvMÖn n‡jv Wanderlust
(ågYwccvmy)| Ab¨fv‡e Know ev Rvbvi AvMÖn †_‡K m„wó nq Curiosity. Avi AwZwi³ Travel ev åg‡Yi AvMÖn
†_‡K m„wó nq Wanderlust (ågYwccvmv)|
15. Find out this text in your text book. The underlined words are respectively-
a) Noun and Noun b) Noun and Adverb
c) Adjective and Noun d) Noun and Adjective ans. D
S: Text – eB ev g¨vMvwR‡bi Qweev‡` wjwLZ Ask Find out – Lyu‡R †ei Kiv
Text book – †Kv‡bv wbw`©ó wel‡q Aa¨q‡bi Rb¨ †h eB‡K gvb`Ê wn‡m‡e aiv nq
cÖ_g Text Øviv GKwU eB‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Q e‡j GwU GKwU Proper noun n‡e| c‡ii Text Øviv wK ai‡bi eB Zv
wb‡`©k Ki‡Q e‡j GwU n‡e Adjective.
Grammar (Voice):
16. The passive form of the sentence ‘Who has written Hamlet’ is:
a) Hamlet has written by whom? b) By whom Hamlet is being written?
c) Who has Hamlet been written by? d) By whom Hamlet is written? ans. C
S: †h‡nZz Has Av‡Q, ZvB Passive voice G Has been Avm‡e| †`Lyb Ackb a), b) Ges d) †Z Been †bB| ZvB
GB wZbwU ev`| GKvi‡Y DËi Ackb c).
Grammar (Narration):
17. The indirect form of the sentence “He said, ‘Let us go for a walk’.”
a) He suggested that they should go for walk. b) He said that they must go for a walk.
c) He proposed that they would go for walk. d) He proposed to go for walk. ans. A
S: Let w`‡q evK¨ ïi“ n‡j Indirect speech G Proposed / Suggested that + .............. + Should nq| †`Lyb
ïaygvÎ Ackb a) †ZB GB ai‡Yi Structure i‡q‡Q| Ackb c) Ges d) †Z Should †bB e‡j ev`|
Direction: Select from the answer options, the pair of words having a similar relationship to the first pair:
Direction: For each of the capital word, four words are listed below. Choose the word nearest in
meaning to it:
06. APEX
a) inborn b) category
c) top d) banner ans. C
S: Apex – P‚ov Inborn – (¸Y m¤^‡Ü) mnR; mnRvZ
Category – †Kv‡bv ¯^qsm¤ú~Y© ixwZ, cÖYvjx BZ¨vw`i Aš—M©Z wefvM ev †kªYx
a) smooth b) generous
c) liberal d) excessive ans. D
Recent Publication 80
S: Fulsome – M`&M`; AwZweMwjZ Smooth – wbÅvU, wb¯—i½
Liberal – D`vi; mijgbv Excessive – AZ¨waK
a) restriction b) anchor
c) harness d) chain ans. A
S: Deterrent – wb‡ivaK Restriction – mxwgZKiY; evav wb‡la
Harness – wbZ¨K‡g© iZ Chain – k„•Lj; wkKj
a) restrict b) relax
c) permit d) admit ans. B
S: Waive – †Q‡o †`qv; cwiZ¨vM Kiv Restrict – mxwgZ Kiv; mxgve× ivLv
Permit – AbygwZ `vb Kiv; AbygwZcÎ Relax – Av‡qk; Avivg; ¯^w¯—
a) slyly b) slowly
c) tactfully d) clearly ans. C
S: Diplomatically – K‚U‰bwZKfv‡e Sly – cÖZviYvc~Y©
Tactfully – †KŠk‡j, weP¶YZvi m‡½ Clearly – cwi¯‹vifv‡e
Direction: Select the word that is most closely OPPOSITE in meaning to the capitalized word:
a) superficial b) obscure
c) intense d) hidden ans. A
S: Profound – myMfxi Superficial – fvmvfvmv, nvjKv
Intense – Zxeª, Zx², cÖPÊ Hidden – jyKv‡bv
a) thick b) enlarge
c) plentiful d) mediocrity ans. C
S: Scarce – Ach©vß Thick – cyi“; †gvUv
Enlarge – we¯—…Z Kiv; eo Kiv Plentiful – cÖPzi; ch©vß Mediocrity – gvSvgvwS Ae¯’v
a) dryness b) delicate
c) dampness d) defect ans. A
S: Moisture – Av`ªZv Dampness – mu¨vZmu¨v‡Z fve, Rjxq, †fRv
Defect – ΓwU, wePz¨wZ Delicate – †Kvgj, m~², bvRyK, †cje
Recent Publication 81
a) expensive b) thrifty
c) unlimited d) proud ans. B
S: Extravagant – AcPqKi; Ace¨qx Thrifty – ey‡S ï‡b e¨q Kiv, K…cY, wgZe¨qx
Expensive – e¨qeûj, `vwg Proud – (m`‡_©) Mwe©Z; gh©v`vevb
a) accuracy b) wrong
c) mistake d) erroneousness ans. A
S: Imprecision – Ah_v_©Zv Accuracy – wbf©yjZv; ï×Zv
Wrong – fyj/ Ab¨vq Erroneous – Aï×; åvš—
Recent Publication 82
S: Except – e¨ZxZ; evwZj Kiv Expect – cÖZ¨vkv Kiv; Abygvb Kiv
Access – cÖ‡ek Accept – †bIqv; MÖnY Ki‡Z m¤§Z nIqv
ev‡K¨i A_©t †cÖvMÖvgwU †h e¨vcKfv‡e mdj n‡e Zv Avgiv cÖZ¨vkv Kwiwb|
25. Man is essentially a _______ animal and tends to associate with others.
a) sentimental b) gregarious
c) selfish d) perverse ans. B
S: Sentimental – Av‡eMm¤ú„³ Gregarious – `je×fv‡e evm K‡i Ggb
Selfish – ¯^v_©ci Perverse – (e¨w³i †¶‡Î) †¯^”Qvq wec_Mvgx
ev‡K¨i A_©t gvbyl ¯^vfvweKfv‡e wgïK cÖK…wZi Ges Zviv A‡b¨i mv‡_ wgk‡Z Pvq|
Q. Read the passage and answer the question 14=4
The fact that superior service can generate a competitive advantage for a company does not mean
that every attempt at improving service will create such an advantage. Investments in service, like
those in production and distribution, must be balanced against other types of investments on the
basis of direct, tangible benefits such as cost reduction and increased revenues and keeps customers
Recent Publication 83
from leaving at an unacceptable rate, then investment in higher service levels may be wasted, since
service is a deciding factor for customers only in extreme situations. This truth was not apparent to
managers of one regional bank, which failed to improve its competitive position despite its
investment in reducing the time a customer had to wait for a teller. The bank managers did not
recognize the level of customer inertia in the consumer banking industry that arises new customers
by producing a new standard of service that would excite customers or by proving difficult for
competition to copy. The only merit of the improvement was that it could easily be described
Passage wU‡Z ejv n‡”Q †h, DrK…ó †mev cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi evRv‡i GKUv myweav ˆZix Ki‡jI GUv g‡b Kivi †Kvb
KviY †bB †h, cÖ‡Z¨K DrK…ó †mev Drcv`b GB ai‡bi my‡hvM m„wó Ki‡e| LiP Kgv‡bv I gybvdv evov‡bvi †¶‡Î †h
wewb‡qvM Kiv nq, Drcv`b I eȇbi †¶‡ÎI wewb‡hv‡Mi mgš^q mvab Ki‡Z n‡e|
Gici ejv n‡”Q †h, †Kvb †Kv¤úvbx hw` DrK…ó †mev †`q I `vg AMÖnY‡hvM¨ n‡j Zviv Customer cv‡e bv| KviY
G‡¶‡Î †mevUv n‡”Q †MŠY| Zvici GB Ae¯’vi mv‡_ wgwj‡q ejv n‡”Q †h, GB Dc‡i ewY©Z e¨vcviwU GKRb e¨vsK
g¨v‡bRv‡ii Kv‡Q cÖZxqgvb nqwb †h wK bv †mevi gvb evwo‡q w`‡qI Kvw•¶Z mdjZv cvqwb| †k‡l ejv n‡”Q,
Customer †`i Kv‡Q †h †mevUv mn‡RB eY©bv Kiv hvq, †mUvB Avm‡j DbœZ †mev| Avmyb Gevi cÖ‡kœi Dˇi P‡j hvBt
02. As per the passage, investment in service are comparable to investments in production and
distribution in terms of-
a) tangibility of the benefits that they tend to confer
b) increased revenues that they ultimately produce
c) basis on which the need to be weighed
d) insufficient analyses that manager devote to them ans. A
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, Kvi mv‡c‡¶ †mev †¶‡Î wewb‡qvM Drcv`b I eȇbi †¶‡Î wewb‡qv‡Mi mv‡_ Zzjbv‡hvM¨?
†`Lyb, Passage wUi wØZxq Sentence G ejv Av‡Q †h, Investment in service, like those in ......... tangible
benefits such as cost reduction ......... ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb a).
03. The passage suggest that bank managers failed to consider whether or not the service
a) was to complicated to be easily described to prospective customers
b) made a measurable change in the experiences of customers in the bank’s offices
c) could be sustained if the number of customers increased significantly
d) was an innovation that competing banks could have imitated ans. B
Recent Publication 84
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, e¨vsK g¨v‡bRvi wK Dcjwä Ki‡Z cv‡iwb?
Passage wUi †k‡li w`‡K G‡m ejv n‡”Q †h, e¨vs‡Ki g¨v‡bRvi eyS‡Z cv‡iwb †h Banking service evwo‡q wK
Customer †`i Satisfy Kiv hvq wKbv| ZvB DËi b).
04. The author uses the word ‘only’ in last sentence of the passage most likely in order to-
a) highlight the oddity of the service improvement
b) emphasize the relatively low value of the investment in service improvement
c) distinguish the primary attitude of the service improvement from secondary attributes
d) single out a certain merit of the service improvement from other merits ans. B
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, †jLK †k‡li ev‡K¨ wK Highlight Kivi Rb¨ ‘Only’ e¨envi K‡i‡Qb?
†jLK g~jZ †mevi †¶‡Î wewb‡qv‡Mi AmviZv Focus Kivi Rb¨B ‘Only’ kãwU e¨envi K‡i‡Qb hv Ackb b) †Z Av‡Q|
Q. Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and d) of the following sentence has an error. 14=4
Recent Publication 85
08. If a million electrons were lined up, they will scarcely reach across the bead of pin. ans. C
a b c d
S: Million of electrons Gici Were _vKvq They Gic‡i Will bv n‡q Would n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t `k j¶ B‡j±ªb GK RvqMvq Kiv n‡jI Zviv GKwU wc‡bi gv_v †cuŠQv‡Z cvi‡e bv|
09. Although sunlight appears with, _______ is actually a combination of all the colures of the
a) that it b) because it
c) it d) he ans. C
S: Although _vKvi Kvi‡Y That ev Because †KvbUvB em‡e bv| Avevi Sunlight †Kvb e¨w³ bv nIqvq He I n‡e
ev‡K¨i A_©t m~‡h©i Av‡jv mv`v g‡b n‡jI, GUv Avm‡j eY©vwji me¸‡jv is wb‡q MwVZ|
10. Millions of office workers _______ most of their time sitting in frost of computer screens.
a) spend b) spending
c) to spend d) are spent ans. A
S: Office workers n‡jv Plural noun, ZvB Verb I Plural n‡e| GRb¨ Verb I Plural n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t j¶ j¶ Awd‡mi Kg©KZ©viv †ewki fvM mgqB Kw¤úDUvi ¯Œx‡bi mvg‡b e‡m KvUvq|
11. Ratio waves, travelling at the speed of light, have _______ their discoveries to Earth.
a) bringing b) the bringing
c) to be brought d) brought ans. D
S: Rvbv Av‡Q Have Gici Verb Gi Past participle nq|
12. Construction augers _______ drill holes in soft grounds for the pairs of large buildings.
a) for b) used to
c) are used by d) are used to ans. D
S: Augers (gvwUMZ© Kivi hš¿we‡kl) n‡jv Plural number ZvB Gici Are em‡e| Avevi, Used Gic‡i By bv e‡m
To e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t eo eo wewìs¸‡jvi big gvwU‡Z MZ© Kivi Rb¨ Zzicyb e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K|
Q. Select the pair that expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. 13=3
Recent Publication 86
S: Pluck – mdj n‡Z cÖej B”Qv Ges mvnm Quit – nvj †Q‡o †`qv
Verve – Drmvn, †ZR, DÏxcbv Finch – wcwQ‡q hvIqv
Gall – wcË Skimp – K…cY nv‡Z †`Iqv
Pride – Me© Grovel – wb‡R‡K †QvU Kiv
Charm – AvKl©YxqZv; g‡bvnvwiZv Smile – g„`ynvwm
e¨vL¨vt Pluck nj BwZevPK wKQz cvIqvi cÖej B”Qv hv Quit †_‡K gy³| Avi Pride n‡jv Grovel †_‡K gy³|
01. The success of the firm _________ with his expectations; he never thought that the firm would
a) confirmed b) contradicted
c) nullified d) ratified ans. B
S: 2q As‡k ejv n‡q‡Q, †m fve‡ZI cv‡iwb dvg©wU DbœwZ/fv‡jv (Prosper) Ki‡e| wKš‘ cÖ_‡gi ïi“‡ZB ejv n‡q‡Q
The success of the firm_________ with his expectations. Kv‡RB Zvi ÒaviYvÓ fyj/wg_¨v cÖgvwYZ n‡q‡Q|
GRb¨ “Contradicted” n‡e|
Recent Publication 87
S: Confirmed – hvi cwieZ©b nIqv †gvUvgywU Am¤¢e Contradict – A¯^xKvi Kiv; cÖwZev` Kiv
Nullified – i` Kiv; evwZj Kiv Ratified – Aby‡gv`b Kiv; Abymg_©b Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t dvg©wUi DbœwZ Zvi cÖZ¨vkvi evB‡i wQj; †m KL‡bv wPš—vI K‡iwb †h dvg©wU DbœwZ Ki‡e|
02. Even though the jury _________ the CEO, his reputation was _________ by the fraud-
a) vindicated, enhanced b) indicated, blemished
c) betrayed, ruined d) acquitted, tarnished ans. D
S: Vindicate – cÖwZcv`b Kiv Enhance – evov‡bv; e„w× Kiv
Indicate – wb‡`©k Kiv; m~wPZ Kiv Blemish – `vM ev ΓwU
Betray – Aeva¨ nIqv; wek¦vm f½ Kiv Ruin – aŸsm; webvk; me©bvk
Acquit – wb‡`©vl e‡j ivq †`qv Tarnish – wb®cÖf Kiv ev nIqv
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z Though _vKvi Kvi‡Y Dˇi ci¯úi wecixZ A_© †`q Ggb kã em‡e, hv Ackb d) †Z
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw`I wePviKeM© CEO †K Lvjvm K‡i w`j, Rvwjqv‡Zi Awf‡hv‡Mi Kvi‡Y Zvi mybvg K‡g †Mj|
03. Taj Mahal, a world-famous monument, is situated _________ the bank _________ Jamuna
a) on, of b) to , of
c) of, at d) of, to ans. A
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t wek¦ weL¨vZ ¯’vcZ¨ ZvRgnj hgybv b`xi Zx‡i Aew¯’Z|
04. I have classes _________ 9:30 am _________ Saturday and Thursday _________ the
a) on, at, in b) at, on, in
c) at, in, in d) in, on, at ans. B
S: e¨vL¨vt mg‡qi c~‡e© at, w`‡bi c~‡e© on Ges wbw`©ó ¯’v‡bi c~‡e© in e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wek¦we`¨vj‡q kwb I e„ntevi 9.30 wgwb‡U Avgvi K¬vm i‡q‡Q|
06. If he _________ his first draft, he would have received a better grade.
a) would have revised b) had revised
c) revised d) has revised ans. B
Recent Publication 88
S: k‡Z©i If clause Gi KvRwUi NUvi K_v wQj AZx‡Z, wKš‘ djvdj eZ©gv‡b ev fwel¨‡Z nIqvi K_v Giƒc eySv‡j
If + Past Perfect GB Structure e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖ_g Lmov cybivq co‡Z cvi‡j †m fv‡jv †MÖW †cZ|
07. The number of female students graduating _________ from 1995 to 2015.
a) increased by more than twice b) more than doubled
c) increased more than two times d) had more than doubled ans. B
S: a) Ges c) ev`, KviY Increased Ges More GKmv‡_ Redundant.
b) mwVK, KviY ‘Doubled’ GLv‡b Verb wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q Ges evK¨wU †h fve cÖKvk Ki‡Z †P‡q‡Q GB Ackb Øviv
†mB fve cÖKvk cv‡”Q| d) ev`, KviY GLv‡b Had kãwU AwZwi³ e‡m‡Q|
ev‡K¨i A_©t 1995 mv‡ji Zzjbvq 2015 mv‡j wظ‡biI †ewk bvix wk¶v_©x MÖvRy‡qU Ki‡Q|
09. NBR requires _________ before the end of the financial year.
a) that e-TIN forms should be submitted b) that e-TIN forms be submitted
c) that e-TIN forms to be submitted d) e-TIN forms submission ans. B
S: wb‡Pi verb ¸‡jv mvaviYZ subjunctive wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Ges that clause -Gi c~‡e© e‡m, Ges D³ that clause -Gi
c‡i Verb Gi base form e‡m t
†mB wn‡m‡e d) ev`, KviY That †bB | a) Ges c) ev`, KviY Should Ges to Av‡Q| b) n‡e KviY GLv‡b That
Gi c‡i Verb Gi Base form Gi Passive wn‡m‡e Be submitted mwVK|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avw_©K eQi †kl nevi c~‡e©B NBR Gi e-Tin `vwLj Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|
10. Unkempt
a) shrewd b) vile
c) dreadful d) shabby ans. D
S: Unkempt – AcwicvwU; (we‡klZ Pzj m¤^‡Ü) Awab¨¯—; D¯‹Ly¯‹
Shrewd – weP¶Y; Zx²eyw×; Zz‡Lvo Vile – j¾vRbK I Ai“wPKi; exfrm; KzrwmZ
Dreadful – fq¼i Shabby – RxY©; †Quov‡Luvov; gwjb
Recent Publication 89
11. Animosity
a) fiasco b) adversity
c) hostility d) predicament ans. C
S: Animosity – we‡Øl; mwµq kΓZv
Fiasco – †Kv‡bv D‡`¨v‡M Pig e¨_©Zv Adversity – `yf©vM¨; ˆ`e`lv; wb`vi“Y `y`©kv
Hostility – ˆei; ˆewiZv; kΓZv Predicament – `kv; `y`©kv; wecvK
12. Obedient
a) assiduous b) incorrigible
c) docile d) persistent ans. C
S: Obedient – eva¨; AvÁvbyeZ©x
Assiduous – Aa¨vemvqx; wbôvevb Incorrigible – A‡kvabxq; AcÖwZKvh©
Docile – mn‡R ek gv‡b Ggb; eva¨ Persistent – Abo Ae¯’v MÖnYKvix; cybtcyb NUbkxj
13. Candid
a) devious b) blunt
c) elusive d) dubious ans. A
S: Candid – AKcU; gb‡Lvjv; mij; wbe©¨vR
Devious – †Nviv‡bv; Amij; mwc©j Blunt – †fuvZv
Elusive – cjvqbci; we¯§„wZcÖeY Dubious – PvZzh©c~Y©
14. Flamboyant
a) decorated b) ordinary
c) ostentatious d) terse ans. B
S: Flamboyant – D¾¡j eY©‡kvwfZ; wPÎwewPÎ; RuvKv‡jv; eY©vX¨
Decorate – Aj¼vivw` civ; mvRv‡bv Ordinary – mvaviY; ¯^vfvweK; MocoZv
Ostentatious – †jvK †`Lv‡Z cQ›` K‡i Ggb Terse – evûj¨ewR©Z; msw¶ß Ges jvMmB
Recent Publication 91
Appropriate Preposition:
07. Employees must adhere ________ some rules set ________ the management.
a) on, for b) to, by
c) with, by d) in, to ans. B
S: e¨vL¨vt Adhere to A_© wek¦¯— ev AbyMZ _vKv| Avi Rules set K‡i‡Q Management ZvB Gi c~‡e© by em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨e¯’vcbv-KZ…©c¶ †h wbqgvewj K‡i‡Q, †m¸‡jvi cÖwZ Kg©Pvix‡`i AbyMZ _vKv DwPr|
10. The man who has committed such an ________ crime must get the most severe punishment.
a) injurious b) uncharitable
c) unworthy d) abominable ans. D
S: Injurious – ¶wZKi; AcKvix Uncharitable – RbwnZKi bq Ggb
Unworthy – A‡hvM¨ Abominable – RNb¨; N„Y¨
KwVb kvw¯— (Severe punishment) †`qvi KviY †m GKwU Aciva (Committed crime) K‡i‡Q| wK Aciva? DËi
n‡jv RNb¨ Aciva (Abominable crime).
Recent Publication 92
11. Rafique failed in the examination because none of his answers were ________ to the questions
a) allusive b) revealing
c) pertinent d) preferential ans. C
S: Allusive – c‡iv¶ D‡jL m¤^wjZ Revealing – A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z m¶g Ggb
Pertinent – cÖvmw½K Preferential – cÖvwaKvig~j
iwdK cix¶vq AK…ZKvh© n‡q‡Q KviY Zvi DËi cÎ cÖ‡kœi mv‡_ ________wQj bv| wbðq eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb Zvi
DËi cÖvmw½K (pertinent) wQj bv e‡jB cix¶vq b¤^i cvqwb| ZvB AK…ZKvh© n‡q‡Q|
ev‡K¨i A_©t iwdK cix¶vq AK…ZKvh© n‡q‡Q KviY Zvi †Kvb DËiB cÖ‡kœi mv‡_ m½wZc~Y©/ cÖvmw½K wQj bv|
Grammar (Narration):
12. He said to her, “What a cold day!” The indirect speech of this:
a) He exclaimed that it was a very cold day. b) He exclaimed that it was a cold day.
c) He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day. d) He told her that it was a cold day. ans. A
S: Direct speech Gi Reported speech hw` Exclamatory sentence nq Z‡e Zv‡K Indirect speech G cwiewZ©Z
Ki‡Z NP + exclaimed + that + NP + be + very or great + object wbqg AbymiY Ki‡Z nq|
13. Mr. Abdur Rahim feels like “a cuckoo in the nest” by becoming the employee of the month.
What is the meaning of the underlined idiom?
a) A person is liked by everybody b) A person is disliked by everybody
c) A team player d) A leader ans. B
S: “A cuckoo in the nest” n‡jv GKwU Phrase hvi A_© cv‡ji †Mv`v ev `‡j Ggb GKRb †jvK hv‡K †KD cQ›`
K‡i bv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t gvm †miv Kg©x nIqvi Kvi‡Y Rbve iwng wb‡R‡K GKRb cv‡ji †Mv`vi gZ g‡b Ki‡jb|
Recent Publication 93
Sentence Correction:
Error Finding:
Q. Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and d) of the following sentences has an error.
Recent Publication 94
04. Bonds can provide a steady flow of income to help of living expenses,
a b c
which makes them especially suitable for retired people. ans. C
S: Of Gi cwie‡Z© Meet n‡e| Meet living expenses A_© RxebhvÎvi e¨q wbe©vn Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Bond (FYcÎ wewb‡qvM) ˆ`bw›`b e¨q wbe©v‡ni Rb¨ GKwU wbiew”Qbœ Av‡qi Drm n‡Z cv‡i hv
AemicÖv߇`i Rb¨ LyeB Dc‡hvMx|
05. Investment money means to put it into some business project such as operating a mine,
a b c
building a housing complex, or doing medical research. ans. A
S: To put Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L To invest money n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t A_© wewb‡qvM ej‡Z †Kvb e¨emvq A_© LvUv‡bv‡K eySvq †hgb †Kv‡bv Lwbi Kvh© cwiPvbv Kiv, †Kv‡bv
Building feb ˆZix Kiv wKsev Medical G †Kvb M‡elYv Kiv|
Q. Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by four words. Select the
word that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters. 15=5
a) Dangerous b) Safe
c) Cautious d) Easy ans. B
S: Precarious – wbivcËvnxb; AwbwðZ; Avk¼vRbK Dangerous – wec¾bK
Cautious – mZK© Safe – wbivc`
a) Inflexible b) Prominent
c) Pliable d) Fashionable ans. C
S: Obstinate – GK¸u‡q; †Rw` Inflexible – Abgbxq; my`„p; KwVb; AUj
Prominent – DbœZ Pliable – bgª; bgbxq
a) Surplus b) Scarcity
c) Presence d) Richness ans. D
S: Paucity – cwigv‡c ev msL¨vq ¯^íZv Surplus – DØ„Ë
Presence – Dcw¯’wZ; cÖZ¨¶Zv Richness – cÖvPzh©, PgrKvwiZ¡ BZ¨vw`
a) Aggressiveness b) Attractiveness
c) Manliness d) Boorishness ans. C
Recent Publication 95
S: Effeminacy – †g‡qwj¯^fve; †g‡qwjcbv Aggressiveness – AvMÖvmb
Manliness – cyi“‡lvwPZ; cyi“lvwj Boorishness – ee©i; †Mu‡qv
a) Dry b) Sour
c) Ugly d) Stale ans. A
S: Luscious – ¯^v‡` M‡Ü Z…wßKi; AvKl©Yxq Dry – ﮋ; Rjxq ev®únxb
Sour – UK Stale – (Lv`¨ wel‡q) ïKbv; evwm
Q. Select the pair that expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair given in
Recent Publication 96
a) epidemic : contagiousness b) vaccine : virus
c) laxative : drug d) anesthetic : numbness ans. D
S: Drowsiness – Z›`ªvw”QbœZv Numbness – Abyfenxb Ae¯’v
Sedative, Pacifying pain, Anesthetic, Drug – hv e¨_vi Abyfe `~i K‡i
e¨vL¨vt Sedative (Ny‡gi Jla) ˆZix K‡i Drowsiness (Z›`ªv”QbœZv). Avi Anesthetic ˆZix K‡i Numbness.
Q. Choose the appropriate words or phrase that best completes the sentence. 15=5
16. The professor ______ contemporary journalism for being too ______.
a) berated, childish b) criticized, authentic
c) trenchant, penetrating d) attacked, important ans. A
S: Berate – Zxeª fr©mbv Kiv Childish – wkïmyjf
Criticize – mgv‡jvPbv Kiv; ΓwUwb‡`©k Kiv Authentic – LuvwU; AK…wÎg; h_v_©; cÖK…Z
Trenchant – (fvlvi †¶‡Î) cÖej; Zx² I gg©‡f`x Penetrating – †Kv‡bv wKQz †`Lvi ev Abyave‡bi ¸Ym¤úbœ
Attack – AvµgY; mgv‡jvPbv Important – ¸i“Z¡c~Y©; ¸i“Zi; Zvrch©c~Y©
cÖ‡dmi mv‡ne Contemporary mvsevw`KZv‡K Berate ev frm©bv Ki‡jb, Avi GUv Ki‡jb mvsevw`KZvi For
being too childish ev mvsevw`KZv Lye †Q‡j gvbywl c~Y© n‡q‡Q e‡j|
ev‡K¨i A_©t mgmvgwqK mvsevw`KZv LyeB †Q‡jgvbywlc~Y© nIqvi Kvi‡Y Aa¨vcK mv‡ne Zvi Zxeª mgv‡jvPbv Ki‡jb|
17. His remarks were ______ and ______, indicative of his keen and incisive mind.
a) ingenuous, noteworthy b) impartial, apolitical
c) requited, responsible d) apish, dramatic ans. A
S: Ingenuous – weP¶Y Noteworthy – D‡jL‡hvM¨; j¶Yxq
Impartial – wbi‡c¶; c¶cvZnxb Apolitical – ivRbxwZwegyL
Requite – †kva Kiv; cÖwZ`vb †`Iqv Responsible – (e¨w³i †¶‡Î) AvBbMZ `vqx
Apish – wb‡e©vafv‡e AbyKiYme©¯^ Dramatic – bvUKxq
Zvi gš—e¨ †Kgb wQj ZvB Blank G emv‡Z n‡e| Avi Blank wK ai‡Yi kã mgq em‡e Zv eySv hvq †k‡li Keen
(Zx²) Ges Incisive mind kã `ywU Øviv| GLb, Zvi Mind hw` Zx² (Keen Ges Incisive) nq Z‡e Zvi gš¿e¨
Aek¨B weP¶Y Ges j¶Yxq n‡e hv Ackb a) Gi Ingenuous Ges Noteworthy kã Øviv eySv hvq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi gš—e¨¸‡jv wQj c¶cvZnxb I AivR‰bwZK Ges GB gš—e¨¸‡jv Zvi Zx² I m~²eyw×i g‡bi
Recent Publication 97
18. Customers are entitled to receive additional credit services ______ maintain their account in
good standing.
a) because of b) they can
c) do they d) as long as they ans. D
S: As long as they maintain their account in good standing A_© hZ¶Y ch©š— Zviv Zv‡`i Account solvent
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨vs‡Ki Lwi``v‡iiv AwZwi³ FY †mev cvIqvi AwaKvi iv‡L hZ¶Y ch©š— Zviv Zv‡`i Account
healthy iv‡L A_©vr Account G UvKv iv‡L|
19. The new machine failed to ______ the garbage; the kitchen was filled to bursting with smelly
a) expand b) compact
c) produce d) procrastinate ans. B
S: Expand – cÖmvwiZ Kiv ev nIqv Compact – KwVbPv‡c †KvbwKQz RgvU Kiv
Produce – Drcv`b Kiv Procrastinate – Kvj‡¶cY Kiv
†gwkbwU AveR©bvmg~n wK Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡jv? †gwkbwU AveR©bv mg~n msKzwPZ (Compact) Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡jv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †gwkbwU AveR©bvmg~n‡K msKzwPZ Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡jv; `yM©Ühy³ cwiZ¨³ AveR©bv Øviv †hb Kitchen Dc‡P
20. ______ information is encoded effectively in the memory, it may not be easily recalled when
a) The b) Unless
c) That d) So that ans. B
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t Z_¨ Kvh©Kifv‡e mvs‡KwZKiƒ‡c ¯§„wZ‡Z msiw¶Z bv _vK‡j, cÖ‡qvR‡bi mgq Zv mn‡R ¯§iY Kiv hv‡e
Which one of A through D best matches the italicized part of the given sentences (Questions 01 to
01. There has been bad blood between the two communities for years.
a) impure blood b) ill felling
c) bloody fights d) lack of blood ans. B
S: Bad blood – kΓZv; we‡Øl; Lvivc m¤úK© = Ill felling – we‡Øl; kΓZv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t A‡bK w`b a‡i `yB m¤cÖ`v‡qi g‡a¨ Lvivc m¤úK© we`¨gvb i‡q‡Q|
Recent Publication 98
02. My father left no stone unturned to achieve his goal.
a) tried every course of action b) spent a huge amount of money
c) turned away from his goal d) bribed several persons ans. A
S: Left no stone unturned – †Póvi †Kv‡bv ΓwU bv Kiv = Tried every course of action.
ev‡K¨i A_©t j¶¨ AR©‡b Avgvi wcZv †Póvi †Kv‡bv ΓwU K‡ib wb|
Choose the word which is the OPPOSITE of the capitalized words (Questions 07 – 11):
a) Free b) Honest
c) Liberal d) Frank ans. B & D
S: Insincere – Avš—wiKZvnxb; K…wÎg Honest – mZ¨ev`x; mr
Liberal – e`vb¨; D`vi; gy³n¯— Frank – AKcU; gb-†Lvjv
a) Irrational b) Irregular
c) Insistent d) Irrelevant ans. D
S: Pertinent – cÖvmw½K Irrational – wePvikw³nxb; wePvieyw×iwnZ
Insistent – Ri“wi Irrelevant – AcÖvmw½K
a) Lenient b) Cautious
c) Join d) Strict ans. A
Recent Publication 99
S: Severe – Kov; K‡Vvi Lenient – D`vi; `qvjy; †Kvgj
Cautious – mZK© Strict – kw³; Kov AvbyMZ¨
a) Crave b) Lose
c) Harbor d) Credit ans. B
S: Attain – AR©b Kiv; wm× Kiv; jvf Kiv Crave – e¨vKzjfv‡e Kvgbv Kiv
Lose – nvwi‡q †djv; g„Zz¨ nIqv Harbor – †cvZvkªq; Avkªq; wbivc` ¯’vb
a) Boring b) Mysterious
c) Delightful d) Incredulous ans. C
S: Tragic – we‡qvMvš— Mysterious – inm¨gq; inm¨Nb
Delightful – Avb›``vqK; Avb›`Ki Incredulous – AcÖZ¨qx; Awek¦vmx
Appropriate Preposition:
Which of A through D best expresses the meaning of the capitalized word (Questions 17 – 18):
a) Dry b) Strained
c) Rigorous d) Shrill ans. C
S: Thorough – cy•Lvbycy•L; Av‡cvmnxb Strain – cÖmviY; Uvb Uvb Ae¯’v
Rigorous – K‡Vvi; Av‡cvmnxb Shrill – Zx²; KK©k; D”Pbv`x
a) Heal b) Deceive
c) Dislike d) Strike ans. C
S: Resent – wZ³Zv Abyfe Kiv; Amš‘ó nIqv Heal – wbivgq Kiv; miv‡bv
Deceive – cÖZviYv Kiv; VKv‡bv Dislike – AcQ›` Kiv
Choose appropriate word(s) to fill in the blank and make the sentences in questions 19 – 20
Select the alternative pair which has the same relationship as in capitalized pair 01 and 02.
Choose appropriate word(s) to fill in the blanks and make the sentences in questions 03 & 04
03. If you smuggle goods into the country, they may be — by the customs authority.
a) possessed b) punished
c) confiscated d) fined ans. C
S: Possess – (†Kv‡bv wKQzi) AwaKvix ev gvwjK nIqv Punish – kvw¯— ev `Ê †`Iqv
Confiscate – (miKvwi ¶gZv e‡j) ev‡Rqvß Kiv Fine – A_©`Ê
ev‡K¨i A_©t †`‡k †PvivKvievwi gvj Avb‡j Zv ïé Kg©KZ©v KZ…©K ev‡Rqvß n‡Z cv‡i|
a) Abdicate b) Renounce
c) Possess d) Deny ans. C
S: Relinquish – †Q‡o †`Iqv; Z¨vM Kiv Abdicate – `vwe Z¨vM Kiv
Renounce – AvbyôvwbKfv‡e cwiZ¨vM Kiv Possess – (†Kv‡bv wKQzi) AwaKvix ev gvwjK nIqv
a) Native b) Exiled
c) Natural d) Resident ans. A
S: Alien – wfb‡`kx Native – †`kxq; ¯’vbxq; AK…wÎg
Exile – wbe©vmb; wbe©vwmZ e¨w³ Resident – AvevwmK
a) Aggressive b) Straightforward
c) Dignified d) Supercilious ans. C
S: Subservient – `vmfvevcbœ Aggressive – AvMÖvmx; KjncivqY
Straightforward – mr; ms‡Mvcb bq Ggb Dignified – m¤§vb ev gh©v`v `vb Kiv
Supercilious – AeÁvwgwkªZ; J`vmxb¨c~Y©
a) Regard b) Sink
c) Hide d) Propose ans. C
S: Expose – Abve„Z Kiv; †Lvjv ev Amsiw¶Z ivLv Regard – Av‡jvP¨ welq; cÖm½
Sink – A¯— hvIqv; Wz‡e hvIqv Propose – cÖ¯—ve †`Iqv ev Kiv
Recent Publication 103
a) Wasteful b) Democratic
c) Spiteful d) Liberal ans. D
S: Stingy – K…cY¯^fve; KÄym Wasteful – Ace¨qx; AcPqx
Spiteful – we‡Ølc~Y© Liberal – D`vi; gy³n¯—; cÖPzi
a) Subservient b) Palpable
c) Pragmatic d) Inculcating ans. A
S: Insubordinate – Aeva¨; AwebxZ Subservient – `vmfvevcbœ
Palpable – Abyfe ev ¯úk© Kiv hvq Ggb Pragmatic – ev¯—weK; e¨envwiK
Inculcate – wPËwbô Kiv
a) Apparent b) Explicit
c) Frank d) Bright ans. C
S: Candid – AKcU; mij Apparent – ¯úó †`Lv ev †evSv hvq Ggb
Explicit – (†Kv‡bv weeiY BZ¨vw` cÖm‡½) cwi¯‹vifv‡e cÖKvwkZ Frank – AKcU; gb-†Lvjv
a) To hint b) Frighten
c) Bluff d) Harass ans. B
S: Intimidate – fxwZcÖ`k©b Kiv; ÎvwmZ Kiv Frighten – fxZ/ AvZw¼Z/ mš¿vwmZ Kiv
Bluff – avàv †`Iqv Harass – DwØMœ Kiv; nqivb Kiv
a) Lethargy b) Sleeplessness
c) Drunkenness d) Unconsciousness ans. B
S: Insomnia – Awb`ªv Lethargy – Avjm¨; Z›`ªv
Sleeplessness – wb`ªvnxb; wewb`ª Unconsciousness – A‡PZbZv; ˆPZb¨nxbZv
Choose the correct statement that matches with the underlined expressions:
16. Bad things may happen. So be prepared but have a positive attitude as well.
a) You can't always get what you want. b) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
c) All good things must come to an end. d) Poor expectations, great hopes. ans. B
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, Lvivc wKQz GKUv n‡Z cv‡i| ZvB cÖ¯‘Z †_‡Kv wKš‘ KL‡bv Positive g‡bvfve wb‡q †_‡Kv bv|
GUv ejv hvq, fv‡jvi Rb¨ Avkv †cvlY K‡i me‡P‡q g‡›`i Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z _vK‡Z n‡e| hv Ackb b) †Z ejv n‡”Q|
Recent Publication 104
17. I see him once in a blue moon:
a) I see him every full moon night. b) I see him rarely.
c) I see him when the moon sets. d) I see him at mid night. ans. B
S: cÖ‡kœi Once in a blue moon A_© K`vwPr| I see him once in a blue moon A_© Avwg Zv‡K K`vwPr †`wL hv
Av‡Q Ackb b) †Z|
Which of A thought D best matches the italicized part of the given sentences (question 18 & 19):
19. The old man was cut the quick when his rich son refused to recognize him.
a) surprised b) hurt intensely
c) annoyed d) irritated ans. B
S: Cut somebody/ someone to the quick A_© Kv‡iv g‡b Kó †`qv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi abx mš—vb Zv‡K wPb‡Z A¯^xKvi Kivq e„× †jvKwU gvivZ¥K Kó †cj|
Choose the alternative (from A to D) that best expresses the same meaning of the italicized sentence
02. The modern world presents luxuries in abundance, while every religion preaches to ____ it.
a) defy b) abstain from
c) resist d) adjust with ans. B
S: Defy – cÖKv‡k¨ we‡ivwaZv Kiv; D‡c¶v Kiv Abstain from – weiZ _vKv
Resist – cÖwZ‡iva Kiv; we‡ivwaZv Kiv Adjust with – Lvc LvIqv‡bv
†h‡nZz, `ywU Ask While w`‡q hy³ Av‡Q| ZvB cÖ_g As‡ki wecixZfv‡e c‡ii As‡k cÖKvk cv‡e| AvaywbK wek¦
cÖPzi wejvmeûj `ªe¨ mvgMÖx Dcnvi wb‡q G‡m‡Q, †mLv‡b cÖwZwU ag©B †m¸‡jvi †¶‡Î wK AvPi‡Yi wb‡`©k †`q?
wbðq, G¸‡jvi cÖwZ mshZ AvPi‡Yi wb‡`©k †`q| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t AvaywbK wek¦ cÖPzi wejvmeûj `ªe¨ mvgMÖxi Dcnvi w`‡”Q †hLv‡b cÖwZwU ag©B Gme e¨vcv‡i mshZ nIqvi
wb‡`©k †`q|
06. He is always so _______ that he doubts everybody and double checks all that is told to him.
a) gullible b) naive
c) convinced d) skeptical ans. D
S: Gullible – mewKQz wek¦vm K‡i mn‡RB cÖZvwiZ nq Ggb Naive – mv`vwmav
Convince – KvD‡K †evSv‡bv Skeptical – m‡›`ncÖeY
†h‡nZz, †m cÖ‡Z¨K‡KB Doubt ev m‡›`n Kiv ZvB †m Skeptical.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m me©`v G‡ZvUvB m‡›`n cÖeY _v‡K †h, †m mevB‡K m‡›`n K‡i Ges Zvi Kv‡Q hv-B ejv †nvK bv
†Kb, †m Zv `yBevi K‡i hvPvB K‡i †bq|
07. The manager praised the industrious workers and gave a warning to the _______ one.
a) insolent b) impudent
c) indolent d) humble ans. C
S: Insolent – D×Z Impudent – wbj©¾
Indolent – Ajm Humble – Abvo¤^o
g¨v‡bRvi cwikªgx Kg©x‡`i cÖksmv Ki‡j †Kvb ai‡bi Kg©x‡`i Warning w`‡e? DËi LyeB mnR| †h Kg©xwU Ajm
(Indolent), g¨v‡bRvi Zv‡KB Warning ev mZK© K‡i w`‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb c) Gi Indolent.
ev‡K¨i A_©t g¨v‡bRvi cwikªgx Kg©x‡`i cÖksmv K‡i Ajm Kg©x‡`i mZK© K‡i w`‡jb|
08. Let us not be too _______ about the outcome; something could go wrong.
a) sanguine b) serene
c) scrupulous d) scuttle ans. A
Recent Publication 107
S: Outcome – djvdj Serene – wbg©j/kvwš—c~Y©/cÖkvš—
Sanguine – Avkvev`x Wrong – fzj
Scrupulous – we‡eKevb/we‡eK`k©x Scuttle – `ª“Z cvjv‡bv
2q As‡k ejv Av‡Q Something could go wrong A_©vr †Kvb GKwU mgm¨v n‡Z cv‡i| mgm¨vi m¤¢vebv _vK‡j
Lye †ewk wK nIqv hvq bv? wbðqB Avkvev`x ZvB DËi n‡e a).
evK¨wUi A_©: djvdj m¤ú‡K© Lye †ewk Avkvev`x bv nB, †Kv_vI fzj n‡Z cv‡i|
09. When I asked Arif _______ my mother, he said he had no idea where she was.
a) if he did see b) he could see
c) if he has seen d) if he had seen ans. D
S: cÖ_gvs‡k When Gic‡i Asked A_©vr Verb Gi Past form e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| ZvB Wehn Gi c‡ii As‡k Had +
verb Gi Past participle n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb d) Gi If he had seen.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avgvi gv‡K Avwid †`‡L‡Q wK bv GUv Zv‡K wR‡Ám Kiv n‡j †m ejj Gi m¤ú‡K© Zvi †Kvb aviYv
12. Are there any matters _______ from the minutes of the last meeting?
a) risen b) arisen
c) arising d) arousing ans. C
S: Minutes of the last meeting A_© MZ wgwUs‡qi welqe¯‘| Present continuous tense Gi mvnvh¨Kvix Verb are
_vKvi Kvi‡Y Arising n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t MZ wgwUs‡qi Av‡jvwPZ welqe¯‘ n‡Z †Kvb wKQz D‡V G‡mwQ wK?
Q 15 – 20: Identify the underlined word or phrase A, B, or C that is incorrect. If you think the sentence
has no error, choose option D.
15. We are searching at the clue to solve the last piece of the puzzle. No Error. ans. B
a b c d
S: Searching at bv n‡q Search for n‡e hvi A_© †Kvb wKQz †LuvRv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †kl avauvwUi mgvavb cvevi Rb¨ Avgiv Clue LyuRwQ|
16. Neither Afia nor Juthi thinks she is ready to write the final draft. No error. ans. D
a b c d
S: cÖkœwU‡Z †Kvb fzj bv _vKvq DËi n‡e Ackb d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t Afia ev Juthi †KD-B g‡b Ki‡Q bv †h †m P~ovš— Lmov wjLevi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z|
17. A school handbook is given to everyone who enrolls in our school. No error. ans. D
a b c d
S: Handbook †KD w`‡q‡Q, ZvB Ackb a) Gi Passive structure mwVK| Everyone Gi cwie‡Z© Who wVKB Av‡Q|
Avi Who Gic‡i Everyone Gi Rb¨ Enrolls wVKB Av‡Q| GRb¨ †Kvb fzj bv _vKvq DËi n‡e Ackb d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t hviv GB ¯‹z‡j fwZ© n‡q‡Q, cÖ‡Z¨K‡KB GKwU K‡i ¯‹zj Handbook †`qv n‡q‡Q|
19. Everyone is excited about graduation because all had worked so hard for it. No error. ans. B
a b c d
S: GLv‡b, Everyone Ges All Gi g‡a¨ m¤úK© eySv‡Z cvi‡jB GwU mgvavb n‡q hv‡e| cÖ_g As‡k A‡_©i w`K wPš—v
Ki‡j Everyone wVKB Av‡Q| hv Øviv eySv hvq cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Zv‡`i Graduation Gi e¨vcv‡i Excited. wKš‘ Gici
Everyone Gi cwie‡Z© Preposition wn‡m‡e All emv‡bv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ GLv‡b Everyone Gi cwie‡Z© All bv n‡q
They n‡e| KviY Everyone GLv‡b Collective noun.
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Graduation Gi wel‡q LyeB Avbw›`Z KviY Gi Rb¨ Zviv mevB cwikªg K‡iwQj|
Recent Publication 109
20. While leaving the office, she stopped at the cafe on the corner. No error. ans. D
a b c d
S: evK¨wU‡Z †Kvb fzj bv _vKvq DËi n‡e d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t Awdm Z¨vM K‡i †m iv¯—vi †gv‡o GKUv K¨v‡d‡Z _vg‡jv|
Word Meaning:
21. Infuriating
a) Attractive b) Expensive
c) Irritating d) Threatening ans. C
S: Infuriating – µ‡avÏxcK; †µv‡ai D‡`ªK K‡i Ggb Attractive – AvKl©Yxq; g‡bvni; wPËnvix
Expensive – `vwg; e¨qeûj Irritate – wei³ Kiv
Threaten – fq †`Lv‡bv; ûgwK †`Iqv
22. Exquisite
a) Foreign b) Costly
c) Complex d) Beautiful ans. D
S: Exquisite – Aciƒc my›`i Foreign – we‡`kx; wfb‡`kx
Costly – g~j¨evb; `vwg Complex – RwUj
23. Apathetic
a) Difficult b) Indifferent
c) Severe d) Painful ans. B
S: Apathetic – D`vmxb; AvMÖnnxb Indifferent – wbt¯ú„n; Abxn; D`vmxb
Severe – Kov; gvivZœK; K‡Vvi Painful – †e`bv`vqK; hš¿bv`vqK
24. Emancipate
a) Develop b) Elevate
c) Furnish d) Liberate ans. D
S: Emancipate – gyw³ †`Iqv Elevate – D‡Ëvjb Kiv; DbœxZ Kiv
Furnish – mieivn Kiv; †RvMv‡bv; mw¾Z Kiv Liberate – gy³ Kiv; D×vi Kiv
25. Astute
a) Affectionate b) Intelligent
c) Trivial d) Polite ans. B
S: Astute – Ávbx Affectionate – Avš—wiK
Trivial – Zz”Q Polite – wkóvPvix; gvwR©Z
26. Coerce
a) Compel b) Alleviate
c) Injure d) Avoid ans. A
Recent Publication 110
S: Coerce – †Rvic~e©K eva¨ Kiv; `gb Kiv Compel – (KvD‡K ev †Kv‡bv wKQz Ki‡Z) eva¨ Kiv
Alleviate – Dckg Kiv; jvNe Kiv Injure – AvNvZ Kiv; e¨v_v †`Iqv
27. Precarious
a) Costly b) Precision
c) Prolific d) Insecure ans. D
S: Precarious – AwbwðZ; Avk¼vRbK; ˆ`evaxb Precision – h_v_©; ï×Z¡; wbfz©jZv
Prolific – cÖPzi cwigv‡Y Drcv`bkxj Insecure – wbivcËvnxb; AwbwðZ
28. Timid
a) Shy b) Big
c) Honest d) Brave ans. A
S: Timid – fxi“; jvRyK; gyL‡Pviv Shy – jvRyK
Honest – mZ¨ev`x; mr; AK…wÎg Brave – mvnmx; wbf©xK
29. Castigate
a) Conceal b) Pollute
c) Magnify d) Criticize ans. D
S: Castigate – wZi¯‹vi Kiv Conceal – †Mvcb Kiv; jywKqv ivLv
Pollute – `~wlZ/Kj~wlZ/†bvsiv/ AcweÎ Kiv Magnify – AwZiwÄZ Kiv
30. Nascent
a) Beautiful b) Satisfactory
c) Budding d) Obnoxious ans. C
S: Nascent – Rb¥ wb‡”Q Ggb; Drc`¨gvb Satisfactory – mš‘wóRbK; mš‘wóKi
Budding – Rb¥ wb‡”Q Ggb Obnoxious – †bvsiv; AZ¨š— AvcwËKi
08. The correct spelling is —
a) spontenaous b) spontanious
c) spontenuous d) spontaneous ans. D
S: Spontaneous – ¯^Ztù‚Z©| g‡b ivL‡ebt Spon – ta – ne – oue.
Recent Publication 112
Word Meaning:
Grammar (Voice):
13. The indirect form of the sentence “He said, ‘Let me have some milk’.” is:
a) He said that he wanted some milk. b) He prayed that he might have some milk.
c) He wished that he might have some milk. d) He said that he might have some milk. ans. C
S: cvVK, GB cÖkœwU Change of Narration †_‡K Kiv n‡q‡Q| G‡¶‡Î wbqgwU wbgœiƒct Reported Speech hw` Let
us w`‡q ïi“ bv n‡q Let me, Let him, Let Rumi BZ¨vw` w`‡q ïi“ nq, G‡¶‡Î Indirect Kivi †¶‡Î Say Gi
cwie‡Z© Say/wish, say to Gi cwie‡Z© Tell/ Request e‡m Ges Reported speech Gi Verb Gi Av‡M May/
might/ might be allowed to e‡m| †hgbt He said, “Let the old man have some food”.
Indirect speech: He wished that the old man might have some food †mB wn‡m‡e DËi n‡e c).
Recent Publication 113
Error Finding (Old TOEFL Based):
14. We insist on you leaving the meeting before any further out bursts take place.
a b c d ans. A
S: Ackb a)- †Z you bv n‡q you-Gi Possessive case wn‡m‡e ‘your’ n‡e|
15. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious. ans. C
a b c d
S: c) Gi Is smelling Gi cwie‡Z© Present Indefinite Tense Gi wbqg Abyhvqx g~j Verb wn‡m‡e Smell Gi mv‡_
‘S’ hy³ n‡q Smells n‡e|
Sentence Correction:
18. a) Dina is taller than each of her four sisters. b) Dina is taller than anyone of her four sisters.
c) Dina is taller than either of her four sisters. d) Dina is taller than all of her four sisters. ans. A
S: mvaviYZ `yB‡qi †ewk Zzjbvi †¶‡Î Superlative degree e‡m| wKš‘ G‡¶‡Î me Comparative e‡j Avcbv‡K
†KvbwU mwVK Comparison †mwUB DËi wn‡m‡e MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e| Dina Gi mv‡_ cÖwZwU †ev‡bi Zzjbv Ki‡Q e‡j
Each n‡e| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb a).
19. I heard that she was singing. Find its simple form.
a) I heard her to sing. b) I heard her singing.
c) I heard her being sing. d) I heard her song. ans. B
Recent Publication 114
S: KvD‡K †Kv‡bv wKQz Kiv Ae¯’vq †`Lv, cvIqv A_ev †kvbv eySv‡Z Simple form wn‡m‡e See, hear, find Gici
Object + verb + ing e¨eüZ nq|
Shortcut: Possessive pronoun †hgbt me, her, him, them BZ¨vw`i c‡i Verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq|
07. “I CASTIGATED myself for being so stupid”. The bold-faced word means-
a) Eulogized b) Appreciated
c) Criticized d) Extolled ans. C
S: Eulogy = Appreciate = Extol – D”P cÖksmv Kiv Castigate = Criticize – mgv‡jvPbv Kiv; wb›`v Kiv
08. “Animals that eat flesh of another animal.” Substitute in one word-
a) Man-eater b) Carnivorous
c) Beast d) Cannibal ans. B
S: Maneater – biLv`K (evN, nv½i) Beast – cï, Rš‘, Rv‡bvqvi Cannibal – iv¶m; bigvsm‡fvRx
Carnivorous = Animals who eat flesh of another animal = gvsm‡L‡Kv|
09. The underline phrase in the sentence- “Swimming in the river is difficult.” is:
a) Verb b) Adjective
c) Adverb d) Noun ans. D
S: Swimming, Swimmer –Noun Swimable –Adjective Swimmingly – Adverb
Grammar (Voice):
Grammar (Narration):
13. Sentence Correction: “Mumps are a very common disease which usually affects children.”
Which underlined section is an error?
a) are b) common
c) which d) usually ans. A
S: Mumps n‡jv Singular; ZvB Subject - verb agreement Abyhvqx Mumps Gi mv‡_ Verb wn‡m‡e Are bv n‡q
is n‡e|
14. “It is high time he (change) his bad habits.” The right form of the verb in bracket is-
a) changing b) changed
c) has changed d) has been changing ans. B
S: It is time, it is high time BZ¨vw`i ci Subject _vK‡j Verb wU Past tense Gi nq| Avi G‡`i ci Subject bv
_vK‡j To + verb nq|
02. Let us not be too ________ about the outcome; something could go wrong.
a) sanguine b) serene
c) scrupulous d) scuttle ans. A
S: See the solution: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. (PO) 18.08.2017 & Question no: 08. First Security Islami
Bank Ltd. (PO) 20.06.2014 & Question no: 16.
08. The driver stopped the car ________ time to avoid collision.
a) in b) on
c) at d) by ans. A
S: At Øviv Point of time †K wb‡`©k Kiv nq| wKš‘ On + date/ day Ges In + month/ year nq| GLv‡b, On time
Ges In time Gi cv_©K¨ Test Kiv n‡”Q| On time gv‡b wVK mg‡q/ h_vmg‡q| wKš‘ In time gv‡b †Kvb GKB
Deadline ev NUbv NUvi GKUy Av‡M| WªvBfvi †h‡nZz `yN©Ubvi GKUz Av‡M Mvwo _vwg‡q wQj ZvB G‡¶‡Î Time n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t msNl© n‡Z i¶vi Rb¨ PvjK mgq g‡Zv MvwowU _vgv‡jb|
09. The organizers expect that the heart beat of Bangladesh will be ________ in this exhibition.
a) echoed b) enervated
c) enlightened d) created ans. A
S: Echo – cÖwZaŸwb; AbyiYb Enervate – kvixwiK I gvbwmKfv‡e `ye©j Kiv
Enlightened – AÁZvgy³; Av‡jvKcÖvß Create – m„wó Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t msMVb Kiv Avkv †cvlY K‡ib †h, GB cÖ`k©bxi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`‡ki ¯ú›`b AbyiwYZ n‡e|
Q In each sentence, some words are underlined. Beneath the sentence you will find different ways of
phrasing the underlined part. Choose the option that rephrases the sentence in the most correct and
effective way. Answer (A) is always the same as the underlined part.
12. If he would have revised his first draft, he would have received a better grade.
a) would have revised b) had revised
c) could of revised d) had of revised ans. B
S: k‡Z©i If clause Gi KvRwUi NUvi K_v wQj AZx‡Z, wKš‘ djvdj eZ©gv‡b ev fwel¨‡Z nIqvi K_v Giƒc eySv‡j If
+ Past Perfect GB Structure e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| If Gi c‡i As‡k †h‡nZz Would have Av‡Q| ZvB If Gic‡i
Aek¨B Had + verb Gi Past Perfect iƒc em‡e| GKvi‡Y b) Gi Had revised n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖ_g Lmov cybivq co‡Z cvi‡j †m fv‡jv †MÖW †cZ|
13. Because she had an astounding memory, Sultana has never forgotten an important equation.
a) had an b) could have had
c) has d) did have ans. C
S: ev‡K¨i 2q As‡k Present Perfect Tense e‡j 1g Ask Present Indefinite Tense Gi n‡e| ZvB Ackb c) Gi
Has n‡e| evwK Ackb¸‡jv Past Tense e‡j ev` hv‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avðh©RbK †gavkw³ _vKvi Kvi‡Y myjZvb KL‡bv ¸i“Z¡c~Y© mgxKiY fz‡j hvqwb|
14. I would have never watched that movie if I had known how scary it was.
a) if I had known b) if I knew
c) if I had been knowing d) if I know ans. A
S: †`Lyb If Gi Av‡M Would have Av‡Q| GwUi wb‡P `vM †bB e‡j G‡K mwVK ai‡Z n‡e| GLb, wbqg Abyhvqx If Gi
wVK c‡iB had + verb Gi Past Participle n‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e evK¨wU mwVK Av‡Q| ZvB DËi n‡e a).
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw` RvbZvg gywfwU G‡Zv fq¼i Z‡e KL‡bvB gywfwU †`LZvg bv|
15. Not having heard clearly, the speaker was asked to repeat.
a) the speaker was asked to repeat. b) she asked the speaker to repeat.
c) she asked the speaker to repeat again. d) the speaker was asked to repeat again. ans. B
S: ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g †h Subject Gi D‡jL _v‡K, ev‡K¨i wØZxq As‡kB H Subject Gi K_v cÖZ¨¶fv‡e D‡jL _vK‡Z n‡e|
cÖ_g As‡k ejv n‡”Q †m Speaker Gi K_v Clearly †kv‡bwb| ZvB She w`‡q ïi“ n‡e| Avi Repeat Ges Again
GKB e‡j Ackb c) ev`|
ev‡K¨i A_©t ¯úôfv‡e bv †kvbvi Kvi‡Y †m e³v‡K cybivq D‡jL Ki‡Z ej‡jv|
16. He is a dishonest officer, but I do not have any authority with him.
a) authority with him. b) authority on him.
c) authority over him. d) authority upon him. ans. C
S: Authority over somebody A_© n‡jv Kv‡iv Dci AvwacZ¨ _vKv| Avi Authority on A_© n‡jv †kªô cwÛZ|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m GKRb Amr Awdmvi, wKš‘ Zvi Dci Avgvi †Kv‡bv KZ…©Z¡ †bB|
Recent Publication 122
Error Finding (Old TOEFL Based)
Q Identify the underlined word or phrase A. B. or C that is incorrect. If you think the sentence has no
error, choose option D.
17. A school handbook is given to everyone who enrolls in our school. No error. ans. D
a b c d
S: See the solution: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. (PO) 18.08.2017 & Question no: 17.
19. Everyone is excited about graduation because all had worked so hard for it. No error. ans. B
a b c d
S: See the solution: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. (PO) 18.08.2017 & Question no: 19.
a) Mundane b) Impulsive
c) Sterile d) Clear ans. D
S: Lucid – ¯úó; mnR‡eva¨, Clear Mundane – bxim; we¯^v`
Impulsive – Av‡eMZvwoZ Sterile – eܨv; wbõjv
a) Apex b) Bright
c) Broad d) Perilous ans. A
S: Pinnacle – DuPz I mi“ ce©ZwkLi Apex – kxl©we›`y
Broad – PIov; cÖk¯— Perilous – wec¾bK
a) Terrible b) Compromise
c) Doubtful d) Disgraceful ans. A
S: Appalling – AvZw¼Z Kiv; weZ…ò Kiv Terrible – fq¼i; fxlY
Compromise – Av‡cvm Kiv Disgraceful – Am¤§vbRbK
Recent Publication 123
a) Lethargic b) Judicial
c) Relevant d) Massive ans. A
S: Sluggish – wbw®Œq; gš’iMwZ Lethargic – A¯^vfvweKfv‡e wb`ªvjy; Ajm
Relevant – m¤ú„³; cÖvmw½K Massive – wekvj, ¸i“fvi I Nb
a) To warn b) To abdicate
c) To encourage d) To abolish ans. A
S: Admonish – mZK©; g„`y fr©mbv ev wZi¯‹vi Kiv Abdicate – †Q‡o †`Iqv; `vwe Z¨vM Kiv
To warn – mZK© Kiv Abolish – evwZj Kiv
a) Intermittent b) Heavy
c) Insolate d) Isolate ans. A
S: Sporadic – wew¶ß; gv‡S gv‡S N‡U Ggb Intermittent – †_‡K †_‡K ev †_‡g †_‡g NUv
Insolent – m~h© wKii‡Yi ms¯ú‡k© Avmv Isolate – c„_K/ wew”Qbœ Kiv
a) Insolvent b) Desperate
c) Insolent d) Pessimistic ans. A
S: Destitute – wbt¯^/ `yM©Z/ ewÂZ Insolvent – †`Dwjqv
Insolent – `vw¤¢K/ D×Z Desperate – e¨vKzj/ gwiqv/ †ec‡ivqv
a) Intelligent b) Cunning
c) Modest d) Hate ans. D
S: Despise – AeÁv/ N„Yv/ Zvw”Qj¨ Kiv Intelligent – eyw×Rxex-m¤cÖ`vq
Cunning – a~Z©; a~Z©e¨w³ Hate – N„Yv Kiv
28. SHUN
a) Compel b) Alleviate
c) Injure d) Avoid ans. D
S: Shun – (†Kv‡bv wKQz †_‡K) `~‡i _vKv; cwinvi Kiv Compel – eva¨ Kiv; †Rvi K‡i Av`vq Kiv
Alleviate – Dckg Kiv Avoid – Gov‡bv; eR©b Kiv
Sentence Correction:
08. “A child likes sweets only.” The negative form of the sentence is -
a) A child likes none but sweets. b) A child likes nothing but sweets.
c) A child likes but sweets. d) A child likes not more sweets. ans. B
S: hw` Affirmative ev‡K¨ Only/alone †Kvb e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i, Zvn‡j D³ Only/alone DwV‡q w`‡q †mB ¯’v‡b
Nothing but e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
Grammar (Voice):
Grammar (Narration):
Questions (01-04): There are blank spaces in the following passage which have been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each some words are suggested. Find out the
word that best fit the blank spaces.
Global strategies to control infective disease have historically included the erection of barriers
to international travel and ________ (01) ________. Keeping people with such deadly disease
outside national borders has________ (02) ________ as an important public health policy in
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic. Between 29 and 50 countries ________
(03) ________ to have introduced border restrictions on HIV-positive foreigners, usually those
planning an ________ (04) ________ stay in the country, such as students, workers or seamen.
See the solution: Janata Bank Ltd. Executive Officer (Engineer) Electrical 06.01.2017 & Question
no: 04-07.
cÖ_‡g Passage wUi k㸇jvi A_© †ei Kwit
Questions: Select the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
05. You can reach your goal only when you aspire.
a) dream b) attempt it
c) try d) aim high ans. D
S: Aspire – D”PvKv•¶v-ZvwoZ nIqv Dream – ¯^cœ; KíbvivR¨
Attempt – (†Kv‡bv wKQz Kivi) †Póv/ D‡`¨vM Kiv Aim high = Aspire †Kvb wKQzi cÖwZ D”P AvKv•¶v †cvlY Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t j¶¨ AR©‡b D”P Avkv †cvlY Ki‡j Zzwg †Zvgvi j‡¶¨ †cuŠQv‡Z cvi‡e|
06. Read the abridged version of the novel to get an overall idea of the book.
a) condensed b) critique’s
c) summarized d) accurate ans. C
S: Abridge = Summarize – msw¶ß Kiv Condense – Nb Kiv
Critique – mgv‡jvPbvg~jK wbeÜ Accurate – h_vh_; mZK©
ev‡K¨i A_©t Dcb¨vmwU m¤ú‡K© GKwU mvwe©K aviYv †c‡Z eBwUi msw¶ß KwcwU co–b|
Questions: Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the similar pair.
The following words are spelt wrong; the addition of a letter to each will make it correct. Identify the
missing letter.
01. Coquete
a) i b) o
c) u d) t ans. D
S: Correct word n‡jv Coquette hvi A_© g›` Pwi‡Îi †g‡q †jvK|
02. Deliquent
a) n b) i
c) m d) e ans. A
S: Correct word n‡jv Delinquent (e¨w³ m¤^‡Ü) `y®‹…Zx; K…Zvciva; KZ©e¨wegyL|
03. Desicant
a) s b) e
c) c d) s ans. C
S: Correct word n‡jv Desiccant hvi A_© we‡kvlK|
04. Ocurrence
a) a b) e
c) c d) u ans. C
S: Correct word n‡jv Occurrence hvi A_© NUbv ev e¨vcvi|
Recent Publication 130
05. Ameba
a) u b) m
c) o d) i ans. C
S: Correct word n‡jv Amoeba A_© A¨vwgev hv GK‡Kvlx cÖvwY|
08. To scale up
a) to discuss b) to measure
c) to divide d) to deliver ans. B
S: To scale up A_© cwigvc Kiv A_ev wbw`©ó Abycv‡Z †Kvb wKQz evov‡bv| Avi To measure A_©I †Kvb wKQz cwigvc
Kiv| To discuss A_© Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z| To divide A_© fvM/ eÈb Ki‡Z| To deliver A_© w`‡Z / cÖ`vb Ki‡Z|
Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or sentence
17. The controversy is likely to create ________ between the two communities.
a) doubt b) bitterness
c) amity d) revenge ans. B
S: Controversy – weZK©; we‡iva; gZvš—i Bitterness – wZ³Zv; KzUZv; we‡Øl
Amity – eÜzZ¡; eÜzZvc~Y© m¤úK© Revenge – cÖwZ‡kva MÖnY Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t GB weZK© `yB m¤cÖ`v‡qi g‡a¨ wZ³Zv m„wó Kivi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q|
20. Non-violence is the law of saints as violence is the law of the ________.
a) haughty b) coward
c) brute d) ignorant ans. C
S: Haughty – D×Z; An¼vix Coward – fxi“; Kvcyi“l
Brute – wb‡e©va; cïZyj¨ ev wb`©q †jvK Ignorant – (e¨w³ mg‡Ü) AÁ; Awe`¨; AbewnZ
ev‡K¨i A_©t wm×R‡bi †¶‡Î wbqg n‡jv Awnsm †hLv‡b cï‡`i ev wb‡e©v‡ai AvBb n‡j mwnsm|
Word Meaning:
21. Emaciated
a) very sleepy b) very tall
c) very thin d) very aged ans. C
Recent Publication 133
S: Emaciated A_© `~e©j ev nvjKv cvZjv ai‡bi †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘| Avi Very thin k㸇”Qi A_©I n‡jv nvjKv
cvZjv ai‡bi| ZvB DËi c).
22. Lethargy
a) impassivity b) listlessen
c) serenity d) laxity ans. B
S: Lethargy – Avjm¨; Z›`ªv Impassivity – wbwe©KviZ¡
Serenity – cÖkvwš— Listlessen – Abxnv; wb‡ðóZv; Avjm¨
23. Docile
a) stupid b) gentle
c) vague d) stubborn ans. B
S: Docile – mn‡R ek gv‡b Ggb; eva¨ Gentle – AgvwqK; bgª; mn‡R e‡k Avbv hvq Ggb
Vague – A¯úó; fvmvfvmv Stubborn – GK¸u‡q
24. Contract
a) expand b) tract
c) give d) abridge ans. D
S: Contract – msKzwPZ nIqv Expand – e„w× cvIqv
Tract –wbeÜ; ˆbwZK cyw¯—Kv Abridge – msw¶ß nIqv
25. Prognosis
a) identification b) forecast
c) preface d) scheme ans. B
S: Prognosis – †iv‡Mi m¤¢ve¨ MwZaviv m¤^‡Ü c~e©vfvm Scheme – cwiKíbv; Pµvš—
Forecast – fwel¨Øvbx Kiv; c~e©vfvm †`qv Preface – gyLeÜ; cÖ¯—vebv
03. Use appropriate prepositions: Finding himself short _____ money, he wrote _____ his uncle
_____ help.
a) in, to, to b) with, to, for
c) of, to, for d) to, to, about ans. C
S: Short Gic‡i ‘of’ e‡m| †hgb Short of fund, short of money BZ¨vw`| Write Gic‡i ‘to’ Avi mvnvh¨ PvIqv
A‡_© Help for e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t UvKvi Afv‡e c‡o †m Zvi Uncle †K mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ wj‡LwQj|
04. The sentence which carries the similar meaning of ‘Even if it rains I shall come’-
a) I will certainly come whether it rains or not b) whenever there is rain I shall come
c) if it rains I shall not come d) if I come it will not rain ans. A
S: Zey hw` (Even of) e„wó nq, Zvic‡iI Avwg Avme GB evK¨ Øviv cÖ‡kœ wK eySv‡bv n‡”Q?
Avcwb wbðqB ey‡S‡Qb e„wó †nvK ev bv †nvK- e³v Aek¨B Avm‡e|
05. Generally speaking, _____ peacocks are more beautiful than peahens. The gap requires-
a) the b) a
c) an d) no article ans. D
S: mvaviYfv‡e ej‡Z †M‡j gq~i †`L‡Z gq~ixi PvB‡Z my›`i|
06. Fill in the gap : ‘She works six days ______ week.’
a) an b) a
c) for d) the ans. A
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t †m mßv‡n Qq w`b KvR K‡i|
07. The bold-faced part of the sentence ‘I gave him a piece of my mind.’ states -
a) Expressed love b) Fell in love
c) Expressed anguish d) Trusted him ans. C
S: Give someone a piece of one’s mind A_© wb‡Ri AwfgZ/ aviYv ¯úôfv‡e A‡b¨i Kv‡Q cÖKvk K‡i †`qv| Gi
Av‡iKwU A_© n‡jv wb‡Ri Amš‘wó ev nZvkv A‡b¨i wbKU cÖKvk Kiv|
Punctuation Mark:
12. ‘This is my (office) name.’ The suffix which should be added to the bracketed part.
a) -er b) -ial
c) -ially d) no suffix ans. B
Word Meaning:
02. Fill in the blank with appropriate word: She availed herself _______ the opportunity.
a) for b) of
c) with d) from ans. B
S: Avail of gv‡b †bqv ev MÖnY Kiv| ev‡K¨i A_©t †m my‡hvMwU wb‡qwQj/ MÖnY K‡iwQj|
07. Fill in the gap with appropriate word: We should never cut ______ relationship with our
a) down b) of
c) up d) off ans. D
S: †Kvb m¤úK© Z¨vM Kiv‡K Cut off e‡j| GLv‡b eÜz‡Z¡i m¤úK©‡K †f‡½ †djvi K_v ejv n‡”Q e‡j Cut off n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t eÜz‡`i mv‡_ Avgv‡`i m¤úK© Z¨vM Kiv DwPZ bq|
10. Fill in the gap with appropriate word: In the morning, I prefer coffee ________ tea.
a) than b) for
c) to d) from ans. C
S: Prefer X to Y gv‡b n‡jv X †K Y †_‡K †ewk cQ›` Kiv| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb c) Gi to.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg Pv A‡c¶v Kwd †ewk cQ›` Kwi|
Word Meaning
15. Choose the correct Bengali translation of ‘Hit while the iron is hot’.
a) †Svc ey‡S †Kvc gviv b) Mig †jvnvq AvNvZ Kiv
c) IRb ey‡S Pjv d) gv_v Mig Kiv ans. A
S: As the wind blows, you must set your sail – †Svc ey‡S †Kvc gviv|
16. Translate into English ÔAvgiv iIbv n‡Z bv n‡ZB e„wó n‡qwQjÕ
a) Rain begins as we started. b) No sooner had we wet out then it stated raining.
c) No sooner had we set out than it started raining. d) Sooner we begins, the rain started. ans. C
S: n‡Z bv n‡ZB gv‡b No sooner had Avi No sooner had Gi mv‡_ than e‡m then bq|
Appropriate Preposition
Sentence Correction
Sentence Correction
04. Choose into negative: ‘He is the only person fit for the job.’ The best answer is: _____ fit for
the job.
a) He is not the only one b) No other person but he is
c) No other person but you are d) He is none but ans. D
S: e¨vL¨vt Affirmative G Only _vK‡j Zv‡K Negative Ki‡Z No one but ev None but e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m Qvov †KD-B GB PvKwii Rb¨ wdU ev †hvM¨ bq|
06. He had a wonderful gift of the gab. The underlined part means
a) Intelligence b) Humanity
c) Eloquence d) Goodness ans. C
S: Intelligence – eyw×; eyw×gËv; †gav Humanity – gvbeRvwZ; gvbeZv
Eloquence = Gift of the gab – evKcUzZv; evM¥xZv Goodness – fv‡jvZ¡; m`&¸Y
ev‡K¨i A_©t wZwb PgrKvi evKcUz|
Word Meaning
09. A ‘pugilist’ is a
a) boxer b) swimmer
c) athlete d) weight-lifter ans. A
S: Pugilist = Boxer – gywó‡hv×v| Weight-lifter – fvi D‡ËvjbKvix|
12. Use appropriate phrasal verb: ‘This evidence ________ with what one already knows.’
a) ties in b) sets in
c) gives in d) goes down ans. A
S: Tie something in with somthing A_© mshy³ ev m¤úwK©Z nIqv ev Kiv|
†hgbt His statement ties in with our observation.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †jv‡K hv Rv‡b GUv ZviB mv¶¨ enY K‡i|
13. ‘The employees were ‘kept in’ after office hour’ means that the employees were
a) caned b) praised
c) confined d) rewarded ans. C
S: Cane – `xN©, duvcv, MÖwš’hy³ KvÊ Praised – cÖksmv Kiv; cÖkswmZ
Kept in – Ave× ivLv ev †Rvic~e©K AvU‡K ivLv = Confined – mxgve×
16. Ôm¤¢e n‡j GKUz †ewo‡q †hIÕ| The best translation is-
a) If possible, try to visit. b) If you can you may come.
c) If possible, please drop by. d) If you try, you might drop in. ans. C
S: Drop by/ in/ over/ round Gi A_© Awba©vwiZfv‡e †Kv_vI GKUz Nyi‡Z ev †eov‡Z hvIqv| Ackb d) ev` KviY Try
n‡e bv| m¤¢e n‡j eySv‡Z Possible n‡e e‡j DËi n‡e Ackb c) Gi If possible, please drop by.
02. Most of the issues discussed here in the meeting were trivial and only a few were _____.
a) interesting b) practical
c) significant d) irrelevant ans. C
S: Interesting – AvMÖ‡nvÏxcK; AvKl©Yxq; wPËvKl©K Practical – e¨envwiK; cÖv‡qvwMK
Significant – we‡kl A_©c~Y©; ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Irrelevant – AcÖvmw½K; Aevš—i
DËi wn‡m‡e Trivial (Zz”Q; bMb¨) wecixZ kã Avm‡e| †Kbbv Only a few Øviv g~jZ Ggb GKUv kã wb‡`©k
Ki‡Q hv Trivial Gi wecixZ| Avi Trivial Gi wecixZ n‡jv Significant.
ev‡K¨i A_©t wgwUs‡q †h welq¸wj wb‡q Av‡jvPbv n‡q‡Q Zvi AwaKvskB bMb¨ Ges wKQz welq wQj Zvrch©c~Y©|
04. Keats and Shelley were poets of the same period; they were _____.
a) contemporary b) colleague
c) associate d) co-writers ans. A
S: Contemporary – mgKvjxb; mgmvgwqK Colleague – mnKg©x
Associate – mn‡hvMx Co-writers – `yRb †jLK hviv ci¯úi‡K mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ msKíe×
GLv‡b Same period Gi mgv_©K kã n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb a) Gi Contemporary.
ev‡K¨i A_©t KxU&m I †kjx GKB mgqKv‡ji †jLK| Zviv mgmvgwqK|
Rearrangement of Sentence
08. I shall go
P. my work here Q. to Dhaka
R. I have finished S. after
c) QSRP d) PRSQ ans. C
S: (I shall go) Q (to Dhaka) S (after) R (I have finished) P (my work here).
ev‡K¨i A_©t GLvbKvi KvR †kl Kivi c‡i Avwg XvKvq hve|
12. That which makes it difficult to recognise the presence of real nature of somebody or something.
a) cover b) camouflage
c) pretence d) mask ans. C
Recent Publication 145
S: Cover – XvKbv; XvKwb; gjvU Camouflage – †Kv‡bv wKQzi Dcw¯’wZ
Mask – gy‡Lvk we‡kl; g„Mbvwf Pretence – fvb; Qj; fÊvwg
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kvb wKQzi Avmj iƒc wPb‡Z evav m„wó Kiv nq Pretence Gi gva¨‡g|
Q. (16 – 20) Select the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the original word:
16. Assets
a) liabilities b) responsibilities
c) estates d) profits ans. A
S: Asset – m¤ú`; m¤úwË Liability – `vq; FY
Responsibility – `vwqZ¡-KZ©e¨ Estate – f~-m¤úwË; Rwg
Accounting Gi cwifvlvq Asset Gi wecixZ Liability.
17. Convict
a) charge b) defense
c) acquit d) punish ans. C
S: Convict – `wÊZ Aciva; †`vlx mve¨¯— Kiv Defiance – cÖKvk¨ Aeva¨Zv ev cÖwZ‡iva
Acquit – Awf‡hvM †_‡K Ae¨vnwZ †`Iqv Punish – kvw¯— ev `Ê †`Iqv
20. Tranquil
a) peaceful b) solitude
c) agitated d) quiet ans. C
S: Tranquil – kvš—; PzcPvc Peaceful – kwš—c~Y©
Solitude – GKvwKZ¡; wbR©bZv Agitated – Av‡jvwoZ ev D‡ËwRZ ev we¶zä Ae¯’v
01. The bridge was hitting by a large ship during a sudden storm last week. ans. A
a b c d
S: GwU Passive voice Gi Past Continues Tense Gi evK¨| ZvB Ackb a) †Z was hitting Gi cwie‡Z© was
being hit n‡e|
02. These televisions are quite popular in Europe, but those ones are not. ans. C
a b c d
S: cÖ_‡g These _vKvq cieZ©x‡Z H These †K Indicate Ki‡Z Those e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| ZvB Ackb c) Gi
Those Gi c‡i Ones kãwU ev` hv‡e|
03. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn’t it? ans. D
a b c d
S: GwU Past Indefinite Tense Gi Active voice Gi evK¨| ZvB Tag question Gi wbqg Abyhvqx Ackb d) Gi
Wasn’t bv n‡q Didn’t n‡e|
04. The Company representative sold to be manager a sewing machine for forty dollars. ans. B
a b c d
S: hvi Kv‡Q weµq Kiv n‡e Zvi c~‡e© To emv‡Z n‡e| A_©vr Sold to manager hvi A_© g¨v‡bRv‡ii Kv‡Q weµq
K‡iwQ‡jv| ZvB GLv‡b Ackb b) Gi be Abvek¨K e‡j GwU ev` hv‡e|
05. There is some scissors in the desk drawer in the bed room if you need them. ans. A
a b c d
S: Plural kã Some scissors _vKvi Kvi‡Y There Gi c‡i Ackb a) †Z is bv n‡q are n‡e|
Q. (6 – 10): Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by four words.
Select the lettered word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 1 5 = 5
a) keep secret b) refine
c) restore d) copy ans. A
S: Divulge – cÖKvk Kiv Restore – cybivq Av‡Mi Ae¯’vq †diZ
Refine – †kvab/ weï× Kiv Copy – AbyKiY; Abywjwc
a) consternation b) purification
c) normalization d) approximation ans. B
Recent Publication 148
S: Adulteration – †fRvj; AcwgkªY Consternation – AvZw¼Z Kiv
Purification – cwi‡kvab; cwiÎKiY Normalization – ¯^vfvweKxiY; wbqgvbyKiY
a) process of congealing b) process of distilling
c) process of eroding d) process of evolving ans. D
S: Deposition – (¶gZv †_‡K) AcmviY; ivR¨åsk Process of congealing – RgvU euva‡Z ïi“ Kiv
Distill – cwi‡kvab Kiv Process of evolving – µgvš^‡q ¶gZv weKwkZ Kiv
a) tranquil b) skeptical
c) morose d) taciturn ans. D
S: Loquacious – evPvj; evKcUz; Mvj-MíKvix Tranquil – kvš—; PzcPvc
Skeptical – m‡›`nev`xZv Taciturn – Aíev`x, †gŠb¯^fve
a) intensify b) excuse
c) express joy d) feel sure ans. C
S: Repine – cwiZvc Kiv; AZ…ß nIqv Intensify – ZxeªZi/ MvpZi Kiv ev nIqv
Excuse – ˆKwdqZ; Ae¨vnwZ Express joy – Avb›` cÖKvk Kiv
Q. (11 – 15): Select the pair that expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words (01-05)
Replace the words/phrases given in italics to make the sentence most effective and meaningfully correct
12. He did not know the answer and I did not neither.
a) and either did I b) and neither did I
c) and neither have I d) and either did have ans. B
S: evK¨wU‡Z ¸i“Z¡ eySv‡bv n‡”Q| ZvB ‘and’ Gi c‡ii As‡ki Subject ‘I’ Gi Av‡M Verb ‘did’ em‡e| Avi
Negative evK¨ e‡j Neither n‡e| GKvi‡Y DËi n‡e Ackb b) Gi and neither did I.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m †hgb DËiwU cv‡iwb, †Zgwb AvwgI cvwiwb|
Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word (16-20)
16. Lest
a) but b) unless
c) fear d) anything but that ans. C
S: Fear kãwU Noun hvi A_© fq; AvZ¼| Ab¨w`‡K Lest kãwU Conjunction hvi A_© cv‡Q (N‡U ZvB); hv‡Z bv
N‡U| †mB wn‡m‡e Fear Ges Lest kã `ywU ci¯ú‡ii Synonym n‡Z cv‡i bv| wKš‘ Lest kãwU me©`vB GKUv
Avk¼v A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| †mB A‡_© Synonym wn‡m‡e Unless bv n‡q Fear kãwU n‡e|
17. Give up
a) start b) give
c) receive d) stop doing ans. D
S: Give up – Z¨vM Kiv; eÜ Kiv; cwiZ¨vM Kiv|
18. Hybrid
a) pedigreed b) crossbred
c) hackneyed d) unusual ans. B
S: Hybrid = Crossbred – m¼i; m¼i RvZ Pedigree – c~e©ciy “lµg
Unusual – A¯^vfvweK; AcÖPwjZ Hackneyed – gvgywj; MZvbyMwZK; wbim
19. Devoid
a) lacking b) stupid
c) evasive d) hopeless ans. A
S: Devoid – wenxb; ewR©Z Lack – Afve NUv
Evasive – Gwo‡q †h‡Z m‡Pó Hopeless – Avkvwenxb; wbivk
20. Submerge
a) to walk on b) to appear
c) to sink d) to join together ans. C
S: Submerge – R‡j Wzwe‡q ivLv Walk on – g‡Â †Kv‡bv wbe©vK f~wgKvq Awfbq Kiv
Appear – `„wó †MvPi nIqv Sink – †Wvev; †Wvev‡bv; Wz‡e hvIqv
Fill in the blanks with appropriate word from the alternatives (21-25)
22. Most of the issues discussed here in the meeting were trivial and only a few were ________.
a) interesting b) significant
c) practical d) irrelevant ans. B
S: Common question: Uttara Bank Ltd. (PO) 24.11.2017 & Question no: 27.
25. Every sensible citizen abides ________ the law of the country.
a) to b) for
c) by d) with ans. C
S: Abide by – †g‡b Pjv Abide with – m‡½ _vKv Abide at or in – evm Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖ‡Z¨K mybvMwiKB †`‡ki AvBb †g‡b P‡j|
MBA (Evening)
35th Batch – 2017
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow (Question 1-5):
Climate is dynamic and changing. Now-a-day, climate change is one of the most debated issue in the
world. Human activity is the prime cause of global warming along with natural disasters. The
scientists who are studying and doing research in climate change ail over the world are finding
evidence from tree rings, pollen samples, ice cores and sea sediments of such changes. Climate
change is a global problem, so we need a global solution. The youth can play a vital role in making
the people aware of the effects of climate change. They can make a network to launch a movement
for sustainable development globally. Sustainable development, which can successfully address the
issue of climate change, should be the model everywhere. The youth, with their knowledge and
awareness building activities, can drive their communities and countries towards a sustainable as
well as peaceful future. Thus the youth can make our planet safe for themselves and for the future
generations as well.
03. If we follow the logic of the paragraph, which one of the following statements is correct?
a) A global problem needs a local solution. b) A local problem needs a local solution.
c) A global problem needs no local solution. d) A local problem needs a global solution.
e) Local and global problems solve each other. ans. B
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, Avgiv hw` Passage wUi hyw³¸‡jv †g‡b †bB, Z‡e wb‡Pi †Kvb e³e¨wU mwVK n‡e?
Passage wUi 4 Ges 5 bs jvB‡b ejv n‡”Q †h, Rjevqyi cwieZ©b GKwU ˆewk¦K mgm¨v, ZvB Gi mgvavbI ˆewk¦K
n‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e GKwU Local mgvavb Locally Ki‡Z n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb b).
Underlined Word/Words
Choose the alternative that best replaces the underlined portion of the following sentences (Q: 6-8)
07. The reason I came late to class today is because the bus broke down.
a) I come late to class today is b) I came late to class today is that
c) That I was late to class today as because d) I was late to class today is because
e) Why I came late to class today is because ans. B
S: GwU Redundancy Gi cÖkœ| cÖ‡kœi ïi“‡Z The reason Av‡Q Ges Gi wb‡P `vM †bB e‡j GwU AcwieZ©bxq| GLb
†`Lyb Sentence Gi `vM †`qv As‡ki †fZ‡i Because Av‡Q| Reason Ges Because GKB A_© cÖKvkK e‡j
Because n‡e bv| ZvB a), c), d) ev`| Became Gi cwie‡Z© That n‡e| GRb¨ DËi b).
08. Since we are living in Dhaka for five years, we are reluctant to move to another city.
a) Since we are living b) Being that we are c) Being that we have been
d) Since we have been living e) Since we were living ans. D
S: For five years (cuvP eQi a‡i) _vKvi Kvi‡Y Present Continuous Tense bv n‡q Present Perfect
Continuous Tense n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †h‡nZz cuvP eQi hver Avgiv XvKvq emevm K‡i AvmwQ ZvB Avgiv Ab¨ kn‡i †h‡Z Awb”QzK|
Correct Sentence
10. a) The boy who does best he will get a prize. b) One should not waste his time.
c) Everyone have seen that movie. d) If we will be late, they will be angry.
e) I fell asleep while I was watching TV. ans. E
S: Ackb a) Gi The boy who does best he will get a prize G he kãwU AwZwi³ Av‡Q| mwVK n‡e The boy
who does best will get a prize A_©vr †h †Q‡jwU me‡P‡q †ewk fv‡jv Ki‡e †mB cyi¯‹vi cv‡e|
Ackb b) Gi One should not waste his time G his kãwU fzj| mwVK n‡e one’s.
Ackb c) Gi Everyone have seen that movie G have kãwU fzj| mwVK n‡e has.
Ackb d) Gi If we will be late, they will be angry G be kãwU AwZwi³ Av‡Q| mwVK n‡e If we will late,
they will be angry hvi A_© n‡jv hw` Avgiv †`wi Kwi Z‡e Zviv ivMvwš^Z n‡e|
Ackb e) Gi I fell asleep while I was watching TV mwVK hvi A_© ÔAvwg wUwf †`L‡Z †`L‡Z Nywg‡q cojvgÕ|
Avi Fell asleep Gi A_© n‡jv Nywg‡q cov|
11. a) She has so boring job. b) Could you tell me why did I fail?
c) I look forward to see you next month. d) If I were taller, I’d play basketball.
e) I am not agree with you. ans. D
S: Ackb a) Gi She has so boring job G so kãwU fzj| mwVK n‡e She has a boring job.
Ackb c) Gi I look forward to see you next month G see kãwU fzj| mwVK n‡e seeing.
Ackb d) Gi If I were taller, I’d play basketball G taller kãwU fzj| mwVK n‡e tall.
Ackb e) Gi I am not agree with you G am kãwU fzj| mwVK n‡e I do not agree with you. KviY GwU
Past Indefinite Tense Gi evK¨|
Look forward to – mvMÖ‡n cÖZx¶v Kiv Agree with – Kv‡iv mv‡_ GKgZ †cvlY Kiv
Correct Sentence
Select the appropriate word (Questions 13-16)
Correct Sentence
MBA (Evening)
36th Batch – 2017
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (Questions 1-5)
Japan’s factory output unexpectedly slipped 0.8 percent in January, the first fall in six months and
the latest red flag for the world’s number economy, official data showed recently. The on-month
figure, which missed market expectations for a 0.4 percent expansion, comes a week after Japan
logged its first trade deficit in almost half a year. A weak yen has helped prop up the economy by
driving exports, but inflation and consumer spending remain weak as cautious firms avoid big pay
hikes. Production of electronics parts and devices expanded in January, lifted by strong demand for
smartphones and other gadgets. But that was offset by a decline in passenger vehicle production.
The data dampen hopes for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s efforts to produce meaningful
growth with a policy blitz.
Passage wU‡Z ejv n‡”Q Rvcv‡bi Factory ¸‡jvi Drcv`b 0.8% K‡g wM‡q‡Q| GUv MZ Qq gv‡mi g‡a¨ GB cÖ_g
cZb| Rvcv‡bi evwYR¨ NvUwZ nIqvi GK mßvn c‡iB Rvcv‡bi evRvi m¤cÖmviY 0.4% K‡g wM‡q‡Q| B‡q‡bi
`icZ‡bi d‡j Export †e‡o †M‡jI gy`ªvùxwZ Ges g~j¨¯—‡i cÖfve co‡jv| Rvbyqvwi‡Z Electronic hš¿cvwZi
Drcv`b †hgbt Smartphone Ges Ab¨vb¨ hš¿cvwZi Pvwn`ve„w× RwbZ Kvi‡Y †e‡o †Mj| wKš‘ GUv cwienY hš¿vs‡ki
Drcv`b K‡g hvIqvq Zv cywl‡q †Mj hv Rvcv‡bi cÖavbgš¿xi A_©en A_©‰bwZK cÖe„w×i aviYv‡K e¨vnZ Ki‡jv|
03. What is the meaning of the term ‘red flag’ in the context of the passage?
a) Japanese flag with a red sun in the middle b) Optimism about the economy
c) An accelerated economic growth d) A sign of caution for the economy
e) A sign of expansion of the economy ans. D
S: Passage wU †Z e¨eüZ kã ‘Red flag’ Øviv wK eySv‡”Q?
‘Red flag’ Gi AvwfavwbK A_© n‡jv wec‡`i cÖZxK wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ cZvKv (†hgb †ij c‡_i Dci Kvh©iZ kªwgKMY
e¨eüZ K‡i) wKš‘ Passage wU‡Z ‘Red flag’ Øviv g~jZ wek¦ A_©bxwZ‡Z GKwU g›`vi c~e©vfvm‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Q| Avi
Zvi KviY n‡jv we‡k¦i e„nËg A_©bxwZ Rvcv‡bi gy`ªvi Devaluation. ZvB mwVK DËi d).
07. You have to leave your shoes ______ the door when you enter the house.
a) over b) in c) by
d) to e) above ans. C
S: Leave by A_© †Kvb wKQzi wbK‡U †i‡L hvIqv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t evwo‡Z cÖ‡e‡ki mgq `iRvi Kv‡Q Avcbvi RyZv ivL‡Z n‡e|
11. After the initial setback, all ______ programmes ran smoothly.
a) subsequent b) subsequently c) consequent
d) consequently e) consequential ans. A
12. Mahin’s career has taken some ______ twists and turns.
a) interactive b) incentive c) intuitive
d) interesting e) introspective ans. D
S: Interactive – cvi¯úwiKfv‡e mwµq Incentive – DÏxcK; DÏxcbv; D‡ËRK
Intuitive – ¯^ÁvZ; Aš—Á©vbjä Twists and turns – RwUj Ae¯’v
ev‡K¨i A_©t gvwn‡bi K¨vwiqv‡i wKQz †KŠZ~n‡jvÏxcK RwUj Ae¯’vi m„wó n‡q‡Q|
Choose the alternative that best replaces the underlined portion of the following sentences (Q: 14-16):
14. In Bangladesh, gender discrimination deters population control and poverty alleviation.
a) justifies b) helps c) impedes
d) stimulates e) accelerates ans. C
S: Discrimination – cv_©K¨Ki‡Yi ¶gZv; ˆelg¨ Deter – wbi“rmvwnZ Kiv; evav †`Iqv
Impede – e¨vnZ/ evwaZ/ evavMÖ¯’ Kiv Stimulate – DÏxwcZ Kiv; RvwM‡q †Zvjv
ev‡K¨i A_©t evsjv‡`‡k RbmsL¨v wbqš¿‡Y I `vwi`ª¨ `~ixKi‡Y wj½ ˆelg¨ GKwU Aš—ivq|
18. a) I would not hear you. b) All day I was wearing a sweater. c) He took our his shoes.
d) The shop was drowned. e) He came putting on a smart jacket. ans. E
S: Ackb a) ev`, KviY Would not bv n‡q Can not n‡e|
Ackb b) ev`, KviY mvivw`b A‡_© All day long n‡e Ges Sweater Gi c~‡e© ‘a’ bv e‡m The em‡e|
Ackb c) ev`, KviY mwi‡q †bqv A‡_© Take out e¨eüZ nq|
Ackb e) ev`, KviY Drowned bv n‡q Drowning n‡e|
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (Questions 1-5)
It is hard to be a farmer. Cold weather can kill your crops. Weeds can hurt and insects can eat your
crops. Your crops may need more rain than what they get. Fruits and vegetables can go bad before
they are sold. Some people say farmers can fix all of this with GM or genetically modified food.
What is GM food? All living things have DNA. DNA tells living things how to grow. These days,
people can change the DNA that tells food how to grow. When people change the DNA of food it is
called GM food. Some GM food can grow in cold weather. GM food can stop insects from eating it.
One day GM food may feed people who do not have much food. But we still don’t know the risks
GM food poses. Does GM food make people sick, or kill insects we need? We do not know.
Passage wUi Abyev`t K…lK nIqv eo KwVb| cÖwZK~j cwi‡e‡k dmj g‡i †h‡Z cv‡i| AvMvQv I †cvKv-gvKo dmj
†L‡q †dj‡Z cv‡i| dmj †h cwigvY cvwb cvq Zv cÖ‡qvR‡bi Zzjbvq Kg n‡Z cv‡i| wewµi c~‡e©B dmjI dj bó
n‡Z cv‡i| †KD †KD Aek¨ e‡j GB me wKQzi mgvavb †Kej Genetically modified dm‡ji gva¨‡g Kiv †h‡Z
GM dmj wK? cÖ‡Z¨K cÖvwYiB DNA i‡q‡Q| cÖvwY¸‡jv wKfv‡e eo n‡e Zvi web¨vm DNA †Z †jLv _v‡K| hLb
dm‡ji DNA cwieZ©b Kiv nq ZLb H dmj‡K GM food e‡j| GB ai‡Yi dmj cÖwZK~j cwi‡e‡kI Rb¥v‡Z
cv‡i, †cvKv-gvK‡oi AvµgY n‡Z i¶v †c‡Z cv‡i| Lv‡`¨i Afve n‡j gvbyl GKw`b GB GM food Lv‡e| wKš‘
Avgiv GL‡bv Rvwb bv †h GM food Gi mv‡_ wK wK SzuwK RwoZ| GM food wK gvbyl‡K Amy¯’ K‡i A_ev Ggb me
†cvKv-gvKo wbab K‡i hv Avgv‡`i Rb¨ DcKvix? Avgiv Zv Rvwb bv|
05. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘farmers can fix all of this’?
a) Farmers can decide what to do. b) Farmers can solve all the problems.
c) Farmers can attach all this. d) Farmers can grow all the food.
e) Farmers can depend on GM food. ans. B
S: ‘Farmers can fix all of this’ GB evK¨vs‡ki A_© wK?
Literally evK¨wU Øviv eySv‡”Q †h dmj djv‡bv I Zv msi¶‡Yi Rb¨ K…lK †h mgm¨v¸‡jv Face K‡i Zvi me
mgm¨vi mgvavb Ki‡Z GB GM food. A_©vr ‘Farmers can fix all of this’ Øviv mgm¨v mgvav‡bi K_vB Bw½Z
Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB mwVK DËi Ackb b).
Choose the alternative that best replaces the underlined portion of the sentences below (Q: 10-12):
10. The upheaval in the stock market made the investors nervous.
a) slow-down b) upswing c) buy out
d) disruption e) heavy investment ans. D
S: Upheaval – AvKw¯§K; weivU cwieZ©b Slow-down – MwZ gš’i Kiv; Drcv`b n«vm Kiv
Upswing – Av‡›`vwjZ nIqv; †`vjv‡bv Buy out – gvwjKvbv †Q‡o †`qvi Rb¨ KvD‡K A_© cÖ`vb Kiv
Disruption – e¨vnZKiY; aŸsmKvix Heavy investment – wekvj wewb‡qvM
ev‡K¨i A_©t †kqvi evRv‡ii wek„•Lj Ae¯’v wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i g‡a¨ DwØMœZvi m„wó K‡iwQj|
19. The release of the film _______ with the 35th birthday of the actor.
a) coincided b) harmonized c) timed
d) patronized e) celebrated ans. A
S: Coincide – hyMcrfv‡e NUv; nVvr K‡i wg‡j hvIqv Harmonize – wgj Kiv
Patroniz – c„ô‡cvlKZv Kiv Celebrate – D`&hvcb Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t Awf‡bZvi 35Zg Rb¥w`‡bi mv‡_ wdj¥wUi wiwj‡Ri w`bwU KvKZvjxqfv‡e wg‡j wM‡qwQ‡jv|
20. It’s not possible for most people to _______ things that happened in their childhood.
a) memorize b) recall c) dream
d) imagine e) expunge ans. B
S: Memorize – ¯§„wZ‡Z Avbv Recall – g‡b Kiv; ¯§iY Kiv
Imagine – Kíbv Kiv Expunge – gy‡Q †djv; wbwðý Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t AwaKvsk †jv‡Ki c‡¶B evj¨Kv‡j hv N‡UwQj Zv ¯§iY Kiv m¤¢e bq|
01. Professor Razzak was a scholar _____ refute. (Fill in the gap)
a) In b) of
c) after d) by ans. D
07. The romantic age in English literature began with the publication of _____.
a) Preface to Shakespeare b) Preface to Lyrical Ballads
c) Preface to Ancient Mariners d) Preface to Dr. Johnson ans. B
S: 1798 mv‡j S.T. Coleridge Ges William Wordsworth Lyrical Ballads iPbvi ga¨ w`‡q Romantic hy‡Mi
m~Pbv nq| GQvovI 1798 mvj wQj Neoclassical Periods †kl Ges Romantic hy‡Mi m~Pbv Kvj|
11. The idiom ‘A stitch is times saves nine’ _____ refers to the importance of _____
a) saving lives b) timely action
c) saving time d) time tailoring ans. B
S: Gi A_© Òmg‡qi GK‡duvi Amg‡qi `k †duviÓ|
17. Which of the following writers belongs to the romantic period in English literature?
a) A. Tennyson b) Alexander Pope
c) John Dryden d) S. T. Coleridge ans. D
S: 1798 mv‡j S. T. Coleridge Ges Wordsworth †hŠ_fv‡e Lyrical Balled iPbvi gva¨‡g Romantic hy‡Mi m~Pbv nq|
W. Wordsworth Gi iPbv njt Tintern Abbey, The Solitary Reaper, The Daffodils BZ¨vw`|
S. T. Coleridge Gi iPbv njt The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, Cristable, Ode to
Dejection BZ¨vw`|
25. Slow and steady _____ the race. (Fill in the gap)
a) win b) wins
c) has won d) won ans. B
S: Slow and Steady GKB A‡_© e¨eüZ n‡”Q| ZvB Singular verb em‡e|
Sentence Correction
Word Meaning
Word Meaning
Sentence Correction
Grammar (Number)
Sentence Correction
Transformation of Sentence
03. “A rolling stone gathers no moss “The complex form of the sentence is ...........
a) Since a stone is rolling, it gathers no moss. b) Though a stone rolls, It gathers no moss.
c) A stone what rolls gathers no moss. d) A stone that rolls gathers no moss. ans. D
Recent Publication 175
Word Meaning
04. A chart was appeended to the report. Here ‘appended’ means .......
a) changed b) removed
c) joined d) shortened ans. C
S: Append someting to A_© †jLvq ev Qvcvq mshy³ Kiv; †Kv‡bvwKQz cwi‡k‡l †hvM Kiv| Avi Gi Synonym n‡jv Join.
ev‡K¨i A_©t wi‡cv‡U©i mv‡_ GKwU PvU© ms‡hvRb Kiv n‡qwQ‡jv|
05. The mother sat vigilantly beside the sick baby. Here ‘vigilantly’ is -
a) a noun b) an adverb
c) an adjective d) noun of the three ans. B
S: Noun Adjective Adverb
Vigilance (mZK©Zv) Vigilant (mZK©) Vigilantly (mZK©fv‡e)
Word Meaning
06. The new offer of job was alluring. Here ‘alluring’ means...
a) unexpected b) tempting
c) disappointing d) ordinary ans. B
S: Alluring – †jvfbxq Unexpected – AcÖZ¨vwkZ
Tempting – cÖjy×Ki; †jvfbxq Disappointing – nZvkvRbK
ev‡K¨i A_©©t PvKwii bZzb cÖ¯—vewU †jvfbxq wQj|
07. “Who planted this tree here”? The correct passive voice of this sentence is ------
a) By whom the tree was planted here?
b) Who the tree had been planted hereby?
c) The tree was planted here by whom?
d) By whom had the tree been planted here? ans. Note
S: Interrogative Sentence ‘Who’ w`‡q ïi“ n‡j Passive Kivi †¶‡Î ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z By whom e‡m| ZvB,
Passive form wU n‡e: By whom was this tree planted here?
10. Choose the appropriate preposition in the blank of the following sentences: The family doesn’t
feel ........ going outing this season.
a) in b) on
c) like d) of ans. C
S: ‘Feel like’ e¨eüZ nq †Kv‡bv wKQz Ki‡Z B”QzK ev B”Qv cÖKvk Ki‡Z| Gi ci †h verb Av‡m Zvi mv‡_ ‘ing’ †hvM nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cwieviwU GB †gŠmy‡g evB‡i Nyi‡Z hvIqvi Rb¨ AvMÖnx bq|
11. Fill in the blank with appropriate use of tense: I couldn’t mend the computer myself, so I --- at
a shop.
a) had it mended b) had it mend
c) did it mend d) had mended ans. A
S: †Kv‡bv KvR ÔØviv Kiv‡bvÕ Giƒc †evSv‡Z Causative verb e‡m| Causative verb e¨env‡ii †¶‡Î MVb Subject +
causative verb + object + g~j verb Gi Past Participle form nq| †hgb: I had my blancket washed. Avi,
Structure Abyhvqx cÖ`Ë sentence-wU n‡e: So I had it mended at a shop.
Causative verbs: have, make, cause, allow, help, enable, keep, hold, let, force and require.
ev‡K¨i A_©: Avwg wb‡R Kw¤úDUvi wVK Ki‡Z cvwiwb, ZvB †`vKv‡b wb‡q Avwg GwU wVK Kwi‡qwQjvg|
Grammar (Article)
12. Use the appropriate article: I saw ........ one-eyed man when I was walking on the road.
a) a b) an
c) the d) no article is needed ans. A
S: ‘O’ Gi D”PviY ‘wa’ ev ÔIqvÕ Gi g‡Zv n‡j (Vowel nIqv m‡Ë¡I) Zvi Av‡M ‘An’ Gi cwie‡Z© ‘A’ e‡m| Avi
†h‡nZz GLv‡b k~b¨¯’v‡bi c‡ii kã one (Iqvb) Av‡Q ZvB GLv‡b ‘a’ em‡e|
Word Meaning
15. Complete the following sentence choosing the appropriate option: It’s raining cats and dogs, so ---
a) Watch out for falling animals b) Make sure you take an umbrella
c) Keep your pets inside d) Keep the windows open ans. B
S: Cats and dogs Gi A_© gyljav‡i| ev‡K¨i cÖ_g As‡k ejv n‡”Q, Ôgyljav‡i e„wó n‡”QÕ ZvB ev‡K¨i c‡ii As‡k
mZK©Zvg~jK e¨e¯’vMÖn‡Yi K_v ejvUvB ¯^vfvweK| Avi GB K_v ejv Av‡Q Ackb b) †Z| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t gyljav‡i e„wó n‡”Q, ZvB wbwðZ nI †h Zzwg QvZv wb‡q‡Qv|
Grammar (Clause)
Word Meaning
19. Cassandra is a night owl, so she doesn’t usually get up untill about;
a) 11 a.m b) 11 p.m
c) 7 a.m d) 7 p.m ans. A
S: Greek Mythology Abyhvqx Cassandra wQ‡jb UªqivR Priam-Gi Kb¨v| Avi ‘Night Owl’ Metaphorical
Idiom, hvi A_© wbkvPi ev †h ivZ †R‡M _v‡K|
cÖ‡kœ †h‡nZz ‘Cassandra is a night owl’ †m‡nZz Zvi c‡¶ 11 p.m, 7 p.m ev 7 a.m –G Nyg †_‡K †R‡M DVv
hyw³m½Z bq| eis 11 a.m-B AwaK hyw³m½Z DËi|
20. Select the word that is the most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
a) toxic b) spurious
c) harmless d) lethal ans. C
S: Deleterious – ¶wZKi Capitalize – e‡ov A¶‡i †jLv
Toxic – welv³; wel msµvš— Spurious – wg_¨v; Rvj; †fRvj
Harmless – ¶wZKi bq Ggb Lethal – cÖvYNvZx; gvivZ¥K
23. Who has written the poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”?
a) Thomas Gray b) P.B. Shelley
c) Robert Frost d) Y.B. Yeats ans. A
S: D‡jL¨, Thomas Gray n‡jb jÛ‡bi Bonedi e‡bw` es‡k 1716 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb g~jZ ‘Elegy’i Rb¨
weL¨vZ| Zuvi Av‡iv D‡jL‡hvM¨ MÖš’ n‡jvt ‘The Fatal Sister’, ‘The Decent of Odir’, ‘Elegy Written in a
Country Churchyard’, Ode on the Spring’ BZ¨vw`|
Recent Publication 179
24. Who has written the play ‘Volpone’?
a) John Webster b) Ben Johnson
c) Christopher Marlowe d) William Shakespeare ans. B
S: e¨½ imvZœK bvU‡Ki Rb¨ Ben Johnson Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨ weL¨vZ n‡q Av‡Qb| Ben Johnson Gi weL¨vZ bvUK
‘Volpone’ Gi bvqK †mvbv‡K †h‡Kv‡bv wRwb‡mi †P‡q †ewk fv‡jvev‡mb| †m †mvbv‡K m~‡h©i †P‡qI †ewk `vg †`q
Ges GwU‡K we‡k¦i †K›`ª g‡b K‡ib| g~jZt †jLK Volpone ev k„Mvj bvU‡K gvby‡li †jvf I bxPZvi GK bMœ g~wZ©
Zz‡j a‡i‡Qb| UvKvi †jv‡f wb‡Ri weevwnZ ¯¿x‡K abxi Kvgbvi Av¸‡b Dc‡XŠKb w`‡Z hviv KzwÉZ †eva K‡i bv,
hviv UvKvi M‡Ü AvZ¥nviv n‡q Qz‡U †eovq Zv‡`i exfrm iƒc‡K GB bvU‡K Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| wZwb AviI †hme bvUK
wj‡L‡Qb Zvi g‡a¨ Everyman in His Humour, Everyman Out of His Humour, The Alchemist Ab¨Zg|
33. The comparison of unlike things using the words like on as is known to be ......
a) metaphor b) simile
c) alliteration d) personification ans. B
S: Metaphor – `ywU wfbœ wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ c‡iv¶ Zzjbv Kiv Simile – `ywU wfbœ wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ mivmwi Zzjbv Kiv
Alliteration – AbycÖvm| †hgbt Safe & Sound; Kith Personification – e¨w³i cÖKvk; cÖKvwkZ e¨w³iƒc
& Kin
Grammar (Narration)
02. Which one in the correct indirect narration? “Why have you beaten my dog”? he said to me.
a) He demanded me why had I beaten his dog
b) He asked me why I have had beaten his dog
c) He enquired me why had I had beaten his dog
d) He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog ans. D
S: KvD‡K †Kv‡bv wKQz ej‡Z eva¨ Kiv n‡j †m‡¶‡Î Demand of e‡m| Avi Present perfect tense Gi Wh
question Gi Narration Ki‡Z GB wbqgwU AbymiY Ki‡Z nq: (WH) Why, who, what BZ¨vw` + subject +
had + verb Gi p.p. iƒc + object. †mB wn‡m‡e mwVK DËi n‡jv Ackb d).
06. A retired officer lives next door. Here, the underlined word in used as a/an:
a) Gerund b) adverb
c) preposition d) participle ans. D
S: †h kã GKB mv‡_ Verb I Adjective Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K Participle e‡j| ev‡K¨i Retired (AeicÖvß) kãwU
Adjective Gi g‡Zv KvR Ki‡Q| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb d) Gi Participle.
D‡jL¨, Gerund Gi †¶‡Î kãwU GKB mv‡_ Verb I Noun Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i| †hgbt Rising early is a good
habit. GLv‡b, Rising kãwU Noun I Verb Gi g‡Zv KvR Ki‡Q| wKš‘ wb‡Pi D`vniYwU †Lqvj Ki“bt A Killed
snake can not bite. GLv‡b Kill + ed = killed kãwU Øviv eySv‡”Q g„Z mvc‡K hv cÖK…Z c‡¶ Adjective. ZvB
GLv‡b Killed n‡”Q Participle.
07. Choose the appropriate preposition in the blank of the following sentence: Eight men were
concerned _____ the plot.
a) at b) with
c) in d) for ans. D
S: Be concerned about / for somebody or something A_© Kv‡iv wel‡q ev †Kv‡bv wKQzi wel‡q wePwjZ nIqv;
DwØMœ nIqv| †hgbt I am concerned about/ for your safety.
ev‡K¨i A_©t AvURb †jvK lohš¿ wb‡q DwØMœ wQj|
08. Fill in the gap with the right tense: When water _____ it turns into ice.
a) will freeze b) freezes
c) would freeze d) froze ans. B
Recent Publication 183
S: When Øviv hy³ GKwU ev‡K¨i `ywU As‡ki cÖ_g Ask Øviv KviY I c‡ii Ask Øviv djvdj eySv‡j djvd‡ji AskwU
hw` Present indefinite tense nq Z‡e eyS‡Z n‡e When Øviv hy³ AskwUI Present indefinite tense Gi n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t hLb cvwb Rg‡Z ïi“ K‡i ZLb GwU ei‡d cwiYZ nq|
12. Select the right compound structure of the sentence: “Though he is poor, he is honest”.
a) He is poor and honest b) As he is poor, he is honest
c) He is poor but honest d) Since he is poor, he is honest ans. C
S: Complex sentence GKwU Clause Gi Av‡M hw` Though ev Although _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K Compound G
iƒcvš—wiZ Ki‡Z n‡j Though/ Although Gi cieZ©x Clause wU Av‡M wj‡L Zvici But wjL‡Z n‡e Ges Zvici
Though ev Although Gi Av‡M (A_©vr Aci) Clause ev AskUzKz emv‡Z n‡e|
14. ‘For God’s sake hold your tongue, and let me love.’ This line is written by—
a) Emily Dickinson b) T. S. Eliot
c) Mathew Arnold d) John Donne ans. D
S: The Jacobean Period Gi Kwe Rb Wvb Zuvi “The canonization” KweZvq DcwiD³ K_vwU D‡jL K‡i‡Qb| Rb
Wvb‡K ejv nq fv‡jvevmvi Kwe| Zuvi KweZv¸‡jv fv‡jvevmvi imvq‡b cwic~Y©| Kwe¸i“ iex›`ªbv_ VvKziI Rb Wv‡bi
KweZv Øviv †ek cÖfvweZ n‡qwQ‡jb| hviv Ò†k‡li KweZvÓ Dcb¨vmwU c‡o‡Qb Zviv GB Line wU H Dcb¨v‡m
K‡qKevi †c‡q‡Qb “For God’s sake hold your and let me love.
16. The sun went down. The underlined word is used here as a/an:
a) preposition b) adverb
c) noun d) conjunction ans. B
S: Go Gi Past form went †K Modify K‡i‡Q Down. A_©vr MwZ wb‡`©kK wµqvc‡`i mv‡_ Down e¨eüZ n‡j Zv
Adverb wn‡m‡eB e¨eüZ nq| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb b) Gi Adverb.
ev‡K¨i A_©t m~h© A¯—wgZ n‡jv|
19. ‘Among’ is a preposition that is used when ______ people are involved.
a) two b) more than two
c) two or more than two d) four only ans. C
S: `yB‡qi AwaK e¨w³, cÖvwY ev e¯‘ _vK‡j Zv‡`i c~‡e© Among Avi ïay `yBwU e¯‘ ev e¨w³ ev cÖvwYi c~‡e© Between
preposition wU e‡m| ZvB k~b¨¯’v‡b More than two em‡e|
Grammar (Number)
Grammar (Number)
Literary term
Grammar (Noun)
Literary Term
Grammar (Clause)
Word Meaning
Examination Held On: June 2017
01. An issue that poses a major challenge to the _______ to healthcare by poor people in
Bangladesh _______ costs of common, over-the-counter medicines.
a) exposure, are the rising b) inclusion, is the raising c) access, is the spiraling
d) access, are the spiraling e) availability, is the dwindling ans. C
S: Exposure – Abve„ZKiY; cÖ`k©b Inclusion – Aš—©f~w³
Spiral – †cuPv‡bv AvK…wZ Availability – cÖvc¨Zv; jf¨Zv
ev‡K¨i A_©t ¯^v¯’¨ †mev †bqvi †¶‡Î evsjv‡`‡ki Mixe gvbyl‡`i †h mgm¨v¸‡jv i‡q‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg n‡jv
Jl‡ai `v‡gi EaŸ©MwZ|
02. _______ the businessmen have welcomed the move, there has been strong _______ from many
a) While, opposition b) When, rivalry c) Though, approval
d) In spite of, non-cooperation e) None of these ans. A
S: In spite of – m‡Ë¡I Spite – N„Y¨; RNY¨ Rivalry – cÖwZØw›ØZv
03. As well as _____ immeasurable suffering, violent crime is a big ____ to economic development.
a) imposing, impediment b) creating, hurdle c) waning, exacerbation
d) inflicting, obstacle e) causing, trigger ans. D
S: Immeasurable – Acwi‡gq Imposing – (Ki, `vwqZ¡ BZ¨vw`) Av‡ivc Kiv
Impediment – †h †Kv‡bv cÖwZeÜK Hurdle – Ae‡iva
Wan – (e¨w³ ev Zvi †Pnviv m¤^‡Ü) Amy¯’; K¬vš— Exacerbation – weiw³; AebwZ
Inflict – (AvNvZ BZ¨vw`) nvbv; emv‡bv; cÖ`vb Kiv Obstacle – evav; cÖwZeÜK
ev‡K¨i A_©t Acwi‡gq `y`©kvi gZB QvovI gvivZ¥K mš¿vmx Kvh©µg A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡bi c‡_ eo euvav|
05. The coach repeatedly reminded his star performers not to be _______ about their superior
a) lackluster b) vain c) banal
d) earnest e) scrupulous ans. B
S: Repeatedly – evi evi Lackluster – gvgywj; MZvbyMwZK
Vain – wbõj; wedj; e„_v Banal – gvgywj; MZvbyMwZK; Zz”Q
Earnest – DrmyK Scrupulous – LyuZLyu‡Z; we‡eKevb
ev‡K¨i A_©t †KvP Zvi ZviKv †L‡jvqvi‡`i evievi ¯§iY Kwi‡q w`‡jb Zv‡`i m‡ev”P© Performance Gi K_v fz‡j
bv †h‡Z|
06. While filling up the survey, he was very open and _______ in revealing his feelings about the
organization’s compensation program.
a) astute b) incredulous c) devious
d) candid e) virile ans. D
Recent Publication 191
S: Compensation – ¶wZc~iY; †LmviZ Astute – cÖvavb¨ ev myweav AR©‡bi e¨vcv‡i Zx²`„wó
Incredulous – AcÖZ¨qx; Awek¦vmx Devious – †Nviv‡bv; mwc©j; Amij
Candid – AKcU; gb‡Lvjv; mij Virile – †cŠi“l`xß
ev‡K¨i A_©t Rwi‡ci Z_¨¸‡jv c~i‡Yi mgq †m Zvi cÖwZôv‡bi ¶wZc~iYg~jK Kg©m~Px m¤ú‡K© †Lvjv g‡b Zvi
Abyf~wZ cÖKvk Ki‡jb|
Instruction: For each sentence, replace the underlined parts with the option that represents the most
proper usage of grammar. Choice A is the same as the underlined portion of the original sentence. If
you think the original sentence is the best, choose option A.
07. You must better wait for the instructions before starting the examination.
a) You must better wait b) You must rather wait c) You had rather wait
d) You had rather waited e) You had better wait ans. E
S: You had better wait A_© Avcbvi eis A‡c¶v KivB †kªq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cix¶v ïi“i c~‡e© Avcbvi eis wb‡`©kbv AbymiY Kivi Rb¨ A‡c¶v KivB †kªq|
08. The teacher explained to the fifth graders that they should start becoming more independent
and stop expecting their parents to constantly await on them.
a) await on b) wait for c) await
d) wait on e) await for ans. D
S: Await for ev Upon somebody A_© †mev ev †L`gZ Kiv; digvk LvUv; cwiPviK ev AbyPi wn‡m‡e KvR Kiv|
wKš‘ Wait for ev Await for A_© A‡c¶v Kiv| ZvB DËi n‡jv Ackb d) Gi Wait on.
ev‡K¨i A_©t wk¶K cÂg †kªwYi Qv·`i wbKU e¨vL¨v K‡i ej‡jb †h Zv‡`i (Qv·`i) Av‡iv AvZ¥wbf©ikxj nIqv
DwPr Ges AweiZ wcZv-gvZvi Dci wbf©i Kiv eÜ Ki‡Z n‡e|
12. He was aggrieved as his name not found in the list of contributors.
a) was aggrieved as his name not found b) was aggrieved not finding his name
c) was aggrieved as his name couldn’t found d) was aggrieved at not having find his name
e) was aggrieved at not having found his name ans. E
S: Be aggrieved at not having found one’s name A_© bvg Lyu‡R bv cvIqvi Kvi‡Y ¶zä nIqv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Puv`v †`qv gvbyl‡`i ZvwjKvq Zvi bvg Lyu‡R bv cvIqvq wZwb ¶zä n‡jb|
13. Yesterday, despite several attempts, I could find no better solution to the problem.
a) could find no better solution b) could find any better solution
c) can find any better solution d) could found no better solution
e) cannot have found no better solution ans. A
S: I could find no better solution A_© Avwg †Kv‡bv fv‡jv mgvavb Lyu‡R †cjvg bv| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb a).
ev‡K¨i A_©t MZKvj A‡bK cÖ‡Póv m‡Ë¡I Avwg GB mgm¨vi †Kv‡bv fvj mgvavb Lyu‡R †cjvg bv|
Error Finding
Instruction: For each sentence, identify which underlined section is incorrect. Otherwise, choose option e.
Instruction: Pick up words from the options given below to complete the passage.
Global strategies to control 17 diseases have historically included the erection of barriers to
international travel and 18. Keeping people with such deadly diseases outside national borders has
19 as an important public health policy in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic.
Between 29 and 50 countries 20 to have introduced border restrictions on HIV-positive foreigners,
usually those planning an 21 stay in the country such as students, workers, or seamen.
Common Question: Janata Bank Ltd. Executive Officer (Engineer) Electrical 06.01.2017 & Question
no: 04-07; Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (AP) 27.10.2017 & Question no (01-04).
Word Substitution
Instruction: Select the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined word/phrase.
23. I was not sure about going to the party since I hardly knew anyone there.
a) fastidious b) vacuous c) restless
d) ambivalent e) averse ans. D
Recent Publication 194
S: Fastidious – LyuZLyu‡Z; †`vl ai‡Z Zrci Vacuous – k~b¨; duvKv; D`vm
Restless – Aw¯’i; PÂj Averse – wegyL; we‡ivax; Abxnv
D‡jL¨ GLv‡b Ambivalent A_© ci¯úi wecixZ ev m`„k `ywU wRwb‡mi †h‡Kvb GKwU ev DfqwUi we`¨gvb Ggb;
wbwðZ bq Ggb| Avi †Kv‡bv wKQz wbwðZ bq Ggb eySv‡Z Ambivalent emv‡Z nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cvwU©‡Z hvevi e¨vcv‡i Avwg wbwðZ wQjvg bv KviY †mLvbKvi KvD‡KB Avwg †Zgb wPbZvg bv|
24. You should have notified me without delay upon arrival of the guests.
a) expressly b) duly c) promptly
d) explicitly e) clearly ans. C
S: Expressly – my¯úófv‡e Duly – h_vh_fv‡e; h_vmg‡q
Promptly – Awej‡¤^; PUK‡i; w¶cÖZvi m‡½ Explicitly – cwi®‹vi I cwic~Y©fv‡e cÖKvwkZ Ggb
GLv‡b Promptly Gi Synonymous n‡jv Without delay. ZvB mwVK DËi Ackb c).
ev‡K¨i A_©t AwZw_‡`i AvMg‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_B Avcwb Avgv‡K j¶¨ K‡i _vK‡eb|
Instruction: Read the following paragraph and answer the questions
Demographic dividend is the surge in economic growth that may result from a decline in a country’s
mortality and fertility and the subsequent change in the age structure of the population. This decline
is often accompanied by an increase in average life expectancy, which increases the size of the
working-age population. In other words, it is a boost in economic productivity that occurs when
there are growing numbers of people in the workforce relative to the number of dependents.
Bangladesh has experienced a dramatic decline in fertility and mortality during the last four decades.
During the same period, life expectancy at birth has increased, thereby producing a huge shift in age
structure of the population. Dependents per 100 working population declined from over 100 in 1961
to 60 in 2010. This has created a window of economic opportunity that can be expressed as
demographic dividend of Bangladesh.
Recent Publication 195
Demographic dividend helps to provide an opportunity to improve living standards through
increased capital formulation, savings and investment, female participation in labor force, improved
quality of labor force and increased demand of goods and services. But the opportunity and the
reality are not synonymous. For translating this opportunity into reality, the benefits of
‘demographic dividend’, must not be understood only in terms of additional number of jobs created.
Creation of higher productivity jobs, intermediation of savings of the existing working-age
population for investment in infrastructures and institutions, creation of greater opportunities for
female labor force etc matter here.
It is also important to take into cognizance that this dividend will not last for long as the experience
of other countries has shown. The current bulge in the country’s working-age population will
eventually transform into a bulge in the elderly population within the next one decade or so and an
ageing population scenario will emerge that requires huge resources to look after the needs of the
elderly. Policymakers and social scientists optimistically discuss the demographic dividend as if the
benefits are imminent and within grasp. However, many developing countries, including
Bangladesh, will not be able to achieve this economic benefit without appropriate policies and
substantial investments in a number of areas.
Passage wU LyeB ¸i“Z¡c~Y© GKwU welq wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| †Kv‡bv †`‡ki AwaKvsk RbmsL¨vi eqm
Working age ev Kg©¶g _vK‡j †mB †`k †`‡ki AwaK/ ewa©Z RbmsL¨v n‡Z †h myweav¸‡jv cvq Zv‡K
Demographic dividend e‡j| Passage wUi cÖ_g c¨vivq ejv n‡”Q †h, GKwU †`‡ki wbf©ikxj A_©vr e„× I
wkï‡`i msL¨vi PvB‡Z hw` Kg©¶g †jv‡Ki msL¨v †ewk nq Z‡e H †`‡k A_©‰bwZK Drcv`bkxjZvi gva¨‡g Dbœqb
NUv‡Z cv‡i| Avi wØZxq c¨vivq G‡m Demographic dividend Gi myweav¸‡jv Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q Ges †k‡li c¨vivq
G‡m ejv n‡”Q †h, RbmsL¨v n‡Z GB Demographic myweav `ª“Z Zz‡j wb‡Z bv cvi‡j c‡i GB myweav Avi cvIqv
hv‡e bv KviY ZLb RbmsL¨vi H †kªwYUv Avi Kg©¶g _vK‡e bv| Avmyb Gevi Avgiv cÖ‡kœi mgvav‡b Avwm|
27. The demographic dividend can basically be expressed as the opportunity arising from:
a) A fall in the number of children expected to survive upon birth in a population
b) A fall in the ratio of the dependent population to the working population
c) A fall in the ratio of the working population to the non-working population
d) A reduction in life expectancy
e) A bulge in the elderly age group of the population ans. B
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, wK Kvi‡Y Demographic dividend m„wó nq?
cÂg jvB‡b ejv n‡”Q †h, wbf©ikxj gvby‡li Zzjbvq Kg©¶g †jv‡Ki msL¨v evo‡j GB Demographic myweav m„wó
nq, ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb b).
30. All of the following are true of the demographic dividend, EXCEPT,
a) It can facilitate a period of robust economic growth.
b) It opens a window of opportunity for better utilization of the working population.
c) It is a naturally occurring phenomenon which will produce sure economic benefits with or
without policy support.
d) It is a transitory phenomenon.
e) It can generate higher demand for goods and services and therefore have positive multiplier
effects on economic growth. ans. C
S: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, Demographic dividend m¤ú‡K© wb‡Pi †KvbwU mZ¨ bq?
†k‡li c¨vivi gvSvgvwS‡Z G‡m ejv n‡”Q †h, Working age population will eventually transform into a
bulge in the elderly population within the next one decade or so and an ageing population scenario
will emerge that requires huge resources to look after the needs of the elderly. ZvB ejv hvq †h, GB
Demographic dividend †Kvb Transitory ev ¶Y¯’vqx NUbv bq| ZvB mwVK DËi c).
Sentence Correction
05. Fill in the gap with appropriate word: I hoped he ______ arrived safely.
a) has b) is
c) had d) would have ans. C
S: cÖ_g As‡ki I hoped †h‡nZz Past tense Gi evK¨, ZvB c‡ii AskwU wbqg Abyhvqx Past perfect tense Gi evK¨
n‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e He Gi c‡i had arrived safely Avm‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg Avkv K‡iwQjvg †m wbivc‡` evwo †cuŠ‡Q‡Q|
06. Fill in the blank: The changes in this city have occurred _____.
a) swiftly b) fastly
c) rapidly d) deeply ans. C
S: Swiftly – mZ¡i; Z¡ivq; `ª“Z‡e‡M Fast – `ª“Z; ZvovZvwo
Rapid – `ª“Z; w¶cÖ; †eMevb Deeply – Mfxifv‡e; Zxeªfv‡e
Fast wb‡RB GKwU Adverb ZvB Gi mv‡_ Avjv`v K‡i ‘ly’ †hvM Kivi `iKvi nq bv, ZvB Ackb b) ev`| Avi
cÖ‡kœ kn‡ii cwieZ©‡bi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| Avi kni ev bM‡ii `ª“Z cwieZ©b eySv‡Z Rapidly kãwU e¨envi Ki‡Z
nq| Ae¯’vi `ª“Z cwieZ©b eySv‡Z Swiftly e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
Correct Sentence: The changes in this city have occurred rapidly.
ev‡K¨i A_©t GB kn‡ii cwieZ©b A‡bK `ª“Z msNwUZ n‡qwQj|
Word Meaning
08. Find the correct meaning of the underlined part: Honesty is half the battle in life.
a) substantial asset b) determined factor
c) exaggerated variable d) Literary factor ans. A
S: Be half the battle kãwUi A_© n‡jv †Kvb GKwU j¶¨ ev Kv‡Ri me‡P‡q ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Ask| A_©vr A key part of a
larger goal or task, a significant part of an effort, the most important part of what you have to do in
order to achieve something. †mB wn‡m‡e Ackb a) Gi substantial asset emv‡j evK¨wU `uvovq
Honesty is a substantial asset in life hv mwVK| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv j¶¨ Ki“bt
Example: Winning people’s trust is half the battle.
Just getting an interview is half the battle.
Getting through traffic to the airport was half the battle.
ev‡K¨i A_©t mZZvB Rxe‡bi cÖK…Z m¤ú`|
Appropriate Preposition
12. Fill in the blank with appropriate word: She availed herself _____ the opportunity.
a) of b) from
c) with d) for ans. A
S: Avail oneself of something A_© my‡hvM MÖnY Kiv; my‡hv‡Mi mبenvi Kiv; Kv‡R jvMv‡bv|
Correct Sentence: She availed herself of the opportunity.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m my‡hvMwU Kv‡R jvMv‡jv|
16. Translate into English- ÔAvwg hLb †Q‡jwU‡K †`Ljvg, ZLb †m K‡qK NÈv a‡i Kvu`wQjÕ-
a) When I saw the boy, he was crying for several hours.
b) When I had met the boy, he had been crying for several hours.
c) When I met the boy, he has been crying for several hours.
d) When I met the boy, he had been crying for several hours. ans. D
S: GB Translation wUi wØZxq AskwU Avm‡j †Kvb Tense G n‡e Zv eySvi g~j kã n‡jv ÔK‡qK NÈv a‡i Kuv`wQjÕ|
GwU Øviv eySv hvq †h evK¨wU Past Perfect Continuous Tense Gi| Avi ÔK‡qK NÈv a‡i Kuv`wQjÕ Gi Bs‡iwR
Abyev` n‡jv Had been crying for several hours. G Kvi‡Y Ackb a) Ges c) ev`| Avi ÔAvwg hLb †Q‡jwU‡K
†`LjvgÕ GwU †h‡nZz Past Indefinite Tense Gi evK¨, ZvB had met _vKvi Kvi‡Y Ackb b) ev`| GKvi‡Y DËi
n‡e Ackb d) Gi When I met the boy, he had been crying for several hours.
Question: 01 – 03 Choose the correct spelling from the given options 16 1.25 = 20
Word Meaning
Questions (04-06): Select the word or phrase that best completes the sentence
05. In comparison to the history of the world, human life is very transient.
a) Meaningless b) short-lived
c) poignant d) arbitrary ans. B
S: Transient – ¶Y¯’vqx = Short-lived Poignant – `ytL D‡`ªKKvix, `ª“Z †evSv hvq Ggb
Arbitrary – ˆ¯^ivPvix Meaningless – A_©nxb
ev‡K¨i A_©t wek¦ BwZnv‡mi mv‡_ Zzjbv Ki‡j gvbe Rxeb LyeB ¶Y¯’vqx|
06. Computer has revolutionized office procedures more than any machine of modern time
a) has any machine b) any other machine
c) other machine d) None of these ans. B
S: Revolutionize – wec‡e DØy× Kiv Procedure – Kvh©cÖYvjx; wµqvwewa
e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b Computer Gi mv‡_ Ab¨vb¨ Machine ¸‡jvi Zzjbv Kiv n‡”Q| A_©vr Correct comparison wU n‡e
X more than Y ev X more than has Y. †mB wn‡m‡e Computer has revolutionized offices procedures
more than any other machine of modern times. ZvB Ackb b) Gi any other machine.
ev‡K¨i A_©t AvaywbK mg‡q Awd‡mi welqvw` wbe©vn Kivi †¶‡Î Ab¨vb¨ h‡š¿i Zzjbvq Kw¤úDUvi wece NwU‡q‡Q|
Appropriate Preposition
Questions (07 – 08):Fill in the blank with right option
09. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have________ to be factors in heart attacks.
a) long known been b) known been long
c) been long known d) long been known ans. D
S: Common Question: Janata Bank Ltd. (EO (Engineer) Electrical) 06.01.2017 & Question no 01.
Questions (10-12): Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the
original pair.
Questions (13-15): In each of the following lists, one word is out of sequence from the other words. Find
the word that is not similar to the other words in each list.
Q. (01 – 04): Choose the word that conveys the same meaning as the given word.
01. Impute
a) blame b) attribute
c) apply d) expert ans. B
S: Blame – †`vl †`Iqv/ wb›`v Kiv Attribute – Av‡ivc Kiv; ¸Y; ag©
Apply – cÖ‡qvM Kiv Expect – cÖZ¨vkv Kiv
e¨vL¨vt Impute gv‡b Av‡ivc Kiv| Z‡e Verb wn‡m‡e Gi A_© Blame n‡Z cv‡i|
03. Anxiety
a) worry b) comfort
c) faith d) None of them ans. A
S: Anxiety – DwØMœ; `ywðš—v Worry – D‡`¨vM; AvKzjZv
Comfort – Avivg; kvwš— Reassurance – cybivq wbwðZ Kiv
04. Ruthless
a) Mindful b) Cruel
c) Merciful d) None of them ans. B
S: Ruthless – wbg©g; wb®‹i“Y; b„ksm; wb`©q Mindful – g‡bv‡hvMx; m‡PZb
Cruel – (e¨w³i †¶‡Î) wbôzi; b„ksm Merciful – ¶gvc~Y©; `qvjy; Ki“Yvgq
Q. (05 – 07): Select the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
06. You can reach your goal only when you aspire.
a) aim high b) attempt it
c) try d) dream ans. A
S: Common Question: Sonali Bank Ltd. (AE – IT) 27.10.2017 & Question no: 05.
07. Writing a beautiful sonnet is as much an achievement as to finish a 400 page novel.
a) finishing b) it is to finish
c) to have finished d) if to finish ans. A
S: As much as Gi Av‡M †`Lyb Writing a ....... Av‡Q, hv (verb + ing) GB Form Gi| wKš‘ As much as Gi c‡i
†`Lyb To finish........ Av‡Q, hv (to + verb) GB Form Gi| eyS‡Z bv cvi‡j wb‡Pi wPÎwU †`Lybt
Q. (08 – 11): There are blank spaces in the following passage which have been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each some words are suggested. Find out the
word that best fit the blank spaces.
Global strategies to control infective disease have historically included the erection of barriers
to international travel and ________ (08) ________. Keeping people with such deadly disease
outside national borders has________ (09) ________ as an important public health policy in
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic. Between 29 and 50 countries ________
(10) ________ to have introduced border restrictions on HIV-positive foreigners, usually those
planning an ________ (11) ________ stay in the country, such as students, workers or seamen.
Common Question: Janata Bank Ltd. Executive Officer (Engineer) Electrical 06.01.2017 & Question
no: 04-07. Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (AP) 21.10.2017 & Question no: 01-04.
Q. (01 – 04): Select the pair that best expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in the
original pair.
07. Mohit was advised to take _______ since he broke his leg in the accident.
a) medicine b) coffee
c) leftover d) rest ans. C
S: Rest – wekªvg Leftover – Ae‡kl
e¨vL¨vt †KD Accident n‡q cv †f‡O †dj‡j Zv‡K Medicine †Zv AeavwiZfv‡e wb‡ZB n‡e, †mB m‡½ Wv³vi
wekªvg †bqviI civgk© w`‡q _v‡Kb| Kv‡RB DËi n‡e Ackb c) Gi Leftover.
ev‡K¨i A_©t `yN©Ubvq Zvi cv †f‡O hvIqvi Kvi‡Y Zv‡K wekªvg †bqvi civgk© †`qv n‡jv|
Q. (09 – 11): Choose the correct word spelling from the given options.
Grammar (Number)
Word Meaning
Sentence Correction
10. His friends mourned ________ the death ________ his mother.
a) on, over b) at, of
c) over, of d) of, of ans. C
S: g„Z e¨w³i Rb¨ `ytL cÖKvk Ki‡jv eySv‡Z Mourned for Ges Zvi g„Zz¨i Rb¨ †evSv‡Z Death of GB Preposition
e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
Recent Publication 210
Sentence Correction
Word Meaning
Word Meaning
Q. (01 – 08) Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or expression.
05. Place were currency notes and coins are kept in a bank.
a) Small room b) Vault
c) Floor d) Locker ans. B
S: Vault n‡jv e¨vs‡Ki †mB ¯’vb †hLv‡b Currency notes Ges Coins Rgv ivLv nq|
Appropriate Preposition
Q. (9-16): Choose the appropriate preposition that best completes the sentence.
Q. (17-26): Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the word given.
a) Never b) Usual
c) Rare d) Sometimes ans. C
S: Infrequent – weij; A‰bwZK Never – KL‡bv bv
Usual – mPviPi N‡U Ggb Rare – `yj©f; K`vwPr
a) Recoup b) Revive
c) Vindicate d) Impeach ans. D
S: Accuse – Awfhy³/ †`vlx Kiv Recoup – cywl‡q †bIqv/ †`Iqv
Revive – Ávb wdwi‡q Avbv Impeach – (Kv‡iv PwiÎ BZ¨vw` m¤^‡Ü) cÖkœ †Zvjv
20. DANK
a) Dangerous b) Ugly
c) Plunder d) Damp ans. D
S: Dank – †muZ‡mu‡Z Dangerous – wec¾bK
Plunder – jyÉb Kiv Damp – †muZ‡mu‡Z; †fRv
a) Suspend b) Dismiss
c) End d) Interrupt ans. C
S: Terminate – BwZ Uvbv; mgvß Kiv Suspend – ¯’wMZ ivLv; jUKv‡bv
Dismiss – PvKwi †_‡K eiLv¯— Kiv Interrupt – e¨vnZ/ wewNœZ/ Aei“×/ cÖwZi“× Kiv
a) Crisis b) Misfortune
c) Failure d) Helplessness ans. B
S: Adversity – `yf©vM¨ Crisis – m¼UKvj
Misfortune – `yf©vM¨; `y‰`©e Failure – e¨_©Zv; AmdjZv
a) Loss b) Refund
c) Compensation d) Discount ans. D
S: Rebate – Qvo; †iqvZ; evUv Refund – †diZ †`Iqv; cÖZ¨c©Y Kiv
Compensation – ¶wZc~iY; †LmviZ Discount – c~Y© g~j¨ †_‡K wKQz cwigvY Qvo
a) Abscond b) Discontinue
c) Neglect d) Condense ans. A
S: Abandon – cwiZ¨vM Kiv; †Q‡o hvIqv Abscond – †divi nIqv; AvZ¥‡Mvcb Kiv
Discontinue – eÜ nIqv; †_‡g hvIqv Condense – Nb Kiv
a) Edit b) Alter
c) Correct d) Reconsider ans. A
S: Revise – cybwe©‡ePbv Kiv; ms‡kvab I gvb Dbœq‡bi Alter – cwieZ©b Kiv
Rb¨ cybivq cov hv Edit Gi Synonym.
Correct – mwVK; wbfz©j; mZ¨ Reconsider – cybwe©‡ePbv Kiv
Q. (27-30): Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and d) of the following sentences has an error.
28. The soles of the polar bear’s feet are covered with fur, which provides stability on slippery,
a b c
freeze ground. ans. C
S: GLv‡b Subject n‡jv Soles hv Avm‡j 3rd Person Plural Number. †mB wn‡m‡e Ackb a) Gi ‘are’ wVK Av‡Q|
ZvB Ackb c) Gi Provides Gi cwie‡Z© Provide n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †k¦Zfjy‡Ki cv ¸‡jv †jvg Øviv Ave„Z _v‡K hv f~wg‡K k³ K‡i ai‡Z I wcw”QjZv †iv‡a mvnvh¨
29. When flares are used as distress signals, they contain chemicals that produce intensely colors.
a b c d ans. D
S: GLv‡b Colors kãwU Noun. GB Noun †K modify Ki‡Z adverb wn‡m‡e intensely e¨envi bv K‡i adjective
wn‡m‡e intense e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t m‡¼ZwkLv¸‡jv hLb wec` m‡¼Z wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, Zviv (m‡¼ZwkLv¸‡jv) Ggb ivmvqwbK c`v_©
e¨envi K‡i hv m‡¼Z wkLv‡K Zxeª K‡i Zz‡j|
Q. (31-40): Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given.
a) Beg b) Borrow
c) Snatch d) Request ans. A
S: Offer – cÖ¯—ve Kiv Beg – wf¶v Kiv
Borrow – avi ev KR© Kiv Snatch – nvZ evwo‡q †K‡o †bIqv
a) Desperate b) Plain
c) Fashionable d) Sumptuous ans. B
S: Gorgeous – RgKv‡jv; PgrKvi Desperate – gwiqv; †ec‡ivqv
Plain – ¯úó; †mvRv Sumptuous – gnvg~j¨; gnvN©
a) Subsequent b) Later
c) Resultant d) Latter ans. B
S: Former – Av‡MKvi; c~‡e©i; weMZ Subsequent – cieZ©x; cðvrKvjxb
Later – c‡i; c‡ii mgq Resultant – dj¯^iƒc; D™¢~Z e¯‘
a) Misty b) covered
c) Clear d) Transparent ans. D
S: Opaque – Av‡jvwb‡ivaK; Ro Misty – Kzqvkvgq; Svcmv
Cover – †X‡K †`Iqv; Avovj Kiv Transparent – ¯^”Q
a) Tame b) Humble
c) Gentle d) Harmless ans. C
S: Violent – cÖPÊ; DrK…ó Tame – †cvlv; wb‡¯—R; ekxf~Z
Humble – webqx Harmless – wb‡`©vl; wbixn; A¶Z
Violent: Involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Gentle: Showing a mild, kind, or tender character.
Humble: Showing a low estimate of one’s importance.
So gentle will be the opposite.
a) Humorous b) Comedy
c) Romance d) Calamity ans. B
a) Solution b) Act
c) Decent d) Concord ans. Note
S: Accord – †gjv; m½wZc~Y© nIqv Solution – DËi
Dissent – †kvfb; h‡_vwPZ Concord – g‰ZK¨ ev wgj
g~j cÖ‡kœ Decent Gi cwie‡Z© Dissent _vK‡j †mwUB Accord Gi wecixZ kã n‡e|
a) High b) Hidden
c) Deep d) Hollow ans. C
S: Shallow – AMfxi Hidden – jyKv‡bv; †Mvcb
Deep – Mfxi; AMva Hollow – duvcv; Aev¯—e
a) Narrow b) Regional
c) Miniature d) Subsidiary ans. B
S: Universal – me©Rbxb Narrow – m¼xY©; AcÖk¯—
Regional – AvÂwjK Subsidiary – mnvqK; Aaxb
a) Passive b) Dead
c) Asleep d) Drowsy ans. B
S: Alive – RxweZ; R¨vš— Passive – AcÖwZ‡ivax
Dead – g„Z; giv; wb®cÖvY Drowsy – Z›`ªvjy; Ajm; wbw®Œq
01. Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition:
a) Doggish – Canine b) Manly – Virile
c) Divine – Infernal d) Earthly – Terrestrial ans. C
S: Canine – KyKzi m¤úwK©Z Manly – cyi“‡lvwPZ; gh©v`vc~Y©
Virile – †ZR¯^x; †cŠi“l`xß Divine – ¯^M©xq
Infernal – bviKxq Terrestrial – f~-c„ô m¤úwK©Z
02. ‘In the time of danger, we should try to take the bull by the horns’ means
a) Surmount it b) Deal the situation decisively
c) Overcome it d) Control ourselves ans. B
S: Take the bull by the horns A_© mvn‡mi m‡½ wec` †gvKvwejv Kiv| Avi Ackb b) †Z Av‡Q Deal the
situation decisively A_© k³ nv‡Z cwiw¯’wZ †gvKvwejv Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wec‡`i mg‡q Avgv‡`i mvn‡mi mv‡_ cwiw¯’wZ †gvKvwejv Kiv DwPr|
06. A disease affecting many persons at the same time and place is called
a) epidemic b) infection
c) sickness d) injury ans. A
S: Epidemic – †h †ivM eû gvbyl I ¯’vb‡K msµvwgZ K‡i Infection – msµgY
Sickness – Amy¯’Zv Injury – AvnZ; cxov; ¶wZ
Choose the word/ phrase from the list which is nearest in meaning to the underlined faced parts
of the sentences:
08. The 19th century was the hey-day of the Renaissance in Bengla.
a) days of decline b) peak-point
c) period of stagnation d) time of up-rise ans. D
S: Hey-day – P~ovš— kw³ ev mg„w×i mgq; ¯^Y©hyM Days of decline – n«v‡mi mgqKvj
Period of stagnation – ¯’weiZvi mgqKvj Time of up-rise – e„w×i mgqKvj
Peak-point – †Kvb wKQz (AvenvIqv, evwYR¨ BZ¨vw`i) m‡e©v”P Ae¯’v
ev‡K¨i A_©t 19 kZK wQj evOvwj beRvMi‡Yi ¯^Y©hyM|
09. Choose the correct alternative from the options to fill in the blanks: ‘To make headway’ is to
a) make progress b) make little progress
c) progress towards collision d) proceed to travel ans. A
S: To make headway = To make progress A_© DbœwZ Kiv; AMÖMwZ AR©b Kiv| wKš‘ Make little progress A_©
Aí wKQz DbœwZ Kiv| Progress towards collision A_© msN‡l©i c‡_ avegvb nIqv| Proceed to travel A_©
åg‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ †ei nIqv|
10. This method is not wrong; but there may be a more _____ method than this.
a) suitable b) effective
c) right d) working ans. B
S: More effective A_© Kvh©Kvix; Av‡iv djcÖmy|
ev‡K¨i A_©t c×wZwU fzj bq, Z‡e Gi †P‡q AwaK Kvh©Kvix †Kv‡bv c×wZ _vK‡Z cv‡i|
Recent Publication 221
Sentence Based Synonym
11. The closest meaning of the word ‘bizarre’ in the sentence: ‘The model’s clothes were so
bizarre that they created quite a sensation’ is
a) beautiful b) ugly
c) dull d) peculiar ans. D
S: Bizarre – A™¢yZ; wewPÎ; D™¢U Ugly – KzrwmZ
Dull – ¯’~jeyw×; wb‡e©va Peculiar – A™¢yZ
ev‡K¨i A_©t g‡Wj †h Kvco cwiavb K‡iwQj Zv G‡ZvB A™¢yZ wQj †h Zv PvÂj¨ ˆZix K‡iwQj|
Grammar (Voice)
Grammar (Narration)
14. Change the narration: The captain says, ‘Company, move forward’.
a) The captain commands the company to move forward.
b) The captain commanded to move the company forward.
c) The captain instructed the company for a forward move.
d) The captain requests the company to move forward. ans. A
15. Translate into Bangla: ‘His stars are now in the ascendant’
a) Zvi GLb bv‡K †Zj w`‡q Nygv‡bvi K_v b) Zvi GLb wk‡i msµvwš— Ae¯’v
c) GLb Zvi GKv`‡k e„n¯úwZ d) GLb †m AvKvk fiv Zviv ans. C
Recent Publication 222
ICB Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Cashier – 16.03.2018
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (Questions 1-5)
Dear Reader, cÖ_g K_v n‡jv cix¶vq Avcwb Comprehension DËi Ki‡eb wK bv †mUv cix¶vi n‡j hvIqvi
Av‡MB wVK K‡i wb‡eb| GLb A‡b‡KB cy‡iv Comprehension DËi Ki‡Z †h‡q cix¶vi Ab¨vb¨ †QvU cÖkœ¸‡jvi
DËi Ki‡Z cv‡ib bv e‡j cix¶vq Lvivc K‡ib| Avevi †KD †KD cy‡iv Comprehension wUi cÖkœwUB bv c‡o
†Q‡o †`b| G‡ZI wKQz bv¤^vi Kg _vKvi Rb¨ cix¶vq wUK‡Z e¨_© nb|
G‡¶‡Î mwVK Approach n‡jv cÖ_‡gB Comprehension bv c‡o eis Gi cÖkœ¸‡jv †PvL eyjv‡bv| G‡Z †`L‡eb
wKQz mnR Vocabulary RvZxq cÖkœ Av‡Q| †m¸‡jv Comprehension bv c‡oI DËi Kiv m¤¢e| ZvB mgq bv
_vK‡j Aš—Z Vocabulary RvZxq cÖkœ¸‡jv DËi Kivi †Póv Ki“b| Gici wKQz wKQz cÖkœ Av‡Q Comprehension
Gi Passage wU Kx RvZxq †m m¤úwK©Z| †mUvI Passage wU Aí GKUz c‡o DËi Kiv m¤¢e|
Gevi Avmyb GB Passage wUi DËi Kwit
cÖ_‡gB cÖkœ¸‡jv †PvL eyjv‡j †`Lv hvq †h, 4 bs cÖkœwU Vocabulary RvZxq cÖkœ Ges 5 bs cÖkœwU Grammar Gi
cÖkœ| Avi 1 bs cÖkœwU n‡jv Passage wU‡Z Kx Av‡jvPbv n‡q‡Q †mB m¤úwK©Z| ZvB GB wZbwU cÖkœ Passage wU Aí
GKUz c‡oI DËi Kiv m¤¢e| Avcbvi myweav‡_© Avgiv GB Passage Gi KwVb wKQz k‡ãi A_© w`‡q w`w”Q|
Choose the alternative that best replaces the underlined portion of the sentences below (Questions 9-10):
09. A sharp fall in prices of jute have led the poor jute farmers to the brink of starvation.
a) has led the poor jute farmers b) have had led the poor jute farmers
c) are leading the poor jute farmers d) were leading the poor jute farmers ans. A
S: GLv‡b Subject n‡jv Fall hv Singular. ZvB Verb wn‡m‡e have bv n‡q has n‡e| Gi Kvi‡Y Ackb b) bv n‡q
DËi n‡e Ackb a). Avi Ackb c) Ges d) †Z Plural wn‡m‡e are Ges were _vKvq GB `ywU Ackb ev` hv‡e|
Sharp – aviv‡jv; Zx¶è Fall – K‡g hvIqv; c‡o hvIqv
Brink – wKbvi Starvation – Lv`¨vfveRwbZ `ytLKó ev g„Zz¨
mwVK evK¨t A sharp fall in prices of jute has led the poor jute farmers to the brink of starvation.
ev‡K¨i A_©t cv‡Ui `vg gvivZ¥Kfv‡e K‡g hvIqv cvU Pvlxiv Abvnv‡ii Øvi cÖv‡š— †cuŠ‡Q w`‡q‡Q|
10. Mr. Raihan, the president of the union and who is also a member of the community group, will
lead the delegation.
a) since he is a member of the community Group
b) also being a member of the community group
c) a member of the community group
d) in addition, who is a member of the community group ans. C
S: cÖkœwU‡Z Avcwb Kgv (,) Gi e¨envi Rv‡bb wKbv †mUv hvPvB Kiv n‡”Q| GLv‡b Kgv (,) Gi c‡i Mr. Raihan
m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| †m¸‡jv n‡jv The president of the union Ges A member of the
community group. Kv‡RB How is also GLv‡b ev` hv‡e|
mwVK evK¨t Mr. Raihan, the president of the union and a member of the community group, will lead
the delegation.
ev‡K¨i A_©t ivqnvb mv‡ne, BDwbq‡bi mfvcwZ Ges mgv‡Ri GKRb m`m¨, cÖwZwbwa `‡ji †bZ…Z¡ w`‡eb|
Recent Publication 227
Select the appropriate word / words (Q: 11-12)
17. a) Neither Nasima or Krishna can sing well. b) Neither Nasima nor Krishna can sing well.
c) Both of Nasima and Krishna cannot sing well. d) Neither Nasima and Krishna can sing well. ans.B
S: †`Lyb ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z Av‡Q Neither. Avi wbqg Abyhvqx Neither Gi c‡i nor nq| G Kvi‡Y Ackb a) †Z or Ges
d) †Z and _vKvq G`ywU Ackb ev` hv‡e| Ackb c) n‡e bv KviY Both Gi c‡i of Av‡Q| hw` of bv _vK‡Zv
Zvn‡j evK¨wU ï× n‡Zv| GKvi‡Y mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb b).
20. a) A few of the three boys got a prize. b) Each of the three boys got a prize
c) Every of the three boys got a prized d) Few of the three boys got a prized ans. B
S: evK¨wU‡Z evj‡Ki msL¨v n‡jv wZbRb| Avi wZbR‡bi g‡a¨ Aí K‡qKRb eySv‡Z A few ev Few Gi †KvbwU e‡m
bv| †m Kvi‡Y Ackb a) Ges d) ev`| Ackb c) ev` KviY Prized Av‡Q| G Kvi‡Y DËi n‡e Ackb b).
Read the following and answer the questions that follow (Questions 1-5):
The government of Bangladesh has again decided to give funds for recapitalization of state-owned
banks (SoBs) amid criticism from economists about throwing public money ‘down the drain’. The
decision was taken in a meeting recently convened by the Financial Institutions Division of the
Ministry of Finance, which was attended by Managing Directors of SoBs and representatives of
Bangladesh Bank. Until last September, the state-run commercial and specialized banks had a
combined capital shortage of nearly Taka 150 billion, which officials say, has increased to Taka 200
billion by now. The civil society observes that banks are not making any attempt to recover the loans
and the money misappropriated form the banks. The bankers depend on easy money from the public
exchequer without performing their duties properly. The civil society opines that the government
should take a tough stand against these bad practices and instruct the bankers to recover the bad
loans before they can expect any help from the exchequer.
Passage wU‡Z eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki me‡P‡q Hot topic wb‡q Av‡jvPbv K‡i‡Q| Avi GwU n‡jv evsjv‡`‡ki ivóªqvË
e¨vsK| e¨vsK¸‡jv‡K miKvi cÖwZeQiB Zv‡`i g~jab NvUwZ Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ wecyj cwigvY UvKv w`‡q _v‡K wKš‘
e¨vsK¸‡jv †Kv‡bv eQiB jv‡fi gyL †`L‡Z cv‡i bv| †Ljvcx FY Zzj‡Z cv‡i bv KviY ivR‰bwZK we‡ePbvq FY
†`qv nq| GQvov eo eo FY RvwjqvwZ‡Z e¨vsK e¨e¯’v aŸs‡mi Øvi cÖv‡š—| MZ eQ‡ii †m‡Þ¤^i gvm ch©š— ivóªqvË
evwYwR¨K I we‡klvwqZ e¨vsK¸‡jv‡Z NvUwZ g~ja‡bi cwigvY wQj 150 wewjqb UvKv hv GLb cÖvq 200 wewjq‡bi
Passage wUi †k‡li w`‡K G‡m ejv n‡”Q †h, e¨vsK¸‡jv Zv‡`i g~jab `yb©xwZi gva¨‡g †jvUcvU K‡i wb‡”Q Ges
NvUwZ g~jab KvUv‡bvi Rb¨ miKvwi A_©vq‡bi Dci wbf©i Ki‡Q| Avi †k‡l G‡m ejv n‡”Q †h e¨vsK¸‡jvi Rb¨
fv‡jv Kivi k³ f~wgKv ivL‡Z n‡e| e¨vsK¸‡jv miKv‡ii wbKU †_‡K †Kv‡bv mvnvh¨ cÖZ¨vkvi Av‡M †hb Zvi KzFY
Recover K‡i|
03. Until 2017, state owned commercial banks had a shortfall of approximately Taka
a) 200 billion b) 180 billion
c) 150 billion d) 190 billion ans. C
04. It is observed that about giving loans, the public banks are
a) Very much eager b) Closely following Bangladesh Bank’s instructions
c) Eager to follow World Bank’s guidelines d) Not that much interested ans. A
S: KviY, hÎZÎ FY cÖ`vb K‡i hv‡”Q e¨vsK¸‡jv, ivR‰bwZK we‡ePbvq FY cÖ`vb K‡i FY‡K Ôg›` F‡YÕ cwiYZ Kiv
n‡”Q| hvi d‡j †Ljvcx F‡Yi cwigvY †e‡o wM‡q e¨vsK¸‡jv‡Z Capital shortfall n‡q‡Q|
Choose the alternatives that best replace the underlined portions of the sentences below
(Questions 6-7):
06. Having the best record for attendance, a school medal was awarded to him.
a) the school awarded him a medal b) the school awarded a medal to him.
c) a medal was awarded to him by the school. d) he was awarded a medal by the school. ans. D
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t me‡P‡q †ewk Dcw¯’wZi †iKW© _vKvq ¯‹zj KZ…©c¶ Zv‡K GKwU c`K w`j|
07. The Chairman of the board of directors have decided that this year’s profits will be used for
a) have decided on using this year’s profits for research.
b) has decided on using this year’s profits for researching.
c) has decided that this year’s profits will be used for research.
d) has decided that this year’s profits will be used researching. ans. C
S: ‘Board of directiors’ †`i Chairman n‡jb Singular subject ZvB ‘have’ bv ewm‡q ‘has’ emv‡Z n‡e|
Decided Gici ‘on’ emv‡bv hv‡e bv| ZvB Ackb a) Ges b) ev`| Ackb d) ev` KviY Researching Gi Av‡M
†Kv‡bv Preposition emv‡bv nqwb|
Recent Publication 231
Choose the appropriate preposition (Questions 8-10):
10. He can play all the musical instruments _______ the violin.
a) without b) except
c) besides d) over ans. B
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t wZwb Violin e¨ZxZ mKj m½xZhš¿ evRv‡Z cv‡ib|
Sentence Correction
12. a) It had been raining all day today. b) It was raining all day today.
c) It rain all day today. d) It has been raining all day today. ans. D
S: Today _vKvi Kvi‡Y Has been raining n‡e|
Appropriate Preposition
Appropriate Preposition
03. They do not have enough capital to set themselves _______, _______ trade.
a) up, in b) on, in
c) with, in d) in, with ans. A
S: Self oneself up in something ev Set (Oneself) up as something A_© e¨emvqx wn‡m‡e wb‡R‡K cÖwZwôZ Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨emvqx wn‡m‡e wb‡R‡K cÖwZwôZ Kivi g‡Zv g~jab Zv‡`i †bB|
Appropriate Preposition
06. The complex form of the simple sentence “The management of the bank is thoroughly meticulous”
a) The management of the bank is as meticulous as it could be.
b) The management of the bank is very meticulous.
c) The management of the bank is very much meticulous as it could be.
d) The management of the bank is very much meticulous. ans. A
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t h‡ZvUv mZK© nIqv `iKvi e¨vsK e¨e¯’vcbv Z‡ZvUvB mZK©|
Grammar (Clause)
07. In the sentence “They were asked to wait till the signal was given” the underlined part
a) an adjective clause. b) a noun clause.
c) a pronoun clause. d) an adverb clause. ans. D
S: †hme Clause ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Adverb Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Adverbial clause e‡j| Adverbial clause
Øviv †Kvb KvR ÔKLbÕ, Ô†Kv_vqÕ Ges ÔwKfv‡eÕ, msNwUZ nq Zv cÖKvk K‡i| Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ “Till the signal was
given” Øviv mgq‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Q|
08. The expression ‘penny wise pound foolish’ indicates a situation where someone is
a) very meticulous in discharging his duties.
b) thrifty with small amounts but profligate with large mounts.
c) very prudent in spending.
d) financially insolvent. ans. B
S: Common Question: Bangladesh Krishi Bank Ltd. (Officer – Cash) 27. 10. 2017 & Question no: 07.
Word Meaning
Word Meaning
13. The underlined word ‘after’ in the sentence “The guests arrived after we had left for the
market” is-
a) a preposition b) a conjunction
c) an adverb d) ad adjective ans. B
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t Avgiv evRv‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ iIbv †`qvi ci AwZw_iv †cuŠQv‡jb|
Grammar (Gender)
Grammar (Narration)
15. The indirect form of the sentence “We were told, the match had already stared hen the
arrived” is
a) We were told the match had already started when she arrived.
b) We were told the match had already started when she had arrived.
c) We were told the match had already been started when she arrived.
d) We were told the match already started when she had arrived. ans. B
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t Avgv‡`i‡K ejv n‡jv †h Zvi †cuŠQv‡bvi ci ciB †Ljv ïi“ n‡qwQj|
18. a) I have never heard that kinds of excuse. b) I have never hard these kinds of excuse.
c) I have heard that sorts of an excuse. d) I have never heard that of kind of excuse. ans. D
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t GB ai‡bi ARynv‡Zi K_v KL‡bv ïwbwb|
19. a) It had been raining all day today b) It was raining all day today.
c) It rains all day today. d) It has been raining all day today. ans. A
S: ev‡K¨i A_©t AvR mvivw`b a‡i e„wó n‡”Q|
20. a) One and a half hour is a long time. b) One and a half hours is a long time.
c) One and a half hour are a long time. d) One and half hour is a long time. ans. B
S: One and half hours Gi A_© n‡”Q †`o NÈv| GUv‡K Singular subject wn‡m‡e a‡i Zvi Verb wn‡m‡e is emv‡bv
n‡q‡Q| †hgb t Fifty miles is a long distance.
GLv‡b Fifty miles †`‡L Verb wn‡m‡e are emv‡j fyj Ki‡eb| KviY Fifty miles †K GKwU msL¨v wn‡m‡e
we‡ePbv Kiv n‡”Q| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e b).
Grammar (Number)
05. Which one is the simple form of the sentence “Does he jump”?
a) He is jumping b) He has jumped
c) He jumps d) He does jump ans. C
Grammar (Voice)
06. What is the passive voice of the sentence “Use the tool”?
a) Let the tool use b) The tool be used
c) Let the tool be used d) Let the tool be use ans. C
08. Which is the appropriate word to fill up the gap in the sentence “The teacher is ______ M.A”?
a) A b) An
c) The d) None of the Above ans. B
S: Abbreviation (k‡ãi msw¶ßiƒc) Gi cÖ_g A¶i Consonant n‡jI Zv D”PviY Kivi mgq hw` Vowel sound
Av‡m Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a bv e‡m an e‡m| †hgbt My uncle is an M.B.B.S/ L.L.B. Shafiq opened an S.B
A/C. wKš‘ cÖ_g Consonant wUi D”Pvi‡Yi mgq hw` Vowel sound bv Av‡m Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a e‡m| †hgbt
Opu is a B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.
Grammar (Article)
09. Fill in the blank of the sentence “He is _____ most famous teacher of this college”.
a) A b) An
c) The d) None of the Above ans. C
Word Meaning
Appropriate Preposition
12. Which of the following word fills the gap in “There is a big supermarket _____ the park”?
a) On b) At
c) Between d) In ans. B
S: Park ej‡Z GKwU †QvU ¯’vb‡K eySvq e‡j Gi c~‡e© at em‡e|
Sentence Correction
wcÖq PvKixcÖZ¨vkx fvB †ev‡biv Avmyb Gevi cÖ‡kœi mgvavb Kiv hvKt
11. Who among the following were born in the same month?
a) A and D b) B and C
c) C and F d) D and G ans. A
Solution: wb‡Pi †Kvb e¨w³ `yRb GKB gv‡m Rb¥MÖnY K‡i‡Q?
cÖ_‡gB Avgiv †`‡LwQ †h eQ‡ii ïay 4wU gv‡m DcwiD³ 8 Rb e¨w³i Rb¥w`b Ges GB Rb¥w`b¸‡jv ïay 14 wKsev
23 Zvwi‡L| ZvB Avmyb Av‡M kZ©vbyhvqx gvm I ZvwiL Abyhvqx Rb¥w`‡bi Pattern wU mvwR‡q †bBt
Rvbyqvwi GwcÖj †g RyjvB
14 23 14 23 14 23 14 23
myZivs †`Lv hv‡”Q †h, RyjvB gv‡m A Ges D Rb¥jvf K‡i‡Q| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb a).
Recent Publication 244
12. Who was born on 23rd July?
a) A b) B
c) C d) D ans. D
Solution: wb‡Pi †Kvb e¨w³ RyjvB gv‡mi 23 Zvwi‡L Rb¥MÖnY K‡i‡Q?
Dc‡ii wPÎvbyhvqx D RyjvB gv‡mi 23 Zvwi‡L Rb¥MÖnY K‡i‡Q| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb d).
13. Which of the following Birthday – Person combination is correct?
a) January 23rd – G b) April 14th – E
c) May 23 – H d) July 14th – C ans. B
Solution: wb‡Pi †Kvb Birthday combination mwVK?
Dc‡i Aw¼Z mviYx Abyhvqx E GwcÖj gv‡mi 14 Zvwi‡L Rb¥jvf K‡i‡Q| ZvB mwVK DËi Ackb b).
14. In which month C has his birthday?
a) January b) April
c) May d) July ans. C
Solution: C †Kvb gv‡m Rb¥jvf K‡i‡Q?
wPÎvbyhvqx C †g gv‡mi 23 Zvwi‡L Rb¥jvf K‡i‡Q| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb c).
15. How many people have birthdays before G?
a) 1 b) 3
c) 5 d) None ans. D
Solution: G Gi c~‡e© KZR‡bi Rb¥w`b i‡q‡Q?
†h‡nZz eQ‡ii ïi“i gvm Rvbyqvwi, Kv‡RB ïi“‡ZB Rvbyqvwii 14 Zvwi‡L G Rb¥jvf K‡i‡Q weavq Zvi c~‡e© Avi †KD
†bB| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb d).
Q. (16 – 20): Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.
16. She came to the meeting late on purpose so she would miss the introductory speech.
a) aiming at b) intentionally
c) reasonably d) with a goal ans. B
Solution: On purpose – B”Qvg~jK; D‡Ïk¨g~jK Aiming at – j¶¨ K‡i With a goal – GB j‡¶¨
Intentionally – D‡Ïk¨g~jKfv‡e; cwiKwíZfv‡e Reasonably – hyw³m½Zfv‡e; †hŠw³Kfv‡e
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m B”QvK…Zfv‡e wgwUs‡q Avm‡Z †`ix K‡iwQj hv‡Z †m cÖviw¤¢K fvlYwU Miss K‡i|
17. Travel insurance is sometimes mistaken for temporary health insurance, but the two are
actually different.
a) transitory b) passing
c) mutable d) permanent ans. A
Solution: Transitory – mvgwqK; ¯^íKvjxb Passing – wejxqgvb; ¶Y¯’vqx
Mutable – cwieZ©bkxj; weKvi‡hvM¨; weKvix Permanent – ¯’vqx; wPi¯’vqx
ev‡K¨i A_©t ågY exgv I ¯^v¯’¨ exgv gv‡S gv‡S GKB g‡b K‡i fyj Kiv nq, wKš‘ GB `ywU wfbœ wRwbm|
18. Don’t eat just any innocuous looking mushroom you see around.
a) harmful b) harmless
c) innocent d) conspicuous ans. B
Solution: Innocuous – AbcKvix; wbwe©l Mushroom – e¨v‡Oi QvZv; QÎvK
Harmful – ¶wZKi Harmless – wb‡`©vl; wbixn; ¶wZKi bq Ggb
Innocent – wbiciva; wb‡`©vl; AK…Zvciva Conspicuous – `„wó AvKl©Y; `k©bxq
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avcbvi Pvicv‡ki gvki“g‡K fv‡jv g‡b K‡i Lv‡eb bv|
19. When the leadership changed, his position in the organization become precarious.
a) secure b) exalted
c) important d) uncertain ans. D
A, B, C, D, E, G Ges I bv‡gi mvZRb eÜz 5g, 6ô I 7g †kªwY‡Z c‡o| cÖwZwU K¬v‡m `yB ev Zvi AwaK eÜz c‡o|
cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki wcÖq wKQz welq i‡q‡Q| welq¸‡jv n‡jv History, Civics, English, Bangla, Science, Math’s Ges
Economics. GLb wb‡Pi Z_¨¸‡jv Avgiv Numbering K‡i mvRvBt
i) A QvÎwU Math cQ›` K‡i Ges †m 5g †kªwY‡Z c‡i| GB 5g †kªwY‡Z Bangla cQ›` K‡i Ggb Av‡iv GKRb
QvÎ i‡q‡Q| A_©vr Zvn‡j †`Lv †Mj 5g †kªwY‡Z 2 Rb c‡o|
ii) I Gi mv‡_ Av‡iv 2 Rb QvÎ c‡o| H `yBRb Qv‡Îi cQ‡›`i welq¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q English, Bangla Ges
iii) D QvÎwU 6ô †kªwY‡Z c‡o Ges †m Civics cQ›` K‡i bv| 6ô †kªwY‡Z D Gi mv‡_ Avi gvÎ GKRb QvÎ c‡o|
iv) E Gi mv‡_I Zvi ïaygvÎ GKRb eÜz c‡o Ges E Science, English ev Bangla cQ›` K‡i bv|
v) †h History cQ›` K‡i †m 5g ev 6ô †kªwY‡Z c‡o bv|
vi) C QvÎwU English, Science ev Civics cQ›` K‡i bv|
Avmyb Gevi Avgiv cÖ‡kœi mgvav‡b hvBt
kZ©¸‡jv AbymiY K‡i A, B, C, D, E, G Ges I Gi †kªwY Ges Zv‡`i cQ›`K…Z welq¸‡jvi GKwU ZvwjKv ˆZix Kwit
eÜz‡`i bvg A B C D E G I
†kªwY 5g 7g 5g 6ô 6ô 7g 7g
cQ›`K…Z welq M E/S B E C E/S H
Bangladesh Bank
Recruitment Test for Trainee Officer (General) – 27.05.2018
01. ‘He can hardly keep the wolf from the door.’ evK¨wUi h_vh_ e½vbyev` n‡jv
a) †m fvRv gvQwU D‡ë †L‡Z Rv‡b bv| b) Zvi GLb wk‡i msµvwš—|
c) Zvi byb Avb‡Z cvš—v dzivq d) †m bv cv‡i mB‡Z bv cv‡i KB‡Z| ans. C
Solution: Dc‡ii ev‡K¨i ‘Keep the wolf from the door’ Phrase wUi A_© wb‡Ri I wb‡Ri cwiev‡ii Rb¨ ch©vß
Abœms¯’vb Ki‡Z cviv|
02. Choose the word closest to the meaning of the underlined word: The patient needed an
anodyne for his strained nerves.
a) Alcohol b) Opium
c) Medicine d) Pain-killing balm ans. B
Solution: Anodyne A_© n‡jv †e`bv DckgKvix Jla; mvš—bv`vqK e¯‘| Avi Opium GKwU A_© Avwdg ev GKRvZxq
†bkv `ªe¨| wKš‘ GB Opium Gi Medical definition n‡jv Opium was formerly used as medicine to
soothe pain A_©vr e¨_v bvkK wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡Zv ZvB †mB wn‡m‡e Anodyne Gi Synonym n‡e Opium.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †ivMxwUi mœvqyRwbZ e¨_v Dck‡gi Rb¨ †e`bv DckgKvix Jla `iKvi|
03. Select the pair from the following options which is set in opposition:
a) Scholar – Pedagogic b) Humid – Arid
c) Erroneous – Faulty d) Horrible – Atrocious ans. B
Solution: Scholar – wk¶v_©x; we`¨v_©x Pedagogic – wk¶vweÁvb msµvš— Humid – Av`ª©; †muZ‡m‡Z
Arid – ﮋ; e„wócvZnxb Erroneous – Aï×; åvš— Faulty – ΓwUhy³; ΓwUc~Y©
Horrible – fqvbK; fqven Atrocious – b„ksm; cvc
Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks (19 – 24):
04. ‘To come to the fore’ means to become _______.
a) prominent b) aggressive
c) weak d) aware ans. A
Solution: ‘To come to the fore’ GB Phrase wUi A_© weL¨vZ nIqv; ¸i“Z¡c~Y© nIqv ev `„wó‡MvPi nIqv| D‡jL¨,
Aggressive A_© SMov‡U; AvMÖvmx; KjncivqY|
05. This evidence _______ with what one already knows.
a) ties in b) sets in
c) gives in d) goes down ans. A
Solution: Tie something in with something A_© mshy³ ev m¤úwK©Z nIqv ev Kiv|
†hgbt His statement ties in with our observation.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †jv‡K hv Rv‡b GUv ZviB mv¶¨ enY K‡i|
06. In spite of all his brag he had ‘to eat humble pie’ means that he had to _______.
a) apologize b) surrender
c) leave d) eat his food ans. A
Solution: To eat humble pie A_© ¶gv wf¶v PvIqv; bv‡K Lr †`qv| Gi h_v_© Synonym n‡jv Apologize hvi A_©
¶gv PvIqv| wKš‘ Surrender A_© AvZ¥mgc©Y Kiv Ges Leave A_© Z¨vM Kiv| ZvB mwVK DËi Ackb a).
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi mKj cÖKvi `vw¤¢KZvi ci Zv‡K ¶gv PvB‡Z n‡qwQj|
07. We should _______ for a rainy day.
a) put down b) put into
c) put something by d) put things off ans. C
Bangladesh Bank
Recruitment Test for Assistant Director – 06.07.2018
01. She usually ________ the baby down for sleep at this time.
a) lies b) lied
c) lay d) lays ans. D
Solution: Lay kãwUi A_© †kvqv‡bv; kvwqZ Kiv; ivLv| Gi Past wKsev Past Participle iƒc n‡jv Laid. GLb Lay
somebody down A_© KvD‡K †kvqv‡bv ev kvwqZ Kiv‡bv| Avi Lay the baby down A_© wkï‡K †kvqvq| wKš‘
Lie (A_© wg_¨v K_v) Gi Past wKsev Past Participle iƒc n‡jv Lied Ges Present tense Gi †¶‡Î Subject 3rd
person singular n‡j Lies nq| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t mvaviYZ GB mg‡q †m wkïwU‡K Nygv‡bvi Rb¨ ïB‡q †`q|
02. I promise to ________ you in all circumstances.
a) stand up to b) stand with
c) stand off d) stand by ans. D
Solution: Stand by A_© cÖ¯‘Z _vKv; mg_©b Kiv| †hgbt A good friend always stands by in times of need. wKš‘
Stand up to somebody A_© Kv‡iv wec‡¶ mvnm wb‡q `uvov‡bv| Stand off A_© `~‡i _vKv; Kv‡iv mnPvh© Gwo‡q
Pjv| Avi Stand with somebody A_© mym¤úK© _vKv| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t me© Ae¯’vqB †Zvgvi cv‡k _vKvi cÖwZÁv KiwQ|
03. I ________ caught the bus if I had hurried.
a) could have b) can have
c) cannot have d) could not have ans. A
Solution: Importable conditional sentence Gi MVb Gfv‡et Subject + could/would have + v(p.p) + object
+ If + subject + had + v(p.p). †hgbt He would have helped you if you had asked him/ If you had
asked him he could have helped you.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg ZvovZvwo Avm‡j evmwU ai‡Z cviZvg|
04. Voting took place peacefully ________ most of the country.
a) across b) besides
c) into d) for ans. A
Solution: Most of the country bv n‡q Countries n‡e| mviv‡`k e¨vcx A‡_© Across ‘preposition’ iƒ‡c e¨eüZ
nq| A_©vr e¨vcxqv A‡_© Across Gi e¨envi i‡q‡Q|
ev‡K¨i A_©t AwaKvsk †`k¸‡jv‡Z kvwš—c~Y©fv‡e †fvU AbywôZ n‡q‡Q|
05. His name rings a ________ but I am unable to remember him.
a) toll b) bell
c) cymbal d) chime ans. B
Solution: Ring a bell – AveQv AveQv g‡b cov Ring the bell – †Kv‡bv wKQz‡Z mdj nIqv
Cymbal – gw›`iv; KiZvj Chime – my‡i euvav NÈvcyÄ
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi bvg AveQv AveQv g‡b Avm‡jI Zv‡K wPb‡Z cvijvg bv|
Q. (06 – 10): Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original
a) Explain : Lucid b) Elaborate : Sketchy
c) Grieve : Somber d) Assign : Agile ans. B
Recent Publication 259
Solution: Articulate – ¯úófv‡e (kã) D”PviY Kiv Unclear – A¯úó
Explain – e¨vL¨v Kiv; †evaMg¨ Kiv Lucid – mn‡R eySv hvq Ggb; ¯^”Q
Elaborate – we¯—vwiZ; mywbwg©Z Sketchy – †hb‡Zbfv‡e Kiv
Grieve – (KvD‡K) `ytL †`Iqv Somber – K…òeY©; AÜKvigq; welYœ; wbivb›`
Assign – e¨envi Kiv; eivÏ Kiv Agile – `ª“ZZv; w¶cÖ; w¶cÖMwZ; PUc‡U; MwZkxj
e¨vL¨vt †Kv‡bv wKQz Articulate K‡i Ki‡j Zv‡Z Unclear _v‡K bv| Avi †Kv‡bv wKQz Elaborate K‡i Ki‡j Zv‡Z
Sketchy _v‡K bv|
a) Metal : Silver b) Ore : Gold
c) Mine : Coal d) None of these ans. C
Solution: Quarry – cv_i ev †¯‡Ui Lwb Marble – gg©icÖ¯—i; gv‡e©j
Metal – avZz Silver – i“cv Ore – AvKwiK
Gold – †mvbv Mine – Lwb; AvKi Coal – Kqjv
e¨vL¨vt Quarry †Z Marble _v‡K| wVK †Zgwb Mine G Coal _v‡K|
a) Sweet : Sour b) Stout : Weak
c) Hook : Crook d) Injure : Incapacitate ans. D
Solution: Incapacitate – A¶g/Amg_© Kiv Sour – UK
Stout – kw³kvjx; wbf©xK Hook – duv`; Rvj Crook – euvKv
e¨vL¨vt Harm Kivi gva¨‡g †Kvb wKQy Damage Kiv nq| Avi Injure Kivi gva¨‡g †Kvb wKQy Incapacitate Kiv nq|
a) Gouge : Engrave b) Snip : Mince
c) Hew : Fell d) Grind : Polish ans. A
Solution: Hack – †Kvcv‡bv; Kzwc‡q KvUv Carve – †Lv`vB Kiv
Gouge – evUvwj w`‡q KvUv Engrave – †Lv`vB Kiv;
Snip – KuvwP w`‡q K¨vP-K¨vP K‡i KvUv Mince – KzwP KzwP K‡i KvUv; wKgv Kiv
Hew – KvUv; KZ©b/ †Q`b/ LÊweLÊ Kiv Fell – f~cvwZZ Kiv; †K‡U †djv; aivkvqx Kiv
Grind – N‡l P~Y© ev ¸uov Kiv Polish – NlvgvRv Kiv; cwjk/ D¾¡wjZ Kiv
e¨vL¨vt †Kv‡bv wKQz Carve Ki‡Z n‡j Zv‡K Hack Ki‡Z nq| Avi †Kv‡bv wKQz Engrave Ki‡Z n‡j Zv‡K Gouge
Ki‡Z nq|
a) Insightful : Hope b) Modest : Dignity
c) Avaricious : Greed d) Skeptical : Credulity ans. D
Solution: Vindictive – cÖwZwnsmvcivqY Mercy – `qvgvqv; ¶gv; Ki“Yv
Insightful – Aš—`„©wóm¤úbœ; Aš—Á©vb; cwiÁvb Hope – Avkv; fimv; cÖZ¨vkv
Modest – bgª; webqx; wbivwfgvb Dignity – AvZ¥ghv©`v; gh©v`v; m¤§vwbZ Ae¯’v
Avaricious – †jvf; jvjmv; wjáy Greed – †jvf
Skeptical – m‡›`ncÖeY; mskqev`x Credulity – wek¦vmcÖeYZv
e¨vL¨vt †h Vindictive Zvi Mercy †bB| †Zgwb †h Skeptical Zvi Credulity †bB|
Q. (11 – 15): Select the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
11. Computer has revolutionized office procedures more than any machine of modern time.
a) has any machine b) any other machine
c) other machine d) None of these ans. B
Q. (01 – 04): Select the word or phrases that best completes the sentence.
01. Assertive people are generally more decisive.
a) Docile b) Articulate
c) Confident d) Compliant ans. C
Solution: Assertive – `„pcÖZ¨qx = Confident Docile – mn‡R ek gv‡b Ggb; eva¨
Articulate – ¯úófv‡e K_v ejv Compliant – A‡b¨i B”Qvc~i‡Y m¤§Z; bgbkxj
ev‡K¨i A_©t `„p cÖZ¨qx †jvK mvaviYZ AwaKZi `„p gb-gvbwmKZvi n‡q _v‡K|
02. The supply of food and beverage for the program was abundant.
a) inadequate b) substandard
c) excellent d) plentiful ans. D
Solution: Abundant – cÖPzi; A‡Xj Inadequate – Ach©vß; AcÖf~Z
Substandard – wbgœgv‡bi Plentiful – cÖPzi
ev‡K¨i A_©t †cÖvMÖv‡gi Lv`¨ I cvwb‡qi ch©vß †hvMvb wQj|
03. Salt has been used for centuries as a method of processing foods.
a) displaying b) cooking
c) conserving d) seasoning ans. C
Solution: Conserve – msi¶Y Kiv; aŸsm ev ¶q †_‡K i¶v Kiv Processing – cÖwµqvRvZKiY Kiv
Procession – wgwQj; †kvfvhvÎv Display – cÖ`k©b Kiv; Rvwni Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t Lv`¨ we‡kl e¨e¯’vq msi¶‡Yi Rb¨ jeY kZvãxKvj a‡i e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q|
04. The presentation by Dr. Toha was very illuminating.
a) enlightening b) bright
c) disheartening d) boring ans. A
01. He has no good cause ______ complaint. Darkness was the cause ______ his losing his way.
a) about ...... in b) at ...... about
c) for ...... of d) of ...... with ans. C
Repeat: Sonali/ Janata Bank Ltd. (SO – IT/ICT) 08.06.2018 & Question no: 07 (Page 255).
02. He agreed ______ my proposal. He agreed ______ me on that question. They could not agree
______ themselves.
a) among, to, with b) for, about, in
c) to, with, among d) in, to, by ans. C
Recent Publication 266
Solution: GB cÖkœwU‡Z wZbwU Am¤ú~Y© evK¨ i‡q‡Q| evK¨ wZbwU‡Z Agree Gi Appropriate preposition Gi e¨envi
Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖ_g ev‡K¨ †Kvb cÖ¯—v‡e ivRx nIqv A‡_© Agree to proposal nq| Avevi wØZxq ev‡K¨ †gjv; m½wZc~Y©
nIqv; gvbvbmB nIqv A‡_© Agree with e‡m| †hgbt Your statement does not agree with the newspaper
report. Avi Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ A‡b‡Ki g‡a¨ HK¨gZ nIqv A‡_© Agree among e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m Avgvi cÖ¯—v‡e ivRx n‡qwQj| †m H cÖ‡kœ Avgvi mv‡_ GKgZ n‡q‡Qb| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ g‡Zi wgj
03. Synonym of ‘Fastidious’:
a) Finicky b) Quarrelsome
c) Meteoric d) Modulate ans. A
Solution: Fastidious – LyuZLyu‡Z; †`vl ai‡Z Zrci Quarrelsome – SMov‡U; e`ivMx
Meteoric – Déver; Dévm¤^Üxq Modulate – wbqZ Kiv; Dc‡hvwRZ Kiv
04. Antonym of ‘Myopia’;
a) Naive b) Narcotic
c) Farsighted d) Formidable ans. C
Solution: Myopia – Lv‡Uv `„wó; A`~i`wk©Zv Narcotic – gv`K
Farsighted – `~i`„wóm¤úbœ Formidable – fqvbK; fq¼i; fxwZKi
05. The timely rain _____ good crops.
a) brings in b) brings about
c) bring up d) bring forth ans. D
Solution: Bring in – gybvdv Kiv Bring about – NUv‡bv; ¯§iY Kiv ev Kiv‡bv
Bring up – jvjb cvjb Kiv Bring forth – Drcbœ Kiv; cÖme Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t mgqg‡Zv e„wó fv‡jv dmj Drcv`b K‡i|
06. What is the meaning of ‘White Elephant’?
a) A very costly or troublesome possession b) An elephant of white color
c) A black marketer d) A hoarder ans. A
Solution: White Elephant A_© Kv‡R Av‡m bv A_P `vwg I AmyweavRbK| †mB A‡_© DËi n‡e Ackb a).
An elephant of white color – †k¦Zn¯—x
A black marketer – GKRb Kv‡jvevRvix A hoarder – GKRb gRyZ`vi
07. Translate into English: Pzb †L‡q Mvj †cv‡o, `B †`L‡j fq K‡i|
a) A still tongue makes a wise head b) A scalded dog fears cold water
c) A square peg in a round hole d) A pet lamb makes a cross ram ans. B
Solution: A still tongue makes a wise head – Ávbxiv ¯^ífvlx nq| A scalded dog fears cold water – Pzb †L‡j
Mvj †cv‡o, `B †`L‡j fq K‡i/ †b‡o †ejZjv GKeviB hvq| A square peg in a round hole – KuvVv‡ji
AvgmZ¡| A pet lamb makes a cross ram – KuvPvq bv †bvqv‡j euvk, cvK‡j K‡i Vvm Vvm|
08. Choose the correct spelling:
a) Seycheles b) Seychelles
c) Sayshelles d) Sayshells ans. B
Solution: wm‡P‡jm n‡jv GKwU †`‡ki bvg|
09. Choose the correct spelling:
a) Reminisce b) Reminise
c) Reminis d) Reminees ans. A
Solution: Reminisce – ¯§„wZPviY Kiv|
Q. (01 – 05): For each question, select the phrase that appropriately fills in the gap.
01. I wish you would tell me _______.
a) who is being lived next door b) who does live in the next door
c) who lives next door d) who was living next door
e) None of these ans. D
Solution: evK¨wU Passive voice G _vK‡j ‘is being’ em‡Zv| wKš‘ GUv Av‡Q Active voice G| ZvB Ackb a) ev`
hv‡e| Ackb b) ev` hv‡e KviY, Live Gi c~‡e© Does n‡e bv| Avi Would clause wU _vKvq ev‡K¨i cieZ©x
AskI Past form G _vK‡e| wKš‘ Ackb c) †Z i‡q‡Q Present form ZvB GwUI ev`| ZvB mwVK DËi d).
ev‡K¨i A_©t cv‡ki i“‡g †K evm K‡i Zzwg Avgv‡K Zv ej‡e e‡j Avkv Kwi|
02. The professor said that _______.
a) the students can turn over their reports on Monday
b) the reports on Monday could be received from the students by him
c) the students could hand in their reports on Monday
d) the students will turn in their reports on Monday
e) None of these ans. C
Solution: ev‡K¨i cÖ_g Clause G Said _vKvi Kvi‡Y eySv hv‡”Q †h, That Gi cieZ©x AskI Past tense Gi n‡e|
G‡¶‡Î Ackb b) †Z Past tense _vK‡jI ev‡K¨ Redundancy N‡U‡Q| ZvB GKgvÎ Ackb c) B mwVK DËi|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Aa¨vcK mv‡ne ej‡jb †h QvÎiv Zv‡`i wi‡cvU© †mvgev‡i Rgv w`‡Z cv‡i|
01. With this fog, I’m sure the train will be late. Which expression may replace the underlined
a) bounds to late b) is bound to be late
c) will bound to be late d) will be bound to be late ans. D
Solution: Will be late †K Will be bound to be late Øviv Replace Kiv hvq, KviY Bound to be late A_©I †`ix
n‡e| D‡jL¨, Bound Gi `ywU A_© i‡q‡Qt
i) †Kv_vI ev †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡b †h‡Z cÖ¯‘Z; Mg‡bi Rb¨ Ready ev MgbiZ|
†hgbt He is bound for Manikgonj.
ii) ÔmxgvÕ| GB †¶‡Î Bound w`‡q m„ó wKQz Phrase n‡jv Bounds beyond A_© mxgv/evB‡i; Out of bounds A_©
cÖ‡ek-wbwl× GjvKv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t GUv wbwðZ †h Kzqvkvi Kvi‡Y †UªbwUi †`ix n‡e|
02. I kept the pencil __________ the pencil box?
a) inside b) into
c) of d) to ans. B
Solution: †Kv‡bv wKQzi †fZ‡i ev g‡a¨ eySv‡Z Preposition A‡_© ‘into’ em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg †cwÝj ev‡· †cwÝj †i‡LwQjvg|
Recent Publication 274
03. An ordinance is—
a) a book b) an arms factory
c) a journal d) a law ans. D
Solution: Ordinance – we‡kl ¶gZve‡j cÖYxZ Av‡`k, wbqg, wewa ev ûKzg; Aa¨v‡`k|
04. Which one is correct? He said to me “May you be happy”.
a) He told that I might be happy b) He reported that might be happy
c) He said that might be happy d) He wished that I might be happy ans. D
Solution: Reported speech G Almighty Allah D‡jL bv _vK‡j Ges †Kvb Kvgbv eySv‡j ZLb Say ev Say to Gi
e`‡j Indirect speech G ‘wish’ e¨eüZ nq| Wish + that + NP + might + V Gfv‡e wKsev wish + NP
Gfv‡e e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K| †hgbt
Direct: They said, ‘Long live our president’.
Indirect: They wished that their president might live long. (Wish + that + NP + might + V Gfv‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
A_ev, They wished their president a long life.
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m Avgv‡K ej‡jv, ÒZzwg myLx nIÓ|
05. What do you mean by the phrase ‘Sit on the fence’?
a) Watch over the fence b) Still idly
c) Remain neutral in a dispute d) Sit on height ans. C
Solution: Sit on the fence ev Be on the fence A_© fwel¨r myweav jv‡fi Rb¨ weZ‡K© †Kvb c¶ Aej¤^b bv K‡i
cwiw¯’wZ ch©‡e¶‡Y ivLv| ZvB mwVK DËi n‡e Ackb c). D‡jL¨, Fence w`‡q Av‡iv wKQz ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Phrase wb‡P
†`qv n‡jvt Come down on one side or other of the fence A_© wbw`©ófv‡e cÖwZØ›Øxc¶Ø‡qi †Kv‡bv GKwU‡K
mg_©b Kiv| Come down on the right side of the fence A_© weRqxc‡¶ †hvM`vb Kiv| Mend one’s fence
A_© mwÜ Kiv|
06. He is not interested __________ cycling.
a) with b) in
c) for d) at ans. B
Solution: Appropriate Preposition wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ Interest Gic‡i in e‡m, hvi A_© AvMÖn|
ev‡K¨i A_©t mvB‡Kj Pvjv‡bvq Zvi †Kvb AvMÖn †bB|
07. The synonym of the word ‘witty’ is-
a) clever b) dull
c) boring d) tedious ans. A
Solution: Witty – Ávbx; eyw×`xß; PZzi| Dull – wb®cÖf; Aby¾¡j| Tedious – K¬vwš—Ki; weiw³Ki; AbvKl©Yxq|
08. Which one is correct?
a) The ship was drowned in the ocean. b) The ship sunk in the ocean.
c) The ship goes under the ocean. d) The ship was sunk in the ocean. ans. D
Solution: cvwb‡Z, b`x‡Z, mvM‡i Wy‡e giv A‡_© Drown kãwU e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ b`x‡Z ev mvM‡i †bŠKv ev RvnvR Wywei
NUbv‡K eySv‡j Sink (Wy‡e hvIqv A‡_©) e‡m| †hgbt The boat sank in the river. wKš‘ Subject Gici ‘was/is’
_vK‡j Sink Gi Past participle iƒc Sunk em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t mvM‡i RvnvRwU Wy‡e wM‡qwQj|
09. His views did not coincide __________ those of his wife.
a) to b) on
c) for d) with ans. D
Solution: Coincide Gici Appropriate Preposition wn‡m‡e me©`vB ‘with’ e‡m| Coincide Gi A_© AwaK…Z ¯’vb
ev iƒc‡iLvi w`K †_‡K wg‡j hvIqv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi mv‡_ Zvi ¯¿xi `„wóf½x wg‡jwb|
Recent Publication 275
10. Synonym of the word ‘Fickle’ is
a) Constant b) Trustworthy
c) Unstable d) Stable ans. C
Solution: Fickle – cÖvqk cwieZ©bkxj ev `„pfv‡e AbyMZ bq Ggb| Constant – w¯’i; AcwieZ©bxq| Trustworthy –
Av¯’vfvRb; wbf©i‡hvM¨| Stable – `„p; myw¯’Z; mn‡R cwieZ©bxq bq|
11. Would you mind (sing) a song?
a) to sing b) sang
c) sing d) singing ans. D
Solution: ev‡K¨ Mind, cannot help, could not help, with a view to, look forward to, be used to, get used
to, worth BZ¨vw`i ci †Kv‡bv Verb Avm‡j D³ Verb Gi mv‡_ ‘ing’ hy³ nq|
†hgbt I don’t mind helping with the cooking but I am not going to wash the dishes.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avcwb GKwU Mvb MvB‡j †Kgb nq?
12. What is the meaning of the word ‘Vice versa’?
a) for example b) face to face
c) nearly d) None ans. D
Solution: Vice versa A_© Aci c‡¶I (Abyiƒc); kZ©vejx D‡ë w`‡q; You love them dearly and vice versa A_©
Zzwg Zv‡`i‡K Avš—wiKfv‡e fv‡jvev‡m Ges ZvivI †Zvgv‡K cÖvY w`‡q fv‡jvev‡m|
13. The antonym of the word ‘obese’ is
a) calm b) negative
c) slim d) goal ans. C
Solution: Obese – fxlY †gvUv| Calm – kvš—; w¯’i| Slim – nvjKv-cvZjv; mi“| Goal – j¶¨|
14. The word ‘proclaim’ means
a) pronounce b) declare
c) announce d) circulate ans. B
Solution: Proclaim – †NvlYv/ cÖPvi Kiv| Pronounce – †NvlYv Kiv; Rvwi Kiv| Declare – my¯úófv‡e ev
AvbyôvwbKfv‡e Rvbv‡bv| Circulate – e„ËvKv‡i µgvMZ †Nviv|
15. A __________ is someone who sees a crime being committed.
a) criminal b) slower
c) witness d) judge ans. C
Solution: Witness – cÖZ¨¶`k©x; mv¶x|
ev‡K¨i A_©t whwb Aciva msNU‡bi mgq Zv cÖZ¨¶ K‡ib Zv‡KB cÖZ¨¶`k©x e‡j|
16. He and I __________ well.
a) am b) is
c) are d) been ans. C
Solution: `ywU wfbœ Subject ‘and’ Øviv hy³ n‡j mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wU Plural n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg Ges †m fv‡jv AvwQ|
17. Which of the words is verb?
a) Democracy b) Democratize
c) Democratic d) Democratically ans. B
Solution: Democracy (n) – MYZš¿; MYZvwš¿K †`k| Democratize (vt) – MYZvwš¿K Kiv| Democratic (adj) –
MYZvwš¿K| Democratically (adv) – MYZvwš¿Kfv‡e|
18. Choose the right sentence.
a) He is senior than me for five years. b) He is senior to me for five years.
c) He is senior from me for three years. d) He is senior at me for five years. ans. B
Solution: Senior Gici ‘than, from ev at’ bv n‡q ‘to’ em‡e| A_©vr Senior ev Junior Øviv eq‡mi Zzjbv Kivi
mgq G‡`i ci me©`vB Preposition wn‡m‡e ‘to’ em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wZwb Avgvi †P‡q cuvP eQ‡ii eo|
Recent Publication 276
19. The study of the ancient societies is
a) History b) Archeology
c) Anthropology d) Ethnology ans. B
Solution: Archeology – gvbeRvwZi BwZnvm, ms¯‹…wZ I Dbœqb|
Ethnology – gvbeRvwZi AvPiY I Zv‡`i ga¨Kvi m¤úK©|
20. Which spelling is correct?
a) Accommodition b) Accommodation
c) Acommodition d) Accomodition ans. B
Solution: Accommodation – ¯’vb msKzjvb|
21. Which aerospace company has recently announced to launch a luxury hotel in space named
‘Aurora Station’?
a) Cosmic Era b) Galaxy Hotel
c) Orion Span d) NASA ans. C
22. The liquid metal is
a) Sodium b) Mercury
c) Magnesium d) Bismuth ans. B
Solution: gviKvwi ev cvi` n‡”Q GKgvÎ Zij avZz| Gi cvigvYweK msL¨v 80 Ges cÖZxK Hg. mvaviYZ ZvcgvÎvq
Zij _v‡K e‡j _v‡g©vwgUv‡i cvi` e¨envi Kiv nq| ¯^vfvweK cwi‡e‡k Ab¨ Zij †gŠjwU n‡”Q †eªvwgb| wKš‘ wKQz
avZz †hgbt wmwRqvg, M¨vwjqvg I i“wewWqvg wVK K¶ ZvcgvÎvi Dc‡ii ZvcgvÎvq Zijxf~Z nq|
23. The depletion in the Ozone layer is caused by—
a) Chlorofluorocarbons b) Nitrous oxide
c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane ans. A
Solution: c„w_ex‡Z †fŠZ I ˆRe wµqvi Drcbœ Aw·‡R‡bi wKQz Ask I‡Rv‡b iƒcvš—wiZ nq| I‡Rvb evqygʇji
Dcwifv‡M GKwU Av”Qv`‡bi m„wó K‡i| G‡K I‡Rv‡bvwùqvi ev I‡Rvb ¯—i e‡j| GwU gvby‡li c‡¶ ¶wZKi
gnvRvMwZK iwk¥ I AwZ‡e¸wb iwk¥ †kvlY K‡i| f~-c„‡ôi 65 gvBj Dc‡i Aew¯’Z evqygʇji PZz_© ¯—i‡K
(÷ªv‡UvgÊj) I‡Rvb ¯—i e‡j| I‡Rvb ¯—i dvU‡ji Rb¨ gyL¨Z `vqx wmGdwm ev †K¬v‡iv‡d¬v‡iv Kve©b M¨vm|
24. In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last
a) River water b) Water in tank
c) Canal water d) Sea water ans. D
25. The animals which eat other animals are known as
a) Herbivorous b) Carnivores
c) Omnivorous d) None ans. B
Solution: Herbivorous – (Rš‘ m¤^‡Ü) Z…Y‡fvRx| Carnivore – gvsmvkx| Omnivorous – me©f~K|
Choose pairs of words that best express the relationship similar to that expressed in capitalized
pairs (Questions 09 – 10):
a) Artificial : Building b) Dissection : Analysis
c) Excuse : Denial d) Inductive : Logical ans. B
Solution: Synthesis – ms‡klY; wgkªY Construction – wbg©vY
Dissection – we‡klY; e¨e‡”Q` Logical – hyw³hy³|
Recent Publication 277
Solution: Synthesis Gi Secondary Meaning n‡jv wewfbœ Dcv`v‡bi gva¨‡g hv MwVZ nq Zv|
e¨vL¨vt †Kv‡bv wKQzi Construction Ki‡Z †M‡j Synthesis jv‡M| Avi Analysis Ki‡Z †M‡j Dissection jv‡M|
a) Pathology : Maps b) Book : Education
c) Apology : Sorry d) Pharmacology : Drug ans. D
Solution: Cardiology – ü`weÁvb Pathology – †ivMwe`¨v; †ivMweÁvb
e¨vL¨vt Heart m¤úwK©Z weÁvb‡K ejv nq Cardiology. Avi Drug m¤úwK©Z weÁvb‡K ejv nq Pharmacology.
03. Find the correctly spelt word from the following:
a) Survaillance b) Surveillance
c) Survellance d) Surveilance ans. B
Solution: Surveillance – bRi`vwi; cvnviv|
04. What is the antonym of the word ‘EVASIVE’?
a) Free b) Honest
c) Liberal d) Frank ans. C
Solution: Evasive – Gwo‡q †h‡Z m‡Pó Liberal – D`vi; cÖPzi
05. What is the antonym of the word ‘VIOLENT’?
a) Humble b) Harmless
c) Gentle d) Tame ans. C
Solution: Violent – cÖPÊ; cÖej; Zxeª Tame – †cvlv; wb‡¯—R; ekxf~Z Humble – webqx
06. What is the synonym of the word ‘RELINQUISH’?
a) Abdicate b) Renounce
c) Possess d) Deny ans. A & B
Solution: Relinquish – †Q‡o †`Iqv; Z¨vM Kiv Abdicate – `vwe Z¨vM Kiv
Possess – (†Kv‡bv wKQzi) AwaKvix ev gvwjK Renounce – AvbyôvwbKfv‡e cwiZ¨vM Kiv
07. What is the synonym of the word ‘REPEAL’?
a) Sanction b) Perpetuate
c) Pass d) Cancel ans. D
Solution: Repeal – evwZj ev cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv Sanction – Aby‡gv`b; gÄyix
Perpetuate – wPi¯’vqx Kiv; euvwP‡q ivLv Cancel – iwnZ Kiv; evwZj Kiv
08. What is the correct meaning of the phrase “To leave someone in the lunch”?
a) To come to compromise with someone b) Constant source of annoyance to someone
c) To desert someone in his difficulties d) To put someone at each ans. C
Solution: To leave someone in the lunch A_© KvD‡K wec‡` GKv †d‡j P‡j hvIqv|
09. Find the SIMPLE form of the sentence, ‘I heard that she was singing’?
a) I heard her to sing. b) I heard her singing.
c) I heard her being sing. d) I heard her song. ans. B
Repeat: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (ATO) 08.09.2017 & Question no: 19 (Page 114).
10. Which one is noun?
a) Nostalgic b) Nostalgical
c) Nostalgia d) Nostalgica ans. C
Repeat: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (ATO) 08.09.2017 & Question no: 20 (Page 115).
01. Walking reduces depression and anxiety, lessens stress, self-esteem is raised,
a b c d
and increases energy. ans. D
Repeat: Social Islami Bank Ltd. (PO) 19.05.2017 & Question no: 03 (Page 64); One Bank Ltd. (SCO)
29.06.2018 & Question no: 03.
02. For the waterwheel is basically the same machine as the windmill, but it is driven
a b c
by air instead of water. ans. A
Repeat: Social Islami Bank Ltd. (PO) 19.05.2017 & Question no: 04 (Page 64).
03. The essential basic ingredient in the creation of a thunderstorm is a warm,
a b c
moist, unstable atmosphere. ans. C
Repeat: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. (MTO) 2017 & Question no: 01 (Page 94).
04. Bonds can provide a steady flow of income to help of living expenses, which makes them
a b c
especially suitable for retired people. ans. C
Repeat: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. (MTO) 2017 & Question no: 04 (Page 95).
05. Investment money means to put it into some business project such as operating a mine,
a b c
building a housing complex, or doing medical research. ans. A
Repeat: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. (MTO) 2017 & Question no: 05 (Page 95).
Q. (06-10): Select the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word.
a) Dangerous b) Safe
c) Cautious d) Easy ans. B
Repeat: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. (MTO) 2017 & Question no: 06 (Page 95).
a) Inflexible b) Prominent
c) Pliable d) Fashionable ans. C
Repeat: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. (MTO) 2017 & Question no: 07 (Page 95).
a) Surplus b) Scarcity
c) Presence d) Richness ans. D
Repeat: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. (MTO) 2017 & Question no: 08 (Page 95).
Q. (01 – 05): Choose the word that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word given. 5
a) profuse b) boundless
c) deep d) fathomless ans. C
Solution: Profound – Mfxi; AMva; cÖMvp Profuse – mycÖPzi; D”Q¡wmZ Deep – Mfxi; AMva
a) revolution b) disgust
c) criticism d) attack ans. B
Solution: Abomination – wb`vi“Y N„Yv I wefxwlKv Disgust – weivM ev Zxeª weiw³i D‡`ªK Kiv
03. WILT
a) collapse b) strike
c) challenge d) warn ans. A
Solution: Wilt – (MvQcvjv, dzj m¤^‡Ü) Sz‡j cov Collapse – cwZZ nIqv; †f‡O cov
a) stagnation b) spite
c) curse d) sickness ans. D
Solution: Malaise – Amy¯’Zv †eva Spite – Aïf B”Qv Sickness – Amy¯’Zv
a) virtuous b) priceless
c) dull d) vital ans. C
Solution: Vapid – bxim; we¯^v`; wb®cÖvY Vital – Rxebm¤ú„³; ˆRewbK Priceless – Ag~j¨; AbN©
Q. (06 – 10): Choose the appropriate words or phrase to fill in the gaps.
06. Soil-covered lava lands usually support a normal forest ________ enough water.
a) if there is b) or if there is
c) there has been d) there is also ans. A
Solution: Usually support A_© Present form _vKvq k~b¨¯’v‡b Ackb a) Gi If there is B Appropriate.
ev‡K¨i A_©t gvwU Øviv cwi‡ewóZ jvfv GKwU ¯^vfvweK eb‡K ZLbB Support w`‡e hLb H e‡b h‡_ô cvwb _vK‡e|
Recent Publication 282
07. Not often ________ fatal today, but immediate medical attention is essential.
a) a rattlesnake bite’s b) by a rattlesnake’s bite
c) a rattlesnake bite is d) is a rattlesnake bite ans. D
08. Spray cans produce an aerosol, which is __.
a) spraying of very fine b) a spray very fine
c) very a fine spray d) a very fine spray ans. D
Solution: Is a very ....... Structure B mwVK|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †¯cÖ K¨vb¸‡jv myMwÜ Drcv`b K‡i hv LyeB fv‡jv †¯cÖ|
09. Kites come in all shapes and sizes, some ________ a person.
a) large enough carrying b) enough large to carry
c) large enough to carry d) large to carry enough ans. C
Solution: Òenb Kivi Rb¨ h‡_ó eoÓ A‡_© Large enough to carry B ï×|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wPj wewfbœ AvKvi I AvK…wZi n‡q _v‡K, wKQz wPj G‡Zv eo †h Zv GKRb gvbyl enb Ki‡Z cv‡i|
10. ________ types of investments go up or down in value at the same time.
a) Not b) Not only
c) Not all d) Not at all ans. C
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t GKB mg‡q mKj cÖKvi wewb‡qv‡Mi `vg ev‡o wKsev K‡g bv|
Q. (11 – 15): Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given. 15=5
a) imagine b) repair
c) overestimate d) investigate ans. C
Solution: Minimize – b~¨bZg ¸i“Z¡ Av‡ivc Kiv Overestimate – wn‡me †ewk K‡i aiv
Imagine – K¤úbv/ g‡b Kiv; aiv; fvev Repair – †givgZ Kiv
a) uniformity b) equivalence
c) precision d) violent ans. A
Solution: Variation – †f`; we‡f`b; wfbœZv Uniformity – mgvb Ae¯’v; mgiƒcZv; GKiƒcZv
Equivalence – mgv_©KZv; mgg~j¨Zv Violent – cÖej; wnsmª
a) casual b) controversial
c) trivial d) indirect ans. C
Solution: Substantive – ¯^Zš¿; ¯^vaxb; ev¯—e Trivial – mvgvb¨; Zz”Q; bMY¨
Controversial – weZwK©Z; weZK© Zzj‡Z cv‡i Ggb Casual – AvKw¯§K; nVvr
a) skeptical b) complacent
c) gradual d) pessimistic ans. C
Solution: Meteoric – evqygÊjxq Ae¯’v msµvš— Gradual – µ‡g µ‡g msNwUZ n‡”Q Ggb; µwgK
a) command b) trust
c) excite d) console ans. D
Solution: Censure – KvD‡K (†Kv‡bv wKQzi Rb¨) mgv‡jvPbv Kiv Console – mvš—bv †`Iqv; mnvbyf~wZ Rvbv‡bv
D‡jL¨, Console – mvš—bv †`Iqv; mnvbyf~wZ Rvbv‡bv| Gi Synonym ¸‡jv n‡jvt Cheer up A_© DrmvwnZ Kiv|
Raise somebody’s spirit A_© KvD‡K Drmvn cÖ`vb Kiv BZ¨vw`| Avi Censure A_© mgv‡jvPbv Kiv| myZivs
Censure Gi Antonym n‡jv Console Avi, cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë Ackb a) †Z Command Gi A_© Av‡`k Kiv| Avi hw`
Command bv n‡q Commend n‡Zv Z‡e Censure Gi Antonym commend ejv †hZ hvi A_© cÖmskv Kiv|
Recent Publication 283
Q. (16 – 20): Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and d) of the following sentences has an error.
16. If one plans to hike in the Sundarban, you should prepare for the possibility
a b c d
of encountering a tiger. ans. B
Solution: GB ai‡bi cÖkœ wewfbœ mgq wewfbœ cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cix¶vqB GKwU `ywU K‡i G‡m _v‡K| GB ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g
Subject Kiv n‡q‡Q One †K, wKš‘ c‡i Subject Kiv n‡jv You †K| wKš‘ cÖ‡kœi e³e¨ Abymv‡i `ywU Subject B
GKB n‡e| †h‡nZz cÖ_g Subject wn‡m‡e One Gi wb‡P †Kvb `vM †bB, ZvB G‡K mwVK ai‡Z n‡e| G Kvi‡Y 2q
Subject wn‡m‡e As‡k You bv n‡q One n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw` †KD cÖZ¨š— my›`ie‡b nvuU‡Z hvIqvi cwiKíbv K‡i, Z‡e Zvi ev‡Ni m¤§yLxb nIqvi m¤¢vebv
m¤ú‡K© cÖ¯w‘ Z †bIqv DwPZ|
17. If tulip bulbs are planted in the fall, they could have been expected
a b
to bloom the following spring. ans. B
c d
Solution: evK¨wU ˆeÁvwbK ZË¡wfwËK e‡j ev‡K¨i wØZxqvsk Present form G n‡e| ZvB Ackb b) †Z Could have
been Gi cwie‡Z© ‘are’ n‡e| Conditional ev‡K¨i wZbwU form Gi gZ GwU n‡e bv| ZvB mwVK Ackb n‡jv b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t kirKv‡j wUDwjc dzj ecb Ki‡j Zv emš—Kv‡j cÖùzwUZ n‡e e‡j a‡i †bIqv nq|
18. Walking reduces depression and anxiety, lessens stress, self-esteem is raised,
a b c d
and increases energy. ans. D
Repeat: Social Islami Bank Ltd. (PO) 19.05.2017 & Question no: 03 (Page64 ).
19. It is essential that commercial fishing has large shoals of fish of one species within
a b c d
reach of markets. ans. B
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t evwYwR¨K D‡Ï‡k¨ gvQ aivi †¶‡Î GUv LyeB ¸i“Z¡c~Y© †h nv‡Zi bvMv‡jB GKB cÖRvwZi eo SuvK
gvQ _vK‡e|
20. Poison gas, because its stealth and murderous fumes, is the most fear-inspiring
a c
of all weapons of war. ans. A
d e
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t †Mvcb I Rxeb nvwbKi nIqvi Kvi‡Y welv³ M¨vm hy‡×i mKj A¯¿¸‡jvi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q †ewk
f‡qi D‡`ªKKvix|
Q. 1 – 5: For each of the following sentences identify which underlined segment is incorrect.
01. I believe that between John and Tom. John is the wisest. No error. ans. D
a b c d e
Solution: `yBR‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q e‡j Wisest bv n‡q Wiser n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg g‡b Kwi John I Tom Gi g‡a¨ John nj †ewk Ávbx|
02. Being a good negotiator is Something that Comes only with experienced. No error. ans. D
a b c d e
Solution: Ackb d) †Z Experienced Gi cwie‡Z© Experience n‡e| KviY Preposition Gici k‡ãi Noun iƒcwU
ev‡K¨i A_©t GKRb fvj ga¨¯’ZvKvix nIqv n‡jv Ggb wKQz hv †Kej AwfÁZvi ØvivB Av‡m|
03. I could not have imagine that you would take such a big risk for my sake. No error. ans. B
a b c d e
Solution: Ackb b) †Z have Gic‡i Imagine Gi cwie‡Z© Imagined em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg Kíbv Ki‡Z cvijvg bv †h Zzwg Avgvi Rb¨ GZ eo GKUv SuywK †b‡e|
04. The receptionist told me that I would have come at a latter time to meet the manager.
a b c d
No error. ans. C
Solution: c‡i Avmv eySv‡Z Latter bv n‡q Later n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Af¨_©bvKvix Avgv‡K ejj †h g¨v‡bRv‡ii mv‡_ mv¶vr Ki‡Z Avgv‡K cieZ©x mg‡q Avm‡Z n‡e|
05. It is natural for your parents to have high expectations with you. No error. ans. D
a b c d e
Solution: High expectations with you Gi cwie‡Z© High expectations to you n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Zvgv‡K wb‡q †Zvgvi wcZv-gvZvi D”PvKvsLv _vKvUvB ¯^vfvweK|
Question 6 to 10: For each question. select the word phrase that appropriately fill in the gap.
06. The scheme is a good one but do not get ____ by it has not been approved yet.
a) carried ahead b) carried away c) blown off
d) blown into e) None ans. B
Solution: G‡¶‡Î evK¨ MV‡bi mwVK wbqg n‡jvt have, get, let, help BZ¨vw` + object + Verb Gi Past participle
iƒc| A_©vr D‡ËwRZ nIqv A‡_© Get carried away n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cwiKíbvUv n‡jv GKwU fv‡jv cwiKíbv wKš—y GUvi Øviv Lye D‡ËwRZ nBI bv KviY GwU GL‡bv
Aby‡gvw`Z nqwb|
07. Biplob and Tarek are business ____. and have arranged to meet at the sales conference.
a) delegates b) customers c) officers
d) associates e) None ans. D
Solution: e¨emvqxK cvU©bvi ev mn‡hvMx A‡_© Business associates B n‡jv Dc‡hvMx kã|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wece Ges Zv‡iK n‡jb e¨emvqx mn‡hvMx Ges weµq m‡¤§j‡b †`Lv Kivi e¨e¯’v K‡i‡Qb|
08. What did the injured man say when he ____?
a) came to b) reached us c) came into
d) went under e) None ans. A
Recent Publication 296
Solution: Amy¯’ †jvKwU my¯’ nIqv A‡_© Group verb wn‡m‡e Come to e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t AvnZ †jvKwU wK e‡jwQj hLb †m Ávb wd‡i †cj ?
09. The patient is still seriously ill but I am sure he will ____ all right
a) pull into b) pull through c) came around
d) pull up e) None ans. B
Solution: Avmyb Avgiv Group verb ¸‡jvi A_© †R‡b wbBt
Pull through = Came around A_© Av‡ivM¨jvf Kiv| Pull up A_© _vgv ev _vgv‡bv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †ivMxwU GL‡bv gvivZ¥Kfv‡e Amy¯’ wKš—y Avwg wbwðZ †h †m m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c my¯’ n‡q DV‡e|
10. We were ____ by heavy traffic on our way to the airport.
a) caught down b) made late c) held up
d) meet e) None ans. C
Solution: Hold up = AvU‡K cov|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wegvbe›`‡i hvIqvi c‡_ Avgiv gvivZ¥K R¨v‡g AvU‡K c‡owQjvg|
Q. 11 to 15: In each of the following questions, choose the option which best expresses the meaning of
the underlined section.
11. If this rain continues, we shall call off the game.
a) showcase b) inform everyone c) cancel
d) reschedule e) None ans. C
Solution: Call off = evwZj Kiv = cancel;
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw` e„wó n‡Z _v‡K, Zvn‡j Avgiv †Ljv evwZj Kie|
12. Karim decided to check on the progress of his team from time to time.
a) periodically b) rarely c) infrequently
d) serially e) continuously ans. A
Solution: From time to time = sometimes but not often. Infrequent = cÖvqB N‡Ubv Ggb = gv‡S gv‡S N‡U
Ggb| Rarely = K`vwPr|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Kwig wm×vš— wbj gv‡S gv‡S Zvi wU‡gi AMÖMwZ Z`viwK Ki‡Z|
13. How did he come by such an expensive watch?
a) collect b) obtain c) steal
d) show e) None ans. B
Solution: Come by A_© nVvr †Kvb wKQz cvIqv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m Kxfv‡e Giƒc GKwU `vwg Nwo †cj|
14. My brother always tries to get out of washing up dishes.
a) finish it b) help c) share
d) divide e) None ans. E
Solution: Get out of something A_© †Kv‡bv wKQz Kiv ev Gwo‡q hvIqv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avgvi fvB me©`vB _vjv-evmb †auŠZ KivUv Gwo‡q †h‡Z †Póv K‡i|
15. John is very skilled in coming up with strategies to outsmart the competition.
a) progressive b) preposterous c) prejudiced
d) profound e) None ans. E
Solution: Come up with something = †Kv‡bv bZzb cwiKíbv ev aviYv wb‡q Avmv| Outsmart = outwit = KvD‡K
Qvwo‡q hvIqv| Progressive (cÖ‡MÖwmf) = µgvš^‡q DbœwZ/ AebwZ n‡”Q Ggb| Preposterous (wcÖcm&Uvivm) =
D™¢U| Prejudiced (wcÖRywWm&W) = c¶cvZ`yó| Profound (cÖdvDÛ) = Mfxi| Proficient (cÖwdwm‡q›U) = `¶|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq myweav wb‡Z wewfbœ cwiKíbv D™¢ve‡b John Lye `¶|
Recent Publication 297
Q. 16 to 20: In each of the following sentences. there is one word missing. identify the missing word
from the given choices.
16. The police suspect the men having set fire to the factory deliberately.
a) of b) for c) being
d) intentionally e) None ans. A
Solution: †Kvb wKQz NU‡Z cv‡i e‡j Abyfe ev aviYv Kiv; Avk¼v Kiv; m‡›`n Kiv A‡_© Suspect Gi c‡i of e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t B”QvK…Zfv‡e d¨v±wi‡Z Av¸b jvMv‡bvi Rb¨ cywjk †jvK¸‡jv‡K m‡›`n Kij|
17. Do not quarrel over the money, share it the five of you.
a) among b) between c) equally
d) by e) No word is missing ans. A
Solution: `yB‡qi AwaK †jv‡Ki g‡a¨ eySv‡j Preposition wn‡m‡e Among nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t UvKv wb‡q SMov K‡iv bv, †Zvgv‡`i cuvPR‡bi g‡a¨ GwU fvM K‡i bvI|
18. Rima probably regrets her hasty decision to resign
a) instead b) rather c) inspite
d) of course e) No word is missing ans. E
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t wigv m¤¢eZ c`Z¨vM Kivi Zvi `ª“Z wm×v‡š— Avd‡mvm K‡i|
19. Most tourists travel by air nowadays because is cheaper and quicker.
a) when b) during c) it
d) by e) No word is missing ans. C
20. In a debate, it is sometimes necessary to remind speakers about the main points which are
a) even b) for c) being
d) to e) None ans. C
Solution: Consider wb‡R wb‡RB nq bv KvD‡K Ki‡Z nq| ZvB Are being considered (we‡ewPZ n‡”Q) n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kv‡bv weZ‡K© we‡eP¨ cÖavb welq¸‡jv m¤ú‡K© e³v‡`i gv‡S gv‡S g‡b Kwi‡q †`Iqv cÖ‡qvRb|
01. The correct translation of: Kqjv ayB‡j gqjv hvq bv|
a) It is useless to clean a black object b) Black will take no other hue
c) A black object remains same after cleaning d) Dirty items don’t get clearned ans. B
02. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a) Every one of the boy love to ride b) Every one of the boys loves to ride
c) Every one of boys love to ride d) Every one of the boy loves to ride ans. B
Solution: G‡¶‡Î wbqgwU n‡jvt Every one of the Gici me©`v Plural noun e‡m wKš‘ Zvi Verb nq Singular.
03. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition; He led a life devoid ---- blame.
a) from b) in
c) of d) at ans. C
Solution: Devoid of A_© wenxb; Qvov; ewR©Z|
mgvR‡mev Awa`ßi
c‡`i bvg: Awdm mnvqK - 31.08.2018
01. Which one will appear fourth in the list if they are arranged in alphabetical order?
a) Blur b) Bless
c) Blink d) Blower ans. A
Solution: Alphabetical order Abyhvqx mvRv‡j wb‡Pi µgvbymv‡i mvRv‡j hv‡et
Bless; Blink; Blower; Blur
02. It was a long walk, so Manik began moving slowly ______ the town.
a) at b) until
c) towards d) for ans. C
Solution: Awfgy‡L, w`‡K ev cv‡b eySv‡Z Preposition wn‡m‡e Towards e‡m|
†hgbt Towards Dhaka, Towards quarrel.
ev‡K¨i A_©t GUv wQj `xN© hvÎv, ZvB gvwbK kn‡ii w`‡K ax‡i ax‡i nuvUv ïi“ Ki‡jb|
03. There is no doubt that Afia is very good ______ telling jokes.
a) at b) over
c) of d) with ans. A
Solution: Good at telling jokes A_© gRvi gRvi Mí ejvq `¶|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwdqv †h gRvi gRvi †KŠZzK ejvq `¶-G e¨vcv‡i †Kv‡bv m‡›`n †bB|
04. He was caught by the teacher for cheating ______ the exam.
a) during b) after
c) near d) outside ans. A
Recent Publication 304
Solution: Cheating during the exam A_© cix¶v PjvKvjxb mg‡q bKj Kivi Rb¨|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cix¶vq bKj Kivi Rb¨ †m wk¶‡Ki Kv‡Q aiv †Lj|
05. ______ in trying to solve this problem. It’s clearly unsolvable.
a) There’s no point b) It’s no point
c) There isn’t point d) It’s no need ans. A
Solution: There Gici ‘not’ bv n‡q ‘no’ nq| There’s no point A_© †Kv‡bv my‡hvM †bB|
ev‡K¨i A_©t GB mgm¨v mgvav‡bi †Póvi †Kv‡bv my‡hvM †bB| GUv ¯úôZB mgvavb A‡hvM¨|
06. Rubel needs to submit the report ______ his boss before 5 pm.
a) at b) to
c) of d) on ans. B
Solution: Report to somebody A_© †Kv‡bv wKQz †ck Kiv| Avi Report on something A_© †Kv‡bv wel‡qi Dci
cÖwZ‡e`b ˆZix Kiv| GLv‡b Ô†ck KivÕ A‡_© Report to em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t we‡Kj cuvPUvi c~‡e©B i“‡ej‡K Zvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©vi wbKU cÖwZ‡e`b †ck Ki‡Z n‡e|
07. ‘Brain Drain’ means ______?
a) Mad person b) Migration of skilled person to other country
c) Emigration of intellectuals d) None ans. C
Solution: Brain Drain A_© †gav cvPvi; KvwiMwi we`¨v ev weÁv‡b wk¶vcÖvß e¨w³M‡Yi AwaK DcvR©b ev my‡hv‡Mi
Avkvq we‡`k Mgb|
08. There is a bridge ______ the river.
a) near b) across
c) on d) along ans. B
Solution: b`xi GKcÖvš— †_‡K Ab¨ cÖvš— eySv‡Z Across the river e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt A dam across a river.
ev‡K¨i A_©t b`xi GKcÖvš— n‡Z Ab¨ cÖvš— eivei eªxR i‡q‡Q|
09. A disease that is liable to the transmitted to people through the environment is known as
a) Contagious b) Infectious
c) Incurable d) Fatal ans. B
Solution: Contagious – msµvgK Infectious – msµvgK
Incurable – AwPwKrm¨; Abv‡ivM¨ Fatal – cÖvYbvkK; gvivZ¥K
ev‡K¨i A_©t cwi‡ek n‡Z gvby‡li g‡a¨ `ª“Z †ivMRxevYyi we¯—vi N‡U Infectious e‡j|
10. A form of written language for blind people is known as ______?
a) Braille b) Elysium
c) Epicure d) Arson ans. A
Solution: AÜ gvbyl‡`i Rb¨ wjwLZ fvlv‡K Braille e‡j|
11. The woman, who has been missing for 10 days, is believed ______.
a) to be abducted b) to be abducting
c) to have been abducted d) to have been abducting ans. C
Solution: 10 w`‡bi Rb¨ †Kv‡bv bvix‡K cvIqv bv †M‡j a‡i †bqv nq †h wZwb AcüZ n‡q‡Q|
12. Find the correctly spelt word:
a) Sarvent b) Sarvent
c) Servant d) Sarvard ans. C
Solution: Servant – PvKi; f„Z¨|
13. What is the synonym of ‘obtain’?
a) make b) keep
c) get d) want ans. C
Solution: Get = Obtain = cvIqv|
Recent Publication 305
14. Choose the correct spelling?
a) Accoomodate b) Accommodate
c) Accomodate d) Acommodate ans. B
Solution: Accommodate – AvevwmZ Kiv|
15. In the following questions, only one statement is grammatically correct. Identify the correct one.
a) Are these gloves belonging to you? she asked. b) Does this gloves belong to you? she asked.
c) Do these gloves belongs to you? she asked. d) Do these gloves belong to you? she asked.
ans. D
Solution: Gloves (nv‡Z civi `¯—vbv) n‡jv Plural ZvB Belongs bv n‡q Belong n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t GB `¯—vbv¸‡jv wK †Zvgvi? †m wRÁvmv Kij|
16. Which of the following words is a synonym for messy?
a) Tidy b) Spotless
c) clean d) dirty ans. D
Solution: Messy – †bvsiv; wek„•Lj Dirty – Acwi®‹vi; gqjv
Tidy – cwicvwU; cwi”Qbœ Spotless – `vMnxb
17. The antonym of ‘Thick’ is
a) Thin b) Heavy
c) Fat d) Young ans. A
Solution: Thick – cyi“; †gvUv Thin – cvZjv
18. Choose the correct spelling
a) Amatuer b) Amateur
c) Amature d) Ameteur ans. B
Solution: Amateur – †kŠwLb wPÎ ev m½xZ ev bvU¨ wkíx; A‡ckv`vi µxovwe`|
19. Linda rides the bus ______ school every day.
a) at b) to
c) by d) on ans. B
Solution: Ride the bus to school A_© ¯‹z‡j hvq ev‡m K‡i|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Linda ev‡m K‡i cÖwZw`b ¯‹z‡j hvq|
20. I like to watch TV ______ late ______ night.
a) at, in b) in, on
c) until, at d) to, in ans. C
Solution: Mfxi ivZ ch©š— A‡_© Until late at night e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Mfxi ivZ ch©š— TV †`L‡Z Avwg cQ›` Kwi|
Select, from the alternative, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in capital
letters (11 – 15):
11. FLUX
a) overflow b) merge
c) change d) soften ans. C
Recent Publication 307
Solution: Flux – wbiš—i cwieZ©bci¯úiv Overflow – Dci w`‡q cÖevwnZ nIqv
Merge – A½xf~Z Kiv ev nIqv Soften – big; †Kvgj; g„` BZ¨vw` Kiv ev nIqv
a) liberal b) heavy
c) abundant d) broad ans. C
Solution: Copious – cÖvPzh©c~Y©; ch©vß Liberal – e`vb¨; D`vi; gy³n¯—
Abundant – cÖPzi; A‡Xj Broad – PIov; cÖk¯—
a) terrible b) difficult
c) confusing d) mysterious ans. C
Solution: Knotty – MÖwš’c~Y© Terrible – fq¼i; fxlY; fqven
Difficult – `yiƒn Mysterious – inm¨gq; inm¨Nb; `y‡e©va¨
14. GLIB
a) artful b) persuasive
c) flattering d) informal ans. C
Solution: Glib – Ggb K_v hv ïb‡Z fv‡jv jv‡M wKš‘ Avš—wiKZv Artful – a~Z©; PZzi; cÖZviYvc~Y©; †mqvbv
Flatter – PvU~w³/ PvUzev` Kiv; †Zvlv‡gv` Kiv Persuasive – cÖ‡ivPbvq mg_©; †eva‡hvM¨
15. CURB
a) medicinal b) restriction
c) participation d) hunger ans. B
Solution: Curb – jvMvg; wbqš¿Y Kiv Medicinal – wbivgq ¸Ym¤úbœ; Av‡ivM¨Ki †flR
Restriction – mxwgZKiY; evavwb‡la; wb‡lavÁv Participation – AskMÖnY
Select the word that is most closely opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters (16 – 20):
a) absolute b) separate
c) dependent d) self-directed ans. C
Solution: Autonomous – ¯^kvwmZ; ¯^vqËkvwmZ; ¯^vaxb Absolute – m¤ú~Y©; c‡ivrK…ó; cwic~Y©
Separate – wef³; c„_K; Avjv`v Dependent – AvwkªZ; †cvl¨
a) eternal b) beneath
c) immeasurable d) superb ans. D
Solution: Abysmal – (we‡klZ jv¶ I K_¨) AZj; AMva; Aš—nxb Eternal – wPiš—b; Avw`-Aš—nxb
Beneath – bx‡P; wb‡gœ; wfZ‡i; Mfx‡i; Avov‡j Superb – †``xc¨gvb; PgrKvi; AZz¨rK…ó
a) grim b) tame
c) unyielding d) natural ans. B
Solution: Feral – eb¨; †cvl gvbv‡bv hvqwb Ggb; cvkweK Grim – K‡Vvi; fqvbK; wbg©g
Tame – (Rš‘ m¤ú‡K©) †cvlv; †cvl-gvbv Unyielding – ek gvbv‡bv hvqwb Ggb
a) afraid b) self-denial
c) indulgence d) devotion ans. C
Solution: Abstinence – mshg; wgZvPvi; wbe„wË; DciwZ Self-denial – AvZ¥Z¨vM; AvZ¥wemR©b; AvZ¥ewj`vb
Indulgence – cÖkªq; AvkKviv; jvB Devotion – Mfxi Abyiw³; avwg©KZv; Avivabv
Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that can be substituted for the given words (21 – 25):
21. Stage of growth between boyhood and youth
a) infancy b) teenager
c) adolescence d) old age ans. C
Solution: Infancy – evj¨Kvj; ˆkke; wkïZ¡ Teenager – 13 †_‡K 19 eQ‡ii g‡a¨ eqm Ggb †Q‡j/ †g‡q
Adolescence – eqtmwÜ; ˆK‡kvi Old age – eva©K¨
22. One who eats everything
a) omnivorous b) herbivorous
c) insectivorous d) carnivorous ans. A
Solution: Carnivorous – gvsmvkx Gourmet – cvb I †fvRb iwmK e¨w³
Omnivorous – me©f~K, †h me Lvq Omnipotent – me©kw³gvb (Avjvn)
Herbivorous – wbivwgl‡fvRx Omniscient – whwb me wKQy †`‡Lb
23. One who conceals his identity as a writer under an assumed pen-name
a) pompous b) plagiarist
c) philistine d) pseudonym ans. D
Solution: †jLK wb‡Ri bvg- cwiPq †Mvcb †i‡L †h QÙ bvg MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Pseudonym e‡j| Ab¨w`‡K Pompous
A_© RuvKvj; Plagiarist- A‡b¨i †jLv ûeû bKjKvix ev Kz¤¢xjK; Philistine- msKxY©gbv †jvK| DËi Ackb c).
24. An organ of body cut off by surgery
a) imitation b) amputation
c) adaptation d) impartial ans. B
Solution: Imitation – AbyKiY; AbyeZ©b; AbyK…wZ Amputation – kj¨ wPwKrmvi gva¨‡g kix‡ii
A½-cÖZ¨½ †K‡U †djv ev e¨e‡”Q` Kiv
Adaptation – Awf‡hvRb; cÖwZ‡hvRb Impartial – wbi‡c¶; c¶cvZnxb; mg`k©x
25. Person who looks at the dark side of everything
a) optimist b) idealist
c) pessimist d) naturalism ans. C
Solution: Optimist – ïfev`x ev Avkvev`x e¨w³ Idealist – fveev`x e¨w³
Pessimist – `ytLev`x; nZvkvcÖeY e¨w³ Naturalism – ¯^fveev`; ¯^vfvweKZv
Q. (13 – 16): Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Raisins are dried grapes that have been eaten for thousands of years. Nearly 3,500 years ago, the
first raisins were discovered as grapes that were drying in the sun on a vine. In medieval Europe,
raisins were used as sweeteners, medicine, and even as a form of money!
In America, raisins were first grown after an 1873 heat wave in California destroyed its valuable
grape crop, leaving only dried, wrinkly, but tasty grapes on the vines. Soon, farmers began
developing seedless grapes in California that were thin-skinned and sweet. These grapes would be
purposely dried in the sun and became the popular dark raisin we eat and enjoy today. Later, a
golden variety of raisin was made by treating grapes with a chemical called sulfur dioxide and suing
special methods to dry them.
Today, central California remains the center of the world’s raisin industry, producing nearly 95
percent of the world’s raisins. Its green valleys, sunny climate, and hot temperatures provide the
perfect conditions for grapes that are dried into raisins.
Passage wU g~jZ Avgv‡`i wbZ¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq GKwU Lvevi-wKkwgk wb‡q †jLv| cÖ_g c¨vivq ejv n‡”Q †h, cÖvq 3,500
eQi c~‡e© wKkwg‡ki e¨envi ïi“ nq Ges GwU BD‡iv‡c wgóvbœ, Jla I UvKv DcvR©‡bi Dcvq wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡Zv|
wØZxq c¨vivq ejv n‡”Q 1873 mv‡ji c‡i Zvc cÖev‡ni c‡i Av‡gwiKvi K¨vwj‡dvwb©qvq wKkwg‡ki e¨envi ïi“ nq|
Gic‡i †mLv‡b K…lKiv exwPnxb wKkwgk Drcv`b ïi“ K‡i| cieZ©x‡Z mvjdvi-WvB-A·vBW e¨envi K‡i †mvbvjx
e‡Y©i AZ¨š— my¯^v`y wKkwgk Drcv`b ïi“ nq|
me©‡kl c¨vivq G‡m ejv n‡”Q †h, ga¨ K¨vwj‡dvwb©qvq c„w_exi 95% wKkwg‡ki †hvMvb w`‡q _v‡K| Gi KviY n‡jv
K¨vwj‡dvwb©qvi †iŠ`ª¾¡j AvenvIqv, DËß ZvcgvÎv wKkwgk Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx|
Avmyb Gevi Avgiv cÖ‡kœi mgvav‡b hvBt
13. Which of the following were raisins not used as?
a) medicine b) weapons
c) sweetener d) money ans. B
14. Golden raisins were discovered.
a) before dark raisins b) passage doesn’t say
c) after dark raisins d) None of these ans. C
15. What would be the best title for this passage?
a) A History of Raisins b) Healthy Snacks
c) Discovery of Raisin d) None of these ans. A
16. Which of the following has the same meaning as the word ‘variety’ in the sentence below?
Later, a golden variety of raisin was made by treating grapes with a chemical called sulfur
dioxide and using special methods to dry them.
a) sale b) opposite of
c) fruit d) type of ans. D
Recent Publication 313
Sonali Bank Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Officer (FF) – 08.02.2019
Q. (09 – 12): Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it in the context of the
A new atomic clock being developed for navigation satellites will perform better than previous
devices. The clock will use a new microwave cavity design to provide a compact and lightweight
package and new electronic techniques to maintain long-term stability. The clock can provide
precise navigation information because it is stable to one second in three million years. The
differences in the time when signals from four satellites arrive at one location can be used to
calculate that position to within a few yards.
Passage wU‡Z ejv n‡”Q, c~e©eZ©x †h‡Kvb Device Gi †P‡q Atomic clock K…wÎg DcMÖn PjvP‡j A‡bK †ewk
mvnvh¨ Ki‡e| GB bZzb Avwe®K…Z Atomic clock wU Microwave cavity design e¨envi Ki‡e| GB Clock wU
¶z`ª ¶z`ª Information cvVv‡Z cv‡i| Avmyb Avgiv Gevi cÖ‡kœi mgvav‡b hvBt
09. It can be inferred from the passage that the new clock will be
a) long-lasting b) harmful to humans
c) attractive looking d) none of these ans. A
Solution: Passage wU n‡Z wK Abygvb Kiv hvq?
Passage wUi 3q jvB‡b Av‡Q To maintain long-term stability A_©vr bZzb Avwe®‹„Z Clock wU Long-lasting n‡e|
10. According to the passage, signals from how many satellites will be used to calculate a position?
a) 1 b) 4
c) 3 d) 2 ans. B
Solution: Passage wU Abymv‡i, KqwU K…wÎg DcMÖ‡ni Rb¨ Ae¯’vb wbY©q Kiv hvq?
11. What is the primary purpose of the passage?
a) To teach a lesson b) To sell a product
c) To support a theory d) To provide information ans. D
Solution: Passage wUi g~L¨ D‡Ïk¨ wK?
Passage wUi 3q Ges 4q jvB‡b Av‡Q, The clock can provide precise information. A_©vr New atomic
clock wU K…wÎg DcMÖn PjvP‡ji Z_¨ cÖ`vb Ki‡e|
12. From the passage, it can be inferred that which of the following characteristics of the clock
mentioned will be most impressive?
a) Its compact size b) Its weight
c) Its accuracy d) All of these ans. D
Q. 13 – 16: Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
a) Dog : Bark b) Shoot : Kill
c) Injury : Pungent d) Abuse : Disrespect ans. D
Repeat: Sonali Bank Ltd. (Officer – Cash) 27.04.2018 & Question no: 16 (Page 264).
Recent Publication 315
a) Mirage : Reality b) Asylum : Pursuit
c) Utopia : Place d) Forum : Discussion ans. D
Repeat: Joint Recruitment Test for 5 Banks (AME/ HE/ AE – IT) 30.11.2018 & Question no: 09 (Page 266).
a) Team : Goalposts b) Conductor : Podium
c) Audience : Seats d) Referee : Decision ans. C
Solution: Fans – †Ljv †`Lvi AvMÖnx `k©K Bleachers – †Ljv †`Lvi Rb¨ Qv`nxb ¯’vb †hLv‡b
LiP Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e Kg
Conductor – c_cÖ`k©K; cwiPvjK; cwievnx Podium – (ev`K`‡ji cwiPvjK) gÂ, †iw`Kv
Audience – †kªvZvgÊjx; cvVKm¤cÖ`vq Seat – Avmb; cxV
e¨vL¨vt †Ljv †`Lvi Rb¨ hviv Fans Zviv Bleachers G e‡m| Avi †kvbvi Rb¨ hviv Audience Zviv Seat G e‡m|
a) Pelt : Fur b) Rice : Farm
c) Skin : Goat d) Wool : Sheep ans. A
Solution: Lawn – QuvUv Nv‡m XvKv Rwg Grass – (Z…Y ev Nvm) Gi Avevm ¯’j
Pelt – cïi Pvgov Fur – †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv Rš‘i big †gvUv †jvg; ckg
e¨vL¨vt Lawn G Grass R‡b¥| Avi Pelt G Fur R‡b¥|
Q. (01 – 04): Select the word that is most closely similar in meaning to the original word.
a) Degeneration b) Deadlock
c) Exhaustion d) Settlement ans. B
Solution: Stalemate – w¯’ive¯’v; APjve¯’v Deadlock – APjve¯’v
Degeneration – AatcZb; ¯^ag©Pz¨wZ Exhaustion – wbt‡kwlZ Ae¯’v; Pig cwikªvwš—
a) Never ending b) Perfect
c) Confused d) Seasonal ans. A
Solution: Perpetual – Abš—; weiwZnxb; Aš—nxb Never ending – Abš—
Confuse – ¸wj‡q †djv; wek„•Lj Kiv Seasonal – FZzwbf©i; †gŠmywg; AveZ©
a) Ardent b) Jealous
c) Jealous d) Impatient ans. A
Solution: Zealous – cÖej DÏxcbvc~Y© Ardent – AwZkq AvKzj; AZ¨š— Drmvnx
Jealous – Cl©vKvZi; Cl©vcivqY Impatient – Amwnòz; A‰ah©¨
a) Tolerable b) Acceptable
c) Undefeated d) Unpleasant ans. D
Solution: Unbearable – Amn¨; Amnbxq; `ytmn Tolerable – mnbxq; PjbmB; †gvUvgywU fv‡jv
Undefeated – AcivwRZ Unpleasant – AcÖxwZKi; AwcÖq; Ai“wPKi
Q. (09 – 12): Each sentence has four parts, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Identify the incorrect part of
the sentence.
09. Canals are (A) artificial waterways, often constructed (B) either to transport heavy loads or to (C)
delivering water (D) to cities and farms.
a) artificial b) either
c) delivering d) to cities ans. C
Solution: Artificial – cÖvK…wZK ev ¯^vfvweK bq Ggb; K…wÎg Either – `y‡qi †h †Kv‡bv GKwU
Deliver – wPwVcÎ, cY¨ BZ¨vw` wewj Kiv; †cuŠ‡Q †`Iqv Canal – Lvj
Either to transport Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L Or to deliver Ki‡Z n‡e| A_©vr Either Gi ci Verb Gi †h iƒc _vK‡e
Or Gi ciI Verb Gi GKB iƒc _vK‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Lvj n‡jv K…wÎgfv‡e MwVZ GKwU K…wÎg †bŠc_ hvi g‡a¨ w`‡q fvwi `ªe¨ ev cvwb wewfbœ Lvgvi I kn‡i
†cÖiY Kiv nq|
10. (A) The pineapple, a fruit (B) grow in tropical climates (C) throughout the world, (D) is native to
parts of South America.
a) the b) grow
c) throughout d) is ans. B
Solution: GLv‡b Pineapple kãwU Third person singular number nIqvq Verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ Grow bv n‡q Grows n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t `w¶Y Av‡gwiKvi wbKUeZ©x MÖx®§gÊjxq AÂj¸‡jv‡Z Avbvim Rb¥vq|
11. A large (A) number of automobile (B) part are now (C) made of plastic (D) instead of steel.
a) number b) part
c) made d) instead ans. B
Solution: LyPiv gUihv‡bi hš¿vsk‡K ejv nq Automobile parts. ZvB Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ hš¿vsk eySv‡Z Part bv n‡q Parts n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t GLb gUihv‡bi A‡bK hš¿vskB ÷x‡ji bv n‡q cvw÷‡Ki nq|
12. Although a kangaroo (A) normally uses (B) its large feet and strong legs (C) for hopping, (D) but
it can also swim.
a) normally b) its large feet
c) for hopping d) but it can ans. D
Solution: But Gic‡i †h K_v ejv n‡q‡Q, Zv ev‡K¨i cÖ_g As‡ki mv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y© bq| KviY But Gic‡i mvaviYZ
cÖ_‡g †h e³‡e¨i K_v ejv nq Zvi wecixZwU ejv nq| GLv‡b ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g †h e³e¨ ejv n‡q‡Q, Zvi Support G
Kangaroo Gi muvZvi KvU‡Z cvivi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| ZvB GB ev‡K¨ ‘but’ bv n‡q ‘and’ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t hw`I `ª“Z †e‡M Pjvi Rb¨ Kangaroo Zvi eo cv‡qi cvZv I cv e¨envi K‡i _v‡K, GwU muvZviI
KvU‡Z cv‡i|
Recent Publication 317
Q. (13 – 16): Fill in the blank with right option.
13. Many modern medicines are derived ______ plants and animals.
a) from b) on
c) for d) in ans. A
Solution: Drcbœ/ D™¢~Z nIqv A‡_© Derive Gi c‡i from e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_©t A‡bK AvaywbK Jlya GLb Dw™¢` I cÖvYx †_‡K cvIqv hvq|
14. It’s not easy to change people’s ______ toward a certain problem.
a) idea b) opinion
c) attitude d) thinking ans. C
Solution: Idea – aviYv ev Av`k© Opinion – gZvgZ
Attitude – g‡bvfve; Abyf~wZ; AvPi‡Yi fw½ Thinking – wPš—vfvebv
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kvb wbw`©ó mgm¨vi w`‡K gvby‡li g‡bvfve ev Abyf~wZ cwieZ©b Kiv mnR bq|
15. AIDS is not a diseases that can be ______ through the air or by insects.
a) circulated b) transferred
c) transmitted d) disseminated ans. C
Solution: Circulate – Qwo‡q †`qv Transfer – †cÖiY Kiv
Transmit – mÂvwiZ nIqv Disseminate – cÖPvi Kiv; weZiY Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t GBWm Ggb †Kvb †ivM bq hv evZvm ev cZ‡½i gva¨‡g Qwo‡q c‡o|
16. I shall ring you up as soon as ______
a) I will arrive b) I shall be arriving
c) I shall arrive d) I arrive ans. D
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg †cuŠQv‡j †Zvgv‡K †dvb Ki‡ev|
Questions (09-12): Each sentence has a highlighted word or phrase. Choose the one word or phrase
that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence.
09. It is difficult to get young people to plan for their old age, which seems very distant to them.
a) far away b) impossible
c) observable d) fearful ans. A
Solution: Which seems very distant A_© hv Zv‡`i Kv‡Q Lye c‡ii e¨vcvi e‡j g‡b nq| GLv‡b Ôc‡ii e¨vcviÕ †K
Far away Øviv cÖwZ¯’vcb Kiv hvq|
Observable – `„wó‡MvPi Fearful – fq¼i
ev‡K¨i A_©t hyeK‡`i‡K Zv‡`i e„× eq‡mi Rxeb wb‡q cwiKíbv Ki‡Z †`Lv hvq bv, KviY GUv Zv‡`i Kv‡Q Lye
`~ieZ©x e¨vcvi e‡j g‡b nq|
10. Passenger ships and aircraft are often equipped with ship to shore or air-to-land radio
a) highways b) railroads
c) sailboats d) airplanes ans. D
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t hvÎxevnx †bŠhvb I wegvb‡K cÖvqB †`Lv hvq †h, Zviv Zx‡i †bŠhvb †fov‡bvi Rb¨ Ges f~wg‡Z
wegvb bvgv‡bvi Rb¨ †iwWI †Uwj‡dv‡b mw¾Z _v‡K|
11. It is not possible for people to recall everything that they have thought, felt, or done.
a) appreciate b) remember
c) repeat d) discuss ans. B
Recent Publication 319
Solution: Recall = Remember A_© ¯§iY Kiv; g‡b Kiv Appreciate A_© cÖksmv Kiv
Repeat A_© cybive„wË Kiv Discuss A_© Av‡jvPbv Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t GKmg‡q gvbyl hv wPš—v K‡i‡Q, †f‡e‡Q ev K‡i‡Q Ggb mewKQz g‡b Kiv m¤¢e bq|
12. Receptors for the sense of smell are located at the top of the nasal cavity.
a) upper end b) inner edge
c) mouth d) division ans. A
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t NÖvY MÖwš’ bvmvi‡Ü«i me‡P‡q Dc‡i Aew¯’Z|
Questions (13-15): Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it in the context of
the passage.
Our eyes and ears might be called transformers because they sense the light and sound around us
and turn them into electrical impulses that the brain can interpret. These electrical impulses that have
been transformed by the eye and ears reach the brain and are turned into messages that we can
interpret. For the eye, the process begins as the eye admits light waves, bends them at the cornea
and lens, and then focuses them on the retina. At the back of each eye, nerve fibers bundle together
to form optic nerves, which join and then split into two optic tracts. Some of the fibers cross, so that
part of the input from the right visual field goes into the left side of the brain, and vice versa. The
process in the ear is carried out through sensory cells that are carried in fluid-filled canals and that
are extremely sensitive to vibration. Sound transformed into electricity travels along nerve fibers in
the auditory nerve. These fibers form a synod neurons that carry the messages to the auditory cortex
on each side of the brain.
13. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word ‘admits’?
a) selects b) interprets
c) lets in d) focuses on ans. C
Solution: Admit – †Kvb wKQz Ki‡Z m¤§Z nIqv Lets in – †Kvb wKQz Ki‡Z †`qv
Interpret – e¨vL¨v Kiv Focuses on – msnZ ev †K›`ªxq f~Z Kiv
14. The word “bundle” could best be replaced by which of the following?
a) group b) grow
c) branch d) settle ans. A
Solution: Bundle – AuvwU evav; GKwÎZ Kiv Group – `jf~³ Kiv
15. The word “split” is closest in meaning to which of the following?
a) tear b) fracture
c) separate d) crack ans. C
Solution: Split – fvM Kiv; UzK‡iv Kiv Tear – †Pv‡Li Rj
Fracture – fv½v Separate – wef³ Kiv
Q. 11 – 15: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Our M.S. Jensen EXPLORER is not an ordinary cruise ship. It was built for the purpose of
exploration. Its shallow draft allows us to explore remote islands not available to other cruise ships.
Inflatable Zodiac rafts will land us on previously inaccessible beaches.
Even though the EXPLORER is relatively small, it still accommodates ninety-two passengers with
all the comforts expected aboard a modern cruising vessel. We have a Lido deck with a swimming
pool, comfortable lounges, and spacious cabins. And although the air is warm, soft and inviting is
these tranquil waters, the ship is fully air-conditioned. Each expedition carries an expert staff of
naturalists, anthropologists, and diving instructors.
Passage wU‡Z ejv n‡”Q †h, Avgv‡`i M.S. Jensen RvnvRwU †Kv‡bv mvaviY Rvnv‡Ri g‡Zv bq| GwU AbymÜv‡bi
D‡Ïk¨ evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q| RvnvRwUi fvmgvb WªvdUwU `~ieZ©x Øxc AbymÜv‡b mvnvh¨ K‡i hv Ab¨vb¨ Rvnv‡R †bB|
†dvjv‡bv hvq Ggb Zodiac †fjv Avgv‡`i Ggb Øx‡c wb‡q hvq hv‡Z c~‡e© KL‡bv hvIqv m¤¢e nqwb| RvnvRwU †QvU,
Z‡e G‡Z mKj AvaywbK my‡hvM-myweav i‡q‡Q Ges G‡Z 92 Rb hvÎxi aviY¶gZv i‡q‡Q| RvnvRwU cy‡iv kxZvZc
wbqwš¿Z| cÖ‡Z¨K Awfhv‡b RvnvRwU GKRb cwi‡ekev`x, GKRb b„-weÁvbx Ges GKRb muvZvi we‡klÁ enb K‡i|
11. What makes the Explorer an unusual cruise ship?
a) Its safety equipment b) Its accommodations
c) its structural design d) Its name ans. C
Solution: M.S. Jensen †K Zvi AZ¨vaywbK MVb g‡WjwU Ab¨vb¨ RvnvR n‡Z Avjv`v K‡i‡Q|
12. What are the passengers most likely interested in?
a) Competitive diving b) Astrology
c) Nature study d) Sailing ans. C
Solution: Rvnv‡Ri hvÎx¸‡jv cwi‡ek wb‡q AvMÖn wQj, KviY Zvi bZzb Øxc AbymÜv‡bi Rb¨ hvw”Qj|
Recent Publication 323
13. What kind of weather is expected on the trip?
a) Warm and sunny b) Frequent rainstorms
c) Clear and chilly d) Tick tog ans. A
Solution: Passage wUi †k‡li c¨vivq ejv n‡q‡Q †h, evZvm Dò| ZvB RvnvRwU wQj kxZvZc wbqwš¿Z|
14. How will passengers get to unexplored beaches?
a) By helicopter b) By raft
c) By swimming d) By airplane ans. B
Solution: Passage wUi cÖ_g c¨vivi †k‡l Av‡Q †h, Raft Gi gva¨‡g AcwiwPZ Øx‡c †cuŠQvq|
15. What feature of the cruise is NOT discussed?
a) The employees b) The bedrooms
c) The recreational d) The food ans. D
08. The railway lines are EXTENDED and we are quite happy about it.
a) Protracted b) Widened
c) Elongated d) Curtailed ans. D
Solution: Extend – cÖmvwiZ Kiv ev nIqv Protract – `xN©vwqZ/ wejw¤^Z Kiv
Widen – cÖk¯— ev cÖmvwiZ nIqv Curtail – KvUQuvU Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t †ijI‡qi iv¯—v¸wj cÖmvwiZ Ges G e¨vcv‡i Avgiv LyeB Lykx|
09. We are ANXIOUS to avoid any problems with regard to this.
a) Worried b) Composed
c) Cool d) Careless ans. C
Solution: Anxious – DwØMœ; wPwš—Z Worried – cxwoZ; `ywðwš—Z
Compose – GKÎ n‡q ev GKÎ K‡i MVb Kiv Careless – D`vmxb
ev‡K¨i A_©t GB e¨vcv‡i Avgiv †h‡Kvb Sv‡gjv Gwo‡q †h‡Z LyeB DwØMœ|
10. He is extremely INTELLIGENT but proud.
a) Arrogant b) Weak
c) Dull d) Ignorant ans. C
Solution: Intelligent – eyw×Rxex-m¤cÖ`vq Arrogant – D×Z
Dull – wb®cÖf; Aby¾¡j Ignorant – AÁ; AbewnZ
ev‡K¨i A_©t †m LyeB eyw×`xß wKš‘ AnsKvix|
Recent Publication 325
Probashi Kallyan Bank Ltd.
Recruitment Test for Assistant Programmer – 20.09.2019
01. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have ____ to be factors in heart attacks.
a) long been known b) been long known
c) known been long d) long known been ans. D
Repeat: Janata Bank Ltd. (EO (Engineer) Electrical) 06.01.2017 & Question no 01 (Page 03).
02. Spring is ____ it will be warmer soon.
a) to be coming b) on the way
c) coming d) prepared now ans. B
Repeat: Probashi Kallyan Bank Ltd. (SO) 12.01.2018 & Question no: 08 (Page 203).
03. AIDS is not disease that can be ____ through the air or by insects.
a) circulated b) transferred
c) disseminated d) transmitted ans. D
Solution: Circulate – e„ËvKv‡i µgvMZ †Nviv Transfer – e`wj; ¯’vbvš—i
Disseminate – weZiY Kiv Transmit – n¯—vš—i Kiv; †cÖiY Kiv; mÂvwiZ Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t GBWm Ggb †Kvb †ivM bq hv evZvm wKsev cZ‡½i gva¨‡g Qovq|
Q. 04 – 06: In each of the following lists, one word is out of sequence from the other words. Find the
word that is not similar words each list.
04. a) Temporary b) Steady
c) Short-lived d) Transitory ans. B
Solution: Temporary – A¯’vqx; mvgwqK; ¶Y¯’vqx Steady – `„pfv‡e ¯’vwcZ ev cÖwZwôZ; mylg
Short-lived – ¯^í¯’vqx; ¯^íRxex Transitory – ¯^íKvj¯’vqx
05. a) Objective b) Aim
c) Goal d) Strategy ans. D
Solution: Objective – D‡Ïk¨ ev j¶ Aim – wbkvbv Kiv; ZvK; j¶¨
Goal – j¶¨ Strategy – c×wZ
06. a) Inflation b) Investment
c) Discourse d) Interests ans. C
Solution: Inflation – g~j¨ùxwZ Investment – wewb‡qvM
Discourse – e³…Zv; fvlY Interest – my` ev gybvdv
Q. 07 – 10: Select the word is most closely similar in meaning to the original word.
a) Undefeated b) Tolerable
c) Unpleasant d) Acceptable ans. C
Repeat: Sonali Bank Ltd. (Officer-Cash) 22.02.2019 & Question no: 04 (Page 316).
a) Deviate b) Deviation
c) Dive d) Direction ans. B
Repeat: Joint Recruitment Test for 5 Banks (Officer – Cash) 29.03.2019 & Question no: 07 (Page 328).
a) Sympathy b) Pathetic
c) Talk in Self control d) Anger ans. D
01. Which one will appear fourth in the list if they are arranged in alphabetical order?
a) Blur b) Bless
c) Blink d) Blower ans. A
Solution: Alphabetical order Abyhvqx mvRv‡j wb‡Pi µgvbymv‡i mvRv‡j hv‡et
Bless; Blink; Blower; Blur
02. It was a long walk, so Manik began moving slowly ______ the town.
a) at b) until
c) towards d) for ans. C
Solution: Awfgy‡L, w`‡K ev cv‡b eySv‡Z Preposition wn‡m‡e Towards e‡m|
†hgbt Towards Dhaka, Towards quarrel.
ev‡K¨i A_©t GUv wQj `xN© hvÎv, ZvB gvwbK kn‡ii w`‡K ax‡i ax‡i nuvUv ïi“ Ki‡jb|
03. There is no doubt that Afia is very good ______ telling jokes.
a) at b) over
c) of d) with ans. A
Solution: Good at telling jokes A_© gRvi gRvi Mí ejvq `¶|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwdqv †h gRvi gRvi †KŠZzK ejvq `¶-G e¨vcv‡i †Kv‡bv m‡›`n †bB|
04. He was caught by the teacher for cheating ______ the exam.
a) during b) after
c) near d) outside ans. A
Solution: Cheating during the exam A_© cix¶v PjvKvjxb mg‡q bKj Kivi Rb¨|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cix¶vq bKj Kivi Rb¨ †m wk¶‡Ki Kv‡Q aiv †Lj|
Select, from the alternative, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in capital
letters (11 – 15):
11. FLUX
a) overflow b) merge
c) change d) soften ans. C
Solution: Flux – wbiš—i cwieZ©bci¯úiv| Overflow – Dci w`‡q cÖevwnZ nIqv| Merge – A½xf~Z Kiv ev nIqv|
Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that can be substituted for the given words (21 – 25):
21. Stage of growth between boyhood and youth
a) infancy b) teenager
c) adolescence d) old age ans. C
Solution: Infancy – evj¨Kvj; ˆkke; wkïZ¡| Adolescence – eqtmwÜ; ˆK‡kvi| Old age – eva©K¨|
Recent Publication 337
22. One who eats everything
a) omnivorous b) herbivorous
c) insectivorous d) carnivorous ans. A
Solution: Carnivorous – gvsmvkx| Omnivorous – me©f~K, †h me Lvq| Gourmet – cvb I †fvRb iwmK e¨w³|
23. One who conceals his identity as a writer under an assumed pen-name
a) pompous b) plagiarist
c) philistine d) pseudonym ans. C
Solution: †jLK wb‡Ri bvg- cwiPq †Mvcb †i‡L †h QÙ bvg MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Pseudonym e‡j| Ab¨w`‡K Pompous
A_© RuvKvj; Plagiarist- A‡b¨i †jLv ûeû bKjKvix ev Kz¤¢xjK; Philistine- msKxY©gbv †jvK| DËi Ackb c).
24. An organ of body cut off by surgery
a) imitation b) amputation
c) adaptation d) impartial ans. B
Solution: Imitation – AbyKiY; AbyeZ©b; AbyK…wZ| Impartial – wbi‡c¶; c¶cvZnxb; mg`k©x|
25. Person who looks at the dark side of everything
a) optimist b) idealist
c) pessimist d) naturalism ans. C
Solution: Optimist – ïfev`x ev Avkvev`x e¨w³| Pessimist – `ytLev`x; nZvkvcÖeY e¨w³|
Q. In each of the following sentences, identify the missing word from the given choices.
01. Most people travel by air now-a-days because is cheaper and quicker.
a) when b) during c) it
d) by e) no ans. C
Solution: 2q As‡k Because Gi c‡i Av‡Q is. wKš‘ Because KL‡bvB Subject n‡Z cv‡i bv| ZvB is Gi Av‡M
Travel Gi Pronoun wn‡m‡e it kãwU Missing Av‡Q|
Ans ev‡K¨i A_©t AwaKvsk ch©UK eZ©gv‡b AvKvkc‡_ ågY K‡i KviY GwU AwaKZi m¯—v I `ª“Z|
02. Her relatives dislike Rina because she unduly emphasizes their mistakes.
a) in b) on c) by
d) at e) to ans. B
Solution: Emphasis on something A_© †Kvb wKQzi Dci †Rvi †`qv| †hgbt He put maximum emphasis on the
ev‡K¨i A_©t AhvwPZfv‡e wibv Zvi AvZ¥xq‡`i fyj¸‡jvi Dci †Rvi †`q e‡j Zvi AvZ¥xqiv Zv‡K AcQ›` K‡i|
03. My wife is very sincere in her belief that women are suitable for some types of work than men.
a) is b) high c) more
d) despite e) most ans. C
Solution: ev‡K¨i †k‡l Than _vKvq c~‡e© More suitable em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avgvi ¯¿x wKQz †¶‡Î GB wek¦v‡m `„p w¯’i †h wKQz wKQz Kv‡Ri Rb¨ bvixiv cyi“‡li †P‡q †ewk Dchy³|
04. When having a problem, it is best to the situation then act.
a) dissect b) gobble c) leave
d) end e) none ans. A
Solution: It is best to dissect the situation A_© †Kvb mgm¨vq wbcvwZZ n‡j †m mgm¨vUv wb‡q we‡klY Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kvb mgm¨vq wbcvwZZ n‡j †m mgm¨vUv wb‡q we‡klY Kiv Z`vbyhvqx KvR Kiv DwPr|
05. I had this since I was a child.
a) man b) dream c) few
d) fight e) long ans. B
Solution: Avgvi GB ¯^cœ wQj A‡_© I had this dream em‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avwg hLb evjK wQjvg ZLb Avgvi GB ¯^cœ wQj|
Q. Find the odd word in each of the following lists.
06. a) Abscond b) Flee c) Yield
d) Escape e) Disappear ans. C
Solution: Abscond – †divix nIqv; AvZ¥‡Mvcb Kiv| Flee – cvjv‡bv; cvwj‡q hvIqv| Yield – cÖvK…wZK ixwZ‡Z
Drcv`b Kiv ev Drcbœ nIqv| Escape – cjvqb| Disappear – A`„k¨ nIqv; `„wói evB‡i P‡j hvIqv|
07. a) Mediocre b) Average c) Exemplary
d) Ordinary e) Undistinguished ans. C
Solution: Mediocre – Lye fv‡jv bq; mvaviY| Average – MocoZv gvb| Exemplary – Av`k©¯^iƒc; `„óvš—g~jK|
Undistinguished – D‡jL Kivi g‡Zv wKQz bq|
08. a) Jubilation b) Petulance c) Fury
d) Discontent e) Glum ans. A
Solution: Jubilation – weRqvb›`| Petulant – hyw³nxbfv‡e Aw¯’i; weiw³Ki| Fury – cÖPÊ D‡ËRbv, we‡klZ †µva;
†ivl| Discontent – Am‡š—vl; AZ…wß; Awf‡hvM| Glum – gbgiv; welYœ|
Recent Publication 341
09. a) Choir b) Task force c) Committee
d) Jury e) Panel ans. A
Solution: Choir – we‡klZ wMR©vq HKZvbe× ag©m½x‡Z †bZ…Z¡`vbKvix MvqKe„›`| Task force – †Kv‡bv we‡kl D‡Ï‡k¨
wb‡qvwRZ †bŠevwnbx BZ¨vw`i Ask| Committee – we‡kl KvR m¤úv`‡bi Rb¨ wbe©vwPZ e¨w³eM©; KwgwU; mwgwZ| Jury
– wbY©vqKeM©; RywieM©| Panel – cvk¦©eZ©x Ask †_‡K Dc‡i DVv‡bv ev bx‡P bvgv‡bv `iRv, †`qvj ev wmwjs BZ¨vw`i
10. a) Commend b) Chide c) Eulogize
d) Extol e) Laud ans. B
Solution: Commend – cÖksmv Kiv; †hvM¨ e‡j mycvwik Kiv| Chide – eKzwb †`Iqv; wZi¯‹vi Kiv| Eulogize –
e³…Zvq A_ev wjwLZfv‡e D”PcÖksmv Kiv| Extol – D”PcÖksmv Kiv| Laud – cÖksmv Kiv; ¸YKxZ©b Kiv|
Q. In each sentence, fill in the gap with appropriate word/pharse.
11. He brought ruin upon himself by ____ office funds.
a) embezzling b) embellishing c) plagiarizing
d) polarizing e) reimburshing ans. A
Solution: Embezzle – AvZ¥mvr Kiv| Embellish– my›`i Kiv; Aj¼„Z Kiv| Plagiarize – A‡b¨i fve, kã BZ¨vw`
MÖnY K‡i wb‡Ri e‡j e¨envi Kiv| Polarization – †gi“KiY| Reimburse – e¨wqZ A_© cwi‡kva Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Awd‡mi dvÛ AvZ¥mvr K‡i †m wb‡Ri aŸsm †W‡K Avbj|
12. If you didn’t ____ so much, you would get more work done.
a) ameliorate b) procrastinate c) enervate
d) intercede e) precipitate ans. B
Solution: Ameliorate – A‡c¶vK…Z DbœZ ev fv‡jv nIqv| Procrastinate – Mwogwm Kiv| Enervate – mœvqynxb Kiv|
Intercede – ga¨¯’ Kiv; ga¨eZ©x nIqv| Precipitate – Aatw¶ß Kiv; m‡e‡M wbcwZZ Kiv|
13. The manager sternly ____ us for submitting work of inferior quality.
a) recognized b) redeemed c) reverberated
d) reprimanded e) reverted ans. D
Solution: Recognize – kbv³ Kiv; †Pbv| Redeem – cybi“×vi Kiv| Reverberate – evi evi aŸwbZ cÖwZaŸwbZ
nIqv| Reprimand for something – †Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ K‡Vvi wZi¯‹vi Kiv| Revert – cÖZ¨veZ©b Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t wbgœgv‡bi KvR Rgv †`qvi Rb¨ g¨v‡bRvi Avgv‡`i‡K K‡Vvifv‡e wZi¯‹vi Kij|
14. Marketers often ____ illusory stories to get more products sold.
a) segregate b) fabricate c) venerate
d) permeate e) exhilarate ans. B
Solution: Segregate – wew”Qbœ Kiv; welhy³ Kiv| Fabricate illusory stories – A_© A™¢y` ev gRvi gRvi Mí
evbv‡bv| Venerate – Mfxifv‡e kª×v Kiv; c~Rv Kiv| Permeate – cÖevwnZ Kiv| Exhilarate – Drdzj Kiv;
DjwmZ Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cY¨ †ewk weµ‡qi Rb¨ gRvi gRvi me Mí ˆZix K‡i|
15. Following his illness; he was kept under close ____ for a week.
a) turbulence b) surveillance c) severance
d) perusal e) exigence ans. B
Solution: Kept under close surveillance – †Kvb wKQzi Dci Kov bRi`vwi ivLv| Turbulence – DËvjZv;
DÏvgZv| Surveillance – cvnviv| Several – wZb ev Z‡ZvwaK; eû bq| Exigency – Ri“wi Ae¯’v|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Amy¯’Zvi ci Zv‡K K‡qK mßv‡ni Rb¨ K‡Vvi bRi`vwi‡Z ivLv n‡jv|
Q. Identify the underlined segment that is incorrect. If there is no incorrect segment, choose (e).
01. The effects of consuming electronic media are likely to be far more limited than the
a b c d
panic impels. No error. ans. E
Solution: evK¨wU‡Z †Kvb fyj †bB| KviY Effects †h‡nZz Plural ZvB verb wn‡m‡e ‘are’ wVK Av‡Q|
ev‡K¨i A_©t AvwacZ¨ we¯—viKvix B‡jKUªwbK gva¨g¸‡jv †Kvb wel‡q hZUv AvZ¼ Qovq Avm‡j G¸‡jv ZZUv
AvZ‡¼i bq|
02. 71 percent of respondents indicated that using a co-working space increased his
a b c d
creativity. No error. ans. D
Recent Publication 343
Solution: Respondents kãwU Plural, ZvB Increased his bv n‡q Increased their n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t 71 kZvsk DËi`vZv GUvB wb‡`©k Ki‡jb †h, GKmv‡_ KvR Kivi ¯’vbwU Zv‡`i m„RbkxjZv e„w× K‡i
03. Some argues that because the free markets allow for personal choice,
a b c
they are ethical. No error. ans. A
d e
Solution: Some kãwU GLv‡b Plural subject ZvB evK¨wU‡Z Argues bv n‡q Argue n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †KD †KD GB e‡j hyw³ †`Lvb †h, †h‡nZz †Lvjv evRvi e¨w³ we‡k‡li cQ›`‡K cÖvavb¨ †`q, ZvB
GB¸‡jv †hŠw³K|
04. Co-working spaces are designated locations that, for a fee, individuals could use to
a b c d
conduct their work. No error. ans. D
Solution: GLv‡b ev‡K¨i cÖ_g Ask ‘are’ Av‡Q| Present tense Gi Structure ZvB c‡ii As‡k GKB Tense wn‡m‡e
Could use to bv n‡q Can use to n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t GK‡Î KvR Kivi ¯’vb wb‡`©k K‡i †h, †Kvb e¨w³ wb‡RB Zvi KvR m¤úv`b Ki‡Z cv‡i|
05. The more we practice surfing and scanning, the more adept our brain becomes at those
a b c d
tasks. No error. ans. D
Solution: GLv‡b ev‡K¨i cÖ_g As‡k The more Gici Plural subject ‘we’ Av‡Q ZvB c‡i The more Gici Plural
subject emv‡Z n‡e| ZvB Brains become n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t mvwd©s Ges ¯‹¨vwbs Avgiv hZ Abykxjb Ki‡ev Avgv‡`i gw¯—®‹ H mKj Kv‡R Z‡Zv †ewk `¶ n‡e|
Q. Identify the missing word from the given choices. If no word is missing, choose (e).
06. Why do gift-givers assume gift price is closely linked to gift-recipients feelings of appreciation?
a) like b) that c) after
d) with e) none ans. B
Solution: GLv‡b Assume Gici ‘that’ ewm‡q ev‡K¨i `ywU Ask hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e, hv‡Z K‡i evK¨wU A_©c~Y© nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cyi®‹vi`vZv †Kb g‡b K‡ib †h, cyi¯‹v‡ii `v‡gi mv‡_ cyi¯‹vi MÖnxZvi cÖksmvm~PK Abyf~wZi m¤úK©
07. People spend hundreds of dollars each year on gifts, somehow never learn to calibrate their
gift expenditures according to personal insight.
a) and b) or c) with
d) but e) none ans. D
Solution: evK¨wU‡Z Gift Gici Ges Somehow Gi Av‡M ‘but’ hy³ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖwZ eQi gvbyl kZkZ Wjvi cyi¯‹v‡ii wcQ‡b e¨q K‡i| wb‡R¯^ `„wóf½x †_‡K †Kvbfv‡eB Zviv GUv
wk‡L bv †h, cyi¯‹v‡ii wcQ‡b †h e¨q nq Zv wKfv‡e wn‡m‡e Avbv hvq|
08. At first glance, space mining seems to sideslip most environmental concerns: there is no life on
asteroids, and thus no habitats trash.
a) of b) with c) and
d) to e) none ans. E
Solution: ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖ_g `k©‡b gnvKvk AbymÜvb‡K cwi‡ek wech©‡qi KviY wn‡m‡e g‡b Kiv nq GUv g‡b Kiv nq
†h, MÖnvYycyĸ‡jv‡Z †bB †Kvb cÖvY ev RxeRš‘i Avevmf~wg|
Recent Publication 344
09. The main environmental problem caused by the production of Greek yogurt is the creation of
acid whey a by-product.
a) with b) from c) of
d) as e) none ans. D
Solution: Acid whey Gici ‘as’ hy³ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t cwi‡ekMZ mgm¨vi cÖavb KviY n‡jv wMÖK Awaevmx KZ…©K Drcvw`Z †NvjRvZxq c`v_© hv wK bv GwmW
RvZxq c`v‡_©i DcRvZ|
10. Scientists have long known that soot particles facilitate melting darkening snow and ice,
limiting its ability to reflect the Sun’s rays.
a) of b) in c) with
d) by e) none ans. D
Solution: GLv‡b Melting Gi ci ‘by’ hy³ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t weÁvbxiv A‡bK Av‡M †_‡K †R‡b Avm‡Q †h, †auvqvi Kvwji ¸uov m~‡h©i Av‡jvi cÖwZdj‡bi
cÖwZeÜKZv‡K mxgve× K‡i Kv‡jv Zzlvi I eid Mjv‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i|
Q. Replace the underlined part(s) of each sentence with the option which is grammatically correct. If
no replacement is needed, choose (a).
11. The cyclone has had a negative impact over the economy of the country.
a) over the b) on the c) for the
d) up to the e) into the ans. B
Solution: Impact Gici ‘on’ nq| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb b).
ev‡K¨i A_©t †`‡ki A_©bxwZi Dci N~wY©S‡oi GKwU FYvZ¥K cÖfve i‡q‡Q|
12. Five countries, including Bangladesh, is home to half of the world’s poor.
a) is home b) are homes c) is homes
d) are home e) is homely ans. B
Solution: Five countries kãwU Plural ZvB ‘are homes’ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t evsjv‡`kmn we‡k¦i 5wU †`k c„w_exi A‡a©K `wi`ª gvby‡li emev‡mi ¯’j|
13. It is frustrating when besides working hard, he didn’t earn much.
a) besides didn’t b) in spite of, doesn’t c) although, didn’t
d) despite, didn’t e) while, don’t ans. B
Solution: Besides Gi cwie‡Z© ‘in spite of’ Ges ‘didn’t’ Gi cwie‡Z© ‘doesn’t’ w`‡j evK¨wU A_©c~Y© nq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t GUv LyeB nZvkvRbK †h, †m A‡bK cwikªg K‡iI †ewk Avq Ki‡Z cv‡iwb|
14. This is clearly a masterpiece. Never I had seen another piece of art so unique.
a) Never I had b) I have never not c) Never have I
d) Never I have e) I have never ans. C
Solution: GLb Negative adverb cy‡iv Clause sentence G Modify K‡i ZLb GwU cÖvqm Auxulary Gi mv‡_
Never have n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t GUv my¯úóZ GKwU †kªô wkíKg© hv Gi Av‡M Avwg KL‡bvB †`wLwb|
15. His incredible success in the sporting arena is nothing short of enviable.
a) nothing b) anything but c) nothing but
d) everything e) anything ans. C
Solution: GLv‡b Nothing but n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_©t µxov‡¶‡Î Zvi Afvebxq mvdj¨ GKwU Cl©bxq AR©b Qvov wKQz bq|
Recent Publication 345
Q. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate pair of words.
16. If every move you make is being ____, liberty is ____.
a) chronicled – curtailed b) preempted – buoyant c) obstructed – feted
d) observed – eminent e) pragmatic – abridged ans. A
Solution: Chronicled A_© KvjvbyµwgK NUbvcwÄ| Curtail A_© KvUQuvU Kiv| Pre-empt A_© AMÖµqvwaKvie‡j cvIqv|
Buoyant A_© cebkxj; DrcwZòz| Obstruct A_© evav †`Iqv; c_‡iva Kiv| Fete A_© Drme; ce©| Observe A_©
j¶ Kiv; g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i †`Lv| Eminent A_© (e¨w³ †¶‡Î) cÖL¨vZ; wewkó| Pragmatic A_© Kvh©mvabvZ¥K;
e¨enviev`x| Abridge A_© m‡¶c Kiv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avcbvi cÖ‡Z¨K c`‡¶cB hw` †g‡c †g‡c nq Zvn‡j ¯^vaxbZv †mLv‡b ¶zYœ n‡e|
17. Amidst all the ____. I could hardly ____ what he was saying.
a) upheaval – encode b) uproar – dissolve c) racket – divulge
d) hush – decipher e) commotion – discern ans. E
Solution: Upheaval A_© AvKw¯§K; weivU| Encode A_© m‡¼‡Z Ave× Kiv| Uproar A_© MÛ‡Mvj Kiv| Dissolve
A_© Mjv‡bv; M‡j hvIqv| Racket A_© ˆn‰P; †Kvjvnj| Divulge A_© †Mvcb K_v duvm Kiv| Hush A_© Pzc Kiv/
nIqv/ Kiv‡bv| Decipher A_© A‡_©v×vi Kiv| Commotion A_© D‡ËRbv; Av‡›`vjb| Discern A_© †`Lv ev
Dcjwä Ki‡Z cviv|
ev‡K¨i A_©t e¨vcK Av‡›`vj‡bi g‡a¨ †m †h wK e‡jwQj Avwg †Zgb wKQz eyS‡Z cviwQjvg bv|
18. The ____ gained further ____ after the leader of the rebel group was arrested.
a) accord – gravity b) revolt – magnanimity c) hiatus – magnitude
d) upheaval – infirmity e) insurgency – momentum ans. E
Solution: Accord A_© †¯^”Qvq; ¯^ZtcÖ‡Yvw`Z n‡q| Gravity A_© AwfKl©| Revolt A_© we‡`ªvn Kiv| Magnanimity
A_© gnvbyfeZv| Hiatus A_© †Q` ev we‡”Q`| Magnitude A_© we¯—vi; cÖmvi| Upheaval A_© AvKw¯§K; weivU|
Infirmity A_© `ye©jZv; ˆeKj¨| Insurgency A_© we‡`ªvn| Momentum A_© MwZ‡eM|
ev‡K¨i A_©t we‡`ªvn Av‡iv MwZ †c‡qwQj hLb we‡`ªvnMÖ“‡ci †bZv‡K †MÖdZvi Kiv n‡jv|
19. His inability to resolve the long-standing ____ put him in a state of ____.
a) impasse – euphoria b) dilemma – distress c) cadence – disarray
d) consonance – dismay e) dissonance – affluence ans. B
Solution: Impasse A_© KvbvMwj; APjve¯’v| Euphoria A_© g½j I Avb›`RbK Ae¯’v| Dilemma A_© Dfq-m¼U|
Distress A_© wb`vi“Y †e`bv ev hš¿Yv| Cadence A_© Q›`¯ú›`; Q‡›`vjq| Disarray A_© wek„•Ljv| Consonance
A_© g‰ZK¨; wgj| Dismay A_© nZvkvi Abyf~wZ ev AvZ¼| Dissonance A_© my‡ii Awgj; A‰bK¨| Affluence
A_© cÖvPzh©; mg„w×|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi `xN©w`‡bi m¼P mgvav‡bi e¨_©Zv Zv‡K nZvkvq ch©ewmZ K‡iwQj|
20. Public ____ of the company’s poor financial state could have a very ____ impact on its share price.
a) enclosure – adverse b) disclaimer – favorable c) exposure – benign
d) reversal – clement e) disclosure – detrimental ans. E
Solution: Enclosure A_© †eov; †`qvj| Adverse A_© cÖwZK~j; ˆeix| Disclaimer A_© `vweZ¨vM ev †Kv‡bv wKQzi
mv‡_ m¤úK© A¯^xKvig~jK wee„wZ| Favorable A_© mnvqK; myweavRbK| Exposure A_© cÖ`k©b; cÖKvwkZKiY|
Benign A_© m`q; mü`q| Reversal A_© wech©vm; DjU-cvjU| Clement A_© ¶gvkxj; g„`y| Disclosure A_©
D‡b¥vPb| Detrimental A_© ¶wZKi|
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kv¤úvwbi `ye©j A_©‰bwZK Ae¯’v Rbm¤§y‡L D‡b¥vPb Gevi †kqv‡ii `v‡g LyeB ¶wZKi cÖfve co‡Z cv‡i|
Q. 01 – 10: Read the following questions carefully and choose the correct answer.
01. I just had to ____ the orders of my employer.
a) carry on b) carry out
c) carry away d) carry through ans. B
Repeat: Joint Recruitment Test for 5 Banks (Officer – Cash) 29.03.2019 & Question no: 16.
02. The correct meaning of ‘a man of letter’ is
a) a postman b) a band man
c) a good man d) a scholar ans. D
Solution: A man of letter – Ávbx; cwÊZ e¨w³ = A scholar
Recent Publication 363
03. Which one is an abstract noun?
a) Honest b) Flock
c) Childhood d) Cattle ans. C
Solution: Abstract noun n‡jv †mB Noun hv †Kvb Ae¯‘MZ aviYv ev ¸Y‡K wb‡`©k K‡i; hvi †Kvb evwn¨K Aw¯—Z¡ †bB
Ges hv †Quvqv hvq bv; MÜ Øviv ev kªeY Øviv †evSv hvq bv; wKš‘ ïay Kíbv Øviv †evSv hvq| †hgbt Childhood,
honesty, boyhood, justice, heroism, girlhood, manhood, agency, fatherhood, motherhood BZ¨vw`| A_©vr
Common noun Gi mv‡_ ism, hood, y, ship BZ¨vw` hy³ KÕ‡i Zv‡K Abstract noun G iƒcvš—wiZ Ki‡Z nq|
04. When he goes to his dentist, he prefers to go ____
a) alone b) lone
c) solitary d) lonely ans. A
Solution: GB cÖ‡kœi †¶‡Î wØZxq As‡k He prefers to Gi c‡i Go n‡”Q GKwU Verb. Avi GB Verb †K Modify
Kivi Rb¨ Adverb jvM‡e| Avi Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ a) Gi Alone n‡”Q †mB Adverb hv Øviv cÖ‡kœi evK¨wU cwic~Y©
A_© cÖKvk K‡i| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb a) alone.
ev‡K¨i A_©t hLb †m Zvi `uv‡Zi Wv³v‡ii Kv‡Q hvq, ZLb †m GKvKx †h‡ZB cQ›` K‡i|
05. Rahim has been working ____
a) from morning b) since morning
c) by morning d) for morning ans. B
Solution: AZx‡Z †Kvb KvR ïi“ n‡q GLbI Pj‡Q Giƒc eSv‡j Zvi Present perfect continuous tense nq| MVbt
Subject + have/has + been + V (ing) + object + since + point in time ev Subject + have/has + been +
V (ing) + object + for + period. †hgbt It has been raining since 5 am. GLv‡b Since e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q Zvi
KviY ejv n‡q‡Q KLb †_‡K e„wó n‡”Q, KZ¶Y a‡i n‡”Q Zv ejv nqwb|
06. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have ____ to be factors in heart attacks.
a) long known been b) known been long
c) been long known d) long been known ans. D
Repeat: Janata Bank Ltd. (EO (Engineer) Electrical) 06.01.2017 & Question no 01 (Page 03).
07. Choose the correct spelling
a) Lenicnt b) Nationalism
c) Transfered d) Overthaul ans. B
Solution: Nationalism – wbR RvwZi cÖwZ Mfxi ggZ¡‡eva|
08. Choose the correct spelling
a) Humourous b) Humorous
c) Humourious d) Humorious ans. B
Solution: Humorous – imvZ¥K; mim|
09. What is the synonym of CORDIAL?
a) Smooth b) Sophisticated
c) Reserved d) Friendly ans. D
Solution: Cordial = Friendly – Avš—wiKZv; mü`qZv Smooth – Kuv‡Pi g‡Zv mgZj wewkó
Sophisticated – `ywbqv`vwi cÖ`k©b Kiv Reserve – fwel¨r mÂq
10. What is the antonym of CONCISE?
a) Lengthy b) Generous
c) Loose d) Brief ans. A
Solution: Concise – msw¶ß; ms‡¶c Lengthy – `xN©; my`xN©
Generous – D`vi; mü`q Loose – gy³; Qvov; euvabgy³
Q. In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicized and underlined. Below are given
alternatives to the italicized part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative.
01. Will you kindly open the knot?
a) untie b) break
c) loose d) no improvement ans. A
Solution: Open = Untie – †Lvjv; RUjv gy³ Kiv Break – fvOv
Loose – wXjv Kiv; AvjMv Kiv Knot – wdZvi wMuU
ev‡K¨i A_©t `qv K‡i Avcwb wK Avgvi wdZvi wMuU Ly‡j w`‡eb?
02. No one could explain how a calm and balanced person like him could penetrate such a
mindless act on his friends.
a) perpetuate b) precipitate
c) perpetrate d) no improvement ans. C
Solution: Penetrate – †Kvb wKQzi g‡a¨ †XvKv ev cÖ‡ek Kiv; Perpetrate – Kv‡iv cÖwZ †Kvb Ab¨vq msNUb Kiv
Kv‡iv †Kvb wel‡q n¯—‡¶c Kiv
Precipitate – †Kvb wKQy‡K DuPz ¯’vb †_‡K wb‡P Perpetuate – wPi¯’vqx Kiv
†d‡j †`qv
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zuvi g‡Zv kvš— I fvimvg¨c~Y© GKRb gvbyl Zuvi eÜzi cÖwZ G‡Zv eo wbôzi AvPiY Ki‡Z cv‡ib Zv †KD
e¨vL¨v Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|
03. The greatest thing in style is to have a use of metaphor.
a) knowledge b) command
c) need d) no improvement ans. A
Solution: GLv‡b Use kãwU Øviv cÖÁv; †gav ev Ávb‡K eySv‡”Q| ZvB G‡¶‡Î Use †K Replace Ki‡Z cv‡i
ev‡K¨i A_©t iPbv‰kjx e¨env‡ii †¶‡Î me‡P‡q eo welq n‡jv iƒc‡Ki e¨envi|
04. If you are living near a market place you should be ready to bear the disturbances caused by
a) to bear upon b) to bear away
c) to bear with d) ans. C
Solution: GLv‡b To bear Øviv mn¨ Kiv‡K eySv‡bv n‡”Q| hv‡K mwVKfv‡e Replace Ki‡Z cv‡i To bear with.
To bear upon – cÖvmw½K nIqv To bear away – Rq Kiv To bear on – ci¯úi m¤úK© hy³ nIqv
ev‡K¨i A_©t Avcwb hw` evRv‡ii wbKUeZ©x ¯’v‡b emevm K‡i _v‡Kb Z‡e Avcbvi evRv‡ii †Mvjvgvj mn¨ Kivi Rb¨
cÖ¯‘Z _vKv DwPr|
05. During his long discourse, he did not touch that point.
a) touch upon b) touch on
c) touch of d) no improvement ans. B
Solution: GLv‡b Touch Øviv Av‡jvPbvi †Kvb wbw`©ó welq‡K Av‡jvPbv Kiv eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q| Avi G‡¶‡Î Touch on
that point Øviv †h welqwU Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z n‡e Zv eySv‡bv n‡”Q|
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi `xN© e³…Zvq wZwb †mB cÖm½wU Av‡bb wb|
Recent Publication 368
Q. Fill in the blank with right option.
06. Creative people are often ____ with their own uniqueness.
a) obsessed b) deranged
c) unbalanced d) dissatisfied ans. A
Solution: GLv‡b m„Rbkxj †jvK‡`i‡K †Kvb wel‡q wbgMœ _vKv A‡_© Obsessed kãwU e‡m‡Q| Gi GKwU mgv_©K kã
n‡jv Absorbed in.
Obsess – †Kvb wel‡q ev aviYv m¤ú‡K© mg¯— gb‡K Avweó K‡i ivLv Derange – weKj/ wew¶ß Kiv
Unbalanced – fvimvg¨nxb; AcÖK…wZ¯’ Dissatisfied – Amš‘ó; AZ…ß
ev‡K¨i A_©t m„Rbkxj †jv‡Kiv cÖvqB Zv‡`i Abb¨ mvaviY wPš—v wb‡q wbgMœ _v‡Kb|
07. Rainfall in the desert is not only low but extremely ____.
a) intense b) erratic
c) meager d) undesirable ans. B
S: gi“f~wg‡Z e„wó ïay KgB bq eis Zv Lye †ewk AwbqwgZ nIqv A‡_© Erratic kãwUB GLv‡b †ewk Lvc Lvq|
Intense – Zxeª; Zx²; cÖej Erratic – AwbwðZ; AwbqwgZ
Meager – AcÖPzi; Aí; `ye©j; K…k Undesirable – A¯ú„n¨; AevwÃZ
ev‡K¨i A_©t gi“f~wg‡Z e„wó ïay KgB bq eis Zv Lye †ewk AwbqwgZ|
08. If you smuggle goods into the country, they may be ____ by the customs authority.
a) possessed b) punished
c) confiscated d) fined ans. C
Repeat: Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (Supervisor) 18.08.2017 & Question no: 03 (Page 102).
09. It is not ____ for a man to be confined to the pursuit of wealth.
a) easy b) healthy
c) possible d) common ans. B
Solution: †kvfbxq bq A‡_© Not healthy Gi e¨envi GLv‡b j¶¨bxq|
ev‡K¨i A_©t ïay m¤ú‡`i wcQ‡b †QvUvi g‡a¨ wb‡R‡K mxgve× ivLv GKRb gvby‡li Rb¨ †kvfbxq bq|
10. ____ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.
a) Although b) However
c) Because d) Despite ans. C
Solution: e¨q eûj nIqvi Kvi‡Y eySv‡Z GLv‡b Because e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|
Although – hw`I However – hvB †nvK
Despite – m‡Ë¡I Hesitate – wØav/ BZ¯—Z Kiv
ev‡K¨i A_©t `~lY wbqš¿‡bi c×wZ¸‡jv LyeB e¨qeûj nIqvi Kvi‡Y A‡bK wkí cÖwZôvb¸‡jv †mB c`‡¶c wb‡Z
BZ¯—Z K‡i|
Q. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
a) penury : wealth b) chaos : disorder
c) monarchy : republic d) verbosity : words ans. A
Repeat: Southeast Bank Ltd. (TO) 28.04.2018 & Question: 03 (Page 285).