Jurisdiction - of - Arbitral - Tribunal Unit 2 Important Long
Jurisdiction - of - Arbitral - Tribunal Unit 2 Important Long
Jurisdiction - of - Arbitral - Tribunal Unit 2 Important Long
Arbitration was devised as a method to circumvent the ills plague the process of civil
litigation in courts. In India it existed early on in the form of panchayats. The British, for the
first time under their rule, made use of the principle of arbitration in the Bengal regulations of
1772 and 1780. And in 1940, the Arbitration Act was enacted. But over a period of time it
was found that the Arbitration Act of 1940 was not enough to meet the needs of a fast-
changing India. Therefore in 1996 it was replaced by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act.
The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 provides the parties abundant freedom in matters
such as the matter of choosing the place of arbitration, fixing the number of arbitrators,
appointment of arbitrators etc. They are even free to determine the matters which they want
to submit to the arbitral tribunal formed by their choice. But sometimes a problem whether
the Arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction, may arise. under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996 power has been given to the Arbitral Tribunal under Section 16 (1) to rule on its
jurisdiction, including ruling on any objections with respect to the existence or validity of the
arbitration agreement. But does the Arbitral Tribunal have the competence to make a binding
decision on its own jurisdiction, including the decision ruling on any objections with respect
to the existence or validity of an arbitration agreement? Will the Arbitral Tribunal lose
jurisdiction if the contract in which the arbitration agreement (clause) is inserted, is declared
void? It is the answers to these questions that are sought to be found out.
Section 16 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act incorporates the principle of competence-
competence. It has two aspects: first, that the tribunal may decide on its jurisdiction without
support from the courts and secondly, that the courts are prevented from determining this
issue before the tribunal has made a determination on this issue. But does this determination
by the Arbitral Tribunal have a binding effect? Can it not be challenged in courts?
In the case of Union of India vs. M/s. East Coast Boat Builders & Engineers Ltd. It was
“From the scheme of the Act it is apparent that the legislature did not provide appeal against
the order under section 16(5) where the arbitral tribunal takes a decision rejecting the plea
that the arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction. The intention appears to be that in such case, the
arbitral tribunal shall continue with the arbitral proceedings and make an award without delay
and without being interfered in the arbitral process at that stage by any court in their
supervisory role."
In the case of Nav Sansad Vihar Coop. Group Housing Society Ltd. (Regd.) vs. Ram Sharma
and Associates it was stated that if a plea is rejected by the Arbitral Tribunal under section
16(5) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act the arbitral proceedings shall continue, an
award shall be given and the aggrieved party shall have to wait till the giving out of the award
and there is no separate remedy against such order.But under section 37(2) of the Arbitration
and Conciliation Act a decision of the tribunal accepting the plea that it does not have
jurisdiction or is exceeding its scope of authority is appealable. In the case of Pharmaceutical
Products of India Ltd. vs. Tata Finance Ltd. it was stated:“Where the Arbitral Tribunal
decides to reject the plea regarding its jurisdiction, sub-section (5) clearly empowers the
Tribunal to continue with the arbitral proceedings and make an arbitral award. Sub-section
(5) provides for the manner in which such an arbitral award may be challenged. It provides
that such an award can only be challenged in accordance with section 34
In the case of Jawaharlal Burman vs. Union of India [AIR 1962 SC 378] it was stated:
“It is, therefore, theoretically possible, that a contract may come to an end and the arbitration
contract may not. It is also theoretically possible that the arbitration agreement may be void
and yet the contact may be valid; and in that sense there is a distinction between the
arbitration agreement and the contract of which it forms a part; but... in the present case, the
challenge to the contract itself involves a challenge to the arbitration agreement; if there is a
concluded contract the arbitration agreement is valid. If there is not a concluded contract the
arbitration agreement is invalid... indeed, we apprehend that in a very large majority of cases
where the arbitration agreement is a part of the main contract itself, challenge to the existence
or validity of one would mean a challenge to the existence or validity of the other."
Then in the case of Waverly Jute Mills Co. Ltd. Vs. Raymon and Co. (India) Ltd. it was
Section 11(6) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act states that a party may request the Chief
Justice or his designate to take required steps when under an appointment procedure agreed to
by the parties, one of them fails to act as required under the procedure, or the parties or the
two arbitrators fail to reach an agreement expected of them under the procedure, or a person
or institution fails to perform a function entrusted to him under such procedure. And section
11(7) states that a decision taken by the Chief justice or his designate under section 11(4),
section 11(5) or section 11(6) shall be final. Which means that the arbitral tribunal cannot
look into the question of its own jurisdiction when the Chief Justice has looked into it earlier.
In the case of Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd. vs. Rani Construction Pvt. Ltd. [13] it was
stated by the court that the constitution of the Arbitral tribunal by the Chief Justice may be
challenged before the Arbitral Tribunal on the ground of being in violation of the Act