Case Study - Postpartum

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Louel R.

A Week ago, A new mother gave birth to her baby. She'll be seeing you at the lactation clinic as an
outpatient. She claims that she had no difficulty breastfeeding until two days ago. She tells you that her baby
has trouble latching on at times and that she doesn't always empty the breast fully. She claims that she has
developed a red, painful spot on her right breast in the last day, which is making it difficult for her to
breastfeed. On the right side of her right breast, there is a firm, sensitive red patch. At this stage, the patient
denies experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
You notice that the red breast is developing the early indication of Mastitis during your examination.
It is critical that you educate your patient about the early indicators of mastitis as a nurse. Breastfeeding-
induced milk standstill or clogged ducts are the most common causes. Mastitis is more likely to strike a
woman in the first 1-2 weeks after her baby is born, as well as during the weaning period. Static milk in the
breast inflames the surrounding tissues, causing agony to the mother. Mastitis manifests as a sore, warm,
hard, red area in the breast that, if not treated immediately, can develop into an infection or abscess.
Nursing Care Plan:
Assessment Diagnosis Outcomes Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Risk for In 24-48 hours Independent: Independent: In 24-48 hours
She verbalizes: ineffective of patient-nurse To assess the The purpose of this of patient-
breastfeeding interaction we mother's study is to learn more nurse
“Had no difficulty related to expect to: knowledge, ideas, about the mother's interaction we
breastfeeding until two interruption and feelings knowledge and expect to:
days ago, now my baby secondary to The patient will about nursing in personal thoughts
is having difficulty at inflammation notice a the context of about her present The patient
times latching on and as evidence reduction in suffering mastitis, circumstances. The noticed a
sometimes does not patient discomfort and use open-ended nurse may be able to reduction in
empty the breast reporting pain redness in the questions. create rapport with the discomfort and
completely”. in right breast. right breast. mother as a result of redness in the
this. right breast.
“Within the pass day I The patient will
started to develop a notice an Apply a warm To help the mother by The patient
red, painful area on my increase in right compress to the reducing inflammation, noticed an
right breast and it is breast breast that is relieving discomfort, increase in
making it very difficult emptying. afflicted. and providing comfort. right breast
for me to breastfeed”. Recommend that This can also aid in the emptying.
The patient will the mother do this gentle emptying of the
“I don’t have any flu-like notice an every 2 to 4 milk ducts when The patient
symptoms at this point”. improvement in hours. Breast breastfeeding. improved in
the newborn's massage can the newborn's
Objective: latching ability. also be beneficial latching ability.
when nursing.
1 week postpartum. The patient will The patient got
be rid of When the mother To determine any rid of Mastitis
Right breast has a Mastitis signs is nursing the latching issues and signs and
hard, tender, red spot and symptoms. baby, keep an offer remedies. symptoms.
on the right outer area. eye on her.

Assist the mother To include the mother

in developing a in developing a plan for
strategy for nursing while
correct latching combating mastitis
procedures in the symptoms.
event of mastitis.

Give good Incorrect positioning

breastfeeding might lead to skin
guidance, such cracking and
as nursing on an insufficient breast
empty breast on a emptying. Changing
regular basis. positions can assist the
When newborn with latching
breastfeeding, and milk let-down.
make sure the
baby latches on
Breastfeed on the
afflicted side first
since hungry
babies suck
Breastfeeding in
various positions.

Dependent: Dependent:
According to the To combat the infection
doctor's that causes mastitis,
prescriptions, the antibiotic medication is
patient will take administered. Anti-
Ibuprofen 200mg inflammatory drugs
every 6 hours for help the mother by
discomfort and to reducing inflammation,
reduce relieving pain, and
inflammation in providing comfort.
the right breast.

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