4 Pillars For Creating A Winning Enterprise AI Strategy
4 Pillars For Creating A Winning Enterprise AI Strategy
4 Pillars For Creating A Winning Enterprise AI Strategy
Steps for an AI Ready Enterprise
The timeline for this project is three years and is still into
progress, but they have already realized some great results.
The system is already able to differentiate between lagers.
Researchers are trying to make it friendlier for technicians
to use it in their day-to-day work. Once, the system gets
completely optimized, it will help Carlsberg reduce the time
to research flavors by a third. Ultimately it is aligned with
the long-term goal of - more distinct beer to market faster.
2. Governance
This has been a decade where; This part of the series presents you
businesses have realised the potential with typical challenges companies
that AI holds. As we are entering a face while starting with their AI
new decade, technology gurus are strategy.
predicting it be a decade where we
will see AI coming of age and getting So we have broken it down into four
adopted in day-to-day processes. key pillars that could help you to
tackle them and garner the support of
In light of these developments, this business users. These are:
series aims to ready enterprises to
ride this technology-led wave of ❑ Finding a Business Use Case
growth. ❑ Governance
❑ Subject Matter Expertise
In part -1 of this series, we walked ❑ ROI – Cost Benefit Analysis
you through the basics of AI. Then,
we dwell into the key aspects of We have also included some case
building an AI strategy from scratch. studies to guide you along this
We break it down for you into: complex but rewarding journey.