Office of The Director General of Civil Aviation
Office of The Director General of Civil Aviation
Office of The Director General of Civil Aviation
Subject: Criteria for approval of Chief Flight Instructor and Deputy Chief
Flight Instructor for Flying Training Organisations.
2.1 Definition:-
2.2 CFI/Dy. CFI shall be overall in-charge of the Flying Training Activities. He
shall ensure compliance of Aircraft Rules, CAR, Directions issued by
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DGCA during conduct of training activities. He shall ensure proper
implementation of Training and Procedure Manual (TPM) and Quality
Assurance Manual (QAM)in the training activities. All correspondences
of FTO with DGCA on training matters shall be under signature of
CI/CFI/Dy. CFI only.
Note:- Only such FIR holders who have successfully cleared the skill test
conducted by DGCA Examiner Assessor or DGCA nominated Designated
Examiner can authorise the flights.
2.4 If no CFI/Dy. CFI is in employment with the FTO then the FTO may utilize
the services of CFI of another FTO. The validity of such approval shall be
as per para 5 of this CAR. In the absence of all above the flying training
activities shall be stopped under intimation to DGCA. Further, resumption
of flying training activities of FTO shall be with approval of DGCA.
Note:-In case of larger FTOs having big fleet of aircraft and trainees,
FTO may have post of Chief Instructor (CI) depending upon the
size of organization. The requirements and functions of CI are the
same as that of CFI. However, one CFI shall be designated as CI
by the management and he shall be overall in-charge of flying
training activities. Larger FTOs may decide the number of CFIs/
Dy. CFIs as per the size of their fleet and number of trainees.
2.5 CFI/Dy. CFI shall be approved by DGCA. The FTO seeking approval of
their appointed CFI/ Dy. CFI nominee, shall make an application to
DGCA (Attn: Directorate of Flying Training) giving all necessary details
in accordance with Appendix I/IA (as applicable).
3. Requirements
3.1 The candidate for CFI/ Dy. CFI should possess the valid following license/
rating/ medical:-
Note: Serving CFI/ Dy. CFI shall not discharge their functions unless
above license/ rating/ medical are valid.
3.3 The candidate for the post CFI/Dy. CFI shall have a flying record, free of
any accident/incident attributable to his proficiency in handling any type
of aircraft during the preceding three years for accident and one year in
case of incident. In case of Qualified Flight Instructor(QFI) in Defence
forces and holding FIR, the records duly authenticated from the Defence
office where the QFI last functioned to been closed with the application.
3.4 Has not been tested alcohol positive in the medical check in the previous
one year.
4.1 The applicant meeting the requirement of this CAR shall undergo oral
examination by DGCA. Oral examination shall be conducted by a board
approved by Joint Director General / Director General. The board will
assess the competency of the candidate to discharge the functions as CFI/
Dy. CFI as enumerated in this CAR at para 7.
Note:- The certificate shall be returned to DGCA within 15 days, if the holder is no
more in employment with the FTO i.r.o which the certificate is issued.
5 Validity of approval of CFI/Dy. CFI: The approval of CFI/Dy. CFI shall be for a
particular FTO and shall be valid for five years or till he is in employment with the FTO
whichever is earlier, from the date of issue.
5.1 Change of FTO in same capacity/ additional approval for another FTO:
5.1.1 In case CFI/Dy. CFI changes from one FTO to another or a CFI seeks approval
for additional FTO, he/she shall apply to DGCA as per Appendix-IA. He/she
shall be called for oral examination by the board approved by Joint Director
General / Director General. The Oral board will assess the competency of the
CFI/Dy. CFI in the following areas with relation to new FTO only:-
5.1.2 A CFI of a FTO may be approved as a CFI for another FTO provided both the
FTOs have their operation base at the same airfield. The request for approval
shall be made in the prescribed performa as in Appendix-1A
5.1.3 A CFI of a FTO may be approved as a CFI for another FTO with operation
base at other airfield for a period not exceeding three months. The request for
approval shall be made in the prescribed performa as in Appendix-1A.
5.2 Renewal of approval: The approval of CFI/Dy. CFI may be renewed for a period
of 5 years after submission of following documents :
The application for renewal shall be made to DGCA in the prescribed format as
in Appendix-I at least 1 months in advance.
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Record of standardization checks.
6.1 Standardization check for CFI/ Dy. CFI functions: All CFI/ Dy. CFI are
required to undergo once in two years standardization check under DGCA
Examiner Assessor or DGCA nominated Designated Examiner. The proforma
for functions in Air and Ground along with the contents of check are at
Appendix-II & Appendix-V.
6.2 Refresher: All CFI/ Dy. CFI/FI are required to undergo annual ground
refresher on the functions carried out by them. The period of validity of the initial
refresher course shall commence from the date of completion of refresher
course. In case of renewal, the period of validity of refresher course shall
commence from the date following the date of expiry of the previous refresher
course, subject to the condition that the refresher course for renewal has been
conducted within a period of not more than two month preceding the date of
expiry of the previous validity. An extension may be granted by the DGCA on a
specific case-to-case basis. Maximum extension may not exceed 30 days from
the date of expiry of last refresher course. The syllabus for the same is at
Appendix-III. The refresher will be carried out by DGCA approved organisations.
ii) To impart flying training to trainee pilots for the issue of Civil Flying
Licences, and to carry out their periodical progress checks.
iii) To authorize flights of the aircraft operated by the FTO for which
it is approved.
vi) To ensure conduct of Ground and Flying Training as per Training and
Procedure Manual(TPM) and initiate amendments to TPM.
Examiners are required to administer the skill tests as required under Schedule-
II of the Aircraft Rules 1937 for issue/ renewal of pilot licenses and associated
ratings. The Examiners are approved under the provisions of the Rule 41A of
the Aircraft Rules 1937. The provisions laid down in rule 41A are applicable to
the Examiners.
8.1 FTO may seek approval of their CFI as Examiner for administering of following
skill tests:-
i) To carry out skill test for issue and renewal of pilot licenses.
ii) To carry out skill test for extension and renewal of aircraft ratings.
iii) To carry out skill test for issue of AFIR and renewal of AFIR/FIR.
iv) To carry out skill test for issue / renewal of Instrument Rating.
Note: - The skill test for issue of FIR shall be carried out by DGCA Examiner
Assessor or DGCA nominated Designated Examiner.
8.2 FTO may seek approval of their Dy. CFI as Examiner for administering of
following skill tests:-
i) To carry out skill test for issue and renewal of pilot licenses.
ii) To carry out skill test for extension and renewal of aircraft ratings.
iii) To carry out skill test for issue / renewal of Instrument Rating.
8.3 Procedure
8.3.1 The F T O seeking approval of their appointed CFI/ Dy. CFI as examiner, shall
make an application to DGCA giving all necessary details in accordance with
Appendix IV, 30 days in advance.
8.3.2 The candidate for examiner shall undergo a competency test for examiner on
aircraft by a DGCA Flight Operations Inspector (FTO) or an examiner
nominated by DGCA for the purpose. During the competency check the
‘knowledge and skill’ of the candidate to administer the skill test on trainee pilots
is required to be assessed. The proforma for assessment of candidate by
DGCA FOI(FTO) or DGCA nominated examiner is at Appendix-V.
8.3.3 Standardization check of Examiner functions: Examiner can administer skill test
on a single engine aircraft with AUW less than 1500Kg provided he has
satisfactorily undergone the standardization check for examiner functions on
any single engine aircraft and on Multi engine aircraft provided he has
satisfactorily undergone the standardization check for examiner functions on
that particular Multi engine aircraft type within two years by a DGCA Flight
Operations Inspector (FTO) or an examiner nominated by DGCA for the
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purpose. The proforma for standardization check of examiner by DGCA
FOI(FTO) or DGCA nominated examiner is at Appendix-V.
(Note: Standardization check for the ‘functions of CFI as in para 7 above’ can
be clubbed with the ‘standardization check for examiner’ functions.
Standardization check for the ‘functions of Dy. CFI as in para 7 above’
can be clubbed with the ‘standardization check for examiner’ functions.
Accordingly both the reports i.e. in Appendix-II and Appendix –V can be
filled up simultaneously.)
Note: The competency report shall clearly indicate the performance of the
candidate and recommendation for approval as examiner on type/ types
of aircraft. The candidate who fails in the test shall not be recommended
for such approval for a minimum period of three months.
8.3.5 A Designated Examiner of one FTO can conduct Skill tests of trainees of other
FTO with prior intimation to DGCA and permission from their respective
management. In this regard, the FTO may make an application 3 days in
advance in prescribed Performa as per Appendix-VI.
8.3.6 The individual may apply to DGCA for skill test for issue of FIR as per Appendix-
8.3.7 In case two successive candidates, trained by a particular CFI, are found Not-
Satisfactory in the FIR issue test conducted by DGCA, then the privilege of
such CFI to conduct instructor course may be reviewed by the DGCA.
Continuation of this privilege of CFI shall be subject to such performance
(b) He has exercised the privileges of Examiner on the type or on the group
/ class of similar aircraft during the preceding one year except when a
pilot is newly approved on the type or group/class of similar aircrafts.
(c) Examiner can administer skill test only on type of aircraft on which he
himself has rating and is current.
(d) A Designated Examiner already approved for a ME aircraft shall not act
as an examiner on another ME aircraft type unless he has atleast 10 Hrs
of Instructional experience followed by Examiner standardization check
by DGCA Examiner Assessor or by a person nominated by DGCA on
Rev. 5, dated 03rd Feb 2021 7
that aircraft type. The validity of Examiner standardization check for each
type of ME aircraft is 2 years.
9 Enforcement:
(b) The CFI/ Dy. CFI has performed work or granted a certificate in
respect of work which has not been performed in a careful or
competent manner; or has performed work beyond the scope of his
approval; or failed to make proper entries and certification thereof; or
for any other reason considered by the Director-General as sufficient
to cancel, suspend, withdraw or endorse an approval granted under
this CAR; or to issue a warning or an admonition".
(Arun Kumar)
Director General of Civil Aviation
Correspondence address
mobile number
2. Whether had been FI or QFI or
Both (please indicate)
3. Whether the security clearance Yes/ No
from district police authorities of
nominee is attached.
4. Accident (in last 3yrs)/ Incident (in last 1 yrs) details (if any)
i) Self Yes/No
Trainee under his supervision (if yes, give Yes/No
ii) details)
FRTOL -----
FIR Aircrafts:
Date and Place of
Ground Refresher
Attach self-certified copies of above documents.
Date :
Correspondence address
mobile number
2. Whether the security clearance Yes/ No
from district police authorities of
CFI/Dy. CFI is attached.
3. Accident (in last 3yrs)/ Incident (in last 1 yrs) details (if any)
i) Self Yes/No
Trainee under his supervision (if yes, give Yes/No
ii) details)
4. Name of license Number Valid upto Rating/restrictions on
FRTOL -----
FIR Aircrafts:
Attach self-certified copies of above documents.
Date :
Name of FTO:…………………………………………………………….
Place of Check:…………………………………………………………..
Name of FTO:…………………………………………………………….
1. For office
Name of FTO use
Correspondence address
mobile number
CFI/Dy. CFI Approval No.
Validity of Approval
Date of last standardization check
Fee details
2. Accident (in last 3 yrs)/ Incident (in last 1 yrs) details (if
i) Self
ii) Trainee under his supervision (if yes, give details)
FRTOL -----
FIR Aircrafts:
Attach self certified copies of above documents.
4. Flying Experience:
(Note: The candidate shall be current on aircraft type before undergoing competency check for examiner.)
Type of aircraft on which Examiner ship
6. Requirement for Examiner ship for additional Multi Engine Aircraft for
already approved Multi Engine examiners.
7. Any other information: please also include the details such as any dispute/ court case/
investigation related to aviation is pending.
Date :
Standardization Check for CFI/Dy. CFI/Examiner functions
Name of FTO:……………………………………….
Place of Check:……………………………………...
Date of Time Aircraft Aircraft type Remarks
check From To Registration
Name of CFI/ Dy. CFI under check: Name of FOI(FTO) or DGCA Examiner:
……………………………………………………. ……………………………………….
License no. License No.
……………………………………………………. …………………………………………
Medical valid upto…………………Age…………
Sr. Examiner capability on following MANOEUVRES Assessment Remarks
1. Cockpit Check
2. Starting Procedure
3. Precautions before taxing out
4. Taxing Procedure
5. Engine check
6. Pre take-off check
7. Precautions before, taking runway & lining up
8. Take off
9. Climbing speed & use of power
10. Procedure for leveling out.
i) Use of correct power ‘&’
ii) Correct use for & fit trim
iii) Keeping lateral level, direction
and constant speed
11. Level turns.
(a) Precaution to be taken before commencing
a turn.
(b) Medium turn
12. Gliding & Climbing turns.
(a) Use of bank in a climbing turns.
(b) Medium gliding turn with flaps up & down.
(c) Descending turns at given speed and rate
of decent
13. Descent & ascent of given rate and speed.
14. a) Correct procedure for joining circuit.
b) circuit Patterns (90° turns)
15. Landing (with full, half & no flap)
16. Precautionary landing
17. Forced landing
18. Action in the event of fire
19. Asymmetric handling (for ME only):
(a) In climb
(b) In flight
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(c) Circuit approach
20. Instrument flying :
(a) Knowledge of gyroscopic instrument
(b) Straight & level flight.
(c) Climb
(d) Decent
(e) Turns-rate 1 & 2
(f) Climbing & descending turns
(g) Turns on to northerly and southerly courses
(understanding of compass behavior on
northerly and southerly headings)
(h) Recovery from awkward positions
(i) holding
(j) Approach any two
(i) ILS
(ii) Non- precision approach
Approval No.
Approval valid upto
DE Details
DE Name
DE Certificate No.
DE Certificate valid upto
Aircraft on which DE is requested
Duration for which DE is requested
Approval No.
Approval valid upto
Reason why DE is required from other FTO:
Note: Signature on this from will be taken as consent of both FTOs and DE.
Note: When a post holder goes to other FTO, in his absence, he will not exercise the privileges
of CFI/Dy. CFI in his parent FTO during this period. Such duties may be looked after
by another post holder (CFI/Dy. CFI) of his parent FTO.
1. For office
Name of FTO use
Name of Applicant
Correspondence address
mobile number
CFI/Dy. CFI Approval No.
Validity of Approval
Date of last standardization check
Fee details (receipt of Bharatkosh as per Rule 48(2))
FRTOL -----
FIR (for renewal) Aircrafts:
Attach self certified copies of above documents.
3. Flying Experience:
(Note: The candidate shall be current on aircraft type before undergoing competency check for examiner.)
Type of aircraft on which test is required to
be carried out
7. Any other information: please also include the details such as any dispute/ court case/
investigation related to aviation is pending.