Supply Chain Management Assignment Domino's Pizza: Section IM B: GROUP 9
Supply Chain Management Assignment Domino's Pizza: Section IM B: GROUP 9
Supply Chain Management Assignment Domino's Pizza: Section IM B: GROUP 9
Domino’s Pizza
Section IM B: GROUP 9
Cross between spoon and ladle to help reduce the time it took to
sauce the pizza
Pizza Screens:
Replaced wooden and stainless-steel pizza cooking trays with pizza
screens that allowed for more even baking.
2. Inventory
Domino’s US •Raw materials consist of more than 240 individual
Supply Chain products. Some of the them (dough) are produced
according to forecast. Others are stored in the
System warehouse and are being replenished from time to
3. Transportation
•Domino’s use 200 leased tractor-trailers to supply
the raw materials to the various stores. Usually
delivered in the night to minimize disruptions and to
ensure on-time delivery.
4. Information
The company uses Pulse POS Computer system,
which includes a forecasting software that allowed
store managers and owners to track.
Domino’s US 5. Sourcing
The purchasing is centralized. It is sourced from
Supply Chain authorized dealers and Farmers. Dough
6. Pricing
Similar to other Pizza companies. The price is almost
same in most of the companies. Uses various tools to
reduce the cost so as to increase profit.
Domino’s International Supply Chain
Stakeholders involved
Flow of supply chain
•This kind of transparency was needed as the brand and all franchises
4) Has Dominos would be hit incase remedial measures were not taken.
gone too far with
transparency? •It gives people an opportunity to indirectly get their name displayed
at Times Square- We all know that many people are LONELY( inspite of
how glorious their social media pages are) and this was a great
marketing gimmick that would inadvertently increase sales. This in
addition to the fact that the brand image was being restored.
•With the Success of the US model the brand would benefit if the supply
chain is expanded globally.
•However, the tastes and other market dynamics differ widely indifferent
•The existing Franchisees have done well in the international markets but
to bring in the same kind of structure that the US market has the
expansion of the Supply chain Model needed to be done in a controlled
5) Should Dominoes manner and after consulting the existing franchisees in the international
markets as to the viability if the model.
Attempt to expand •If expansion needs to be done it should Start with the Mexico Markets
its supply chain as it is closer to the US and expansion would be easier given the fact that
internationally? the KT and primary set up can be done on a personal basis with little
investment in transportation cost whilst leveraging the proximity to the
US markets.
•Following this the expansion can be done in the UK market as it is the
largest international market for Dominos.
•Following this the expansion can be done in the Australian, Indian and
South Korean Markets as these are the other large international markets
for Dominos outside the UK and Mexico Markets.
Thank You