EMP Syllabus - New

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KM Music Conservatory EMP (I) 6 month course outline:

Course Objectives

The KM Electronic Music Production (6-month) provides an introduction to the music production
industry. The main topics introduced within the course are Sequencing & Arranging | Editing | Sound
Design | Mixing & Mastering. This course provides an entry level knowledge for those interested in
pursuing careers in the music production industry. It allows students to gain an intermediate level of
knowledge that can lead them on a strong path towards a successful career within the music
industry. On completion of the course students will understand the basics of music production and
production techniques used in song production and audio for video.

Course Outline

The course is broken into three, 2-month modules: 'Basics & Introductions', 'Designing &
Conceptulising', 'Producing & Finalising', topics include:

Module 1: Basics & Introductions

-Working with Logic X
-Capturing & Recording Ideas
-Basic editing and arranging techniques

Module 2: Designing & Conceptualising

-Synthesis & Sound Design
-Developing & Structuring Ideas

Module 3: Producing & Finalising

-Mixing & Mastering
-Introduction to SFX and Music for Picture
-Finalising your Ideas

Class Structures

- The course is taught in 3 x 2 hour sessions per week across 24 weeks

-The course is taught in 3 x 2 month blocks
- Types of classes include:

These sessions are largely taught by a single lecturer providing information, with examples and other
visual aids, students are expected to take notes and revise the subject matter. These sessions are
used to present more complex theoretical ideas and complex information.

These sessions combine both lecture style delivery of information with practical examples, allowing
for the lecturer to demonstrate a concept or idea and the class then putting this immediately into
practice themselves.

Lab Sessions:
These sessions are largely practical in nature and comprise of the lecturer setting a task or project
that the students themselves carry out during the session.

Assessment Structure:

Examination Methods

Project One:
32-Track Original Composition demonstrating skills learned throughout the course
-Logic X
-Project File, Mixed and Mastered Bounce
-Viva on final track covering intention, how it was created etc.
-Formative Feedback given on work in progress in advance of submission

Project Two:
2-3 minute sound-design and background music for video clip
-Video clip approved by lecturer in advance [deadline set for this]
-Logic X project
-Project file, final synchronised video file [.mov, .mp4 etc]
-Viva on creation process, intention etc.
-Formative Feedback given on work in progress in advance of submission

Summative submission of 2 projects, 7 days after last day of course. Late submission up to 7 days
after this will suffer 10% loss penalty.

-3 x mini tasks (1 for each module [5%, 5%, 5%])

-2 x Main projects [45% task 1; 40% task 2]

Pass - 75%
Merit - 85%
Distinction - 95%


Any project tasks which are incomplete or failed need to be resubmitted within 2 weeks of the final
coursework submission date (three weeks following the end of classes) to be reassessed. Marks for
resubmitted work will be capped at the passing mark.


This course follows a strict attendance policy and students are expected to attend all classes, if a
student is found to be frequently absent they risk being removed from the class. Students will first
be notified by email if they are missing too many classes, following this if persistent absence
continues a meeting will be arranged with a senior faculty member and the administration in order
to discuss any problems and consequences. After this, if absence continues students will be removed
from study.

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