Study of Bond Properties of Concrete Utilizing Fly Ash, Marble and Granite Powder
Study of Bond Properties of Concrete Utilizing Fly Ash, Marble and Granite Powder
Study of Bond Properties of Concrete Utilizing Fly Ash, Marble and Granite Powder
Abstract—Nowadays in India ,If we analyse the whole situation form a fluid mass that is easily moulded into any shape. Over
, we came to know that there is not a proper plaaning for the time, when it is cured sufficiently, the cement forms a hard
road development and construction in order to fulfil the criteria. matrix which binds the rest of the ingredients together into a
As we know that infrastructure plays a tremendous role in the
development of country and it has not developed in order to durable stone-like material, called concrete.
serve the people in the most efficient method it can. Population The reason behind the enormous use of concrete in the
in india is increasing day by day and india is 2nd largest in construction sector lies in its versatile, reliable and sustainable
population ,because of this number of vehicles also increasing nature, because of its strength, rigidity, durability, mould-
on road .flexible and rigid pavement are not enough to giving ability, efficiency and economy.
the better results as formation of potholes and propagation of
reflective crack occurs due to wheel load.the population for which
roads are planned and designed are not providing adequate B. Objectives of the thesis:
performance to withstand excessive load of traffic especially in
metropolitican cites like Bangalore delhi Mumbai etc. The main objective of the thesis is to study the potential of
In order to overcome this present situation there is a need to sandstone fly ash, marble and granite powder to be used as
turn the focus on composite pavement from rigid and flexible a partial substitute of natural sand in concrete. In this study,
pavements. The design life of composite pavement is more than concrete mixes are prepared with partial replacement of natural
fexible and rigid pavements.the overlay of bituminous concrerte sand with sandstone fly ash, marble and granite powder” at
over cracked concrete or asphalt mix has placed a efficient and
economical method to meet the problem of riding surfaces which different substitution rates of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%,
get deteriotated due to high traffic load .laying of biruminous and different properties of concrete are compared with the
mix layer over cracked surface is a much better solution but the control concrete mix containing 100% natural sand. Different
reflective cracks propagation over the surface of overlaid layer objectives of this study are given below:
from underlying cracked surface is a huge matter of concern. • To compare the workability of concrete mixes incorporat-
Various studies have been done to retard the propagation of
reflectives crack using additives like plastic waste, steel neeting ing sandstone fly ash, marble and granite powder” as partial
,geogrid ,fibres and other alternatives. In this study we are cusing replacement of natural sand with control concrete mix.
a glass fibres as an additive and compare thw condition of roads • To compare the compressive strength, splitting tensile
with or without using glass fibres. Various types of tests are done strength and density of concrete mixes incorporating sandstone
to cement , aggregates, concrete, marshal stability and other test fly ash, marble and granite powder” as partial replacement of
in order to study the road reflective cracks.
As we have an eye on properties of glass fibres which I have natural sand with control concrete mix.
used as an additive, glass fibres have high tensile strength • To compare water absorption, sorptivity and chloride-
,increase flexural strength , ductility , resistance to thermal crack ion permeability of concrete mixes incorporating sandstone
,act a sound insulation , more resistance to impact load ,increase fly ash, marble and granite powder” as partial replacement of
the life span of structure has been performed in Bangalore natural sand with control concrete mix.
University on manually designed Reflection Crack Simulator in
which the mechanism of horizontal movement of slab to develop • To study various changes occurred in cement phases with
thermal stresses and vertical movement of underlying pavement inclusion of sandstone fly ash, marble and granite powder” as
due to moving wheel load were simulated mechanically and the partial substitute of sand in concrete mixes by x-ray diffraction
results were observed. (xrd) analysis.
In this , Glass Fibre has been used as an additive in the • To study the various changes occurred in microstructure
overlaying bituminous concrete layer to retard the propagation
of reflection cracks from the underlying cracked concrete .
of concrete with inclusion of sandstone fly ash, marble and
Chapter-1 granite powder” as partial substitute of sand in concrete mixes
by scanning electron microscope (sem) analsysis.
• To find out the optimum percent replacement of natural
I. I NTRODUCTION sand with sandstone fly ash, marble and granite powder” so
A. General as to give acceptable workability, hardened and durability
Concrete, the single most widely used building material
around the globe, is a heterogeneous composite that consists
of combination of readily available basic building materials C. Outline of the thesis:
including cement, water, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and This thesis report includes five chapters:
in some cases, admixtures, fibres or other additives, according Chapter 1 “introduction” gives some quantitative data
to the need. When these ingredients are mixed together, they about excessive sand mining in the world and its environmental
A. General
The effects of fly ash, marble and granite powder” as
a replacement of river sand on the different properties of
concrete have been reported since 1994. The early studies have
only focused on normal strength concretes as well as mortars
and it has been found out that use of inclusion of fly ash,
marble and granite powder” as a replacement of river sand
does modify many concrete properties i.e. Fresh properties,
hardened properties as well as durability properties. Since
then, several researches have reported the effects of use of fly
ash, marble and granite powder” as a part of fine aggregate in
normal strength concrete, high strength concrete and mortars.
The purpose of this study is to access the current state Looking for a Discount?
of knowledge concerning the utilization fly ash, marble and
granite powder” as replacement of natural or river sand in
mortar and concrete. An extensive review of the recently
published studies and available research papers on the use
of fly ash, marble and granite powder” as a partial and
full replacement of river sand is conducted in this literature
review. Studies are examined in terms of measured fresh
properties, hardened properties and durability properties. The
key pointes arising from the literature review are discussed
property-wise. Different properties studied in literature review
are workability, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength,
flexural strength, young’s modulus of elasticity, chloride-
ion penetration, water permeability, water absorption, drying
shrinkage and abrasion resistance.
Study Methodology