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Business Communication

Teacher’s Guide
Elements of Communication
Session 1

Exclusive property of BPAP. This material or any portions thereof may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in
any manner and for any purpose without the prior written approval of BPAP.

Purpose This module introduces the students to communication in general.

Participants Participants of this course are students in the collegiate level.

Course By the end of this course, students should be able to:

Objectives  Explain the nature and power of language
 Describe the different types of miscommunication
 Illustrate the importance of perception management in

Duration 3 hours

Training Preparation
Ensure that you have the following items during your class:
 Standard classroom setup
 Teacher’s Guide
 Student handouts
 Speakers
 Projector ( if available )
 Easel Sheets
 Writing implements: pen, paper, white board markers, etc.
 Power Point Presentation (SMPBUSCOM001 v2013)
 Session 1 - Appendix A: Activity: Powerful/Powerless Language
 Session 1 - Appendix B: Assignment 1: Behavioral Descriptions
 Handout Introduction to Human Communication(pdf)

Facilitator Tip Before you deliver:

 One Minute Tip: Adults are motivated to put time and energy into
learning if they know the benefits of learning and the costs of not
 Have all training materials ready
 If a projector is not available, use handouts or write on white
board or flip chart/easel sheet.
 Prepare visual aids (diagrams and others), as necessary
 Easel Sheets should always be placed in front, visible to everyone
in the class

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Time-based Agenda

Topic Subtopic Duration

30 minutes
How does
communication work? 5 minutes

The Nature of Language Language is Symbolic

10 minutes
Language is Rule Governed
15 minutes
Language Shapes Attitudes
30 minutes
Impression Management
30 minutes
The Language of
Misunderstandings 15 minutes

Activity Worksheet
35 minutes
Assignment and Recap
10 minutes
TOTAL 180 minutes

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Phonological Rules - the context in which a sound change takes place. How words

Syntactic Rules rules used in communication to describe how things are organized or
ordered, how words or symbols are arranged

Semantic Rules - are the agreed-upon definitions of words, the specific meaning of

Pragmatic Rules - how people use language in everyday interaction governs

interpretation based on content

Language Convergence - a type of language of language contact-induced change

whereby languages with many bilingual speakers mutually borrow morphological and
syntactic features, making their typology more similar

Convergence - happens when an individual adjusts his speech patterns to match those
of people belonging to another group or social identity

Divergence .-. happens when an individual adjusts his speech patterns to be distinct
from those of people belonging to another group or social identity

Impression Management - managing others’ views of oneself. Influencing how others

think of something or someone else

Equivocal words - can be pronounced in two different ways, meaning two different

Relative words - words that do not have an exact definition, and can change depending
on the context and is very subjective.

Slang - an informal nonstandard vocabulary

Jargon - the language, especially the vocabulary, peculiar to a particular trade,

profession, or group

Emotive language - one which uses words that will evoke the emotions of someone

Euphemism - substituting words to soften a possible negative meaning.

Equivocation - deliberate vague statement to avoid embarrassment or negative


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Duration: 30 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM001 slide 2
Student Workbook: n/a

MAKE your introductions.

Before showing slide # 2, tell the students to think of anything that to them
would best explain how communication works. Call for volunteers; if there
are none, you may either call anyone or proceed to the discussion.

Slide 2

How Does Communication Work?

Duration: 5 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM001 slide 3
Student Workbook: n/a

How does communication work?

Communication is like the human body.


In what way is communication like the human body?

You may lead them to the answer by saying that like the human body
which has many systems, so too is communication.

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Slide 3

The body has many systems: circulatory system, gastrointestinal system,

skeletal system, nervous, cardiovascular, etc.

Communication has verbal and nonverbal communication, intentional and

unintentional. Like the human body, you can break it down and study
certain parts, but what counts is that all are happening at once. A doctor
who couldn’t understand all the systems functioning together is not good
at diagnosing or healing.

A communicator who can’t analyze the parts (verbal/nonverbal,

content/relational, and intentional/unintentional) and also look at all the
parts together is probably not competent either.

If I’m sick, I expect a physician to know which part to pay attention to and
to see the how the other systems of my body may be affected or may be
affecting my disease. I may have a broken bone, but may be losing blood.
He may also need to consider that I am also diabetic and hypertensive.
Likewise, the competent communicator needs to see what elements of the
transactional process might be causing the problem, and give attention
there, while not neglecting other aspects.

But unlike the human body that is physical; communication is relational,

intangible. Communication may end in a different way than a physical
body comes to an end.

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The Nature of Language

Duration: 55 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM001 slide 3 to 8
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 4

The Nature of Language

• Language is symbolic
• Meanings are in People, not in words
• Language is rule-governed

Language is symbolic
elements create symbols (words & other symbols)
sign language is symbolic, linguistic
Symbols are the way we experience the world 

Meanings are in people, not in words (Next Slide)

meanings are personal
Ogden & Richards's Triangle of Meaning 

Slide 5

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Language is symbolic. It uses words, signals (e.g. sign language)
& other symbols.

We experience the world through symbols.

ASK : What various symbols are used to express language?

Meanings are in people, not in words. This means that the meanings we
attach to words maybe personal.

Ogden and Richards Triangle of Meaning

Meanings are in People not words. This is because meanings are social
constructions – how people make sense of symbols and words.

Problems arise when people mistakenly assume that others use words in
the same way they do.

The broken line indicates that there is an indirect relationship between a

word and the thing it represents. A problem arises when anyone assumes
that the words mean the same thing.

Thus, it is important to clarify what words mean, to paraphrase and

thereby negotiating meanings.

Slide 6

Language is rule-governed; understanding rules helps us understand each


1) phonological rules – how words sound

Champagne, double and occasion are spelled identically in English
and French but pronounced differently
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Or you may give other examples:
 weight and height having different sounds
 beard and heard having different sounds
 wait and weight having different spellings but the same sound

2) syntactic rules – how words or symbols are arranged:

 correct English syntax requires that every word contain at least
one vowel
 Unacceptable: “Have you cookies bought?”
 Text/IM messages have destroyed rules that govern structure:
r u at home?, nid to study 4 finals, k bye

3) semantic rules – the specific meaning of words

 Panda Mating fails
 Veterinarian takes over
 Police begin campaign to run down Jaywalkers

Slide 7

4) pragmatic rules – how people use language in everyday

interaction; governs interpretation based on context

Boss: Views employees as family
Employee: Depends on boss’ goodwill for advancement
Boss: Concerned about appearance – look smart and sexy
Employee: Sensitive to sexual harassment

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Slide 8

Language shapes attitudes towards things and one another

1) naming
The way we call (name) things or persons reflects our attitude.

2) credibility
The language we speak, how we speak and what we speak about
shape or speak about our credibility, social status including our

3) social and sexual preferences.

4) Status
5) sexism & racism

Language reflects attitudes; the way we feel about things and people.

Power & affiliation

a) convergence
Language convergence is a type of language contact-induced
change whereby languages with many bilingual speakers mutually
borrow morphological and syntactic features, making their
typology more similar.
Convergence happens when an individual adjusts his speech
patterns to match those of people belonging to another group or
social identity.

Most Filipino students and professionals speak Filipino and English
and often mix the two languages in speech.

b) divergence
Divergence happens when an individual adjusts his speech
patterns to be distinct from those of people belonging to another
group or social identity.

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Students from some exclusive schools speak differently from
activist students from state-run universities.

Attraction & interest

a) demonstrative pronouns
b) negation
c) sequential placement 


a) "it" vs. "I" statements – It isn’t finish vs I didn’t finish

b) "you" vs. "I" statements – Sometimes you make me angry vs
Sometimes I get angry
c) "but" statements – It’s a good idea but it won’t work
d) questions vs. statements – Do you think we ought to do that? vs. I
don’t think we should do that.

CONDUCT an activity

Before you show slide #8, ask the students, based on what have been
discussed what could be the various manifestations or signals of
communication breakdown.

List their answers on the board. If you have a smaller class, you may break
them into groups and give each group a marker and sheets of bond paper
where they could write their answers. Tell them to write one answer per
sheet of paper. Have each group post their sheets on the board/wall. (Be
sure that you have a masking tape ready.)

Tell them to arrange their answers from ultimate cause to final cause.

After they have posted/arranged their answers, ask them if the cause can
actually be the effect. Lead the students to realize that the cause may be
the effect and the effect may be the cause. Thus, it is important to analyze
each communication breakdown situation to address the real cause.

Transition to the next slide by pointing out (and if it was mentioned during
the group activity, you may refer to it) that it is important to manage
impression to minimize communication breakdown that may stem from it.

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Impression Management

Duration: 30 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM001 slide 9
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 9

Impression management is managing others' views of oneself. It also

involves influencing how others think of something or someone else. How
successful one is in influencing others points back to the impression he
makes on others.

Impression management involves issues of honesty, choices of faces and

impressions and choice of words & tone.

Impression management is useful to shape what people think and how

people would receive and respond to a particular message.

We (may also need to) manage impressions to fit to certain social rules and
social roles. We may also manage impressions based on our personal

Ask the students of their impressions about certain people and ask
them how these impressions affect their reception, understanding
and reaction to the message.

You may mention any of the following people:

1) Mother Theresa
2) Willie Revillame
3) Sharon Cuneta or any other actor or actress
4) a politician
5) their professors

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How do we manage impressions?

a) manner

The way we talk (volume, pace, tone, intonation, language used, pitch
and pronunciation) affect the way we impress on others.

Ask the students the impact of one who:

 speaks with a very loud voice compared to someone who
speaks in modulation
 mispronounces a number of words
 hurries his speech versus one who takes time to talk
 uses formal language versus one who uses slang or street
 speaks in monotone versus someone who speaks in varied

b) content

This is what one talks about or what one is capable of talking or

discussion about.

c) appearance

Our physical appearance, including our gestures, mannerisms and

eye contact influences the impression we make on others.

d) setting

Where we deliver our message also influences the impression we

make on others.

Transition to the next slide by asking the students:

Has there been a time when you were misunderstood or you

misunderstood someone because of the word/s used?

Ask two or three students to share.

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The Language of Misunderstandings

Duration: 15 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM001 slide 10
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 10

The language of misunderstandings

1.) equivocal words – the word “period” means punctuation or a point

in time or a woman’s menstrual cycle

2.) relative words – possible (0-99%) vs. good chance (35-90%) vs.
unlikely (0-40%)

3.) slang and jargon

 “bonking” – in cycling means running out of energy
 “Bling-bling” – rap language means jewelry
 “Whip” – rap language means nice looking car
 LOL – chat language means Laughing out loud

4.) overly abstract language

Abstract ladder ( notes from slide)
a) useful as a short cut
b) useful to avoid confrontations
c) problematic as stereotyping
d) problematic when confusing others

5.)Behavioral descriptions avoid overly abstract language

a) identify specific, observable phenomenon
b) person(s)—who?
c) circumstances-- when and where?
d) observable behaviors—what?

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6.) fact-opinion confusion

a) factual statements can be verified (objective)

b) opinion statements are beliefs (subjective)

7. ) fact-inference confusion

a) fact – as things happened; the evidence (what one sees,

hears, smells, touches and tastes – the actual action NOT
a judgment of it)
b) inferential statements are conclusions from
interpretations of evidence

8.) emotive language – men are forceful vs. women are pushy; men
are assertive vs. women are aggressive; He’s committed vs. She’s

9.) Evasive language

a) Euphemism – substituting words to soften a possible

negative meaning: restroom vs. toilet, senior citizen or
mature vs. old

b) Equivocation - deliberate vague statement to avoid

embarrassment or negative message:

c) Question: How do I look? Answer: If you don’t like the

look you could answer “You look unique” or “Interesting”

Ask the students to give their own examples of language of


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Activity Worksheets

Duration: 35 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM001 slide 11
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 11

Give the Activity Worksheet. Give and explain the instructions.

You may opt to give it as a pair or small group activity.

Summarize the discussions.

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Assignment and Recaps

Duration: 10 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM001 slide 10
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 12

Give the assignment.

Slide 13

Recap the lesson.

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References and Additional Reading

 Learn to Listen – How to Tune in Before Someone Tunes You Out

by Jim Dugger

 Understanding Human Communication, 9th Edition by Ronald B.

Adler and George Rodman

 "Basic Business Communication" by R V Lesikar & M E Flatley.

 Remland, M. (2000). Gesture and Movement as Iconic

Communication Activity. Unpublished manuscript, West Chester

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1. To expand understanding of powerless and powerful language
2. To use language which takes rather than avoids responsibility
3. To identify types of powerless language and language lacking in responsibility

Instructions Part One:

1. Read the sentences in the first chart.
2. Identify the type of powerless language used by writing the type of language in the left column.
3. Then re-write the sentence in the right column expressing the idea in more powerful, but not rude or offensive

Chart 1
Type of language Less Powerful Rewrite using more powerful language
polite forms Ms. Smith, I wanted to ask you I wanted to ask about the assignment.
about the assignment ma’am.
There’s probably a better way
to do this, but let me explain.

It was really a good speech.

That was a good meeting,

wasn’t it?

I sort of wanted to leave early


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SESSION 1 - APPENDIX A: (continuation)

Instructions Part Two:

1. Read the sentences in the second chart.
2. Identify the type of language responsibility problem shown by writing the type of language in the left column.
3. Then re-write the sentences with language that takes responsibility in the right column.

Chart 2
Type of language Lacking responsibility Rewrite using responsible language

You vs. I You irritate me with your I feel irritated when I’m driving and
singing in the car. listening to your singing.
There’s no reason it won’t
work, but we don’t have the

Do you think we could go to a

Chinese restaurant rather than
a pizza place?

It’s not a good idea.

You really get me upset when

you drive like that.

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Name ______________________________


To practice replacing abstract statements with behavioral descriptions.

Instructions Part One:

1. Read the following abstract statements.
2. Rewrite each using behavioral descriptions.

Example: You always get more help from the folks than I do.
Who is involved? Mom
In what circumstances? One time, when you couldn’t pay your tuition last semester
What behaviors are involved? paying tuition for you
Clearer statement: Mom paid your tuition last semester.
Advantages or disadvantages to using the clearer statement: In a discussion with my sister, it limits the scope of
what sounds like an attack on her. There is something concrete for her to respond to. The scope of my
resentment is narrowed. The “fact” is presented, rather than a vague statement. Impact on you of having to
think through the three questions: I had to stop and think of what I really meant and what the “facts” were that I
was basing my broad attack on. I had to ask myself what the problem really was and stop exaggerating it.

1. School is so easy for you.

Who is involved?
In what circumstances?
What behaviors are involved?
Clearer statement:
Advantages or disadvantages to using the clearer statement:
Impact on you of having to think through the three questions:

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SESSION 1 - APPENDIX B: ( continuation )


2. The work load around here sure isn’t fair.

Who is involved?
In what circumstances?
What behaviors are involved?
Clearer statement:
Advantages or disadvantages to using the clearer statement:

Impact on you of having to think through the three questions:

Part Two
1. What do you have to do in order to change abstract statements to behavioral descriptions?

2. What effect does this activity have on your thought process?

3. What effect does this activity have on the time you take to talk to yourself? to express yourself?

4. Predict what would happen if all abstract speech were converted to behavioral descriptions and other forms
of more concrete, specific language. What would happen in personal relationships? government?
classrooms? television shows?

Business Communication Teacher’s Guide Session 1

Date Developed:2013_01 page 22 SMPBUSCOM001 v2013 QCCI
Business Communication
Teacher’s Guide
Communication and Culture
Session 2

Exclusive property of BPAP. This material or any portions thereof may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in
any manner and for any purpose without the prior written approval of BPAP.

Purpose This module introduces the students to the communication process in

general and the impact of culture to business communication. Students are
also exposed to diversity and how this also impacts business

Participants Participants of this course are students in the collegiate level.

Course By the end of this course, students should be able to:

 Explain the impact of culture in business communication
 Identify sources of diversity
 Describe the elements of context in communication

Duration 2 hours

Training Preparation

Checklist Ensure that you have the following items during your class:
 Standard classroom setup
 Teacher’s Guide
 Student handouts
 Projector (if available)
 Easel Sheets
 Writing implements: pen, paper, white board markers, etc.
 Power Point Presentation (SMPBUSCOM002 v2013 QCCI)
 Session 2 - Appendix A: Assignment 2: Evaluating Message
 Session 2 - Appendix B: Assignment 2: Analyzing Instant Messaging

Facilitator Tip Before you deliver:

 One Minute Tip: You gotta believe! If you are not enthusiastic
about your subject, how can you expect your listener to be?
 Have all training materials ready
 If a projector is not available, use handouts or write on white
board or flip chart/easel sheet.
 Prepare visual aids (diagrams and others), as necessary
 Easel Sheets should always be placed in front, visible to everyone
in the class.

Business Communication Teacher’s Guide Session 2

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Time-based Agenda
Topic Subtopic Duration
Review and Introduction 5 minutes
Importance of Global (with group work)
25 minutes
Sources of Workplace Gender and Language
Diversity What They Talk About
Reasons for Communicating 30 minutes
Conversational Style

Values, Beliefs and Culture

Practices High-context and Low-context 20 minutes
Successful Intercultural Interpersonal Communication
Communicator Non-Verbal Communication 30 minutes
Oral Communication
Summary and Questions 10 minutes

A word or phrase functioning like an adverb
Consists of the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to
the members of a particular group or society
Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude
An official or authoritative instruction
The state of being diverse; variety; A range of different things
Two individuals or units regarded as a pair; example: the mother-daughter dyad
The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or
cultural tradition
Something that occurs between people of different cultures including different
religious groups or people of different national origins

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Review and Introduction

Duration: 5 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM002 slide 2
Student Workbook: n/a

MAKE your introductions. Review last session’s lesson.

Show the course’s objectives.

Slide 2

Before showing slide 3, ask the students who would like to work for a global
company and why they would like to.

Take note of their answers and use these to transition to the discussion. Show
slide 3.

Importance of Global Business

Duration: 25 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM002 slide 3
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 3

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The Importance of Global Business

Most major businesses operate globally, and an increasing share of profits comes
from outside the headquarters' country. Many companies depend on vendors or
operations in other countries. These international operations help companies
spend more time with customers, focus more on innovation, and fund projects
that otherwise would have been unaffordable. For their own careers, managers
often find they need international experience if they want top-level jobs.

In the Philippines, the business scenario has greatly changed over the past 20

Divide the class into small groups and tell them to complete the table given the
following guide questions:

Based on what you heard and read, do you think there is a difference between the
way businesses operated in the past and the way it is conducted now? What are
these differences? What influenced these changes? What effects or requirements
do these have on the way we do business?



Tell the students to present their answers.

Focus on the driving forces and impact. If globalization or business process

outsourcing were not mentioned, ask more questions like: What new industries
are giving employment to our country? Why do we have all these industries in our
country today? Why do companies bring their business to our country?

One of the great impact and requirement of global business is the ability of the
workforce to adapt to different cultures – including sensitivity to and competence
in the nuances of communication brought about by the differences in culture. It is
then important to know the various sources of diversity.

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Sources of Workplace Diversity

Duration: 30 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM002 slide 4 and 5
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 4

The last two decades has seen a growing emphasis on diversity.

This list provides some of the most common forms of diversity.

• Gender
• Race and ethnicity
• Regional and national origin
• Social class
• Religion
• Age
• Sexual orientation
• Physical ability

Before you show slide 5, ask the students what they think are the main or marked
differences in the way men and women communicate.

You may divide them into groups and give each group a flipchart paper or Manila
paper, markers and crayons. Tell them to write or draw/illustrate their answers on
the paper.

Briefly discuss their answers and transition to the next slide.

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Slide 5

Gender plays an important role in the way language operates.

What they talk about

Female friends spend much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects,
relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and
clothing, men, and other women.

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to discuss music, current events, sports,
business, and other men.

Both men and women are equally likely to discuss personal appearance, sex, and
dating in same-sex conversations.

True to one common stereotype, women are more likely to gossip about close
friends and family. By contrast, men spend more time gossiping about sports
figures and media personalities. Women’s gossip is no more derogatory than

Reasons for Communicating

Regardless of the sex of the communicators, the goals of almost all ordinary
conversations include making the conversation enjoyable by being friendly,
showing interest in what the other person says, and talking about topics that
interest the other person.

How men and women accomplish these goals is often different, though. Although
most communicators try to make their interaction enjoyable, men are more likely
than women to emphasize making conversation fun. Their discussions involve a
greater amount of joking and good-natured teasing. By contrast, women’s
conversations focus more frequently on feelings, relationships, and personal

Because women use conversation to pursue social needs, female speech typically
contains statements showing support for the other person, demonstrations of
equality, and efforts to keep the conversation going. Traditionally female speech
often contains statements of sympathy and empathy: “I’ve felt just like that

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myself,” “The same thing happened to me!” Women are also inclined to ask lots of
questions that invite the other person to share information: “How did you feel
about that?” “What did you do next?”

The importance of nurturing a relationship also explains why female speech is

often somewhat powerless and tentative. Saying, “This is just my opinion…” is less
likely to put off a conversational partner than a more definite “Here’s what I think”

Men’s speech is often driven by quite different goals than women’s. Men are more
likely to use language to accomplish the job at hand than to nourish relationships.
This explains why men are less likely than women to disclose their vulnerabilities,
which would be a sign of weakness. When someone else is sharing a problem,
instead of empathizing, men are prone to offer advice: “That’s nothing to worry
about . . .” or “Here’s what you need to do . . .” Besides taking care of business,
men are more likely than women to use conversations to exert control, preserve
their independence, and enhance their status. This explains why men are more
prone to dominate conversations and one-up their partners. Men interrupt their
conversational partners to assert their own experiences or point of view. (Women
interrupt too, but they usually do so to offer support: quite a different goal.) Just
because male talk is competitive doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable. Another
common theme was appreciation of the practical value of conversation: new ways
to solve problems. Men also mentioned enjoying the humor and rapid pace that
characterized their all-male conversations.

Conversational Style

Women ask more questions in mixed-sex conversations than do men—nearly

three times as many. Other research has revealed that in mixed-sex conversations,
men interrupt women far more than the other way around. Women’s speech that
is less powerful and more emotional than men’s. Women’s talk was judged more
aesthetic, whereas men’s talk was seen as more dynamic, aggressive, and strong.
In another, male job applicants were rated more fluent, active, confident, and
effective than female applicants.

Other studies have revealed that men and women behave differently in certain
conversational settings. For example, in mixed-sex dyads men talk longer than
women, whereas in same-sex situations women speak for a longer time. In larger
groups, men talk more, whereas in smaller groups, women talk more. In same-sex
conversations there are other differences between men and women: Women use
more questions, justifiers, intensive adverbs, personal pronouns, and adverbials.
Men use more directives, interruptions, and filler words to begin sentences.

Given these differences, cross-sex conversations do run smoothly because women

accommodate to the topics men raise. Both men and women regard topics
introduced by women as tentative, whereas topics that men introduce are more
likely to be pursued. Women seem to carry the wheels of conversation by doing
more work than men in maintaining conversations. A complementary difference
between men and women also promotes cross-sex conversations: Men are more
likely to talk about themselves with women than with other men; and because
women are willing to adapt to this topic, conversations are likely to run smoothly,

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if one-sidedly.

An accommodating style isn’t always a disadvantage for women. One study

revealed that women who spoke tentatively were actually more influential with
men than those who used more powerful speech. On the other hand, this
tentative style was less effective in persuading women. (Language use had no
effect on men’s persuasiveness.) This research suggests that women who are
willing and able to be flexible in their approach can persuade both other women
and men—as long as they are not dealing with a mixed-sex audience.

Ask the students what challenges they may have in communicating with the
opposite sex – both on formal and informal levels.

Have a free-flowing discussion.

Transition to the next slide by saying:

Values and beliefs, often unconscious, affect our response to people and
situations. Even everyday practices differ from culture to culture.

Values, Beliefs and Practices

Duration: 20 minutes
Presentation SMPBUSCOM002 slide 6 to 8
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 6

It is best to be aware and understand your workmates’, customers’ and clients’

culture, beliefs and practices. Many of the miscommunication instances could be
averted if people are aware of each others’ culture, beliefs and practices.

You may cite your own examples of culture differences.

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Slide 7

Our values, priorities, and practices are shaped by the culture in which we grow
up. Understanding other cultures is crucial to succeed in global business
organizations. Effective customer service is founded on a good understanding of
the clients’ or customers’ culture.

Slide 8

Each of us grows up in a culture that provides patterns of acceptable behavior and

belief. We may not be aware of the most basic features of our own culture until
we come into contact with people who do things differently. We can categorize
cultures as high-context or low-context.

In high-context cultures, most of the information is inferred from the social

relationships of the people and the context of a message and little is explicitly
conveyed. Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and Latin American cultures are high

In low-context cultures, context is less important and most information is explicitly

spelled out. German, Scandinavian, and North American cultures are low-context.

Ask the students what they think Filipino culture is. Ask them for specific situations
to back up their answer.

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Successful Intercultural Communication

Duration: 30 minutes
Presentation SMPBUSCOM002 slide 9 to 12
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 9

Successful intercultural communicators are aware of the values, beliefs, and

practices in other cultures; sensitive to differences among individuals within a
culture; aware that his or her preferred values and behaviors are influenced by
culture and are not necessarily “right”; sensitive to verbal and nonverbal behavior;
and flexible and open to change.

It is best to keep in mind that understanding another culture is to realize that

people, things, actions and reactions may vary. Also, it is good to keep in mind that
the difference is not bad or inferior. There is no such thing as better culture.

Slide 10

Within the corporate environment, some people are more successful than others,
and one major reason for the variation is their interpersonal communication skills.
Interpersonal communication is communication between people. Successful
professionals communicate well with different categories of people in a variety of
settings. To do so, they cultivate skills in diverse areas such as listening,
conversation, nonverbal communication, and networking.

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Ask the students to rate themselves in these aspects – 10 being the highest. Just
have a random show of hands.

If they rated themselves rather low – 6 and below, ask them what their challenges
are. If they rated themselves high, ask them what they may have been doing to
improve their interpersonal communication skills.
Slide 10

Slide 11

Nonverbal communication is communication that doesn’t use words. Smiles,

frowns, who sits where at a meeting, the size of an office, how long someone
keeps a visitor waiting, all communicate pleasure or anger, friendliness or
distance, power and status. Nonverbal signals can be misinterpreted just as easily
as words. And the misunderstandings can be harder to clear up because people
may not be aware of the nonverbal cues that led them to assume that they aren’t
liked, respected, or approved. Learning about nonverbal language can help us
project the image we want to present and make us more aware of the signals we
are interpreting. However, even within a single culture, a nonverbal symbol may
have more than one meaning.

Ask students to give examples of miscommunication because of misunderstanding

nonverbal cues. Or you may cite your own examples.

Slide 12

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Oral communication is not just about spoken language. The effectiveness of
spoken language – both in using and understanding it – requires cultural

During business meetings, even words as distinct as yes and no may cause
confusion. In some cultures where saying no is considered rude, a yes may mean
merely “I heard you.” Learning at least a little of the language of the country
where you hope to do business will help you, especially if you begin to understand
how the culture treats understatement/exaggeration and compliments.

It is also important to understand idiomatic expressions, be familiar with nuances

in pronunciations and grammatical structures.

Slide 13

In any organization, you will work with people whose backgrounds differ from
yours. These differences affect how people behave in teams. For example, some
Western cultures use direct approaches; others, especially Eastern cultures,
consider such approaches rude and respond by withholding information. Another
pitfall of team differences is that people who sense a difference may attribute
problems in the team to prejudice, when other factors may be responsible. Savvy
team members play to each other’s strengths and devise strategies for dealing
with differences.

Slide 14

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Dealing successfully with conflict requires attention both to the issues and to
people’s feelings. Make sure the people involved really disagree. Sometimes
different conversational styles, differing interpretations of symbols, or faulty
inferences create apparent conflicts when no real disagreement exists. Check to
see that everyone’s information is correct. Sometimes people are operating on
outdated or incomplete information. Discover the needs each person is trying to
meet. The presenting problem that surfaces as the subject of dissension may or
may not be the real problem. Search for alternatives. Sometimes people are
locked into conflict because they see too few alternatives. Repair negative
feelings. Conflict can emerge without anger and without escalating the

Slide 15

Most cultures are more formal than the United States. When you write to
international audiences, use titles, not first names; avoid contractions, slang, and
sports metaphors. Write in English unless you’re extremely fluent in your reader’s
language. Remember also to re-think audience benefits.

Slide 16

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Learning to communicate with people from different backgrounds shouldn’t be a
matter of learning rules. You can also learn by seeking out people from other
backgrounds and talking with them.

Summary and Questions

Duration: 10 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM002 slide 17 and 18
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 17

Slide 18

Summarize the discussions.

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References and Additional Reading

• http://www.axzopress.com/downloads/pdf/1560526998pv.pdf
• http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/pravinasir-321222-face-
• http://communication-business.blogspot.com/2012/03/what-is-face-
• http://smallbusiness.chron.com/oral-communication-occur-business-
• http://skillport.books24x7.com/assetviewer.aspx?bookid=10305&chun
• http://homeworktips.about.com/od/mindandbody/a/nonverbal.htm
• http://toolboxes.flexiblelearning.net.au/demosites/series9/903/conte
• http://www.arinanikitina.com/what-is-non-verbal-
• http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/aSGuest123650-
• http://womeninbusiness.about.com/od/officegiftgivingtips/a/beforegif
• http://www.corporateclassinc.com/blog/2012/06/22/business-dress-
• http://www.bris.ac.uk/fmvs/ftrmg/one-to-ones.html
• http://www.wilymanager.com/one-on-one-meeting/
• http://www.ehow.com/how_6150671_conduct-effective-team-
• Learn to Listen – How to Tune in Before Someone Tunes You Out by
Jim Dugger
• Understanding Human Communication, 9th Edition by Ronald B. Adler
and George Rodman
• "Basic Business Communication" by R V Lesikar & M E Flatley.
• Remland, M. (2000). Gesture and Movement as Iconic Communication
Activity. Unpublished manuscript, West Chester University.

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Name ______________________________


Sending a Question to an International Web Site
Send a question or other message that calls for a response to a Web site. You could
 Ask a question about a product.
 Apply for an internship or a job (assuming you’d really like to work there).
 Ask for information about an internship or a job.
 Ask a question about an organization or a candidate before you donate money or volunteer.
 Offer to volunteer for an organization or a candidate. You can either offer to do so something
small and one-time (e.g., spend an afternoon stuffing envelopes, put up a yard sign) or offer to
do something more time-consuming or even ongoing.

As your instructor directs,

 Turn in a copy of your e-mail message and the response you received.
 Critique messages written by other students in your class. Suggest ways the messages could be
clearer and more persuasive.
 Write a memo evaluating your message and the response, using the checklists in this chapter as
a starting place for your evaluation. If you did not receive a response, did the fault lie with your
 Make an oral presentation to the class, evaluating your message and the response and using the
checklists in this chapter as a starting place for your evaluation. If you did not receive a
response, did the fault lie with your message?


Does the organization ask for questions or offers? Or will yours come out of the blue?

How difficult will it be for the organization to supply the information you’re asking for or to do what
you’re asking it to do? If you’re applying for an internship or offering to volunteer, what skills can you
offer? How much competition do you have?

What can you do to build your own credibility so that the organization takes your question or request

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Name ______________________________

Working in small groups, have two group members hold a conversation about one of the topics
below for 6 to 10 minutes using an instant messaging system (i.e., Yahoo Messenger, AIM,
MSN, etc.).

 Having English-only laws in the workplace.
 Drinking at social functions for work.
 Requiring employers to offer insurance plans.
 Smoking in the workplace.
 Diversity and hiring in the workplace.
 Surfing the Internet at work.

When the conversation is finished, print out a copy for all members of your group to review and
analyze. Then, answer the following questions about instant messaging communication

Questions to consider with your group:

 How is communication helped by an instant messaging system?

 How is communication hindered by an instant messaging system?
 How often did your group members use slang, abbreviations, emoticons, or acronyms in
the conversation? Did these shorthand forms help or hinder effective communication?
 How does a synchronous chat affect the way each person’s main ideas are received?
 How possible is it to employ a form of active listening using an instant messaging
 What role do you foresee instant messaging systems taking in professional settings

Business Communication Teacher’s Guide Session 2

Date Developed: 2013_01 page 38 SMPBUSCOM002 v2013 QCCI
Business Communication
Teacher’s Guide
The What & Why of Communication
Session 3

Exclusive property of BPAP. This material or any portions thereof may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in
any manner and for any purpose without the prior written approval of BPAP.

Purpose This module gives the students an overview of communication and

communication process as experienced in everyday situations or scenarios.

Participants Participants of this course are students in the collegiate level.

Course By the end of this course, students should be able to:

 Define communication and the communication process
 Identify the different types of communication and
everyday situations where each is applicable

Duration 3 hours

Training Preparation

Ensure that you have the following items during your class:
 Standard classroom setup
 Teacher’s Guide
 Student handouts
 Projector (if available)
 Easel Sheets
 Writing implements: pen, paper, white board markers, etc.
 Power Point Presentation (SPMBUSCOM003 v2013)

Facilitator Tip Before you deliver:

 One Minute Tip: Ask why are you teaching/training at all. What
are the participant’s objectives? What should participants think
or do at the end of the course?
 Have all training materials ready
 If a projector is not available, use handouts or write on white
board or flip chart/easel sheet.
 Prepare visual aids (diagrams and others), as necessary
 Easel Sheets should always be placed in front, visible to everyone
in the class

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Time-based Agenda

Topic Subtopic Duration

Review and Introduction
10 minutes
Communication Defined Pass the Message
15 minutes
The Communication The transactional Model
Process 15 minutes

Intrapersonal Communicating with Oneself

Communication 20 minutes

Dyadic Interpersonal
Interpersonal Communication
Communication Small Group Communication 60 minutes
Effective Small Group
Effective Team Communication

Public Communication
Mass Communication Effective Public Communication
Mass Com Advantages and 60 minutes

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Colloquial or Informal spoken language
Something that occurs between people of different cultures including different
religious groups or people of different national origins

To speak slightingly about a person in order to lower a reputation or rank

Email Blast
A single sending of many electronic messages to many people at the same time

Also called a circular, handbill or leaflet, is a form of paper advertisement
intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in a public place
or through the mail.

To prove wrong by argument or evidence

Text blasts
A free application that allows community groups to communicate with their
followers using mass text messages

Transactional Model
A model that sees communication or negotiation of meaning in two or more
parties responding to their environment and each other

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Review and Introduction

Duration: 5 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM003 slide 2
Student Workbook: n/a

MAKE your introductions. Review last session’s lesson.

Show the course’s objectives.

Slide 2

Before showing slide # 3, ask the students to complete this statement:

“Without communication _______________________.”

Take note of their answers and use these to transition to the discussion.
Show slide 3 and ask the students to choose which statement is true about

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Communication Defined

Duration: 15 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM003 slide3 and 4
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 3

Tell the participants that all the definitions speak of communication. Show
slide # 4.

Slide 4

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Communication Defined

Communication is Human: Although animals communicate, only human

beings use spoken language to communicate. Business communication is all
about human communication.

Communication is a Process: Communication is a continuous, ongoing

process. Being so, it is affected by different factors.

Communication is Symbolic: Communication is a process by which

information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of
symbols, signs, or behavior.

The Communication Process

Duration: 15 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM003 slide 5 and 6
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 5

Pass the Message

Divide the class into groups (10-12 members) and tell them to stand in line.
Tell them that you will be communicating a message to the first person who
in turn would have to pass the message to the second person. The second
person would have to pass the message to the third and so on until the
message reaches the last person. The last person would have to go to the
board and write the answer on the board.

You may choose any verse from the Bible or use not so popular tongue
twisters or lines from a not so popular song.

You may have two rounds/sets.

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After the activity, ask the students what their challenges were during the
activity and how they were able to get the message to the last person or
why they were not able to. Ask them how the activity is reflective of the
communication challenges that they may have encountered or heard about.
Transition to the next slide by summarizing their insights and tell the
students that the activity mirrors a typical communication process including
the challenges that may come along in the flow of the message. Just like the
activity, the measure of any effective communication is when the right
message gets across the intended recipient/s and moves the recipient/s into
appropriate response or action.

Show slide # 6 and ask the students what they think it means.

Slide 6

Most forms of communication are represented by the transactional model,

where communications are two-way exchanges. This reflects the fact that
we usually send and receive messages simultaneously.

Communication starts when a sender encodes a message, then transmits it

using a channel to convey them to the receiver who decodes them.

A channel is the method in conveying the message. It can be anything from

the most common face-to-face interaction, to telephone, voice mail, email,
chat etc.

It is important that you use the appropriate channel, as this can make a big
difference in your message. For example, an email will not have the same
impact as a face-to face interaction.

In this model, the sender also responds as there is feedback from both the
sender and receiver. Feedback is a receiver’s response to a message. Note
that not all feedback is verbal. Someone yawning or sleeping while you are
talking is an example of such.

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Note that meanings also rely heavily on the sender and receiver’s reality or
environment. For example, in the activity, it was easier for those who are
familiar with the verses or songs to transmit the message. Our
environments help us understand others’ behavior and messages, but can
also heavily affect the way we perceive the message.

Noise is anything that may interfere with effective communication. This can
be anything, from actual noise to mispronounced words, distracting
movements, etc.

Ask the students to cite examples of noise during their activity.

In the transactional model:

Feedback is the seen and understood response of a receiver to a sender’s


Both parties involved are sending and receiving messages simultaneously

Noise and environment are also elements involved with the transactional

Intrapersonal Communication

Duration: 20 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM003 slide 7 and 8
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 7

We have different reasons for and preferences in communicating. We also

communicate differently in various levels or degrees.
Slide 8
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Me, Myself and I

Do the activity as indicated on Slide 8

Tell the students to imagine and examine their thoughts in each of the
following situations:
a. You were walking on a street, then, suddenly you come across a
couple arguing loudly.
b. You go to a party and you see someone wearing exactly the same
clothes that you have on.
c. You pause a minute, and look at the audience before beginning a
3-minute speech

Self-talk is the inner speech that includes the questions and comments you
make to yourself. It is a powerful influence. You use it when you:

Think things through

Interpret events
Interpret messages of others
Respond to your own experience
Respond to your interactions with others

It can serve different purposes, it can be for self-awareness, decision-

making or building perceptions about yourself and your environment. Can
you think of other purposes/benefits of intrapersonal communication?

Research has shown than positive self talk increases focus, concentration
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and performance.

Interpersonal Communication

Duration: 60 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM003 slide 9 to 11 to 16
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 9

You and I

Do the activity as indicated on Slide 9.

Tell the students to face their seatmate and talk about their answer to the
following questions:
a. If money wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing right now?
b. If you could take the place of a famous person for a day, who would
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you like to be? Why?

Dyad means two things of similar kind or nature or group and dyadic
communication; it is face to face verbal communication between two
persons involving their mutual ideas, thought, behaviour, ideals, liking and
disliking. Dyads are the most common communication setting. Even
communication in larger groups consists of small dyadic interactions.

As for example we can cite the case of the dyadic communication between
Jesus and Peter or between Socrates and Plato.

It is considered identical to an interpersonal communication. However, not

all interpersonal communications are dyads.

Slide 10


Do the activity as indicated on Slide 10.

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Convene with your group and create a group name. Also, think of a 30
second cheer for your group.

Small group communication is the communication that is carried out within

a small group. A small group is generally defined as a group that consists of
at least three members or a maximum of around twelve to fifteen
members. A small group may be a professional group, an educational group
or a social group, for example, a family, class, athletic team, etc.

A group should have:

1. Interaction: Members of the group must interact. Without it, it isn’t

called a group. For example, people who are in the same place, looking
at a car accident can’t be considered a group in our context. If they
started working together, providing first aid, etc., then they will be
considered a group.
2. Interdependence: In groups, members are interdependent. The
behavior of one person affects all the other members of the group.
Interdependence refers to people who need each other. The
relationship between a manager and a direct report is an example of
3. Time: Most groups spend more time interacting, rather than just a short
period of time.
4. Size: A bigger group would have less interaction and interdependence.
5. Goals: Most groups have a common goal that is aligned with their
individual goals. For example, an athletic team wants to win games.

Slide 11

Effective team communication is vital in any group. In a small group, it is a

mix of good manners, good attention and open-mindedness. You should
think before you speak and never raise your voice unnecessarily.

Consider the personalities, preferences, temperaments and personal

objectives of group members before communicating with them.
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• Ask if everyone understands what the team goals are. Ask for inputs
and feedback from all members.
• Listen carefully to what the other person is saying and don't interrupt
until someone has finished talking. .
• Make sure every member of the group gets the chance to speak.
• Be open minded. If you've come to the meeting with your mind already
made up, there's little point in having a discussion.
• When responding to someone's question or statement, repeat it to
make sure you have heard and understood it correctly.
• Do not disparage anyone for their views and don't refute any point by
taking personal shots at the speaker. Address the issue.
• Watch your body language. It is more effective than what you say. So if
you are angry and look angry, that is going to convey itself to the other
members in your small group.
• If there are any misunderstandings, clear them up in a calm manner.
• If you don't understand any point, speak up and ask questions. Get it
clarified before you all move on.
• Be polite always.

Before you show slide # 12 and do the activity as indicated in the slide, ask
the students what they feel about speaking in public. Ask them their
challenges and coping mechanisms.

Mass Communication

Duration: 60 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM003 slide 12 to 16
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 12

Slide 12 (continuation)

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In public communication, one or a few people are likely to deliver their
remarks and the rest act as an audience.

In most settings, the audience isn’t able to talk back as much as in a dyad
or a small group. In a way, this is the setback for public communication
because the sender of the message will most likely not get any immediate
or direct feedback. Public communication is rarely done in business
organizations except during townhall meetings.

Slide 13

Public speaking or speaking before an audience has been rated as the

number one fear among individuals. But this fear may be minimized by
observing the following:

Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more about it
than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories and
conversational language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say.

Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan
on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words; Practice, pause
and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.

Know the audience. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive.
It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to strangers.
Look good, smell good, sound good. Be visually appealing. Relax.

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Confidence is everything. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you
time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and count to three before saying
anything. ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand.
Pause. Begin.) Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm.

Begin with something to get the attention of the audience. This might be
a startling statement, statistic, or your own story.
Listeners pay close attention when a person begins with, “Two weeks ago
as I was driving to work a car pulled out in front of me….” You could begin
with a current event: “You might have read in the paper this morning
about the flood that….” A question is another way to make people listen.
“How many of you feel our society spends too much on medical care?”
might be a way to begin a presentation about curbing costs.

Go beyond Words
Eye contact: Look at the audience as you speak. If it is a small audience,
you can look at each person in a short period of time.
Use gestures and non-verbal language: Be visually appealing and don’t be
so stiff. Gestures help you ease your nerves as well.

Remember that big movements can be too distracting. (moving around too
much, tapping your foot, hand in the pocket)

Be energetic in delivery. Speak with variety in your voice. Slow down for a
dramatic point and speed up to show excitement. Pause occasionally for

Include visual aid

To add interest and understanding to your speech, include a visual aid. A
visual aid could be an object, a flip chart, a PowerPoint presentation,
overhead projector slides, or a dry erase board. Whatever visual you are
using, make sure everyone can see it. Don’t allow the visual to become a
silent demonstration. Keep talking as you show the visual. You are still the
main event and your visual is an aid. Look at your audience, not your

One never becomes a “perfect” speaker; developing public speaking skills
is a life-long experience. But the points discussed here will get you started
in becoming the speaker you want to be and the speaker your audience
wants to hear.

Tell the students: But if public speaking really kills you, there are other
ways to reach out a large audience in an equally effective manner.
Show slide # 14 and do as indicated in the slide.

Slide 14

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Tell the students to think about a memorable or interesting advertisement

they have come across. Share this with the class.

Business organizations prefer to use mass communication to reach a large


The availability of various communication media has made mass

communication a lot more feasible.

Other forms of mass communication are email blasts, posters and

tarpaulins, flyers, text blasts and audio visual presentations.

Mass Com Advantages and Disadvantages

Divide the class into small groups and assign two forms of mass
communication to each group. Tell them to identify the
strengths/advantages and weaknesses/disadvantages of these forms of
mass communication.

Tell them to present their output and encourage the other members of the
class to add their input.

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Summarize the presentations.

Show slide # 15. Explain the group project. Give the class one week to work
on the project.

Slide 15

Recap the module and do a quick check of understanding.

Slide 16

Business Communication Teacher’s Guide Session 3

Date Developed: 2013_01 page 56 SMPBUSCOM003 v2013 QCCI
Business Communication
Teacher’s Guide
Communication Competence
Session 4

Exclusive property of BPAP. This material or any portions thereof may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in
any manner and for any purpose without the prior written approval of BPAP.

Purpose This module discusses the importance of communication competence in

their day to day interactions.

Participants Participants of this course are students in the collegiate level.

Course By the end of this course, students should be able to:

 Describe the role and function of communication in their
everyday lives
 Show an understanding of communication competence and
its role in everyday interactions

Duration 3 hours

Training Preparation
Checklist Ensure that you have the following items during your class:
 Standard classroom setup
 Teacher’s Guide
 Student handouts
 Speakers
 Projector (if available)
 Easel Sheets
 Writing implements: pen, paper, white board markers, etc.
 Power Point Presentation (SMPBUSCOM004 v2013 QCCI)
 Session 4 – Appendix A : Communication Competence Self-

Facilitator Tip Before you deliver:

 One Minute Tip: Ask what you can convey in the available time?
At what intellectual level will you relay the lesson?
 Have all training materials ready
 If a projector is not available, use handouts or write on white
board or flip chart/easel sheet.
 Prepare visual aids (diagrams and others), as necessary
 Easel Sheets should always be placed in front, visible to everyone
in the class

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Time-based Agenda

Topic Subtopic Duration

Review and Introduction Intro Activity: That Sounds Alien 15 minutes
Functions of Physical Needs
Communication Identity Needs
45 minutes
Social Needs
Practical Needs
The What and Why of Misconceptions on Communication
Communication 60 minutes

Communication What is Communication

Competence Competence
Achieving Communication
50 minutes
Components of Communication
Communication 10 minutes


To regard with disgust and hatred
The quality or state of being correct or precise
Steady or faithful attachment : fidelity
The quality of being just right for the requirements
Blow off steam
To do or say something that helps you get rid of strong feelings or energy
The quality of being clear, in particular

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Glossary (continuation)
Something logical or consistent and something that makes sense as a whole
Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it
The quality of being understood
A common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, loss of interest or
pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings
of tiredness and poor concentration
The degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted
problems are solved. In contrast to efficiency, effectiveness is determined
without reference to costs and, whereas efficiency means "doing the thing
right," effectiveness means "doing the right thing"
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Basis of credibility of a person who is perceived to be knowledgeable in an area
or topic due to his or her study, training, or experience in the subject matter
Global Company
A corporation that is registered in more than one country or that has operations
in more than one country. It is a large corporation which both produces and
sells goods or services in various countries.[2] It can also be referred to as an
international corporation.
The act of making someone part of something
Lashes out
To burst into or resort to verbal or physical attack
Social Isolation
The absence of social interactions, contacts, and relationships with family and
friends, with neighbors on an individual level, and with ''society at large" on a
broader level
Social Needs
In Maslow’s hierarchy include such things as love, acceptance and belonging

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Review and Introduction

Duration: 15 minutes
Presentation: SMPBSCOM004 slide 2 and 3
Student Workbook: n/a

MAKE your introductions. Review last session’s lesson.

Show the course’s objectives.

Slide 2

Before showing slide 3, ask the students who would like to work for a
global company and why they would like to.

Take note of their answers and use these to transition to the discussion.

Can you teach an alien?

Slide 3

Tell the students that they would need to teach an alien (YOU) to wear a
jacket in not more than five minutes but they are forbidden from the

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1) using words that pertain to colors, shapes, size, texture and
2) using local languages (ENGLISH ONLY)
3) using gestures
4) making illustrations or sketches

Students have to take turns in giving the instructions to the alien.

Alternatives: Teach someone (a baby, a foreigner, an alien etc.) to eat
balut, use a spoon and fork etc.) You may create your own scenario.

Process the activity

1) How were you able to achieve your goal? Or why were you not able
to achieve your goal?
2) What were the challenges that you encountered?
3) How were you able to overcome these challenges?

Functions of Communication

Duration: 45 minutes
Presentation: SMPBSCOM004 slide 4 to 11
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 4

The amount of time we spend communicating everyday is immeasurable.

This is so because communication satisfies most of our needs: physical,
identity, social and practical needs.

You may refer to the previous activity and ask what needs were satisfied
by communicating to the alien.

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Slide 5

Stuck in an Island

Slide 5 continuation

Communication is crucial to our health. Lack or absence of communication

can lead to health problems. Social isolation, for example, can lead to
depression and mental problems.

Slide 6

Communication is not just for survival. It is also the means, the ONLY
means for us to learn and define who we are. Are we smart or stupid? Do
people like us? Are we attractive?

Most scholars agree that we are most attracted to people who confirm our

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identity. Most of the messages that we create are attempts to get others
to view us the way we want to be seen.

Slide 7

Back Feedback

• Tell the class to bring out one whole sheet of paper (or you may
provide each one a short bond paper).
• Tell them to tape the paper on their back.
• On your signal, they will go to each student and write one word that
they think describes that student best. It can be a describing word, an
object, an action word, etc.

Process the activity. Ask the students:

1) Did some of the words on the paper match your perception of

2) How accurate are they?
3) Did you get new input on your self-image?
4) How do you feel about this?

Before you show slide # 8, ask the students how many are familiar with the
original Tarzan. Ask why he is not able to talk and communicate the way
humans do.
Show slide # 8. Ask someone to read the story.

Slide 8

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Discuss reasons that led to Victor’s behavior. How could the absence of
communication with human beings have led to this behavior?

Slide 9

Some of the social needs we satisfy by communicating are:

 Pleasure: because it’s fun communicating using various tools; to

have a good time
 Affection: to help others, let others know that I care
 Inclusion: because I need someone to talk to, or listen, because it
makes me less lonely
 Relaxation: because it lets me unwind
 Control: because I want someone to do something for me, to get
something I don’t have or can’t do

Hi! It’s nice to meet you!

Divide the class into small groups. Show slide 10.

Slide 10

Do as indicated in the slide.

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Tell the students to:
• Recall the first time they met their best friend, a long lost relative,
your partner, or a person close to their heart.
• How was that first meeting? What did you talk about?
• Share your stories with the class.

After the activity, solicit for insights focused on communication as means

to satisfy certain social needs.

Slide 11

Communication is used to achieve our everyday needs

- to get where we need to go
- to accomplish what we need to accomplish
- to better understand our environment and what is expected of us

The What and Why of Communication

Duration: 60 minutes
Presentation: SMPBSCOM004 slide 12 to 14
Student Workbook: n/a

Tell the students that some misconceptions on communication may,

however, affect the smooth flow of messages and therefore may largely
impact on the reaction or response of the people involved in the
communication process.

Show slide # 12. Ask someone to read the slide.

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Slide 12

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Process the story. ASK

1) What happened and why?

2) How could it have been prevented?
3) How could the conversation be improved?

Summarize the answers and transition to the next slide by saying that
some conflicts may be avoided or minimized when we better understand
and correct certain misconception about communication.

Slide 13

 Communication Does Not Always Require Complete

There are forms of communication that do not completely require
understanding. For example, when you ask someone “How are
you?”, and he says “ I’m okay”., this is just mutual
acknowledgement and it is not necessary to exchange information.

 More Communication is Not Always Better

Although it is certainly true that not communicating enough is a

mistake, there are situations where too much communication may
do more damage. Communication is not always a good thing. It
could be unproductive, like trying to talk a problem to death and
end up going around in circles.
There are even times when no communication is necessary. For
example, a salesman needs to give you time to just think about a
product. Or when both parties are angry, it’s best to blow off
steam and not say anything.

 No single Person or Event Causes Another’s Reaction

Communication skills can make a big difference, but sometimes,
it’s not just communication. There are underlying “realities” or
factors that affect how people react to communication. For

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example, Mark was having a bad day at work. What Sarah said
didn’t necessarily trigger Mark’s reaction, but it was Mark’s state
of mind.

 Communication Will Not Solve All Problems

This is just an assumption. Not everything can be solved by
communication. Sometimes it is even necessary not to

 Meanings rest in People, Not Words

Meanings are greatly affected by people’s realities and
interpretations. For example, “I hate you” can mean, “ I don’t
really hate you, I just wanna make you feel bad” or “ I totally abhor
you” or “I really like the way you catch me unaware.”

 Communication is Not Simple

Although humans learn to communicate as a way of life,
communication, or effective communication takes time, influence
and practice.

Show slide # 14. Do as instructed in the slide.

Helping Sarah and Mark

Slide 14

Communication Competence

Duration: 50minutes
Presentation: SMPBSCOM004 slide 15 to 28
Student Workbook: n/a

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Show slides 15-20 and do as instructed in slide 15.

Interpreting Pictures

Slides 15-20

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Summarize the students’ insights and observations then ask: Why should
we want to become more competent communicators?

Take note of their answers then transition to slide # 21.

Slide 21

What is communication competence?

Communication Competence is "the ability to interact well with others".

The term 'well' refers to accuracy, clarity, comprehensibility, coherence,
expertise, effectiveness and appropriateness" -Spritzer (1988)

Some people may speak good English – correct pronunciation, appropriate

intonation and correct grammar but they are not necessarily competent

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Show slides # 23-25 and discuss as you go through them.

Slide 23

How can we become more effective communicators?

1. Adaptability (flexibility) - The ability to change behaviors and goals
to meet the needs of interaction ; being sensitive to amount and
type of info ; being articulate- ability to express ideas through
language; ability to use humor in adapting to social situations;
ease tensions
2. Appropriateness - The ability to choose appropriate behavior
based on a situation; knowing what appropriate responses would
be in a given situation
3. Communication Skills - Use of language in communication;
articulation, grammar, cohesiveness, clarity and tone. This can be
improved over time and through practice
4. Conversational Management
a. How communicators regulate their interactions
b. Who controls the interaction flow and how smoothly the
interaction proceeds
c. How topics proceed and change
5. Empathy The ability to demonstrate understanding and share
emotional reactions to the situation; putting yourself in their shoes
or understand their point of view
6. Self-monitoring - Paying close attention to one’s own behavior and
using this to instruct oneself on how to behave. Ability to
determine when to speak or not, or if you are saying something
awkward. Listening to oneself.

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Slides 24

Communication competence includes three components:

Slides 25

1. The Content
a. The message (The what)
Example: All employees need to update their dependents names.
b. The reason (The why)
As reference for the new medical benefits
c. The way (The how)
Get the form from the HR office and fill out the necessary
d. The timeframe (The when)
From January 5-23, 20__
e. The impact/result (The So what happens next)
Compliance will facilitate the issuance of medical cards
f. The expectation (The what you ought to do)
All employees should comply with all the requirements and
provide the correct data/information
g. The consequence (The What happens if the message fails)
Dependents may not get their medical cards and won’t be able to
avail of the benefits

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Slide 26

2. The Manner
a. The Delivery - Your tone of voice, volume, language, pacing,
the communication tool/gadget used
b. The Emphasis (What you emphasize)
c. The Timing
d. The Approach – suitability to the culture of the team and
sensitivity to individual differences and preferences

Slide 27

3. The Form
a. The Heart (Your sincerity, your passion, your compassion –
listening before reacting)
b. The Confidence (Your EQ – staying calm all throughout; the
way you carry and handle yourself and the way you respond to all
questions; your adherence and full understanding of the message)

The Credibility (Your character, your track record, your integrity)

Show slide # 26 and do the activity as instructed in the slide.

International Conference

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Slide 28

Process the activity. Show slide # 27. Give each student a copy of the
evaluation sheet.

Self –Assessment Communication Competence

Duration: 10 minutes
Presentation: SMPBSCOM004 slide 29 to 30
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 29

Recap the key points of the module.

Slide 30

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Instructions: Answer each item honestly as it currently applies to you in typical conversations
with others. Use the following scale:
1 2 3 4 5
strongly slightly unsure slightly strongly
disagree disagree agree agree

1. I want to adapt my communication behavior to meet others’ expectations.

2. I use a wide range of behaviors to adapt to others. (ex. Not saying anything or verbalizing
your discomfort in awkward situations)
3. I want to be involved in the conversations I have with other people.
4. I know how to respond because I am attentive to others’ behaviors. (ex. I stop talking about
a subject when the other person looks uncomfortable)
5. I show my involvement in conversation both nonverbally and verbally.
6. I want to make my conversations with others go smoothly.
_____ 7. I continually try to improve my communication skills to help me interact better.
8. I know how to change topics and control the tone of my conversations.
9. I want to understand other people’s viewpoints and emotions.
____10. I know that empathy means. I try to see it through their eyes and feel what they feel.
11. I show my understanding of others by showing that I am listening and clarifying what I don’t
12. I want to communicate with others in an appropriate manner.
13. I am aware of the rules that guide social behavior.
14. I ensure that what I say is appropriate to the situation. I think before I speak.

Overall Total


Higher values indicate more communication competence.

Lower values indicate less communication competence.

**Based on Spitzberg & Cupach’s INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE Self-Assessment

Business Communication Teacher’s Guide Session 4

Date Developed: 2013_01 page 74 SMPBUSCOM004 v2013 QCCI
Business Communication
Teacher’s Guide
Communication in the Workplace
Session 5

Exclusive property of BPAP. This material or any portions thereof may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in
any manner and for any purpose without the prior written approval of BPAP.
Purpose This module introduces the students to different channels of
communication and how to choose the appropriate medium of
communication. This module also discusses the various barriers of
communication. The students will likewise be introduced to the 3P

Participants Participants of this course are students in the collegiate level.

Course By the end of this course, students should be able to:

 Familiarize themselves with the channels of communication
 Choose the appropriate medium of communication
 Identify and minimize, if not eliminate, barriers of communication
 Apply the 3P Method in communication

Duration 3 hours

Training Preparation
Checklist Ensure that you have the following items during your class:
 Standard classroom setup
 Teacher’s Guide
 Student handouts
 Speakers
 Projector (if available)
 Easel Sheets
 Writing implements: pen, paper, white board markers, etc.
 Power Point Presentation (SMPBUSCOM005 v2013 QCCI)
 Session 5 - Appendix a: The 3Ps Model: Using Euphemisms

Facilitator Tip Before you deliver:

 One Minute Tip: Know your audience. Age, prior learning and
experience, mindset?
 Have all training materials ready
 If a projector is not available, use handouts or write on white
board or flip chart/easel sheet.
 Prepare visual aids (diagrams and others), as necessary
 Easel Sheets should always be placed in front, visible to everyone
in the class

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Time-based Agenda
Topic Subtopic Duration
Review and Introduction
10 minutes
Channels of Communication Traditional Communication Channels
Current Approaches 50 minutes

Choosing the Medium of Appropriateness

Communication Reinforcement
Preferences 30 minutes

Effectiveness of Communication The Best Channel

Channel 30 minutes

Verbal Barriers
Barriers to Communication Non-verbal Barriers
40 minutes
Identifying the Noise

The 3Ps Model

20 minutes


A lack of decisiveness or commitment resulting from a failure to make a choice
between alternatives
The quality of being just right for the requirements
The ability to express needs, desires, values and opinions in a direct and confident
The act or an instance of giving instructions or preparatory information to someone
The means by which messages are conveyed (medium)
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another
a word or phrase used in place of a term that might be considered too direct, harsh,
unpleasant or offensive

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Formal Channel
Transmits organizational information, such as goals and policies and procedures and
messages follow a chain of command

Global company
Refers to a company that operates in more than one country or that operates in
foreign countries
Not suitable or proper in the circumstances
Informal Channel
Fall outside of the formal chain of command structure but employees can still receive
important organizational information, in a relaxed, informal atmosphere like in the
quality circles, team work and lunchtime in the cafeteria of an organization
Inoffensive Expressions
Indirect expression substituted for one that is offensive or too harsh
Interpersonal Relationships
Social associations, connections, or affiliations between two or more people which
may vary in differing levels of intimacy and sharing, implying the discovery or
establishment of common ground, and may be centered around something(s) shared
in common
An internal or private network that can only be accessed within the confines of a
company, university, or organization
a special type of language used by a trade or profession or a particular group of
Lean Channel
Uses more words to help the recipient of your message avoid misunderstanding
Media Theorist
Someone who studies the content, history and effects of various media
Reaching out in several directions
Organizational Communicators
Someone who collects and coordinates all the activities of an organization or a society
to reach the goals of both individuals and the [collective] group
Organizational policy
A set of policies and principles, rules and guidelines formulated or adopted by an
organization to reach its long term goals and typically published in a booklet or other
form that is widely accessible
Over abstraction
The use of too many abstract words making it difficult for the receiver to visualize
exactly what the sender has in mind

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Planned Redundancy
An anticipated provision or existence of more than one means or resources to
perform an activity or function

General assembly for all participants in a conference or other formal gathering
The process whereby a social or political group is divided into two opposing sub-
groups with fewer and fewer members of the group remaining neutral or holding an
intermediate position
A greater liking for one alternative over another or others
An event, a circumstance, or a condition that increases the likelihood that a given
response will recur in a situation
Rich Channel
Those handling multiple inherent cues simultaneously, such as using feedback,
nonverbal cues, and several senses like face-to-face meeting, which employs
feedback as well as audio and visual senses
Popular words or phrases used by certain groups of people, but which are not used in
formal situations
Technologically Mediated
Any communicative transaction that occurs through the use of two or more electronic
Thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance
Lasting only for a short time; impermanent
To diminish or destroy the effectiveness of something or someone
Unofficial Channel
Refers to the organization's 'grapevine where facts and rumors circulate which are
sometimes correct and factual but are often exaggerated or just plain wrong
Verbal Barriers
To diminish or destroy the effectiveness of something or someone

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Review and Introduction

Duration: 10 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM005 slide 2
Student Workbook: n/a

your introductions. Review last session’s lesson.

Show the course’s objectives.

Slide 2

Before showing slide 3, ask the students who would like to work for a
global company and why they would like to.

Take note of their answers and use these to transition to the discussion.

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Channels of Communication

Duration: 50 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM005 slide 3 to 6
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 3

Communication is made possible through different channels. Channels are

means or tools by which messages are conveyed. The effectiveness of
communication is influenced by the appropriateness of the channel to the
message, purpose of communication and situation.

Ask the students what channels of communication they know. Take note of
their answers.

Slide 4

There are many channels, both traditional and new, by which messages
can be communicated around workplaces or organizations. Such channels
can be:
 one-way (top-down or down-top), two-way or multidirectional
 technologically mediated (for example, via telephone, internal/
external mail, computer or video) or unmediated (for example,
delivered personally)

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 synchronous (sent and received virtually simultaneously) or
asynchronous (received and perhaps responded to at a later time)
 individual (involving a dyad, or two people) or group (involving
more than two people). (Note that communications may be
characterized as Individual → Individual; Individual → Group;
Group → Individual or Group → Group.)
 hard copy (taking a physical form, such as a letter or printed
report) or electronic (viewed and/or stored using an electronic
 permanent or transient (can the message be stored or not?)
 formal or informal (is the message official or unofficial?)
 lean or rich (a rich medium transfers a range of verbal and non-
verbal information, including color, auditory and visual elements).

Recall to the students their previous lesson about small group

communication, mass media communication etc.

Slide 5

Traditional communication channels include:

1. memos
2. formal meetings
3. suggestion boxes
4. plenary or large-scale official briefings
5. team or department briefings
6. newsletters
7. charts and posters.

Current approaches include:

1. email
2. websites—the internet (accessible by all) and intranets (accessible
only by those inside the organization)
3. 360-degree feedback (in which a person is appraised or evaluated
by those above, below and at the same level in an organization)

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4. MBWA (management by walking around), a management
approach that entails leaders simply walking through work areas,
making themselves available to listen to all staff members, rather
than remaining inaccessible in management offices
5. closed-circuit telecast—private television programs broadcast via
cable or satellite throughout an organization
6. videotapes—for example, briefings or training programs
7. position papers—documents outlining organizational policy
8. focus groups—small groups brought together to discuss particular
9. instant messaging—real-time messages sent via computer
networks, often viewed on screen on an ongoing basis
10. ombudsman or ombudswoman—a person whose role is to
mediate conflicts and communication problems within an

Divide the class into 10 groups and assign two communication channels to
each group. Tell them to research more on the assigned topic and to
outline the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Slides 6

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Choosing the Medium of Communication

Duration: 30 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM005 slide 7
Student Workbook: n/a

Slides 7

There are 4 main criteria that should be considered before choosing the
medium of communication:

1. Appropriateness
- Matching the channel to the message itself and the receiver,
audience or target. Channel appropriateness requires you to
choose a channel with strengths greater than its weaknesses in
terms of the nature of the message and the audience or target.

2. Reinforcement
- The surest way to get a message across to others is to use
more than one channel. This means the message may have to
be tailored to different channels, exploiting the strengths of a
particular channel while avoiding its weaknesses.

Communication effectiveness may therefore depend on saying

something more than once, and in different ways.
Reinforcement and repetition, or planned redundancy, applied
through different channels, will increase the chances of the
message getting through.

3. Preferences
While being aware of your own preferences in communication
style, in choosing channels you can work with you should not
reject other channels that are effective but with which you
may not be as comfortable.

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For example, some workplace managers who feel
uncomfortable interacting directly with people may keep them
at arm’s length with a barrage of emails and memos, most of
which are ignored by their staff, who feel demoralized and

These managers may be more effective if they were to hold

informal meetings or begin to trust their area supervisors to
brief staff on important matters.

By contrast, other managers who depend too much on

informal meetings and random conversations may confuse
their staff with inconsistent messages and policies, and could
perhaps benefit from sending out electronic and paper
documents setting out policies in a consistent way.

Practice will help to reduce the shortcomings in your delivery

of messages using new or unfamiliar channels.

4. Transformation
People cannot assume that the channels or media they use
will necessarily convey a message in a neutral and mechanical
way—they may affect or transform the content of the
message in subtle or significant ways, and these effects may
be positive or negative. Indeed, some people may consciously
or unconsciously send out quite different messages depending
on the channels they use (Chandler 2002). In effect, this is
another type of noise in the communication process. Media
theorist Marshall McLuhan once famously claimed ‘the
medium is the message’—in other words, media are not
neutral, but actually transform messages and, ultimately
human institutions.

Effectiveness of Communication Channels

Duration: 30 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM005 slide 8 and 9
Student Workbook: n/a

The effectiveness of the communication Channels depends on:

 matching the channel to the message and the target audience
 repeating and varying the message via different channels to
reinforce the message
 being ready to step outside your comfort zone to use new or
unfamiliar channels

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 being aware that the channel chosen may transform the content of
the message

In order for a communication to be effective, the communicator must be

able to match strategies, messages, channels, and audiences.

Ask the students what channel of communication would be appropriate in

the following scenarios:

1. emergency; a decision has to be made and communicated

2. confidential information to be communicated to an individual; to a
small group; to a large group
3. unpopular uninteresting message
4. urgent and needing response
5. recipients located in different sites; message confidential
6. A midsize construction firm wants to announce a new employee
benefit program.
7. A manager wishes to confirm a meeting time with ten employees.

Slide 8

The best channel through which to convey information will depend on the
situation. Effective organizational communicators use a number of
channels, taking care to ensure that messages are repeated and reinforced
in different ways.

You also need to take account of your own communication style, both to
ensure that you choose channels you can work with and that you do not
reject effective channels with which you are less comfortable.

Practice in the use of new channels should help iron out any shortcomings
in delivery.

The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being

said. - By Peter Drucker

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Slide 9

The context of the communication process is also important. Context

issues include:

Power and status relationships: who has control or influence over whom,
and what are people trying to achieve in sending a particular message?

Cultural factors: do the message sender and receiver understand each

other’s cultural programming (which affects their choice of words and their
non-verbal communication)?

Interpersonal relationships: what dynamics of empathy/lack of empathy

assertiveness/lack of assertiveness, confidence/lack of confidence,
openness/lack of openness exist between receiver and sender?

Time: how does time affect the message? Is it still relevant? Was the
response too quick? For example, did a hesitation undercut the impact of
the response? How does the communication pattern between people
change over seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years?

One must understand that messages may not always be received exactly as
you intended. Sometimes the message may not be received at all; at other
times, they will be received incompletely or inaccurately. The
communicator may have been able to match strategies, messages,
channels, and audiences but there are certain barriers for effective

Ask the students: Can communication still fail despite choosing the
appropriate communication channel? Why? Take note of the answers then
transition to the next topic: Barriers to Communication

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Barriers to Communication
Duration: 40 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM005 slide 10
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 10

Verbal Barriers are related to what you say or write. These include:

1. Inadequate Knowledge or Vocabulary

Before you can even begin to think about how you will communicate
an idea, you must, first of all, have the idea; that is, you must have
sufficient knowledge about the topic to know what you want to say.

2. Differences in Interpretation
Sometimes senders and receivers attribute different meanings to the
same word or attribute the same meaning to different words. When
this happens, miscommunication can occur.

3. Language Differences
This includes the nuances of the same language. For instance, the
English language may have different pronunciation, terms, expressions
depending on whose English language it is (American, Australian,
British, Filipino, Singaporean).

4. Inappropriate Use of Expressions

Examples include: slang, jargon, and euphemisms.

Slang is an expression, often short-lived, that is identified with a

specific group of people. Jargon is the technical terminology used
within specialized groups.

Euphemisms are inoffensive expressions used in place of words that

may offend or suggest something unpleasant.

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5. Over abstraction and Ambiguity
An abstract word identifies an idea or a feeling instead of a concrete
object. For example, communication is an abstract word, whereas
memorandum is a concrete word, a word that identifies something
that can be seen or touched.

Abstract words are necessary in order to communicate about things

you cannot see or touch. However, communication problems result
when you use too many abstract words or when you use too high a
level of abstraction. The higher the level of abstraction, the more
difficult it is for the receiver to visualize exactly what the sender has in

6. Polarization
At times, some people act as though every situation is divided into
two opposite and distinct poles, with no allowance for a middle
ground. What you do not say may also communicate a message.

Ex. you congratulate only one of the three people who took part in
making a company presentation. How would the other two presenters
feel—even though you said nothing negative about their

Non-Verbal Barriers

Not all communication problems are related to what you write or say.
Some are related to how you act. Nonverbal barriers to communication
include inappropriate or conflicting signals, differences in perception,
inappropriate emotions, and distractions.

1. Inappropriate or Conflicting Signals

When we say one thing—for example, that we are pleased to meet
someone—but our actions, posture, or expression suggests something
contradictory, others will usually believe what we do rather than what
we say.

2. Difference in Perception
This may be influenced by people’s differences in orientation,
exposure or experience, knowledge, values etc.

3. Inappropriate Emotions
It is generally more effective to depend on logic instead of emotions
when communicating. Expressions are groups of words whose
intended meanings are different from their literal interpretations.

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Example: Excessive anger can create such an emotionally charged
environment that reasonable discussion is not possible

4. Distractions
Any environmental or competing element that restricts one’s ability to
concentrate on the communication task hinders effective
communication. Such distractions are called noise.

Identifying Noises

Divide the class into small groups and tell them to write as many noises
they can identify. You may either give them flipchart paper/Manila paper
or meta card to write their answers.

Have these posted on the wall.

Ask them which noise do they create and which noise do they find really
distracting when they communicate

The 3Ps Model

Duration: 20 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM005 slide 11 to 18
Student Workbook: n/a

Show the slide to the students and ask them how they would respond
given the situation. You may ask a student to read the situation.

Slide 11

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Tell the students that to deal with such a situation, the 3P Model could give
them a framework

Slide 12

The 3Ps Model provides a practical demonstration of a particular type of

communication. This process helps one focus on one aspect of writing at a
time so that ideas will not be cluttered.

Slide 13

Read through slide 13 and proceed to the succeeding slides (14-16). Ask
the students to identify the 3Ps in the situation and tell them to respond

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Slide 14

How would you respond?

 Turn down the job or negotiate openly for more reasonable hours.
 Be willing to pay the price for a good family life.

You will never be satisfied if you take a job that sets up a constant value

Slides 15

Give Session 5 – Appendix A The 3Ps Model: Using Euphemisms


This is an exercise to practice the use of the 3Ps in writing. Once the
students have the feel on how to use the 3Ps, another exercise will be
provided for the students to practice on. Ideally it will be best to group
them to answer the exercise.

Once Session 5 – Appendix A is processed, then the group can proceed to

answer the 3Ps in Action Scenario in the next slide.

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Slides 16

Slide 17

Recap the key points of the module.

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The 3Ps Model: Using Euphemisms Appropriately

Jane was editing her company newsletter when she came across this paragraph:
Raisa, an administrative assistant, was perspiring as she read about the involuntary
separations at her company. Raisa knew she would soon reach her golden years and was
concerned that the recent revenue enhancements enacted by the state government would
affect her financial position if she should become physically challenged or get the big C
before she died.

Jane realized immediately that this paragraph contained too many euphemisms for the strong, clear,
concise tone she strove for in her newsletter.


1. Underline all the possible euphemisms in the paragraph.

Raisa, an administrative assistant, was perspiring as she read about the involuntary separations
at her company. Raisa knew she would soon reach her golden years and was concerned that the
recent revenue enhancements enacted by the state government would affect her financial
position if she should become physically challenged or get the big C before she died.

2. Because not all euphemisms are bad, consider the appropriateness of each one.
a. administrative assistant: Some people might consider the term a euphemism for “secretary,”
but I think the term implies a higher level of responsibility. In fact, I think I’ll change it to the
more contemporary “administrative professional.”
b. perspiring: I’ll definitely change this to the more direct “sweating.” (After all, did anyone ever
say “perspiring bullets”?)
c. involuntary separations: I’ll call it what it is—“layoffs.”
d. golden years: I could use the more direct “old age,” but that seems harsh—and subjective. I’ll
use “retirement” instead.
e. revenue enhancement: This was a tax increase, and that’s what I’ll call it f.
f. physically challenged: I’ll change to “disabled.”
g. the big C: I’ll call it what it is—“cancer.”

3. Are there other changes you’d make to the paragraph?

While there is nothing wrong with the expression “before she died,” I think I’ll use the gentler
euphemism “before she passed away.”


Raisa, an administrative professional, was sweating as she read about the layoffs at her
company. Raisa knew she would soon reach retirement and was concerned that the recent tax
increases enacted by the state government would affect her financial position if she should
become disabled or get cancer before she passed away.

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Business Communication
Teacher’s Guide
Communication Model and
Session 6

Exclusive property of BPAP. This material or any portions thereof may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in
any manner and for any purpose without the prior written approval of BPAP.

Purpose This module introduces the students to communication models and


Participants Participants of this course are students in the collegiate level.

Course By the end of this course, students should be able to:

 Describe the application of the communication model in business
 Differentiate formal and informal communication
 Illustrate the different directions of communication

Duration 3 hours

Training Preparation
Ensure that you have the following items during your class:
 Standard classroom setup
 Teacher’s Guide
 Student handouts
 Speakers
 Projector (if available)
 Easel Sheets
 Writing implements: pen, paper, white board markers, etc.
 Power Point Presentation (SMPBUSCOM006 v2013 QCCI)

Facilitator Tip Before you deliver:

 One Minute Tip: Establish the gap between participants’
skills/knowledge and those to be acquired during the course.
 Have all training materials ready
 If a projector is not available, use handouts or write on white
board or flip chart/easel sheet.
 Prepare visual aids (diagrams and others), as necessary
 Easel Sheets should always be placed in front, visible to everyone
in the class

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Time-based Agenda
Topic Subtopic Duration
Review and Introduction
5 minutes
Business Communication
10 minutes
Communication Model Five Components
45 minutes
Directions of Formal Communication Network
Communication Informal Communication Network
Common Characteristics of 60 minutes

Group Activity With lesson review, presentation

and processing 60 minutes


The purchase of one company by another in which no new company is formed
Business Communication
The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for
the commercial benefit of the organization; can also refer to how a company shares
information to promote its product or services to potential consumers
Competitive Edge
The ability of being unique in the marketplace and thus differentiating your product,
service, personnel or brand from the rest
Cross-Channel Communication
A type of formal communicational network where there is exchange of information
among employees in different work units who are neither subordinate nor superior to
one another
Domino Effect
A chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby,
which then causes another similar change, and so on in linear sequence
Downward Communication
A type of formal communicational network where the information is transmitted from
superiors to subordinate
External Stimulus
The stimulus which comes through your sensory organs – your eyes, ears, nose,
mouth and skin

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An individual’s unique perception of reality
Formal Communication Network
Transmission of information through official channels within the organization
An informal communication which is transmitted to non-official channels within the
Horizontal Communication
A type of formal communicational network where the information flows among peers
within the same work unit
Informal Communication Network
Also known as “grapevine”; Transmission of information through non-official channels
within the organization
Internal Stimulus
The stimulus which comes into your mind
The act of suspending or dismissing an employee, as for lack of work or because of
corporate reorganization
The form by which the message is sent
The totality of how a person delivers the information
A consolidation or combination of two companies to form a new company
Non-verbal Medium
The form of facial expressions, gesture or body language by which the message is sent
Personal Communication
The sharing of information by one person directly to another
An opinion or conception formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience,
especially a prejudice or bias
Scholarly Research
Refers to an original research which is based on experimentation
Socioeconomic status
The social standing or class of an individual or group based on income, education,
occupation and involvement in the community
A thing or event that creates within an individual the need to communicate
Upward Communication
A type of formal communicational network where the information is transmitted from
lower-level employees to higher-level employees

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Review and Introduction

Duration: 5 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM006 slide 2
Student Workbook: n/a

MAKE your introductions.

Before showing slide # 2, tell the students to think of anything that to them
would best explain how communication works. Call for volunteers; if there
are none, you may either call anyone or proceed to the discussion.

Slide 2

How does communication work?

Communication is like the human body.

Before showing slide # 3, ask the students to recall the key concepts from
the previous lessons.

Ask: How is our day to day personal communication different with business

Take note of their answers and use these to transition to the next slide.

Communication does not only occur in business. Communication begins

when we were born. The crucial part in establishing relationships,
achieving goals, planning and sending messages across is communication.

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Business Communication

Duration: 10 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM006 slide 3
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 3

Ideally business communication begins with a notice to inform job

vacancies in a certain company. Other times, it begins when an applicant
hands over his resume to the receptionist. The rest is a domino effect.
When their application is in process, the recruiter interviews the applicant
and asks him/her to answer series of tests and interviews. Once they get
accepted, is it the end of business communication? No. Communication is
a continuous process.

Another example, when we go out and buy food, by the time we reach the
counter and give our order, business communication is established. The
person behind the counter listens to the customer, notes the orders, calls
out the order to the kitchen crew, confirms the order and takes the
customer’s payment.

What is the importance of business communication? It is an essential

element and vital part to make a business move. Without that, there will
be no business. Given that communication is something that is vital to
every business’ success, it is important to understand the components on
how the communication process works.

How does communication process work?

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. These

may be shown by spoken, written, or non-verbal communication. Spoken
communication is a message delivered by word of mouth or by speaking.
Written communication is to set the messages down in writing. Non-verbal
communication is delivering messages by means of facial expressions,
gestures and voice qualities.

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Communication Model

Duration: 45 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM006 slide 4 to 7
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 4

Ask the students, as soon as they begin their OJT or begin to find work,
when does business communication begin?

The communication model consists of five components:

1. Stimulus – an event that creates within an individual the need to

communicate. This stimulus can be internal or external. Internal
stimulus is simply an idea that forms within your mind. External stimuli
come to you through your sensory organs- your eyes, ears, nose,
mouth, and skin.

2. Filter – An individual’s unique perception of reality. Based on a

person’s experience, culture, emotions at the moment, personality,
knowledge, socioeconomic status, and other variables influence an
individual’s perception of reality. If everyone has the same assumption
of reality, communication would be easier. Since not everyone has the
same idea of reality, communication can be interpreted in different
ways. Once the brain receives the message, it begins to interpret the
stimulus to derive the meaning from it so that a person would know
how to react on it. Whether an individual would respond or choose not
to respond.

3. Message- This is the totality of how a person delivers the information.

Success at communicating depends not only on the purpose and

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content of the message but also on how skillful the person is in
communicating; how well one knows the person; and how much you
hold in common with the audience.

4. Medium- Once the sender has encoded a message, the next step in the
process is to transmit that message to the receiver. At this point, the
sender must choose the form of message to send. Common forms of
medium are: oral, written, and non-verbal. Oral communication
happens in a meeting, personal conference, telephone conversation,
voice mail, press conference, etc. Written may be in the form of a
memo, report, newsletter, email, letter, contract, manual, etc. Non-
verbal communication may be observed in facial expressions, gestures,
and body language.

5. Destination– The message is transmitted and then enters the sensory

environment of the receiver, at which point control passes from the
sender to the receiver. Once the message reaches the destination,
there is no guarantee that communication will actually occur. Every
individual has their own perception on reality and the communication
they received may be interpreted either the way the sender intends or
the other way around.

Ideally, the process ends with feedback to the sender, although feedback is
not necessary for communication to take place.

Show slide # 5. Ask a student to read it.

Slide 5

Ask: Where do you think communication failure would likely happen?


Show slide # 6. Use the story to explain the diagram/model.

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Slide 6

Continue relating the story as follows:

The Story of Dave Kaplan Continued…

So, David proposed to IC to market his invention. After some point in time,
the head of research and Development sent David a memo regarding their
decision on his proposal. They had decided not to manufacture and
market his product. David felt that the company was not interested in his
invention. He thought about his brother Marc and decided to relay this
information. He called Marc.

On the other side of the city, Marc heard his phone ring and picked it up.
His brother David was on the other line. David explained about the
invention he wanted to market, Marc on the other hand listened to his
brother and gave his reaction.

Before continuing the story further, discuss with the students the facts
stated and relate it to the components of communication as stated below:

David had received a stimulus: which was when he received the
memorandum from the head of R&D.

Filter – David filters the stimulus

David then interprets the memo to mean that IC has no interest in his

Message – David forms a message

David decides to relay this information to his brother.

Medium – David selects a medium (telephone/verbal communication)

He telephones Marc.

Destination – David was able to reach his brother Marc via the medium
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His brother receives the call.

Feedback – Marc provides feedback

Marc listens and gives Dave his reaction.

Slide 7

Continue relating the story as follows:

The Story of Dave Kaplan Continued…

At the time of Dave’s call, Marc was sitting alone in his office at a Chicago
advertising agency sampling different brands of cheese pizza. As a
marketing manager in charge of a pizza account, he was preoccupied with
finding a competitive edge for his client’s product, and his perception of
Dave’s message was filtered by his current situation. To hear his scientist
brother, the MIT graduate who all his life had preferred to pursue solitary
scholarly research suddenly erupting over the phone with the idea of
starting a business contradicted Marc’s lifelong preconceptions about

On the call, Dave said: “Let’s form our own company.”

On the other hand, Marc replies saying: “You’re crazy Dave, you don’t
know what you’re talking about.”

Dave is a scientist, while Marc is a businessman.

Dave knew that his message was not convincing enough for Marc. Dave
had to change his message in a way that always caught Marc’s attention
even when they were kids. Dave said: “You’re chicken Marc”. Dave had
kept challenging Marc, something he knew Marc couldn’t resist, and kept
reminding him of their common ground: all the happy adventures they had
shared as kids and adults.

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Knowing the scenario, we will now attempt to understand both men and
relate it to the components of communication.

Stimulus - Marc had received a stimulus which was Dave’s call.

Filter – Marc filters the stimulus

Marc knows that his brother is a scientist and knows nothing about setting
up a business.

Message – David forms a message

David had heard his brother’s disinterest to what he was saying and he
knew he had to change his message. A message he knew would work on
his brother because he had known him ever since.

Medium – David continues to use the phone to talk to Marc

Destination – Marc had stayed on the phone to listen to David

Feedback- Marc was challenged. Marc was challenged by David’s remarks

and listened to his brother’s proposal.

Transition to the next slide by saying: The same communication flow

applies in a business setting but only in a larger scale.

Directions of Communication

Duration: 60 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM006 slide 8 to 10
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 8

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For an organization to be successful, communication must flow freely
through formal and informal channels.

This is an example of an organization chart.

In this illustration, David Kaplan is the president of the company, reporting
directly to him is Diana Coleman, Vice President Administration. Diana is
handling 3 different departments, namely Human Resources which is
headed by Jean Tate, Finance which is headed by Larry Haas, and OIS
which is headed by Eric Fox. In each department, they have their
subordinates reporting to the heads of each department.

For any business organization to be successful, communication must follow

two directions:

• Formal Communication Network- transmission of information

through official channels within the organization

• Informal Communication Network- which is also called as

grapevine. It transmits information through non-official channels
within the organization

Slide 9

The Formal Communication Network has 4 types. These are:

1. Downward Communication
This means that information may be transmitted from superiors to
subordinate. As an example, David Kaplan (president of the
company) had sent an email to Diana Coleman asking her about a
computer report. She then confers with Eric Fox. They interact
through written and oral channels, information regarding job
performance, policies and procedures.

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Higher level management communicates with lower level
management through emails, memorandums, conferences,
telephone conversations, company newsletters, policy manuals,
bulletin-board announcements, and videotape.

One of the challenges with the written downward communication

is that management may assume that what is sent downward is
received and understood. (which is not always the case)

2. Upward Communication
This is the flow of information from lower-level employees to
upper-level employees. As an example, Eric Fox had gathered all
the details that Diana was asking from him regarding job
performance and policies and procedures and had communicated
it with Diana. With that all in place, Diana had created the
computer report David was asking about and had set up a meeting
with him to discuss the information.

This type is important because it provides higher management

with the information needed for decision making.

It cultivates employee loyalty by giving employees an opportunity

to be heard, to air their grievances, and to offer suggestions
It provides feedback necessary to let supervisors know whether
subordinates received and understood messages that were sent

This type can take the form of email, memorandums, conferences,

reports, suggestion systems, employee surveys, or union
publications among others.

3. Horizontal Communication
This is the flow of information among peers within the same work
unit (ex. Staff meeting for each department to discuss work
assignments, updates, etc.).

This is important because it helps coordinate work assignments,

share information on plans and activities, negotiate differences,
and develop interpersonal support, thereby creating a more
cohesive work unit.

The more that individuals/departments within and organization

must interact with each other to accomplish their objectives, the
more frequent and intense will be the horizontal communication.

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One of the barriers for this type of communication is the intense
competition for scarce resources, lack of trust among co-workers,
or concerns about job security or promotions.

4. Cross-Channel Communication
Exchange of information among employees in different work units
who are neither subordinate nor superior to one another. Staff
specialists use cross-channel communications frequently because
their responsibilities typically involve many departments within
the organization.

Example: Human Resource personnel communicates with the

different departments informing them to update their tax forms.
Jean Tate then coordinates with other departments to do these.

Because they lack authority to direct those with whom they

communicate, they must often rely on their persuasive skills, as for
instance, when the human resources department encourages
employees to complete a job-satisfaction questionnaire.

Slide 10

The Informal Communication Network is also known as grapevine.

This is the type of communication wherein information is passed on to

different people in the organization through the use of non-official
channels. A simple coffee break is an example of a non-official channel.
Whenever people in the organization get a chance to talk to someone (may
it be meeting at the corridor, or meet while waiting for the photocopier to
finish the task, simple talk, etc) or wherever co-workers come together,
they are likely to hear and pass information about possible happenings in
the organization.

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Employees often say that the grapevine is their most frequent source of
information on company plans and performance. In one survey of 451
executives, 91% reported they typically use the grapevine for information
on company “bad news” such as layoffs or takeovers. 73% for office
politics, and 41% for “good news”

Common characteristics of Grapevine:

• Most information passed along the grapevine (about 80%) is
business related, and most of it (75-95%) is accurate.

• The grapevine is pervasive. It exists at all levels in the organization-

from corporate boardroom to the assembly line.

• Information moves rapidly along the grapevine

• The grapevine is most active when change is taking place and

when one’s need to know or level of fear is highest—during
layoffs, plant closings, acquisitions, mergers, and the like.

• Grapevine is a normal, often vital part of every organization.

Ask : How can an organization stop this type of communication?

Take note of their answers.

The answer to this question is there is no way to eliminate this type of


Because the grapevine is something that would be impossible to stop and

eliminate, competent managers accept its existence and pay attention to
it. They act promptly to counteract false rumors. Most of all, they use the
formal communication network to ensure that all news (positive/negative)
gets out to employees as quickly and as completely as possible. The free
flow of information within the organization not only stops rumors, but is
also simply good business.

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Group Activity and Assignment

Duration: 60 minutes
Presentation: SMPBUSCOM006 slide 11 to 12
Student Workbook: n/a

Slide 11

Ask if there are any questions before you proceed to the group activity.
Break the class into five groups.

Assign each group a topic to role play and should be able to illustrate how
the directions of communication work.

Give each group 5 minutes to prepare their scenario, and 2 minutes to

execute it in class.

• Downward Communication
• Upward Communication
• Horizontal Communication
• Cross-Channel Communication
• Informal Communication/ Grapevine

Give feedback with regard to the presentations.

Recap key points.

Slide 12

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