Google Loon

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1. In today’s world, we seek the service of Internet Service Providers or the ISPs to connect
us to the global network at large. Earlier the telephone companies or the
telecommunication operators provides this service. But the problem with this is that it has
reached only up to 1/3 of the world's population .The remaining 2/3 are not able to get
internet access. There are a lot of problems that the government face in order to provide
internet connection to everyone around the globe. The main reason being,it is not
possible to lay the telecommunication lines all around. Since the developing countries
cannot afford such a huge sum of money to lay fiberoptic cables, this will not be an
optimal solution. We need a high altitude platform to provide internet access to rural and
remote areas around the world . Google has introduced the new idea of balloon powered
internet access. The 'Project loon' is a network of balloons travelling in the
stratosphere,which acts as a wireless station, providing internet to the rural and remote
areas, in a highly cost effective manner.


1. Internet is a global system of interconnected network to serve billions of users. It is a

network of networks.we are bouncing from 3G(Third Generation) to 4G(Fourth
Generation) yet, there are still people who don't have internet access at all. It is found
that, for every two among three of word's population, internet is unreachable
technology.The use of satellite internet communication is also very expensive and
common people cannot afford it. In order to overcome this problem, usage of fibre cable
would not be the optimal solution, since the developing countries cannot afford such a
huge sum of money to lay the cable allover the country. Google searched for the solution
somewhere around likethe skies, which brought out the idea of balloon powered internet

access to all. The quest resulted in 'Project Loon'. Through this they are able to provide
internet access to all the remote areas at a affordable price. The project Loon is a network
of balloons floating around in the edge of sky to connect rural and remote areas. The
balloon travel in the stratosphere, at an altitude of about 20km (kilo metres) above the
earth surface and they provide an aerial wireless network with upto 3G speeds. With the
help of wind data obtained from the NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration) they govern the balloon movements. The balloons are equipped with
transceivers to send and receive signals. These signals travel through the network of
balloons before reaching the ground station, which is inturn connected to ISP(Internet
Service Provider) and joins the global network.


1. The technology implemented in this project avoids use of expensive fiber cables. Most of
the equipments used in loon can be reused and recycled hence this loon is a safe
environment scientific research.

ENVELOPE Fully inflated balloon envelope

1. The inflatable part of balloon made of sheets of polyethylene plastics,which is of about 3

mil or 0.076 mm thickness. It forms the balloon envelope. These balloons are filled with
Helium and stands15m (49ft) wide and 12m (39ft) tall when fully inflated for a height.
They are long-lasting than normal weather balloons and withstand the high pressure from
the air inside as the balloon when it reaches the high float altitude. These are super
pressure balloons and have a maximum life of 55 days. When a balloon is to be taken out
of service, gas is released in a periodic manner for controlled descendent. This is
implemented with the help of a custom air pump system,which used to pump in or release
air from the balloon. Unfortunately, if a balloons drops quickly or when it is to be taken
out of service safely, we deploy a parachute attached to the top of the envelope.


Renewable power source - Solar panels:

1. The electronics of each unit are powered by an array of solar panels conveniently placed
between the envelope and the hardware. In full sun these panels produce a power of
100W (Watt) that is sufficient to keep the unit running and also for charging the battery
for use at night.

Balloon architecture


1. A small box weighing 10kg hangs underneath the inflated envelope which containsall
Wi-Fi circuits, batteries, circuit boards to control the unit and a Linux based computer,
GPS(Geographical positioning System) devices,sensors to record air temperature,altitude
and the speed of balloon movement.Google has not yet conformed the material to be used
for the envelope. The Loon developers suggested that the balloon equipment can be
reused and recycled.


Balloon in stratosphere

1. The project loon balloon moves by navigating the wind in the stratosphere. At
stratospheric altitudes(twice as high as aircrafts fly), 20kmabove the earth surfacewinds
tend to move in specific directions where there are different wind layers. Each layers
varies in direction and magnitude. With the help of wind data obtained from NOAA and
by the use of manycomplex software algorithms, they determine where the balloon must
move. The custom built solar powered pump is used to inflate or deflate the balloon
remotely from the ground. As a result each balloon raise or fall to the desired height and
move in the required direction at required speed. Actual life time of balloons is 100 days
but, Google replaces it constantly once in 55 days for checking which avoids unexpected
failures. By doing so the company aims to keep the balloon updated.Within this time
period it travels approximately 3 times around the globe. The extreme altitude presents
many challenges to the loon like air pressure, very low temperature, thinner atmosphere,
less protection from UV( Ultra Violet) rays, temperature swings. Yet the balloon is able
to overcome all these hurdles and withstand these conditions only by the perfect
designing of balloon envelope. Thus balloons are able to form a large communication
network in the stratosphere.

1. The balloons form a network of airborne hot spots that can deliver Internet access over a
broad area of about 1250 square kilometres at speeds comparable to 3G.For
communication between balloon to balloon and to ground stations it uses a specialized
radio frequency technology. Presently, the project loon uses ISM bands specifically 2.4-
5.8GHz bands.

User antenna to communicate with balloon

1. Each balloon unit has three transceivers for different purposes. One is for balloon to
balloon communication and one more for balloon to ground communication and the other
one is the backup utility. There aretwo main components inside the shell (Control box) :
the radio in the bottom and the antenna towards the top, separated by a reflector plate are
used to establish the network.The top is made up of two green parts that together are
called a "patch antenna". These receive reflected waves that bounce off the reflector and
go up into the patch along with direct waves. Users are able to connect to the network
(balloon) with the help of a basket ball sized antenna attached to our building. It
resembles a big bright red party balloon and is convenient to place anywhere in our
building. The signals are send and received with the help of this antenna.


Transmission of signals

1. Once the trifecta of balloon, antenna and local ISP is complete, each balloon is
theoretically capable of bringing internet connectivity for everyone in a 12 mile radius.
The radios and antennas are designed such that it can send and receive signals from
project loon only. The users send signals by the stationary antenna attached to their
building. The top of the balloon envelope consists of a reflector disc and a pair of patch
antenna kept parallel. The signals fromthe user are reflected to the patch antenna.
Simultaneously, it also receives direct waves. These two waves interfere constructively
only for the correct wavelength that are to be received.The received signals bounces from
balloon to balloon and finally reaches the ground station which are spaced about 100 km
(62 mi) apart and joins the global network with pre-existing internet infrastructure, like
our local telecommunications partners. This is cost effective compared to satellite
communication, where the service cost exceeds the monthly income of a common man.
The developing countries that cannot afford to lay fibre cables is greatly benefited.


1. Project loon is a research and development project. Several pilot tests are done to
improve its performance. One among them was conducted in New Zealand on June 2013
at Christchurch.
Pilot test in New Zealand

2. They offered 18 minutes of balloon based internet for 60 lucky volunteers on 40th
parallel south. Initially 40 balloons were launched. The results of these tests are being
used in the refinement of technology and the feedback is also used for the betterment of
next phase of testing. National Space Research Institute of Brazil (Inpe) ran a test in São
Paulostate. It yielded a positive response. The balloon was able to broad cast an Omni-
directional internet signal from 31 miles away. Google is trying to test all manners of
materials subjecting them to durability, temperature resistance etc., Small private tests
were conducted in California also. These tests are conducted with a motive to add more
sophisticated technologies and to increase the balloons performance.


1. Internet has become one of the basic needs in day to day life. One part of the world is
getting improved in a tremendous speed with the help of internet, while about 2/3 of
population is not even able to access it. Google tried to fill this void by the 'Project Loon'
and fix the broad band problem. Project loon, one of the biggest idea of Google, acts as a
wireless station for an area of about 25miles in diameter. The vision to bring mobile
internet connectivity to billions using balloon. The balloon powered network may sounds
crazy but it might work. Google states that "It is highly experimental technology we have
long way to go". It is an early and inspiring attempt made by the Google to provide
connection to rural and remote areas that deserve internet connection. The launch of this
project made balloons also an option to provide internet access to rural and remote areas
that too in a cost effective manner.



Name: Pankhuri Priya

Roll No-21104

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