UP Diliman - Geol 130 Plants Report

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Centeno, Monje, Servito, Yu

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General Characteristics
1. Nucleated cells
2. Multicellular with high degree of
3. Form gametes in multicellular structures
4. Form embryos
5. Able to synthesize own food by
6. Presence of cuticle (land plants)
General Characteristics
Nucleated Cells
• Also known as Eukaryotes
• Distinct features include:
– Large Central Vacuole for maintaining turgor
– Cell wall composed of cellulose, pectin, and lignin
– Plasmodesmata or communication pathways
– Plastids, such as the chloroplast, which contains
chlorophyll for photosynthesis
General Characteristics
General Characteristics
Differentiation of Cells
• Meristematic cells are undifferentiated cells that
give rise to various organs of the plant, similar to
stem cells in animals.
– Shoot Apical Meristem gives rise to above ground
– Root Apical Meristem gives rise to roots.
– Lateral Meristems produces lateral growth.
• Vascular cambium produces wood as secondary xylem and
• Cork cambium produces cork as the periderm.
General Characteristics
General Characteristics
Gametes and Embryos
• Pollen serves as the vessel for male gametes and
is produced in the stamen of flowering plants or
in the male cones of coniferous and other seed
• Seeds for spermatopsids.
• Young plant attached to an adult plant
(gametophyte) that later separates into an
independent plant for non spermatopsids.
General Characteristics
General Characteristics
• Process that converts light energy from the
sun and transforms it into chemical energy
that is used by the organism for its life
• Uses carbon dioxide and releases oxygen into
the atmosphere, essentially regulating and
maintaining normal oxygen values.
General Characteristics
General Characteristics
• Waxy outer covering that enables plants to
conserve water, allowing for the transition to
• Together with stomata, xylem, and phloem,
allowed for upright growth to maximize sunlight
exposure and minimize water loss by internalizing
exchange surfaces.
• Also used as defense against virus, bacteria, and
General Characteristics
Similarities and Differences
a. Similarites
1) ability to create own food
2) presence of cell walls
b. Differences
1) absence of nucleus
2) gelatinous cell wall
3) location of chloroplast
Similarities and Differences
a. Similarities
1) presence of nucleus
2) presence of cell wall
b. Differences
1) absence of chlorophyll
2) chitinous cell wall
3) absence of differentiation
Similarities and Differences
a. Similarities
1) cellular respiration site (cytosol,
2) response to stimulus
3) capable of reproduction
4) undergo growth and development
b. Differences
1) no cell wall
2) numerous vacuoles or none at all
3) absence of chloroplast
Mode of life and Reproduction
Mode of Life
1. Immobile

2. Habitat
a. water
b. land
Mode of life and Reproduction
Mode of life and Reproduction
Keys for success on land:
• Spores or seeds to resist desiccation.
• Cuticle to prevent desiccation.
• Stomata to allow gas exchange across the cuticle.
• Vascular system for fluid movements.
• Lignification of conducting tubes for resisting
collapse when growing vertically.
– Lignin is a polymer present in all wood tissues which
provides strength and waterproofing.
Mode of life and Reproduction
1. Asexual – new plants are genetically
identical clones of the parent.
2. Sexual
a. spores
b. seeds
c. pollen and flower
Major Parts
Hard parts
1. Roots
2. Stem/bark
3. Palynomorphs
a. Spores
b. Pollens
Hard Parts
Major Parts
Soft parts
1. Leaves
2. Flowers
3. Fruits
Basis for Classification
• Presence or absence of vascular tissues
– Bryophytes
– Tracheophytes
• Mode of reproduction
– Spore-bearing plants (Algae, mosses, ferns)
– Seed-bearing plants (Conifers, flowering plants)
Vascular Tissue

Xylem -> transports water and dissolved minerals to

Phloem -> conducts food from leaves to other parts
The Bryophytes
1. Phylum Bryophyta (mosses)
2. Phylum Marchantiophyta (liverworts)
3. Phylum Anthocerophyta (hornworts)
The Bryophytes

Source: http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://bryophytes.plant.siu.edu/images/Bryo-
The Bryophytes
-non-vascular plants (have no xylem nor
phloem) that are POIKILOHYDRIC
-does not have well-developed tube and root
e.g. Rhizoids instead of roots.
-do not contain lignin but contains cuticle
-patchy fossil records due to low preservation
potential, but oldest fossils are Silurian and
Devonian in age
The Bryophytes

Source: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/80368271/Bryophyte-Life-Cycle
The Bryophytes
-consists of a haploid and diploid generation
- Haploid parts are the gametophytes:
Archegonia – contains eggs (female)
Antheridia – houses sperms (male)
-Diploid part is the Sporophyte
-Undergoes meiosis to produce spores
The Bryophytes
Cross-section of Antheridia – contains sperms

Source: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/80368271/Bryophyte-Life-Cycle
The Bryophytes

Cross-section of
Archegonia –
contains eggs

Source: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/80368271/Bryophyte-Life-Cycle
The Bryophytes
Phylum Bryophyta (mosses)
-upright slender stems, with spirally
arranged leaves
-has a protonemal stage (except for some
liverworts which also have this stage)

• source:http://www.geol.umd.edu/~tholtz/G331/lectures/331plant.html
The Bryophytes
• Protonema
– it is the earliest stage of the haploid
part of the bryophyta.
- It is elongate and threadlike structure that looks like
a filamentous algae (link of bryophytes from algae)
- May develop into a rhizoid, chloronema or
The Bryophytes

Source: http://www.bryoecol.mtu.edu/chapters/5-3Protonema.pdf
The Bryophytes
Caulonema- develops into gametophyte
Chloronema – first thread fromed by the
germinating spore
Rhizoid - attachment to the ground

The Bryophytes
The Bryophytes
Phylum Marchantiophyta (liverworts)
-Same life cycle as the mosses
-mostly don’t have a protonemal stage
-Has no stomata in the capsule
-Unicellular rhizoids
-Can be classified into Leafy liverworts or Thallose
The Bryophytes
Leafy liverworts
-distinguishable by the raw of small under leaves
-leaves are arranged on the stem in one ventral and
two lateral rows or ranks

Source: http://university.uog.edu/botany/Plant_Di/marchantiophyta.htm
The Bryophytes

Thallose liverworts
-bears gametophytes
on raised branches
-flattened ribbon-like to

Riccardia sp.

Source: http://university.uog.edu/botany/Plant_Di/marchantiophyta.htm
The Bryophytes
Phylum Anthocerophyta (hornworts)
-smallest of the three groups of bryophytes
-the most similar plants to algae due to its large and
single chloroplast association in every photosynthetic
-has a symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium
Nostoc which is a Nitrogen fixator
-long sporophytes which look like tapered
Horns, contains meristems which actively
The Bryophytes
Example of a hornwort

Phaeoceros sp.

Source: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/plants/anthocerotophyta.html
Division Tracheophyta
Class Rhyniopsida
• Simple vascular plants
with dichotomously
branching stems and
terminal sporangia
• Mid-Silurian to Early
Division Tracheophyta
Class Lycophyta
• Small to large plants with
lateral sporangia and
(usually) small leaves
• Late Silurian to Recent
Division Tracheophyta
Class Equisetopsida
• Horsetails; vertical
stems with jointed
structure and a whorl
of fused leaves at the
nodes; sporangia
grouped in cones
Division Tracheophyta
Class Filicopsida
• Ferns; dichotomously-
branching flat leaves
which uncurl as they
develop ; sporangia are
grouped in clusters
usually on the
underside of the leaves
• Mid-Devonian to Recent
Division Tracheophyta
Class Progymnospermopsida
• Plants with gymnosperm-
like wood but free sporing
(fern-like) reproduction.
Large members include
early trees such as
Archaeopteris from the
late Devonian
Division Tracheophyta
Class Spermatopsida
- also known as phanerograms
- plants that produce seeds
- Divided into two groups:
- Gymnosperms
- “naked seeds”
- Seeds are unenclosed
- Develop on the surface of scales or leaves, usually modified into cones

- Angiosperms
- Seeds and ovules are enclosed within an ovary
- Distinguishing characteristics:
- Flowers
- Endosperm within the seeds
- Production of fruits that contain the seeds
Class Spermatopsida
Class Spermatopsida
1. Subclass Gymnospermae
1.1. Order Medullosales
1.2. Order Bennettitales
1.3. Order Cycadales
1.4. Order Gingkoales
1.5. Order Coniferales
1.6. Order Gnetales
2. Subclass Angiospermae
Subclass Gymnospermae
Order Medullosales
- Primitive seed plants
with large pollen grains
and unusual stem
- Mississippian to
Subclass Gymnospermae
Order Bennettitales
- Ancestor to the modern cycads
- Bushy to tree-like plants with
sterile scales between the seeds
- Frond-like leaves
- Flower-like cones with enclosing
structures that surround ovules
and pollen sacs
- Late Triassic to Late Cretaceous
Subclass Gymnospermae
Order Cycadales
- Bushy to tree-like plants with
leaf traces that girdle the stem
- Frond-like leaves
- Seeds attach to a
megasporophyll stalk below a
leaf-like structure
- Mississippian - Recent
Subclass Gymnospermae
Order Gingkoales
- Trees with seed-bearing shoots
- Fan-shaped or divided leaves
- Late Triassic to Recent
Subclass Gymnospermae
Order Coniferales
- Conifers
- Trees with resin canals,
needle or scale-like
- Mississippian to
Subclass Gymnospermae
Order Gnetales
- Leaves opposite each
- Flower-like male and
female cones
Subclass Angiospermae
- also known as Magneliophyta
- most diverse group of the land plants
- “flowering plants”
- Early Cretaceous
to Recent
Subclass Angiospermae
• very important paleoclimate indicators:
• Leaf size
– largest leaves are found in tropics, size diminishes as
temperature and moisture decreases.
• Leaf margins
– in tropical areas, margins are smooth and unbroken. In
temperate areas, there are more tooth-margined leaves.
• Drip tips
– tropical rain forest leaves have elongated tips to allow for
dripping during major rainfalls.
• Deciduousness
– the proportion of deciduous trees, or trees that shed all their
leaves in winter or dry seasons, to evergreens are higher in
temperate zones. Tropical trees are more likely to retain leaves all
Subclass Angiospermae
• Lianas
– certain angiosperms grow long, rope like plants that hang down
from trees. These are uncommon in temperate forests. (see along
CP Garcia for example.)
• Vessels in wood
– in areas prone to freezing or drying, vascular canals have special
adaptations to prevent air from filling these canals when water is
scarce. Hence, these canals are narrow and densely packed.
• Growth rings
– in areas with highly seasonal climates, wood grows rapidly and
is hence thicker during warm or wet season. During cold or dry
seasons, growth is slower. It is these variations that give the
rings a degree of seasonality.
Subclass Angiospermae
Evolutionary History
Evolutionary History D. Spread of the bryophytes
A. True Algae E. Rise of the tracheophytes
B. Moving onto Land F. Gymnosperms
C. Adaptations for Life on 1. pteridosperms
Land 2. conifers
1. seeds and spores 3. cycads and
2. surface cuticle cycadeoids
over leaves and G. Angiosperms
stems 1. first appearance
3. stomata for gas 2. radiation and
exchange spread
4. vascular system
5. lignification of
Evolutionary History
True Algae
-the green algae and the first land plants were
Closely related with each other and forms a cladistic
group named Chlorobionta.
-origin of the group was dated back in the Precambrian
-characterized by the possession of chlorophyll b and
similarities in flagellate cells and chloroplasts (Kenrick,
Evolutionary History

Evolutionary History
Moving onto Land
Adaptations for Life on Land
1. seeds and spores
– These have resistance to dessication due to the
presence of exine for spores (polymerized
organic outer coat) and integumen for seeds
2. surface cuticle over leaves and
– Also to prevent dessication
Evolutionary History
Adaptations for Life on Land
3. stomata for gas exchange
– These are controllable openings for gas exchange

Evolutionary History
Adaptations for Life on Land
4. vascular system
– For nutrient and fluid transportation throughout
the plant.
5. lignification of tracheids
– Presence of lignin which is a tough polymer
which provides strength and waterproofing
Evolutionary History
Spread of the bryophytes
-limited growth due to
absence of vascular system
-Silurian and Devonian – the
presence of
the oldest fossil of
bryophytes (Sporogonites in
the Lower Devonian).

Source: http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-
Evolutionary History
Rise of the tracheophytes
-The presence of lignin is the key to the
success of tracheophytes.
-Rhyniophytes – Early Devonian, exhibits simple
dichotomous branching
Rhynia sp.

Source: https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=rhyniophytes&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=fil&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=-OlAUZrtC-
Evolutionary History
Rise of the tracheophytes
-Trimerophytes – very similar to rhyniophytes,
except that this branches pseudomonopodially,
which is unequal branching forming a main stem
Genus: Pertica

Evolutionary History
1. Pteridosperms
Carboniferous – very
widespread growth of up to
10m ferns of Psaronius are
abundant in North America
Psaronius sp.

Source: https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=psaronius&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-
Evolutionary History
2. conifers
Late Carboniferous – appearance of conifers
Pennsylvanian and Permian – inhabits drier
upland regions away from peat swamps
Evolutionary History
3. cycads and cycadeoids
Cycads – appeared in the Pennsylvanian but
flourished during the Mesozoic, and is still living
up to now.
Jurassic – “age of the Cycads”

Source: https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=ptilophyllum&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-
Evolutionary History
Cycadeoids/ Bennettitales
-very similar in appearance to cycads,
but they are not closely related to
each other.
-became extinct at the end of the

Evolutionary History
-Mesozoic – first appearance of Angiosperms
-Mid Cretaceous – radiated dramatically, causing the
sphenophytes, lycophytes and ferns to be restricted to
certain wet habitats, and replaced other dominant
gymnosperms of the Mesozoic.
Geologic Highlights
Importance in Geology
1. Proof of Plate Tectonics
2. Stratigraphic and Biostratigraphic
3. Paleoclimate Indicator
a. oxygenation of the atmosphere
b. varying leaf sizes
Geologic Highlights – Importance in
Proof of Plate Tectonics

Geologic Highlights – Importance in
Stratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Correlation

Palynology – branch of micropaleontology that deals

with the study of palynomorphs (pollen grains and
-spores and pollen grains give clues to the
paleoenvironment, and when other fossils are not
present, this palynomorphs are used as biostratigraphic
Geologic Highlights – Importance in
-useful in as early as studying the late Paleozoic,
up to the recent Quaternary paleoenvironments
through pollen
Geologic Highlights – Importance in
Parataxonomy (form system) - palynomorphs
are classified based on the morphology of the
resistant outer wall or exine.
Geologic Highlights – Importance in
Paleoclimate Indicator
a. oxygenation of the atmosphere
b. varying leaf sizes (in Figure 18.25 >)
Paleoclimate Indicator
Doushantou Formation, China
Rhynie Chert, Aberdeenshire,
Solnhofen Limestone, Eichstatt,
Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China
Crato Formation, Brazil
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
Fossil Fuel
• References:
• 1) Prothero, D.R. (2004). Bringing Fossils to Life (2nd ed.). New
York: The McGraw-Hill companies, Inc.
• 2) Benton, M.J. & Harper, D.A. (2009). Introduction to
Paleobiology and the Fossil Record. UK: Wiley-
Blackwell Publishing
• 3) Richardson, R. (n.d.). Plant Kingdom Characteristics. Bellevue
College Science Division. Retrieved November 21,
2012 from <http://www.scidiv.bellevuecollege.edu
• 4) Mintz, L.W. (1969). Historical Geology: The Science of a
Dynamic Earth.
Thanks for listening! (:

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