Servants and Friends - A Biblical Theology of Leadership
Servants and Friends - A Biblical Theology of Leadership
Servants and Friends - A Biblical Theology of Leadership
Recommended Citation
Baumgartner, Erich (2018) "Servants and Friends: a Biblical Theology of Leadership," Journal of Applied Christian Leadership: Vol. 9:
No. 1, 106-108.
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Baumgartner: Servants and Friends: a Biblical Theology of Leadership
the prophets decried the spiritual and Peter, Paul, and Barnabas. all of
social conditions of God’s people, the these chapters are full of insights for
Day of the Lord would bring a stunning christian leaders, but Jo ann
paradoxical reversal that included Davidson’s stands out as the only one
social justice denied by corrupt elders. that highlights some of the amazing
the New testament chapters are contributions of women leaders:
equally rich. No other motive for courage and vision casting through
leadership compares to Jesus’ life song (Deborah), leadership as learn-
and sacrifice. he is the servant, the ing for a royal seeker for wisdom
christ, sent from God, and also the (Queen of Sheba), speaking truth to
“Instructor” (Matt. 23:1-2), a word power based on scriptural authority
which could also be translated (hulda the prophetess), and the
“leader,” as Johnston points out. sense of timing and death-defying
Servant leadership in the Gospels is courage of Esther. Sauvagnat’s study
portrayed as counter-cultural, clash- tracking the enduring contribution of
ing not only with the expectations of Barnabas as a mentor and empower-
the general culture but even with ing leader makes for a worthy conclu-
those of christ’s closest circle. sion of this section. his observation
Especially interesting was alexe’s that the disciples Barnabas and Paul
analysis of the narrative of Peter’s worked with were first called
transformation from overconfident “christians”—followers of christ, not
disciple into spiritually mature disciples of Barnabas and Paul—is a
leader, able to overcome his cultural telling commentary on the fruit of
limitations. Note how Peter’s three christian servant leadership.
denials are confronted by Jesus’ three By the time I got to the fourth sec-
heart-piercing questions before the tion of the book, I was delightfully
three-fold commissioning. But even exhausted. Each chapter had brought
after that, Peter needed a persistent out rich insights about leadership as
threefold conversation with God and possible ingredients for a biblical the-
unmistakably supernatural instruc- ology of leadership. Would Skip Bell,
tions to help him overcome his exclu- the editor of the book, and Stan
sivist and theologically erroneous Patterson, a professor of leadership
reluctance to minister to Gentiles. at andrews University, succeed in
the nature of leadership derives from creating a meaningful synthesis?
christ’s mission to the world and is Without doubt this was a daunting
thus rooted in the Gospel. Yet, lead- task which readers will appreciate
ers deal with real life issues that after reading 340 pages of biblical
range from the celebration of salva- analysis. I think both of them suc-
tion to the messiness of human fail- ceeded admirably to lay out their
ure and error. to finish the New case. Bell’s quest to develop a bibli-
testament section, tonstad’s analysis cal theology that transcends culture
of the book of Revelation as a book of starts with God’s relationship with
transparent leadership reminds us his people. Leadership is thus a gift
that God does not operate in hiding. to the whole community that is
While the first two sections of the shared, rooted in God’s vision for
book carefully sift the 66 biblical humanity and expressed in service.
books for leadership lessons, the this gift is willing to take risks and
third section analyze six sets of bibli- sacrifice for others. Patterson’s reflec-
cal stories of leadership: Nehemiah, tion explores the countercultural
women in the Old testament, Jesus, design of communal spiritual leader-