Create-Your-Own-Monster Rubric

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Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Does not meet

Expectations expectations

Visual Product The visual is artfully The visual is artfully The visual is carelessly There is no visual or the
constructed, constructed, constructed, visual was obviously
demonstrating student’s demonstrating student’s demonstrating little thrown together last
creativity and creativity and ability to creativity and partial minute.
understanding of the follow directions ability to follow
expectations listed in outlined in assignment directions outlined in
the assignment sheet. sheet. The visual assignment sheet. The
The visual supports the supports the student’s visual partially supports
student’s monster monster backstory and the student’s monster
backstory and contains contains elements that backstory and any
elements that tie it to a tie it to a culture (real or cultural elements
specific culture (real or imagined). The visual included are difficult to
imagined). The visual appears to have taken identify and require
obviously took time, time, effort, and care to further explanation. The
effort, and care to construct. visual does not appear
construct. to have taken much
time, effort, and care to

Monster Backstory The Monster Backstory The Monster Backstory The Monster Backstory The Monster Backstory
is creative and is creative and demonstrates partial does not demonstrate
demonstrates demonstrates knowledge of a monster knowledge of any
knowledge of one or knowledge of a monster from the literary canon monsters from the
more monsters from the from the literary canon or contemporary media. literary canon or
literary canon or or contemporary media. The Monster Backstory contemporary media.
contemporary media. The Monster Backstory has numerous spelling, The Monster Backstory
The Monster Backstory has been revised with grammar, or formatting has numerous spelling,
is thoughtfully written one or two spelling, issues and meets one grammar, or formatting
and revised with no grammar, or formatting or two of the issues and meets one
spelling, grammar, or issues and meets all the requirements listed in or two of the
formatting issues and requirements listed in the assignment sheet. requirements listed in
meets all the the assignment sheet. the assignment sheet.
requirements listed in
the assignment sheet.

Presentation The presentation is 5-7 The presentation is one The presentation is The presentation is
minutes long and gives minute above or below more than one minute more than two minutes
a detailed overview of the time limit and gives above or below the time above or below the time
the student’s process a sufficient overview of limit and gives an limit and does not give
creating a monster. The the student’s process insufficient overview of an overview of the
presenter has excellent creating a monster. The the student’s process student’s process
rapport with their presenter establishes creating a monster. The creating a monster. The
audience. The presenter rapport with their presenter does not presenter does not
is confident and comes audience. The presenter establish positive establish rapport with
prepared to recap their comes prepared to rapport with their their audience. The
Monster Backstory and recap their Monster audience. The presenter presenter does not
show off their visual Backstory and show off comes only partially come prepared to recap
product. their visual product. prepared to recap their their Monster Backstory
Monster Backstory and or to show off their
show off their visual visual product.

Reflection Student’s reflection Student’s reflection Student’s reflection There is no reflection

includes a detailed includes a general includes a vague turned in or reflection
explanation of their explanation of their explanation of their does not include a
inspiration(s) for the inspiration(s) for the inspiration(s) for the explanation of their
Create Your Own Create Your Own Create Your Own inspiration(s) for the
Monster project and is Monster project and is Monster project and Create Your Own
honest and reflective in honest and reflective in lacks honesty and/or Monster project and
their description of their their description of their reflectiveness in their lacks honesty and/or
personal Grows and personal Grows and description of their reflectiveness in their
Glows for the Glows for the personal Grows and description of their
assignment. assignment. Glows for the personal Grows and
assignment. Glows for the

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