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Richard H. Sibson
University of Otago
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The brittle carapace overlying a prograding metamorphic belt embraces the transition between a hydrostatically pressured
near-surface fluid regime and the near-lithostatic fluid pressures characterising prograde metamorphism at depth, with the
lower portion of the carapace acting as a low permeability barrier. During exhumation, the base of the carapace migrates
downwards into the core of a cooling orogen. Mesozonal gold-quartz vein systems hosted in fault-fracture meshes
Žcomprising low-displacement shears interlinked with hydraulic extension fractures. may develop towards the base of, or
within, the brittle carapace. Such mesh structures, ‘self-generated’ by the infiltration of overpressured fluids at pressures
locally exceeding the least principal compressive stress Ži.e. Pf ) s 3 ., form high-permeability conduits for episodic
large-volume fluid discharge by fault-valve action. These concepts are explored principally through comparison of
gold-quartz vein systems hosted in fault-fracture meshes within the Bendigo–Ballarat zone of the Paleozoic Lachlan Fold
Belt in Victoria, Australia, with those developed within the Mesozoic Otago Schists of southern New Zealand.
The stress state within the carapace critically affects the containment of overpressured fluids within the mid-crust and the
mode of fluid release. Fluids are most easily trapped beneath the carapace in compressional–transpressional regimes where
the highest levels of overpressuring may be attained. Supralithostatic fluid pressures may then develop locally beneath
permeability barriers over depth intervals determined by the tensile strength of sealing horizons. Mesh development is
favoured by heterogeneity and high competence contrast between adjacent rock units but is inhibited by the presence of
low-cohesion faults that are favourably oriented for reactivation within the carapace stress field, because such faults
reactivate in shear at fluid pressure levels less than those required for hydraulic extension fracturing. Attainment of extreme
overpressures Ž Pf ) s 3 . and the formation of high-permeability meshes in any given stress regime therefore requires either
intact crust Žperhaps reconstituted through metamorphism., or crust where faults have become severely misoriented in the
prevailing stress field through progressive deformation. In this latter case, the existing faults may be reactivated by the
extreme overpressure and incorporated into the mesh structure. The combination of these circumstances explains why mesh
structures associated with steep reverse faults promote particularly vigorous fault-valve action and form good mineralising
sites. Major episodes of fluid loss and mineralisation may, however, also be effected by an abrupt transition from a
compressional to an extensional stress field, as occurred locally within the Juneau gold-belt of SE Alaska. q 1998 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: lode-gold mineralisation; stress control; metamorphic belt; fault-valve action; fluid flow
Corresponding author. Fax: q64-3-4797527; e-mail:
Fig. 1. Fluid pressure regimes and associated strength profile for the carapace to a region undergoing prograde regional metamorphism.
R.H. Sibson, J. Scott r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 293–306 295
individual faults and fractures. Subvertical extension 3. Conditions for mesh formation
fractures and steep normal faults in extensional
regimes facilitate vertical flow. Vertical flow is also Mesh structures of interlinked shear and exten-
enhanced in strike-slip regimes Ž sv s s 2 . through sional fractures driven by infiltrating magma or hy-
the association of subvertical faults and extension drothermal fluids were first proposed by Hill Ž1977.
fractures. However, subhorizontal extension fractures to account for earthquake swarms, where large num-
and low-dipping thrusts in compressional regimes bers of small earthquakes occur distributed through-
enhance horizontal rather than vertical permeability, out a substantial volume of rock. Field studies sug-
making it easier to sustain fluid overpressures. For- gest that Hill-type mesh structures, comprising ex-
mation of hydraulic extension fractures effectively tension vein systems interlinked through minor
limits the maximum level of fluid overpressure that shears, are common on a range of scales and form
can develop in different tectonic settings. effective conduits for both hydrothermal and hydro-
R.H. Sibson, J. Scott r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 293–306 297
carbon flow ŽSibson, 1996.. Schematics of fault-frac- relation to the particular stressrfluid-pressure regime
ture meshes developed in extensional and compres- and the uniformity Žor otherwise. of the rock mass.
sional regimes are illustrated in Fig. 4. A notable For example, the gold-quartz veins of the Grass
characteristic is that the common intersection of Valley District, California, occupy a mesh structure
faults and extension fractures adds a tubular compo- comprising remarkably uniformly dipping conjugate
nent to rock-mass permeability, parallel to that of thrust faults developed in and around a granodiorite
dilational fault jogs, imparting directional permeabil- intrusion within a greenstone assemblage ŽJohnston,
ity in the average orientation of the intermediate 1940.. Where established, reverse slip along the vein
principal stress, s 2 , orthogonal to fault slip vectors. fractures was small Ž- 10 m.. Spacing between par-
Given the dependence of brittle failure mode on allel major veins within the mesh was of the order of
differential stress, fluid pressure and material proper- a few hundred metres and individual veins were
ties such as tensile strength and internal friction followed down-dip for 2–3 km in some instances.
ŽEqs. Ž2. and Ž4., it is apparent that infiltration of The uniformity of this conjugate thrust mesh pre-
overpressured fluids into stressed heterogeneous crust sumably reflects the uniform competence of the gra-
can ‘self-generate’ fault-fracture meshes. During in- nodiorite–greenstone assemblage.
filtration, different portions of crust under the same In layered rocks, comparatively regular mesh
differential stress may fail in extension or shear structure tends to develop where the superposed
depending whether they possess relatively high or stress field is symmetric with respect to the layering
low competence Žhigh or low tensile strength.. Rela- ŽSibson, 1996.. Highly irregular mesh structures may
tive development of different mesh components is develop where this is not the case, with linking
therefore a function of rock material properties in shears developed in less competent material often
quite inconspicuous. In extensional and strike-slip
regimes, another contributing factor to mesh devel-
opment is the limited vertical extent of extension
fractures ŽSecor and Pollard, 1975. which dictates
that, even in homogeneous rock, vertical extension
fractures tend to become interlinked by shear frac-
Because hydraulic extension fracturing is integral
to the development of Hill-type meshes, the condi-
tion for their generation is essentially the same as for
hydrofracturing ŽFig. 3b.. Thus in the case of an
intact Žor metamorphically reconstituted. carapace,
an extensional stress state allows steep extensional
fault-fracture meshes to form at comparatively low
fluid pressure levels Ž l v - 1.0., providing a vertical
conduit for easy fluid escape from the mid-crust. In
contrast, a compressional stress state in the carapace
inhibits fluid escape until supralithostatic fluid pres-
sures Ž l v ) 1.0. are achieved to promote interlink-
age of flat-lying hydraulic extension fractures and
low-angle thrusts, but the resulting structures are
then poorly oriented for vertical fluid escape ŽFig.
Fig. 4. Development of Hill-type fault-fracture meshes in exten- 4a..
sional and compressional stress regimes: Ža. in the absence of
existing faults Žbolder lines indicate eventual amalgamation into 3.1. Effect of existing fault structures
throughgoing fault. and Žb. incorporating existing faults that are
severely misoriented for frictional reactivation in the prevailing The failure condition for frictional reactivation of
stress field. an existing cohesionless fault with resolved shear
298 R.H. Sibson, J. Scott r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 293–306
R.H. Sibson, J. Scott r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 293–306 299
stress, t , and normal stress, sn , and friction coeffi- The condition for hydraulic extension fracturing
cient, ms , is: Ž Pf ) s 3 . is only likely to be achieved in the pres-
t s ms Ž sn y Pf . Ž 6. ence of cohesionless faults when they are seÕerely
misoriented for reactivation in the prevailing stress
as represented on the Mohr diagram in Fig. 2. The field, with the reactivation angle ur more than twice
Mohr circle representing a failure stress state is one the optimal value Ži.e. ur ) 50–608. ŽSibson, 1985..
for reactivation of faults that are optimally oriented In such circumstances ŽFig. 4b and Fig. 5c., develop-
for reshear in the prevailing stress field. For typical ing mesh structures may incorporate existing faults
rock friction coefficients with 0.6 - ms - 0.85 which act as conduits for overpressured fluid migra-
ŽByerlee, 1978. this corresponds to faults containing tion. Episodes of mesh inflation preparatory to reac-
the s 2 axis and lying at reactivation angles, 258 - ur tivation of the misoriented faults then alternate with
- 308 to s 1 ŽSibson, 1985.. Fig. 5 illustrates the major postfailure discharge along the faults in cycles
stress conditions for fluid pressure induced failure in of fault-valve activity ŽSibson et al., 1988..
extensional and compressional tectonic regimes for Note that for any vertical stress, sv , correspond-
three situations: Ža. where the carapace is intact; Žb. ing to a particular depth, the fluid pressure required
where it contains a set of cohesionless faults that are to induce either mesh generation or fault reactivation
favourably oriented for reactivation and Žc. where it is always greater in compressional than in exten-
contains a set of faults that are seÕerely misoriented sional tectonic regimes. A compressional stress field
in the prevailing stress field. constraining fluid escape, combined with seÕerely
In the presence of cohesionless faults that are misoriented reverse faults near the base of the brittle
favourably oriented for reactivation, build-up of fluid carapace is thus the best possible circumstance for
pressure cannot generate high-permeability mesh extreme fault-valve activity and explains why a large
structures because the faults will always reshear to proportion of mesothermal gold-quartz vein systems
create fresh drainage paths at Pf - s 3 , before the are hosted in mesh structures associated with steep
fluid pressure condition for hydraulic fracturing is reverse faults. In addition, regional channelling of
achieved ŽFigs. 2 and 5b.. Mesh development and fluid flow into reverse fault zones within a carapace
activation is therefore unlikely when the brittle cara- under compression is to be expected because contin-
pace is pervaded by a set of favourably oriented ued slip across such structures locally reduces the
faults, unless they have regained cohesive strength level of mean stress, leading to flow focusing of the
through hydrothermal cementation. With time, fault- kind proposed by Ridley Ž1993..
fracture meshes that initially developed in intact
crust ŽFig. 5a. may evolve into throughgoing faults
that are favourably oriented within the prevailing 3.2. Depth extent of compressional fault-fracture
stress field ŽFig. 5b.. As localised zones of deforma- meshes
tion, these structures can be expected to retain com-
paratively high permeability compared with the host In a compressional stress field, supralithostatic
rock as Pf ™ s 3 ŽZhang et al., 1994., but the ’gap- fluid pressures Ž Pf ) sv s s 3 . may develop beneath
ing fracture’ condition for large volume flow Ž Pf ) sealing horizons ŽFig. 6.. On the assumption that the
s 3 . can no longer be maintained. Such throughgoing maximum fluid pressure is limited by the hydraulic
faults will not therefore retain the transport charac- fracture condition for the sealing horizon Ž Pf s s 3 q
teristics of a high-permeability overpressured mesh. Ts . and that the fluid pressure gradient across an
This helps to explain why large displacement faults interconnected mesh is hydrostatic, the vertical ex-
are rarely well mineralised. tent of supralithostatic overpressuring is dictated by
Fig. 5. Mohr diagrams illustrating stressrfluid-pressure conditions for mesh generation through hydraulic extension fracturing or fault
reactivation in extensional and compressional stress regimes: Ža. mesh generation in intact crust, Žb. reactivation of existing cohesioneless
faults that are favourably oriented for reactivation, inhibiting mesh formation and Žc. mesh generation in the presence of existing faults that
are seÕerely misoriented for frictional reactivation.
300 R.H. Sibson, J. Scott r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 293–306
Table 1
Comparison between the Bendigo–Ballarat zone of the Victorian goldfield and the Otago Schist goldfield
Environment during mineralisation Victorian goldfields ŽBendigo–Ballarat zone. Otago Schist goldfield
Protolith assemblage quartz-rich turbidites and black mudstones quartzo-feldspathic turbidites and shales,
subordinate volcanics
Dominant fold structures steep-upright D1 folds in bedding recumbent D 2 – 3? folds in foliation
Foliation attitude steep to subvertical predominantly flat-lying
Timing of mineralisation with late stages of D1 tightening postdates synmetamorphic folding
respect to folding
Stress field during mineralisation sv s s 3 Macraes ysv s s 3 ; elsewhere sv s s 1
Structures hosting mineralisation moderately-steeply dipping reverse faults, Macraes, low-angle thrusts; elsewhere mostly
associated extension fractures, saddle reefs, steep normal faults and extensional
dilational jogs, etc. fault-fracture meshes
Reactivation orientation w.r.t. unfavourably oriented to severely near optimal orientation, for reactivation
stress field misoriented
Displacement on hosting fault low, metres to tens of metres? ŽStawell, Macraes ; 1 km?; elsewhere low, metres to tens
structures hundreds of metres?. of metres
Pressurerdepth - 1.7 kbarrz- 10 km 0.2 - 3.5 kbarrz- 14 km
Hydrothermal temperature - 3008C 1908 - 3508C
Metamorphic environment subgreenschist to low greenschist, subhorizontal subgreenschist to low greenschist, subhorizontal
isograds isograds
Magmatism post-mineralisation granitoids none
Origin of mineralising fluids prograde metamorphism metamorphic Ž" meteoric?.
Barrier to fluid migration horizontal s 1 flat-lying foliation
stress field during a protracted period of bulk hori- accompanying fault-valve action. Flow paths were
zontal shortening, with intermittent release of large likely determined by the full 3D architecture of
fluid volumes and vigorous fluid pressure cycling faults, fractures and folds with enhanced s 2 direc-
tional permeability along fault-fracture intersections,
subparallel to fold hingelines ŽCox et al., 1995..
4.2. Otago Schist goldfield
The belt of Otago Schist, largely made up of
chlorite-grade greyschists and believed to result from
mid-Mesozoic collisional amalgamation of terranes,
trends NW–SE as a gentle, broadly antiformal struc-
ture in metamorphic foliation with remnant higher
grade Žbiotite–garnet. assemblages defining an axis
of greatest post-metamorphic exhumation ŽMortimer,
1993.. Synmetamorphic structures within the schist
include large-scale recumbent folds in the S 1 folia-
tion. Metamorphic grade and strain intensity dimin-
ish to the NE and SW. Cover sediments demonstrate
that portions of the schist belt were uplifted from
mid-crustal depths by the mid-Cretaceous. The
Fig. 8. Structural controls on gold-quartz mineralisation within the Mesozoic structures, including orthogonal sets of late
Bendigo–Ballarat Zone of the Victorian goldfield: upright folds
disrupted by concordant and discordant reverse faults with associ-
Cretaceous extensional faults, have also been af-
ated extension fractures Žspur veins., saddle reefs and dilational fected by Neogene crustal shortening which contin-
jogs Žafter Cox et al., 1991b; Glen, 1995; Willman, 1995.. ues today.
R.H. Sibson, J. Scott r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 293–306 303
tuted through metamorphism. or crust where pro- Given the special combinations of circumstances re-
gressive deformation has led to severe misorientation quired for extreme valving action, it seems probable
of all throughgoing fault structures. In such circum- that the large fluid fluxes through such systems are
stances, near-lithostatic fluid pressures may be main- comparatively short-lived.
tained and high permeability meshes may develop in
combination with steep reverse faults that are severely
misoriented for reactivation within the carapace stress Acknowledgements
field; the ideal setting for lode formation through
extreme fault-valve action. This was the situation Research leading to this paper forms part of a
that apparently obtained over broad regions of the study funded from the Public Good Science Fund by
Lachlan fold-belt during protracted crustal shorten- Grant UO-0312 from the New Zealand Foundation
ing. for Research, Science and Technology. Many of the
In areas of crustal extension, fault-fracture meshes concepts developed here arose from interchange of
are self-generated at lower levels of overpressuring, ideas with Graeme Broadbent, Stephen Cox, Dave
fluid pressure cycling is generally less intense and Craw, Rob Kerrich, Lance Miller, Howard Poulsen
not so effective in promoting mesozonal lode miner- and Francois Robert. Constructive reviews by Dave
alisation. This seems to have been the case over Gray and Stephen Cox are gratefully acknowledged.
much of the Otago schist goldfield, though it is R.S. thanks the organisers for the opportunity to
notable that the most extensive belt of mineralisation participate in the paired ‘Mesothermal Gold’ meet-
Žthe Hyde-Macraes shear zone. appears to have orig- ings.
inated as a low-angle compressional thrust system
ŽTeagle et al., 1990.. However, a sudden switch from
a compressional to an extensional regime Žas in References
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