Exercise A. Answer The Following Question According To The Taxt

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A. Answer the following question according to the taxt

1. How long did the prophet spread Islam quietly?
The prophet Muhammad had been spreading the religion of Islam quietly for three
2. How did he spread Islam after that? And why he do that?
After that he spread Islam by declarationit to people public, because Allah
commended him to do that.
3. To whom did he introduce Islam?
He introduced Islam to my his family and household.
4. What would he do if his message was rejected?
He warned them about what would happen to those who chose not to follow him.
5. Did his family know when he went into retirement? Who were they?
Yes, they did. They were some of his aunts or relatives
6. Was there something wrong with Muhammad in his retirement? Why were his
relatives so worried about him?
Yes, there was. Because that he might not be well
7. What did Allah order Muhammad to do about Islam?
Allah has ordered him to introduce Islam to his family and household.
8. What did he do one day?
Muhammad then when and invited all the members of his family to dinner in his
house. He invited all his uncle and his aunts, all his cousins and nieces and all their
9. What did his uncle do after dinner had finished?
He was refused to accept Islam
10. Did Muhammad stop delivering his messege?
No, he did not.

B. Text Discussion
Analyze the text in terms of character, events and setting.
1. The characters in the text are:
 Allah SAW
 Prophet Muhammad
 Abdul Uzza
 Muhammad’s Family
2. Give five most important events in the text: (state the subject):
 Spreading the religion of Islam
 Instructed him to start with his own house old-those within his own family
 To approach his people and call upon them to accept the religion of Islam
 Allah his ordered me to introduce Islam to my family and household
 He explained the new ideas he had received form the God
3. The setting of the narrative:
 Location : Makkah
 Time : The 4th year of Nubuwah
4. The main idea of the text above is: Spreading Islam

C. References
Explain the word in italics by referring to the context above.
1. “ … when Allah commended him to declare it to the people publicly.” Him refers to
the Prophet Muhammad SAW
2. “ … when Allah commended him to declare it to the people publicly.” It refers to the
religion of Islam
3. “ … call upon them to accept the religion of Islam.” Them refers to his people
4. “ when they got to his house they asked him about his helath.” They refers to some of
his aunts or relatives
5. “ there is nothing the matter with me.” Me refers to Prophet Muhammad SAW
6. “ … and all their children.” Their refers to his uncle, his aunts, his cousins and his
7. “ … including even his stubborn and difficult uncle.” The word uncle refers to Abdul
8. “ … and warned them about what would happen …” Them refers to all the member of
his family in dinner

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