Detailed Lesson Plan Bryan Maceda
Detailed Lesson Plan Bryan Maceda
Detailed Lesson Plan Bryan Maceda
1. infer how one lifestyle can affect the functioning of the respiratory and
circulatory systems
2. Identify circulatory and respiratory diseases that is caused by negative lifestyle
3. Identify ways of preventing diseases in the respiratory and circulatory system
II.Subject Matter
A. Content Area: Respiratory and Circulatory System
B. Topic: Lifestyle that can affect the functioning of respiratory and circulatory
C. Reference: Science by Liza A. Alvarez et al. Pages 18-27
D. Instructional Materials: Pictures, Jamboard , Quizziss
E. Values Integration: Caring your body is caring the place you have to live
1. Prayer
Everybody please turn on your Our father,
microphones and let us pray who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name;
4. Checking of Attendance
Based on your attendance in google
forms, No one is absent today. Am I right Yes Sir, no one is absent today!
class secretary?
Yes Sir
B. Learning Task
Poor exercise
Bad diet
Do you think that we are prone I think Yes Sir ,we are prone to this
to this illness or diseases even kind of illnesses if you don’t care for
you are young? yourself .If you continue to eat salty
foods and forces yourself to do so
much even when you are tired . It can
affect your body not just outside but
in inside and it can also cause to death.
Ms. Sarmiento can you sum up There are so many diseases that we
our topic for today ?
might get like asthma, hypertension and
anemia. The activity recently shows
different lifestyle such as drinking liquors,
eating unhealthy food and cigarette smoking
that can affect circulatory and respiratory
system .Negative lifestyle can be changed if
a person decide to pay attention to their well-
being by eating healthy foods and having
adequate rest.
Republic of the Philippines
Malvar, Batangas
Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-2170/ (043) 406-0830 loc. 124
Website Address:
II. Evaluation
Directions: Answer the following , supply or choose the letter of the
correct answer. Use the quizziss browser application link that is given
by the instructor to enter the quiz. There is a time allotment in each
1. The best way to prevent diseases in the respiratory and circulatory is to have
A. Healthy Lifestyle
B. Enough supply of alcohol
C. Exercise
D. Chemoteraphy
2. Drinking alcohol is bad for circulatory but good for respiratory system
Republic of the Philippines
Malvar, Batangas
Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-2170/ (043) 406-0830 loc. 124
Website Address:
3. Select all of the negative lifestyle that results to damage circulatory and
respiratory system.
A. Drinking too much alcohol
B. Unhealthy diet
C. Having not enough sleep
D. Using cigarettes
5. What can you do to decrease risk of having respiratory and circulatory diseases?
Students answer may varied
I know you are tired by doing home and school works. Please take an adequate
rest and take a picture of you while doing activities that strengthens your
circulatory and respiratory system .Since it’s not just bad habits that affects your
health but also pollution try to plant trees to decrease the effect of pollution that
can also affect your respiratory and circulatory system. Paste it on a short bond
paper with a caption of your own quote about caring your body.