0133 AUST EST3X+Life+Safety+Control+System DS

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EST Catalogue u Mid-Sized Systems

EST3X Life
Safety Control COA 6087

System 7165-1657:


Description Standard Features

EST3X represents the latest generation of life safety control panels • Up to six intelligent analog loops hosting as many as 1,500
for mid to large sized applications. With large multi-message Signature Series devices per panel
displays and innovative controls, intuitive interfaces, and bold
• Optional integrated eight-channel digital audio
colored cabinets — these systems capture the imagination, and
catch the eye. But behind the LCD display is where they really • 10 amp power supply with universal 94 to 264 Vac
shine. input voltage
New microprocessors and chipsets take full advantage of the • Patented Voltage Boost™ technology delivers consistent
latest advances in computing technology, leading to smarter, voltage — even at low battery power
faster, higher-capacity processing and more efficient designs. • Four built-in 3-amp notification/auxiliary circuits
EST3X’s patented Voltage Boost™ technology, for example,
delivers consistent voltage – even at low battery power – resulting • Large 24-line by 40-character backlit LCD
in lighter cable requirements and/or longer runs. That saves time • Simplified operation with the SpeedTouch™ rotary control
and money.
• 35 amp hour battery charger
High performance processing also leads to powerful networking
features and versatile digital audio functionality. The wide range of • 8-node network nodes using copper and/or fiber
EST3X configurations include standalone operation, networking • Removable terminals on all low voltage wiring
with up to 64 nodes.
• Space for up to three additional option cards such as extra
EST3X sets a new standard in front-panel life safety control SLC loops, amplifiers, or Conventional interface(IDC 8/4)
interfaces. Its exclusive SpeedTouch™ rotary control offers nimble
• Optional Ethernet interface
forward and back scrolling through events and options, while
a mere tap of the control selects items with an unprecedented • 1,100 event history log
fluidity of motion. Its extra-large backlit display reveals up to eight • Optional earthquake hardening: OSHPD seismic pre-approval
concurrent messages, and switch/LED strips provide ample space for component Importance Factor 1.5
for meaningful custom labels. And for end users, large tactile
control buttons instill confidence and promote quick response • Australasian approvals: AS7240.2, AS7240.4, AS4428.3
when time is of the essence. • European approvals: UL2572 Listed for Mass Notification,
UL864 UUKL Listed for Smoke Control, UL864 Listed for
releasing applications using SIGA-REL

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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0
Application flexibility is where EST3X’s leading edge computing Power to Count On
power is put to best use. This generation of control panels Edwards’ patented Voltage Boost™ technology delivers a
is equally at home as the center of a simple single-building consistent 22.5 Vdc – even at low battery power. This means
standalone system as it is when part of a sophisticated life safety lighter gauge cable can be used for equivalent distances
network serving thousands of points across multiple buildings. compared with conventional power supplies, or longer wire
Optional voice evacuation bridges the gap left by other mid-range runs on the same gauge cable. Either way, this breakthrough
systems, and makes these panels a cost-effective solution for technology saves time and equipment costs, making EST3X not
most applications. only a high-performance solution — but a cost-effective one as
Strong Networking EST3X’s four on-board Notification Appliance Circuits are fully
Networking is among EST3X’s strong suits. Highly efficient RS485 synchronized to UL 1971 standards — without the need for
connectivity, plus fiber-optic communications deliver faster external modules or other electronics. It’s ample 10-amp power
response times and more sophisticated diagnostic capabilities, supply is finely tuned to get the most out of Edwards’ widely-
while cost-effective remote annunciation solutions keep basic acclaimed low profile Genesis notification appliances.
monitoring and control always within reach.
A simple EST3X network can comprise up to 8 nodes – enough
to serve the needs of most campuses and larger buildings. Its Dimensions
ability to join an EST3 network with as many as 64 nodes extends The backbox is designed for semiflush or surface mounting.
EST3X’s reach into mass notification applications, security Conduit and nail knockouts, keyhole style mounting holes, and
reporting, as well as making it an ideal candidate for retrofits. wide wiring troughs facilitate efficiency during installation.

High Capacity Audio  
EST3X features a full eight channels of
integrated digital audio with up to two LQ FP 
minutes of on-board programmable 7RSYLHZ
message storage. An optional high 

quality paging microphone gives live   
access to local, as well as remote, audio An optional paging  
functions. Auxiliary inputs are available microphone provides local,


for mass notification operations, and ZA as well as remote, audio 

Series amplifiers may be mounted directly 
on the EST3X rail assembly.  

Seamless System Integration
EST3X borrows much from it’s larger sibling, the venerable EST3 

Life Safety Platform. And for good reason: by integrating with the 

EST3 networking and computing environment, an EST3X control 

panel can serve as a cost-effective remote node for extinguishing,

smoke control, or even mass notification functions — all within the 

same compliance framework.
Retrofits and expansions benefit enormously from this 

arrangement, but programming and equipment management for
new installations is equally efficient as a result of these shared 6LGHYLHZ 6LGHYLHZ
resources. EST3X will accommodate up to three EST3 modules
on its own rail assembly, giving it access to such proven EST3 %RWWRPYLHZ 
successes as zoned amplifiers, conventional device circuits,
Note: Add 0.25 in (0.64 cm). to height and width dimensions to allow for knockouts
modem communicators, and RS-485 functions. Meanwhile,
when framing in the backbox for semiflush mounting.
installers familiar with EST3 configuration will find that the two
systems share many of the same programming and diagnostic

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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0
System Layout Wiring
 Signature (initiating) Data Circuit
Up to six intelligent analog loops hosting as many as 250 devices each.


Required for Class A only
Standard 3-SDC1 3-SDDC1 3-SDDC1
(occupies one (occupies one To two-wire smoke detector
LRM expansion slot) LRM expansion slot)

Auxiliary power, +24 V

Four 3-amp Class B NACs. Four Class A NACs with CLA-PS10. Auxiliary power, common

If shielding is used, it must be continuous and

free from earth ground.
BB S A A S P BB 24+ C
All wiring is power limited.

SFS1-CPU Main Board

 Notification Appliance Circuits

Up to three EST3 Local Rail Modules including:
• Signature Series Drivers supply

• Zoned Amplifiers + + + +
Normal EOL
• Hardwired Initiating Device Modules + + + + resistor

Up to three Control/Display Modules

Wiring is supervised and power limited.

TB2 terminal marking indicates signal polarity when the
circuit is active. Polarity reverses when the circuit is active.
For proper circuit supervision, break the wire run at each
Ethernet notification appliance and install the EOL resistor at the end
of the circuit.
Do not loop wires around notification appliance terminals.

 Network data circuit

OUT IN R T T O RS-485 RS-485
4 Form C
1 1 1 1

Aux. Power: 24 SFS1-CPU Main Board

VDC, 9 A total
To next
Class A only

 Network data circuit, Class B audio
OUT IN R T T O RS-485 RS-485
1 1 1 1

EST3X Network
up to 64 nodes
SFS1-CPU Main Board

To next
3-ASU/3X-PMI node
Primary Audio Data

 Network data circuit, Class A audio

UL Listed Signaling UL Listed Life Safety Detection OUT IN R T T O RS-485 RS-485
1 1 1 1

SFS1-CPU Main Board

To next
3-ASU/3X-PMI node
Primary Audio Data

Representation only - individual system layout may be different for your own setup.

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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0
Main Component Assembly SFS1-CPU Main Board
EST3X systems are designed for quick assembly and easy access The SFS1-CPU main board processes all information from
in the field. Components are modular and require no special tools modules installed within the cabinet as well as data received
to service or replace. from other panels over the network data riser. When a net-
work card is installed, the CPU employs a command set to
The 3-SFS1 Electronics Chassis provides determine its type.
the mounting, internal power, and data
distribution for the SFS1-CPU main board SFS1-CPU Specifications
and up to three local rail modules. It Voltage 24 VDC
installs over the PS10-4B Power
Standby 115 mA at 24 VDC
Alarm 115 mA at 24 VDC
Relay outputs
Quantity 3 (alarm, supervisory, and trouble)
UL type Common
Contact arrangement Form C
The SFS1-CPU main board mounts Rating 30 VDC at 1 A resistive
to the Electronics Chassis. AUX power outputs
Quantity 2
Common Chassis
Relay Assembly
Voltage 24 VDC, resettable or continuous
Current 1.0 A each circuit, 1.0 A total
Data network (RS-485)
line circuit Nodes 2 to 64 (requires optional network card)
Performance class Class A or Class B
Wire type Twisted pair, 6 twists per foot, min.
Circuit length 5,000 ft. (1,524 m) between any three panels
Circuit resistance 90 Ω, max.
Network, SFS1-CPU
Circuit capacitance 0.3 μF, max.
annunciator, Main Board
RS-232 circuits Serial Port (RS-232)
SLC2 Signaling
line circuit The on-board serial port supports communication to the AS4428.3
Australian Fire Brigade display, AU-4x-LCD

Annunciator port (RS-485)

Performance class Class B and Redundant Class B
Baud rate 9600 and 38400
Two cables connect the
Wire type Twisted pair, 6 twists per foot, min.
PS10-4B Power Sup-
PS10-4B ply to the back of the Circuit length 4,000 ft. (1,219 m)
SFS1-CPU main board. Circuit resistance 90 Ω, max.
Circuit capacitance 0.3 μF, max.
Signaling line circuit
Main Board Quantity 2 (second SLC requires optional 3-SDC1 card)
Performance class Class A or Class B
Circuit capacity 125 detectors, 125 single address modules
Circuit resistance 100 Ω, max.
Circuit capacitance 0.5 μF, max.
Wire size 18 to 12 AWG (0.75 mm² to 2.50 mm²)
Ground fault
10 kΩ
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C)
Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing
• For battery calculations, standby and alarm currents include all listed primary
power supplies.
• The common trouble relay operation does not include AC trouble delay
functionality and cannot be used for reporting troubles off premises per UL
864 9th edition.

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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0
PS10-4B Power 3-SDC1 Signature Standard

Supply Card Data Circuit Card SDC1 card

for SLC1

The PS10-4B Power Supply Card provides the Each 3-SDC1 Signature Data Optional
required power and related supervision functions Circuit Card provides one Class SDC1 card
for the control panel, as well as filtered, regulated A or Class B signaling line circuit for SLC2
power to the rail chassis modules. It also provides (SLC1) that supports up to 125
24 VDC for operating ancillary equipment. Signature Series detectors and
125 Signature Series module Main Board
PS10-4B Specifications addresses. These modules also
Mains voltage 94 to 264 VAC, 50/60 Hz provide connection for powering conventional two-wire smoke
detector circuits on Signature Series modules.
AC Input Current
Standby 1.5 amps EST3X comes standard with one 3-SDC1 card installed as SLC1.
Alarm 3.0 amps An optional second 3-SDC1 card may be installed to provide
SLC2, thus doubling system signaling line capacity.
Brownout level 93 VRMS
Battery charging capacity 35 Ah max. 3-SDC1 Specifications
Total Power Voltage 24vdc Voltage 24 VDC
Standby Current 88mA
Alarm Current 169mA Operating current with fully loaded loop
Supply Ratings Current 10 amps (UL), 9.0amps (ULC)  Standby 3-SSDC1 144 mA; 3-SDDC1 264 mA
Notification appliance/Auxiliary power circuits  Alarm 3-SSDC1 204 mA; 3-SDDC1 336 mA
UL rating Smoke power 19.95 VDC max.1
Quantity 4 Circuit
Circuit configuration Class B1 Configuration Class B, Style 4, DCLB; Class A, Style 6, DCLA
Output voltage Special: 24 Vdc Capacity 125 Signature Series detectors and 125
Regulated: 24 Vdc Signature Series modules per SLC
Output current Special: 3 amps Resistance 100 Ω with 250 devices
Regulated: 1.5 amps Capacitance 0.5 μF max.
EOLR 15 kΩ (UL P/N EOL-15, ULC P/N EOL-P1) Wire size 12 AWG (1.5 mm²) max.
Wiring Termination Removable plug-in terminal strips on the SFS1-CPU
Mains input 2 Supervised, non power-limited main board and Signature module
Battery input Supervised, non power-limited Operating environment
NAC outputs Supervised, power-limited Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
Wire size 18 to 12 AWG (0.75 mm² to 2.50 mm²) Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing
Ground fault impedance 10 kΩ 1
For special applications, refer to EST3 ULI/ULC Compatibility Lists (P/N 3100427)
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing
Class A when a CLA-PS10 Class A adapter card is installed.
SFS1 LED Control/

Connect the mains supply using a dedicated branch.


Display Module SFS1

The SFS1 LED Control/Display Module LED Rail
Control/ Module
provides additional operator interface Display
capability for the SFS1 system. It can Module

be mounted on any of the three right-

most local rail modules on the 3-SFS1
electronics chassis. Inserts are provided
for labeling switches and LEDs.

SFS1 Specifications
Voltage 24 VDC
Operating current
Standby 2.0 mA plus 1.5 mA for each active LED
Alarm 2.0 mA plus 1.5 mA for each active LED
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing

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3X-FIB fiber optic SFS1-CPU
3X-FIB8 fiber optic
network module Main Board network module SFS1-CPU
Main Board
The 3X-FIB fiber optic network mod- The 3X-FIB8 fiber optic network mod-
ule gives an EST3X panel the ability to ule gives an EST3X panel the ability to
network 64 EST3X panels, or interface network up to eight EST3X nodes. Both
with an EST3 network. Both Class A and Class A and Class B connections are
Class B connections are supported. The 3X-FIB8 supported. The module consists of the
module consists of the adapter card and adapter adapter card and electronics card. 3X-FIB
card adapter
electronics card.
The 3-FIB8 supports the following fiber card

The 3X-FIB supports the following fiber optic transceivers: optic transceivers:

Model Description Model Description

SMXLO2 Standard output single mode fiber optic transceiver SMXLO2 Standard output single mode fiber optic transceiver
SMXHI2 High output single mode fiber optic transceiver SMXHI2 High output single mode fiber optic transceiver
MMXVR Standard output multimode fiber optic transceiver MMXVR Standard output multimode fiber optic transceiver

The 3X-FIB provides terminals for connecting a 24 VDC backup The 3X-FIB8 provides terminals for connecting a 24 VDC backup
power source to maintain data transmissions in the event the power source to maintain data transmissions in the event the
panel is powered down. panel is powered down.
Note: All networked panels must have the 3X-FIB network card installed. Note: All networked panels must have the 3X-FIB8 network card installed.

3X-FIB Specifications 3X-FIB8 Specifications

Voltage 19.2 to 27.6 VDC (24 VDC nominal) Voltage 19.2 to 27.6 VDC (24 VDC nominal)
Fiber optics network and audio Fiber optics network and audio
 Budget  Budget
 SMXLO2 15 dBm between two interfaces  SMXLO2 15 dBm between two interfaces
 SMXHI2 25 dBm max. and 8 dBm min. 10 dBm  SMXHI2 25 dBm max. and 8 dBm min. 10 dBm
between two interfaces between two interfaces
 MMXVR 50/125, 62.5/125, or 100/140 for MMXVR  MMXVR 50/125, 62.5/125, or 100/140 for MMXVR
Cable type Cable type
Connectors 50/125, 62.5/125, or 100/140 for Connectors 50/125, 62.5/125, or 100/140 for
SMXLO2, SMXHI2 Type Duplex SC SMXLO2, SMXHI2 Type Duplex SC
Network data circuit Network data circuit
Circuit configuration Class B (style 4) or Class A (style 7) Circuit configuration Class B (style 4) or Class A (style 7)
Data rate 19.2 K, 38.4 kbps Data rate 19.2 K, 38.4 kbps
Isolation Isolated from previous panel CPU when using Isolation Isolated from previous panel CPU when using
copper. Total isolation when using fiber optics. copper. Total isolation when using fiber optics.
Digitized audio data circuit Digitized audio data circuit
Circuit configuration Class B (style 4) or Class A (style 7) Circuit configuration Class B (style 4) or Class A (style 7)
Data rate 327 kbps Data rate 327 kbps
Isolation Isolated from previous panel CPU when using Isolation Isolated from previous panel CPU when using
copper. Total isolation when using fiber optics. copper. Total isolation when using fiber optics.
Copper wired network data circuit segment Copper wired network data circuit segment
 Circuit  Circuit
Length 5,000 ft. (1,524 m) max. between any three Length 5,000 ft. (1,524 m) max. between any three
panels panels
Resistance 90 Ω max. Resistance 90 Ω max.
Capacitance 0.3 µF max.1 Capacitance 0.3 µF max.1
Wire type Twisted Pair, 18 AWG (0.75 mm²) min. Wire type Twisted Pair, 18 AWG (0.75 mm²) min.
Operating environment Copper wired audio data circuit
Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) Circuit
Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing Length 5,000 ft. (1,524 m) max. between any three
Include shield capacitance, if shielding is used. panels
Resistance 90 Ω max.
Capacitance 0.09 μF, max1
Wire type Twisted pair, 18 AWG (0.75 mm²) min.
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing
Include shield capacitance, if shielding is used.

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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0
3X-NET Network 3X-ETH1 Ethernet
Adapter Card Adapter Card
SFS1-CPU Main Board
Main Board
The 3X-NET network adapter card gives The 3X-ETH1 adapter card provides a
an SFS1-CPU main board the ability to standard 10/100 Base-T Ethernet net-
network up to 64 nodes on an EST3 work connection for panel programming,
network. The card supports Class B and diagnostics, and status monitoring. Four
Class A wiring. 3X-NET LEDs on the adapter card indicate card card
card and network status.
The 3X-NET adapter card provides two
independent RS 485 circuits: one for network data communica- 3X-ETH1 Specifications
tions and one for digital audio communications.
Ethernet 10/100 Base-T
3X-NET Specifications Voltage 24 VDC
Voltage 24 VDC Operating current
Operating Current Standby 42 mA at 24 VDC
Standby 98 mA at 24 VDC Active 54 mA at 24 VDC
Alarm 98 mA at 24 VDC Connection mode Auto negotiation
Circuit configuration Wire runs
Network data Class A, Style 6 & Class B, Style 4 Distance 200 ft. (60 m) max.1
Network audio Class A, Style 6 & Class B, Style 4 Type Cat 5
Isolation Connector RJ-45
Network data Network A port not isolated; Network B port isolated Operating environment
Network audio Audio A IN and Audio B IN isolated Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
Audio A OUT and Audio B OUT not isolated Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing
Wire size Twisted pair1 18 AWG (0.75 mm) min.
Panel to communication equipment

Circuit length 5,000 ft. (1,524 m) between any three panels

Circuit resistance 90 Ω max.
Circuit capacitance Data: 0.3 μF max.; Audio 0.09 μF max.
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing
Six twists per foot minimum

network card
Main Board

The 3X-NET8 RS-485 network card

gives an SFS1-CPU main board the
ability to network through dedicated
copper wire up to eight EST3X control
panels. The card supports Class B and 3X-NET8
Class A wiring.
Note: All networked panels must have a 3X-NET8 network card installed.

3X-NET8 Specifications
Voltage 24 VDC
Operating Current
 Standby 98 mA at 24 VDC
 Alarm 98 mA at 24 VDC
Circuit configuration
Network data Class A, Style 6 & Class B, Style 4
  Network data Network A port not isolated, Network B port isolated
Wire size Twisted pair1 18 AWG (0.75 mm) min.
Circuit length 5,000 ft. (1,524 m) between any three panels
Circuit resistance 90 Ω max.
0.3 μF max.
32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
0 to 93% noncondensing
Relative humidity
Six twists per foot min.

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AU-3X-PMI Paging CLA-PS10 Class A
Microphone Interface Adapter Card
The 3X-PMI Paging Microphone Interface provides controls for The CLA-PS10 Class A Adapter Card is an PS10-4B optional
emergency voice/alarm communications. It consists of an card used to convert the four Class B noti- supply fication
audio mounting bracket, EAEC Emergency Audio Evacuation appliance/auxiliary power circuits on the power
Controller card, audio enclosure, and paging microphone. The supply card to Class A.
enclosure also allows for mounting of the ASE.

3X-PMI Paging Microphone Interface Specifications

CLA-PS10 Class A
Voltage 24 VDC Adapter Card
Current CLA-PS10 Specifications
Standby 23mA Voltage 24 VDC
Alarm 29mA Notification appliance/Auxiliary power circuits
Ground fault impedance 10 kΩ UL rating Special application or Regulated
Wire size 18 to 12 AWG (0.75 to 2.50 mm²) Quantity 4
Audio channels 8 simultaneous Performance class Class A
Audio inputs Output current Special 3.0 A; Regulated: 1.5 A each circuit
Local microphone Isolated and supervised EOLR 15 kΩ (UL P/N EOL-15, ULC P/N EOL-P1)
Remote microphone Isolated and supervised
Remote audio Isolated and supervised Wiring Supervised, power-limited
EAEC communication See the EAEC Emergency Audio Wire size 18 to 12 AWG (0.75 mm² to 2.50 mm²)
Evacuation Control Installation Sheet Operating environment
(P/N 3101789) Temperature 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C)
Messages Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing
Storage 2 min. total
Length 39 sec. max.
Controls and indicators
Paging Volume Indicates relative signal strength during
active page
Ready To Page Flashes during preannouncement
Paging Microphone tone, steady when ready to page
All Call Activates/deactivates page to all areas
All Call Minus Activates/deactivates page to areas
not receiving EVAC or Alert message
Page To Evac Activates/deactivates page to areas
currently receiving the EVAC message
Page To Alert Activates/deactivates page to areas
currently receiving the Alert message
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C)
Relative humidity 0 to 93% noncondensing

+- +- +- +- +- +- 1 1 1 1 -+ + -

card Network option card
installed not installed

Remote mi-
AUDIO_OUT crophone
UL 864 and
UL 2572 listed
MN-FVPN equipment
MN- with compat-
PASM2 ible ratings


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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0
Ordering Information
Intelligent Analogue Control Panels
Model Door Color Language Description
AU-3X-SFS1B Bronze FACP, complete system with user interface, CPU, one loop with second loop expansion, three option card
English slots, four Class B NAC, universal 110/220v 10 amp power supply. Order 3-SDC1 for second loop.
TRIM6 Flush trim ring

Network communication option cards

3X-NET8 RS485, eight node max. Class A/B network. Use on 3-SFS systems only.
3X-NET RS485, Class A/B network. For connection with node counts above eight or to EST3 systems.
3X-FIB8 Fiber, 8 node max. Uses MMXVR, SMXHI2, SMXLO2. Use on 3-SFS systems only.
3X-FIB Fiber motherboard for connection to EST3 systems. Used with MMXVR, SMXHI2 and SMXLO2.
SMXLO2 Standard output single mode fiber optic transceiver
MMXVR Standard output multimode fiber optic transceiver

Communication Options
3X-ETH1 Ethernet Adapter, 10/100. Provides Ethernet connection from system to 3-SDU for remote programming and diagnostics.
Uses standard Ethernet cable (not supplied).

Front Panel LED/Switch display modules

4X-12/S1GY LED Display/Control Module - 12 Switches, 1 Green, 1 YELLOW LED per switch.
4X-12/S1RY LED Display/Control Module - 12 Switches, 1 RED, 1 YELLOW LED per switch.
4X-12SR LED Display/Control Module - 12 Switches with 12 RED LEDs.
4X-12RY LED Display Module - 12 pairs of LEDs (1 Red; 1 Yellow)
4X-24Y LED Display Module - 24 YELLOW
4X-24R LED Display Module - 24 RED
4X-6/3S1G2Y LED/Switch Module - six groups of three Switches with one LED each.
4X-6/3S1GYR LED/Switch Module - six groups of three Switches with one LED each.

Option Cards and Interfaces

AU-3X-PMI Paging and Intergated Audio Interface
3-SSDC1 Single Signature Driver Controller, c/w one 3-SDC1
3-SDDC1 Dual Signature Driver Controller, c/w two 3-SDC1s
3-SDC1 Signature Device Card - expands the 3X base panel to two loops
3-ZA20B 20 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class B Audio & Class B 24 VDC outputs
3-ZA40B 40 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class B Audio & Class B 24 VDC outputs
3-IDC8/4 Initiating Device Circuit Module
3-LDSM LED Display Support Module. Provides interface for one LED/Switch display module.
Mounts in an option card slot where no Option cards are installed.
CLA-PS10 Class A Adapter, PS10 NACs
GCI Graphic Annunciator Driver Master, provides outputs for 32 LEDs and connection to common control switches and LEDs for
R-Series annunciators.
GCIX Graphic Annunciator Driver Expander, provides outputs for 48 LEDs and inputs for 24 switches.
3-24R EST3 version LED Display Module - 24 RED
3-12RY EST3 version LED Display Module - 12 pairs of LEDs (1 Red; 1 Yellow)
3-12/S1RY EST3 version ANN 12/24 LED
3-4/3SWGYR EST3 version 4 x 1668 Fan Controls
3-6/3S1GYR EST3 Version LED Display/Control Module 6 groups of switches with 1 LED each
3-FP EST 3 Version Single blank insert for LRMs
3-LRMF EST3 Version Blank LRM Filler

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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0
PS10-4B Power Supply, Replacement
SFS1-ELEC Base Electronics, replacement
AU-4X-LCD Main user interface assembly, monochrome. Eight line 1/4 VGA LCD, four controls
plus rotary knob. English language.
Australia & New Zealand 4X-DR Blank hinged local rail module door
4X-CAB6D Replacement door, bronze
Phone: 1800 672 171
4X-CAB6DR Replacement door, red
Outside Australia: +61 3 9518 5588
CAB6B Backbox, black
Email: firesecuritycs@fs.utc.com
CAB6BEQ Seismic hardening Kit for batteries up to 17Ah.
Web: www.kidde.com.au AU-3X-PMI Paging Microphone Interface with ASE mounting
Note: For earthquake anchorage, including detailed mounting weights and center of gravity detail, please refer
Head Office to Seismic Application Guide 3101676-EN. Approval of panel anchorage to site structure may require local AHJ,
structural, or civil engineer review.
10 Ferntree Place
Notting Hill, Victoria 3168

© 2017 Kidde Australia Pty Ltd. Kidde Australia

is a UTC Climate, Controls & Security company,
a unit of United Technologies Corporation.

REF: E85001-0133-AU EST3X Life Safety Control System

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Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.0

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