AIN African Cities Magazine
AIN African Cities Magazine
AIN African Cities Magazine
1st edition
SUMMURY African cities are home to almost half the continent’s
population, which is expected to double to 2.5 billion people
P.3 FOREWORD over the next 30 years. It is also projected that 950 million
more people will be living in African cities over the same
course of time. For example, Lagos the capital city of Nigeria
and also one of the fastest-growing cities in the world, will
reach more than 32 million inhabitants by 2050. Whilst, cities
and urban areas across the continent face major challenges
P.4 AFRICA INNOVATION (poverty, unemployment, poor housing, lack of basic
NETWORK services), African cities are also land of beauty, diversity, and
opportunity exemplified through resilient and sustainable
innovations. Indeed, more sustainable and resilient African
cities will multiply change due to the concentration
P.7 COVID-19 AND AFRICAN of economic activities, innovation, job creation, and
empowerment in urban areas; This will allow city dwellers to
CITIES enjoy the potential of cities through social transformation,
inclusion and integration.
Founder of Africa Innovation Network
At Africa Innovation Network, we bring together experts in
diverse and varied fields to offer sustainable and innovative
NEW GENERATION solutions to complex problems linked to the continent’s
OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT urbanization in order to improve the quality of life of all.
Through human-centered approaches based on frugal
innovations, we aim to cover all fields enabling sustainable
and resilient societal development.
P.31 URBAN PLANNING Each 31st October on World Cities Day, we will publish a
magazine dedicated to African cities. This year, the AFRICAN
INNOVATIONS IN AFRICA CITIES Magazine on resilient and sustainable development
through innovative solutions, is the first edition of this
annual magazine. With a series of innovations, initiatives,
and projects on urban planning, architecture or design, this
P.37 INNOVATIVE first edition will showcase how innovative ideas and solutions
ARCHITECTURE PROJECTS shape urban systems into more resilient, inclusive and
sustainable human settlements in Africa. Through different
IN AFRICA portraits and interviews of practitionners, innovators, and
change makers in architecture and urban development, we
hope to share experiences, examples, best practices and tools
P.45 ARCHITECTURE for a more sustainable future. We also hope to showcase the
INNOVATIONS IN AFRICA beauty, diversity, challenges, and opportunities in African
cities of today, as well as paint a picture of what the cities of
tomorrow will look like.
We hope you enjoy this first edition of our magazine and
P.53 AFRICA’S that it encourages you to be more actively involved in the
ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN establishment of more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable
cities in Africa.
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Leandry JIEUTSA frica Innovation Network
Urban planner brings together experts in
Founder diverse and varied fields
to offer sustainable and
innovative solutions to complex
problems linked to the continent’s
urbanization in order to improve the
Bouchra IDRISSI.T quality of life of all.
Urban planner
A veritable laboratory for thinking
Principal manager
about and implementing solutions
adapted to the context of the
continent, the target themes of the
Africa Innovation Network cover all
fields enabling sustainable and resilient
Corianne RICE societal development throughout
City Innovation Africa. These themes are grouped
Program Specialist around the main axes : Inclusive cities;
Innovation & Technology; Environment
& Climate action.
Our approach is human-centered and
based on frugal innovations. We are
developing simple, participative ideas
Urban planner
and solutions to make our cities and
our rural areas a better place for all.
Our work is based on creativity and
innovation to propose solutions that
help to build a better future in our cities
for all. Initiatives of Africa Innovation
Hind REZOUK Network are made to analyze,
understand and develop solutions
in order to promote sustainable
development in our cities.
Joel Mukalay
Stephen SARFO
Urban planning
Yaounde bastos neighborhood- Cameroon Photo by Leandry JIEUTSA People leaving Antananarivo Photo by the World bank
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
ince the end of February 2020, gateways to countries, followed by other
Africa has been going through cities. However, these urban areas, being the
a difficult period marked by the most vulnerable to COVID-19, concentrate
Coronavirus pandemic which nearly 44% of Africans (UN population Diverse and resilient
affects the whole world. Indeed, Africa has projections, 2020) with nearly 47% of urban
economic measures
recorded more than 1,437,297 cases with dwellers living in precarious habitats in 2019
34,696 deaths according to the COVID-19 (UN-Habitat, 2020). Thus, AIN questions
Faced with all this, adaptation measures
Daily Situation Update, WHO Regional the resilience of these African cities in
have been varied and diverse, such as
Office for Africa, as of 25 September, 2020. the face of COVID-19 on the economic,
financial aid or in kind. The city of Dori,
The ten most affected countries are the environmental, social and cultural levels.
for example, has set up a communal
South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia, How did the clash between African cities
solidarity fund to help its population. As
Nigeria, Algeria, Ghana, Kenya, Libya and and covid-19 go? What control measures
well as some African countries which
Cameroon. have been developed? And which of these
have initiated emergency plans with
measures tend to have a lasting impact on People take precautions against
This distressing record of Covid-19 is more billions of dollars: Ethiopia, Cameroon,
the daily life of Africans? Temperature measurement in Kampala COVID-19. Photo by Ousmane Traore
pronounced in metropolitan areas; main Sao Tome and Principe, etc. coupled
photo by AFP/S Sadumi (MAKAVELI)
8 9
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
" "
Increase in masks, applied in practically all
COVID-19: an ally of
African countries with difficulties of
fractures and social implementation in some locations. environmental protection
Curfews and total lockdown in several
disparities in African cities?
" "
African countries, have led to family
separation and the breaking of certain From an environmental standpoint,
Although relatively spared, African cities social ties. Nearly 23 African countries this crisis has led to a decrease in GHG
experienced a rapid spread of the virus have imposed a curfew. Some, more emissions due to the reduction in urban
at the start of the pandemic, according flexible countries have also opted for transport. It has allowed for an increase
to the COVID-19 in African Cities Report. a partial lockdown (high-risk areas): 15 in plant cover due to the time allocated
As the virus traveled from airport hubs cities in Benin, Libreville in Gabon, etc. to agricultural practices. In addition,
to large urban centers, the number of There has also been an increase in the there has been an increase in special
confirmed cases increased by 2.04% number of sanitation facilities and waste relating to barrier measures such
from durinf the first months. facilities to accomodate contaminated as masks and plastic boxes for gels.
The social impacts of this spread were people and/or materials. This is This crisis has also shed light on the
evident in several different ways. First, evident in the case of Uganda (where place of soft travel in African cities and
many families were evicted from their the Namboole stadium became an the preferred modes of travel in this
homes for missing rent payments. In infirmary with nearly 1,500 beds), context.
Kenya, for example, 30.5% of households Cameroon (where social housing of de
were unable to pay their rent due to the Bafoussam was transformed into an Emergence of
loss of their employment. isolation center).
Second the insufficiency of basic In terms of education, we note the
traditional African
services is also notable with 53% of closure of educational establishments
urbanites not having had access to
services allowing hand cleaning in
In addition, under-equipment in care
services also had a significant impact
and the suspension of classes.
However, this measure has created
inequalities in education because the
most underprivileged could not afford
internet access.
COVID-19 is also shaping the cultural
fabric of African cities. First of all, the
local African pharmacopoeia caused
much ink to flow during this crisis.
in the management of the crisis, with We have also noted a liberation of From one medicinal plant alone,
only an average of 1.8 beds available prisoners to limit the spread in these we have seen several homegrown
per 1,000 Africans; and 23 health areas: Several African countries , like responses to the disease. For instance,
professionals per 10,000 inhabitants. Ethiopia, Morocco, Cameroon, Tunisia, Artemisia has been used to develop
Fourth, there was an increase in Nigeria, have liberated prisoners in COVID-Organic in Madagascar and a
gender-based violence within families an attempt to limit the spread of the potion by Monsignor Samuel Klhéda in
during the period of confinement. In disease. Cameroon. This reveals the importance
Mali there was a 35% increase in this of local products and the need for
rate of violence in 2020 compared COVID test on a women Photo by OMS African cities to preserve forests and
to that of 2019 according to a study natural areas that are the heart of
conducted by the representative of biodiversity.
UNFPA (Regional Office of the United Second, we have seen a decline in
Nations Population Fund for the ‘Africa). cultural activities in accordance with
African customs and traditions. For one,
many burial rituals have had to change,
Effective measures
impacting the way many African
families memorialize their loved ones.
or factor increasing The cultural industry is also a victim
of the crisis with the cancellation of
People take precautions in Mali against COVID-19 Photo by World Bank Ousmane Traore (MAKAVELI)
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
A new city but
not only
Diamniado is located in Dakar’s
hinterlands, roughly thirty kilometers
from its center. Built on a site of 1,644
ha, it plans to house nearly 300,000
inhabitants who will be distributed
in four zones or districts. The first
district, is intended to the international
Diamniadio Lake City Main Site Photo by attractiveness of the country with
high-standing hotels, the omnisport
stadium and an exhibition park.
Help, Diamniadio in 2013 - and is expected to reach 60% epicenter. The activities of the third
by 2030. However, this growth and district are especially focused on
Dakar suffocating
The challenges
of Diamniadio:
diversity and
Social mix and inclusion remains one of
the major challenges of this city. Indeed,
while institutional mix can be ensured,
social mix seems to be a difficult
equation to solve for the promoters
of this project. Indeed, for a project
financed by mainly foreign funds, it
becomes difficult to allow a complete
social mix in view of the high standard
of the housing and buildings. Moreover,
the economic development model
carried by this new city risks excluding
the small local economy in favor of large
foreign industrial groups.
Public-private that the land is made available to
investors through emphyteutic lease
partnership for a at a symbolic price. In return, every
investor is required to make a minimum
sustainable project
investment of one (1) billion XOF for
one (01) hectare of land acquired in the
The implementation strategy essentially area. In order to be able to recover and
comprises three phases from 2014 to reinvest the land capital gain (revolving)
2035. The emergence or attractiveness and to avoid it being injected into the
phase (2014-2019), during which Public Investment Budget (PIB) circuit,
certain strategic facilities have been a set of buffer companies has been
built mainly by the State to boost the created in order to build and manage
attractiveness of the site to private some of the cluster’s infrastructure.
developers (DAKAR-ARENA Stadium, In addition to vast urban forests,
the Ministerial spheres, etc.). The particular emphasis in this project
development phase (2019-2025), during is placed on the choice of building Industrial platform Diamnadio Photo by
this phase, the State supports the materials and the power supply
installation of developers and invests system. For example, there are
very little. The phase of continuous solar power plants to supply several
development (2025-2035), during which facilities. To allow for better social
the area develops by ripple effect. integration, the industries located in
The financial package for the new city the industrial zone are obliged to give
was provided by a revolving system priority to employing local Senegalese
mobilizing all the structures of the State labour, and the effectiveness of this
in order to allow the State to keep a measure is monitored by the Agence
permanent eye on the activities. To this d’Aménagement et de Promotion
end, incentives and special regulatory des Zones Industrielles (Agency for
provisions have been introduced to the Development and Promotion of
attract investors. It is in this sense Industrial Zones). Dakar Arena stadium in Diamniadio, 2018 Photo by SEYLLOU Diamniadio, TER
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Green City of Benguerir Photo by SADV OCP Group Data center in the green city of Bengerir Photo by
the future of the urban planning, with
he green city of Benguerir is one
THE GREEN CITY of the most important sectorial
development projects in Morocco
a new model which places nature and
local knowledge at the heart of the city,
forms the structure of the general
A new city whose inhabitants. It is located next to the
organization of the city that develops
town of Benguerir, with an ideal
identity revolves location close to two main cities of
from North to South over nearly 4 Km.
While taking into account the presence
Morocco: Marrakech and Casablanca.
around knowledge, of talwegs and oueds, with a string
The Green City aims to establish itself
of 5 inserted oases that constitute
research, and as a world-class academic hub with
microclimates, housing cultural, and
the vocation of offering an appealing
leisure programs. One of the biggest
sustainable eco-friendly living standard centered
ambitions of this project is to show that
around knowledge and learning.
there are different ways of making a
The project was conceived as a national
city, what the urban planning of the
laboratory where the OCP wants to
future should be, and where a city is a
experiment all the innovative aspects of
The green city of Bengerir Photo by space of knowledge and innovation.
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
UM6P Benguerir Photo by 2020 UM6P Bengerir Photo by 2020
An original, offbeat language of contemporary urban
manufacturing. Indeed, this project
and controversial poses an original and offbeat approach
to meet the challenges of African
cities by turning to technological
development and innovation as the
keystone. Thus, it is now obvious that
Considered as one of the avatars
the future of manufacturing processes
of modernity in a context where
and urban production in Senegal and
Senegalese cities and sub-Saharan
in Africa in general, will rely heavily on
cities in general are facing basic
smart urban development tools.
difficulties, this project is at the heart of
many debates and controversies, both
within the world of city actors including
local populations and within that of Which smart city
social science researchers.
model in Africa?
Nevertheless, African countries have
entered into a new urban revolution
and the dynamics of a new innovative
and sustainable urban development
has been launched in several countries
The digitalization of African society,
on the one hand, and the imperatives
of sustainable urban development, on
the other hand, now seems to impose
of the continent. Planned to house the smart city as an imperial based
approximately 300,000 people, Akon on two intelligences; human and
Akon City Photo by City is leveraging technology and artificial. However, a certain distance
sustainable solutions to build a resilient needs to be kept from intelligent urban
and inclusive urban environment.
akon city- he laying of the foundation
stone in August 2020
marked the concretization
Through Akon Lighting Africa, a
company whose objective is to electrify
development in the African context,
because beyond the saving approach it
seems to carry, the smart city in Africa
hundred kilometers south of Dakar at a becoming more pronounced with people-centered cities, the smart city
total cost of $06 billion. The new city will galloping urbanization. It is with this in in Africa will remain nothing more than
with its own be home to a technological and cultural mind that the singer Akon, in an effort a façade disconnected from the real
center, film studios, hotels, a university, to boost the development of Africa needs and well-being of the population.
" hospitals, business and leisure centers, in general and Senegal in particular, Hence the absolute necessity to see
sports facilities and more. This city has taken the initiative to build an the smart city in Africa as a tool for
focuses on technology through its intelligent city that is part of the new achieving sustainable development and
design in advanced materials and its not as an end in itself.
operation turned to digital. Indeed, its
operation will revolve around a new
cryptomoney called AKOIN. The vision
of this currency is to implement is a
cryptomony powered by a market of
tools and services that feed the dreams
of entrepreneurs, business owners
and social activists who connect and
engage in emerging economies in
Africa and elsewhere. Akon City Photo by
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
On one hand, this benefits the • Create over 100,000 jobs by 2030, 1/3
continent by providing an able, willing of which will be self-employed and
workforce. On the other hand, there 40% of which will be held by women
is a disparity in the skills of these
• Become the partner of choice
young people and those in demand by
for projects in strategic areas of
Africa’s rapidly changing economies.
Meanwhile, the continent recognizes its
economic transformation hinges upon • Realise regional sustainable
the promise of young entrepreneurs. development goals
This is where Sèmè City comes
along. This one-of-a-kind campus
African solutions
looks to foster collaboration between
students, entrepreneurs, academia by Africans in
and researchers to address Africa’s
economic challenges. Its mission is to a stimulating
give young people the opportunity to
create solutions that generate value
and create employment around three
key areas: research, training and high-
growth entrepreneurship. Through this
alliance, the project hopes to create
The site is not only designed to
foster economic growth and the
experimentation of city-wide
sustainable, strategic, and affordable innovations, it also seeks to provide
innovations for inclusive African unique living and working conditions.
development. One new workspace is Sèmè One, a
multifunctional building located in
Cotonou. This 4,250-square-metre
Foster partnerships (45,750-square-foot) building includes
an information and orientation centre,
and youth flexible classrooms, co-working spaces,
empowerment for a research laboratories, an auditorium,
a language and computer centre, a
Sèmè City master plan Photo by DR
brighter Africa
library, offices, meeting rooms and
restaurant space. Among the fully
by its director Claude Borna as "a City is that Africans must confront
sustainable tourism and robotics.
unique place that supports and trains their challenges with African solutions
Support is offered from best-in-class
innovation and the talent of tomorrow, and which
academic institutions, research and
in order to provide the continent’s
promotes innovation made in Africa." youth with transformative, socially
knowledge development centres and incubators
Investing in knowledge and innovation impactful and inclusive opportunities
all within a a major West African
are two essential strategies for the for the future. This is what it means to
economic and communication axis. In
growth of a continent with the synchronize the distinctive assets of an
addition, Sèmè City offers incentives
youngest population in the world. African city’s ecosystem with the latest
for investment and the creation of
Indeed, of Africa’s 1.2 billion people, 60% technological innovations, and this is
innovative companies. Together, these
are under the age of 25. what it means to have ‘Innovation Made
enticements aim to help this eco-city:
in Africa.’
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Architect HMONP must think smart, because the smart
first aspect is therefore a holistic The project is an innovation and
approach aiming to think smart to knowledge campus that will house
achieve sustainability and resilience 60% buildings and 40% green space.
Dear Romarick It’s a pleasure
without necessarily using technology. It incorporates fairly precise principles
to have you for this interview.
The second aspect of the smart city in in particular: taking into account
Could you please tell us what’s
Africa relates to Data. It is about setting the rugged terrain in order to take
your background, personally and
up cities that use data to optimize the advantage of the constraints, the use of
quality of provision of urban services in the site’s morphology in the installation
Thank you, the pleasure is shared and education, health and public service. of the sewage network, the recycling
I am happy to speak with you as part For example, our cities can optimize the of waste water, the use of solar energy
of this first edition of the magazine quality of public transport by digitizing for lighting public spaces, designing
African Cities by Africa Innovation the service to better understand user buildings that do not consume a lot
Network. I am Romarick ATOKE a behavior and adapt the transport of energy, etc. In addition, one of the
Beninese HMONP Architect, Designer system to uses. originalities will be the use of local
and Director of the Global Archiconsult materials (earth, straw, wood, bamboo)
Building materials. When it comes to
Architecture firm, which operates with modern technology adapted to
sustainability, I think it mostly refers in
throughout Africa and mainly in the ensure the durability of the work.
our context to building materials. We
West Africa sub-region. I am also in
must advocate the use of materials
charge of Architecture & Urban Design,
adapted to our climatic context and Building upon the entrepreneurial
at the Sèmè City / Cité Internationale
offering better thermal comfort, while nature of Sèmè City, what
de l’Innovation & du Savoir (CIIS)
reducing the carbon footprint of our innovations do you wish you could
Development Agency. Founding
cities. Energy is also an important bring to either the architecture,
President of AFRIKArchi, I also have as a
aspect; we have excellent capacities engineering or construction space
passion for photography that I practice
in terms of renewable energy and we and why ?
as an Architecture, Urbanism and
must develop them especially through
Landscape Photographer.
the use of photovoltaic panels. In terms of general innovation, several
approaches have been developed. We
have already developed the concept
As an African Architect with
Sèmè City is an ambitious smart city of the “Human urban lab” which is
international background and a
project in Benin that you are working a think tank open to all researchers,
huge commitment for the promotion
on, what is the vision of this project ? doctoral students, and experts to test
of architecture in Africa what is the
initiatives and develop local solutions.
meaning of resilient, sustainable, and Sèmè City is indeed a very ambitious
It will therefore be after validation of
smart in Africa’s cities for you? project. The State of Benin plans to
innovative ideas to produce prototypes
build a fully functional, intelligent and
Functionality. For this is the starting which, once successful, can be
environmentally friendly city over
point, above all, the African city must implemented on a real scale. It is an
around 200 ha. To carry out this project,
be functional by meeting the needs approach to allow various actors to
it was a question of avoiding the "copy
of city dwellers in several areas such propose innovative solutions adapted to
and paste» of the Western smart city"
as mobility, urban service provision, the African context.
26 27
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
the rural exodus and more often the
GeoCameroon: Furthermore, some project concepts
activating agent that cause these
exoduses is extreme climatic conditions. An existing will be listed to better understand
OPEN SPATIAL These populations increase the the challenges of resilience in our
effectives of cities and exerts an platform cities. For each project, an analysis
of the necessary data and digital
INFRASTRUCTURE additional pressure on it. This leads
to anarchic constructions in non-
constructible areas exposed to flooding
GeoCameroon (
is the first Spatial Data Infrastructure
solution will be realized. Once the
items are dentified, the learning
have a better insight of the situation
How do we
in order to make better decisions
regarding sustainable development. proceed in a
Faced with this situation, GeoCameroon
was developed (http://geocameroun. context of lack of
cm/), a free and opensource Spatial
Data Infrastructure (SDI) for a resilient
basic geographical
development of Cameroon. data?
Despite Cameroon’s ratification
of international climate change
conventions, the country still lacks tools
agreement has been signed between
EU and Africa (trough AEO) to provide
Copernicus data for free to the whole of
Africa. This agreement will simplify the
data access for African people. Added to
necessary for the evaluation of their that, models based on crowdsourcing
impacts in our cities. like OpenStreetMap greatly reduce
The rapid increase of these negative production costs while facilitating the
impacts in our towns is linked to update.
30 31
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Collaborations for digital
Positive impacts
and multiplicative This infrastructure based on
the Copernicus program and
crowdsourcing technology of
OpenStreetMap creates a database in
Cameroon, like many countries in which every city can build its resilience
Africa, has many crucial challenges (risk profiles. It also serves as a base for the
management, environment and climate actors of digital transformation sectors
change). In general, this project will who highly depend on geospatial
allow Cameroon to provide a complete data (NGOs, Universities, public sector,
cartography and to develop solutions private sector), and use cases will be
based on geospatial technologies required for these sectors.
specially IA to achieve the Sustainable These same actors will in turn feed
Development Goals. the infrastructure with data produced LINKS:
Economic development from their various studies or projects.
This assures sustainability of the GeoCameroun:
Local development infrastructure, or "GeoDjangui," a (link to the
concept where everybody contributes National Geospatial infrastructure)
and resilience
for everybody to use.
The space industry currently represents Digital ecosystem, an assurance for
a business development opportunity. financial sustainability. (link to one example of GeoCommunal
In 2015, the world’s space economy was The financial sustainability of this at the scale of the town of Ngong)
estimated to be between €217 and infrastructure come from the fact that
250 billion, with growth of about 5% it is open to the digital ecosystem, GitHub:
per year. In Cameroon, the use of space making each and everyone a major (Here is the
technologies will promote startup actor for the long term. link to the code on GitHub)
creation and new services that will offer
opportunities in many domains.
Strategic contribution of GeoCommunal in urban development and fight against climatic changes Yaoundé city center Photo by Stephane SONKIN
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Interior teaching building Wall of Knowledge Photo by Doublespace Covered outdoor ramp Greater Accra Regional Hospital Photo by Perkins+Will
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Sustainable the cultural aspect. In this respect, the
design of the façades was inspired by
architecture adapted the Kente fabric, an icon of African
heritage around the world. Concrete,
to the context
wood and steel, the major materials
used in the project are traditional
The design team understood very well Ghanaian building materials.
that this was a different context, with The project significantly improves the
limited resources and technologies quality of life of both patients and their
and high constraints. Lacking state- families, as well as that of medical,
of-the-art technology, they exploited administrative and support staff
other means to give the project optimal through the way it meets their needs
resilience. The facility is designed to and expectations. Referring to the local
operate independently of technology, architecture where circulation and
electricity and water supplied by the gathering spaces have a cultural value,
municipality. the designers attach great importance
In order to achieve maximum efficiency to these spaces. In addition, the
and autonomy, the facility is designed facilities create links between Ghana
to make the most of the resources and the global medical community.
offered by the site and its environment. A radiologist at the Johns Hopkins
Numerous ingenious systems have Medical Center, for instance, can consult
thus been implemented. Some of the information from Ghana. As a result, the
most basic are the recovery, storage facility offers comfortable and pleasant
and use of rainwater, as well as the spaces that enhance the experience for
passive cooling of the various spaces. patients and caregivers.
All areas that do not present high risk The Greater Accra Regional Hospital
thus benefit from natural ventilation. has become the largest hospital in
Natural gas-powered generators the country to date. But beyond its
provide backup energy in the event of a monumental appearance, the project
power failure. Water is also reused and is above all very sustainable, which has
solar heating is used to meet hot water earned it LEED Silver certification. In
needs. In addition, the choice of locally fact, it is the first healthcare institution
sourced, light-colored exterior materials to receive this certification on the
reduces solar gain while enhancing African continent.
esigned by the international
firm Perkins+Will, this project
is a major component of the
As a result, the facility now stands on
regeneration five levels with nearly 600 beds and
more than 12 operating theaters to
meet the country’s growing need for
quality health care. Outdoor spaces creating a link with nature Photo by Perkins+Will Beauty and cultural heritage Photo by Perkins+Will
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Innovation and perimeter for children. This esplanade is
an extension of the monumental façade
modernity for a covered with local stones that pays
homage to the architecture of the old
project adapted to Portuguese city of El Jadida. In addition
to the calcareous stone and metal used,
its environment
With a surface area of 8,960 m2, the
project includes an entrance hall, an
auditorium, 18 classrooms, as well as a
prayer room and various sports facilities.
the project’s material palette includes
reinforced concrete for the structure,
wooden acoustic panels for insulation,
a resin floor, flexible PBC, wood and
Architects integrated a number of
Most of the classrooms are dedicated to
bioclimatic architectural solutions
science and technology education.
into the project. The classrooms,
One of the major constraints was
oriented north-south, benefit from
the irregular shape of the plot. To
efficiently shaded southern façades.
overcome it, the designers created a
This orientation also makes it possible
spatial division of the project into three
to create a cross-ventilation system
regular areas. The central area hosts
inside the classrooms. The use of
a building dedicated to teaching. This
moucharabiehs on the main façade
strategic position allows it to serve as
protects the interior from the western
a landmark for the neighbourhood. All
sun and thermal solar panels supply hot
sports facilities are concentrated in the
water to the gym showers and sanitary
northern area, while the south-eastern
facilities. All the lights in the school
area is left free for a future extension of
use light-emitting diodes (LED), which
the school. The project is fairly compact,
contributes to the project’s economy.
which reduces the walking distances for
Measures are taken to collect and use
Esplanade and monumental façade Photo by Doublespace Photography The project stands out in its
The project was highly appreciated
environment thanks to its scale,
for its adaptation to the site and its
to the climate context and efficient
management of the plot. This school
the service of was built for the children of OCP
employees. As the difficulties of
education are a major obstacle to the
development of the country and the
well-being of the population, architects
consider working on a project of this
type as an act of commitment. Indeed,
the institution welcomes more than
570 students each year in favourable
conditions for their development. Interior teaching building Photo by Doublespace Teaching building Photo by Doublespace Photography
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Local materials for use in the toilets and for watering
the vegetable garden where food is
to support the produced for patients and staff.
Greywater is recycled for toilet flushing
and irrigation, while wastewater
is treated on-site by a septic tank.
The building has three main parts: Medical waste is disposed of on-site by
a reception pavilion and a courtyard incineration.
for patients’ families, an intermediate The installation of a network of some 32
pavilion hosts pre- and post-operative km of underground cables has provided
activities, and a sterile pavilion with two the facility with a reliable Internet
operating rooms and related support connection.
spaces. This was essential to enable local
The walls that structure the various doctors to receive support from
spaces are made of bricks and cladding their counterparts on Mount Sinai
tiles made from red clay dug directly in New York City through live
into the ground near the construction surgical consultations and real-time
site and fired in a local kiln. The choice videoconferencing.
of this affordable and locally available The project demonstrates very well
material supports the local economy. how vernacular skills and modern
In addition, the ingeniously perforated techniques and technologies can help
walls allow for natural ventilation and and complement each other to improve
lighting in almost any space. Only the life.
operating rooms use air conditioning.
Innovative solutions
Building on site Photo by Kliment Halsband Architects for a sustainable and
CENTRE his project, carried out in a
rural village called Kyabirwa,
near the equator in Uganda,
facility that can be replicated in other
it bears.
resource-poor and underserved areas.
and low-cost It is intended to demonstrate that
The combination of this device with
batteries for storage ensures the energy
surgery can be performed in low-cost
autonomy of the building. The water
facilities. To do this, the designers
from the well as well as that coming
reduced and simplified requirements
from the city is stored if necessary
to the essentials by eliminating some
thanks to gravity tanks equipped with
of the complex, expensive and energy-
a filter and a sterilization system. Water
consuming systems related to high Access to the reception area Photo
from the roof is collected and stored
technology. Waiting space Photo by Kliment Halsband Architects by Kliment Halsband Architects
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Warka village in south Cameroon Photo by Arturo Vittori Warka village in south Cameroon Photo by Arturo vittori
arka Water is a daily standard of living and overall
nonprofit that focuses quality of life: rural infrastructure,
on innovative and agriculture, health, water, sanitation
Innovative and The Warka Village aspires to transform aggregation with quality spaces.
the landscape of comprehensive The Warka Village is an example of how
frugal solutions for human development, utilizing low- to collaborate with rural communities,
a better life
cost, sustainable, community-driven, how to construct using indigenous
high-impact multisector development techniques and local natural materials
interventions that are tailored to that respect the cultural identity of the
the village’s specific needs. This will place, and it is an example of how to live
address the needs of villagers in terms in harmony with nature.
of essential services that impact their House in Warka village in south Cameroon Photo by Arturo Vittori
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
During the development of the new
Start Somewhere
Start Somewhere construction system,
various requirements for the special opens first hollow
situation in slums were taken into
account: concrete block
Flexible floor plans: In order to make
maximum use of the mostly uneven
workshop in Kibera,
slum land areas, the wall segments can
be folded steplessly;
De-constructable: Since slums are The new workshop still built in
informal settlements, residents can only the common way with bricks and
own the buildings but not the land and corrugated iron. The building is located
lose their dwellings, for example as a in the middle of Kibera and consists
result of government road construction of a workshop with an adjacent
measures. The mortarless construction warehouse and a water tank. Due to
system makes it possible to dismantle a room height of three meters and a
the buildings manually and reassemble large roof window, temperature and
them elsewhere at any time; lighting in the workshop are very
Affordable housing: Thanks to the pleasant. A solar system was installed
material-saving use of concrete, the on the roof, which covers the complete
new buildings are not only more power requirements of the workshop.
beautiful and of higher quality, but are The interior equipment includes large
also similarly inexpensive to the usual storage tanks for gravel and sand with
construction methods using mud, adjacent delivery facilities, a concrete
wood and corrugated iron; mixer and a vibratory plate as well as
Fireproof: In slums, fires often occur an area where the concrete blocks
which spread quickly due to the are stripped. The adjacent warehouse
dense population and the wooden can store up to 4,000 hollow concrete
construction. The new construction blocks (about half of the requirements
system completely replaces wood. for the new school building for 400
tart Somewhere, a social
START business with the goal to
improve the living conditions of
Innovative will no longer be constructed from
wood, clay and corrugated iron, but will
construction systems
be built by the residents from locally
to improve quality of produced hollow concrete blocks in a
functional and appropriate architecture.
life for everyone Casting of blocks Photo by start Somewhere Start Somewhere blocks in Kibera workshop Photo by start Somewhere
46 47
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
With multiple uses, this material could potential to address the housing
also be a factor of empowerment deficit in African cities, while creating
and employability for many people in sustainable employment. Some uses
Africa. According to the United Nations are already made of this material
Environment Programme (UNEP), in Africa in the field of handicrafts,
there are 2,000 uses of this plant, while construction and design, etc. However,
in China there are more than 10,000 these channels are mostly informal and
different uses. Bamboo therefore marginal. Structuring a market around
represents an immense potential for this material through appropriate
job creation. Used in construction, it policies and regulations in the field of
would considerably reduce construction construction, art, urban design and
costs, thus allowing all social classes handicrafts, would enable to draw
to have access to affordable housing. the full potential of this resource
According to International Bamboo and and promote sustainable economic
Rattan organization (lNBAR), bamboo development. Fortunately, many
is a response to 7 of the 17 objectives of professionals on the continent are
sustainable development. increasingly interested in this material
and organizations like INBAR are
promoting and developing it at the
Great potential for
local level.
Bamboo is present in more than 1/3
of Africa; moreover, it is among the
champions in the category of bio-
sourced materials. The low cost of
this material and its local availability
make it a material with high potential
in construction in Africa. It has the
Roof made with bamboo in Fass School and Teacher’s Residence By Toshiko mori in Senegal Photo by Sofia Verzbolovskis
amboo has a high capacity for
carbon sequestration. Indeed,
the absorption of greenhouse
An eco-responsible of 30 times more important than the
culture of other plants. A Life Cycle
and sustainable Assessment (LCA) study conducted at
DELFT University (Netherlands) shows
that industrial bamboo products such
as flooring, panels and beams have
negative CO2 emissions even after
being produced in China and shipped
to Europe. Locally-manufactured cob and bamboo school building, Jar Maulwi, Pakistan Bamboo structure Photo by
48 49
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Building Information allows to have several points of view on
a project, thus guaranteeing an optimal
Modeling quality. Indeed, the BIM method
ensures the longevity of the works in
the sense that all the information of the
uilding Information Modeling building being modeled and previewed,
BIM is an acronym for Building some collisions and imperfections are
Information Modeling. It is a corrected before the beginning of the
highly collaborative process works. In other words, the model found
that allows multiple stakeholders in a digital mock-up is the same as in
and AEC (architecture, engineering, reality and the works are better. Also,
construction) professionals to the question of time is very important.
collaborate on the planning, design, The time of conception and technical
and construction of a building within studies and the time of construction are
NANDHAA Group is a multidisciplinary
one 3D model. It can also span into reduced thanks to this tool which would
construction consulting firm focused
the operation and management of allow to reduce the time of execution
on BIM tools. Through their innovative
buildings using data that owners have of the works of the projects on the
methods developed using the Building
access to. This data allows owners and continent which are known to be rather
Information Modeling methods,
stakeholders to make decisions based long. This tool would also help train a
Nandhaa offers efficient services to
on pertinent information derived from generation of architects and engineers
various customers around the world.
the model- even after the building is in line with international design and
They offer a deep expertise in the
constructed. construction practices while creating
design industry, and the building this
jobs to build a sustainable Africa by
through experience gained working on
many projects in South Asia and Africa.
An opportunity for
the challenges of
urbanization on the
0283 520 8760
50 51
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Bamboo structure Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash Center for earth architecture in Burkina Faso Photo by Francis Kere
52 53
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Bamako BCEAO Tower Photo by Kenyatta International Conference Centre Nairobi Kenya
ith an Africa amidst Vernacular architecture is a broad
change, from the concept that encompasses areas of
post-colonial period to architectural study including aboriginal,
Building a cultural nothing to do with the people who are
destined to use them.’’
identity through The other aspect of the subject
resides in the architecture and design
sustainable projects
In a perspective of sustainability and
ecology, the current situation on
the continent gives a gleam of hope
on the question of the valorization
" competitions organized on the
continent. These competitions are
"engines of research and development
for new constructive, programmatic,
and urban hypotheses" for typically
of vernacular architecture through African and prosperous cities. Indeed,
different realizations. Starting even if the realization of the winning
sometimes from the source of projects is not guaranteed for the
inspiration to the use of materials, as most part, most competitions in Africa
well as the factor of insertion of the require certain captivating elements
project in its environment, we are that give identity to the various
witnessing the proliferation of projects submissions. This is how the geniuses
such as: the elementary school of of African design are perceived in all
Ghando in Burkina-Faso, (Architect its possible forms. Between tradition
Francis KERE); the religious and laic and modernity, the winners carry their
center HIKMA in Niger, (Architect curiosity to new heights with project
Mariam KAMARA); the Library for the submissions that reconcile ancestral
community of Muyinga in Burundi, styles and know-how with modern
(BC Architects), etc. For most of knowledge.
these projects, although modern and Africa’s cultural richness alone is a
environmentally friendly, the practical source of reflection on another vision
elements of vernacular architecture of its own architecture. Consequently,
reside in the use of cultural symbols, there is much more to explore for
aesthetics, involvement of the local this young generation of builders in
population and the use of local this challenge that is facing them.
materials. Therefore, it is important to Emancipation of the mind is the first
note that ‘’Architecture has great power step to truly access an architecture
to affect people—it is the spaces we that engages in its current social and
inhabit. And because of that, it can be economic contexts for more resilient
dangerous to create spaces that have and sustainable African cities.
Mokorotlo building Maseru Lesotho Photo by UnsulliedBokeh
Mosque converted into a community library in Niger by Atelier Masomi Gando Primary School Photo by Francis Kere
56 57
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
MUDhouseView from the Street, Photo by MAMOTH SANKOFA house View from South-East Photo by MAMOTH.
he Asante Traditional Buildings, The steep roof minimizes surfaces
inscribed in 1981 to the World exposed to sunlight and heat. The
Heritage List as being “rare height under the roof provides good air
Children in the Gurunsi village of Tiebele Photo by Davide Comelli Royal Court in Tiébélé Photo by Rita Willaert
iébélé is a small village located element of this village, decorated
in the south of Burkina Faso, with motifs of geometric or more
known for its unique Gurunsi figurative forms. These artworks are
In this village lives an ancient ethnic
group called the Kassena people. The
using mud, white chalk, and natural
dyes, with three shades dominating:
white, black, and red. Once the paint
TIEBELE men build and the women take care
of the paintings, skills that have been
is dry, the façades are covered with a
natural varnish from the African carob
passed down from generation to tree.
generation. The constructions are made The motifs often carry meanings taken
from local materials; the old technique from everyday life, religion, and beliefs,
was based on a mixture of earth with for this reason, the most decorated
water and cow droppings moistened to buildings are the most important ones
a perfect mortar. Today, this has been such as the mausoleum.
replaced with mud bricks with stone This small village is one of the most
foundations. culturally rich and architecturally
The intricate ornamentation covering beautiful villages, that was listed as a
the walls remains the most fascinating UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2012.
Gurunsi village of Tiebele Photo by Davide Comelli
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African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Tiébélé village Photo by Ronald Vriesena MINESUP du Cameroun, by NDIENANG Mesmer, 2020.
62 63
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
BEAC Congo by BIKEDI Jovin, 2020
" "
African Art Awake the world in the years to come thanks
to her conceptual approach centered
on pluralism and humanism. BIDC Togo by BIKEDI Jovin, 2020 Tour NABEMBA Congo by BIKEDI Jovin
64 65
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
Wall frescoes
ealized by African Art Awake,
on a part of the wall of the
fence of the Université of Lomé
" "
African Art Awake fresco is also a reminder of African
cultural identity, raising awareness
of the symbolic value of the mask in
African culture.
Les messagers vertueux by African Art Awake
66 67
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
" "
Frank and coe tell us more ! architecture. My intention was to tell
stories that could be understood from
the first sight; simple yet percutive. I
decided to work oin black and white
because this format allows, I believe,
to truly expose the DNA of any picture
that’s why this photography format is
so attractive to me. Fire man by Frank and coe The traveler by Frank and coe
68 69
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
City center of Nairobi by Loïc NANA City center of Cairo by Loïc NANA
world on precise problems of urban
AFRICAN CITIES he maps below are a bichromy
urban expression of the
downtown areas of 30 African
sustainability, with an artistic touch for
a more pleasant interpretation. Indeed,
" "
@nana_UrbDesign Today, the report shows urban cartographic expression is a visual art
maps full of informations, generally form for raising awareness among
incomprehensible to the uninitiated the general public. In addition, it is an
in urban planning. Consequently, alternative way of expressing urban
my cartographic work is oriented problems for a better understanding.
toward simplicity and sensitizing the City center of Johannesburg by Loïc NANA
70 71
African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network African Cities Magazine by Africa Innovation Network
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