Trade Like A Boss FINAL

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I'm Bryan Downing, well known as a YouTube partner in

the automated trading niche. I have a LinkedIn profile

that's in the top 1% viewed most profiles on the entire

site. I have over 8,000 members in one of Facebook's

fastest growing groups for trading software knowledge.

Also, as the creator of, I’ve been

researching high speed trading platform technologies

and trading strategies for the last six years.



Let's talk about the classic retail trading trap known

as the 90/90/90 club. Basically what it means is that

90% of retail traders will lose 90% of their entire

capital within 90 days. There’s a number of reasons for

that. First is the concept of technical analysis.

Basically what you're doing is when you're using

technical analysis, which is very popular among retail

traders, they download it, they look at it via popular

blogs or YouTube channels or whatever, but basically

what you're doing you're just chasing after past data

or continuous data, which is present. Your real job as

a trader is to forecast maximum return potential at the


lowest risk. You cannot forecast off of historical data

since everything in the market is pretty well based off

of random walk theory. You also cannot predict patterns

unless you have powerful real-time software that can

highly scale on very expensive computer hardware.


Now, fundamental analysis is based on simple supply and

demand. For example, in commodities as in the low

pricing environment of oil within the market glut that

with the supply and demand in dynamic markets, these

are what the fundamental elements of pricing is based

off of. What you need to remember is that supply and


demand has worked for many decades in open cry pits

before electronic trading came into place. The markets

dynamically move exactly with the same concept today,

but this concept of fundamental analysis primarily

works around supply and demand which seems to have been



Another popular way of trading is day trading, which

does not work for all market regimes. You may get 20%

of an opportunity to day trade when pretty well the

markets go into some kind of profitable momentum mode.

Another way of saying that is that the market is just


basically going up. Most of the time, you will spend

managing your portfolio to measure risk for maximum

return. You will need to figure your trading

performance. For example, you would use Kelly Criterion

or also use position sizing to achieve optimal

portfolio balance. Basically, no human trader can

accomplish this without software.


Now, another big thing is how do retail brokers screw

you. These are basically for forex trading offshore

brokers, but there's a lot of traditional retail

brokers that will try to screw you as well. There are


about 11 different ways. The big one, if you're in

forex is that Metatrader (MT4) software is definitely a

big red flag. If they're not based in primary countries

like USA, they're usually based in strange countries

like Cyprus or the Caribbean. Also, for these type of

brokers over 30% of their entire operational budget is

basically marketing their services because about a very

high percentage of their clients will blow out their

accounts, so they need to replenish those clients as

they drop off. Also, these brokers offer a lot of

leverage of 100 times, so when you lose, you need to

pony up those losing trades. Now, obviously brokers

will have some form of a credit facility, so what


they’ll do is they’ll take large bets on the losing

end, where they want you to lose. The more risk you

take on, the more risk they take on so they make more.

They also obviously make traditional dollars through

commission fees.

Other misconceptions include the higher the spread, the

more they want you to leverage. Now, for forex, a lot

of these brokers will promote popular cross pairs, for

example the Euro against the US dollar or the British

pound against the US dollar, where there is very little

or low volatility moves. You need to focus on more

exotic volatile pairs. Also, these brokers want to

confuse you with a measure of pips versus small units


of percentage of change or basis points, which are

easier to convert and measure. Also, what you need to

do as a customer, you should try to look for their

carry or their rollover, which is listed from your

broker. Legally, they need to list this publicly.

Basically, if you don't know it, you will lose money

for no reason due to not being aware of this. You

should Google these topics.

Now, another thing is a lot of the founders of brokers

are usually shoddy. A good example is if you look at

the Wikipedia posting on FXCM, you’ll see some pretty

well unknown lawsuits the founders have gone through,


who are pretty well the largest retail forex brokers

out there.


Now, what are the solutions? A general good broker is

Interactive Brokers. They support many or various

programming languages and other technologies. You can

test using a paper account without needing to register

with them. Their Trader Workstation Software (TWS) is

not too bad to start from if you're starting out.



I wanted to give you an example of one horror story

involving Metatrader 4 which is posted on my website

FAQ section, also known as MT4 and just to give you

what they sent me as an example of what these forex

retail brokers do. Basically, the customer of the

broker says:

“Great read Bryan. Totally agree. I was approached by a

pro retail trader who wanted me to program some MT4

algorithms he had in mind. He had little FX experience

and I had none. We used several brokers over five years

and I literally wrote hundreds of experts or basically

known as expert advisors or auto trading MT4 scripts


and algorithms. Many would make a good profit to start,

but something would always happen, many times a spike

that did not occur on my demo accounts with the same

broker. Of course, this can be explained. Sometimes,

one big profit was actually one that went through my

stop by many thousands in high-volume.” The broker

said, “You would only pay me up to the stop and the

rest was a technical error.”

I'll be had that the stop-loss been crossed in high-

volume, he would have told me that it was too bad and

he can't guarantee the price in high volume, which is

part of their agreement. For sure, MT4 brokers are a


The question is what can you do about that and what are

some of the seven tips that I like to give for, if you

want to consistently profit.


The seven steps, the seven tips I can give you is

you're dealing with an asset or a barrier.

What you need to do is you need to overcome the

technology, so that it works for you.

Number two, you must challenge what I call your inner

scaredy cat.

Number three, how not to waste your time, I've had

virtually had a $30,000 mistake.


Four, don't get ripped off. Apparently, there’s four

easy steps to avoid trouble.

Raise your confidence. Here are four fastest ways that

I know.

The last step, tap into wealthy insiders who know how

help with top industry secrets.

The first step is asset or barrier, how to overcome

technology so that it works for you. Basically, what

you're doing is the key idea is that you want to make

sure you're not going down some set of rabbit holes to

emerge with nothing to show for your efforts. Yes,

rabbit holes includes so-called industry great


technologies. From my experience, from a technology

point of view, if you are interested in going down the

automation route, I would stick with Python as a

programming language and/or Swift to learn the

development skills, which are taught for kids, just so

you know if you ever wanted to get into quant analysis

research, over 90% of these high paying jobs involves

coding. That is a real industry fact.

The second tip is why you must challenge your inner

scaredy-cat, what you need to make sure is you have q

form of structure. You need a road map and sense of


direction. You also need a sense of community as in

people with common goals to help you see your lucrative

trading opportunities. Obviously, these can be harder

to find than you think because typical weaknesses are

in most trading forums. The problem with lot of these

trading forums, even though they're free, there's a lot

of negative and rude members, sometimes digging to

discover real information takes a lot of time. Also, a

lot of these forums have sponsors and reps who just

lurk and pump up their service at every opportunity.

Then you wonder is this really objective advice that

you're getting.

Another tip that I can give is how not to waste your

time. The first thing is you want to reduce the hidden

costs of open source because sometimes if you're going

to use a programming language like R, you're going to

get a lot of incompatible packages. If you're going to

stick with trading, you want to make sure that those

trading scripts are going to work five years from now

or 10 years from now. You want to work with something

that's going to enable those scripts to be future-

proof, very important.


Now, the rest of these tips I'm going to give you will

help give you trading edge. This is really also

important. The next tip is you want to make sure you're

not getting ripped off, so here's four easy ways to

avoid the trouble. The first tip is obviously follow

generous people on YouTube. You can get a lot of good

ideas out there. To narrow it down, the second tip, you

want to follow innovative ideas. A good example is our

dear friend Dr. Ernie Chan, who comes top-of-mind for

that. The third tip is watch over the shoulder for

multi-millionaire insider-traders with special access.

That's pretty hard to get, but sometimes you may be

needing to pay for that. Another thing is you want to


try to be influenced by the early adopters. Now, if you

can get news on people like James Simmons of RenTech,

Renaissance Technology and remember this guy is making

billions of dollars personally every year even though

he is retired. He's still an innovator and an early

adopter, so if you can follow those kind high volume

traders, algorithmic based or automated traders, this

is just one resource or one tip I can give you.

Another tip is you want to make sure you're not going

to get ripped off. The first thing you need to make

sure is you're accumulating the right knowledge and


obviously using the best software and platforms that

you can get access to because what you want to do is to

save a lot of money. Now, the thing I learned from a

lot of the so-called multi-millionaire insider

professional traders who run hedge funds is the

consistent pattern I'm getting is that simple is best.

The idea here is you want to make sure that it can help

you focus on that right now if you can. The big tip is

that over the long run, there's a lot of this so-called

advanced or PhD level math. Now, if you can and you're

like me, you want to try to figure a way to actually

reduce it to more of a preschool level to understand

it. You want it to be a lot simpler, so you're not


worrying about it right now. One tip I can give is you

want to make sure you use easy-to-understand online

resources. The ones that I like are Khan Academy and/or

Bionic Turtle on YouTube.

A second are technical books that are really easy to

understand as mentioned earlier. Python is a great

resource for it, but a lot of these resources I'm about

to give you are pretty well game changers, are very

popular for their own reasons. This is obviously

focusing on automated trading. The two resources I can

give you are QuantStart and Dr. Yves Hiplisch. I hope I


get that right, which is obviously done in Python. The

fourth tip I can give is you want to make sure you're

using tools to simplify your math. I'm not expecting

people to know Matlab, but Matlab’s Mupad is quite good

for that or if you want open source and free, the

Jupityr project in Python is quite good for that as

well, same functionality.

Now, another big step for consistent profit is you need

to somehow raise your confidence. Over the years, these

are the fastest ways that I know how to do this. If you

can somewhere out there, you want to make sure you're


going to be introduced to capital providers through a

few, however means. Some people might think it's a step

too far. When you think about it, it's not really, but

it gets kind of exciting when you do get them and you

could show them some form of a road map, where the

profits will really come from. From that you want to

showcase and focus on a potential trading strategy or

trading model. You want to focus on which instrument

and what frequency you want to trade at. From that a

roadmap is what you get and develop, you will be able

to obviously raise your confidence.


Now, the last big tip to get consistent profit is

there's four ways to tap into the wealthy insiders.

Once you do it, this is where it gets really

interesting. If you can, you can tap into expert level

knowledge immediately. You need to know where to look.

You want to find those who are willing to share the top

industry secrets. There's a lot of thousands of blogs

out there, but the ones that are probably good starting

points are and because they

got popular forums. A second method you could find

these so-called wealthy insiders is through hundreds of

videos that these various people that you look up to

may post. Some may actually post hundreds of videos.


That's another way to network with the proper traders

that are top dogs and obviously hopefully are wealthy

enough for you to be inspired with.

A third method to find these people is make sure if you

go to a resource like GitHub that there is countless

software, open source code out there and there's a lot

of projects that they may recommend or you can

contribute to or even comment on. Look for those kind

of projects. Lastly, which I really like is if you go

through LinkedIn groups, you can find a lot of banking

and hedge fund executives and then you can connect


through those groups through them and introduce

yourself if you start to prove yourself on your trading

ideas. Hopefully, this will be good for people who are

starting from the retail world, wanting to move into

the algorithmic world on top of seven sets of ways to

consistently profit and build your empire or wealth.


NOTE: The following section is a private video you can

accompany this with. Just remember the following is a

direct transcription from this helpful video. Check it

out at:

“Trade like a boss for forex signal and stock

markets like India NSE”

What I'm going to do is I want to show you a variety of

examples so that you can basically know how to trade

like a boss. Now, this could be both for Forex, as well

as stocks any where in the world. Depending upon your

budget and your availability of data there's many

options that you have.


The first program I want to show you is a Java open-

source program called JStock. What it is, I've shown a

series of videos on this. If you go onto my YouTube

channel, here ...


You'll notice I have a variety of things. The big one

that will effect you for what I'm about to show you, if

you go to JStock, right here you'll get a few videos

here. This is really a stock scanner, and this is what

I'm about to show you. You can get some, obviously,

videos here just as a breakdown on how to set up the

software. As I said you can download it pretty well for

any operating system, be it Windows, Linux, Mac OS X,

and of course there's the source code repository here

on their site. Just let it load up. You can see it is


in Java. You can obviously download that source code if

you want if you know what you're doing.

Let me show you the program itself. Here's JStock when

you download it. Right now you can see that it's

scanning for Forex as well as, I believe, you could

probably put in Nifty as well. All these alerts that

you're seeing are basically stock gainers. This

software is really awesome because essentially you can

set up screeners based upon different things. Here I've

set up the stock gainers for today with the highest

change. You can see here there's some interesting


stocks being traded with ... I guess these are penny

stocks. 900%, 100%, 50%, 25% moves, these are tiny

little penny stocks somebody's obviously knowing how to

manipulate with a volume of, gee, a million, so these

are clearly manipulated. Hold on to your hats you Tim

Sykes fans.

We got mine. You can easily figure out who the best

performers are for the day. You can also run this in

real time. Now, it does take a lot of time to load

nippt it Just depends upon the country, but you can see

here you have all the different countries. South


America, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, US, throughout

Asia, Australia, and Europe. It's a very good program

and again, it's free. The big one I would always use is

the percentage gainers, obviously the percent. I just

wanted to show this to you. Let's see if I can ... It's

going to re-scan the stock list, I guess. We have a

stock indicator here so if you come under options, I

believe. So stock indicators, this is what I was

looking for. We get 3 stock indicators. You can also

manipulate all the different data points and all this

data comes from Yahoo Finance, which is free and I just

want you to be aware of that.


We have here the different top gainers, as I've

mentioned. I'm not going to get into the editing of

this, but as you see here you can create alerts based

on logical or arithmetic rules. Here's an arithmetic

icon function, constant value, a whole series of

different ways to calculate this. I guess this is the

alert. So you can easily create your own indicators

from this. It's pretty powerful. So here we have moving

average, we don't care about that. Divergence MACD, we

have RSI, and you can obviously include any of your own

indicators. If I go back to the site here for JStock

and look up indicators here, you can see here we also


have CCI, which is essentially considered similar to

Bollinger, but guys, this is very powerful. I think

I've seen some other custom indicators that you can

buy. There's risk-reversal ones I've seen you can get

on YouTube.

Knowing all of that, we've shown you a portfolio you

can put in. The cool thing is when you go into, in our

case we are looking for stock scanner. I know if you do

a right click, you can automate it to buy and sell.

That's when you do a discretionary, meaning manual or

like a human ... Obviously if you know the source code


you can somehow program it to automatically buy, if you

know Java, to create that. Maybe there are versions of

JStock that does that so that'd be pretty cool if there

was. Also you can add to your own watch list and of

course you can add your own portfolio here so I don't

know, let's say if I do a buy on this one, not sure why

... Let me see. Again, if know the programmatic ways to

do it, you definitely are able to have full control of

the outcome of this software. If I add this to my stock

watch list, boom, there you go.


As you can tell here, you can have this program run in

multiple sessions and we have here all the different

stocks. The big one obviously, while the markets are

still open, I'm going to look up ... Maybe Canada might

be a better one because it's smaller than the US but

everything's the same functionality. I can't remember

how this is done but ... To show all the ... Here we

have the TSX, that's the index value, so we do a scan

here. Press the stop indicator once you get the result,

Yahoo will block you from accessing stock data if

you're in it for too long of a period. I've talked

about that in the past where it will block you if you

let the scan run too long. Eg. 15 minutes


Let's say we're going to do, I don't know, let's stick

with the top gainers. We want to scan based on TSX ...

Let's just keep the equity. Let's just see what it

comes up with. I think Yahoo maybe already blocking me

because it's stuck here at 12%. I'm not sure but this

is one of the reasons why you don't want to use Yahoo

because of the abuse that comes from it. You're better

off to use a better data provider like IQFeed or

Interactive Brokers.

I've shown you JStock. I've shown you the source code.

There is opportunity with this software for sure. It's

a decent piece of software so I just wanted to show you

that. Let me show you another one. Going back to my

YouTube channel, if I take you to the playlist list, if

you look, IQFeed.


I'm going to show you something called XLQ, which is

this. You will get other more detailed videos of XLQ in

my Quantlabs YouTube channel video playlist. Also in

here you may find another piece of software called

QCollector, which is quite good but I'm just going to

show you the Excel version of XLQ. So here I've already


got it preloaded, which is XLQ. Before I do this I want

to show you the website. The site is, as you

can see here. I'm going to

highlight the software, so I'll just show you the

purchase price, there's 2 versions actually. There is

the standard version, I think it's called the plus

version. The XLQ Plus, $150, US. The Lite version just

includes less technical indicators. Before I'm about to

show you, you definitely want the Plus.

Okay, so let me show you that. This is a demo

spreadsheet that you get with XLQ. Here we have a


little license icon running on my Windows tray so you

have to have a valid paid license to make this work,

obviously. In the qmatix directory, when you install

it, you have this piece of software to run that

connects into the vendor’s server. We have here a few

other software programs. This one is a spreadsheet I'm

going to actually show you in Excel. This is on the XLQ

demo. There's this one, which is for some kind of

database, which I don't know if people actually use.

Then there's this one, the companion. I think if you

stick with this one, XLQ Demo XL, you'll be okay. The

version of Excel I'm using is from Office 2013.


Here's the interesting part. You see here we have 5

different data provider sources. The ones I'll be

probably using are Interactive Brokers, IQFeed, MSN,

and Yahoo. I'm not going to get into Yahoo, but I have

confirmed for the NSE stuff you can do quite a lot,

with the Indian markets. MSN I don't think is a wise

option, just stick with Yahoo if you want free. Now if

you want full functionality definitely IQFeed's is your

best one. If you use Interactive Brokers, you're with a

broker, that's fine, let me show you what you get for

that data provider. Also you have TD Ameritrade, which


I don't really use but I'm not sure if that's

compatible with ThinkOrSwim.

We have 3 examples. Microsoft from MSN as a data

source, which obviously right here doesn't work, that's

why I'm not saying use it. We also have the same

Microsoft from Yahoo as a data source. We also have

IQFeed. Let me show you the IQFeed first which is the

paid service. You can see here I have IQFeed running,

the connection manager that connects my IQFeed into,

obviously, their servers. It's a commercial paid

service. If you want more information on that from my


end of all my demos, visit my IQFeed video channel

playlist on YouTube.

Here's the data for Apple from IQFeed. You'll see here,

which is beautiful, all this movement during the

markets are open here, 3:05, Eastern Standard Time so

this an active market. You can see each one of these is

a tick and these are the different prices of those

ticks as they come in live, in real time. You can see

we've got bid, ask, store it now. Here under Yahoo we

don't get that. Because I'm paying for this service

with IQFeed I can run this all day, all night, as long

as I'm paying for it for that month, I'm all good.

That's the nice thing.


You can store this in a database if you want to create

your own databases but that may be beyond the scope of

this document for most people. The nice thing about

this, as I mentioned here in the JStock, you get source

code with the Java. Here you don't need to be a

programmer. It's just Excel. As long as you can run

Excel, you can do some very powerful things with it.

Just for data visualization, simple stuff, and some of

the most huge lists of technical indicators so let's go

through them.

Here we get our bid and ask, which is really good. We

get our change, which I showed earlier. Open, close,

all that stuff. Now here's the fundamentals. The two

week high, last update, but here's the killer part.

Price per earnings, earnings per share, yield, market

cap, short ratio, price per sale, blah, blah, blah. If

you know me and you've been following me, I'll give you

a hint. This one right here is earnings per share is

very important because as an indicator, because this

indicator is forward looking data to do forecasting.

This money right here is very powerful if you're

looking at opportunities for a weak player, which we


can short, and also a strong player, for long. Now

that’s pair trading of course.

When you have a certain industry/sector, for instance,

let's say Software or information technology, Apple,

Microsoft would be actually 2 good comparisons, you may

get a better player in the IT market sector. For

example, if it's at a $20 or higher earnings per share

you want to go with the higher one. There's a few other

indicators you may want to look for in terms of market

cap as right here. Here's your market cap. The market

cap is really important because that indicates


liquidity of a company. If it's a small company under,

let's say, a billion or half a billion market cap, you

usually don't want to play it. There is not going to

be a lot of liquidity with this. These two indicators

are very powerful so if you have a high EPS and a low

EPS, those are strong indicators for longing and

shorting in the same sector. That will work in any

market. NSE, India, or US, whatever. Obviously the more

stocks you have to play with, the better.

The other thing is you only want to play stocks that

list their earnings per share. You don't want to list


or put money on stocks or companies that don't list

their EPS, their earnings per share. The reason is

because if they don't list it, that means, and that's

basically from a company's standpoint, going into the

next quarter, it shows how they feel about their

outcome, their guidance. So if in this case it looks

like I can't say if Microsoft will not put their EPS

out there. It could be the source, I could verify that

pretty quickly. If they don't have an EPS, you don't

want to play that either. Just due to the fact that if

they're not going to list their guidance it means they

don't have confidence in their outlook, which means you

shouldn't trade that stock. Just two separate tips.


So let me just verify that. We've got Apple, I'm going

to change this to Microsoft and see what their EPS

would be. So their EPS is earnings per share, 212. So

they do list the guidance. So they do list EPS, which

is good. Now in terms of the market cap, that's very

strange where ... Well, actually, here's the market

cap, $450 billion, which is a good measurement of


All right so we've looked at the price per share and

liquidity in market cap. Just 2 simple indicators that

you can use. There's other things that you could also

use. Here in blue are the ones that is only available

in the XLQ Plus version. Some of this may be useful for

people. Beta is a good one. Again you can only get this

from IQFeed, I believe. That one is only available from

IQFeed as a data source. In terms of the data, bid/ask

is also useful from IQFeed as well.

Volatility, I believe this is implied, which is very

good. It's very hard to get that somewhere. With


calculating it yourself can be a real pain so here it

is from IQFeed. Dividend, all this stuff, here is

another beta, right there. That's really good because

beta can be very useful for comparison against the S &

P 500. The higher the beta, the better. If it's over 1

that's considered good, so as you can see here, the

beta for Microsoft is quite good. Let's see what Apple

is just as another comparison. Beta is 1.55 so that

means that that stock may have a higher performance

than Microsoft. Just as an example.


I have here some ratios, all that fun stuff. Open

interests. Now if I had, I believe, level 2 data access

through IQFeed, you would get all this. Open interest

is really good for those that like to watch options.

With open interest that gives you the ability to see

what the professional traders are doing on the options

side. I mean, there's 2 ways to trade, not just the

stock, but the option. When you dig into the option

side you have a lot more data to work with for

calculation so I'm not going to get into that here, I'm

just keeping everything really simple ...


Also you want to compare against your performance.

Against high week low, I'm sure you know all that. Here

is some intraday stuff. Interesting. You can get this

real time again. Total volume, bid ask, the size of

each tick, and the open high low close. So again, the

SMA will return. I'm not sure about this, all this

fancy stuff. I think this stuff is for Interactive


Let's check out some of the historical stuff. This is

the power of XLQ. It's all calculated on the fly for

you, for $150 is awesome. Again, you don't have to be a


programmer, but if you know Excel, you can do really

well with it and do a lot of cool stuff if you trade

stocks. Again we've talked about all this stuff. Here's

just the Bollinger. I wish to arrange, which I

absolutely love. Some of the moving averages here. Very

cool. Directional movement, etc.

You'd pretty well get everything you could ask for.

Again, these are things that I don't really use a lot.

Some of the fundamental maybe helpful. The Bollinger,

very nice. Stochastic can be useful. RSI which I really

like. Here there's a better worksheet for this, for

RSI, for relative strength index. Those are within the

tolerable ranges.

What else do we have here? Parabolic, rate of change or

rate of term which is very useful. Some of these high

to low is very useful for charting standard deviation

for statistical purposes. You can see your max draw

down. That's good for back testing purposes. Draw down

from the highest. Draw down from the highest

percentage. Very useful stuff. Again we got some of the

averages right here. You can easily build your signals

around this. I'm going to give you an idea if you're an

advanced developer, probably from an architecture

standpoint, but you can see all of the different


indicators here that it's just insane Williams R% or

CCI. This is calculated right from the provider, from

the source, in our case IQFeed. Of course that's all

XLQ in action too calculating some of the historical


This is typical of what can be used as equivalent, as I

like to call, a streamer. Here we're using Apple again.

In this case if I use IQFeed, you can see that this

will change on the fly, in real time. You can get the

same thing from IB (Interactive Brokers) if they're

your broker. If you can't afford to get onto IB, you


can easily pay the measly $100 US per month to get this

data because see, everything's all done in real time,

it's just pretty impressive. All this data is all end

of day right here, throughout, this is all for

historical purposes. With IQFeed, you can go back up to

9 years with certain data, including US stock, if you

want. I don't know how far back you can go with ...

What I'm showing you is really only good for US. It

depends upon IQFeed or your chosen data source. I know

it's a fact that obviously IQFeed will support US


markets and I do believe they just added UK markets as


There are the standard IQFeed fees. Standard services.

Okay, In here it says you get real time quotes. Market

level depth 2, level 2. So you have Canadian. All the

US. I thought they added UK as well, so the only thing

they have is the futures market, which is quite good if

you ask me. Of course you got the Forex in here as

well. Let me try the Euro USD on FXCM. You see the

price but it can't calculate beyond that.


Let's talk about this. Here we have our usual bar of

data: Open, high low, close, all of that, volume, etc.

All of that can go back as far back as 9 years. In this

case what we're going back 30 days. I think this goes

back each week now, and then you go back each month, so

you're going back 1 year here. Of course you can get

access to see how the formulas are built. When you get

an XLQ Worksheet open, that is one of the XLQ functions

to access, no different than as if you were to put in

an average or a summary as a formula for Excel. So here

with Excel XLQ, you can add in a bunch of other ones,

including the technical indicators, so that's how that

works. Very powerful.


Again, earlier, I mentioned about market overview.

These are your sectors that you can probably use. Here

they're listed by each one these. Here is an index. You

can see here I've got software. So the change as I

mentioned with the JStock, there's not a lot of

movements here but depending upon how the markets did

today, or actually in real time, the stronger ones are

obviously, in this case, brokerages. Actually, let me

take that back, energy services. Energy's been moving

quite a bit today, in the green. These again are the

indices for that sector. You can use this as a snapshot


to get an idea of where the winners are for the day, as

well as the losers, but you can see here it's previous

close so that's from yesterday. That's what I'm


This one's really cool. This is a portfolio streamer.

There is a large assumption here, of this pretending to

be your portfolio stock selection.

Intraday. This is where it gets very cool. XLQ can add

in each tick in real time for Microsoft. You can do


that right within your spreadsheet view. Very powerful.

Volume, total volume for the day, and then the intraday

open high low close. Of course you got a date time

stamp as well. This will be the last 20 ticks, right

here, up to this point. You can do the same thing with

Intel. Very cool.

Let's talk about the currency or Forex. This is very

cool, but you can see here that the source is from

Yahoo. I haven't really figured out how to do it for

IQFeed, let's say, but it's good enough where you can

still get a view of it for these currencies.


I know I've been focusing a lot on the US markets, but

in this case I know out there's going to be a big

interest on India and NSE so what I did was, for today

I wanted to get who was the highest gainer on the NSE,

so that Gail, G-A-I-L, I have no idea what the company

is. So what I did was in my Yahoo Finance I could

verify that this Gail, G-A-I-L, can be found on the


Using the power of Yahoo you can do some limited sort

of analysis on any stock that Yahoo tracks. This, of

course, includes this one on Yahoo, so you can see you


can get an end of day analysis on your trend with these

candle ... Well not candlesticks but some form of

charting. Then again, of course, you have your standard

bar data and your trend analysis right here. High to

low. Trailing stock, etc. Very powerful information. It

just goes on and on and on. Draw down from low to high.

Very powerful information. Just using Excel, again. You

don't need to be a programmer to figure this out.

If you know how to build your formulas like this, in

using XLQ within Excel, you're fine. You don't have to

be a rocket scientist to be able to generate this sort


of data. Continuing along, here's some nice stocks.

Again, this is using Gail from Yahoo so again I could

put it anywhere I want. This case is from NSE, high

low, the RSI, the ... I can't read that, MACD, that's

another indicator, DMI. You can easily build little

tables and worksheets from these technical indicators

from the data you've accessed too. Of course I could

speed up this data with the real time data using

IQFeed, but again, I can only do that using from Canada

and the US.

Let's stay with Apple. It's a very liquid, fast-moving

stock. Let's see what happens if I get the tick data,


see if we can do anything with that. If that's actually

going to do anything. Actually this is end of week, I'm

sure, of course, you could change it to be intraday

tick with IQFeed. Why not? Once again we have that

Gail, from NSE, India. You see here we have the

different charting and the different indicators that

you want to list here.

Let's do this same thing. See Apple. Again, this is ...

Is this end of day? Again you have to change these

worksheets to get it working, to customize it. This is


just a demo of what this thing can to. I'm going to

change this to IQFeed, present data source.

With IQFeed you go back and see how far back if I go

... Let me pull up a little test here. 240 days, times

6 years, let's just say. So I'm going to go back 1440

and that's 6 years of data, let's see if we can do it

here. Yeah it looks like that works, so let's see if I

can go back 10 years. So it would be 2400. There you

go, so you can go back up to 10 years of data. Nice.

You could easily generate using Excel for all kinds of

analysis for doing back testing within Excel itself and

you can do it with the tick data as well. As long as

you're not going to blow up Excel itself with the


amount of data that you'll download on those number of

ticks, but what's stopping you from doing it?

All right so here we are doing Yahoo again. Some close

analysis, RSI charting, and again I believe, this is

weekly again. Or this is bi-weekly it looks like. We

can change that, I'm not going to change it, it won't

change between IQFeed and Yahoo. Here we're trying to

do an attempt on the Forex data so I'm going to try my

friend Gail.NS for NSE. That's just weekly data. You

can see it goes back up to 90 days. Nice. types of data

... Gail, NS, no. Oh, there you go. Get all the simple

moving average, all that stuff from Yahoo on that

particular stock, that's pretty impressive.

With the Gail on the RSI, you can see here it sells ...

You can program it in a way where it will say

overbought or undersold. That right there is just one

way of generating alerts and signals from Excel when it

meets certain conditions here, as you can see here.

With the RSI, if less 30, greater than 70, do

overbought or oversold.

Calculations exists with Standard technical indicators

that we've already talked about. Again, when you hit

ranges just like I showed you, you can definitely do

all kinds of signals. You can go hog wild with it. Just

awesome. Now, if you want to go crazy on the charts,

let me see, let's do Apple again. It is loading in

data, high low close for the MACD averages, you get

those averages. See right here, that's what you're

using, which I don't know the period it's for. MACD

trigger, see you could do all kinds of signals using

these kind of formulas.


I'm getting kind of crazy on this. This is pretty

impressive, if you ask me. Let's see what else we could

do. Let's change this now to IQFeed, see if we can get

real time data. That would be pretty killer. No, again

it’s just weekly data. It's still nice because you can

get ... Remember, this is going back 2200 08 days okay?

That's what, almost 10 years of data right there. Back

tested. Nice. You don't even need to do all this other

fancy Python and R and all that.


There you go. You have two software programs that you

can use to your hearts content to generate all kinds of

crazy signals, analysis, and built-in calls. This is


the way for non-techie people. I just want to introduce

that to you. Doesn't matter where you come from,

doesn't matter what your trading experience is. As I

said earlier, about the options data, that can be very

useful for you if you're going to trade options on

stock but you can get the data that you'd be interested

from IQFeed if you do pay for the features or the

options data as well as you can probably get the same

data from Interactive Brokers as well but I haven't

really tried it. I'm going to be honest, I think

IQFeed's cheap enough, professional enough to give you

what you want in terms of the historical back testing,


crazy periods of 5, 10 years, on top of the real time

access. It's phenomenal.

So there you go. You can Trade like a Boss having this

type of data and you pay next to nothing for if you

want to use JStock and Yahoo, but you saw the problem

we ran into. If you want to go a little professional,

get this piece of software called XLQ on top of the

IQFeed as well is a good option is what I would

recommend. That's what I'm using, as you can see here.

Hopefully that will help you out. Over and out.


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