CV-Agus Nugraha (For UNICEF)

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Agus Nugraha



: Agus Nugraha

DATE OF BIRTH : August 23, 1968

NATIONALITY : Indonesian


ADDRES : Jl. Tohiti no.15 Komplek Puri Sartika – Sumber,

Kab. Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.

PHONES : 085295764444


Agus Nugraha


Water and Sanitation, Project Management

QUALIFICATIONS : Engineer Degree (Ir) in Environmental Engineering, 21

October 1995, Bandung Institute of Technology,

Master of Engineering Degree (MEng.) in

Environmental Science and Technology, 19
September 2002, IHE – Delft, The Netherlands


IATPI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan dan Teknik Lingkungan
Indonesia / Indonesian Society of Sanitary and
Environmental Engineers)


LANGUAGES AND DEGREE OF PROFICIENCY: Good in spoken and written English


September 2016 – Present

Employer : Project Management Unit (PMU)- Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII)
Project name : Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII), Stage 3.
The aim of the project is to assist national and sub-national agencies improve
infrastructure in Indonesia, including water supply and sanitation sector,
funded by Government of Australia through the Australian Agency for
International Development (AusAID)
Location : Jakarta
Position held : Water Supply Engineer
Duties : The objective of the assignment is to conduct business plan training for some
PDAM’s staffs. The main tasks carried out are as follows:

 To prepare materials of Training of Trainer (ToT) for technical aspects of SPAM

development, Real Demand Survey and Environmental Impact Assessment.
 To deliver "ToT" of the said materials to selected PDAMs (as chosen by Directorate PSPAM
- Kementrian PUPR)

October 2014 – March 2016 (18 months)

Employer : PT. Pratiwi Putri Sulung (, an Engineering, Procurement and Construction
Company in Gas Industry
Project name : Garawangi & Sunyaragi Gas Offtake Station Project, Perusahaan Gas Negara
Location : Garawangi (Majalengka) and Sunyaragi (Cirebon), West Java
Position held : Site Manager and Water Supply System Specialist
Duties :
 Prepare sites prior to the commencement of construction work (to set out the site and
organise facilities), to plan and execute projects in both sites (Garawangi and Sunyaragi
sites) and ensure that they meet agreed specifications, budgets and timescales and to
oversee the construction works.

 Undertake the water supply system assessment, planning and construction for Garawangi
and Sunyaragi Gas Offtake Station Site.

July 2011 – September 2014 (37 months)

Agus Nugraha

Employer : Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI)

Project name : The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project, a sixty-
month program funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID)
Location : Central Java (July 2011 – October 2012) and West Java, DKI and Banten (November 2012 –
September 2014)
Position held : Urban Water Supply Specialist (LTTA / Long Term Technical Assistant)
Duties : The objective of the assignment is to support increased access to improved
piped water services through the strengthening of the local water service
providers and enhance their relations with all external stakeholders (Local
Government, Local Parliament, Costumers, Civil Society as well as National
Government). Specifically, the Urban Water Supply Specialist will mainly
support the IUWASH Project’s achievement of the water supply related target
under Component Two : “ Improving and expanding capacity of water and
sanitation service delivery”, but also, where required, support program for the
other two IUWASH Components : “ Mobilizing demand forv water supply and
sanitation service delivery” and “ Strengthening policy and the financial
enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service
deliver”. The main tasks carried out are as follows:
 Undertake technical assessment in the area of (peri-) urban water supply service delivery for
vthe target locations in Central Java, West Java, DKI and Banten Provinces to identify existing
conditions, main issues, potential demand, possible conflict with other programs and
commitment from the key local stajkeholders (PEMDA, DPRD, PDAM)
 In close collaboration with IUWASH Governance Specialist for Central Java, West Java, DKI
and Banten Provinces, arrange agreements (with action plans, targets, budget sharing) with
local stakeholders on program activities to be supperted by USAID/IUWASH
 Responsible for preparation, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the Urban water
Supply IUWASH program in Central Java, West Java, DKI and Banten Provinces, in line with
approved project proposal and budgets. This includes development ands monitoring of
various Scope of Work (SOW) for field activities, implementation of training programs,
seminars, promotion activities, exchange visits, etc.
 Identify, liaison with and support Local, Provincial, National and International stake holders,
who are (or will be) involved in the implementation of technical (peri-) urban water and
sanitation activities in IUWASH target areas. This includes compilation of a network of other
related donor-supported technical programs for same target groups, including other
programs financed by USAID (like Water SMS, implemented by Pacific Institute).
 Identify opportunities for leverage of funds from other institutions (donors and/or
government) which the aimto increase access to improve water supply, assist parties with
the development of concrete proposals and support implementation
 Support Regional Coordinator with the preparation of IUWASH annual work plans and
budgets for vthe agreed action plans, incorporating the cost-sharing and / or leveraging local
and (where possible) national stakehoklders.

April 2011 – June 2011 (3 Months)

Employer : Siddharta Consulting – KPMG Group associated with PT. Infratama Yakti
Project name : Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII), Stage 2.
The aim of the project is to assist national and sub-national agencies improve
infrastructure in Indonesia, including water supply and sanitation sector,
funded by Government of Australia through the Australian Agency for
International Development (AusAID)
Location : Central Java.
Position held : Water Supply / Technical Specialist
Duties : The objective of the assignment is to support preparation of business plan for
PDAM Kota Pekalongan. The main tasks carried out are as follows:
 Conduct the Identification, analysis and evaluation of technical existing condition of several
PDAMs in Central Java Province.
Agus Nugraha

 Determine PDAM Kota Pekalongan’s investment

 Prepare of business plan for PDAMs (technical component)
 Support presentation of PDAMs’s business plan to local and central government.

April 2010 – March 2011 (12 months)

Employer : PT. Selaras Cipta Solusi
Project name : Pre-Feasibility Study of Private Sector Participation in Water Supply
Management in East Bogor and Central Bogor Region – PDAM Kabupaten
Bogor and in Southern Region of Kota Surakarta – PDAM Kota Surakarta
Location : Kabupaten Bogor, West Java and Kota Surakarta, Central Java.
Position held : Water Supply Specialist
Duties : The objective of the project is to assist the PDAM Kabupaten Bogor and PDAM Kota
Surakarta on management and development the water supply facilities in order to extend the
service area and improve the capacity with participation of private investor. The main tasks
carried out are as follows;
 Review the existing water supply system condition.
 Prepare the preliminary engineering design of water supply system in the proposed area.
 Prepare investment needed for 5 years
 Liaise with PDAM Kabupaten Bogor and PDAM Kota Surakarta
 Prepare report

November 2009 – March 2010 (5 months)

Employer : Siddharta Consulting – KPMG Group
Project name : Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII), Stage 1.
The aim of the project is to assist national and sub-national agencies improve
infrastructure in Indonesia, including water supply and sanitation sector,
funded by Government of Australia through the Australian Agency for
International Development (AusAID)
Location : Central Java and West Java.
Position held : Water Supply / Technical Specialist
Duties : The objective of the assignment is to support preparation of business plan for
PDAM Kabupaten Kudus, Kabupaten Cilacap, Kabupaten Banyumas,
Kabupaten Wonosobo, Kota Pekalongan and Kabupaten Purwakarta. The main
tasks carried out are as follows:

 Conduct the Identification, analysis and evaluation of technical existing condition of several
PDAMs in Central Java Province.
 Determine PDAMs’s investment..
 Prepare of business plan for PDAMs (technical component)
 Support presentation of PDAMs’s business plan to local and central government.

May 2009 – October 2009 (6 months)

Employer : Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI)
Project name : Environmental Services Program (ESP), a sixty-four month program funded by
the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Location : North Sumatera
Position held : PDAM Technical Specialist (STTA / Short Term Technical Assistant)
Duties : The objective of the assignment is to support preparation of mid-term
investment plan (RPIJM Penyehatan) for PDAM Kabupaten Langkat, as well
as Technical support for new large master meter system in Medan, including
DED, BoQ, O&M and M&E procedures and training for PDAM, Local NGO
and local community. The main tasks carried out are as follows:

1. Prepare Mid-term investment plan of PDAM Kabupaten Langkat :

 Conduct the Identification, analysis and evaluation of existing condition PDAM Kab
 Determine investment needs based on future projected growth and income.
Agus Nugraha

 Prepare of investment plan for PDAM (technical and institutional component)

 Prepare of final report of review mid term investment plan for PDAM Kabupaten Langkat
 To support presentation mid term plan to Local and Central government
2. Technical support for new water for poor master meter system in Medan: (Collaboration
with JKM, financed by ECO-Asia and PDAM Tirtanadi)
 Support JKM (a Non-Government Organisation) and CBO (Community Based
Organisation) in Detailed Engineering Design and Bill of Quantities for new master
meter locations and construction pipe network behind master meter.
 Develop and implement monitoring and evaluation system for the construction phase of
the master meter systems for 3,500 new connections, in collaboration and agreement
with Local Government, who will finance the construction after the master meters
 Provide training for the proper monitoring of construction phase by JKM and new CBO,
including regular reporting of problems to PEMKOT.
 Support JKM and CBO with training in O & M procedures for new master meter systems
 Write-up of a master meter construction monitoring system, including roles and
responsibilities of all stakeholders (NGO, CBO, PDAM, PEMKOT) to be included in ESP
water-for-poor toolkit.

June 2004 – March 2009 (58 months)

Employer : GHD Pty. Ltd in association with PT. Prismaita Cipta Kreasi
Project name : The Second Water and Sanitation for Low Income Community (WSLIC–2)
Location : Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat.
Position held : Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist
Duties : The objectives of the project is to assist the local community in Kabupaten Cirebon, West Java
to get clean water service and to improve the sanitation condition in order to improve the of the
local community health. The main tasks carried out are as follows:

( Carry out strategic planning, coordinating and facilitating the input of WSLIC-2 project
activities for Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) with MoPW and other local government.
( Provide technical backstopping to Community Facilitators - Water Supply and Sanitation - (CF-WSS)
to carry out the Rapid Technical Assessment (RTA), develop a set of technology options, estimate the
cost of each option, and assist the Village Implementation Team (VIT) to choose the option of the best
fits their circumstances
( Assure that the preliminary design for WSS facilities, initial environmental evaluation, and cost
estimates, economic and financial analysis, and the initial tariff estimates meet the standard.
( Participate and provide technical backstopping for CF-WSS in the presentation of RTA result and
(Detailed Engineering Designs (DEDs) to communities
( Review Community Action Plans (CAPs) for the approval of District Project Management Unit
(DPMU), and assist the community to make modifications or improvement.
( Provide technical training to CF/WSS in reading simple engineering drawings, understanding technical
design limitations, etc, as necessary.
( Aassure that activities proposed relating WSS system as part of the CPA meet the standard
( To provide technical backstopping and monitor of CF-WSS in supervising construction, and verifying
work progress in both quality and quantity.
( Review and approve any proposed design changes may have performance implications
( Provide technical backstopping to CF-WSS when they provide specialized technical training to VIT
staff and community members at large in the interpretation of engineering drawing and other training
( Work with local skilled laborers to built demonstration family latrines, and help the VIT to establish
the sanitation fund, the rules of its used, and help for local workers to become well established in the
latrine construction business.
( Assure of the technical effectiveness of the O&M of WSS system.

December 2003 – April 2004 (5 months)

Employer : PT. Prismaita Cipta Kreasi

Agus Nugraha

Project name : Pre-Feasibility Study of Private Sector Participation in Water Supply

Management in Kecamatan Curug and Legok – Kabupaten Tangerang
Location : Tangerang, Banten.
Position held : Water Supply Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to assist the local government on management and development
the water supply facilities in order to extend the service area and improve the capacity with
participation of private investor. The main tasks carried out are as follows;
 Conduct a real water demand survey of community.
 Review the existing water supply system condition.
( Prepare the base maps and available data proceeding the field inspection and site surveys for
the water supply network systems and water resources
 Analyze data and determine design criteria
 Prepare the preliminary engineering design of water supply system in the proposed area.

June 2003 – November 2003 (6 months)

Employer : PT. Prismaita Cipta Kreasi
Project name : Feasibility Study of Private Sector Participation in Water Supply Management in Tegal
Location : Tegal, Central Java.
Position held : Water Supply Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to assist the local government on management and development
the water supply facilities in order to extend the service area to rural areas surroundings Tegal
and improve the capacity with participation of private investor. The main tasks carried out are
as follows;
 Survey the willingness to connect of the community to piped water
( Review, study and evaluate the existing data and water supply system design
( Review characteristic and condition of water supply facilities
( Prepare the preliminary engineering design of water supply system

October 2002 – May 2003 (8 months)

Employer : PT. Prismaita Cipta Kreasi
Project name : Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project
Location : Kabupaten Tegal and Pekalongan, Central Java
Position held : Water Supply and Sanitation Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to assist the local community to get clean water service and to
improve the sanitation condition in order to improve the of the local community health.
The main tasks carried out are as follows;
 Review and evaluate the existing WSS including management system, financial status,
valuable assets, WSS networks, problems/constraint, and WSS demand.
 Study the possibility of the WSS capacity development for the potential rural settlements
including water resources, and analyze the water tariff which suitable for the rural
 Carry out field survey for preparation of detail engineering design (DED) of WSS facilities
development, including the construction cost. The facilities comprises of pipe distribution
networks, water treatment plant, main reservoir, latrines, drainages, etc.
 Prepare the guideline of OM System.
 Design and prepare the public campaign and promoting system for local communities
regarding the improvement of the community health in line with the WSS program
 Prepare the community participation system in the planning and developing the WSS
 Prepare training program development for trainers, community facilitator, local community to
be involved in the program implementation, including Training Needs Assessment (TNA),
preparation of training curriculum/modules, set out training implementation program,
coordinate the training preparation which include logistics, accommodation and transportation

Agus Nugraha

of the participants, and the trainers. Develop monitoring and evaluation of the training

November 2000 – October 2001 (12 months)

Employer : PT. Thames Pam Jaya
Project name : New investment Project in several areas
Location : Jakarta.
Position held : Project Assessment Engineer at Capital Planning Departmen
Duties : The objectives of the project are to improve the level of service to community.
The main tasks carried out are as follows;
( Analyse and assess the benefits from the proposed projects
and prepare reports regarding new investment project
( Review the result of field survey and verification in relation with engineering design purposes
( Monitor the projects implementation progress

August 1999 – September 2000 (14 months)

Employer : PT. Prismaita Cipta Kreasi
Project name : Supervision of Water Supply Construction Project for Housing Complex Perum
Perumnas (National Urban Development Corporation) Parung Panjang - Bogor, West
Java, Stage II, capacity 100 l/s.
Location : Bogor, West Java
Position held : Site Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to give the clean water service for people in Housing Complex
Perum Perumnas. The main tasks carried out are as follows;
 To supervise the implementation pipe laying work
( To control the material issued, used and returned
( To complete the administration of project

October 1998 – March 1999 (6 months)

Employer : PT. Prismaita Cipta Kreasi
Project name : Feasibility Study of Private Sector Participation in Water Supply Management in
Location : Palembang, South Sumatra
Position held : Water Supply Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to assist the local government on management and development
the water supply facilities in order to extend the service area to rural areas surroundings
Palembang and improve the capacity with participation of private investor. The main tasks
carried out are as follows;
 Survey the willingness to connect of the community to piped water
( Review, study and evaluate the existing data and water supply system design
( Review characteristic and condition of water supply facilities
 Prepare the preliminary engineering design of water supply system.

April 1998 – September 1998 (6 months)

Employer : PT. Yasa Karsa Graha
Project name : Jakarta Wastewater Disposal Project
Location : Jakarta
Position held : Sanitation and Sewerage Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to improve the condition of sanitation facilities and sewerage
system. The main tasks carried out are as follows;
 Review, study and evaluate the existing data and design of sewerage system and sanitation
 Survey characteristics and condition of sewerage and sanitation facilities to be
 Prepare the sewerage engineering and sanitation design

June 1997 – March 1998 (10 Months)

Employer : PT. Arkonin Engineering

Agus Nugraha

Project name : Ibu Kota Kecamatan (IKK) System Water Supply in West Java Province
Location : Kab. Sukabumi and Kab. Cianjur
Position held : Water Supply Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to assist local government in developing the
water system for sub district/rural/villages in order to improve the community
health and stimulate the regional economic growth. The duties are as follows;

 Carry out field survey at the proposed villages in order to identify the existing water used by
the local community, socio-economic, physical characteristics, and water demand.
 Propose a water system development which suitable for the local community.
 Prepare the criteria of the planning which including covered area to served, number of
customers, water debit and its resources, distribution system, tariff analysis, typical of O&M.
 Prepare DED of WS facilities including design drawing, BoQ, Cost Estimate, Specification for
the construction stage, guideline of supervision works, and O&M guidelines.
 Study the possibility of private sector/local community participation on development program
(construction and O&M of the water supply system).
 Assist local government to improve the capability of local staff (PDAM staffs) by training
 Prepare technical report regarding water supply system development.

March 1996 – April 1997 (12 months)

Employer : PT. Arkonin Engineering
Project name : Detailed Engineering Design of Rural Piped Water Supply Project in 5 (five0 Kabupatens in
West Java
Location : Kabupaten Sumedang, Kabupaten Majalengka, Kabupaten Garut, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya,
and Kabupaten Kuningan.
Position held : Water Suppl Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to assist community to get clean water service. The duties
are as follows;
( Review the existing condition of water supply system
( Conduct field inspections and site surveys
 Prepare the detailed engineering design, technical specification and construction drawing for water
supply pipelines

November 1995 – April 1996 (5 months)

Employer : PT. Arkonin Engineering
Project name : Detailed Engineering Design of Water Distribution System for Housing Complex Kota
Wisata, Cibubur, Bogor, West Java, capacity 20 l/s.
Location : Cibubur, Bogor
Position held : Water Supply Engineer
Duties : The objective of the project is to give the clean water service for people of Housing Complex
Kota Wisata, Cibubur, Bogor. The main tasks carried out are as follows;
( Calculate water demand of the population
( Prepare detailed engineering design and construction drawing for water supply system
( Assist in preparation of tender document in particular responsible for technical specification of pipelines.


1. Ir. Ahmad Lanti, MSc

Project Manager of Water Sector
Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII)
Ratu Plaza Building, 9th. floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta
Mobile : 0811 869 518
Phone: 021 522 0540
Mobile : 0856 7008 725

Agus Nugraha

2. Ir. Edy Nurhamid Amin

Operational Director
PT. Pratiwi Putri Sulung
Jl. Wibawa Mukti no. 89, Jatiasih,
Kota Bekasi
Phone: 021 2938 8858
Mobile : 0812 1225 0004

3. Nur Endah Shofiani, ST, MSc

Regional Coordinator - West Java, DKI and Banten (Former)
Mayapada Building, 10th floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta
Mobile : 08129381674

4. Ir. Jefry Budiman, MBA

Regional Coordinator – Central Java (Former)
Jl. Agung No. 38A, Gajahmungkur
Kota Semarang
Mobile : 0811977414

I, undersigned, certify that the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe
me, my qualifications and my experiences.

Agus Nugraha


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