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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286

Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in


Samhita.S.Mysorae and 2Dr. Bhargavi.D.Hemmige
1 rd
Research Student, 3 Semester MAJ, Department of Media Studies, Jain (Deemed-to-be University)
Associate Professor, Department of Media Studies, Jain (Deemed-to-be University)

Media is recognized as the fourth estate of democracy. The trial is generally done by establishing courts of law.Media plays a key role
in framing the belief of the society and is also capable of altering the whole viewpoint of the people which people would have
perceived about anything earlier. Media trial is the influence of newspaper and television reporting on a person’s prominence, a
character which create a sense of extensive guilt or innocence before or after the verdict from the court of law. In Media Trial the
accused is declared as convict even before the actual judgment. Hence this is likely to have a bearing on fair trial.

People are likely to believe and accept all the news and coverage that is done by media. Under the Article 19 (1) (a)of the Indian
constitution, media gets the provision of freedom of the press which is derived from the freedom of speech and expression (1949).

‘Fair Is Foul and Foul Is Fair’ from William Shakespeare's Macbeth (1623), which eventually means ‘Everything is not what it
Appears As.’. Many a times the courts are compromised did in the media trial. Media trial also affects fair trial. This study examines
the influence of media trial in the Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. Also, how media twisted and turned its position which may haveled
to wrongful conviction.

Keywords: Media Trial, freedom of press, Media, Judiciary, Fair trial, court of law.


Media is defined as various means of communication. Media is considered as the Fourth Estate of the democracy. It is the Pillar for
the whole democratic system. The Term Media in its modern application relating to communication channels was first used by
Canadian communications theorist Marshall McLuhan (Belinda middleweek,2017).The origin of media can be unearthed back to the
times of the Nationalist Movement in India. Ever since those times, the media has been playing a crucial role in guaranteeing the
citizens their rights and liberties. The media compatible with its duty, also supervise which is in charge and responsible for an
accountable journalism. Media has been called handmaiden of justice. The media these days has built a deep and very strong
relationship between the citizen of the country with the government. It is a channel which connects each other. Media act as a
coordinator also an enabler on various situations, including those influencing the collective moral sense of society. It completely looks
for the crucial gap between an accused and a convict keeping at stake the golden principles of ‘presumption of innocence until proven
guilty’ and ‘guilt beyond reasonable doubt’. It is considered as the ‘Watch Dog’ of the society. Media is not only a voice to express
one’s feelings, opinions and views, but it is also accountable and instrumental in constructing and establishing opinions and views on
various topics of regional, national and international agenda. There is a cutthroat competition in today’s reality world of media. The
crucial role of the media is its potential to muster the pensive process and thinking of millions. Media not only mobilize or influence
the public opinions, but also encounter those cases which is most likely would have gone unnoticed otherwise without getting justice.

Role of Media

Media acquires a very huge position in a democracy and it is stature is no way less than any other things. Media is the main source for
people to get informed about the daily aspects, events happening around.Media these days have been a channel and the path to draw
and build a connection between the public and the government. It acts as a mediator which works to reach out to everyone collecting
the news from look and corner of the world. The role of media is changing day by day with the addition of new aspects and
technology to it. The key duty of the media in democratic governance has been accepted and granted since the late 17th century, and
remains a fundamental principle of modern-day democratic theory and practice. Media acts as an intermediate / catalyst along with
being an enabler on many matters, including those affecting the collective ethics of society. Media is considered as a ‘Watchdog’ to
the society. The role of the press as a watchdog is a traditional depiction of the duty of news media in particular. This role can hold
several forms depending on the nature of the medium bothered, as well as on the state of democracy and development in a certain
country. Amartya Sen sees the media as a watchdog not just against corruption, but also against disaster. He said.

“There has never been a famine in a functioning multiparty democracy .A free press and the practice of democracy contribute greatly
to bringing out information that can have an enormous impact on policies for famine prevention… a free press and an active political
opposition constitute the best early-warning system a country threatened by famine could have.”

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

‘Press as detective’ role is manifested when the press is able to take part in in fairly long-term, detailed, in-depth investigative
journalism. Many at times it also criticizes the decisions made by the leader. Media is a voice to the public and society. It is like a
voice to the voiceless people. The four main roles of media, which is identified by the theorists are as follows(gov):

1. To Inform
2. To Persuade
3. To Entertain
4. To Transmit culture

Media and Society

Media is the rumination of our society and it portrays what and how society works. The word ‘media’ are derived from the word
medium, which means mode or carrier. In recent days the media have become part and parcel of everyone’s life. Media is considered
as the voice for voiceless people in the society. The necessity of media in today's world is for major purposes like to provide
information, details and knowledge about contemporaneous news, gossips, fashion, and the latest gadgets in the marketplace of the
people. It provides righteous knowledge about everything all over the world. It covers the geographical aspects of the world. The
media assert to be reigned by righteousness and be impartial and equal to the common man for the rich man. Media is considered as a
change of following aspects: (Bernis, Ingeborg, Connell, Robert, 2000)

1. Advancement
2. Education
3. Information
4. Entertainment
5. Correlation of parts of society
Society is being regulated and influenced by media in various ways. Theissues may be regarding any cases and problems related
directly and indirectly to society. Media is considered as “mirror” of the modern society, infect, it is the media which shape society
lives. Media has the greatest sway in the minds of people. Youths followed by adults are strongly impacted.

Role of Media in Society:

The word 'media' is the plural form of the word 'medium', which is derived from the Latin word 'Medius', meaning middle. Media
usually reaches mass. The word media, at the beginning was used in books and newspaper. Along with print media and the emergence
of technologies, media today is surrounded by internet, radio, television and movies. Media has become an inevitable need to the
today’s society for the daily life. Media these days are surrounded and have taken great responsibility. In an age of diversified media
corporations, we are persuaded to believe that we live in a "global village" - a single, undifferentiated information society (Marshall
McLuhan) where every individual can share information regarding any issue. Media creates awareness among people. Society has
changed a lot when the new media came into existence. Everything we post online, or get from online have a great stand in creating a
revolution in the society. These media, especially have the power to brand a person in a positive way within seconds. Media has
become an addictive drug to the present generation people. Every time a fresh news popup media will be ready to make it sensational
and create a high drama in the society.

The significance of media in society can be understood through following aspects: (Anuj kumar,2016)

1. Gives the enormous knowledge and mediate information

2. Raises consciousness in the society
3. Raises voice against issues in society
4. Provides live telecast about certain events
5. Educate the society
Effects of Media on society:

Media has become a great influencer these days. Any information is at the tip of the hand. This information can be spread after
merely clicking on a button. Information may be related/non-related, important/unimportant, true or false, gossip, news or fake
news are spreading like a wildfire around the globe through the media. Media influence, manipulate, include persuading,
pressurize, coerce the society along with trying to control the world, both in a negative and positive manner also mentally,
physically and emotionally. Today, the media are all over the world, and can easily get to places for the coverages if there is any
content is in ‘BREAKING NEWS’ scenarios. According to (Global Web Index), 54% of the daily media time are online. Also, on a

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

typical day, 12% of people watch online TV, 10% listen to online radio, 12% read online press, 28% use social networking sites, 13%
are micro-blogging, 9% read or write blogs, and 17% do other things. The conclusion drawn from this statistic is that, there is abiding
approach to the news reports and other goings, events happening in and around the world, with the aid of links from social media sites.

Media and Democracy

Media act as a catalyst for the democracy and development. Media is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy. It assists people from
the public to make their participation meaningful. Media needs indispensable skill for the kind of extensive reporting that a new
democratic demand. The role of the media is requisite in inducing a democratic culture that proffers beyond the political system and
becomes deep-rooted in the public consciousness over time. Media is contributing the political information that voters establish their
decisions on. Media serves as the medium for contemplation by recognizing the issues in the society. The role of media in a
democracy is as pivotal as that of the politicians and should never be underrated. The media organization itself must be democratic in
itself. Media democracy allows people to have the right to participate in media. Each new media transformation is assessed for its
potential effect on democratic politics, and media professionals are regularly criticized for practices that are perceived in one way or
another as beingantidemocratic. The relationship between democracy and the media has been anorganised topic of debate ever since
the emergence of liberal democratic theory.

In words of Benito Mussolini –

“Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive, tyrannical and destructive than one, if he
be a tyrant”. It is the fear of being exposed by the media before the public that most of the politicians keep themselves under control to
some extent”

As the relationship between democracy and the media has been considered throughout the twentieth century, ample awareness has
been given to the extent of media effects. Media has a huge responsibility in in playing a very superintended, accountable, neutral and
active role in accomplishing its duties without being carried out by any definite political party or few individuals. Media is in the
answerable position in a democratic setup, in which it has to fulfil its commitments without any bias towards anyone by bringing out
the actual facts in front of public.

Media Ethics and Social Responsibility

Media ethics and Social Responsibility is the most vitally important aspects so far in the media world. The newsroom definition of
“media ethics” can translate into the broader concept of “social responsibility”, which is appropriate for the purpose of reasoning in
sociological or legal termsThese ethics and standards are graduated from being the fourth estate along with the executive, legislature
and the judiciary. The technology now is highly advanced. The global 24x7 media are most often the first to get and telecast news,
before the dissemination of news by intelligence agencies, the government, the military, corporate, or anybody else. It sets the agenda,
tone, and parameters of the discussion, and relays back responses. The media as gatekeepers hold the complete position of social
responsibility and trust which makes broadcasting channels and newspapers, public trustees of news, informed comment, and good
taste. This is equal to the ethical and social responsibility as a legal aspect. Media ethics assist and guards’ values such as a ubiquitous
respect for life and the rule of law and legitimacy. Media rapidly beat the competition, make “breaking news,” or win dubious TRP
ratings or self-glory, can result in error, invasion of privacy, failure to double check, trial by the media, and other ills.

Sensationalism in Media

Sensationalism is defined as an editable tactic. Crisis and development in news stories are motivates biased impressions of events
rather than neutrality. It may cause a manipulation of the truth of a story. The original content losses the liability. TRP is the main
factor for the sensationalism in the media. Every news media struggle to get high ratings every year. Television channels in a race to
increase their Television Rating Point (TRP), ratings are turned into to sensationalized journalism with a view to earn a cut-throat edge
over the others. The one expected goal of sensational reporting is to increase or sustain viewership or readership, from which media
outlets can price their advertising higher to increase their profits based on higher numbers of viewers and/or readers Journalists and
editors are often accused of sensationalizing scandals by those whose public image is harmed by the legitimate reporting of the
scandal Mass media is often used as a tool for vengeance , defamation, victim and witness interfering, and monetary or personal
gain.Sensationalism has become a trend in media that has led to fake reporting, yellow journalism. Media rather than doing its duty to
just inform the people, are yielded to sensationalism.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Monetarizing of TV channels and Independent Youtubers:

People watch TV channels for entertainment as well as to gain information. It is very common that the audiences change their
impression on channels they used to watch earlier and many a times they may be attracted to watch to any other TV channel. As, a
result of this change in audience preferences, media companies is challenged with exploring new ways to make money. Not Only TV
channels youtubers are also subjected to this criterion to make money. A Tv channel earns from the advertisement it gets. The
advertisement is based on the TRP a channel gets into a program. Similarly, to a YouTube channel the revenue is through the clicks,
views and the likes they receive to their channel. To gain revenue TV and YouTube channels also spread fake news or sensitize the
news. They pick and prefer, such news on which there are thousand eyes wandering and are eager to get the updates.

Sushant Singh Rajput death case was a big means to earn a lot of money through media trials. Many channels kept on its coverage
regarding this case on a daily basis for 24/7. Apart from news channels there are others who gain a lot of money. Here is an example
of an individual youtuber who earned 15 lakhs in 4 months. This was reported by Midday which claimed that a YouTube from Bihar
accused of running malicious campaigns by publishing fake stories over actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death. The accused Rashid
Siddiqui, a former civil engineer who owns a YouTube channel named ‘FF News’. A case against him is filed on charges of
defamation, public mischief and intentional insult. 500-crore defamation notice was claimed for him. His initial posts were on
Rajput's death that widely viewed, he posted more such content and earned Rs. 6.5 lakh in September. Later he made posts against
Mumbai police, Maharashtra government, minister Aaditya Thackeray and actor Akshay Kumar were viewed by lakhs of netizens.The
defamation suit was held with regards to Akshay Kumar, where in the YouTuber had claimed like Akshay Kumar is unhappy about
Rajput who had bagged the film MS Dhoni. Also, for having secret meetings with the Mumbai police and Aaditya regarding his death,
and having helped Rhea Chakraborty escape to Canada. He also increased his followers by spreading such fake news.

Emergence of Infotainment in Television

Infotainment is defined as a portmanteau term which is also called as soft news. This is a type of format that usually media use
especially television. This term provides or is blended with the combination of information and entertainment. This term or concept is
disapproved by the hard news carried out by the media. There are websites, social media sites that are exclusively meant for
infotainment to the people. The terms "infotainment" and "infotainer" were first used in September 1980 at the Joint Conference of
Aslib, the Institute of Information Scientists and the Library Association in Sheffield, UK. Television these in the present days has
become the integral part of the society. In olden days television was a rarely present. A few had TV sets in, their houses where
Doordarshan was the only channels these days. A significant change in the development of new commercial channels took place away
after a few years. Doordarshan gained valuable experience in the development of software, training of technical and production staff,
and in broadcast management. India television is opened to the bring in programming, changes in existing programs and the massive
inflow of imported feature films and cartoons.

The rise of infotainment has borne a resemblance to the process of globalization. 10 mega corporations controlled most of the
production of entertainment and information all over the globe. They constructed a global media culture, bringing together TV, film,
magazines, newspapers, books, information databases, computers, and other media, and producing a networked multimedia
infotainment society. The infotainment media contents include information regarding current issues and deep entertainment with
prime importance and planned efforts to gain popularity among audience members. Such programs aim to attract audience and also
make sure to keep them alert and focused throughout the program presentation. Many scholars have analysed that infotainment
programs generally focus news of the day to combine it with comedy, sitcom, imitations, songs etc for the purpose to make such
programs funny interesting and informative. The emergence of infotainment in television has created fragmentation in viewers. The
rise of infotainment has decreased the significance of traditional television contents and styles. The widespread growth of media in
India was from 1992.

Media and Investigative Journalism

Investigative journalism is defined as a form of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a single topic of interest, such as
serious crimes, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing. An investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and
preparing a report (Wikipedia). Major investigative journalism was traditionally conducted by wire services, newspaper and freelance
journalist. As, getting advertisement to traditional media organisation was difficult, investigative journalism was not be possible. All
the media may not be successful in conducting investigation because such kind of journalism needs quite a lot of funding and are time
Professor Steve Weinberg, University of Missouri journalism defines investigative journalism as: "Reporting, through one's own
initiative and work product, matters of importance to readers, viewers, or listeners." In many cases, the subjects of the reporting wish
the matters under scrutiny to remain undisclosed. There are currently university departments for teachinginvestigative journalism.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Conferences are conducted presenting peer reviewed research into investigative journalism. Conferences are conducted presenting
peer reviewed research into investigative
The purpose of media in conducting investigations is to disclose and expose wrongdoings and corruption. It alerts about a few people
who fail to obey and follow the law. Investigative journalism conducts undercover operations in order to reveal the truth to root out
the facts to people, such kind of undercover operations is termed as ‘Sting operation’. Good investigative journalism is journalism’s
strongest suit.

Rise of Investigative journalism in India

Investigative journalism in India can be traced from the early 1970s. The period between 1973 and 1980 witnessed many events like
The Emergency Period, Formation of the congress government and also Indira Gandhi was about to return to her power. There was a
huge political drama during that time. During the initial days there only a few dailies who made an effort to cover interesting stories.
A few audiences who followed the daily stories and merely reacted, as the result the sales of the paper declined automatically. Hence,
as the result, people automatically diverted their attention to magazines. Later, The Indian Express, The Hindu and The Statesman
gradually began to shed off their orthodoxy and traditionalism. During 1982 The Statesman came up with a new team for the
investigative journalists called as Insights Team. This team succeeded in revealing about the misuse of public funds. In 1982, a report
about the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi ‘s confidant Dhirendra Brahmachari was published. This story was about his gun factory
near Jammu. The story during those times was very controversial. The Indian Express accomplished by conducting various
investigations about the networking between the politician and the criminals. The Hindu showed its outstanding performance with the
investigation of the scandalous and notorious Bofors case which involved the sale of Bofors guns to India. It took almost three years
of assiduous investigation to bring out the report. The investigation done by both Hindu and Indian Express in this case are the
landmark in the history of Indian Investigative Journalism. In 1990s, the growth of investigative journalism in India was inactive. Due,
to the Official Secret Act, the journalists were restricted to obtain and access information easily, therefore as a result of this sting
operation became popular.

Later, Tehelka gave a new dimension altogether to investigative journalism and also raised issues of ethics and means used in doing
investigative stories. Followed by Tehelka, Cobra post which was another non-profit news website founded by the co- founder of
Tehelka set new dimensions to the investigative journalism.

Breaking News Phenomenon in Media:

Breaking news, indistinguishably termed late-breaking news and also known as a special report or special coverage or news flash. It is
a current issue that broadcasters feel warrants the interruption of scheduled programming or current news in order to report its
details. Broadcasting media are relatively famous for the updating news instantly. involve a wide interest in viewers and may also
have a little impact. Most of the time breaking news are given after the coverage of a particular story by a news organization. During
that time, it pops up with a title saying ‘Just In’, ‘News Alert’, ‘More to Come’, ‘This is A Special Report’. Covering events, is a
service broadcaster that is uniquely equipped to provide. Breaking news includes an emergency or crisis. Also, the ability to go live
immediately when the media organization/channel's reporters bring needed information instantly. Dramatic live events also can
become shared cultural experiences, from sports competitions to events as sombre as 9/11

Breaking news may provide news of live courage instantly, but it affects the security of the state and country, it affects people
cognitively and may also lead to spread of fake news. The live coverage many a times may lead to the worst scenario. 26/11 Mumbai
terrorist attack is the example which shows the ugly side of media. Terrorists were able to easily access all the broadcasting
information and news feed that was covered by the media. May be few lives would have been saved if the media had restrained from
dissemination of information. The details about the attack which had taken place on the day, and also the actions and response of our
country’s security forces were all aired by media in detail in the form of breaking news. This had a worse impact. Citing the
unpleasant experience during 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks when news channels broadcast NSG operations live, I&B Ministry was told
to amend the program code in Cable Television Network Rule, in order to avoid terror related operation news live coverage in future.

What is Trail?

A trial is an official examination, inspection of a piece of evidence by a law lord (magistrate), generally before the tribunal, just to
decide the culpability and guilt in a case of civil and criminal proceedings. Generally, trial is a test or an examination in front of the
judge about the reality and the actuality put in any issue of the case, that often comprises issues of law in addition with the facts. The
trail also, put an effort to determine a person’s guilt or innocence by due process of law. It is an act of endeavor, testify, attempt or
putting the gathered proof together. The trail is a strong urge in doing something to reveal the fact or truth. Trail of the century is an
idiomatic phrase used to describe certain popular court cases, especially of the 19th ,20th, and 21st century.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Media Trial:

'Trial by media' is an expression which became popular in the late twentieth century and early 21st century to portray the effect of TV
and daily newspaper reporting on a man's reputation by making a boundless impression of blame or honesty before or on the other
hand after, a decision in a courtroom is pronounced. Media trial is the impact of tabloid and television broadcasting on a person’s
reputation and recognition by creating a widespread opinion of guilt irrespective of any verdict in a court of law. Trial by media is a
latest term that is coined recently which is used to indicate or symbolize an aspect of media activism.News format and the way news
are being rendered nowadays has completely and totally changed. News is not objective, truthful and genuine. Earlier, journalism was
not so much under pressure to increase their TRP (Television Rating Points).

The media while covering a court case portrays the accused as a villain or a knave by calling them criminals, crooks, cheats, frauds,
bloodthirsty or homicidal demons, money-hungry wolves and similar terms which are not based on facts and are meant only to
sensationalize the news, thus causing damage to the dignity of an accused person. Once, the name and the self – respect of a person is
ruined, it cannot be given back to those victims who is proven innocent after the proper fair trial. These people will be under public
scrutiny for the rest of their life’s. Media representation of previous crimes of the accused creates prejudices in the minds of public
and also judges during a trial. Media fail to notice the primary idea that hegemonies trial in India, which is “Guilty beyond reasonable
doubt” and “Innocent until proven guilty”. These media trials create such a pressure to the judges, which affects the Sub Judice.

Media Trial as a Requisite Evil: Positive Feature:

The culprit in few famous criminal cases would have left without taking necessary action by punishing them. Hence, after the
intervention of media the accused were convicted. There are several other such cases such as theJessica Lal Murder Case, The
Ruchika GirhotraCase , Nitish Katara Murder Case, Priyadarshini Mattoo caseBijal Joshi rape case, Nirbhaya rape case, etc. The
media lead the true aspects in the public grounds which created a strong public pressure on the police as well as courts to fast track
these cases to get justice. Apart from this, corruption cases like Bofors scam, 2G scam, Commonwealth Games scam, Fodder Scam,
and Harshad Mehta stock market scam were directed by media all the way till the day of the verdict. Hence, media acts as catalyst and
aids speedy justice.

Media trial as a Mayhem: Negative feature

The accused in a few cases would have got their punishments without proper verification of facts by courts and police. This happens
when there is an external force from the media. Many a times media fail to recheck the investigations they do and declare verdicts that
depicts a few innocent people as guilty, even though they are innocent. Here are a few cases which are examples for the media

There are several other cases Sexual assault case against Tarun Tejpal, AK Ganguly Case, Uma Khurana Case, Sheena Bora Murder
caseKhurshid Anwar suicide caseSankararaman murder caseSunanda Pushkar Death caselike Aarushi Talwar Murder case, Media
Guidelines case, Murder of Ms. Shivani Bhatnagar etc., in which media trial had a negative effect on the people who were accused
falsely. Media thus, crosses its limit and act as a judge of declaring that a person is guilty of the crime happened.

NBSA Guidelines For Media Organisation

NBSA i.e., the News Broadcasting Standards Authority is an independent body set up by the News Broadcasters Association i.e.,
NBA. The duty of NBSA is to consider and judge upon complaints about the broadcasts. NBSA consists of nine-member Authority
The Code of Ethics and Broadcasting Standards set down by the NBA for violation of which an objection may be made, include the
following editorial fundamentals. A news channel must (gov):
1. Ensure impartiality and objectivity in reporting.
2. Ensure neutrality.
3. Ensure that when reporting on crime, that crime and violence are not glorified
4. Ensure utmost discretion while reporting on violence and crime against women and children
5. Abhor sex and nudity
6. Ensure privacy
7. Ensure that national security is not endangered

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

8. Refraining from advocating or encouraging superstition and occultism

9. Ensure responsible sting operations.
10. Coverage is to be tested on the ‘touchstone of public interest’, and must be factually accurate and objective.
11. There should be no live reporting that ‘facilitates publicity of any terrorist or militant outfit, its ideology or tends to evoke
sympathy towards or glamorise their cause.’
12. During a case which is under hearing in the court the media has no right to judge the case through their broadcastings.
13. Respect should be shown to the dead and no gory visuals should show on TV.
14. Reporters should refrain from being in live, direct contact with victims, security forces, technical personnel or perpetrators.
15. Networks should refrain from continuous / unnecessary broadcasts of archival footage that may agitate the viewers. (If any such
footage is shown, it should clearly indicate ‘file’, with date and time).
It is an act to regulate the operation of cable television networks in the country and for matters connected therewith or incidental
thereto. This act provides a few guidelines. No program must be carried in the cable network service which:
1. Obscene, defamatory, deliberate, false and suggestive implication and half-truths.
2. Is likely to motivate or incite violence or contains anything against conservation of law and order or which assist anti- national
3. Includes anything equal to contempt of court.
4. Criticizes, defame or slanders any individual in person or certain groups, segments of social, public and moral life of the country.


The objectives of the study are as follows

1. To measure the audience perception about the media trial in SSR case with regards to hyper realism
2. To study the audience preference of channel with regards to the case.
3. To examine if there is an element of agenda setting by the media
4. To understand audience perception with regards to portrayal of or representation of Rhea Chakraborty in the media.

Some of the major findings from the researchers.

A The reasonable approach to manage the media is only to exercise the contempt jurisdiction of the court and to punish the individuals
who abuse the fundamental set of recognized rules of conduct (JAVID AHMAD BAGTH (2018). The restriction on media trail is
necessary so that the people may not have a wrong perception of the administration of justice (DIPALI A. PUROHIT (2017) The
concept of fair trial which is again an important principle of justice system, gets undervalued due to media trial (SHANTAN
DESHPANDE, PRIYANKA JAGAWANSHI (2019). Media, hype the matter which disturbs the proceedings. They have fair right to
comment on judgments, but commenting during the trial vitiates the very purpose of justice. judges too are human beings and they get
distracted when they read the comments on the cases, they are hearing.SM AAMIR ALI, MOHD IMARN (2016). The duty of media
of any country is to stick to its ethics and morals when covering any legal issue, to not interfere in the working of the police and the
judicial system and show what is in public interest rather than showing what the public is interested in. (PRASHASTI SINGH (2018).
The media needs to be regulated and cannot be given a free hand in court proceedings as they are not some sporting event. (VIKAS
KHATAR (2017). Beyond reporting of cases, moving into conducting the investigation alongside the governmental system is
overstepping by the media. Investigative journalism is good but at the same time it is going out of hand.(NITESH TRIPATHI (2019)
.A fair trial is one of the tenets of a jurisprudential system based on the rule of law and when in conflict with the freedom of speech, it
is likely that the former will prevail unless adequate grounds can be shown that justify the expression or the need for the
same.(DEVIKA SINGH (2015) The Court is a competent forum for such decisions and these forums must be allowed to function
without spreading prejudice in the public opinion. (ARUN KUMAR SINGH, ANIL KUMAR (2018). The moral duty of media to
show the truth and that too at the right time (S. DEVESH TRIPATHI (2017). The most suitable way to regulate the media will be to
exercise the contempt jurisdiction of the court to punish those who violate the basic code of conduct.(S. KRISHNAN (2018). Freedom
of press is undoubtedly one of the basic freedoms in a democratic society based on the Rule of law. None the less freedom of press is
not an end in itself. (SANSAR SINGH (2016)

Case Background - Sushant Singh Rajput Death

Sushant Singh Rajput, an Indian Bollywood actor reported dead in his house at Bandra, Mumbai on 14th of June 2020. He was found
dead hanging from the ceiling fan in his room at his residence. The cause of his death was marked to have been suicide. The post-
mortem report later officially ceased by saying that the reason of the death was asphyxia due to hanging. Mumbai police began the

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

investigation of the case which was highly surrounded by speculations, gossips and rumours. A week before his death the actor’s
manager Disha Salian had died. Sushant had continuously googled about the 3 subjects’ multiple number of times that included his
managers death news, news reports that included his name and about mental illness. He had returned to his room after the night dinner
around on June 13 a day before his death. Around 2 am on June 14 th he made two phone calls which included Bollywood actress Rhea
Chakraborty, who was in a living in relationship with the late actor, and also another TV actor Mahesh Shetty. Both the calls were
unanswered. The morning actor googled about “bipolar disorder”, “schizophrenia” and “painless death”. The Actor was living with
two of his friends. The morning of his death around 9 am he had spoken to his sister and later it is said that he had a glass of juice and
consumed his tablets, went and locked himself in the bedroom. Around, the cook of the actor around 11:30am tried knocking the door
to confirm the lunch menu for the day. Having no response from the late actor, his friends called the key-maker to open the door and
followed to its they informed to police and his sister. He was found hanging from the ceiling fan with a green coloured dupatta. No
suicide notes were recovered in his room and residence. Times Now reported that medical papers and anti-depressant pills were
discovered in his house. The Indian Express reported that the Mumbai Police said the actor had exhibited symptoms of clinical
depression and was seeking advice from a psychiatrist.

Three psychiatrists and one psychotherapist were interrogated for the confirmation about Sushant Singh consultation with them and
also regarding the intake of medications which was prescribed by them. Later after 1 month of the actor’s death, on July 25 th 2020
Rajput’s father K.K. Singh filed a FIR against Rhea and other 6 members which included her family, in Patna for the incentive of
suicide. Along with this he claimed them of wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, theft, criminal breach of trust, and cheating. He
said that Rhea had financially robbed his son and also harassed him mentally. India Today on 28th of the same month reported that
Rhea had been booked in the case. Chakraborty had filed a petition in the supreme court claiming that she had no role in the death of
the late actor and is being falsely accused by the actor’s father. She also requested for the case to be transferred to Mumbai, so that
partial investigation in Bihar could be avoided. The Enforcement Directorate (ED), which investigates financial crimes, also
registered a money laundering case over transactions worth of Rs 150 million on the grounds of the complaint registered by Rajput's
father. Many news reports.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Indian national government's top investigating agency on 6th of August, re-registered
the Patna Police FIR summoning Rhea and others of faults and crime, thus taking in charge of the case. CBI was ordered by supreme
court to take over the case on 19th August along with all those cases which may be registered in future regarding the actors’ case. All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (AIIMS) head of the department of Forensic Medicine and leader of forensic medical
team tasked by CBI for assistance, Dr. Sudhir Gupta on August 21st said Press Trust of India that they will examine all the angles of
the case and also look into the possibility of murder. He also gave a statement to (ANI) Asian News International that they will trace
and examine all the evidences which is preserved at the time of autopsy so as to differentiate between murder and hanging.

Later, on 26th August the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), India’s national drug law enforcement agency registered a FIR against
Chakraborty, her brother Showik and three others. ED asked NCB to join the investigation as a result of finding about the supply of
drugs to the late actor during the financial probe. The FIR was registered based on the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Act (NDPS Act) dealing with cannabis. Showik and the Sushant’s house manager was arrested on September 6th followed by Rhea’s
arrest on September 9th. Later, was granted bail by Bombay High Court after rejecting the NCB theory that Chakraborty had
entertained and financed Rajput's drug addiction. Justice Sarang Kotwal wrote that "She has not forwarded the drugs allegedly
procured by her to somebody else to earn monetary or other benefits,"

3rd of October Dr. Sudhir Gupta of AIIMS said “Sushant death is a case of suicide. Murder completely ruled out." He then said to ANI
that "There were no injuries over the body other than hanging. There were no marks of struggle/scuffle in the body and clothes of the
deceased." Thus, as a result of this ANI reported AIIMS has submitted a report to CBI confirming that Rajput had died by committing
suicide, hence ruling out the murder angle. Although on 5th of October CBI said that it will continue to investigate Sushant case
because of the speculative reports that were shown in the media. The reports may be recapitulating the reports which are conjecture
and misleading.

The death of the young actor sparkled a debate upon the mental illness all of a sudden. Actors, fans responded to the young actor’s
death. Sushant’s sister Shwetha Singh Kirti initiated a ‘Global prayers for SSR’ campaign on August 15th that mainly focused on
collective pray for the departed soul. This campaign was a great success and got a huge response from many fans around the world
along with few Bollywood actors. The hashtags throughout the campaign were #GlobalPrayers #CBIForSSR #WarriorsofSSR
#justiceforsushantsinghrajputh, etc. The Twitter hashtag #Candle4SSR was trending around two million tweets from Rajput's fans
around the world, as part of their online campaigns demanding a CBI investigation since actor's death. At the same time a lot of fake
rumours and news were spread all over. Over 80,000 fake accounts were created in different social media platforms dishonoured
Maharashtra Government and Mumbai police over online investigation of the case. The cyber unit of Mumbai police has made a
report that various report on social media were posted from different countries that included Japan, Poland, Italy, Indonesia, Turkey,
Thailand etc. There were posts with hashtags like #sushantsinghrajput, #justiceforssr, #SSR etc. Some pictures of Rajput being

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

circulated online were "disturbing and in bad taste”, Mumbai police later demanded the cyber cell to investigate and register such
cases under the Information Technology Act.

Media Coverage:

Sushant Singh Rajput case is undoubtedly the biggest media trial in the history of Indian Broadcast media. As it was continuously
covered for ---- days. The case got global attention and media coverage. It sets a kind of curious, offbeat and outlandish wave of
conspiracy theories which was completely played out and telecasted on Indian News channels, social media websites, newspapers and
also in the world politics. Immediately after the incident the news channels held together in the ‘Live Streaming’ hour by hour, day by
day, week by week without providing any break and also forgetting the prominence of other important issues that had to be covered.
These days, the TV anchors who have been transformed to studio psychiatrists on the spur of the moment are taking great agony
to explode the probability and chances that Sushant Singh Rajput may have had depression. The ensuing events that played out in
the media have thrown a wide debate on the role of the press, especially the 24x7 news channels in cases under investigation and
unresolved trial before the court. There was an absence of lawful body specially in case of electronic media worsened and embittered
the situation, ruined by the reckless coverage by only aiming at sensationalism and scandalizing the events. The TV experts failed to
answer the question of “How would Sushant Singh Rajput’s ‘reputation and standing’ be damaged in any way if the fact that he may
have had depression were to be contemplated?”. Instead of that they kept on walking on the thin edge of jeopardizing denouncing
depression and on those who distress from it, in order to perpetuate their viewpoint of being in denial. It’s very dejecting to
know that the culture of Indian television is cold enough to take an initiative and draw conclusions based on the macula of suicide
and the fine art of making the requisite contrast between TRP-raising suicides and TRP-lowering suicides. The two important
aspects of the case that made it sui generis and which had nothing to do with the earlier guide. Firstly, the news was amplified all
over the social media with a lot of trendy hashtag like #justiceforsushantsinghrajput. There were innumerable number of
#SSRians groups who tried analysing every single detail of the news in their own way in different social media handles like
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube etc. The second typical aspect was the pre-election frisson that was invested
in the narrative. The BJP party showed a strong fondness to push the murder theory as compared to the Congress, which stuck with
suicide. “All four major English language news channels – Republic, Times Now, CNNNews18, and India Today had a countless
volume of tweets about Sushant Singh Rajput, showing that across channels there is identification and tapping into the value of the
story.” Channels like AajTak, Zee News, News 24 and Indian TV on 23rd October was directed by nongovernmental NBSA to comply
and obey its order to telecast an apology for insensitive reporting and sensationalizing the death of Rajput.In several manners, the
lack of ability or mistakes and in or with the Indian journalism is reflected in the SSR story. Due to such kind of analysis and
large coverage of the actor’s case has out forward to the emergence of debased journalism. The readers are fed with fake
journalism. Hence, a good old saying ‘No News is Good News’ can be overturned and altered as ‘New Noose is a Great News
from Noise News’

Media coverage in SSR case opens up a debate on

1. Role of Press in the Media Trial

2. The misogynist coverage by the Press
3. Constitutionality of Media trial
4. Is this coverage allowed according to Cable TV Act 1995?
All, the responses to these above questions can be clearly understood after the research survey and in-depth interview.

Gender Mistreatment by Media: Rhea Chakraborty’s Trial by media reflects the establishment of Misogyny

Rhea was not at all a familiar actor to the general public till the late actor’s death. Even though she made her debut movie over 10
years ago, she had not gained any popularity as such. But, these days ‘Rhea’ is the only news, India’s big media networks wants to
talk about. The media’s rushed to deluge and engulf viewers in diversionary noise. Rhea stood as a faulted and convicted woman
with all the allegation and charges lobbed at her. It was said that a manipulating girlfriend who looted money from her partner
Sushant Singh Rajput, was on drugs and perhaps assisted or at least intrigued to have him killed. Official agencies such as the
Central Bureau of Investigation and the Enforcement Directorate have probed Chakraborty for hours. On nightly television news
– whose anchors serve as judge, jury and executioner in all matters – Rhea has been denigrated beyond all known limits of
journalistic ethics, to say nothing of human decorum and dignity. It reveals that an independent woman is targeted and made as a
perfect villain in India presently where everyone can focus all their energies on defaming the accused before getting convicted.
She was shown as an uncaring girlfriend who let Sushant die, as if it was her sole responsibility to look after him so as to keep
him alive.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

News channels shamelessly telecasted exasperating and infuriating headlines like “Sushant par Rhea ka kaalajaadu” (Rhea’s
black magic on Sushant) and “Rhea kejhooth par kyakehtahai India?” (What does India have to say about Rhea’s lies?) about her.
Gendered abuses have come thick and rapidly for Chakraborty, from the TV anchors to Bhojpuri songs with vulgar and abusive
lyrics being forwarded on social media. At the same time the late actor’s sister Shwetha Singh Kriti commented on what she
believed was Rhea’s use of coercion and “black magic” on Rajput. The gender bias has been quite obvious. All the media has
been reckless, thoughtless and careless in handling the issue. They have failed to differentiate between what reporting exactly is,
along with simply sensationalising the news. Media has no right to target people and declare them guilty or evoke negative
sentiments about them. Media if declares Rhea being a woman is already a witch then this leads to huge character assassination of
the women who is still not declared as the culprit.Conservative television hosts have reported and delineated her as a "manipulative"
woman who "performed black magic" and "drove Sushant to suicide". On social media, she has been trolled relentlessly and was
called a "fortune huntress", a "mafia moll" , “vishkanya and dayanand "sex bait to trap rich men".

News channels easily cast Rhea as the perfect villain. One of the prime news channel Times Now’s anchor Navika Kumar struck
into a live telecast with a (exact) bunch of evidence. The “explosive” information was the chat between Rhea and her friends in
2017. Those chats clearly revealed about marijuana that later dissected into various emoji. Navika said that “Weed is also called
green and It’s a pure coincidence that she is also wearing green that night. From sexist to root-based slanders, Rhea was put
through extensive social media hate campaign nourished and ignited by these media channels. The channels while telecasting
breaking news have a tendency to use question marks to save themselves by making verified claims. For example, media saying
“Sushant ko Rhea kejeher ne mara?” or “Riya ne Sushant par kiajaadutona?” is like saying: “Have the media channels sold their
soul to gain more TRPs?” I’m totally not suggesting they have. The criticism of Rhea in the media is the outcome of a credence
that women are cunning and they are out on misconducting the morals of the men and utilizing them. In the current context, it
relocates as the portrayal ofchalooladki- bholaladka (manipulative girl, simple boy,).

Rhea has not even been convicted yet; media have no right to speak of judgement. Nevertheless, the way the channels have
shamed her all these days, proves that the public disrobing of Draupadi in the Mahabharat was not a deviation. Duryodhan and
Dushasan still live on, although in TV studios now. The way, Rhea was persistently harassed and prosecuted by the channels was
nothing but callous and voyeuristic. While channels vending, corrupting in the name of news and their unrestrained anchors could
have been propelled partly by their hidden political agenda that is nothing but cats and dog race for TRP. It can be said that the
audiences of these news have found a perfect villain to focus and energise themselves to hate someone for no reason, so that the
real issues of mental health, toxic workplaces and other unfair systems can easily be ignored till the new incident happen which is
something similar to this.

Few Pictures from the Media Coverage

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Research approach

In this research both Quantitative and Qualitative research approach are used. Both are used for the collection of data as well as for its

Research tools

The tools are selected according to the objectives of the study, which is being conducted. This research includes both content analysis
and sample design as the tools to conduct the analysis.

Under Quantitative research questionnaire is used a tool to gather information and opinions from the respondents about the media trial
happened in Sushant Singh Rajput Case. And Under the Qualitative research method, the researcher has examined audio and visual
reports from news channels, newspaper and various prime time shows with regards to this case to understand the media trial of
different cases, its effects on the sub judices, regulations of law imposed on media etc.

Furthermore, after receiving the responses from the respondents, half of them will be interviewed personally through telephone calling
further based on their response which would be received. This helps to further probe in-depth into the matter.

Sample Design

The research comprised of 120 random samples from the population.

Scope/Significance of the study

Media being the fourth pillar of the democracy is failing its duty to keep up its dignity. Media has violated the right of accused of a
fair trial. It also avoided any bid to prejudice the court's power of administration of justice. Chasing the race along with the competing
media networks for TRP it has lost the sense of understanding the set of ethics which were meant to be followed. This paper attempts
to understand the agenda-setting tendency of the media in cases like Sushant Singh Rajput along with peoples stand on the media’s
coverage about the same.

Theoretical Framework
Agenda Setting Theory:
This describes the potential and capacity of the news media to influence the importance placed on the issues of the public agenda. The
impact of media modifies or alter the presentation of the reports and issues made on the news that have an effect on the public mind.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Survey Questionnaire
1. Gender of the Respondents.
FEMALE 72 60%
MALE 47 39.2%
OTHERS 1 0.8%
TOTAL 120 100%

The above table shows that the majority of the respondents are female (60%) followed by the male (39.2%) and other (0.8%)
Figure no. 1
Age Group of the respondents
Age group Frequency Percentage
15-25 65 54.2%
25-35 21 17.5%
35-45 11 9.2%
45 and above 23 19.2%
Total 120 100%

The above table shows that the majority of the respondents (54%) are between the age group 15-25 followed by the respondents aged
45 and above (19.2%) and the age group of 25-35 (17.5%) and then rest of the respondents belong to the age group of 35-45 (9.2%).
Figure No 2

2. Educational Qualification of the respondents

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in


Educational Qualification Frequency Percentage

SSLC 1 0.8%
PUC 1 0.8%
GRADUATE 47 39.2%
OTHERS 7 5.9%
TOTAL 120 100%

The above table shows that the majority of the respondents are pursuing or did their post-graduation course with the percentage of
53.3%, followed by respondents who are pursuing graduation with the percentage of 39.2%.

5.9% of the respondent chose the option others, 0.8% of the respondents have pursued their pre university (PUC) and SSLC.

Figure No. 3


5.9% 0.8%



Segregation, Interpretation and Analysis based on Objectives

1.) To analyze the narrative with regards to hyper realism seen in Sushant Singh Rajput Case
 Were you interested in watching the media coverage of SSR case?

Options Frequency Percentage

YES 88 71.7%
NO 34 28.3%
TOTAL 120 100%

According, to the above table 71.7% (88) of the respondents were interested in watching the media coverage of SSR case and 28.3%
(34) of the respondents were not interested.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Figure No. 4

 Do you Agree that such coverage was required in SSR case?


Options Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 20 16.7%
Agree 33 27.5%
Disagree 21 17.5%
Strongly Disagree 16 13.3%
Cant Say 30 25%
Total 120 100%

The above table shows that the respondent's opinion about the requirements of such media coverage in SSR case. The scale provided
to the respondents were Strongly agreed, Agree, Disagree, Strongly disagree and Can’t Say. 33% of the respondents Agree to the
coverage done, 25% of them have chosen Can't Say followed by 17.5% of them have disagreed, 16.7 % of the audiences have strongly
agreed and the rest 13.3 % of respondents have strongly disagreed.

Figure No.5

 Did you start using media more to follow SSR case?

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in


Options Frequency Percentage

YES 50 41.7%
NO 70 58.3%
TOTAL 120 100%

According to the above table 58.3% of respondents did not start to use the media more to follow SSR case and 41.7% of the
respondents have started to use media more.

Figure No.6

2.) To understand if there is an element of agenda setting by the media

 Do you think that coverage media did was?

Options Frequency Percentage

Biased 37 30.8%
Unbiased 11 9.2%
Sensationalized 62 51.7%
Others 10 8.3%
Total 120 100%

The above table is very clear that out of 120 respondents 51.7% of them think that the coverage done by media in SSR case was
sensationalised, 30.8% think it was biased,9.2% of them feel that it was unbiased and rest 8.3% of them chose the option ‘other’ in
which they said that coverage was neutral, the newspaper did not sensationalize the news as TV channels did, also it was good
coverage and a few responded that the had no idea about how the news was covered.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Figure no.7


Coverage Done By Media Was?





9.2% 8.3%
Biased Unbiased Sensationalized others

 Which media coverage you liked?


Options Frequency Percentage

Republic TV 47 39.2%
Indian TV 4 3.3%
Times Now 29 24.2%
Zee TV 3 2.5%
Others 37 30.8%
Total 120 100%

The above table shows that out of 120 respondents, as majority of 39.2% i.e., 47 of them liked Republic TV media coverage of SSR
case, 3.3% i.e. 4 of the, liked Indian TV, 24.2% i.e., 29 of them liked Times Now followed with 2.5% i.e. 3 of them liked Zee TV
news coverage.

The rest 30.8% i.e. 37 respondents chose the option ‘Others’ in which they said that liked the coverage done by Republic TV, online
news portals, Public TV, Suvarna TV, TV9, social medias, all the channels etc. and a few of them did not like coverage of any

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Figure No.8



3.3% 2.5%

 Do you agree that other news like ‘Assam Floods, Covid-19’ and many more news that was important enough during
that time were not given prominence compared to the attention provided to SSR case?

Options Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 41 34.2%
Agree 49 40.8%
Disagree 11 9.2%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Can’t Say 17 14.2%
Total 120 100%

The above table clearly says that the majority 40.8% respondents agree that other major important news was not given prominence
compared to the attention that was provided in SSR case. 34.2% of the respondents strongly agree, 9.2% of them disagree and 1.7% of
them strongly disagree. Followed by 14.2% of people have chosen option ‘Can’t Say’.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

Figure No.9


news that was important enough during that time were not given prominence compared…


20 9.2%
10 1.7%

3.) To understand the public opinion and perception about the media trial in SSR case.
In order to understand respondent’s overall perception and opinion about the media trial of SSR, two open ended questions
were asked to each of them they are:

 Do you think media treated Rhea Chakraborty in a proper way?

 What is your overall opinion about the media coverage in Sushant Singh Rajput case that is being carried out?
Some of the highlighting thought provoking responses from the respondents needs to be reflected more or taken
seriously or needs to be handled in a serious manner.
There were very interesting inputs from the respondents, in which opinions can be categorized as FOR and AGAINST
the trial done by the media.

Do you think media treated Rhea Chakraborty in a proper way?

‘FOR’ - the Trial done By Media ‘AGAINST’- the Trial by Media

 Truth is Still uncertain. Media is doing  Rhea was given so much importance by
a great job. the media, which was unnecessary.
 Media is trying hard to uncover the Media attacked her like vultures.
story behind SSR case and has done a  Unless the ethics of journalism has gone
good job in doing investigations down the drain no reporter should
regarding Rhea and her connections violently attack the person on camera in
with drugs and other important a manner that can cause any damage.
aspects. If the media had not done  Rhea is being harassed and attacked by
these things, people would have not everyone which is unfair.
been aware of all these things which  Media (TV) today is flooded with lots

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

was happening in the case. Media is of 'unscrupulous TV journalists' who are

doing its best. creating a kind of impression in the
 She deserved for what she has done to minds of people about a woman who is
him. Media must still uncover more still under trial.
about her and prove her guilty  Media’s treatment towards Rhea it’s not
 Even though the truth is not known, a big deal., because such kind of
after seeing the coverage of the media, drama’s in media is happening for many
their efforts in investigating the case, years.
definitely appreciative.  Media was quite harsh by its coverage
 Rhea is being treated properly, for against her. She is being given free
what she has done to Sushant. She publicity and importance.
should be punished at any cost.  Media houses did all these because at
the end of the day they need their
propaganda to be upheld in front of
 What all media did was a blame game.
It just tried to pick some hot and spicy
news, rather than abiding in the truth
which is still uncertain.

The above table clearly provides the summary about the opinion and perception about respondents towards the media's treatment of
Rhea. The majority of them are against the factor of how Rhea was projected or treated. Few feel it was perfect and the coverage about
her is not satisfactory. There are a few others who are uncertain about the treatment of the media towards her, where they express their
opinion as they have a neutral opinion about the coverage done, a few of them were not interested to watch the coverage and the
remaining people were not willing to comment or answer about the question that was asked.

There was an interesting response which did not fall under any of the above categories. It said that if Rhea had accepted in front of the
investigating officers that she was the one who gave Sushant drugs without his knowledge, the case would have` been taken forward
easily so that there would have been no need of any such dramatic and exaggerating coverage. A person who was more spiritual and
intelligent can definitely not commit suicide and he may not be such weak minded.


What is your overall opinion about the media coverage in Sushant Singh Rajput case that is being
carried out?

‘FOR’ - the Trial done By Media ‘AGAINST’- the Trial by Media

 Republic TV did its best in covering  The coverage was horrible and it should
the news. have not been carried out.
 The coverage was fair enough by the  Media made out a fuss and concentrated
media. It just did its job to uncover the only on SSR case and failed to report other
evidences which police failed to do. current affairs that was happening all over the
 Only few media channels did its job world.
perfectly  The coverage was dragged and this
 Media must still work on punishing undermined other important issues which include
the guilty severely. economy as well.
 Media is not putting its 100% effort to  Most of the electronic media
reveal the truth. It must still work hard exaggerated the intensity of the case just for the
and smart to provide justice to the sake of getting high TRP’s. This kind of
case. coverage affects the society and also people who
 Media needs to provide more are involved in the case.
importance to SSR case and must  Issues like covid-19, floods,

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

increase its coverage like it was unemployment, etc should be media's priority.
covering before. Nowadays, the Media should talk more about those people who
coverage has become less and the are helpless & suffering without any solution.
updates are getting only through online Media and the society should collectively focus
news portals. on how to overcome the crisis which is affecting
 Media coverage needs to be more many innocent people just because of the failure
informative and they must interview of our economy.
the suspect in a live show and cross  This coverage was just done to get a
question directly, so that truth will be break from Covid19 news, which had created a
revealed. huge turmoil in the whole world.
 Media coverage is faithful. Whatever  Whatever is wrong with the media is all
media has telecasted till today is their reflected in Sushant Singh Rajput case trial.
extreme effort in providing the justice  Media turned this coverage into a
for Sushant’s family and himself. political mess by dragging political parties.
 Strongly agree with the media  Media coverage was totally unnecessary
coverage and is must keep up its good where media should stick to its basics.
work.  Media’s coverage was biased where it
may end up damaging people’s image and their
identity in the society.
 The media coverage was not about
Sushant’s death. It was about the attention the
public would pay in a high-profile case as this.
The media went to its limits and beyond to
vandalize the people who were involved in the
case. Whether guilty or not media’s role is to
report the issues and not pass convicted
judgements which it portrayed at extents in
Sushant’s case.
 Media is just dwelling the matter which
is unnecessary around the case
 Media dragged the issue and just
 A few media channels showcased SSR
case as an entertainment feature program with a
lot of colorful headlines and pictures, tables,
animations etc. Anchors were jangling in the
newsroom and shouting their hearts out
forgetting the journalism ethics.

The above table clearly provides the summary about the overall opinion, perception of respondents about the media coverage in
Sushant Singh Rajput. The majority of the respondents hated the media trial and a very few respondents liked and thought the
coverage was fair enough. There were responses which who were neutral about the coverage. Respondents who did not follow any of
the media coverage said that they were just not interested to watch such a political drama that was only done for the benefits of
political parties, to get TRP and also coverage lacked objectivity. A few of them said they don’t know what is the case all about.

From all the responses there are a few which gives a new dimension about the coverage that had taken place. It was neither FOR or
AGAINST the media trial. Those Opinions felt like statements made about the media coverage. The responses said that, coverage was
not clear to the public eye, coverage during its initial days went strongly and it has ended abruptly. Though there was a lot coverage
done about the issue, the justice is not yet prevailed. Everyone has a different perspective on the case, fans and family of Sushant are
not satisfied with the justification given. Media should have performed such revolutionary campaign and protests much earlier, so that
the case would have been handover to CBI during initial days of his death. Media has to cater towards providing credible information
to the readers and also has to know the importance of providing most important news. The way SSR case was carried out was simply

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

pathetic and nobody deserves this. Media has to just report the facts and events. Not extort and exaggerate the news with irrelevant
and intolerant bigotry. What SSR-Case saw was just more of the same. Media hyper-hypothesized the issue with unnecessary political
and unethical biases. The investigating agencies must find their way to just perform undisturbed investigation. Media has failed to dig
information about the involvement of political leaders in the case for their benefits.

Discussion and Conclusion

The responses indicated that there was no correlation between the gender of the respondents, the level of their education, and their age.
For the very first objective, there were a majority of the responses agreeing to the statement that they were interested in watching SSR
case (Figure No.4), but gradually there was a decline (Figure No.6) in the usage of media to follow SSR case compared to their
engagement that was during the initial days. There was a mixed response to the question which was asked about the necessary of such
trial in media, respondents’ opinions were quite divided, though the majority of the respondents agreed for such media coverage
(Figure No.5). Respondent's opinion is always based on the narrative that is being done in channels from the very first day of his
death. His case changed from a Suicide to Murder Conspiracy with a lot of colorful stories cooked in parallel to it.

Media had done such a keen observation about everything. They did not spare even a single person or place or thing that was related
to the late actor’s case. It started digging a hole deep inside and took advantage of the situation and turn it into their own profit and
benefits. Without a bit of evidence, all the people related to the case were given right on the national news channels. More than 80
days of one-sided media coverage of this case give the intuition that media watchdogs, are hardly taking things seriously. The
viewers are confused seeing the channels which say “Breaking News only with us”, “We found the exact motive for this crime” etc.
But later, the channels will have no facts say to the audiences. The headlines, breaking contents and coverage a channel telecast in the
evening will not be found in next day’s newspapers. Newspaper journalism is still a responsibility. They encounter facts. Tv channels
who also try to bring out facts in many cases, sometimes try to catch eye balls. They cook stories and give different angles to a case.
The facts they give are sometimes moved under the deliberate direction. TV channel race for TRP. As this TRP determines the rating
of a particular channel which further determines the advertisement to a particular channel. Ultimately, it is all about the commercial
advantage a channel is trying to possess. Media amplifies things without validation practices. Media tends to curate the evidences and
bring opinions and encourage a sort of a shadow jury outside the courtroom that builds up the opinion. This parallel sort of public
opinion operating system can have serious consequences. If media are forcing through its narrative to people to take sides by
identifying accused in many cases as the enemy and asking them to make binary choices in situations which are actually very complex
and more layered than television can make it. This is highly dangerous. A few works that were done by the media was very useful and
gave positive results. One of such coverage was MEETOO movement. Media succeeded in bringing the deliberation of such cases
in the main stream of so many such cases of sexual harassment.Media was successful because it had given all its time and energy to
concentrate on the same issue and put forward strongly believes in the minds of people where their attention is completely drawn to
such news deviating their concentration from other important news. Hence, it is the same when it comes to SSR coverage that media
had set priorities of which news to be covered first, which breaking factor to be given to audience next in a very pre- planned way. As,
a result of this audience is held to a particular issue that they strongly want to give importance and interest upon.

In-depth Personal Interview Inputs

Furthermore, after receiving the responses from the respondents, half of them were interviewed personally through telephone calling
based on the response which was received. Half of the respondents were called after going through their interesting inputs, where only
40 of the respondents cooperated with the personal interview. This helped for in-depth understanding about their perception and
opinion about the media, its functioning and trial done by the media in SSR case as well as other cases that had taken place long back.
The inputs and the conclusions drawn from the interview are explained below.

Media is free and it has right to bring issues before the public. There are many cases, media have brought cases to light and facts was
checked and guilty was punished. But it has also become bit nuisance in the past few years. News has become a sensational kit of
information that is being disseminated to the people. Objectivity is the basic principle of reporting. Many times, media try to raise
issues which are not facts, but just to gardener the eye boils. This is when trials done by the media seem to be worse. Media Trial
cannot be segregated into good or bad. It depends on the context. DD news channel reports only facts, but doesn’t sensationalize the
news. They report whatever comes from the courts. The trials in the court takes place in the morning and the trials in the media takes
place at evening. Media’s come up with 10 to 12 experts who speak about the case in their own perspective wherein the evidence of
those cases will have not been collected by then. Before the court gives judgement, the charge sheet filed by the police the TV
channels will already be ready with the judgement. This is something not acceptable. Journalism field is a very responsible field,
which is the fourth pillar of democracy. All the media must agree to the principle of fairness, objectivity in reporting and should not
resort sensationalismDuring the SSR trial when the NCB inquiry came to the Bollywood celebrities, the way the young journalist
reported the event was simply very embarrassing. They were holding mikes and were running behind the vehicles of the actors
chasing it on the road. These kinds of journalism cannot be approved. Many cases of the past were solved and guilty was punished

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

only because of the media. Cases like Priyadarshini Mato case, Jessica Lal case, etc. Media came out with many theories. Many times,
some channel claim’s a few information telecasted by them on their channels were the exact work or proceedings CBI is performed in
particular cases. But later, CBI denies such sort of fake news aired by the channels. The same thing also, happened in SSR case, when
the journalists were reporting about the possible questions which may be asked by CBI officers to Rhea and her family. CBI officers
completely made statements saying that they know how to perform their job and media must stop creating dramas on TV. Media trial
changes the politics. What everyone needs to be defined and known is the meaning of trial. Media trial can be said good or bad
depending on the outcome. There is no problem in investigating an issue. But the problem is when the media try to appropriate this
role of the courts by actually charging someone, convicting someone or acquit somebody on television. This is not about saying the
media should not investigate incidence of perceived miscarriage of justice or human rights violation or unfair overreach of state
power. But this is more in the nature of investigative journalism where media unearths the facts by digging out for evidences and also
the voice of marginalized and the weak. Media should draw a line to itself at some point, where after that it is the job or duty of the
judiciary or the executive. It is not media’s duty to say if someone is guilty or not guilty. Media amplifies things without validation
practices. Media tends to curate the evidences and bring opinions and encourage a sort of a shadow jury outside the courtroom that
builds up the opinion. This parallel sort of public opinion operating system can have serious consequences. If media are forcing
through its narrative to people to take sides by identifying accused in many cases as the enemy and asking them to make binary
choices in situations which are actually very complex and more layered than television can make it.

The research survey and the analysis of the results so far provides foundation and support to answer the media coverage debates of
SSR case which had raised before.

1. Role of press in media trial

The media in Sushant case have ignored the fact that its freedom cannot be unrestrained to broadcast defamatory materials,
marked with insinuation, fabrication and careless criticism. Such, coverage by media expects to go through the infringement
of the right of accused to fair trial and to keep distance from any bid to preconception or the court's power of administration
of justice. According to the role of press medium duty is to inform people about what are the issues being discussed and the
whole background of it. Along with this, to debate upon the political issues so that no change and actions will not go
unnoticed in public. The Press plays a major role in democratic societies, authorizing the open interchange of information and
opinions among citizens, people’s association, businesses, political parties, and governments. SSR media coverage was
beyond all these. Media failed to keep up its decency while disseminating news. The media had lost its control sensitivity in
reporting. Press Council of India has issued a recommendation, saying that media must not perform their own parallel trial or
predict the verdict to elude pressure during investigation and trial in SSR case.
The Press Council has noted with anguish and distress that coverage of the professed suicide by a famous Bollywood film
actor by many media vents is in breach of the Norms of the Journalistic Conduct and, therefore, guides the media to cling to
the norms mounted by the Press Council of India. The Media must not portray the story in a way so as to persuade the
general public to have faith in the involvement of the person pin pointed. The gossip and other information about the ongoing
investigation by the official agencies like CBI, NCB and ED must not be published or telecasted by the media about the
crime that has been committed. Media must not vigorously report issues related to crime on everyday basis. They should not
comment on the evidence without discovering the factual aspects. Such coverage and reports may pressurize the lawmakers
that may later lead to miscarriage of justice. The press council further advised to abstain from giving excessive publicity to
the witness, suspect, victim and accused because it will lead to seizing of their privacy rights. Media must avoid to identify
the witnesses because it imperils them to come under stress from the from the accused or their ally’s as well as investigating
agencies. Media and some newspaper have violated the norms given by the press council that was formulated to report.
Media must not use language that sensationalizes or normalizes the suicide or represent it as a constructive solution for the
problem. Media must not telecast or publish photo, video footages or put headlines or social media links while reporting
suicide cases like SSR. Media must have been provided with such regulations so as to maintain dignity in its duty.
2. The misogynist coverage by the Press
Media Trail is an issue which is not only debated in the country, but it is discussed everywhere across the world. Some
principles must not be changed over time. The law of the Indian constitution guarantees the presumption of innocence until
somebody is proven guilty. Few TV channels are mocking them, but the reality is that their voracious and careless
journalism is devastating people’s lives. Rhea in SSR case emerges to have a firm will in displaying her side of the story.
But it has become highly impossible for her and her family to do so, because of daily media lynching. The role of media
as a ‘watchdog’ is different from being a judge.The coverage of the case which was hard covered to CBI did not end at
just the investigation-associated matters. The media entwine coverage liberally with Rhea’s confidential videos and
photos that looked to arouse the viewers in a ‘virtual mass molestation’. This reminds of the case of Rekha’s media trial
in 1990, after her husband Mukesh died committing suicide. She was the called National Vamp by media. The same
media back then portrayed her as a vampire and national witch hunt was followed. The viewers and the whole country
shamed her and called her as a cold-hearted man eater. Rekha’s mother -in- law and brother-in-law cursed her as a witch

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

who entered their family to loot their wealth and take Mukesh’s life. There were a lot of questions aroused during that
time like ‘How will the people and the audience accepts her as Bharat Ki Nari or Insaf Ki Devi?’. The press covered the
whole sensational story of Mukesh’s suicide and published news reports with headlines like ‘The Black Widow’, ‘The
Macabre truth behind Mukesh’s suicide’ which ruled out by that time. Similarly, the media have created a huge
misogyny in its coverage that has led to various posts on social media harassing and using abusive language to insult
Rhea. Sushant fans started analyzing the pictures and videos of her in their own way and posted it on social media
platforms which went viral. Even many youtubers created songs, especially a Bhojpuri song which included abusive
words and full of filthy language. People called her ‘gold digger’, ‘slut’ and ‘murderer’. Indians had found a perfect
villain to hate as mass. The same thing, what had happened to Rekha back then in 1990 is repeated after 30 years. It is
the similar case, similar coverage and similar reactions from the people.

3. Constitutionality of Media trial

a.) Freedom of Press:
Article 19 (1)(a) has provided freedom of speech and expression to the media. The Supreme Court has decided on the
extent of the freedom of the press and conceded it as “a necessary requirement of a parliamentary form of government”
and considered it as “the important aspect regardless of all remaining independence in a democratic society”. According
to the Supreme court, the trial by electronic media, press or trial by way of a public disquiet are examples which can at
foremost be reported as the anti-thesis of rule of law. This because it can lead to wrongful conviction. With regards,
from the opinion of the honourable court, a judge said that no instance should surface for a notion that the
publicizing attached to these matters has disposed to weak the prominence on the essentials of a fair trial and the basic
principles of constitution including the presumption of innocence of the accused except found guilty at the end of the
4. Is this coverage allowed according to Cable TV Act 1995?
Cable TV Act 1995 an act that regulates the cable network in the country. According to this act such media trial coverage by
the channels are not allowed. Sushant case is the biggest media trial in the history of Indian Broadcast media. The whole
media coverage included shaming of a person and evading privacy of the people involved in the case. This act regulates a
certain set of rules beforehand, so as to put a break to all the nuisance that media creates. Coverage defamed individual in
person and targeted them by certain groups i.e. Sushant fans. The coverage was equal to contempt of court. Also, in addition
to this obscene, defamatory, deliberate, false and suggestive implication and half-truths were reported and aired on the
channel. This sort of coverage is not advisable and acceptable according to the regulations of the act (chapter 1. 21). The
coverage resulted it arising a question about the constitutionality in India. People thus, are motivated to hate and target a
person all together in a mass and accomplish a callous happier.


Media trial is not a recent term, it is used for a long period and has a better and great history. In India media trials increased once 24/7
news channels started its operations. People started to get addicted and used for media trial as they were curious to know about what is
happening around. Media trial has assumed bigger dimension. Nowadays media trial is not limited to criminal cases, but all the topics
and issues. It is a good drama aired on the TV. Media in this country is free and has freedom to speak and express. But the freedom is
subject to a few restrictions. Wrong reporting in the media destroy the careers of people. Journalism must positively contribute to the
lives of the people, nation and to the facts. Media’s duty is to notify and information to the general public. Media is overruling the
facts and violating the ethics of journalism. Sushant Singh Rajput Case is one of the recent examples. The inconsistency between
24X7 TV news broadcasts and newspaper headlines everyday could not be any broader. When the newspapers are covering diverse
news like unequalled GDP growth rate contracted by 23.9%, high unemployment issues were in 21 billion jobs lost due to COVID19
lockdown and floods etc. on their front pages. TV news channels were busy focusing on hounding Rhea and her family while they
were already summoned by the authorities regarding the Sushant case. A report in Portal News minute says that, ‘TV editors are
putting an argument, protests and objection in the newsroom by mentioning the rise in TV ratings, engrossing all the reporters to
engage in public mobbing to hate a 28-year-old actress who is not yet proved guilty. The TV ratings show that the Indians, especially
those who reside in the urban areas are very much curious and excited in nanoscopic scrutiny about the tacky contrived coverage
shown under the name tag of news. Almost 41,000 farmers took their own life from past one year, but it is sad that one suicide high
profile case is holding national captive. TV editors assume and contemplate a family tragedy and a narrow investigation into the
actor’s death is more worth of covering all the time than multiple tragedies that is happening around the country. Such kind of
journalism is not accepted and approved by the Associated Press Stylebook (AP Stylebook). In the AP style of the book, the more
important thing is that anything which is not based on facts, which is not being verified or validated is absolutely not reportable or
publishable. This includes mobile videos, user generated content, etc. AP doesn’t allow any of these things without getting the
permission through writing from the copyright holder of the content creator. Free press in democracy is absolutely critical which
allows the media to keep hold on politicians, institutions accountable. Apart from this the thing which is to be looked on is the facts,

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

evidence, witnesses’ documents which should be cross checked again and again. There is absolutely no place in the AP book for
things like ‘How we feel?’, ‘What we believe to be true?’. Journalism is a dynamic social construct which is changing and evolving
over time. The technology and the social media have completely transformed the way of how one looks at journalism and also how
news and digital content are consumed. Therefore, our society needs to have strong media that intervenes when things are not going
right. Or what AP defines as impact journalism where media digs up into facts bring issues to the limelight and then force other
institution of democracy like executive and judiciary to take issues forward by taking proper actions. Media has also led its significant
role in changing policies to avoid a miscarriage of justice, but it is the question of highlighting and coming up with the evidence and
putting it in place. Beyond that it is not the media's job to judge. In, the end the stories media choose to tell is an editorial choice. The
Media’s job is to drive change, but it cannot and shouldn’t carry out the changes.


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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(7), January :2021
Online Copy Available: www.ijmer.in

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