CS 643 - Syllabus

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CS 643 – Cloud Computing


Faculty Contact Information

Instructor: Manoop Talasila
Email: mt57@njit.edu
Office Hours: WebEx Wednesdays 7-8 P.M. ET

Course Description
The course presents a top-down view of cloud computing, from applications and
administration to programming and infrastructure. Its main focus is on parallel
programming techniques for cloud computing and large scale distributed systems
which form the cloud infrastructure. The topics include: overview of cloud computing,
cloud systems, parallel processing in the cloud, distributed storage systems,
virtualization, security in the cloud, and multicore operating systems. Students will
study state-of-the-art solutions for cloud computing developed by Google, Amazon,
Microsoft, Yahoo, VMWare, etc. Students will also apply what they learn in one
programming assignment and one project executed over Amazon Web Services.

Textbook and Materials

There is no textbook required for this class. Each module is based on recent
conference/journal papers as well as documentation from cloud providers. These
papers and documentation are posted on the Schedule and Deadlines page.

Course Outcomes
a. Analyze the trade-offs between deploying applications in the cloud and over
the local infrastructure.
b. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various cloud computing
c. Deploy applications over commercial cloud computing infrastructures such as
Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure, and Google AppEngine.
d. Program data intensive parallel applications in the cloud.
e. Analyze the performance, scalability, and availability of the underlying cloud
technologies and software.
f. Identify security and privacy issues in cloud computing.
g. Explain recent research results in cloud computing and identify their pros and
h. Solve a real-world problem using cloud computing through group

Course Structure
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Platforms
Parallel Programming in the Cloud
Distributed Storage Systems
Cloud Security
Multicore Operating Systems

Grading Scale
Grade Percentile Percentage
A 4.0 70.00-100.00%
B+ 3.5 60.00-69.99%
B 3.0 45.00-59.99%
C+ 2.5 38.00-44.99%
C 2.0 30.00-37.99%
F N/A 0-29.99%

At the discretion of the instructors, the grading may be done on a curve.

Grading Categories

Categories Percentage

Midterm Exam 25%

Final Exam 25%

Programming Assignment 15%

Application Project 15%

Homework Problems 10%

Paper Presentations 10%

Course Policies
Course Correspondence
All correspondence with the instructor will take place through Moodle. Questions of
general interest should be posted on Moodle’s Ask the Instructor discussion board.
Personal/ individual questions should be emailed if the instructor is not responsive to
your discussion board posting.
Paper Presentations
Students will present, in groups of two, one research paper during the semester. These
papers cover very recent developments in cloud computing. The presentations (using
PowerPoint slides) will take place in class, and extra-credit will be assigned for active
participation in discussions.
Programming Assignment
There will be one individual programming assignment consisting of creating an AMI for
Hadoop and implementing short Hadoop programs on the Amazon Web Services
Students will choose their project topic and work in teams of three to design,
implement, and evaluate cloud applications using Hadoop on the Amazon Web
Services platform. General requirements for all projects will be discussed in class after
the midterm.
There will be two exams: a midterm, and a final exam. Both are proctored closed book
(i.e., papers, notes) exams. The final exam will cover only the material taught after the

Time Commitment
The students are expected to allocate ten hours per week to study and work on the
assignments for this course.

Late Work and Make-Up Exams

In case of missing an exam, a make-up may be taken only after providing written
documentation to the Dean of Students. It is left the instructor's discretion whether to
accept all other late assignments.

Sharing Information
Students are free to discuss assignments with their colleagues. However, they should
not take any written (electronic or otherwise) record away from the discussion. This
applies when the assignment is supposed to be an individual effort or whenever two
teams discuss common problems they are each encountering (inter-group
collaboration). After the discussion, it is advisable to engage in at least half hour of non-
course related activity before starting to work on the assignment. This will assure that
students are able to reconstruct by themselves what they learned from the discussion.

Student Conduct
The NJIT University code on academic integrity, found
at http://www.njit.edu/education/pdf/academic-integrity-code.pdf, will be followed in all

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