Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
SY 2021-2022
Name of School :
Name of School Head/OIC:
District : Date of Monitoring:
Direction: Check ( / ) if the given indicator is evident or not evident in the school during
the Oplan Balik Eskwela in the new normal amidst COVID-19.
Area of Readiness Evident Not Evident Remarks
1. School Readiness
Availability of the following
a. Signage “Welcome Back to School”
b. Class Program/Schedule
c. Teacher’s Load
d. School Learning Continuity Plan
e. School Contingency Plan and Response Plan
for COVID-19
f. Transparency Board displayed and other
information/announcement and can be
viewed by all stakeholders
2. Platform and Support
a. Educational platform or Learning
Management System (LMS) (Messenger
Classroom (Group Chat) or Google Classroom for
the virtual face-to-face interaction).
b. Helpdesk Personnel working under the
platform managers whose main task will be
to directly answer usage queries,
information, feedback of both teachers,
students and parents
c. School directory with contact number of
teachers and hotline numbers posted in
conspicuous places
d. School email/website for posting and other
means of communication for teachers,
learners and parents.
3. Content/Learning Resource Materials
a. Copy of Learning Modules/Self-Learning
Modules in print or e-copy for Quarter 1
b. Copy of Reference/supplementary materials
for the learners.
c. Copy of Activity sheets per learning area per
grade level for Quarter 1
4. Teachers
a. Provide schedule of classes to the learners
b. Orient the parents and learners on the
schedule of classes and process of
utilization, distribution and submission of
c. Ensure that all learners are received the
learning packets
d. Devise and implement alternative means of
recording and monitoring the attendance of
Area of Readiness Evident Not Evident Remarks
e. Secure learner’s documents such as SF10
f. Prepare Lesson Plan (DLL/DLP) and Class
g. Enough number of teaching loads and
ancillary services
5. Parents
1. Know the schedule of classes, pick up and
submission of learning modules/answer
sheets for their children
2. Monitor and supervise the progress of their
children’s modular distance learning
3. Follow the health protocols in pick up and
submission of modules
Direction: Check (/) Compliant if the given intervention is evident and Non-compliant if it is
not evident. The following interventions and precautionary measures will be implemented by
the school prior to the resumption of normal office operations:
Intervention Compliant Non Compliant Remarks
A. General Health and Safety Protocols
1. Practice respiratory etiquette and other
protective measures.
a. Practice physical distancing (at least 1 meter
apart) at all times.
b. Observe proper use of face masks at all
times. Both nose and mouth must be
c. Practice proper disposal of tissue and masks
after use.
2. All learners, teachers and personnel, on the
first day of classes, shall be provided with an
initial orientation on the respiratory etiquette
and other protective measures in school,
places, and even at home.
3. The school shall ensure availability of hand
soaps/hand sanitizers/alcohol-based
solutions/other disinfectants in restrooms,
offices, entrances, etc. by doing routine
monitoring and replacement/replenishment if
4. The school shall ensure routine
cleaning/disinfection of frequently touched
surfaces and objects using bleach solution at
least twice a day, as well as the routine
cleaning and the replacement of disinfectant
solutions in foot baths.
5. All teachers, personnel, and visitors, shall be
subjected to temperature checks using a
thermal scanner prior to entering the school.
6. The school clinic shall ensure the availability of
Emergency Health Kits that include PPEs and
other needed supplies and materials.
B. DepEd Health and Safety Policies
1. The school shall ensure the operationalization
of the Preventive Alert System in Schools
(PASS) for COVID-19.