Dwi Julianti: Work Experience Profile

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Private Tutor
P R O F I LE Self Employed ( June 2020 – present )
Support learning as directed by class teacher, monitoring progress and consulting with
I am a self-motivated, responsible,
parents, review and ensure that the subjects assigned is complete.
eager to learn new things, and able
to work as a team and individually. PT. Panasonic Gobel Indonesia
I am Currently a private tutor for ▪ Administration Staff ( July 2019 – November 2019 )
5thgrade elementary school and − Managing end-to-end invoices received from vendors
have an interest in Adminstrative − Review, verify incoming invoices and supporting document and data entry
tasks. − Prepare to journal enteries for every transaction into the SAP system
− Send a list of invoices to be paid to the finance departemnt
INFO − Responsible for validation of business trip proposals

ADDRESS − Updating database of promoters and budgets controls, and

Kp. Penggilingan RT 011/006 − Filling document.

No.14A, Penggilingan, Cakung,

▪ Internship ( May 2019 – June 2019 )
Jakarta Timur, 13940, Indonesia
Arrange mapping products and distribution network based on branch,

PHONE analyze product performance and data entry.

PT. Surya Citra Televisi
EMAIL Preview and Data Entry ( March 2019 – April 2019 )
dwijulianti77@gmail.com Assessing technical survey and data entry for the result of technical survey in the cities
of Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surakarta and Bandung.
Jakarta / July 7th, 1995
LINKS Bachelor of Management, Gunadarma University
Linkedin.com/in/dwijulianti September 2013 – September 2017. GPA : 3,58

SKILL SMK Negeri 48 Jakarta ( 2010 – 2013 )

Microsoft Excel Administrasi Perkantoran
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Power Point COURSES AND TRAINING
Microsoft Outlook
“Belajar Digital Marketing sampai Mahir” Course 2020
Computer Literate
Mini Bank Course 2016
SAP System
Securities Technical Analysis Course 2014
PKL at Registration Department SOHO Group 2011
Data Entry
Filing Document
Adobe Photoshop
Volunteer at “Komunitas Jendela Jakarta” (2018 – present)

LANGUAGES Starting from the library, we try to revive the reading interest of children so that they

Indonesia always appreciate the importance of books to reach their goals. We also provide several

English learning program that are managed and driven by volunteers.

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