5G 101 Use Cases

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Use Cases for 4G and 5G that grow revenue, open new
markets, increase customer loyalty, improve customer
experiences and efficiently leverage partnerships.


INTRODUCTION 3. The emergence of rapidly growing challengers in this context will continue
As we come to the close of 2021, the role of connectivity in our lives has and change the shape of certain markets. Some will become dominant
proven to have become more important than ever. The demands on before existing competitors have a chance to move. In an industry that is
remote access technologies have mounted considerably as societies and constantly reimagining itself and its role in the world, expect companies
businesses redefine how they deliver for their citizens and customers. Since to emerge even more rapidly through cloud growth and challenge existing
the publication of the last edition of the 101, the pace of change has only players in a range of areas in the way Apple, Tesla, and Samsung have
accelerated. In this edition, we look at 101 new reasons to be optimistic as we done in the past.
showcase the innovative ways service providers globally are overcoming these
challenges and adapting their offerings to compete in today’s market.
5G is Not Just Another ‘G’
As economies start to re-emerge from the last 18 months, the needs of
different markets will vary greatly. Appetites for certain services will have 5G may extend upon a resurgent 4G but it is also something quite
understandably changed to reflect the moment we are in. As such, the different. When realised, standalone 5G will provide a much richer range of
relevance of specific use cases will depend on where each market is on its opportunities around how services are delivered as well as the flexibility to
journey to return to a new normal. As ever, we have scoured the horizon in serve new verticals. Key 5G features that have implications for new services
terms of what services and applications are likely to drive service provider include improvements to latency, speed, coverage, capacity, and density.
business in the coming months and years. We have updated and refreshed Services will be further driven by multi-cloud scalability. The enablement
this much sought-after compilation based on experiences over the past year of network slicing and data-led automation will mean that networks have
to highlight emerging trends. the intelligence and flexibility to self-manage and self-optimise to ensure
continuity of service.

Key Market Drivers As we look ahead, the worlds of entertainment, education and work have
the potential to blur to the extent that many of the current “home versus
3 key themes that are evident throughout this use case shortlist: office” debates may no longer be relevant. Entertainment will be renewed
and enriched by augmented reality and these will become pervasive in all
1. Life after Covid will be a bit different for many people: mobility and areas where people or businesses want better experiences. Imagine, for
contact will take on a new meaning that just about every business and example, a travel experience where language translation was instantaneous
employer will need to consider. Consumers too are figuring out what a and seamless. In business, think about electricians who can “see” images
revised balance of home and work life should look like. Their relationship of pipework, or machines doing dangerous work in hard-to-reach places
with work as it was in 2019 has changed and this will have significant that are remotely managed from another location. The cost savings and
implications on remote access availability. productivity gains will be astronomical, and these types of use cases will
become the ‘norm’ with the secure reliability of 5G. For enterprises, they
2. Mega-trends such as network cloudification and the rollout of standalone will require more control of 5G features to make their services commercially
5G are continuing to accelerate in pace. Everything that can be (cloud) viable. This will be made possible as the 5G network creates a cloud-based
software-based and at the network edge will be. This has implications platform that can be made accessible for partners themselves to interact
for how services will be created, promoted, and securely delivered. with and derive value from. And so, we include new sections on 5G-driven
Partnerships, data, scale, and automation will be recurring themes in the analytics and network exposure in this edition of the 101 along with much
years to come. more to explore.


Click the chapter heading below to bring you straight to the start of that chapter

1 EXPANDED MEDIA & CONVERGENT PLAYS.......................... PAGE 04

2 5G ENTERPRISE................................................................................ PAGE 11

3 5G CONSUMER................................................................................. PAGE 21

4 SOCIETY / GROUP & SHARE SCHEMES.................................. PAGE 28


6 ANALYTICS DRIVING 5G DIFFERENTIATION.......................... PAGE 48

7 5G EXPOSURE-DRIVEN SERVICES............................................ PAGE 53

8 MOBILE FINANCIAL SERVICES................................................... PAGE 60


10 TEN HONOURABLE FURTHER MENTIONS............................. PAGE 71


PLAYS By Frank Healy
Product Marketing Director, Openet

The competitive environment has certainly required that

service providers move beyond “all-you-can-eat” data,
text and calls. The best providers are ever more closely
in tune with when and how users are willing to pay.
There are few better mechanisms than entertainment
and media to drive new sources of revenue as well as
loyalty. Media is being consumed differently now and that
change is evolving faster than ever by cloud-based and
on-demand services.

Users often want the total flexibility to buy on a one-

time purchase basis, or subscribe, with short-term
commitment, try-before they buy, purchase an underlying
base commitment or apply occasional add-ons when
needed. All of these purchase options and more, as
well as bundles, some of which will also continue to be
advertising-led, will need to continuously evolve but
cannot become burdensome. Soon also, new devices such
as 5G-enabled VR/AR headsets, other gaming devices
and even connected cars will be made available as add-
ons to existing bundles, or, as part of new and separate
bundles. Here we look at some of the best services which
point to much more to come.

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1.1 TV Bundles with Consumer Focus

Traditional cable and satellite subscription-based TV services are in
decline in many markets, so why would a service provider such as the
T-Mobile USA focus on “skinny bundles”? T-Mobile wanted to keep
it’s home-based, younger subscribers connected with TV in readiness
for 5G. T-Mobile started with its TVision ultra-inexpensive Vibe TV
package, with 30 entertainment channels and price at just $10
per month plus an optional $5 for 100 hours of DVR cloud storage.
Subsequently T-Mobile pivoted to partner with YouTube TV and Philo
with similarly low-price starting points. Neither service has
long term contracts.

T-Mobile is likely to also make these skinny bundles available to non-T-

Mobile subscribers thereby extending the brand’s addressable market.
These services allow subscribers to continue with TV while allowing
T-Mobile to upsell 5G home bundles including TV as they become
available. Meantime, users can share access while at home and stream
on the go.

1.2 Yoodo Add-ons

Yoodo Malaysia (powered by Celcom) has updated their price plans
to include over 20 content and social media “add-ons” that the
customer can choose from when they sign up to one of their post-
paid plans. Add-ons are grouped apps (e.g. social, streaming, gaming,
productivity) and include branded essentials: Facebook, WhatsApp,
Netflix, Spotify, VIU, Teams and Zoom. Pricing is per group of apps but
what’s interesting (and clear in pricing) is that each grouped add-on
chosen comes with 20GB of data per app. Clean promotions and
segment focus add to the attractiveness of this one.

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1.3 Mega-Bundles with Oomph

As some providers aim to become more niche with skinny offers and
add-ons, others continue to expand the bundle. Never one to hold
back on bundles, Virgin Media UK and Ireland seem to offer the lot in
their mega bundles: fibre broadband as well as 5G mobile, 100s of TV
channels including sports, cinema channels, and continuance of “roam
like home” for mobile use. A multi-award winner for service during the
pandemic, including “best switcher” [from other providers], they have to
be believed when they say “we won’t stop there”.

1.4 Shift the Focus to the Gadget

If the mega-bundles are just too expensive for a given market then one
tactic can be to switch the focus to a new device. Some users have been
a bit underwhelmed by smartphones for a while but have been primed
for VR and AR for some time and we can expect device manufacturers
to carry out huge amounts of promotion in the coming years. Some of
those devices may even be sold directly to end-users (in partnership with
telcos, of course). Others can be sold through telco channels as stand-
alone items whether prepaid or postpaid or as an add-on to existing
bundles. Future connected “gadgets” will include cars, wearables and a
spectrum of other devices including security cameras and smart meters.

EE UK is known for device add-ons having been an early promotor of the

Apple watch with directly connected eSim. More recently, it has been
promoting the Sony Playstation VR starter pack. Expect a lot more to
follow on the VR front from EE.

Of course, everyone loves something for free and somewhat at the

other extreme from VR add-ons is Proximus’ free WiFi booster for their
own home-WiFi, in addition to free setup. Such free but highly useful
add-ons can gain additional loyalty and tip decisions in favour of their

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1.5 5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)

What better way to have users consume than simply giving them a means to
do so? 5G FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) was an early promise of 5G (its initial
“Release 15”) and is already living up to expectations in terms of providing
an alternative to fibre-to-the-home / business. No surprises that AT&T has
been a strong advocate and a benchmark for other providers. AT&T usage
examples for enterprise include: POS solutions for retailers, pop-up stores,
and backup. Competitor: Verizon has been keen to promote even faster
speeds and multi-year price commitments for enterprises. Expect 5G FWA
to play a major role in the replacement of wires in homes, enterprises and
social settings for many years to come and serve a major role in connectivity
advancement in many countries.

1.6 Subscribe to More / Fan Packages

Exclusive content can increase consumer attention and extend as well as
deepen relationships with existing and new subscribers. Service providers
continue to innovate in this regard. What better way than tying up
exclusive content in a multi-way sponsorship. One such example is Verizon’s
relationship with the Phoenix Suns basketball team. Exclusivity is ensured by
Verizon’s close involvement with the Suns on several levels. The Suns test a
range of 5G-driven performance apps and real-time measurements in their
training facility including an array of HD cameras. Fans attending games will
be able to use their 5G phones to enhance the game experience by watching
live action and instant replays as well as data from live camera angles.

Phoenix Suns are also using BlueJeans by Verizon [it’s a conferencing app] to
deliver a “Second Screen” experience that provides a new and interactive way
for fans to watch and engage with their favorite team and brands across the
NBA. This complements the Suns’ livestream of the game. Using BlueJeans
Events the Suns provide fans with additional streamed video content they
could interact with in real time using polls, chat interactions, “hand raise” and
other platform features during games, including interviews with NBA legends
and insiders, contests, and promotions.

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1.7 VR of Course
The somewhat delayed Tokyo Olympics may in future be considered as having
been one of the the first mainstream events watched around the world in
virtual reality albeit in relatively small numbers compared to overall viewership.
(Gamers may disagree – see Fortnite case below). The Discovery+ channel was
a strong promoter of live and immersive access to the Olympics.

Live events being watched with the help of body-cams on athletes and
referees have been around for some years but are now well and truly possible
as devices and latencies continue to improve. Upgraded stadia and venues will
have hundreds if not thousands of camera angles to choose from – thereby
providing an increasingly immersive, flexible and even personalised, virtual
viewer experience. VR has come to mean different things as the technology
evolves and we’re increasingly likely to hear about “XR” which is a mix of virtual,
augmented and mixed reality experiences. All eyes are now on Paris for the
next Olympics.

In the wider VR and AR market, some big names in gaming are piling in and will
become more familiar. Examples include: Niantic’s Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
which plans to employ 5G to seamlessly combine our real world with the world
of wizardry. Expect to hear a lot more from Niantic in coming years.

1.8 Connecting and Reconnecting with

a Wider Audience
Vodafone is already a multi-play powerhouse with some incredible bundles.
It has also been enhancing other means to deepen involvement with a wider
range of age groups. Vodafone has partnered to safely promote its Neo-
branded smartwatch for kids in the UK and Ireland, with content from Disney,
Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars, whilst allowing safe connectivity to that new,
younger set of fans. Meanwhile, having already recognised an under-served
segment prior to the pandemic, Vodafone had reconnected with an older
audience in the 70+ age group by offering free community-based smartphone
classes. It then activated a support-line dedicated to older age groups with
broad recognition as a highly valuable support function. This was a true
benchmark of adaptation with community value.

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1.9 5G-Powered e-Sports and International Gaming

Mobile gaming is already larger than PC and console gaming by revenue
and the trend will continue. No selection of new-media use cases could be
complete without mention of mobile esports and live gaming (as opposed
to Olympic games and field-sports mentioned above), which can be
watched online by tens of millions of gamer fans. Driven by increasingly
large cash prizes and sponsorship they will continue to grow in the context
of 5G. The benefits of distributed 5G and mobile edge computing mean
that more processing can be done on the network and not on the devices
– which takes the pressure off those devices to be as powerful as their
tethered cousins. Just about every demographic is gaining interest and it
is evolving from more passive viewership of pro-gamers to participation.

Improved latency and bandwidth will mean that live-event gamers as

well as viewers will be increasingly at dispersed locations and countries.
5G will enable the growth to continue at an even faster pace. Singapore
in aiming to be a gaming powerhouse and Singtel started its own
competitive league in 2018 which it has expanded to a regional scale while
ramping up investments in mobile-gaming platforms like Storms.

1.10 Gamer-First Packages

The rise of gaming is so strong that participant brands will become
household names. Netflix has already announced inclusion of mobile
gaming in its packages and we can expect a lot more to come from
them. What if gamers were to opt-in to a exclusive gaming access first
and connectivity was a secondary side-benefit or simply assumed? So
they subscribe to unlimited access to watch their favourite gaming team
practice and participate at tournaments. Under the branding hood would
be a telco that “powers” or even white-labels the experience on behalf of
the gaming team or other sponsoring brands. It could all be managed via
5G network slices (one for the gaming team and another for the fans). All
that would be required is an ultra-flexible, standalone 5G network.

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Dhiraagu, a service provider based in the Maldives has launched a “Gamehub”

platform which means their mobile customers get access to 700+HD games
and they have free rated the data used to download the game as part of
their plan. The games available do not include any in-app purchases which
will be some relief to parents who might be signing up to this package for
their kids. They also offer these plans in weekly or monthly formats to make it
more flexible for their customers.

Dhiraguu is an example of a service provider heavily focussed on gaming and

we believe a logical evolution will be to provide more gamer-specific packages
where connectivity is almost an addon to gaming (not vice versa) – albeit an
essential one.

1.11 Not Just for Gamers: In-reach Concerts

Marshmello, Travis Scott and Ariana Grande might not feature highly in the
playlist of the average telco exec or board member, but they have something
in common. They have all had hugely successful online concerts using the
Fortnite platform as a means to reach millions of music fans with live
music events. These events are heavy on computer graphics and therefore
bring new definitions of virtual, live events as well as 5G-driven immersive
opportunity. Scott’s in-game live performance attracted over 12 million live
viewers and points to the future of live entertainment. With the capacity
and scaling available on 5G, expect such numbers to continue to grow. It’s an
incredible opportunity for service providers to participate as 5G coverage is

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By Frank Healy
Product Marketing Director, Openet

As 5G continues to roll out rapidly and in more places

as standalone (SA) 5G, many service providers are
making key strategic decisions regarding the future of
their businesses - from which use cases will follow. This
is especially important for the enterprise market, which
many in the industry believe will represent the greatest
portion of 5G value. At Openet we have identified
four key service provider strategies that 5G will better
enable due to the flexibility and openness of the enabled
network. These are broken down by the amount of risk
and involvement down to the end (in this case enterprise)
customer as well as the resulting value. Given the early
stage of development of (especially SA) 5G, these are
somewhat predictive groupings but we provide examples
where we believe they currently exist. These are not
mutually exclusive groupings and some service providers
may offer all four flavours of B2B2x offerings.

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At one end (low risk, lower margin) will be pure “XaaS” wholesale
models - often involving “co-opetition” with other telcos. This is
similar to wholesale offerings as they would have previously been
known to operators but now more flexibly enabled in a cloud and
5G context. At the other extreme of low risk but high reward is the
enablement of enterprise “micro- operator” or specialist operator, 2.1 XaaS example: Network sharing &
where large enterprises take on roles of semi-autonomous roaming for 5G
operators for their particular environments. These enterprises
may enable a range of use cases “on behalf of” the operator for Networks, especially in a cloud-based 5G context are becoming more flexible
their (typically large or complex) environment. Additional strategic and open to partners than ever before. As 5G spectrum typically results
options for operators are ecosystem orchestration and more direct in shorter coverage range than its 4G predecessor, rollouts may need to
ownership of end-to-end enterprise use cases. 15 examples with be more concentrated. Most likely, service providers will need an evolved
specific use cases are described below network-sharing and roaming capability that did not exist with 4G. Global-
SIMs are expected to work everywhere and with 5G, a wider range of
SIM-enabled or, more likely, e-SIM enabled devices will be expected to work
everywhere. Devices themselves will be expected to simply work “out of
Low risk the box” and “everywhere”. With a greater range of devices this will require
openness, partnership and control at a level not seen before by the telecoms
Specialist service industry. It’s no surprise that AT&T and Japanese provider NTT Docomo have
XaaS provider been moving ahead rapidly with 5G roaming.


orchestrator E2E

High risk Value $

Figure 1: 5G GTM Risk Reward Positioning

Whatever the strategic focus, service providers are enabling more

and more enterprise opportunities by exposing more of their
enhanced 5G capabilities to customers and partners and becoming
more cloud-flexible. Or to put it in another way: by becoming more
like enterprise customers themselves. The opportunity is still vast. We
cover specific 5G exposure capabilities for partners in a later chapter
but here we focus more on directly- provided enterprise services..

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2.2 XaaS example: “Basic” network slicing

Analysts at Appledore Research define NaaS as when a wireless network’s
resources are easily exposed to third parties, making it possible for new
services to be created with minimal effort. As a subset of that, there is no
doubt that “slicing as a service” has been hyped in the run up to 5G rollouts
but will soon start to come to fruition and scale rapidly especially as stand-
alone 5G becomes more widely available. Systems integrators and larger
enterprises will be looking for dedicated network slices to run particular
high-value services. Think of hospitals’ MRI scanners that must have “total”
reliability. The equipment may need to be allocated to a specific slice but once
installed will not need to be managed locally by the hospital. It just needs to
work with appropriate quality allocated when required. SLAs (Service Level
Agreements) will become more common – especially at enterprise level. We
remain confident that in the coming years certain service providers will be
seen as the “go to” providers of network slicing for a wide range of enterprise

2.3 XaaS example: eMBB and FWA channel partner

The first wave of (typically non-standalone) 5G has already enabled
enterprises to boost existing speeds or achieve access that was unthinkable
just a few years ago. This provides a boost to partner systems integrators
and enterprise customers alike. The rapid rollout and 10x speeds from
enhanced mobile broadband (or eMBB) now available to enterprises can be
game-changing and represent a huge early 5G opportunity. Resellers often
address specific segments such as agriculture or SME or large businesses and
have specifically tailored solutions for each segment. Volume of connections
or bundles of standard offerings for their particular focus segments is
their objective and quite often bespoke settings are not needed. AT&T and
T-Mobile USA have both been especially strongly promoting fixed-wireless
access (FWA) benefits through channel partners and can be expected to
continue with this approach.

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2.4 B2B End-to-End example: Advanced

manufacturing enablement
Service providers may decide to provide focussed offerings end-to-end as
the principle B2B services provider. So for example they may supply services
including high-definition cameras to a car manufacturer that requires 5G and
ultra-reliable low latency (URLLC) on a production line. One such example
has been the use of high-definition cameras on production lines of car
manufacturers in Korea as enabled by local service provider: KT. The smart
factory solution uses 5G to connect cameras and transfer high-definition
image data onto a cloud network in real time with near-zero latency to
automatically inspect the quality of products and control production.

2.5 B2B End-to-End example: Enhanced emergency

First responders need to ensure that they have the dedicated networks they
need at critical moments and in locations that may not traditionally have
high capacity but could become over-burdened during an event that requires
their presence. Think of a road traffic accident at a (normally) relatively quiet
location. Traffic congestion may build up rapidly and the responders need to
know that their mobile data (and voice) is not competing on the network for
bandwidth versus local residents’ streaming of video. With the right quality
of service prioritisation down to responder application level, perhaps further
enabled by a network slice, there will be reliable connectivity during the event.
Bell Canada has long been a supporter of first responders and continues to
prioritise their mobile broadband connectivity when they need it most.

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2.6 B2B End-to-End example: Drones

(yes, but now for real!)
It seemed like drones got a lot of attention at the start of 5G definition
and rollout but their move to commercialisation has commenced. With
demands for low latency controls and camera downlinks (in some cases
8K 360-degree cameras with live downlink). One such example is drones
used for bridge inspection developed by Intel. Other recent examples have
included the delivery of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to remote
parts of Scotland and Ireland. Vodafone has been particularly active in this
space. According to research by NESTA, using drones to assist public services,
including transporting the UK’s National Health Service tests and samples
and supporting the police and fire services, could save the public sector there
£1.1bn by 2035.

2.7 B2B End-to-End example: Fleet Management

(who needs fully autonomous vehicles)
Enterprise clients with huge sunk investments in commercial fleets cannot
wait for full automation. It may be many years before vehicles (especially
high-value commercial vehicles) are fully autonomous but during interim
stages, 5G will have an increasing role to play. Many expensive commercial
vehicles will be possible to retrofit to avail of benefits including advanced
mapping, collision avoidance and night-vision safety equipment coming to
market. Personnel can be trained with the latest AR (augmented reality)
instructions. Many of these features will depend on the low latency (URLLC)
and high-bandwidth capability that 5G provides. With its vast logistics
operations in the USA and further afield Verizon in particular is driving such
innovations (literally!).

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2.8 B2B End-to-End example:

Road infrastructurecapacity management
In the UK, O2 is involved with trialling Capacity Manager, which is designed to
help reduce road traffic congestion. Capacity Manager uses the 5G network to
collect real-time traffic data. This data is then fed into a road network model
which provides analysis on how to reduce road congestion and help traffic flow
more freely. As well as using real-time data for modelling, the system also uses
historic road traffic data and AI to predict road traffic congestion. This is just
one of many projects that UK service providers are working on with government
agency Innovate UK, as well as universities, companies and research bodies.
Other projects include autonomous mobility. We have lots more examples of
advances in 5G analytics capability in a later chapter.

2.9 B2B End-to-End example:

KDDI – 5G remote controlled construction
equipment for disaster recovery
Japanese operator KDDI has been enabling use of 5G controlled construction
equipment to assist in disaster recovery efforts. In the aftermath of
earthquakes, typhoons, and heavy rainfall, disaster sites are not only difficult to
access, but they are also dangerous due to the possibility of secondary disasters.
Using a 5G network and 4K3D camera, the KDDI’s trials showed how a digger
can be precisely managed using remote control.

Remote control of construction equipment is not entirely new however it has

previously been carried out using wireless LAN, which provides low resolution
images and makes the remote control work less accurate. With 5G, videos from
the 4K cameras are hi-res and delivered with low latency and more devices can
be supported. When compared to 4G enabled remote controlled construction
equipment, 5G supports 20 X more data, 10 X more devices, and a 10 X
increased in speed.

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Being able to send unmanned diggers and other construction machinery into disaster
zones can help with early response in a safe manner. More generally, the business case for
mining and construction equipment stands up for itself: remote crews can rotate more
easily and be in disparate locations allowing for more continuous operation. Tele2 Russia
and Nornickel have combined forces on the deepest mine in Eurasia with private LTE/5G
to deliver a range of use cases such as high-precision machine guidance and employee
condition monitoring systems, push-to-talk solutions, intelligent video analytics for mining
and machinery, two- way talk, video surveillance, and telemetry (data transmission from
sensors at production sites).

2.10 Ecosystem Orchestrator: General B2Bx enablement

Although it relates to more than a single use case we believe this deserves special mention
as it will ultimately drive thousands of use cases. Flavours include Platform as a Service
(PaaS) frameworks (such as Verizon Thingspace) and extend ultimately to provide for an
enterprise App Store where businesses as well as consumers will be able to select from a
huge range of enabled services. Everything will be facilitated from connected sensors and
traffic lights to security cameras and the multitude of yet-to-be-imagined services that
5G and 5G-enabled IoT will enable.

Rather than fully “owning” all services end-to-end, service providers contribute elements
including device supply, as well as support and connectivity. Verizon “Thingspace” is one
such example and provides a single point of entry for development, connectivity, testing,
and automation tools for IoT. From choosing the right devices and connectivity options
to bundling them with services for device management, security, location, advanced
diagnostics, and firmware updates, enterprises are able to access a variety of tools as
well as a marketplace for their solutions. Verizon’s cloud partners including Amazon
and Microsoft allow for ease of deployment, scaling and added analytics. Roaming
agreements for 5G will eventually cover the 200 or so countries covered with 4G. Other
large operators evolving IoT ecosystems include AT&T and Vodafone.

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2.11 Ecosystem Orchestrator: Industrial Vertical

Focus (China Mobile taking healthcare to the
Edge with 5G medical edge platform)
In June 2020 China Mobile launched China’s first 5G medical edge platform. This is aimed at providing the medical industry in China
with a private 5G network as well as services that include 5G connectivity, computing, storage, service and security. This enables
innovative medical applications, such as remote diagnosis and surgery, AI assistance, mobile medicine and surgical instruction. China
Mobile call out that their 5G Medical Edge Cloud Platform has integrated 5G slicing and edge computing technologies thus being
able to support a wider range of URLLC use cases and provide the required quality of services.

China Mobile has at least 100 internet-based medical applications deployed on their 5G medical edge cloud and say that this will
accelerate the large-scale applications of China Mobile’s new-generation 5G smart hospital solutions.

2.12 Specialist service proveder for specific segments

& facilities: Maritime transport)
In such an evolving scenario, key service-definition elements such as policy control and
charging can be located at the network edge, meaning that the campus, airport, hotel
facility etc. has control to define localised services for local users and even control how
defined user sub-segments are charged. This could be a fully private network or public/
private hybrid. So for example, a large college campus may have 50 thousand or so
students and large numbers of staff with diverse requirements. Students might receive
a particular quality of service in their dorms but critical research equipment in labs may
need slice- based reliability and quality of service as defined by on-campus IT teams. Other
customers on campus might include staff (whose lectures and demos require video and
perhaps VR/AR enablement). Additional service companies operating on campus such as
security or utility (IoT) companies may need intermittent but definable grades of service.
The campus IT team may even need to charge for such services on a prepaid as well as
postpaid basis.

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2.13 Specialist service provider for specific segments

& facilites: Efficient port / Airport.
Similar to the campus scenario, a port or airport may have several square miles /
kilometers with multiple use cases to enable. Some use cases may have high safety and
productivity requirements (such as remotely-controlled cranes requiring URLLC and
edge-based control). Others may require high quality voice (for example, ship-to-shore
voice over new radio). But all may need to be managed locally by local IT teams requiring
local configuration authority. Estimates vary, especially based on pandemic events in
2020 but “smart airport” market value alone is estimated at $25bn by 2025 (Grand
View Research). Rapidly advancing international airports to watch include: Dubai,
Singapore and Incheon in Korea.

2.14 Specialist service provider for specific segments

& facilities: Maritime transport
Vodafone Germany is deploying 5G technology at the Port of Kiel. This is to support the
Förde 5G project in the port. The aim of the project is to examine how 5G can enable
partial and ultimately autonomous operation of passenger ferries. It will also provide
supports for port logistics and sailing.

This involves Vodafone Germany providing a 5G network that will cover part of the Kiel
Fjord, which is a 17-kilometre inlet of the Baltic Sea.

Förde 5G is part of the Clean Autonomous Public Transport Network (CAPTN) initiative
of Kiel University whose aim is to develop autonomous bus and ferry services, with a
pilot application in Kiel. Vodafone’s participation in this project is part of their plan to
provide 5G coverage along Germany’s waterways

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2.15 Specialist service provider for specific segments

& facilities: Smart Factory for automobile production
(Private Network)
No listing of 5G use cases would omit the impacts on the consumer side of the motor
industry. However the large manufacturers are taking further steps towards owning
their own 5G networks and even owning their own spectrum. Both Audi and Mercedes-
Benz have been allocated spectrum in Germany. Mercedes-Benz is optimising
production processes in its factory with new features including capture of vast amounts
of data, accurately locating products on the assembly line and intelligently connecting
machines and systems with each other to support efficiency and accuracy in various
production processes.

5G delivers fast data transfer rates in the gigabit range, extremely short latency
times and high reliability. Multiple further factory applications can be expected from
Mercedes-Benz as it takes full control of its own network.

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CONSUMER By Julia Hogarty
Senior Product Marketing Manager,

5G differentiation strategies are still working themselves out as operators

look to identify the money-saving and money-making use cases that they
will prioritise in early rollouts. Focus so far has largely leant towards enabling
Enterprise customers with the improved network flexibility and exposure
capabilities supported with 5G.

That said, how 5G will redefine Consumer interests is an area of lively debate.
In the first instance, 5G promises a significantly improved network experience
with faster speeds and connectivity from anywhere. But what does 5G
promise beyond faster speeds which most consumers won’t need and access
from remote places where most consumers won’t go? This has been the
primary point of discussion amongst most operators for the last couple of
years as the business case for 5G has been deliberated.

However, the monetisation of ‘new experiences’ is gaining momentum as

the possibilities enabled by lower latency and improved availability open
up a multitude of AR/VR type applications. QoE assurance is likely to also
be a focus for creating new revenue by tiering premium bandwidth for top
tier customers. The creation of network slices as 5G rollouts mature, will
also create unprecedented agility for the trial of new services, enabling new
offerings to be spun up and spun down in minutes rather than months in
response to consumer demand.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, 5G consumer strategies had to be

redevised or put on pause in some cases as the need for novel outdoor
services became redundant overnight. However, as the world begins to
cautiously reimagine what a new consumer existence will look like, there is an
even greater opportunity for 5G to play a central role in redefining public life
for the next few years at least.

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3.1 AT&T Launches Augmented Reality Reading

AT&T are pushing ahead with their 5G consumer strategy and have
announced an array of novel consumer-focused applications. These
will include AR-aided shopping experiences in stores and the ability
to reliably download content at airports. Who would have thought
the day would come?! In early 2021, AT&T announced that it was
giving customers access to Bookful, a partner app which generated
augmented reality experiences around books to improve reading

New and existing customers with an AT&T 5G device are offered a 6

months free subscription to the Bookful app. A creative way to support
independent learning for children after most families around the world
tackled home schooling during the pandemic, showing the present
need for technology to better support remote learning.

3.2 DNA Finland Offer Tiered 5G Speed Packages

DNA is the third operator in Finland, behind Elisa and Telia, with 27%
market share at the close of 2020. Finland is primarily a postpaid
market, with most consumers subscribing to speed-based tariffs.
Following in the footsteps of Elisa and Telia, DNA launched commercial
5G services and monetised their consumer 5G offerings based on
speed tiers. For €29.90 per month, consumers can avail of 200Mbps at
the lowest tier and 1000MBps for €49.90 per month at the top service
tier based on a minimum 12-month contract.

According to STL, Finland has the highest per capita data

consumption in the world. As of December 2020, DNA reported that
almost 50% of smartphone sales were 5G. As for 5G consumption
trends, DNA reported that network data usage between July and
August 2020 was exemplified by a DNA 5G Home Broadband (FWA)
subscriber consuming an average of 576GB over the two months.

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3.3 NTT DOCOMO Launches 5G Live Music

NTT DoCoMo launched a 5G commercial services offering in March 2020.
“Shintaikan Live” was a 4G offering focused on the streaming of live music
events. With the advent of 5G, NTT DoCoMo have been able to significantly
enhance this online experience offering with multi-angle video distribution,
augmented reality figures of artists in 3D and the enablement of live
transitioning of consumers to mail-order sites direct
from the experience ‘zone’.

Now as “Shintaikan Live CONECT”, 5G has further enabled the proposition

to enhance its video distribution service to support an 8K live virtual reality
service that allows for real- time viewing of 360° VR footage captured at live
performance venues. Consumers can purchase VR headsets to watch an event
via their smartphone for an immersive experience as if standing in the front row.

The Covid-19 pandemic has put a halt to large scale in-person events. As
vaccines continue to be deployed across the globe, such events are beginning
to trial in earnest with greatly reduced numbers. This creates a timely relevance
for a service like “Shintaikan Live CONNECT”. As of June 2021, NTT DoCoMo
reported 5.3 million 5G subscribers as opposed to 0.149 million 5G users at the
end of June 2020. This is largely due to their aggressive rollout strategy and
rapid 5G adoption trends supported by innovative value-added services.

3.4 Zain Saudi Arabia Launch Innovative

5G Service Bundles
Zain launched its 5G service commercially in October 2019 across 27 cities. At
the time, Zain 5G launch was the third largest globally and the largest in the
Middle East region.

Zain was the first operator in Saudi Arabia to bundle fixed wireless access
(5G-based home broadband) with mobility by launching “Family Plan” in April
2020. This bundle includes 5G-enabled SIM cards with a 5G home broadband
connection, allowing for the connectivity needs of the entire family to be
managed under a single bill.

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Adding to their 5G services, Zain also recognised the potential of

content partnerships to drive 5G adoption. By entering a partnership
with OSN, Zain could provide its 5G subscribers access to over-the-
top video services for free. Sponsored content allows operators, like
Zain, to differentiate as the 5G market globally is proving challenging
to convince consumers of the unique value add. Providing free access
to seamless video streaming is a good way of demonstrating to
consumers how 5G will ultimately make a difference to their user

3.5 Rogers & University of Waterloo Launch

Canada’s First Autonomous Shuttle
Rogers partners with the University of Waterloo to advance 5G
research in the Toronto-Waterloo tech-corridor. Rogers activated
the University’s 5G Smart Campus in September 2020 to support
research and development of 5G applications and use cases in a real-
world setting. As part this ongoing work, Canada’s first driverless,
fully autonomous 5G shuttle was launched in June 2021. The shuttle,
dubbed the ‘WATonoBus’, operates remotely over the Rogers 5G

The incorporated technology includes an integrated on-board sensor

system providing vehicle intelligence and control; a suite of front, rear
and side cameras providing a 360° view; light detection and ranging
(LIDAR) active remote sensing systems used for detecting objects;
and a WATonoBus smartphone app to help passengers navigate the
campus using the shuttle.August 2020 was exemplified by a DNA 5G
Home Broadband (FWA) subscriber consuming an average of 576GB
over the two months.

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3.6 T-Mobile US Launch SyncUP DRIVE

for Intelligent Vehicle Management
As part of T-Mobile’s IoT application offerings for consumers,
SyncUP DRIVE enables customers to keep track of their vehicle’s
performance while staying connected on the move. The service is
enabled by an on-board diagnostics reader and the car’s health
metrics are accessible via a dedicated app. The IoT device or
‘reader’ tracks the vehicle’s performance, alerting the driver to
potential maintenance requirements, while also monitoring the
driver’s behaviour. In some cases, this data can be utilised to bring
down insurance premiums. The service also provides in-car Wi-
Fi for up to 5 connections.was exemplified by a DNA 5G Home
Broadband (FWA) subscriber consuming an average of 576GB
over the two months.

3.7 POST Luxembourg Bundle Cloud Gaming

As operators look to incentivise customers to migrate to their
5G service, many are bundling free giveaways as part of their 5G
offerings. Some are more straightforward perks, such as CSL
Hong Kong’s 30GB data bonus and 2,000 club points for the
purchase of a 5G smartphone. However, strategic partnerships
with content providers are becoming the most competitive means
of driving 5G interest.

In October 2020, POST entered a strategic partnership with

French online gaming platform, Blacknut, as part of their 5G
launch. This comes as part of POST’s push to position the brand as
a company which is driving digital transformation with a particular
focus on enabling the gaming sector. In March 2020, POST
launched eSports League, the country’s first league dedicated to
video games. Adding the partnership with Blacknut, POST has
become the first operator in Europe to integrate 5G cloud gaming
into its 5G mobile offers.

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3.8 Telenor Bulgaria Offer Premium

Content & Tier Speeds
Telenor launched 5G services in Bulgaria in June 2021 with a series
of tiered ‘Total Max’ plans. All 5G plans offer unlimited data and are
24-month term contracts. As part of the Total Max plans, Telenor offer
three tiers of plan options with varying levels of premium services included.

The premium bundles start at 36.99 lec (USD 22.15) per month and offers
unlimited mobile data with 50mbps download speeds, supports call
roaming in the EU and includes access to content services such as HBO
GO, Deezer for music streaming, Kanuma Pro for news and Bookmate
for e-books. The top tier 5G packages, at 44.99 lec (USD 26.94) and 54.99
lec (USD 32.98) per month include the same premium content services
with the main service enhancement being improved download speeds.

3.9 Vodafone Italy Target Youth Segment for 5G

Vodafone Italy launch a 5G plan, called ‘Shake It Easy’, targeted at
customers under 30 years of age. This plan offers 60GB of data, unlimited
calls and texts as standard and unlimited data for preferred apps
including maps, social, chat, music and meetings. Vodafone also bundle
premium content services in the form of Vodafone Gaming, a 12-month
free subscription to music streaming service, TIDAL Premium, as well as
3-months Netflix access.

As part of Vodafone’s move into the gaming market, they introduce

‘GameNow’, which is a product available to both 4G and 5G customers
as a separate add-on. Accessible via a dedicated GameNow app or
downloadable from the Vodafone Entertainment website, the service
offers access to an archive of video games that can be played on a
smartphone, tablet or games console.

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3.10 5G Service Adoption by

Location & Heaviest User
With 5G, operators will be faced with a torrent of diverse data from a
multitude of vendor systems that needs to be efficiently managed and
processed to create new data insights. The ability to extract network
and service-aware information for correlation against reference data
to enable intelligent traffic management decisioning, network analytics
and network security will be essential.

The contextual correlation of this data creates a deeper understanding

of network behaviour, customer consumption patterns, the implication
of application types on cost and revenue, as well as the overall
management of service experience. This is achieved with a stream
processing platform which can ingest all network data and transform
it into a common format. Once transformed, data can then be
manipulated in near real-time for downstream business applications
and reporting. In this way, operators can understand current 5G usage
by Cell ID and IMSI to determine overall service adoption trends for
particular areas and weighted usage for particular consumers.

Operators need to understand how services are being utilised. The

ability to collect, ingest, aggregate, correlate and contextually enrich
all usage events allows service providers to meaningfully understand
service adoption patterns. This facilitates the development of
appropriate pricing packages and incentive programs based on actual
consumption and user habits. Along with operators, enterprises also
need to have a view of service traction as it is difficult to anticipate
how new services will be adopted.

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SCHEMES By David McGlew
Marketing Director, Openet

In our last “101” version we had a section on “Group and Share

Schemes”. This time we explore more broadly how the mobile
industry and its related services have developed products and
services for the betterment of our wider society. Over the years
CSPs have recognised the power of targeting specific industry
groups or associations with specific discounts and tariff plans.
Since the pandemic we’ve seen a refinement of this were CSPs
used ‘affinity offers’ to publicly reward front line workers with
discounted tariff plans, as a form of recognition and reward
for their service to society. In line with the idea of giving back to
society, be it environmental causes or charitable ones we explore
how some operators are enabling their customers to donate to
these causes as part of their loyalty programmes. In the context
of wider societal benefit we consider some use cases around the
telco role in enabling Industry 4.0 and it’s various technologies for
environmental monitoring, smart cities and fostering innovation
for small-to-medium-sized businesses.

If anything has been proven during the pandemic, it has been the
massive role that CSPs have to play in society. Their continued
scope for engagement with all age groups and industries to
support, sponsor, aid, define and encourage an unlimited set
of use cases is quite unbounded and deserving of continued
exploration, even if the business case is not always crystal clear
upfront. These are just some great examples that point to the
potential of what is possible.
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4.1 Group Plans: Discounted Plans Based

on your Employer
This style of plan typically allows some customers to enjoy special
wireless discounts through their employer, school, or organisation.
One strong example is AT&T’s “Signature “Programme”. With AT&T’s
Signature Programme for teachers, doctors and nurses, military
service members and veterans, first responders, and their families,
this is typically a 25% discount on unlimited plans and as way of saying
“thank you” to key society contributors. It is a well promoted favourite.

4.2 Donate your Old Phone

to Help The Homeless
A recent study by the UK charity “Crisis” of wider homeless charities
and organisations found that 76% had seen an increase in the number
of people experiencing digital exclusion and seeking help for basic
digital support. 75% also said that lack of digital technology or internet
was presenting challenges in their ability to provide support to people
experiencing homelessness.

Tesco Mobile UK has partnered with the charity “Crisis” to bring a

lifeline of connectivity to people experiencing homelessness. Donated
phones are converted to cash and any proceeds, through the
partnership, provides digital connections, in the form of additional
phones and devices, data, minutes and texts.

This one is brilliantly simple and we touch on further issues relating

to addressing the “digital divide” in this chapter as well as our final
chapter of this playbook.

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4.3 Donate your Reward Points to Charity

Globe, one of the main CSPs in the Philippines, is keen to ensure its
customer loyalty programme can be used for more than cinema tickets
and discounts on consumer goods. It recognised the trend towards
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and the desire from some of
its customers to support environmental as well as social causes.

All Globe accounts can use points to donate to various

foundations and charities. For example:

1. Hineleban Foundation - Your 100 points

donation will help donate one tree

2. Paws International - Your 10 points donation will help

in the medical treatment of rescued animals

3. Save Philippine Seas (SPS) - Your 10 points donation will

help educate a child on the wonders of marine biodiversity

The next step for a number of operators is to use loyalty points or

unused data/voice for cash back into a mobile wallet. (See also
our chapters on Increasing ARPU and Financial Services).

4.4 AR (Augmented Reality) Supporting Local

Tourism in Hong Kong
As tourism reopens so too will peoples’ need for local and tourisim
information. One service worth noting is the CSL 5G lens service.
This is an AR service that provides visual effects and information
over well-known Hong Kong landmarks, but it can be used to
receive marketing offers and promotions from CSL partners in
real-time. The opportunity here is for the delivery of personalised
and real-time contextual offers and the service provider either
gets an advertising fee, or indeed a percentage of their partners’
revenues from purchases made relating to the AR offers.

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4.5 5G Private Network to Support not for

Profit Industry Research
Vodafone Ireland is building a standalone 5G private network in the regional
town of Mullingar and working with a non-profit research organisation:
Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR), the role of which is to investigate
and develop smart applications for Ireland’s high-tech manufacturing
community. IMR’s strategy is to de- risk, de-mystify and deliver advanced
and innovative technologies to Irish manufacturing, boosting productivity
and reducing cost, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises

through early access to industry leading 5G technologies.

Using this standalone 5G MPN (mobile private network), IMR will
develop and demonstrate innovative smart manufacturing use cases in
automated production lines, mobile robots and cobots, and augmented
reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) displays. These smart applications
require the combination of high capacity (bandwidth), responsiveness
(low latency) and quality of service that is enabled by 5G.

The 5G standalone MPN can be configured for a specific industry or

application and provide a highly sophisticated URLLC (ultra-reliable low-
latency communication) connectivity experience with network reliability
and quality of service in hard-to-reach places. It aims to also demonstrate
that 5G MPN networks also open up a new class of IoT applications.

4.6 Smart Cities for Society: Water Quality Monitoring

with 5G Unmanned Boat
China Unicom’s unmanned boat is equipped with a 5G CPE terminal and
360-degree 4K camera, pushing real-time images and videos of ocean and river
for monitoring water quality through a high speed 5G network. The unmanned
boat works in conjunction with a drone and has 4 sensors which transmit
data in real time to the cloud. For example the pH level is measured as well as
temperature in real time. Where any anomalies can be identified the drone can
be sent to investigate. 5G-enabled devices combined for the improvement of the
environment - it doesn’t get much better.

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4.7 Smart Cities Framework:

Travel Information Digital Twin
Providing a framework to help create an ecosystem of smart cities,
AT&T Smart Cities Framework uses a secure, holistic approach to
helping cities improve functions like transportation, lighting, safety
and sustainability. AT&T has partnered with a number of technology
partners such as with Cisco, Deloitte, GE, IBM and Intel to help support
the new framework with an objective of building more connected
communities. They have brought their smart cities framework to
several initial spotlight cities and universities that include Atlanta, the
Georgia Institute of Technology, Chicago and Dallas.

In Chicago, smart city pilots are designed to keep residents

and tourists more productive, engaged and informed
as they move about town. The solutions include:

• Smart digital transportation boards in Chicago O’Hare

International airport. The smart digital display will help
travellers with their ground transportation planning. Boards
will show the fastest and lowest-cost routes into the city.
AT&T network connectivity sources real-time information so
commuters can determine their best mode of transportation

• Connected bus shelters in several Chicago communities.

Connectivity increases productivity and helps create a
safer, more inviting environment. Select bus shelters
have free Wi-Fi, intelligent lighting and digital displays
to inform commuters of the next bus arrival.

• Interactive touch-screen information kiosks. Chicago has

many popular tourist spots, but the city also has hidden
gems. The kiosks will help visitors find local points of
interest, and directions to get there. The kiosks feature
USB charging ports and offer free public Wi-Fi services.

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4.8 Smart Manufacturing Lab to Showcase

Benefits of Industry 4.0 (5G with AI Focus)
Telcom Italia is working with Intel and hardware manufacturer Exor
International to develop a smart manufacturing facility that uses 5G
networking and artificial intelligence (AI). They have built an end-to-end
smart factory in Verona, Italy, in a bid to showcase the benefits of Industry
4.0 digitisation to manufacturers. The smart facility will demonstrate that
digitisation can work at any scale. This is important for small and mid-sized
manufacturers especially that are looking to stay innovative and competitive
in the market.

Through the collaboration, Exor said it would open a portion of its smart
factory floor and 5G laboratory to other companies to prove how they can
move to Industry 4.0 with wireless communication. Exor also plans to pilot
a visual quality inspection machine, based on Intel’s Movidius VPU (vision
processing unit) and OpenVINO deep learning framework. This will be used to
flag and classify defects, dust and scratches automatically in near real time.
5G will be used for internal communications in what the companies described
as an “extreme factory design setup”. The 5G network will be used to test
peer-to-peer communications via industrial robots. The impact of 5G on edge
computing cluster connectivity versus wired connections will also be assessed.
The final part of the smart factory collaboration is real-time updates on
order status and work-in-progress advancements, regardless of order size.

4.9 Helping Small and Medium-Sized Business

with Digital Training
Cybersecurity and remote connectivity have been top priorities in
the pandemic and small businesses want to get up to speed.
Mobile operator Vodafone and training partner Udemy have created
a new digital training programme for UK small businesses in response
to the disruption. The move follows closely on an initiative by Telefonica
which teamed up with Saudi Arabia’s ATCSC to offer cyber security.

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The programme was launched in response to revelations in the SME

Cybersecurity report, a Vodafone study of the effect of skill shortages.
The study showed that companies have been rendered vulnerable to cyber
attacks and panic buys in the desperate search for digital know how.

Lessons and guidance will be passed on via The Vodafone V-Hub in a

mission to improve the speed, safety and efficiency of daily operations for
Britain’s small businesses. Vodafone pledges there will be no sign-up fees or
complicated downloads, with a simple log in providing access to 150,000
free and ‘premium’ courses. Courses range from design and development,
through Excel and audience management to software tutorials and strategy,
says Vodafone. The courses range in scope from beginners to advanced.
V-Hub users will get free access to advisers, by phone or webchat.

4.10 Digital Enablement for the Most Vulnerable

As CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives from big business
are becoming well established and in the Telco industry, many of our
leading industry players have set up extensive programmes. Over the
past year or so, their focus and specific activities have evolved and it is
interesting to look further at some of the current trends in this space.

An earlier focus on learning support, via improved connectivity, which many

foundations prioritised is now broadening to all things digital. The focus is
on closing the digital divide for certain disadvantaged sectors of societies.
Orange is a good example with the Digital Solidarity project, which has
been equipping African schools with digital teaching kits, encouraging
online training, installing and operating digital technology in places of free
learning - to help women and young people who have dropped out of
school. Orange has been developing digital education programmes: “Ecoles
Numériques” (digital schools) for the most underprivileged children in Africa;
“Ateliers Numériques” (digital workshops) and “FabLabs Solidaires” for young
school dropouts; “Digital Centres” for unskilled and unemployed women.

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Vodafone Foundation works in partnership with communities,

educators, NGOs and governments, to run tailored programmes in
14 European countries that help anyone build their digital capabilities,
know-how and confidence, for people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Vodafone programmes focus primarily on four areas: primary school

children; secondary school pupils; adults not in education, employment
or training; and older people. Each of the programmes is designed with
an understanding of the specific needs and circumstances of local
people and communities, covering everything from how to use certain
technologies and devices, to abilities like critical-thinking and how to
guard against online risks such as identity theft and fake news.

4.11 Get a Vaccine Give a Vaccine

For many, the telecoms sector has been an important service provider in
helping fight the current global pandemic. It has allowed people to work
or school from home and has given many the opportunity to use apps on
phones to trace close contacts. As we move to vaccination and reopen
large parts of developed countries and economies to some sense of
normality, there are still many millions globally who don’t have access to
proper vaccine programs. Various charities have been working strenuously
to appeal to those who have been vaccinated to donate and help people
in need. UNICEF is undertaking the biggest vaccine procurement and
distribution in history, whereby if you give €50 you can help protect ten
people, with an aim to deliver 2 billion Covid-19 vaccines to the most
vulnerable families, health workers and high-risk people on our planet.

A brand-building idea we believe worthy of consideration, with so many

loyalty schemes in operation in the telco industry, would be to allow
customers to use their loyalty points, or unused data, to purchase
vaccines for the more vulnerable in society. Telcos could partner with the
relevant charities to donate unused credit or data or additional top-ups
and convert this to a money value to pay for much needed vaccines.

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4.12 Harnessing the Power of our Sleeping

Smartphones for Medical Research
DreamLab backed by the Vodafone foundation came up with
a very novel way to harness the processing power of our smart
phones as they sit on bed side table charging overnight. Think
of your smartphone as a small but powerful computer. When
it’s idle — like when you’re asleep at night — that power goes
untapped. DreamLab puts that power to use for good to fast
track vital medical research. As these smartphones are plugged
in to recharge they launch the DreamLab app.

Working together, the processing power of these phones has

been able to crunch scientific data in a fraction of the time that
it would take standard computer power. Each phone downloads
tiny research problems, calculates them, and then sends the
result back to the research teams.

All of that portable computing power has already led to tangible

results – researchers at Imperial College London have made
two important discoveries in the search for previously unknown
cancer treatments.

Firstly, researchers using DreamLab have identified 110

molecules in foods that have cancer-beating properties. These
molecules are found in everyday foodstuffs, from cabbage,
carrots and celery, through to oranges, coriander and dill.
Secondly, DreamLab has discovered that two existing drugs
originally designed for treating other medical conditions also
have anti-cancer properties. This might be the ultimate in
resource sharing.relevant charities to donate unused credit or
data or additional top-ups and convert this to a money value to
pay for much needed vaccines.

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4.13 Sharing Schemes: Parental Control by

Managing Data Overage for Kids
In France, Bouygues, Orange, and SFR all have offers for children.
Orange’s “2h 5Go” package comes at €6.99 per month that gives
the child 5GB data that can be used in France and Europe with
unlimited talk time to three numbers and two hours’ talk time with
other numbers in France and Europe, as well as unlimited SMS and
MMS. Parents can choose to “block” the package, meaning the
child will not be able to call or text premium numbers, outside of
Europe, and not go beyond the data and call time limits. Parents
everywhere have been challenged and service providers everywhere
have a role in helping.

4.14 Personalised Family Bundle, Including App

to Manage Busy Households
In Belgium Proximus has a Family proposition called ‘Flex’. It
incorporates home WiFi, mobile, TV and an app called ‘Family life’
which allows for a shared family calendar and scheduling, to do
lists, meal planner, shopping lists. A key feature Proximus promotes
is the personalisation for each family member, be it which mobile
plan or TV profile and content. A number of mobile plan options
exist to suit different family members’ needs, e.g. data allowance
ranging from 5GB to unlimited and reduced data speed to 128kb,
to allow access to whatsapp messenger to remain in contact, even
when the data bundle allowance is reached.

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4.15 Shared Data Bundle for Small Business:

Allowing Split of Data Allowance across
Multiple Devices and People
UK operator EE’s “Business Shared” lets you split the data
allowance of a plan with four other devices. These can be
mobiles, tablets, mobile broadband devices or SIM only. EE’s
features allow proactive management of data usage to
allow the business to control cost and experience. EE provides
notifications if a user is running low on data. They also make the
purchase of an add-on easy, notifying the end user and account

4.16 Enterprise Networks Providing Capacity

and Coverage Back to a Larger Network
As private (especially 5G) networks continue to roll out the
tendency is to focus on them as being specific to one enterprise
or campus but what if, like local energy producers, they were
to provide telco services to a wider market or segment? An
example (just one) of a company to implement its own 5G
network is Mercedes Benz. It has been allocated spectrum from
the German Government and built its own network. Mainly it
is for its own, factory applications but the potential might be
for it to supply other networks or extend to providing service
coverage more broadly where other providers cannot. It may be
a model for the future with micro-operators catering for as yet
unprovided services, segments or geographies.

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By David McGlew
Marketing Director, Openet

Service providers have long had the objective of

diversifying their offering and ensuring they continue to be
part of compelling services to retain and grow their share
of consumer pockets. That objective continues of course.
Meantime, consumer as well as enterprise preferences
and requirements continue to evolve rapidly and are being
driven by 5G expectations. Consideration criteria have
perhaps changed in relation to how providers are chosen.
Sustainability and other social considerations matter
more than ever as well as price. For many discerning
customers “value” means something different now and
will continue to evolve.

For service providers, keeping pace with this change

continues to challenge whilst upgrades to 5G continue.
Of course, the best service providers continue to advance
their apps and partnerships. Here we hone in on some
additional compelling cases that service providers are
driving to meet these challenges.

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5.1 Upsell Plans to Widen the Number of

Smart Devices on a Plan
Service providers are not just looking to sell new 5G smartphone
bundles, they are looking to expand the devices to wearables
and other connected devices in the home. Vodafone has
launched a One Connect plan which allows the consumer share
their data plan and mobile number across their phone, smart
watch or smart speaker in the home. The ability to link your
Apple watch to your mobile data plan is enabled largely by the
eSIM in the Apple watch which can link to the iPhone to use the
same phone number and data.

What some operators have done is to widen this to multiple

Apple watches on the one account, so for instance EE in the
UK offers you the ability to add a number of watches to your
account, positioning it as a key feature in their family plan.

5.2 New Customer Acquisition Offer

for Revolut Customers
GoMo, eir’s value brand in the Irish Market is offering Revolut
customers a free month (calls, texts and data) on their network.
After that the monthly fee is a competitive €12.99. GoMo has
partnered with Revolut so consumers taking up the offer need
to sign up to pay for their plan monthly via their Revolut debit
card. So from Revolut’s perspective it is ensuring relevance of
their service by paying monthly subscriptions and from GoMo’s
point of view it driving acquisition from a target audience
who are likely to be a steady revenue stream with automatic
payment reducing likelihood of bad debt occurrence.

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5.3 Mobile Device Management for BYOD -

New Revenue Streams
In the bring your own device (BYOD) era, using one phone for dual
purposes can be risky for companies. But organisations with successful
BYOD programs are able to protect confidential enterprise data and
separate work from personal usage.

CSPs can enable this through the sale of additionally licenced software
which provides security and a division between personal and work
activity. Organisations pay a monthly subscription to the CSP per user
for software like mobileiron, Citrix end point and BlackBerry who are all
leaders in mobile device management field.

An example is BlackBerry Spark monthly plan, which gives employees

the flexibility to work using any business or personal device. BlackBerry
Spark UEM (Unified Endpoint Management) is a single platform that
streamlines the management of devices, apps, files and users. Prices
are circa $195 per user annually, which will considerably drive ARPU of
these users each month.

5.4 New Gaming Service Driving ARPU

Some CSP’s have already built partnerships with 3rd party gaming
companies to add new services and drive ARPU. 5G’s low latency
capability has enabled an enhanced gaming experience.

South Korea Telecom has partnered with Microsoft to provide ‘SKT

5GX Cloud Game’ powered by Xbox, which gives users access to more
than 100 games in the Xbox Game Pass catalogue for a monthly fee
of circa $14, where users can access the cloud service to play games on
Android phones or tablets. SK Telecom has said that the service is also
available to subscribers of other mobile carriers in Korea so they see
5G gaming as a lure to attract new customers as well as generating
revenue from their existing base.

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Vodafone has partnered with Hatch, a gaming steaming service

which doesn’t require downloads, or in-app purchases and has
no advertising as well as 100+ premium games.

With game streaming users don’t need to wait for a game to

download because the game is stored in the cloud. Access to a
game is through a game streaming app that download to your
phone. Users only need an Android device and a download of 5.5 Mobile Wallet as ARPU drive
Hatch from Google Play to play. The monthly subscription for
Hatch gaming is £6.99 for Vodafone customers. There are a few potential sources of Revenue which Operators can explore
with their mobile wallets:

1. Advertising

Simply: advertising products in your wallet, creating a market place in-app.

For example, by generating revenue from charging fees and commissions
from the sellers in India, Paytm’s marketplace within its app (Paytm Mall).
Key to this will be the ease of onboarding 3rd parties who can aggregate
their own advertisers and the monetisation required to develop different
business models. For instance, revenue share or pay-per-click advertising to
ensure the CSPs get a small percentage of the final customer spend on the
product purchased for a lower advertising rate.

2. Interest or commission on money loan services

Banks would pay commission to the telco to help them promote and sell
their loan service. Going further (subject to regulation and opt-in of course),
partnership between lenders and mobile network operators can encompass
loans to customers by leveraging their mobile phone data for credit scoring
particularly in countries where a large percentage of the population are
unbanked and therefore the lenders don’t have access to past credit history
to help them assess the risk. For example, in Columbia, the lender Movii can
analyse their applicant’s use of their mobile wallet, to score them for credit
risk before deciding to lend to them. Another example of this is Tala, a lender
in Kenya, that assesses phone records (e.g. location data) to analyse and
credit score customers.

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3. Full Service

Orange has taken this further still. It offers digital payments and
money transfers in 15+ countries in Africa. It also offers savings, loans
and insurance products in certain markets. At the start of 2021, the
Orange Money customer base comprised almost 22 million active
customers, generating more than €500 million revenue for the full-
year (just over 1% of group revenues – but growing nicely).

4. Rapid Access

In April 2019, Telefónica in Spain launched Movistar Money, a consumer

loan service giving its Spanish contract customers the ability to obtain
credit of up to €3,000 in less than 48 hours without documentation
or initial fees. The operator has partnered with CaixaBank Group for
this online consumer loan venture, providing finance loans of between
€1,000 and €3,000 over 24, 36 or 42 months. Telefonica has previously
partnered with CaixaBank to offer device financing products and
Movistar Money is the next iteration of this relationship.

5.6 Creating Communities Using Social

Platforms to Drive Retention and Revenue
It’s a well known adage that retaining existing customers is more cost
effective than acquiring new ones. Acquiring new customers can be up
to five times more expensive than maintaining your existing customer
base. Giff-Gaff in the UK which has market-leading customer
retention builds on its community of end users who actively help other
‘members’ of the network with any customer service issues. Other
telcos in Europe also used Facebook and Instagram to create different
types of activities suitable for social media to connect with customers.
One such tactic is to use lifestyle questions to users to strengthen
the “one-to-one” relationship between company and consumer and
consequently improve brand attachment.

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Vodafone, for example, has collaborated with Crowdtech to

develop a Panel Community open to users where it collects
information about how customers feel about various topics.
Similarly, TIM has developed a User Experience Lab, a platform
where users are asked to provide ideas for new services or to
preview new products.

5.7 In-car WiFi Built-in or Take It With You

A number of CSPs have developed data plans for in-vehicle
Wi- Fi predominantly aimed at families to address the need to
attach multiple devices to one hot spot while on the move. This
allows streaming of video content for entertainment and other
services related to the vehicles like diagnostics and location-
based services (including charging point routing and sat-nav
maps). CSPs have partnered with car manufacturers who
have SIMs and Wi-Fi capability built into the cars at the point
of manufacture. This is an additional revenue stream to drive
ARPU for the CSPs who have developed the option to provide
stand-alone plans or to add Wi-Fi in-vehicle hot spots to existing
tariff plans as a bundle. An interesting development on this
theme is to target consumers with vehicles who do not have the
eSim or Wi-Fi built into the car at the factory. Allowing a device
to act as a Wi-Fi hotspot enables older model vehicles where
the hardware wasn’t incorporated at the point of manufacture
or gives the consumer the ability to move the hot spot across
multiple vehicles.

AT&T has such a plan which they simply call ‘In Car Wi-Fi’ which
allows streaming for up to 10 devices with unlimited data for
$20 per month and for existing customers you can add it to an
existing plan for $10 per month.

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5.8 Customer Retention and Loyalty

Programmes to Drive ARPU
Telcos have many opportunities to foster loyalty, whether through gift-
based, points-based or tiers-based means. Some mechanisms could
include coupons, money off vouchers, concierge services, and other
value-added services or “money-can’t-buy” experiences and prizes. The
aim is the same: keep customers engaged.

One of the best ways to appeal to a customer’s sense of belonging is

the strategy of ‘Surprise and Delight’ which seeks to offer recognition
of a customer’s loyalty when they least expect it and allows the Telco
to be seen as going that extra mile. Personalising the interaction for
the customer is key. This is where better use of analytics across the
telco’s many sources of customer data and information is important.
For example, by using personalised profiling to provide a surprise
reward on their birthday with something that a user is interested in
can have dramatic loyalty impact.

By knowing their customer care history, customer experience or

product set, it’s easier to match an appropriate offer for the customer.
Mobile apps play a key role in driving the digital engagement of these
loyalty programmes. Providing customers with incentives to view
points, redeem gifts, access premium content etc. is key. Some leading
telcos use tiered points. AIS, Thailand’s largest mobile phone operator
operates a hybrid loyalty program, boasting both points and value
tiers. The Three tiers (Emerald, Gold, Platinum) based on service length
and monthly spend are coupled with points: one point for every 25
Thailand baht spent on mobile phone service fees. These points can be
used on a reward catalog, which contains offers like: free internet, free
calls, entertainment exchange through AIS PLAY app, snacks or a 50%
discount on beverages.

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5.9 Revenue Growth for Markets with Large

Subscriber Bases and low ASPU’s
There are many markets worldwide that have relatively large numbers of
subscribers with low monthly ARPUs. Such markets include India or Indonesia
that have hundreds of millions of subscribers with monthly ARPUs in the sub
$10 region. A key measure for any telco is ROICs (Return on Invested Capital)
and in markets like India this can be lower than similar markets in Asia.
Analysts and our own experiences in Openet point to a number of strategies
to grow ARPUs for these markets, combining ‘gentle’ price increases with
increased smartphone penetration which will drive data consumption.
Smartphone penetration in India was at circa 54% in 2020* so there is a
lot of runway to increase this, with device manufactures like Xiaom or Itel
already being very popular.

In these markets where value-seeking is important, mobile penetration is

high and pre-paid market share is often over 80% of subscribers, strategies
to migrate consumers to post paid plans can encourage data usage and
drive higher ARPU’s guaranteed.

A key strategy to for ARPU growth is to drive pre to post migrations for
specific segments. An example is Airtel in India which actively promotes the
move to post-paid plans which provide unlimited calls, large data caps with
a rollover of unused data, subscription to top video streaming apps, and free
add-on connections with a single bill for the whole family.

Some operators have switched to focussing on ensuring their post-paid

customers remain on these plans as consumers at home were not using their
mobile data allowance fully during the pandemic and switched to using home
Wi-Fi. These operators are exploring ways to allow their customers translate
their unused data to loyalty points, which can then be used against the
cost of upgrading to a new handset or for other consumer goods or service
purchases from 3rd parties taking part in their loyalty programme.

*source:- Statista Research Aug 21

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5.10 Proactive Contact and Visits

Across multiple markets we see CSPs with well-established
fixed broadband bases, some markets with over 80%
home broadband penetration. It’s an ongoing challenge to
grow ARPU from these customers. One approach CSPs
are taking is to upsell based on user experience. CSPs
can analyse customer usage and quality of experience
to better upsell additional features and ensure a better
broadband experience. In some cases CSPs can see poor
Wi-Fi performance from their network analysis before
users do and proactively reach out to these customers to
offer a home visit to optimise the physical set up of their
broadband and Wi-Fi. Some CSPs, such as Three Rivers
Communications, a regional Telco supplier in the USA have
reported that these proactive home visits often result
in additional revenues via the sale of additional access
points or in the upgrade of routers to enhance the Wi-
Fi performance throughout the home. Considering how
people have spent increased time working, schooling and
being entertained at home such renewed approaches can
have dramatic returns for service providers. As things open
up, less home-bound subscribers are likely to need a 5G
connection or two.

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Senior Product Marketing Manager,

As part of the 5G core, the NWDAF (Network Data

Analytics Function) is a newly created function
which sits within the control plane of the network.
NWDAF enables the 5G network to perform with
greater efficiency and deliver service experiences
with greater intelligence by providing a predictive
understanding of the network and the consumer
using past, present and future performance and
consumption patterns. In short, NWDAF enables
the network to deliver superior user experiences of
high-latency, intensive 5G services while intelligently
managing 5G capacity and resource investments.

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Analytics applied to the 5G core will be an essential enabler as

operators seek to realise the promise of autonomous networks EDGE NWDAF

and the hyper efficiencies created therein. Not only does real-
time data analysis enable significant reductions in operational User
Control Plans
5G Core
costs, it also opens up new revenue-making opportunities
through QoE (Quality of Experience) tiering for specific services,
context-aware offer orchestration and the wider monetisation UPF NSSF AUSF UDM
possibilities around anonymised data insights and Third Parties. EDGE NWDAF N34

In this chapter, we will look at future use cases which NWDAF CENTRAL
will enable as rollouts are beginning in earnest with an expected NWDAF

acceleration into early 2022. For this reason, in comparison User Plans
to other focus areas, there are few real market examples to AMF SMF PCF AF
illustrate these concepts yet. However, let’s look at some to EDGE NWDAF EDGE NWDAF

come with particular focus on guaranteeing quality of service

while reducing costs. N23

ISP (Data)

Figure 2: TM Forum ‘NWDAF: Automating the 5G network with machine learning and data analytics.’

6.1 Predict the Experience Behaviour

of a User or Group
It can be valuable to be able to predict the behaviour of a particular
user or group of users and how it relates to the predicted behaviour of
the network. When it comes to guaranteeing a specific level of service
quality, the ability to correlate the expected needs of a consumer
or group and the ability to adapt the network to meet such needs
becomes critical.

Consumers and operators alike have a shared expectation that 5G

will create the ability to guarantee a certain quality of service. So,
embedding the intelligence for the network to become aware of the
experience it is generating enables the network to auto-tune and
recalibrate as real-time data dictates.As things open up, less home-
bound subscribers are likely to need a 5G connection or two.

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6.2 Predict the Experience Delivered

by a Specific Network Slice
As part of the initial 3GPP standard-defined use case set for
NWDAF, service experience management and optimisation is
a central tenet to 5G success. Understanding how a specific
network slice is performing and delivering a particular service in
real-time will be essential to monetising based on speed or QoS
tariffs. To be able to guarantee a constant and reliable level of
experience, the 5G network must be enabled to self-regulate in
a proactive manner. 6.4 Contextually Aware Targeted Marketing
To achieve this, NWDAF interfaces with each network function Knowing your customer has always been the core tenet of
that comprises each ‘network instance’ or ‘service slice’ and marketing. This used to be a largely static concept, where a
predictively regulates defined parameters allocated to a profile on a particular ‘type’ of consumer persona was defined
specific service. When a defined range is breached, the NWDAF and the criteria and needs of that profile were targeted to
triggers a correction scenario. For example, if download/upload again and again regardless of whether there had been a
speeds are projected to dip below a certain level, say during a change in consumer behaviour. With 4G, the ability to harness
multiplayer gaming session, a corrective action will be triggered data insights on what the consumer was doing at a given time
to prevent the service from being impacted and to ensure the became utilised to serve customer needs more accurately as
user experience remains constant. they arose. This also enabled propositions around geo- locational
targeting where offers from retail outlets were pushed at
consumers who were in the proximity of a store.
6.3 Detecting Abnormal Behaviour for a
With 5G and the reinstated importance of data privacy, the
User or a Group use of data analytics to better understand the customer has
become more intelligent. The use of augmented reality type
The end user experience can now be fully captured in real-time
solutions creates a new forum in which service providers can
from the service-consuming device right down to the network
market relevant products and services based on a real-time
to give a complete understanding of service experience. With
knowledge of the customer’s experience and consumption
this end-to-end capture of service delivery, operators can better
behaviour. Operators are in a prime position to enable retailers
regulate the ongoing experience of a service as it is happening.
to intelligently target consumers with meaningful offers.
If there is an unexpected degradation in service quality, NWDAF
can detect this and initiate an automated remedy allowing the
network to self-correct and normal service to resume.

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Alternatively, the operator itself can proactively manage the

customer’s experience while capitalising on upsell opportunities.
For example, a gamer is using a cloud gaming platform to
stream live action of a new game but is facing buffering
frustration. NWDAF enables the network to understand the
service being used and predict the latency and load demands of
the service to proactively assign the optimum network resources
to the delivery of the specific service at a given time. Based on
intelligence of gamer’s service experience being compromised,
the operator might at the same time push the subscriber a one-
time offer to drive customer engagement with the brand.

6.5 Predict Mobility Demands for a User or

As a connected device moves location, it leaves the reach of one
cell tower or ‘cell’ and enters the jurisdiction of another which
it connects to. This requires a great deal of signaling traffic
support from the service provider and consumes a considerable
amount of attention from network resources. However, 5G and
NWDAF enable a far more intelligent way of managing mobility.

Consider for a moment a suburban train which traverses

the exact same route through a city each day. This train is an
IoT-connected device. In a traditional scenario where there is
no NWDAF capability present in the network, the train would
be creating the need for continuous tracking to the Access
& Mobility Management (AMF) on the network as it moves
locations. This consumes significant resources and does not
deliver an intelligent means of mobility management.

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With NWDAF, the network is enabled to predict the tracking zones of the
train and form a ‘Registration Area’ within which the network knows the
train will require connectivity. So, instead of a multitude of individual access
attempts made to the AMF, there are no updates required by the AMF as
the network knows approximately where the train will be at a given time
and what resources will need to be readied and made available. Thus, Capex
and Opex costs are reduced, carbon emissions are lowered due to less
computation, RAN energy costs are reduced due to lower signaling demand
and the battery life of the train or IoT device is extended.

6.6 Congestion Information - Current &

Predicted for a Specific Location
5G promises to remedy some of the long-standing congestion woes of
today’s 4G networks. 5G will provide a baseline improvement in capacity,
realised by using high-bandwidth, high- frequency spectrum bands. Granted,
it’s difficult to imagine a return to crowded stadiums for some but with
5G will come a massive increase in device types coming online, many with
intensive latency demands. Even with capacity improvements, the network
will require the ability to intelligently predict demand and allocate the
necessary resources.

By enabling the network to anticipate behaviour and predict load

requirements, traffic can be intelligently managed to ensure each device
receives the agreed level of service at all times. In so doing, 5G services will be
able to support more simultaneous users at much faster speeds without any
degradation to the end user experience.

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By Frank Healy
Product Marketing Director, Openet

As 5G functions are activated and service providers

move towards standalone (SA) 5G, it begins to make
an array of brand new 5G-driven features available
externally. Such features include improvements to:
latency, speed, coverage, capacity and density; not to
mention service slicing and cloud-driven resources and
scalability that were often considered with 3G and 4G
but without the same levels of ambition that 5G allows.

These newly available 5G capabilities will in turn

facilitate services, at least some of which have yet to
be defined and many of which will involve exposure of
5G features to trusted partners via the 5G Network
Exposure Function (NEF). Partners as well as in-house
development teams will need freedom and tools to
develop what they need and want in order to test services
more rapidly and leverage 5G for all the benefits it can
provide. Business teams meanwhile will need intuitive
interfaces to launch and scale without a need for coding.

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Pre-configured and adaptable characteristics will need to be available

via a set of easy- to-use toolsets. Access will need to be spontaneous
and even automatic with analytics embedded and upgrades
seamlessly managed. We are certain there are exciting times ahead
for perhaps thousands of new services driven by exposure of new and
enhanced 5G features. Below are just a few examples we see evolving. 7.1 Dynamic QoS (Quality of Service)
Some of them are groups of use cases in themselves.
Management for Devices
Exposed capabilities can be circumstance- or location-
dependent. For example, drones flying at a particular
Figure 3: Key role of Amdocs/Openet NEF: Internal and External Exposure location can automatically switch from standard to
high-definition cameras when required. Another example
is a drone managing routine tasks (such as container
Integrate & Empower Service APIs Network APIs counting) in a port facility but needing to switch on
The language of business Exposure The language of Developers The language of 3GPP ultra high-definition cameras for crane inspection on an
occasional basis or in the event of crane failure. Several
equipment providers and port facilities are testing such
uses already including The Port of Rotterdam.
Provider Connection
Internal API
Access Select Such, occasional, higher-level tasks can be time-based
Slice or unpredictable circumstance based. Given that high-
5G grade QoS profiles might only occasionally be needed, it
may need to be ensured that costs are controlled by the
Define just-in-time request and allocation of such costly network
API PCF AMF resources. The same may apply to VR gaming where a
Define NEF standard definition may need intermittent upgrading
Ecosystem Charging
Partner API CHF NWDAF to 8K definition and 120 frames per second for certain
Access etc.
Handle phases of a game.
Data Flows

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7.2 Mobility Permissions and Geo-Fencing

Some devices are only supposed to operate in specific locations and under specific
criteria. So for example a factory-floor robot or expensive drilling equipment should
only work within a designated area. Any other location indicated by that device
implies that it is not operating correctly or has been moved to an undesignated
area and could pose a risk to personnel. Or it could signify that it has been stolen.
Exposure of its real, non-spoofable location thanks to the network can mean
that it is activated or deactivated based on its location or even provided with
additional network resources as needed. So for example, mining equipment may
need additional control capacity or quality when located at an active mine and VR
controls are activated. Otherwise it may only need “standard” resources. Various
equipment providers including John Deere and Caterpillar are working with
partners on such use cases.

7.3 Background Data Transfer

As devices of all kinds become more powerful and situation-aware, they will
require more access to data and generate more data themselves. Smart vehicles
for example are expected to generate and manage terabytes of data on a daily
basis for use internally as well as externally for example with other vehicles to
avoid collisions, or with city-planners who need updates on the volume and type of

Vehicles themselves are able to distinguish between data that needs to be

processed immediately and data that can be managed “later”. So for example
usage and maintenance data or software updates can be uploaded overnight while
a car is otherwise “asleep”, or at any other moment where network costs are at
their lowest possible rate. Likewise with other equipment from hospital machinery
to factory robots. The net benefits will be to flatten the load curve by intelligently
leveraging 5G networks during off-peak moments or periods. This has a direct
knock-on effect in improved pricing which further results in easily justifiable support
of high value services such as those illustrated above. Motor manufacturers are
leading the way in terms of complex vehicle control and updates, especially Tesla
but also more established brands such as Hyundai, Ford, Volkswagen and Toyota.

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7.4 Non-IP Delivery Service for IoT

As 5G becomes prevalent one of its key features is the support for a radically
increased density of devices, many of which will be sensors and wearables.
Traditional IP traffic requires overhead which limits device numbers due to the
technical constraints built into the design of devices themselves. Anyone who has
been in a packed stadium or concert is likely to have had poor experiences. 5G will
allow for more than 10x device capacity and the reduced overhead will allow for
the ultimate variety of upcoming devices. In the near future, stadia will be packed
with sensors for everything from player analytics to safety equipment and utility
measurement. Vodafone UK has been pressing hard with IOT in sports and has
tested new player sensors and analytics using 5G.

7.5 Event Alerts for 4G and 5G Optimality

Service providers and their customers, for example city planners, will need to
manage a massive array of data as more and more devices are connected.
Everything from on- the-move transport and gamers can be monitored in real-time
and provided with service levels depending on the capability of the network now
available to them. Service providers meantime need to plan their service offerings,
together with partners, across a more complex tapestry of 4G and 5G as users
move between them and 5G continues to roll out and strengthen. Anomalies can be
exposed also such as concentrated use in a particular area or irregular events (think
perhaps of a device or vehicle moving in the wrong direction or at an inappropriate
speed). Transport and logistics companies are constantly hungry for new data
sources and automation opportunities and we expect intense interest here.

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7.6 QoE (Quality of Experience) Hub

Gaming and media companies in particular will increasingly want to engage
with service providers to white-label connectivity included within their product/
service offerings. This may involve some level of partnership with service providers
in the form of “Game X Powered by Service Provider Y”. Either way, the gaming
companies, some of which are global powerhouses themselves, will want to
partner with the best and include SLAs as part of, possibly tiered, offerings.
Minimal latency as well as bandwidth will have to be provided to serious gamers
who will increasingly expect the same service on the move as their devices become
untethered. The product provider will require constant visibility and assurance from
the network in order to fully understand and keep control of end user experience.
One such example in South Korea is the SK Telecom and Microsoft launch of
XBox cloud- gaming in South Korea. Beyond gaming also we envisage a range of
industrial applications as enterprises will increasingly expect SLA- (Service Level
Agreement) based 5G.

7.7 IoT Service Management

There will be a massive diversity of connected devices as 5G matures. Smartphones
will only make up a small proportion of connections. As a B2x user of 5G IoT
connectivity, managing access and control will be an increasing challenge. Which
devices can connect to what parameters and within what limits? Security will need
to be added and connectivity updates managed as devices mature and need to
avail of the latest network features. Verizon’s Thingspace is one to watch as an
end-to-end enabler of all things IoT on an international basis.

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7.8 Virtual Network

Some much-talked-about features of 5G are becoming possible with the
availability of standalone 5G networks. By creating multiple virtual networks and /
or fully dedicated end- to-end slices of the network on a single physical network
infrastructure, service providers can develop new, differentiated services and
business models whilst optimising resources and managing SLAs for a wider range
of sectors and requirements. Spontaneous availability of end-to-end allocated
resources or network slicing has taken its time but is taking hold. According to
analyst Research and Markets, slicing will provide CAGR of 15.2% to 2025 and
key markets will be: Applications (including Remote Monitoring, Supply Chain
Management, Real-time Streaming, Network Monitoring) and End User (including
Financial Services, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Automotive, Retail, Transportation).
It’s no surprise that Healthcare and Gaming have had much focus. Deutsche
Telekom has been actively testing VR as a key driver of slicing for business and
consumer segments.

7.9 MEC & Edge Resource Control

Multi-access edge computing (MEC) brings compute resources closer to the
end-user. It provides benefits of latency and compute power near the user but
without that user being fully reliant on everything being done on their device or on
a centrally-consolidated network. This balance allows devices to be lighter, with
fewer upgrade requirements as well as more reactive to their environment due
to lower latency possibilities. It opens up new use cases for example in transport,
manufacturing and entertainment. Verizon has been promoting “Shot Tracker”
to promote real-time in-game stats at ultra-low latency for basketball games –
bringing richer in-game experiences to life with 5G MEC. Verizon has also been
working with AWS and Bethesda on next generation gaming driven by MEC.
First up was the DOOM shooter game streamed at 60 frames a second and 4K
resolution. That’s a true benchmark for other service providers.

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7.10 Chargeable Party

More partners, some of whom are already global brands, require a greater flexibility of
commercial models driven by new 5G-driven services. Various parties in a value chain
will demand seamless visibility of their service elements and revenue status. Some
services will be subsidised towards end-users with instantly upgradeable versions
available on a much more flexible or occasional basis. Typical gamers like to try before
they buy so a short “test” period might need to be available. It could be sponsored (paid
for) by another brand or brands. All of the service flexibility, service combinations and
parties involved have implications in terms of control of real-time charging as well as
capture of data. One market to watch closely will be the UK. Already a hub of gaming
and entertainment the various service providers are promoting 5G gaming. BT’s EE
has created 5G ‘Pit Stops’ to showcase cloud gaming and its new Xbox Game Pass
Ultimate add-on.

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By Julia Hogarty
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Openet

5G represents a complete redesign of how networks

support and deliver services. The decomposition of network
infrastructure into modular cloudified functions means that
service providers will enjoy intelligent responsiveness and
unprecedented flexibility when it comes to enabling enterprises
in new verticals deliver services and redefine their operating
models. When it comes to 5G advancements creating new
opportunities for the financial services industry, there are
exciting synergies at play for an industry which is going through
big change in how business is done.

Consumer banking has moved towards self-managed, online

service portals over the last 5 years and this pivot has only
accelerated pace as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and
the need for remote access. Financial institutions are being
pressured to fully digitise how they do business thanks to
a hardening of new consumer habits. In 2020, millions of
people downloaded a mobile banking app for the first time as
customers continue to gravitate towards using their mobile
device as their primary touchpoint with all lifestyle services. As a
result, the demand for a seamless, digital experience is mounting
and businesses are looking to the promise of 5G to deliver.

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Embedded finance is another way in which financial institutions could look to capitalise on 5G by enabling the
end-to-end value chain within different ecosystems. This would involve leveraging banking-as-a-service and
API-driven payments and banking services to integrate financial applications within new environments to enable
the digital transformation of other industries – paying it forward, so to speak. Take, for example, agriculture.
With 5G, financial institutions have the ability to provide embedded services to agricultural suppliers to simplify
processes and introduce new efficiencies into the value chain for farmers. 5G could enable smarter planning
through intelligent forecasting for the likes of weather stability and soil quality factors, support a co-share app-
service for the rental of pricey machinery and facilitate the trading output of goods.

According to research by AT&T, 81% of financial institutions have made technology changes at the corporate and/
or branch level in recent years. In short, the next few years are set to be game changing for how financial services
are performed and, in this chapter, we will look at some of the current innovations at play. These examples and
trends have implications for telcos and their roles in the mobile value chain.

8.1 Proactive Contact and Visits

Verizon offer a telematics solution for fleet management as part of their
Verizon Connect platform focused on enabling enterprise business. Their
advanced fleet management software enables vehicles to be tracked in
the field and the monitoring of fleet operations, productivity and safety.
Telematics also facilitate the tracking of performance and in-transit
information to support usage-based insurance, which helps to reduce
insurance premiums for businesses.

In an age of climate consideration and the need for heavy industry to adapt
to the political pressures around climate change regulation, the ability to
proactively understand how green the operations of a business are will
become increasingly critical. Having the data to hand to inform an improved
green strategy for any business is invaluable.

Other benefits include the ability to see driver and vehicle location in near
real-time, the ability to track vehicle management and the orderliness of
business execution and improvements to resource and routing optimisation.
Overall, savings can be recovered in vehicle maintenance and repairs as well
as fuel consumption.

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8.2 National Bank of Bahrain Launches

Youth-Focused Digital Banking Initiative
As part of Bahrain’s ‘Vision 2030’ objectives, the National Bank
of Bahrain (NBB) has partnered with Bahrain FinTech Bay
to launch an initiative to encourage the youth demographic
to engage in a ‘digital incubator’. The aim is to raise financial
literacy and accessibility and to facilitate responsible banking
through digital platform investments.

The challenge will consist of an intensive 6-week bootcamp in

which contributors will get the opportunity to learn about NBB’s
digital outlook through technical and strategic working sessions
with business teams. Students will develop their ideas around
digital banking and digital transformation concepts in a start-
up type forum and compete for the most viable solution.

8.3 UK Digital Bank Starling Helps

Businesses at Festivals
Starling is a fully mobile-based digital bank in the UK with 2
million accounts registered. Of this total, 300,000 are business
customers looking for an agile way of managing their business’
finances on the go. In March 2021, Starling raised £272 million in
investment which brought their valuation to £1.1 billion, placing
Starling as a considerably disruptive player in the digital banking
market in the UK along with challengers like Revolut and Monzo.

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Starling claims that their platform and financial services customers

are able to bank ‘anywhere’. With the pandemic and summer season
bringing with them a proliferation of pop- up food trucks, mobile
artisan marketers and tasting tents, the need to make banking simple
has never been so in demand. SMEs in the festival trade have turned
to Starling in their droves to avail of their easy access financial services
platform right from their smartphone. Starling’s app allows business
owners to be in full control of the finances from their mobile, enabling
them to set up payments and payroll when business is quiet and even
notifying the business owner of payments set to go out the following
working day. This full digital access to financial services at the click of
a button gives complete visibility and control back to the entrepreneur
and frees them up for getting back to what it is they do best.

8.4 Embedded Insurance Presents a

$3 Trillion Market Opportunity
As part of the wider movement towards embedded finance,
embedded insurance is predicted to become a lucrative space in the
coming years. Embedded insurance is about presenting customers
with more relevant, affordable, and personalised insurance offers
when and where it is most meaningful to their experience and when
they are most likely to avail of them.

New research also confirms that consumers have a keen appetite for
embedded insurance. According to a survey by Cover Genius published
in July 2021, 71% of digital banking customers in the UK would be
highly interested in receiving embedded insurance offers based on their
transaction data, as would 64% of traditional banking customers.
‘Convenience’ was the primary motivation for their interest at 49%.

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As a market example, Hepster is a German insurance distributor

founded in 2016 which provides embedded insurance and raised $10
million in funding in early 2021. Hepster offers the ability to purchase
insurance coverage online for things like bikes, electronics, and
travel. Coverage is offered on an annual basis or through a monthly
subscription. Embedded insurance is enabled by abstracting insurance
practices and optimising them through technology. This allows for
risk mitigation solutions to be integrated directly into the customer
journeys created by the provider.

8.5 Payit Digital Wallet & Magnati Partner

with WOW for Digital Payment
Payit digital wallet is powered by Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) and
Magnati, a fully owned subsidiary of FAB. In August 2021, Payit
announced a partnership with WOW Electronics Transport Services,
one of the fastest-growing ride-hailing apps in the UAE, to launch
digital payments for the customers who use their cars. Through this
partnership, WOW customers can now make cashless payments for
their rides seamlessly using the Payit digital wallet from the comfort of
the car via an app.

The Payit platform offers a host of different lifestyle payment

solutions for its users, both consumer and business. The app is free
and secure and is accessible for anyone with an Emirates ID regardless
of their banking relationship. WOW will leverage the platform to
operate a fully digital and cashless payment operation, offering their
customers multiple convenient payments methods for an improved
and efficient customer experience.

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8.6 Digital ‘Neobanks’ Disrupt Traditional Banking

Neobanks are a growing trend and continue to cannibalise the traditional
banking market with their virtual bank alternative. Neobanks operate
entirely online and act as an umbrella to financial service providers. They do
not have a banking license themselves but, instead, rely on bank partners to
offer licensed banking services. Ultimately, these neobanks took advantage
of the slow pace at which large finance houses moved to digitise and
decided to go at it alone and create a ‘wrapper’ digital-only offering.

which provided a digital engagement interface with banking services.

Chime makes money by charging a fee to payment processors like Visa every
time a customer uses a Chime debit or credit card. It provides financial
services through partnerships with traditional banks, primarily through a
Chime-branded account. Value adds offered by these outfits include no
customer fees and a ‘Spot Me’ feature which allows account owners to
overdraw without a penalty.

8.7 Telenor Pakistan Offer Direct Operator Billing

Telenor enable customers to seamlessly pay for third party services
digitally through their mobile bill by means of direct operator billing.
This means integrating payment reconciliation capabilities allowing the
end user to make purchases that are charged to their mobile phone
account. Telenor also offer a self-care portal to manage subscriptions.
One such service which can be paid directly through a customer’s
mobile balance is content downloaded from the Google Play Store.
There is a monthly transaction limit and maximum monthly limit which
varies for eligible prepaid and postpaid customers.

Direct operator billing is a simple capability to enable through

straightforward API integration with partners who offer unique digital
services. As the demand for remote payment services mounts in 2021,
direct operator billing provides a safe and secure means of managing
your transactions from anywhere.

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Senior Product Marketing Manager, Openet

The Covid-19 pandemic pushes on and after many months of dramatic

change the impact on how we live and work has shifted from a temporary
disruption to a semi-permanent ‘new normal’. Certainly, Covid-19 has very
clearly demonstrated the critical role of operators in connecting our societies
and our economies. Globally, the complection of the recovery effort is varied
and, so, it has reinforced the essential function of connectivity in our everyday
lives as remote services persist as the primary need worldwide.

There has been a considerable and accelerated shift to virtual models across
almost every industry. Increasingly, studies are showing that people are
evolving their consumer preferences towards the convenience of remote
access to both critical and general lifestyle services. A recent report from
Wiserd found that only 6% of the UK workforce worked from home before
the pandemic. By April 2020, that figure had risen to 43%. What’s more, 88%
of people want to continue working remotely once the pandemic is behind us.

This creates a lot of pressure for operators to deliver an ‘always on’

uninterrupted service. Before the pandemic, consumer expectation required
operators to deliver connectivity during commuting hours for the most part,
as most people used broadband and Wi-Fi connections at home and at
work for data access. Now, operators are expected to deliver fast, resilient
connections that can sustain remote working and learning in even the most
rural places. And this is when 5G makes a timely entrance, with the promise
of ubiquitous ultra-fast connectivity.

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9.1 Optus Offer Bonus Data Bump During

Optus launched a support package in response to Covid-19 for all
postpaid mobile customers in the form of a one-off add-on of 20GB
bonus data. This add- on could be activated via the My Optus app
during the month of April 2020 and was valid for 30 days from
activation. Optus also offered prepaid customers, 10GB of extra data
when they topped up by more than $40 or purchased a SIM value of
$40 or more during the same month.

For SMBs, Optus also offered an extension to a free trial of their

remote working communications product, Loop Live. Loop Live can
be installed on business mobiles and enables users to video and audio
conference. For many, this provided a stop-gap solution to managing
meetings remotely in the initial weeks after lockdowns were instated in

9.2 Vodafone Introduces Emergency

Homeworker Plan
Vodafone UK introduced an ‘Emergency Homeworker Plan’ for existing
mobile customers who found themselves working from home but did
not have a company mobile. This offer provided these subscribers with
access to unlimited voice, SMS, and data for a fixed amount of £15 per
month for three months.

This flexible plan is designed to help employees adapt to working from

home as quickly as possible. Vodafone UK also launched a number of
emergency response services during the pandemic, offering hospitals
specific assistance in the form of fast, unlimited connectivity for health
workers and the ability to prioritise emergency calls to aid critical
response times.

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9.3 SAP Provide Free Access to two Apps to

Reinforce Supply Chains
SAP announced that they would offer free access to two of their leading
business applications to help companies ease the impact of Covid-19 on
supply chains and limit the implications for normal business operations. One
of the apps, SAP Ariba Discovery, was made available for 90 days in 2020 to
enable buyers to communicate their immediate sourcing needs and to allow
any supplier to respond if they can deliver.

The other application made available was TripIt Pro, which was made
accessible for 6 months to those who signed up to TripIt. This solution
processes hundreds of thousands of travel itineraries, monitoring flights
and creating alerts for any changes or delays. These types of digital services
are going to be in increasing demand as businesses worldwide adapt to the
remote management of supply chains.

9.4 SK Telecom Combating Covid-19 with AI

South Korea Telecom, one of South Korea’s most innovative operators,
announced a partnership with the Korean Centre for Disease Control (KCDC)
to establish an AI-based service to support the country’s vaccine rollout. SK
Telecom’s AI platform, called NUGU, will manage automated calls to people
throughout the country to better coordinate vaccine administration. In
turn, frontline workers can focus their efforts on delivering care and aiding
the recovery, while the AI platform makes it easier for digitally vulnerable
individuals to access accurate vaccination information.

Earlier in the pandemic, SK Telecom also utilised AI to assist with mandatory

quarantines. This involved a voice call service which supported health
authorities to monitor the health status of those in quarantine. Those
quarantining received two voice calls each day and people are asked
about their symptom status. This is a novel use of AI to effectively monitor
potentially contagious situations remotely.

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9.5 Orange Help Businesses Embrace

Digital in Response to Covid-19
Orange for Business are supporting enterprises across a variety of
industries to make their business operations more robust through digital
transformation efforts. Orange understands that multichannel and
omnichannel companies were better able to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic
than single channel and the need to be able to manage these delivery
channels digitally has become more important than ever.

Orange worked with a large European bank with a presence in Russia that
was looking at opening up cloud tools and social media use. This created
an acute need for reinforced channel security. Orange provided a 24x7
continuous monitoring capability that allowed for the external perimeter
to be kept secure. As businesses rely more heavily on network and cloud
providers to manage critical operations, operators are looking to provide
robust security as standard.

9.6 AT&T Partners with Walmart

to Offer Emergency Broadband
In early 2021, AT&T announced a partnership with Walmart to make internet
access more accessible to people who had been financially impacted by the
Covid-19 pandemic. Through this partnership, AT&T are able to offer AT&T
Prepaid and Cricket Wireless home internet and wireless plans for little
or no cost.

This offer became available as part of the Emergency Broadband Benefit

(EBB) program that was launched by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) to help families with online work and education needs.
With this program, customers could avail of a temporary benefit of up to
$50/month for home internet or wireless service. Customers who qualify
for the EBB program had a selection of plan options to choose from to suit
their connectivity needs. Families on the move or working from home could
connect to the internet with a mobile hotspot device on a data-only plan. The
mobile hotspot delivered internet access to up to 15 Wi-Fi enabled devices.

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9.7 Bouygues Launches Devices as a Service Offering

French operator, Bouygues Telecom, launched a ‘Device as a Service’ offering which
allows customers to rent smartphones and tablets for a monthly subscription. This
launch came as part of Bouygues’ flexible solution offerings which were developed
in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. These flexible solutions included device rental
plans for temporary and unplanned needs relating to smartphones, PCs, tablets
and routers.

Both consumers and small businesses could avail of these rental plans as a way
of facilitating remote working during lockdowns and quarantine periods. Services
included in the monthly subscription relate to the provision of devices for a period
of 24 or 36 months, accessories to protect the devices during use, a warranty for
terminals throughout the duration of the contract with replacement within 24
hours, and so on.

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By Frank Healy
Product Marketing Director, Openet

There are some additional services and add-

ons that we felt deserved special mention as
they are perhaps a little outside or extensions
of the previous categories. Some have
bolstered the perception of service providers
and their brands during times of change and
others are brilliantly complex. As ever, the
world’s best providers have been adapting
and helping consumers and businesses to
adapt. Here we call out just some further
innovations across sectors that are already
making incredible differences to peoples’ lives.

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10.1 Delivery via Uber

If there was one service or partnership that summed up the past couple of years
and perhaps what the future may look like it might be the partnership of Optus and
Uber. It takes a leaf out of rapid food-delivery and ride-hailing services and applies
the model to smartphones which can be delivered within an hour. In years from now
it is likely to set a benchmark for all kinds of products and services.

10.2 Free Calls from Payphones

Service providers have wondered for a long time what to do with old on-street
payphones. In some countries they have been used to provide public WiFi. In more
recent times, Telstra has opted to simply allow free national voice calls for people
who need them from its 15,000 payphones. By recognising that they are an
essential service for vulnerable people and essential support services during the
pandemic they have seen use increase dramatically. The service includes SMS from
supporting devices. As a public relations and engagement exercise, it could not have
been more successful for the brand at home as well as overseas.

10.3 Voices Interfaces

Speaking of voice: as an interface it has a long way to go. Earlier we mentioned
Vodafone’s successful re-engagement with older age groups and what easier
way than the continued promotion of voice as an interface for newer, more
sophisticated devices as well as smartphones. We expect voice over new 5G radio
(VoNR) to add increased momentum. Deutsche Telekom expects VoNR to be an
especially strong complement to new media such as VR and AR.

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10.4 Supply Chain Partnerships: From Farm to Fork

Some service providers will see agriculture as a key area of focus for
5G-driven IoT. Early moves in agricultural IoT have been justified for
sustainability as well as productivity reasons. TIM in Italy has partnered
closely with Italian farmers’ association Coldiretti. Projects and plans include
5G automated vehicles, integrated real-time readings of crop health,
weather forecast data and temperatures, soil fertility and water stress
viaonline portals as well as traceability using blockchains.

Another example is Agroscope, a centre for agricultural research in

Switzerland working together with operator Sunrise UPC. The centre has
deployed real-time sensors that measure soil moisture, crop growth, weather
data and animal movements. These sensors have allowed farmers to
decrease the amount of nitrogen fertiliser use by roughly 10%, without any
corresponding loss in crop yield.

10.5 Integrated IoT Platform with Energy Focus

It may be that IoT has suffered some bad press and hype but Westenergie,
Germany’s largest regional energy provider and Vodafone Germany have
a different view. By taking an integrated view and seeing Westenergie as
a platform of wind turbines, solar panels, stations, sub-stations, in-home
meters and electric charging points, Westenergie is able to monitor vast
amounts of data in real time to optimise resources and detect faults and

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10.6 Supply Chains Driven by 5G

The continuous nature of supply chains and their need to scale efficiently have
been highlighted greatly since the start of the pandemic. The potential role of 5G
is accordingly enormous. All major logistics providers including DHL are adapting
5G-enabled applications such as VR for maintenance and assembly in warehouses.

Aside from progression to autonomous vehicles and V2x applications, logistics

companies need visibility down to a pallet or package level. This includes product
tracing and monitoring indoors, outdoors and in transit and as well as consolidation
of the massive amount of data that can be actioned in real-time to preserve the
value and security of cargoes. New features of 5G will have increasing roles to
play for IoT as it applies to millions and even billions of stock items. Several ports
including Seattle have activated private networks with more to follow.

10.7 Medical Applications

The health services in every country have never had more focus than in recent times.
Service providers have been responding and accelerating from labs of their own
to real-world environments. 5G will have a key role, as will much talked about and
increasingly applied VR. Just one example is BT and University Hospital Birmingham
which already had 5G connectivity for ambulances. The 5G connection has been
used to send a live, high-definition camera feedback to a remote emergency
physician for the procedure of placing an ultrasound probe. The physician uses the
wireless connection to control a robotic glove within the vehicle to guide paramedics
in placing the probe. The system also has VR integration, further improving real-
time collaboration between the doctor and paramedics. Expect more of such
applications that make use of 5G’s ultra-low latency.

10.8 Virtual Reality for Real Education

VR applications have continued towards mainstream in sectors from Gaming to
Banking and no surprise that education has benefitted as well. One to watch is
the Verizon Innovative Learning HQ, a free education portal for digital inclusion,
available for over 500 schools across the USA. A range of subjects is covered from
history to biology, with access via the latest augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR) education tools.

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This portal will be complemented by learning labs in community centres: 100 labs
across the USA in the coming years and includes equipment and connectivity that
will cater for learning including VR-based learning for adults as well as children.

10.9 Filling Gaps with Satellite

About 81 percent of rural US households are plugged into broadband, compared
with about 86 percent in urban areas, according to Census Bureau data (June
2021). Logistics and agricultural organisations mentioned above will testify that
large geographic areas in many countries suffer from poor coverage or no coverage
by traditional providers. Significant numbers of home consumers have already been
flocking to satellite broadband as requirements for broadband anywhere have
intensified. Over a million UK households were using satellite broadband by the end
of 2020. Providers such as OneWeb, Starlink and Amazon are all set to reduce costs
and widen the user base to enterprise applications. OneWeb has an agreement
in place with BT which can benefit from improved coverage for existing as well as
new customers. “A rising tide raises all boats” as the saying goes and boats will also

10.10 Emergency Help in Uncertain Times

A final word goes to the enormous response of networks and first responders
during the times of uncertainty in the past couple of years. We are certain more
incredible progress will come. Just one amazing example has been the rapid
responses to hurricanes during pandemic times by the Verizon’s Response Team.
Its response has come in the form of a suite of drones, charging stations, WiFi
hotspots, devices, emergency vehicles, satellite cover where needed and much
more to help enable mission-critical communications for local, state and federal
agencies. This is just one outstanding example of a company providing benchmarks
in business continuity within an impressively adaptive

Click here to return to the contents page TEN HONOURABLE FURTHER MENTIONS 75

5G Value Plane

WHY AMDOCS Digital BSS Partner

Omni-channel Digital Experience Ecosystem & B2X

Commerce & Ordering Care

Billing Catalog Partner Manager

A final word goes to the enormous response of 5G Network Functions

Service Catalog
networks and first responders during the times
of uncertainty in the past couple of years. We 5G Value Plane
are certain more incredible progress will come.
3G 4G
Just one amazing example has been the rapid ODF OPENET PCC 5G Business Bridge
responses to hurricanes during pandemic times Data Movement
Policy & Charging
by the Verizon’s Response Team. Its response DRB
has come in the form of a suite of drones, LTE

charging stations, WiFi hotspots, devices,

emergency vehicles, satellite cover where E2E Orchestration Platform Designer Orchestrator Inventory Assurance
needed and much more to help enable mission-
critical communications for local, state and
federal agencies. This is just one outstanding 5G Functional Network Plane
example of a company providing benchmarks
in business continuity within an impressively O-RU O-DU
adaptive industry.
5G RAN User Plane Functional Control Plane State & Authentication

Click here to return to the contents page 76

About Amdocs

Amdocs’ purpose is to enrich lives and progress society, using creativity and technology
to build a better connected world. Amdocs and its 26,000 employees partner with the
leading players in the communications and media industry, enabling next-generation
experiences in 85 countries. Our cloud-native, open and dynamic portfolio of digital
solutions, platforms and services brings greater choice, faster time to market and
flexibility, to better meet the evolving needs of our customers as they drive growth,
transform and take their business to the cloud. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select
Market, Amdocs had revenue of $4.2 billion in fiscal 2020.

About Openet

Openet, an Amdocs company, is a market leading software vendor enabling service

providers to launch innovative offerings and drive revenues from connectivity. We have
over 20 years’ experience in providing our customers with a competitive edge in the
markets they serve by building flexibility into everything we do. Our customers need
the ability to rapidly adapt and respond to a changing market and this informs how
we design our technology.

Working with world leading service providers, we are redefining how connectivity
services can enhance outcomes for businesses and enrich the lives of consumers. As
networks evolve with 5G, we look to ensure that the underlying technology is built
to be agile and reliable, allowing our customers to effectively manage and monetise
new services. This gives our customers the power to enter new markets, unlock new
revenue streams and drive profitability.

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